Page Ten Hm... u.._.. ] Lewis Lessor _L'a\'o a toboggaxl party Frida_v night, after which Mrs. Lessor served a bean supper. A good time was enjoyed by all. A Co-opermive Re. School for Young" People from 1\`I\u;~:ko1(a, lNo1't11 Bay and Simcoe P1'"1ea i\\`:1.< held at St. Paul s United :Church, Orillia, from .\Iondu_v to l"1'idu_\' of last week. Y l`went_\'-ve pupills were enrolled. one liumlred per cent. of which re- ceived :1wz11`dS. L11l`_Q'Gl' centres re- p1'e.~:ente(l included Huntsville, Bracebridge, G1'a\'onl1urst, Orillia, Coldwater, Midhurst, Stayner and B'.u*rie. A number of others at- tended the open sessions on' Tues- day and Tl1urs(la_\' e\`enin'gs. .... . I` .1 q uu_y uuu -....-..~....., \.v-... IIDLO I `The stuff 'of the school was as `follows: Dean, Rev E. E. Lon_z;', `!Bz1rrie; Director, Rev. J. A. Breck- jen1*id_:e, ~'Oril1iz1; {e}:i.=.t1':.1r_. Miss }Madeline Pen1e_\'. Oriliia; Li`.J1'z:rizm, illiss Doroth_\' C'unni2rL`ham, Orillia; Director of Recreation. Miss Etta iBro\vnridge, Stayner; Director of `Music, Miss Jean Gray, Guthrie. 7T`L.. ,.....-.-, 0.`... u..._., \........e. ] The cour.~e.< of . were: iYouny_-.; Peop1e s `Work in the Local Church, Rev. E. Long`; A Primer of Religious Thinkingf `Rev. R. E. Fairbairn, Braceb1'id'ge. `An enrichment course on The World Conference of Chrlstian `Youth at Amsterdam in 1939' was ilead by the Rev. Bev. Oaten, of ` Huntsville. ` .A.A\.|ll|1LJ v Annuo ! Extra features of the schooi were ibowling and swimming at the Y" `and a visit to the Ontario Hospual School. 1 . v. 7. uyuuvu On Tuesday evening, Rev. Ken- neth Beaton, Toronto, secretary of the Home Misison Board, gave an linsipring address on the contribution lwhich the "-Missionary Society is rmaking to the alleviation of suffer- ing in the world to-day. A religious drama, Did You Know Jesus, written and directed by the Rev. R. E. Fairbairn, of Bracebridge, was presented on Thursday evening. The lighting was an integral part of the establish- ment and development of each char- acter portrayed. The spiritual grasp of character and ne technique of those taking part made the `fourteen: scene portrayal remark- ably true and convincing. I The school came to a close Friday noon with the ,Dean s address, pre- ' sentation of aiivards, closing cere- mony and lunch. Mr. and Mrs. W. Amos spent the week end in Toronto. Misses B. Newman and H. Phi- mister spent the week end in Ori!~ 1:, I vv .0... uuu lia. 11:4 ..'The dance in the hall on Friday `night \\':1.~I well attended. Another is ito be held Feb. 3. -n- I\n w V Town of B-rrie Tazzes 71935 SEE THE Canadian Beauty Range `u; u\. AI\4|\| A\.Llp u. Mr. and .\Ir.<. H. Ostrzmder, Irene zmd Howard returned from Toronto this we ck. ' 1' `V no . . .. - F133,: 3.1212-3' C1'ai_Q' has returned to lilmvale after visiting here. ! I\"2!`. E. Vollick spent the week M-1\.'| in Barrie. u- at /N - -. . . A Full Size Range as Low as $59.25 Grihble s Radio and Electric Service PHONE 122 CGOKING DEMONSTRATION See Them Also At CBAIGHURST at the Cast in January Cost in February Jan. 16-31 Feb. 1-14 Feb. 15-28 7 .6... P.e}:ist1'u1'_. A, -1: :1.. 7 Alarm` 9.74 19.48 48.70 97.40 487.00 5'} I 66 488.00 9.76 19.52 , - ` 1 1 W is . few months with Mrs. '1`. Clark, Cumberland St. p.` 1 TI. _ `_'an enjoyable time (lzmcin'_g' to tl18`(-[0 to be distributed among the` 4.. u;uxn`.. kzullluclldllll QL. ll '1); \_11_Li_ of jjurton AVe_ held The Copzlco 0mI3l0."09-9 held an'lll1(,`ll' me(:Li1r_2` Tuesday evening, Jan. other .~;ucce. (lzmce in the Oranlze 24' with 31,.;\._ .G|eo_ Brown, of Ba,-- Hall, Allzmdille. F1`ifl_V. -`limb 0f`rie, as the special speaker. All who the c1nplo_\'e_es and their friemls had attended brought some little ar_ music of a local orchestra. E10931 Red Cross, I Rosebud Arclell, of Queens Um-I gt, Georg-eis church are holding `V01 -`lt.V, Spent the Week end Within con:4're,e;z1tio11al supper on Jan 31 glam" parents on Baldwin St. -at (;_3() p_m_ After the supper the .\lan'_\' members of the Burtonibusiness part of the vestry meeting '.-\\'e. Church turned out to the an-i will take place. inu-.11 con_x:1'ea;-:tiomil meeting on! Hrs. C. Rentner spent. the week 'I`ue.<:l:iy evening`. Rev. Doe opened end at Mrs, H. Sanders. the meeting with prayer. Those The Sumlay School class of Mrs. `elected at the meeting for anotheri Cornish held a skating party Mi-1 : term were: W. A.. Hanna and W.;day night at the Allandale rink.` Cullen returned as elders; Chas.iM3any members turned out and a1`- - McQuade and W. A. Gough re-i ter the skating lunch was served at :|elected as stewards. New stewardsiMrs. Cornish s home on Bradiord ;electe(l were A. Kelcey, W. A.iSt:. Spearn and C. Mitchell. After all: Visitors at Mrs. A. Hooper s on the business had been conducted,`Friday were: Mr. and Mrs. George refreshments were served. llielcey, Mrs. W. Walker, Mr. and pleasure *]im s call was only 650 and it travelled more than 200 miles. By_ using low I\7ig.Il1 Rates applyirxg, as well, all day SumIa_)'--arul placing . lny\./uw cuIIs-_)-nu can talk a long, long wuy-furjust a very little. .\l:~;:. GC0l'!.L'C Leslie and dau;:hter i lirliih have left for Florida. \vliere ' they will spend several months. .~\l'1lll1l'J:l_\', Six, spent Tuesday of A `mi week in London. .`-!i.~w.< Thelma Herrell is home`: :,1;_r:1in after spemling' some time in `I Pezu-e Rix-or, _~\lberta, and Spol<:m,r2_. . `.7\fn.~liiii2ton. The Win-One Class of Burton` .-\\'e. Uniteni Church heldia tea ati the home of )L'i`.<. A. Pup;h gm Wed-I nesday, when a delightful time was enjoyed by all. Of`ce1*~:. appointed" for the new year were; Teacher, N1`-*1 A- Pugh; :\S_istant.. Mrs. W. Nicks: Pi'esident,/i\'Iiss Jean Bebb; Secretar_v;, Miss Marion Spearn; Ti~ezisu1'e,'l-, Miss Irene Storey; Con-I V0116!`-T.` Social, Miss Evelyn Kight- 1e_V; Flowers, Miss Bertie Garside;' ACti"it,y, Miss Jean Wilson; Visit~i int! 'Committee, Miss Bessie Spearn,' E. Hagen. *.\r:-- in..- mun-.. -p fV..,..__,_L,,,, . . . It costs so little* to give 1- xxx?/1 `l\`I`CVV'I1 A `I\T111 .` 9.78 19.56 48.90 97.80 489.00 ..J;L'c;NcD1sm 9.80 19.60 49.00 98.00 490.00 Coat in March Cost in April Mar. 1-15 Mar. 16-31 Apr. 1-15 Apr. 16-30 A. W. SMITH, 'l`reas1u'er. The Y.P.U. of Burton Ave. held 51 'EIl1(,-ir 1'i"~'9` 1)' 1 l 1 | the Geo1:<:e s 'lth::~. the v1\v.-;\I`Il1\11><:\\z\w<.~< ...-...L -1.` LL- ......A..... ........A.:.. . 9.82 19.64 49.10 98.20 491.00 .\Iiss Alma Bristow, John St.,Was` 5, n:;enLr:1 with 3. beautiful (h'essin:.;`l _':0`.\'n by her many friends. Miss H)'.~'Lo\\' i.< leaving shortly for CO1- I in,4'\\'ood, where she will enterl xiv` / J- \"2 A 1 SM; A. A. gnu I.~v .uu.u, 4.... uu.uu\.;a. `Cornish `day :M}any Her at !Mrs. I04. 18 .68 49.20 98. 40 492 .00 9.86 19.72 49.30 98.60 493.00 The Barrie Advance Miss Vera Walt is spending her `holidays at Marshall Boyd s. 1|/TL. ....,l `MI ..- Tun`! I)nunn'l4-ln Luuvn uuuua._y D an .guuLcuuu AJv_y\.| an Mn`. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds have gone to Gravenhurst after spending the past month at Sylve Reynolds. `A/I'..... Dn1u1rA\o Tfnlnnn vni-nv-nan` hut: pant: Luuuuu an u_yLvu ;.u.Juva.u.7- Mrs. Parker Kelcey returned home on Friday after spendmg a week with her parents at Grenfel. `r:LL1.. D1 . . . . .. I",..unu hon] tkn wccn Win; 111;; yuLuAAvu uu \.AL\-AALIpA- Little Eleanor. Cowan had the misfortune to fall from a chair and 5i5l5e`3 M1'.5' C` Celev has Secured 3" break her arm. Last reports were P5itl11 in B31`1'ie- V '1 favorable` Owing to the terrible storm, there { Master Billie Wilson is suffering was no church here on Sunday-_ ` from an attack of rheumatic fever. M1'- In -701135; Of T01`0nt0y Spent A11 hope for a speedy 1~eceVery_ la few days recently at his home` A very interesting event took he1e- . place at the hall here on Friday We are 51'1`Y to 1'eP1't 9 500 night when about e_ h-uhdled people that the champions in euchre of last of the community gathered to do week have gone down to defeat. honor to Mr_ and Mrs_ Tom Bow- The score of the game was 10 to 2. man, Jr., who were married a short Frank C0`-1B'h1in has Purchased 3- time age_ The first part of the 1939 Plymouth, which replaces his evening. was Spent in cards and em? other one, the interior of which was versation. Then after a short pro- badly damaged by re leet Week- gram of music and Speeches, Ed_ Mr. Eugene Mulroy has returned Gibxbons read an address 'and John fmm Trt after Spending 3 Cowan presented Tommy and Isabel P1e f weeks there- with a beautiful mantel clock. We Wendel who Wn5 the eel` 0 Tommy replied in his usual witty the Side ef Stt 5 hj11- The ear manner, thanking -the people for and its passengers just missed a their lovely gift, and handed out narrow escape, for had it gone an-| some good advice to the young men `other foot a serious accident mighti who are still unmarried. After a have "e5ed- i bountiful lunch had been enjoyed, -*_'*`? ` the remainder of the evening was (4 spent in dancing. All join in Wish-| ing the bride and groom a -happy] Miss Violet Jones has gone to To-I journey through life. lmnto for a While. Nlic: T:-Jlnnl Rnvtnn and Nl'i<: been spending a few weeks with her \ St. Paul s W.A. met at the home of Mrs. F. Jobbitt on Wednesday, Jan. 18. Sewing was done for a _g`i1`1_, Nancy `Monlsey, of Fort George. Twent-four `.adie:~: were present. C`L.......'l L..,.1..... 1'\r\V~w Ivvr\\\ Ln 1)f\I\ ya \.o\.um Stroud hockey boys went to Bee- ton on Thursday night and played 21. good game, the score being` 5 to 4 in favor of Beeton. 711` IV; 1 n` 1 1 IV 1 u u .4. ;.ub\.u. I };I.iss Mae Miller, of Gravenhurst, un J.uvuJ. u; .u\.\.uvu. The Stroud Telephone Co. held their annual meeting` on Wednesday, Jan. 18. All officers were 1'c-elect- \4\.A The Stroud United W..-\. met at the home of Mrs. Paisley on Wed- nesday, Jan. 18. f`..u.~.u..L..`l..l.1-...~ 1... NJ`. nu ! I/Yup. .u.uuu_v, uuu. 4.-.n Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Collum, of Painswick, on the :11`- rival of a daughter. VH1... ......I .,. 1\IIP\ 1...'I ..-u. \lA w \.......,.,.u..... The curlers are holding` the ice this winter as time is going and playing` good. The _voun'g` people are enjo_ving' skating` eve1'_\' Saturday night. . V... --\,.-.._,. I The Midiand Church choir will }put on :1 concert in the .'-\11andale Presbyterian Church Wednesday, Jan. 25, at 8 p.m. 1 . . _ A .. N1 ..- A T l ...-,x 1r\I\IAL 1.'-1 I 'Mrs. Archie Kelcey ham Kelcey. 1 'T`I.n `\T.',1!......J F1... . , 1 Mrs. A. Hooper and cey spent Thursday in ranging" the funeral of `Chas. A. Kelcey. \| .... `[1 `l'),....-...,..... uuuu. 4;. ;xvu.\._y .\`1'.rs. H. Rosevear, of Toronto, spent the week end at Mr. and I\I1`.~x C. Jackson s. u.-. q. .1. 'v\ . ,- :\uIx:r. and Mrs. Allan Brunton, of Toronto, spent the week end with i1\`Ir. and Mrs. W. D. Little. Doug. Brunton, of` Trenton. spent the week end with M1`. and Mrs. J. D. Wisdom. 1Ir\rrV n n . . 1-. .. Ratepayers may purchase Tax Prepaynient Receipts during the months of Ianuary, Febrtlary, March and April at the following rate: The Women's Association will meet Thursday at 3 p.m. in the lgschoolroom, with Mrs. Hanna's group |in charge. 1\II ..-.-.. 1)..L.-._J........ ...:`I L- LL- ` \4 - .......b- .4 - ..;uunu. The W..\I.S. of Burton Ave. Unit- ed Church are holding a gypsy tea on Feb. 3. There will be a sale of baking`, afternoon tea and a social evening. 'T"`|-.n \I7.u-.;..-... A,--.,`,..'.-.4-.'..u -"11 -. \.us.;b\.. Mayor Robertson will be the guest speaker at the young peop1es meeting on Jan. 31. He will speak on Citizenship. I/K2,... T|I1`LJ.....l 'Il ..!'\.-...1.. -3 H"- a.-nun; an Visitors at Mr. and Mrs. C. Pouc-her s over the week end were: "Mrs. Bert Applegath and family, of Toronto; Mrs. H. Vincent and son, of Toronto; Mrs. P. Holman and family, of Toronto, and Miss Norma Poucher, of Toronto. YY!-.'L-.`.. ..L `IIf.. .._J `II... `I (V lvu ununuunnannny. Miss Mildred McQuade, of To- ronto, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mc- Quade. 11'}... '!`).LJ... Y'\_.. A...` ....._.1 ..._.._L -`nun... Miss Betty Doe and friend spent the week end at the parsonage. `lllneu... I`1.....n-3.... 'DIn_ and (`Ann ...- ........ ...... .... ..... ,....-.,....b-. I Msses Georgina Blair and Ger- ltrude Moatt, of Toronto, spent the week end at Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Blair's. 11- -. . `II , I 1: A - ...... \4L u- A.vLvA4vv Visitors at Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brunton s over the week end were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bnmton, of Ham- ilton. and Mrs. T. Hanson and fam- ily, of Alton. Roman writer P1iny s keen inter- est in everything around him led to his death. He sought a close View of the eruption of Herculaneum in 79 A.D. and perished. Paris has a new Museum of Man, containing exhibits of various races and their customs, and also main- taining laboratories for research work. $ 10.00 20.00 50.00 100.00 500.00 KNOCK STROUD and Miss Bar- Albert lie`.- Toronto 211'- T their unc1e,[ Mr. and Mrs. S. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. `Thos. Fleming, Mrs. Mason, Miss Reta Fleming, Stanley Jordan, Jim- mie Fleming and L. L. Scott attend- ed the funeral of the late Mrs. Geo. Goddard on Friday afternoon. ~ ' V v l Miss Lillian Cameron, who has weeks her! ` Q , , .,, ,1,,_,,_1. L-.._ -__ L`<.....I.... g... 0.... \IA. ...., 5.....- . j the 0 1 Toronto 1 n 1 4.1. uux ; Lu. uuuu cu. nun. couple of wonder owns on an- might! ! ul.lvL|\aAIIb .. l\lllLU Lu; a rvuuuu Miss Isabel Barton and Missl Bernice Dunn are spending the week end in Toronto. `:7 `r u -n 11, ,,,,1 31.. 1'_1___ unu nu Luxullhun Mr. John Rumble and Mr. John`. Rooke are sepnding the week end in 1 Toronto. ! I r V-1! \,r .- 9 71V I AMOUNT ;uzuuu. Mr. Edward Martin, of Toronto,i spent the first of the week with friends here. Miss Lore-en:L 1\IcClinton, of Mid- hurst, spent the week end in the. ..:11.. ..... I vi11z1p,'e. .v....._-.v,`.. So1'1'_v to hear Maiss Edna .`IcGrath has the measles. Mr. Duncan Reid died Jun. 10.! Funeral in Barire on Saturday. Mrs. Geo. Goddzlrd died Jan. 17. Funeral at C1`aig;hu1's.t. M1`. CIii`:'o1'd Frown miii :`I1'.G1en! Mu1'd_\' put on a dance at Cmij:-'1 hurst hull and had 21 flood ('1`0w('x.; M1`. and .\I1'.~v. H. Fisher, of Cooks-1 town. were in the \'illag:e on Satur-1 _]__` day. 1' Ha1'1'y \\;ebb n;Bert Bullock are up from the city for :1 couple of weeks. nu .1 n .1 week )i1'. n -..~.n..v. The 9_\'mpath_\' of the community is extended to our teacher, Mn. Art Car;~:cadden. in the death mother. A very interesting literan; meet me" was put on Friday afternoon by the pupils attending the short course i at Wa\'erle_\'. The guest speaker wa.< Mr. Craiwton of the Free Press, who lu. explaiiied the history of the newspaper and all the -lliflerent sta1:e:< the paper passes through be- fore it reaches us. Mrs. Earl Carscadden has been visitin_<;' her mother, Mrs. John Mo-i -'-\u1e_\`, who has been ill. Mrs. Me-` Auley returned to Toronto with her daughter to recuperate. VF]... I..:l.I A4` C4. T..L...Y.. A1`\r\4]:nnv| of his :' with .=ample:~: of type and il-` I I l l r Misses Jean and Florence Duncanl and Jack, of Lef1'o_v, spent Satur ' day with their cousin, Marion Reed. 1|.uuv- JJAu.\.l\u uG;'ad to report Mr. Jas. Mason is improving very nicely after his re- ceht accident. 1:, IV`! `I, A,m,,,,, -,, I n,,.1, nu .q.auu.a. l\rI | Mr. and Mrs. Jim Leonard enter-l tained a n.umber of their friends col 3. euchre party last week. IV...-.:...3.. `l_] ....L.... L-.. ....L........-..l L.......- Prepayment Receipts be presented along with 1939 Tax Bills on or be- fore June 22nd, 1939. ` uuuguuu; v ` ., .--.., ..... -. ` .he Guild of St. John s Anglican? Church, Waverley, met at the home: of the president, Mrs. Elba Brown, on Tuesday evening, Jan. 17. u. \-\A\4AAA\- ya. y_y Iuvuv uuuuu n Craigie Hunter has returned home after taking a four weeks course" at the Guelph Agricultural College. Alk..uL T ; Ln.-. .4-u.~u.;..3 LA uh mu. uuvnyu :x5.:n.uAvuLu.n wvxnusco Albert Leonard has returned to the north country after spending a month with his brother, Jim Leon- ard. f\l. 1 .. `Quite a number from here at- tended the installation of ofcers in Bayview Chapter last week. Auvvu Ina Black, of Midland, spent Wednesday with her mother, Mrs. Robt. Black. In 1- up \.\.u-4 uu.\.u.u.uv- Mrs. Gib McArthur and Ruth spent ylast week with her jnother in Barrie. up -up 7- -v 1 I Miss Norma Hamilton has 1'etum-' ed to her position in Toronto after; spending two weeks with her par- Au-L- Miss Pauline Nevions, of Midland,! has been visiting with Mrs. Ed. Lessor. 1:. Ir . an .1 I . 1 ANTEN MILLS Miss. Margaret Scythes has taken! News of Allan-dale Don. Rumble is .<})o~: thav end with his parents. 93 WW- cimcvann APTO 2 ya; vllcaquu h ' 3 TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1939. a position in Toronto. I 11'..- \Y_......... 1')....`...A. co. llunlk/LUAI. nu J.vA.v:Auvo Mrs. Norman Barrett has gone to (I`o1'onto, where she will remain un- til spring. n .\ -- -. . I1 ~-- `L" o' I 5 Dennis Dloran has returned home Hron1 North Bay. T-. Y ,.,...,... ,........ f\ 4..J.......... .n Winter Residential {School Held at Orilliu Save _ lgy _P_1;epa3r_tg