I With the qualications of Reeve F. N. Hi-gginson and George Bant- ing already posted in the contest for the Reeveship of Essa Town- ship, as well as the qualications of four. of the ve nominated for council, a second election in this township, to take place Monday, January 23, is assured. ...-..`..y..u.. uvu-u. i In his opening remarks, County Clerk J. T. Simpson, returned to his duties following a lengthy ill- ness, welcomed and congratulated the councillors representing the var- ious townships of the County and extended a warm greeting to the sixt_v-two pupils of Elmvale Con- tinuation School, who were present to witness the opening` of the . sions and the election of the War- `ition unit to take care of the uid 3 overow, will take care of the prob- ` l lem. This, of course, Is subject to jthe en`g'inee1"s report and sanction 301:` the provincial authorities. How- rvever, the report is the rst much- lll needed step in cleaning up the dis- s`,r:raceful pollution of one of the slfinest bodies of water in the pro- S : vinoe. All Future Replies for Town Positions and Works to be Advertised and Re- plies Received by Sealed Tender. Any future vacancies occurring: in the town where appointments are made by the council or any of the `committees, or any work required ;done by the town where prices are 'required, will be advertised in both .local' papers in future, council la',r:reed on Monday evening when the lmatter was brought up by .`-\l(lerman }Cubitt-Nichols and Alderman Twi.'~s. `A motion to the effect that positions !and contemplated work he advertis- led and sealed tenders opened only lat a regrular meeting" was pa.<.~`c by lcouncil. It was pointed out that while this policy had been carried out in the past in connection with important appointments to office, that there were occasions when var- ious contractors were called by telephone and asked to submit pri<.'e.+ on proposed work. Alderman Cubitt-Nichols contended that all in- terested taxpayers should have op- portunity to apply for positions or tender on municipal contracts. Council agreed. |....... y_yln. u; auanncl. Lever. 1%: He suggested that the town coun- -` cil might appoint a sanitary inspec- , tor, and thought that it should be a: 2 full-time job and not part of the- -Qduties of the chief of police. MPPOINTMEMTS T0 IP.M.9_F\.`P`!FT.!9N%, jj TC jjvv-SQ-V Reverend R. D. Sinclair, John R. Boys and N. Thompson were ap- pointed to the Board of Education as representatives of the Town of Barrie at the meeting: of the town council `Monday evening. ,7 wk In his report the M.O.H. stated that the general health of the town, so far as communicable diseases was concerned, had been excellent. There had been one case of polio-. mgvelitis, one para-typhoid in a tram- sient, eight measles, some whooping `cough and a minor outbreak of a imild type or scarlet fever. 6 `LT- ....,......._;-_: LL_. .1 . Before a crowded council cham- (Please turn to What is There in: Kiwanis PM Me? vlnv s.u...u.v.. \ll vA|\4 Mr. Simpson thanked mem- page eight) The twent_\`-fourth :1n11i\*e1'::ary of the f0undin_Q' of Kiwanis was tting- ly 0b.~:er\'e'Z by the Barrie Club on] 1\Ionda_\' evening, with Fast Governor` Gordon Dodingrton, of Toronto, as`- speaker. A pleasing feature of the eveninr: was three solos by Rev. W. A. E. Doe. ( C The manner of disposition of the Municipal `-Gas Plant followinsz, the closing down of that utility on April 1st, was the subject of.con- siderable discussioxi by council Mon- day evenings. when the question was introduced by Alderman Cameron, who favored some immediate action rather than allow the building` and contents to further deteriorate in idleness. - .`}ii'ers.ALready Received- Public Utilities to Handle Deal for Town. Disp6sitio , piscussed by ` Town Council?! At the present time the business of the gas plant is handled by the Public Utilities Commission, which has no autohrity to deal with the CC: -JA>- I-1[igginson-Banting Qualify `zor Reeveship--Fight in Council Too - Deputy- Reeve W. J. McMa.ster .,cGets Acclamation_ V01. XCII. N0. 46. . . , On Monday afternoon the Orange Hall at Ivy was crowded to over- owing and those who could not: gain entrance milled about the out- side of the building as proceedings were carried on inside to pave the way for a second election contest which gives promise of being one of the hottest ever staged in Essa. `IT-N-L f`11....`l. \T.............. 1'`. .... ..-.&L I I V` (Please FIGI-VIi'i1i` WIEIXPECTED turn to page ve) v - L\r\/ ;. Avqnuullu, vv . u. 1\cnIu:u_'., l A test car of wood from SL111-i9-llimdale; S90--Treas- ROY H-l (ll'l(l[- _',`(3 will be ordered by council for _HiCkllT1g; Barrie, R-R 2- Tirol,-of purposes l-ollo.ln_g_, a dlSou_;__I Directors: F. Brown, John Wall-l llsion of the wood problem at the` win. Milton Hicklinpr, Robt. Ba]-I tlnleotllm lllonday evening Aldermanj four, G. W. Small, F. {ol)e1-t. allgllclmlmll, chairman of relief Stal,'Llo_\'d Thompson and A. Cuinniings.` 3 ed that at the last meeting of coun_' A motion was passetl at the meet- icjl he was authorized to purchase in;-' that retii-in_:,r presidents of the `ten (.ol.(l_\. of wood from a local .-\; be appointed to the `dealer at 36.75 per cord. This had B'L'`l 03" Dl"9l~'1`-" - {been done, Mr. Buchanan advised,i Delegate` W *9 amlual C"e"'l lbut stated that after a review ofltl0l1 in Toronto in Februa1'_v werell !the local situation he felt mo1.o`appointed as follows: President Col-ll lthan e-,-er that it would be odVl5_lwell, Vice-President Kenned_v and! I1 able to purchase 3 test Cm. -flvollllsecretary R. Hicklingu 7 `sumll-id_ge at 3450' per cord f_o_l,_i As 21 mark of appreciation of the :or $7.00 per cord de1iVe,.ed ln Bm._'-.i.-. rendered the Association. l.le_ Local wood dealers he oolnt_:throu_g'hout the year, Miss: Wildul. ed out, were mlmg aimculty in s_l Ciill)ei'c, . to Mr. Page, \v.'1.'~:' :Clll`l11`2'l,E`00(l wood in suicient quan-5 I>1``-wilted Witll E1 box 01' ChClat-'` ! 1.' tllle` to -UDDl_V their customers andlb-" R 013991 ml M- Cl1mmi1'|S- J :_ were not anxious to dispose ofi \vnn:l in lui-n-n r.......L:4.:-. L_ . 1 l l An event of outstanding: interest to members and friends of Bayvicw, Chapter, .\'o. 105, Order of" the |Easte1'n Star, took place in the Ma-} `sonic Temple building, Owen St.,* `on F1'ida_\' evening, w-hen !the in-` rstallation of ofcers was held. Those! I } [Muriel Smith iworthy Matmn {Bayvie!r__hup. Town oannns sunnmnsz woo Elmvaie Pupils`. Visit Co. Council CUBITT-NICHOLS, TWISS opposx-: OUT-OF-TOWN PURCHASE -i LOCAL WOOD SHORTAGE CLAIMED. On motion of I\'Ie;<; Buchananl` and Clark, it was decided to order l one car. )Iess1`s. Cubitt-Nichols and "I'\vi.~`s opposed the motion on the grounds that the wood should bel l purchasred through local dealers. I xnuuunau \;v\.1. auugsuu Au uoou. With Clerk Norman Coxworth presiding, nominations were handed in and the contestants placed in the running ,for the iseconrd time this month. F. N. Hl_L`_E!,'lI1S0l`l and Geo. Bantin_2`, who polled 568 votes each in the original election to cause a` municipal quandar_\', were each` nominated for the battle for thei Reeveship and both have qualied, so that it will be a sure start, with each man s1t1'on_2`l_\' supported by al `group of loyal and willing` workers. 111 1 112.11.. ..L,... :,. LL. ....1.. ..--.... II\4L\/ wood ' town. disposition of the plant unless this' z1uthorit_\' is vested in the Commis- sion by the Council. It was the feeling of council that while the authority for the final disposition of the plant should re- main with the town, the Public Utilities Commission, by virtue of the fact that it was more familiar with the value of the plant and the type of material to be sold, would L- 2.. P\ L..J.L . . . _ A ...L.-_ L- 12...] _ -qr`. -4. .......`..u.- nu ux. uunu, uuu.u be in a better positionbond a pos- sible market than the town coun- cil. It was nally declded to in- struct the Commission to deal with the disposal of the property in the best interests of the town. 1 . vw.:v Illvvnuqvo \JJ. uuv uvvvu. I It is understood that one or two offers for the plant and parts of the equipment have already been received. Sixty-two pupils of Elrnvale Cont'muat'Io;n. School, ten car- Ioads of them, were interested visitors at the opening session of the County Council this af- _ nI v. nu: `avails: s..-uuyu sells! u.- ternoon as they occupied seats in the gallery and followed closely the business of getting the sessions under way and the election of a Warden. in conversation with the Ad- vance, Principal W. T. Baker stated that the pupils, under the guidance of Miss E. Mitchell and himself, were transported to Barrie in ten cars in order that they might become fam-i iliar with the procedure of the governing body of the County. The visit was made on the sug- gestion of Deputy-Reeve Walter Middleton. of Flos. D......l.. __.l ;-__L_..- _,.-___ .......... ..a V. - .-u. Pupils and teachers were ex- tended a cordial welcome by Warden Downey, Justice Hope and County Clerk J. T. Simp- (Please turn to page eight) ..v., -.....uuu.v LU unapuau ()1. in lam.-'0 quantities to thel blvtty u;. .v_u- uuu u......_.. nu.u\.;-I W. J. )Ic)Ia.=Ite1' is the only mem- ber of the council who will not be givena run for his money, havingl been returned to the deput_v-reeve- ship by acclamation with the drop-` ping back to council of G. Wi1kin-| .. L Bayvicw , I Ma- !S. L. Page made Honorary ' I President of; Active As- ? sociation at Annual I Meeting. I I ____._ I ` I Isociation at the annual meetingi held in the office of S. L. Page on! !Saturday. In recognition of the` E outstanding sewice rendered the As-i` isociation, Mr. Page was made hon-I `ora1'_V president. Other ofcers andl idirectors were elected as follows: E 173,. n_,, -I vvv A Elmer Efalwell Heads Barrie Milk i mc_lucers Association, i I I I i jwas elected president of the Barrie` Y Qvbranch of the Milk Producers As- I Elmer Colwell, RR. 2, Barrie, I u . . V V V u J vv\4A\4 vA\.\.u\/u an .Luuuwo. Vice-President, W. G. Kenned_\.',` :_~\l1anda1e; Sec.-Treas., eHick1ing, i : `win. jfour, `Lloyd I `mg [_-\. Dire(`tor:~v. I . . .. h,I,, mow Relief Dollars {Spent During 1938 `Expenditures for Vari6us g Relief Purposes Itemized in Annual Statement Pre-I ; sented. at Council Meet. ! I The following: statement present- ed at the meetimz; of the town coun- cil .\Ionda_v night gives a detailed account of the amount expended byi the Town of Barrie for relief pur- poses during 1938, together with[ the names of the various business' rms` with whom the relief business was placed and the amount receivedl by each : I . uuu Grocers and Butchers LobIa.w s Groceterias .$14 M. L. Chantler . . . . . . . .. 9 W. T. M-cCord . . . . . . . .. 9 F. Dutcher . . . . . . . . . . . .. '1 Dominion Stores . . . . . . .. 6 J. D. Wisdom & Co. . . .. 5 G. D. Shannon . . . . . . . .. E P. Kearns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Brown & Co . . . . . . . . . .. 4 J. Clemmens . . . . . . . . . . .. E A.&P.Stor . . . . . 3 /1-n, . Nominated for council are 1.; Jennett. H. Banting, E. Miller, G.5 Wilkinson and J. Haugh, I-laugh be-I im: the only man not qualied Tuesday noon, although he had stillv some time remaining to get into` the battle. Three [councillors will be elected. -.- C`o11s111 r r11e z.1(1\'m"ris0rs in this issue 01 the Advant-.0 for smallwzwos, ha.1`d\va1'e, car ac.(-,esso1`ies, china, ladies wear, men s wear. shoes, groc-hm-ios, or any other staple articles, or look for the stores ying the DOLLAR DAY pe1'1n.:1nts. The ar ric1e.s' advertised are :not Inecessarilv at a cost of one dollar. Dollar da.ys are Value days `that save you (lollzlrs. Not for many years have the citizens of Bar- rie and distri(-,`r been able to `rake advallfagc of such outstanding savings as will be offered by the e11te1'p1'ising' merchasnrts of the `town . . . . fol Thursday, Friday and Saturday will be DOLLAR DAYS ! DOLLAR DAYS mean this to you . . Ja11ua'1'y is considered the month of sales. These sales of fer many ne articles at reduced prices, but this week end, as in no other week end in this month of sales, will your 23 stretch fa1*t11er, last longer or p1'o(111<'-no as much. Every me1'c:11an.t helping to bring` DOLL.-\R DAYS 10 you has somet.11ing you have been Want- ing`, \\'ai1'ing` for 01' moecling`, but that you have 1101 bought` beozulse _V01n`b11dg`et would not allow it. Now you (-2111 l121\'0 \\'l1z11` you 1121\'(` hm-11 \\'2111 ring`, \\`ai`ring for or needing, for the genwzll 1nz11'k-d0\\'11 011 all goods for DOLLAR DAYS will z1H0\\' even {Ln ..+...'.,J...-.1. L.-,`l...-; _,,-,,-1-,,1 um Llll. buuxtnj J..\Jl _lJ\JJ_JJ.JI1.J..lI .1J1.L.l.}D \\.III 1110 . budget p1u'chasing _p0Wer. `DOLLAR DAYS ARE VALUE DAYS THAT SAVE YOU DOLLARS ! Ia.w $1430 942 939 Dutcher . . 793 ninion 636 3. 598 . 532 Kearns 499 wn 416 Jlemmens . . 391 & P. Stores . . . 372 (Please turn to page eight) cs} oz 03 as 23 55 89 75 35 50, 9o 1 Barrie, Ontarig, Tuesday, January 17, 1939 FOOD What Tawn {Council Did -ax. \.u.-.u.\.u. It will be a surprise to me if there is twenty-\'e votes difference, in the battle for the Ree\`eship, an Essa Township citizen well posted on the local situation told the Ad- vance to-day. 172.-.... .._L.. :. LL... 4.._..._...L:.- ...:ni "iVarious Matters Dealt} with at Meeting of Coun-A cil Monday Evening. ' l. 1 On the su,2'g'estion of Deputy-I [Reeve J. M. Mills, agreed to takei ilsome action to see that the wreck- gagze of the Luker property in A1- '1 .. Sage lzmdale be cleaned l Will investigate Alderman Hal- |be1't`s question to who was re- lsponsible for issuing orders for the `cutting of a maple tree on town p1-operty on Eugenia St. Alpha...-...-... !`l....1. ..,.1....1 :1 4\-44:` |,..~.,...../_. uu Lluscula uu. Alderman Clark asked if council had received any complaints regard- {ing vile odours emanating from the packing` plant at Allandale. Mayor Robertson stated that a number of `complaints had been received last iyear and that council had referred {the matter to the town solicitor, who stated that the nuisance, if any, was a private nuisance and not a public one, and action would have `Ito be instituted by the ind-ividualsai affected. vMacLaren--Mills--That necessary out-of-pocket expenses of former Aldermen Buchanan and Finley,` who visited the `Department of Game and Fisheries in Tdronto regarding the establishing 01' a sh hatchery {on Lake Simcoe, at the request of I Does not claim the finest and most sought-after weekly news- on paper in the world, or even in Canada, for Canada is a big country and there are many really ne weeklies. If it can do so without risk of being ac- cused of tooting its own horn, however, it would like to say thank you to the ninety- three new subscribers who paid cash to join the rapidly growing ranks of the Advance family during the past week--and to '.-':'~ fifty-four who did likewise the week previous. This very tangible evidence of interest and goodwill is appreciated. Our aim is to present a better and more interesting paper each week and we shall work untiringly to this end. Again may we say Thank you. Vance is not given to boasting. ~The management of the Ad- (Please turn to page ve) E\'e1'_\' vote in the township willf be solicited and it is anticipated that}, some who have not taken the ; trouble to vote for years will I.-ei transported to the polls in the hot-i test municipal election Simcoe Coun-N` `by has experienced since the da_\'.~: when six shooters were sometimes called upon to settle such conten- tious aixaruments. "THANKS MOTIONS Wespru Reeve is Given 1 Acclamation Byjouncil `Town omen T0 ,REMAlN om: {DURING NOON noun hznd. EN ssmzs ASSEMBLIES HELD !AT VICTORIA SCHOOL A second of a series of Friday morning` assembles was held at Vic- toria School on Jan. 13. Since early fall the school choir, orchestra and moutho1'g`a*n band have been in charge. Since Christmas it has` been planed that each room be re-2 sponsible for the program. Thel rst, as reported last week, took thei lform of a broadcast. I 1 1*: .. .. . I PHYSICAL FANTASY UNIQUE I FEATURE IN MUCH ENJOYED I PROGRAM. 1 .. ..... ... uuuuu .-u u. . e . __ , _ . I unison, a two-paw New Year` Son;-r, and the old favorite Oh, No, John, with choral and group singing. Gi1'ls-Eleanor Kelly, Dor- othy Gosling, Jean Pickering, Sophie Spanis, Winnifred Harris, Marjorie Poole; boys: -Teddy Heath. Ernest Alexander, Kenneth Astridge, Ralph Knowles, Jimmie Gilmore, "Bob Fraser. I uuu .;;u.n.:.. An unusual feature of the as- sembly was the presentation of :1 Ph_\`.' Fzintz1. :1 rythmic drill consisting; of eight exercises. The lmusic was supplied by phonograph. `The boys were suitably dressed in white shirts and girls in jumpers lwith white blouses. The drill was lunder the capable management of jLorne McGibbon, dressed fully in lwhite. I Last Friday Mr. Pa1'k s `class wasln in cl1a1`_2*e, as:~viste(l by Miss Strange. ll After the King` and the reading ofl the Scripture by Principal l\ .[z1cLen-H inan, the pupils sang Morninggl Prayer, by Felix Mendelssohn i=nlz .. ..._ .~....;. u\t___. 17., .( Simcoe County arda W. E. Dcwney . . . . -u p1'ogramme closed with O - Urges Sedimentation Tanksi as Solution to Disgrace-1 fu1 Sewage Problem. ~ i Kempenfeldt Bay `Pollutigg; Deplored By _l_3arrie M.O.H. Dr. N. W. Rogers, medical officer of health, hit at the disgraceful? pollution of one of the nest bodies` of water in the province," in his` report presented at last evening"s: council meeting`. He was referring to the pollution of Kempenfeldt lBay, into which all Barr-ie s sewage l pours. l UT .....,J--...A......! LL_L __,,.,,,- - . ,,..,....,. I understand that provision is being made in the estimates for an- obher survey with a View to giving the town a low-cost, but adequate,` isewage disposal system," his writ-i ten report; stated. M\y own ideat is that one, or perhaps two, sedi-I` mentation tanks, centrally located, with a much smaller one for the I-__L _...1 -__L ;_ 1 , any who nd. it inconenient to transact business with the town office was brought to the at- tention of Council Monday even- ing by Alderman Cubitt-Nichols, who stated that he had received a number of complaints regard- ing this service. '1` IVI I , I `I7 Q4 :LL will remain open during noon hours in future in order that Essa Township Race on i Second Election Assured! at any other time, may be commodated. The matter the noon-hour closing of -..5 no .:\..-u.\.. Town Clerk A. W. Smith stated that the open noon-hour could be easily arranged and explained that in times past, the town had not carried any insur- ance on the funds collected in the office and that he had con- sidered it a risk to leave the vault open with only one in attendance at noon hour. In- pointed out, and could be adopted due risk. `The office of the Town Clerk u. u|u\.|| nnuuucx UIIC LUI LHU end, each to have a chlorina-Q n. ngvu-ll: ... carried,` he the proposal without un- the 1 Six Nominated Withd.raW- Oath of Oice Adminis- tered by Justice J. A. Hope before Crowded Council. Chamber. %To Advertise VPosiiimus, _ Contracts ber thronged with interested spec- I ltators from all walks of life, the highest honor within the bounds of Simcoe County to bestow was ac- corded Walter E. Downey, Reeve of Vespra Township, when he was elected Warden of the County of Simcoe by acclamation this after- noon, the oath of ofce being; con- lferred by Justice J. A. Hope, of lthe Supreme Court. T... `L3... .....,......... ..-._.....1... f"......l.-v THE`. - BARRIE ADVANCE