Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Advance, 27 Dec 1938, p. 8

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I SPORTING GOODS HAR ()%()j()i`()-j()4 Specialization is the KEY 10 the DOOR of OPPOR- TUNITY. Ecgiii your training on January 3 at Barrie- Orillia Business Colleges where more than 7,500 others have been trained for the pursuit to business. Attend day or evening classes. Information gladly given, call, write or phone. ' PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT HOW T0 GET A POSITEQN THAT YOU AND YOURS MAY HAVE A MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS DAY . . THAT THE NEW YEAR MAY DAWN BRIGHTLY FOR YOU AND BE THE BEST OF ALL THE YEARS YOU VE EVER KNOWN, IS THE WISH OF EVERYONE IN OUR ORGANIZATION GROCERS AWD BUTCHERS PHONE 117 ESSA T 5 I `" X`}".1' BARRIE - ORILLIA Business Colleges The gift we treasure most was not given at this Christmastime . . . but rather it was given all through the year. This gift is your friendship and patronage. We treasure it most because we know it is your way of showing us that our service has been welcomed by you, and that you value this service. So for another year we say Merry Christmas to All !" I. D. WHSDGM & C0. NEW CLASSES, JANUARY 3 MERRY CHRISTMAS Ofces Open Dec. 28-3 1 `TUESDAY. DECEMBER, 2'7, 1938. and announced in its ` 15th. 1 : Wishart Campbell is a former j `.:m~ie boy and an ex-B.C.I. stu- [dent. Mr. Campbell, S12. told the `Advance to-day that his son -35:- `pects to \'i:~'it his home in Parrie Ch1'i. He is reported to ::..-: `<`0!1.~3i(`1O)`il1_:` :1 New York offer ope: .10 him the r: of the year. The U.S. as helped ruase their `I928. umv mterstate p:U*k on L Czwo]inn-Tennessee line `\" 21 mountain top free from pr" i'(-ared by hay fever .=uf`fe1'e*:~ 2 office of Indian Af`fv.. rwlped Navajo Indians to ix`.- gthnir wel1s.sprin:s and other : to 1,862, from 24' nn Phone 740 issue of Dec S0(`,!Hl% QVGNTS oF+|~e\)g7(! ORILLIA iprrg lhriatmaa PLAN FESTIVAL UERY BROS. I. G. KEENAN aoma 5'44 a Zeacon. 1 1 - viva ...-.-..-3,.. if/..:: age: re:/ML to yet anofer generation a//o/ild .1,o4`ri[za/eMence.- u'gru'/`can! or a// time :1: [Ac rum/afion on w/tic` Aumanilg mmt Am /a/, in orcler If/Igt //Ly//favour 0/a ".CA worlymay e 12/ 0yJ . /I II I /I I .1 51/71 V` , Ta ,. .___ _--,---, -..... 1`,/Le ///auour 0/ a ric en/ 9 all/Me Cila/ren 0/l/te ?/nit/erJe. (M/e ad C anad/iana am! memer;1 o/fe great I /2 /' f )_ I): /7/)/) I 393.5` dfrau/5 to a clue, I grilfid C7: /rifid/L Commonweal origin anal Aer-ilage, a Aerenl in emocracgl and heritage, det/ofed to the Iorinciplezs in- $emocracg, are can/Jeni Mal I/ze raf o/iuirze C ./zridlian medjage 0/ `Race on a/`t/L am! gyooa/wi/y .7owara/ 7//yen "wt///oreuaiz EVE RYTHING 1N MUSIC TO` OUR FRIENDS, in grateful ap- :'m-oughou! the year, may we ex- press hearty good wishes for a A\.l \I(l\ .......v'-, .._ 3.-.--." ,1, predation for the many kindnesses MOST MERRY CHRlSTM"AS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR MAY GOOD HEALTH AND HAPPINESS And all the blessings of Holiday Cheer bestow themselves upon our friends and patrons this Christmas Season and in the Coming Year. Thursday evening 112'. :-.:.d Mrs. Jack Agnew held a 'nrL(1gL- in cele- bration of their tc.-::t`x: -v(: an- niversztry. I .yowara/ // 7////en " wt//preuaiz /Lia J,01.'rif, we u/[I1/L you, our many riencld, I A /)/m 0: / HARDWARE Refaers to ThrFH~,' Canadians ZELLER'S L.!MlTED ; ; crowd was about 05 per cent. .` The student council, of, 5which Joe McBride is president, _iwas in charge of the dance. The _`fdecoi-ative setting` consisted of four iCl1ristmas trees brightly lighted, _E\vreatl1 of cedars and silver bells-,| lianother gay Christmas tree just be-I 3'low the stage. The lights were - i covered with triangles of cedar and 1;red paper, windows were gay with - red and green stripes, cedar wreaths ; and red bows, and` red and green 1 streamers were looped down the cen- :1.tre of the hall. Bob Delaney look- :,ed after the decorations, assisted by Leah Lowe, Bob Ramsay, Joe Mc- `Fmiday evening by B.C.1. in the! ` Assernbly Hall was without doubt; very successful. The excellent 3 The informal 'ea/6/L 0/ Wafiom, prouJ 0/ our e, a/euofecl Me Iorincip/Q5 ,/54 0/ 77 A meeting was held lag`. 1'hu:sd:._v'. to make further plans for the Sim- coe Dramatic Festival. Orillia was rep1`e.-ente(l by Mrs. James and Mr. Winch. lt was deqideti 7.0 hold the festival the latter part. 0: February, Februu1`_\' 21 to .\lzi1`ch Si approxi- mately. The n:il.< 1:1` 10 be ht"l(l in Barrie. .\Ir. Burroughs will be the adjudicator. The locai com-E mittee for Barrie for the festival; n r1,,,,.u n_..- __, _1__:_ ; i 1 I i i i `Me, Me m ; Auma DANCE dance held last ELECTRIC living: m9.5.`-rtgp eu,4i-A !zurr:.ttm"` zit`? I/u-. I Among the interesting school af-j fairs going on these days was Santa Claus cantata held Wednes-1 day evening by Minesing Continua-i tion School under the direction of: Lloyd I`uon'l. Most of the churches in town vhave been holding Sunday Schooli ;~11pper:< and .concerts. Par] IIIJULCU LUI. AJGJ A In A-J1 L`)1\. sy.-vxvsaxl consists of: Howe] Pa;'n'id'ge. chair-I man; .\[i.~:.~: E. Raikes. 12-easurerg. Margaret Webb, sec1`eIz. ~ 2 Helen Luck, properties; Hzu'oIr:' '\'V'ardn1ax1,l business um! publicity; J. A. Couttge stage manager. I nu \,u.AJ|.uu uuu an-my \;|A.|A.AII\/nu. -... wearing` a long black crepe headed in green and gold, received the} guests. In the afternoon Mrs. J.i Patton and Mrs. Wisdiom poured! ` tea and in the evening, Mrs. Wilk-! inson and Mrs. Archie Marshall.` The ten table was daintily pretty in pink am`. white-white cufwork i cloth, pink snapdragon, pink carn-i ,..s.:,`..,. -..,l ...L:L.. NL.-.V.:.. L..l1 n..l.=` i Tuesday afternoon and evening 1- Mrs. W. Park held a trosseau team in honor of her daughter Charlotte, t whose marriage takes place Dec. EC 25. Mrs. Park wearing navy print-`L ed chi on and Miss Chariofte Park[ ,,1 . L___1_J[ .a{te}- the 3 served. The Monday, Jan. I , Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Woodruf t`,l Out-of-town guests present in-` cluded: Mr. and Mrs. lVIills, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Faessler, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Snider, Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Lennard,` Dundas; Colonel and Mrs. Mac- donell, Chatham; Mr. and Mlrs. W-hytock, Toronto; Mrs. Chisholm,- Oakville; Mr. and Mrs. G1-ahz1m,' Belleville; Suffragan Bishop and Mrs. Beverley, Toronto; Mrs. ML: Gregor, Collingwood. `gr:-xme, in which many students took . . I Tuesda_\' evening was closing`; ' z i night at Ovcnden College. The pro- V | part, included: a play, Puss in Boots, presented in French and` 1 directed by Mamselle Shopoff;j Shakespeare s As You Like It, directed by Miss E. M. Elgood; carol singing led by Miss Biltcliffel The main roles in As You Like It.] were as follows: Rosalind, Una: McLennan; Celia, Joan M-cCu1loch;| Or1ando-Darwina Faessler, Toronto; Touchstone, Barbara Carritte, Wind-i sor. The songs which occur in this[ play were all sung. I ;Bride and others. Bob Powe1l s orchestra supplied the music. The elimination dance was won by {Betty St0ven. and Eddie Bray.| :: >14 1 I {iron I: All g pro'g'ram, supp er was : college will re-open I 051." I in-1 LVIi1ls,5 f,f Faesslexyl` .__I -..,J \I'.._ 117.... The Barrie Advance sun, and! Well, if you re like our family. MC" ~ you may still have your nearest and dearest to buy for, and also that [well-o` friend whom you haven't V open lfound 21 thing yet that they haven't.` _ What is ner for Christma.'~z than "gas. surprise`? What could be a bet- lfter surprise than two in one -:gift.<, i.e., two of anything. For ',exanip1e: a plaid purse and jacket iwhich we saw in Walker s window, lhandbag and gloves to nmtch, which `we saw in .\Ioore s dry goods store. ;mz1n s tie and ke1`chief, house jacket |and slippers of the same hue. I 1 * an Kl There MAY be tliings 21 _\'oun;_-'1 'fgi1'1 would prefer to the short white ( ibuny wrap I saw in Simmons win- %dow, but I can t think 01' any.` ziHowever, if a less expensive present ';i.< wanted--they have it at Sim- _;mons. Anne bought 21 smart wine . 4 scarf there _i'esterday. n at m ,, M jlm/E GOES uvnnlv muh being: l Aunt Emily bought two-_\'ea1--oldi Jean Ashe dariingest dol1 s g'oczu't; 2.1 `g.-\. E. Smith s. It is bright blue anal ired and would make any two-to-Ii ithrec year old take as good cure of! liher baby as her mummie does 01' her. Well, Aunt Emily ordered her Christmas turkey from Wisdom'.< some days ago, so we know that of Christni:1.< is certain 01" L...'.__. .. ,.__-_., ) Aunt Jane bou;_-"ht four of her` women friends, hose. She showed her usual good taste, I think. ` That's one Chri.~ztmas stocking" |with which we could all do. an .u .4. SE04 i I bought Roxy Theatre tickets for my brother-in-law. If he doesn t; .make use of this present, he's cer-1 ltainly different from any other man; 401' my acquaintance. 3 l How about a present for Santa `. When we were children we a[\`u_\':~` left a lunch for Santa, and it al- lways disappeared ! It was all very `exciting and proved his presence in- tdisputably. Suyrgzestions for Santa: On Wednesday evening the Saiva? tion Army put on a. play under the leadership of Captain Morgan and Adjuttmt Charlong. On Thursday evening St. Andrew's Sunday School supper, concert and tree. I On Thursday evening Collier St. |Y.P.U. held their annual sleighride, }during: which they visited the homes :of the shut-ins and sang carols. {After the sleighrido they returned to the recreation room of the church. where the}: were served a hot lunch. ; Thursday evening :1 ichoir boys from Trinity 4 [er the leade1's`nip of Mr. ` .sin'ging at the R.V.H. 1 T-his Friday evening the nurses- in-training at the R.V.H. are hold- linig a sleighride and returning` to ltlie residence for refreshments. `~ On Wednesday evening, Dec. 28, from seven to ten oclock, Rev. and Mrs. E. E. Long are keeping open lhouse at the pa1'sona_2'e. Get rid of those annoy- ing noises. Be certain your radio is perform- ing correctly. We will inspect it FREE ! 5 Po'1'nts Pago E`1f~ h1- Home Appliance snop PERFECT WORK AT LOW COST! SH OPPIIV G YULETIDE GREETINGS Phone 424 L group of Church un- ` Wrig-ht are HWISHART CAMPBELL l: 515 ACCLAIMED Al-{BEST MALE SINGER . ; \Vi. Camp `Campbefl, Wors known in radio Golden Voice of named Canada .< er according` to n w 2;`: I I m sure he d love to nd 21 g'1:~..~.= I coffee maker and sandwich toa. I 1 u 11 .. ,.. uvnnvu nuunus suc-h as the Home curry, sitting on your with the whe1'ewi t]1al night .`~ma(*k. Just n'_\' how Santa reacts 1 uuu nu uuvv urn Appliance Shop ` 1'01` 21 mm}- it and see uvunu.4 table ztlong` ! .._.,.%.-3 f.>`~ .}"'53-'3";- . ..:-;-:1`? 2 .?~:' ..LIJ\I\Jul-luI.II\J LLAIJJ ul-F\I In`-I-I-Jul-J-h PHONE ESSK ROAD : .1 - .=a.-r-1'.` - 2 . p. ' , _ .-.v 19` 40- 4 . "!`;"-\'/: -is .44 nA\n\A A4 Phone 445 BARRIE While` thousands of untrained men and women (many are college graduates) are still on relief and without em- ploymenrt, those who have a t.horowgh business training have been permanently on the payrolls and thousands of new reciuits who are just. gwaduating` from Busines.< Col- leges are finding` it an easy Inatter to secure a good position.

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