a visit to that country, stated: 1 Hitler has capitalized on the; youth of Germany. That is whcre. he has his strengt . Mrs. Aitkens` _ believed that we in this country are 3 1 1 x wasteful in this respect; that we do; not place reliance enou_2'h in our? youth. ` While we would hope that Cam ada migrht never find it necessary to` capitalize"l `Ion its youth for the` same purpose that German youth are re_<:imente.l, we must face the fact- that it is the youth of the land who will he called to protect the coun~ try should another war develop. An. army of half-starved, homeless wan- (lerei-.< in whom the State has shown} o interest in time of peace. could not be expected to rush into bat- tle, hearts throbbinc with patriotic zeal, should the einerrzency arise. /- .1 , . _,.._ 4 V e . t l 1 x y l l ( 1 ` 1 1 \:I\ ..H I `E his home. Newmarket.-If zmy New Yez1r`.< (-\'u- ql:H1(`<`.~: nre hold in Newmarket, they will have to conform with tho Snhhutlx |:1\\'s and stop at midniy.-`ht. . ,,,y:_,._ L- ru.:..: .: Dnnnn Tim NEWMARKET AND AURORA TO ALLOW DANCERS NO LEE- ` WAY. nillmzun I.I\\.\ unu auuy nu ,..... According: to Chief of Police Jiml Sln.<.<, tlw law will he enforced to the limit. A law is a law and :~:l10ul(l luv observed, he stated. 1 .1,s_p -r -12.... `I7`1..Lnu Sl1()lll(l Ill` ullhulvuu, uc avauvu. Am'm':\`s clmiof of police, Fisher Dunh.-um. and county police ofcers, Sergt. S_vdney Bnrracldugh and Con- stables Aubrey Fleury and Ron Watt, . that they would like- '`wise enforce the law on all dance hulls within York County. Italy's frontier consists of 1,200 milr-_~: ol` luml and over 5,000 miles of co:1.~It. snake _-\m0n__-` old leaves. tries to make . u . 1 1 L HI: wane ssolve. Vague thoughts be::.use him, one by one, As numberless and nameT: as their calls. 1' _._:_ 1'T._J...._........... ; huanuu -Louis Untermeyer. an t I )k PRAYER of thr: Ca:.arii:m .'m:.:`.;.' n. COhi.l'0l of (,'2L.'M:!::. `rib ."".'. I;,v;':;,v.~ zation that hit.-<` l)`:`.'.'i ft Kati}, 1H2 ! A: der the .~por1.~or.~,'r1Ip or" the (lzmmlizu. .\1(,`(li(`1ll .\~.~=r;r:iatIrm and with the co-operation of prmulhuntzherlir-.11 men and laymen in I.-'.'r:r;.' prn':.r:r:. Spr-:1kin,L" to fhl: \Vom(:ri :e l)iVi.=:irm of the Health League 01' l,':m::rl:n ru- cently, Dr. l{0.<.~. Ln-grad women to en- list in the war on cancer, pr)1I.1,in'J out that half of the p)`(:~f:HI. lr::n,h could be pm-e\'nt:rl if pr,-uplv '.\Ulli'l` see their medical a(lvise1';~ for r.-;n'l;,' dia;:no;~ri.'< 01' the slightest . submit to at periodic health :x:unin- ation and obtzlin zulcquatc treat-i ment in the early stages. ` Cancer of the lip, he .~:aii, no-l curred mainly in men and u. among pipe .4moker.<. If u pipe smoker developed a. soreness, hzmll spot, crack or ulcer on his lip; which would not heal, he should atl N .. .i,...4,... f`.....r-nu nf Hqpl . its jumbloif bug.-, ' hands on eight ` The small boy -T1'ez-. `h. If he blots and had tw 0 wmcn \\uuxu Hut. uuan, Ann -`lluunu .....` . om-0 .<(u- A doctor. Cancer of the mouth occurred among people who did not keep their mouths clean, hcl CANADIAN FISH AND v1=_c.v=.. E TABLES MAKE GRAND sup-5 PER DISH. ! The first snow flurrie.< have come. '1 E and the cellar is . for theli winter months. 01' course, in these it days of quick and eicient t1`i\ll.~'-ll portution, it isn't 11c('C.~v.~`:11'y to hozxnl ( a. while winter's supply at oncw, but iv` the wise household keeps an 1'L:. 01`\'-9 `It us" _L`_'()1)ll ll1in:J.~t for ilziys \\`l`1r2n tl10| snow blankets the ground with` ; white and the family come 1-u.sl1i11g;`i: l\'ll('ll(3l1\\':ll'(l with keen appetites. [1 A simple, nouri. incul-in-zi-l I Cl;ll. that is decidedly is LL1.. l n uunnuouu; ungu-.. From the oflice of Dr. Z\`1cPhee`i they took :1 quart bottle of whiskey} and ;1 small collection of dental!` tools. The liquor, D1`. l\IcPhee ex-l plained, was kept in the office fori medicinal purposes. They left un-l touched in plain sight on a nearby` shelf a quantity of dental grold` [worth many timec the value of the` `liquor and instruments. '[:\........ L1...` Amn n4-` \V\n Rnvlni Thieves Prefer iwiusicey To Gold ` O1`i11ia~-Thievc.= who prefel-1`e:iJi ` \v11i.'~`ke_v to gold, and an old fountain .pen to money, broke into the ofcessj ]` {of Dr. S. H. .VI<~Phee. demist, zm Wm. J. Boyle, insurance agent, `N Wednesday night. T` ,.... L1... .\{Yl,.A At` T'\.. `L1.'[)Ln;-x F l :\,u..., butter, cod or haddie, ` Sweet mixed pickles and :1 Silldili of shredded cabbage and finely chop-5 ped mild turnip, tossed in mayon-E naise, make a nice accompanimentl for this meal-in-one dinner. The =turnip, .9u1'p1'isi11_u'l_\' enoufrh, acids a nutty flavor to the salad. Sliversl of raw carrot; may be added for] color and the vitamin Value. In many Canadian househol zi! hea1't_\' sh cliowder-czumed on; homemade-i.< :1 stz1ml.b_\' for Sunday: evenin_:'.~' because so little p1'cparatior. is nece. For in;~,vtm1ce, tho.` beans for this Canadian Winter; Special can he put to soak the 11i:;l':=. , before and the whole thing` C0111-`i hinetl and cooked in :1 short time.` Try it this Sunday ni;ht and see iff I you don t agree. mis nu.-.uuu., uvuu. \4& s~\.A\vAu- I Pick over the beans, wash tho1'-` ou:hl_\' and soul: until they lmvci swelled. Drain unzl cover with; water and p2u'l)oil with the sliced 011-} ion. When almost soft add thei corn and sh. Cook until the sh is? done. Flake the fish th1'ou'g`h the` vegetables, add the milk and biitteni Season if necessary, depending on lsh used. (Do not boil after the` milk has been added.) Crush somel soda biscuits with the rolling` pin,l and put some in each soup plate or bowl, then pour the soup on top nml sewe immediately. (`<....._L ...:.-...l ...Z,.1.1.... r\`0u1-I .. ..`1...C ` turnips is In so far as the better quality of concerned, the United! States draws its . almost en-`i tirely from Prince F.d\\':m1 I. i and Ontario. The cities of Neuw. York. Boston and Chic:1:o are the: three principal mzn'ket.< for C:m- _ :1 tu1'nip.~'. ('on. x1_u:1n- tities of Cunndizm turnips are :'.1.~'o'3 'tak0n by Detroit, T 11:uh31;:h`:1,{ V (`lo\`0l:1mi, (im*inn:1ti and Pitts-`. b1n';:h. un- said. ALSO TAKE FOUNTAIN PEN ` AND LEAVE MONEY. In ` IIHLIUL Gllu LllBl.Lulu\.1Au.:. From the oice of Wm. Boyle they took only the fountain pen. not bothering` to disturb a sum of money and stamps that were also there. Entry to both ofces was gained by transoms over the doors. CANADIAN WINTER SPECIAL Canadian V/inter Special 1 11: cups dry b0:1n.~', 1 can kernel! om, utter, od addie, u:h1_\' -9 .. 2 tuble.~'poo11.~; cup dried cups milk, 1 small onion, 1 1 can pink salmon, chicken_` soda crackers. 1m\`ci_r CANADIAN TURNlPS TO U.S. The Annual Meeting of the Innisl Conservative Association will be held in the Orange Hall, Stroud, on Friday Even- ing, December 16th, at 8 o clock. Hon. W. Earl Rowe, M.P ., and others, have been invited to address the gathering. The Ladies and J r- Gonseative As- 113.07 \I lvvvoau sociations are invited to attencl. 5 011-`; I. "-11 .r \'-... 3.: a.n.n.a, President. I.ump.<. peari n '4' -I.-..lA 1.. .. NOTICE H. ~v....._~ ll\rl\.I .. u .-n.-...... u; ;.;ur H t . W - lt_\' Pa)-:.~vh I-1:111. There were 27 3 oys present to play rozu'in3.-; games and to have lots of fun. J. R. if Coleman and Vern Wz1ll(c-1' had a mu. 1.`, nun.-. ...b 5 First we had impection of pocket.- Imd ear:-'. The \\'mner.< were the Si Lions Patrol. After this we had llag `break by the \\'innin_2' patrol leader of the in.~pecLion. Then we Sehad :1 fast _Q'2llI1C of the Law.-2 and l Promise. The ones that didn t know .the I.a\\'s or Promise would ha'\'e L0 i1`run the gauntlet punishment, for s which the .'-:now came in very handy. d Then we had a test Sl_IIl11llll1_L" for nlsevoml cla.-'.< by Ray William.-`on and `Vern Walker. While J. H. Cole- --= man was bru.~:liin.:` up on the l-n\\'s ei:m(l Promise. Then we had arti- hlcial respiration by Vern Walker i-land lay Williamson. After this we elhad a {mine called Baseballe. It `..~ 2 \\`z1.'< played by saying one of the ten eklaws. 11' you said the right law i.'_\'ou would get a home run by mov- n ine from chair to chair. Then \\e e had ag" break by Bilil .\'eodl~.u:n. .e and then the meeting` was closet; in l,ltl1 boy scout manner. 1 isms and Youths i`;Visit Factories E the U... gnu;-..u. The funeral service. heid from the 1'e.=i(lcnce of his tlausrlmter on 'I`ue. Dec. F, was largely" attend- ed by a wixie circle of friends and reluti\'e:~v, Rev. L. S. Paisley takim: (`l}(l1'_Q'C of the :~`e1'vi(-e. Interment \\'n.< made in Sixth Line Cemete1`_\'. Su1'\'i\'in_2' are three sons apd one (l:u1::l1te1', \\"ilf1'e(l and Ha1'\'e_\' of I.e1"1'o_\`. Charles of Kipling`, Sa.=k., and .\I1'.:. H. Dolmelly, Lef'1`oj.'. .\'ine grandchildren also survive. One rl:1=.1j_-l1tr_-1'. Millie. is `deceased. : the ' -0- .... uh- \lA .-e...,, A\l~`\- .. ...,_...- |L\` 1'e. and wide`._\' known citi- zen on Sunday, Dec. 4, in the pz\=.~'- in}: of Robert J. Stewaift, who dievi !at the home of his dau'ghte1, Mrs. EH. Donne1I_\', in his 84th year. I Born in \Ve. G\\'i1Iimbu1'_\' 0:. !Dee. 30, 18-34. the late Robert Stew- iart moved with his pz11'ents to In- inisl to\\'n.<`nip when t.\\'el\'e years of age. On Sept. 21, 1881, he mar- lried Monica )IcCu11oug'h, who pre- idc-(-e;1: him about eight _\'ea1':< ago. ;P.eti1in.9' from his farm about 26 `_\'(-zu'.~l 1120, the late Mr. Stewart `took up 1'e.~`idence in Lef1'o_\', where ifor seventeen _\'ezn':< he was super- ` intendent of the United Church Sundziy School and an active mem- ,b-:'1' of the church. mu .- . - . . . _ \ KATTENDIPJG COURSES AT MIT- il CHELL SQUARE. l_\` i Stexvart dau 8:11 6 The viTIag'e of Lcfroy I pcuI'HI'.; should be viewed w .uI_\ u up: u Perh:1p.< not at. rst cancerous, they might change in time - .- \U-nv1_- nan]:- ith su. ' and become` nd hi-thm:1rk.w The 230 gi1`I.~' and .16 boys attend- ing the home economics and agri- cululral courses at Mitchell Square ,1 n,_...:, \l',..l..,\..l.... ..- ..,... .u..._--. ... ..-.. `.'i. Bzirric \\'e(inesd:iy in connec- tion with their course, being held under the direction of Stewart L. Page, z1_r1'icu1turz11 1'ep1'esenta.tive for `.\'o1'th Simcoe. v 2, , L1._ 1... .. .. ....l......-.. .\UlVlIl OHIl\UC- In the morning the boys visited the First. Co-operative Packers `plant and M. W. Chepesuik, Domin- lion hog` g1`z1(le1', conducted classes in Ei11(l2`i11:`1i\`e11o'g's and d1'cs. c:11'Cas- . . In the `afternoon they \'i. the farm of B. B. Wztrnica, Allan- `dule, secrut:u`_\~' of the Ontzlrio Here- `ford Breeders Association. m. ,. ..-.: L1... r*1....1.n -um 0111 DH:L:u!:1a : :\)\.|uuAvu. ` The girls visited the Clarke and }C1zu'ke t:1nne1'y to see the process- Eing methods in cornection with home "\\'orkin_2' of Weathols`. 1 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1938. Boy Scouts ROBERT J. STEWART F. H. BEATTY,. Q...-ma FIRST BARRIE (By Bill Lowe) lmgnt. Billing: Au uuu; uuu u..\......... cancer.<. W:1)1s,moIL-:~':1nd birthmarksl were h:1rn1lr-.<.~r unless they suddenly started to grow. Sudden indig:e.~tion OBITUARY \( um... \lA. A.$Alll u. an. .nd \'L'L`[)iI1_!' the bu_\`.~' quiet in .n..I.,v Secretary. _ --nstabnshed 1847- Published every Tuesday at 123 "uniop Street, Barrie, Ontario`. S. R. Pitts (editor) and H. M. Davies (manager), owners (3nd publishers. A weekly ;1ewspapcrde\'ot0 to the building 01 a bigger and better Barrie and to Lhc fostering of closer co-ope1`a- tion between Town and Country. Page Two EDI'I"6RI.AL_ THE LOST Azamr ihv:11L]L\' stom: ruuung. toll of nearlgx -/.r Reeve W. J. Cunning.:`han1, of Al- liston, chairman of nance in the! County Council, opened a sL1bject of`! major importance in the columns ofl this paper last week through Ilia` suggestioii that Dominion and Pro-, vincial Governments di.=pla_\' ini-i mediate interest in th:- homeiess` youth of the country who are wan-f deringr a1'ound without visible means ' of support, by establishing cainps where military training might be given these transients, where they` would be fed and sheltered and made to feel that they have 21 place 3 in life and a re. } 1.jl\r\Ivr\ FM. ..`._M-_-. _ .. v .~'\\ e]lingS or masses ap-`. :m_vwhcre on the body -,>_.I _..!LL in scope, we it is a Nationa} 1` than a Provin- me. Ce1'tainl;.'i`t --Established 184 7- 1-A...l.... ' ' _; qnn Tarriv Ahuartw |.\.l gnu.- be invin- L000 1 nu..: u. v.-.. now the A of death in DeOp'_{ In the lig.-`ht of the almost h_\`steri-: cal appeals for leadership in dealing: with Cana .< many pressing prob-i lems. there is ironic trag'e(ly in the] 1no.~:t announcement that Canada's . forceful and most resourcefulpoli-l itical leader is leaving` the Dominion .\Ir. 'to take up i doubt that if Mr. Bennett had been i leadership, i this . when, `having retired from the leadership the life in England, a virtual exile from his native land. The reasons that have impelled the Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett to home in the old country are not hard to fathom. There can be little: pressed to retain the Conservative as, for instance, Sir! Robelt Borden was pressed, he would have done so. That he was not thus prevailed upon is neither to the a(l\'aiita;9:e nor to the credit of the Conser\'ative party, because it involves the loss to Canada of one of the most brilliant political leaders, that the country has produced in generation, and that a time, as has been said. construc- tive lezulership most needed. But" it can readily be understood that to_ remain in the House of Commons` would not be comfortable either for Bennett or for the new leader. lost the art of and the re- The ex-Premier has pla_\'in:;' second fiddle, ` straint he would be compelled to ex-i iercise would be irksome to hi1n;E while Dr. Manion would not easily: emerge from under the .~'l1{1(l0W ofl commanding personality of his; predecessor. So ardent an Imper-i ialist is certain to nd his new en-, vironment congenial. In additionl `to the satisfaction of being" at the. and of the pleas-5 ...1. ,.,.....+...- hnma H` seek a ' u. u.\. uuu u. .\..~yuu. Reeve Cunning'l1an1`.~' sugzgestion` may or may not be the best solu- tion to this problem. Perhaps` some other means of (ii-z1lin_e' with the t1':m.~ient; question would prove more etl'ec-tive and benecial both to the in:iivi and the State. At any rate, it is :1 suggestion that re- ects considerable thought. which is more than our Governments are sho\vin_: any Visible sij:n.s of 5:i\'-; ing this important problem at the present time. `.\l..,. 11 \I \.':.1_-._, ___-I1 1_,.___.. MR. BnNmT`s innpaimmn LOSS 1'0 CANADA ucuuxc U1 DHIAA5-3, uuu \JL \1|A\I l.,........ ures of an English country home, it. `is predicted that the King will en-1 list his political experience by up-I pointing` him to the House of Lord.~:.; In that body, which an American `:~.'riter has characteristically ale- 4t'1'll )(l as the ablest legi:`lati\'ef <'I:a1`i`.be1` on earth, 311`. Bennett willi have scope for his still abouiuling` ener5_-`_x' and undimmed mental pow- .r,-r.< in : both Canada and the Empire. There he will be in a rare-| ed atmo;~.phere where public ques-l `tions arr: discussed calmly on their !x`.(:1`lt.~', by men of his own calibre. l"or the Briti:~:h practice is to gather into the House of Lords the out- .~tanding gures in every walk of" life, so that the .~'ame American uthor has declared that there is .-r-art---lg." any conceivable subject up- on 2-.'l:ir-h, among its member.<., tliem woulri not be found men who woulrl: ~pr,-.:i`r: with the kl10\V'l(:(lLf(: and auth- mjt; of r.-xperts. What a pity that`! tin; lrit.i.l': pr:xcti(:(: ll1lS not been I<:llr.*.'s;l in appointments to the .-`I of f':in:ul:t I lint, th0uj.rh wei null 21.13.`. .\lr. 5ennett'.~. :mia'/.in_::_' aw` in people past 1'o1'ty, who had hudg 'l1(.'1l1th)' stomachs all their lives, \va.~': Lhe comn1onc.~:t symptom of c:111c-e1"; in the food passages. ` I MANICURE} SETS - V .- 35 %%%%%%% I { {s1z"Ioo ?:_4.:o@T0$;.;":i_ 1 L.l1.EJ \J'.L.I.' .l. \IJ. i . . . DAINTINESS 2! iDouglas Drugs` `010: `THE GIFT OF 1\AT'I ()2-illizx I...-....v .. , Mrs. H. )1. Aitkens. well known radio speaker who addressed the} Kiwanis Club recently, in giving herl imp1`e.<. 01' Ge1'mzu1_\', 1'ollo\\'in':" 1171'-.1 :1.}rm, U1 Hmpirr: p()li('_\`. '|`h:xl. :m~l.l will c-:u'r;.' with him to hrmsr: the M2241. wishxes of all` (,':m:uli:m;a who rt.-uli'/.0 the Hit: of MA .-151' .<:l('l'i(fil];.f ex- A. y.. .,, durim: the n with can still _ I, by inter |.l1I4:.-: 01` 1 tail and n1t:Lhu(l.` tryi n-1: ,,AuI.. ..,,, __ ... without. ul '|`imu.s'. hr: h ::u'L of I I I .<(-r\`(- the `H l:l']l)'(:LillL{' to ht-I` ])(:()])l(.' v I __ 'l`l.. 4` opening` verse thi. week, one that is`. seasonal and true, for it actually: happened last year at a Post Office if \not many miles from Barrie. ki `, 1121115` complin1entu1';y lettelzu Imveil [been received by 1113 Pa chf'mde1' reg 1514211-(1i11g the Quiet Corner and we: >"jwould again remind readers that! 1'. the corner is _\`ou1'.~= to use. the more` Vnn nan if Hui hnnv H hnt-a.n'.c;. Accu, auuunu mu. \.u....`\....\._. U..- Apart from the 1niIitzu'_\' aspect, the protection of this army of single unemployeri is a mom] `.'e.:pon;~:ibil- ity that cannot be overlooked with impunity. n-:..,. \'.,;:......1 :.-. ..A.-m.-. u-o HI If you found him fuithless, lying`, _iNe\'er let him know you care, ti_Pi1Iows are the place for crying, _{ Tilt your hat, be debonair. ,3: LINES TO A CRY BABY V f]Gi1-ls who weep are out of fashiomi Gaiety s the thing, be gray ! 1 ;Lau_2'h at unrequited pa; ~ | $I.o\'e will come another day. r` _`1Their A little, old lady, feeble and frail, istood in line near the wicket with` ru ,1 , Modern :_~`irl.< are poised and fearless,` `Following: 21 11e\\'1' code, lParting.' must be casual, tearless, ;He:11`ts on slecevs are not the mode. i -?\'atalie Marcin. .. .. .. .. \.Al\. LUIALLA .. W ...v . . . V . .. \4 . ` .' i .you use 1t, the better if becumml ;and the more joy will be spread iabroad th1'ough the reading of the [poems, prose and scrapbook offer-t :.. .. `.1..:1 um. +,. +1.,` Dn4-`nnuulm. I yun:uA.`, yxuoc uuu c\.LuyuvvL\ vAL\.L' ;iI1_I.<. Mail them to the P2lth11de1`,l [care of the Advance. 5 But to get back to VVill Frank- lin s -poem entitled : l |Bt poor, little grandma could no | stand the prem, 1 'For shoppers were hurried-andy ' thoughtless, I guess; ,So, time and again squeezed out of 1 her place, `She stood by discoumged 11110` I troubled of face. I -[ Excuse for the youth `? Was he } I rude Or a boor ? |'Twas only an old woman, feeble` I and poor-- I |Ah! but somebody s grandmothen: loving and loved, ' iAnd such deed of kindness are al-` ways approved. g -Wi11 Franklin. { .n, .n. iuauvvu ... .:..\. ...,... .,:.., VVA\/l\\4U .... I Chrxstmas mall; ` A11 oddl_\'-shaped parcel, z1 trinket or to.\', l [Perchance, for some distant wee i girlie or boy. Being: National would .~u':~:e. that i re: rather the cial 01' Municipal one. is one that has rzrowz: portions that it cannot ly ignored. l ; A youth standing by saw her hup-l less estate ; ' lCrashed into the line and held it l up straight. lSome thought it amusement," and l some were quite ti`ed, I IBut the old lady smiled and dis-` I 1 posed of her gift. . I Not 1 Nor a `I think sometimes man could not | worship Him `In any ;;`rezLtm- temple than :1 place Where underfoot the grass livesi '\ 1 ,,,I 1 . _ J ;Nor wxth :1 gsrenter fulth, nor truma ` word, :1-V1,, L..-_I. ,._.J 5...-.. in uvlnlll Than is in and vvuuxu Lln\A\,A|\luu I4n|\- 5-....- ..../. ! cool and dim, iwhore o\'erh(~.:ul :1 tree spreads ' forth her lace ; ' W ith l Who fi1,:l`1l.~:V-tiliillely fear, ` fnlteriner trust That (lml is (lml, that . lruv and just lli. plan. work out for mortals-~ not :1 tear Is shed when fortune wli'rt`h the world holds dear l*`:ill.~ from his 1,-crusup. Better with . love 21 crust 'Than living in dishonor. Cnvics not LNor loses faith in man. but does his he.~'f Nor ever murmurs at his humble lot, But with a smile and words of hope gives zest To every toiler. Ho alone is great (luily l)Zll.l.l(! witlioutil Sees his lmpes l':1il yet keeps UH! Who by a life heroic conquers fate." ._ I I Q I From Will ONE IN NINE DIE OI` CANCER The Quiet Comer vvun.-\. uw..vv..-.vv... Adirondack Mountain: Turn to age ten in your arith- metics. ` Rustle of yellow pages like a IN THE CHRISTMAS RUSH lila- to know ,\.....v.. .. t.....4.., how the sec-ding fashions cup`| and rod, how the elds th1'oup;hout` their Aprils mass | 1' food and beauty--is not to} know God. \ COUNTRY SCHOOLROOM - Un- he I} u- man who faces what he must 1 triumplmnt and :1 hour cheer, L: the battle without!` 4 U, ` brook and tree, in wind} bird. 1 I One out of e':r;r;.` nix died in Carzaria 1 ' p `. Franklin" ~ this pass, EARTH earth, nor how itsi e _ .1 -Bert Cookscy. UUIIICD Uul. BIAGKXC ;, to Post. His mind go through i oi tricks. 11'~1\`<-`i But how can he lay . )..u..I:..,1m. nu 4-'..m. :v The Bar*"\e Advance The Pathfiximder Conducted By Strap Grdered For Pmnksters Badly jslashed-' times six When mountains fill the window and :1 lake Nudges his dreams, when autumn and the ache Or color, noon, and numbers meet __..J ....l.. 0 ` upon nu, ' Anxious or troubled; when with us in prayer "And joy and strength ani L:Ju1'E1L'0 are with Thee! u\.\.x4.- . thi.~ country. rn1.:_ L-11 -4 l . . ECOMPANIO IN HALLOWEEN ESCAPADE AT PARRY SOUND i ALSO JAILED WITH HIM. l \.:.uL:, gThat we should ever weak or heart 1,,, L- Puzz1ed, h asks the tree-tops, Covers his desk with yellow scrawls. ' A woodchuck mocks him. 5 a. gun `.7 I Last year he brought ( lauc nun of them. The walls (Dissolve. thought :... -.... I... ....... l Lord wlmt a change within us, one short hour Spent in thy presence will prevail to make, What heavy burdens from our ! bosoms take, 'What parched grounds refresh as with a shower! We kneel, and all around u: seems to lower; We rise, and all, the distant :m(li the near, `Stands forth in sunny outline, brzlvo and clear. We kneel, how weak; we rise, how full of power. Why therefore should we do our- selves this wrong :01` otl1ers~-thz1t we are noi >.1lwa_\,';<; E strong ? That we are ever overborne xvith ; Parry Sound.--It is :1 curse that 'many of the young` people of this `.province feel that they cannot have any fun unless they have liquor, {said Judyxe J. B. .\Ioon Wednesday, ;'in imposin: sentence of ten days and `four strokes of the strap on Fred |Car1son and ten days and sevenl `: on ICd\\'zn'd I3eu_L`:m for :1 Hal- ;lowc en escapade. ' mI-~- --.-..- A1 . . . . ..,....,.A sun rm. 1 1 `Midnight Limit [New Year Eve \l()WU Ull UbLiLlIduC- I They were also assessed $40 for ida1nz1Q'e.~' to the property of Martin iBrinov(`:u' at Shawanaga. IV . r , , _ , -1 1.2- ....... Ln 1)..:.,-. |DllllU\lu1 uu L.IAAunu.uu5uu 1 Carlson forced his way into Brine-` Evcnr s house on I-I2111owe en and was badly . with :1 butcher knife by B1`ino\'c:u'. Bengm1. who had 1w:1itod out. the house, brought! 1C:1r1srm to ho.~pitz1l at Pz11'r_v Sound` `and more than 60 stitches \\'L':`0 ,. .\...,. ...... A, : r`.n~`_ A I111 yuan vv ouu...,.. 11m-~ _:~ to m-low wounds in Car!- . s "face and arm. | Brinovcar was arrested on :1: `('}1:u;1:n of <-:u1. hmlily h:n'm. hutl ` lwns :11-q11it.1ml \\'1_1on Jli(1'f.:`(} Moon ' `held that he had an-fed with ju. `I w`('.'l1;(I11 in \\'iuld'm:: :1 knife to defend l_` . 1 nun. `.`J u; This t could hr: