Permanents} Midland has a11'ead_v held its 1'st`j . . ' . carnwal. ( Chilton, of 1\'Ial21hide, has 21. _\'ear.~x old. She is as indus-` I Garden Notes some sliglut his boots. g I 1 (BY J OHN CR('5.SSLAN D ) TUESDAY, N~OVE1M.B1E`R 29, 1938. v `mushroom-shaped stigma of the ower. The Aspidistra bears only an insignicant, unattractive ower which is of no value. vv, ,, 1 n 1-. - L ,_ , 5 Montreal, November.--Thc ying distance covered by TrzLns-Canada ; Air Lines planes between Montreal t and Vancouver is 2,068 miles, ac- cording to gures` obtained at D T.C.A. l1eaduarter.=_ to-day. From t Montreal to Winnieg` is 1.508 miles x 2 , and the rest of the way adds 1,180. '_"l"he route from Lethbridge to Cal- ?gar_v and Edmonton is 288 miles llongu With the Vancouver-Seattle `line, 122 miles, the total comes to a;3,`098 miles long. Ultimately, with ;' the main line extended from Mon- `treal to Moncton and various feed- tjers brought into service ,the T.C.A. ` iying mileage will be still further '.increased. uv mu. uuuuaou -yr... No other plant, I think, reveals a more distinctive symmetry than a ;ne indiivdual specimen of Sanse- vieria balanced sedately on a pedes- tal before a lame window screened ,with Venetian blinds. Here, as if `by magic, ,a humble and despis "' weed of the jungles becomes an o ject of unique beauty. ';1'.c.A. noun: COVERS : MORE THAN 3,000 MILES ' 1 Applications for blind pensions :} Sunnidale, Barrie 1, both recom- `mended. Members of the Board present at Palmer and Miss Simpson. `the meeting were: S. R. Gendron, -chairman; Mrs. A. McCall, Mrs. O. E. Todd, Theo. N. Wilmot` Wilmer For friends away from home, keep i them in touch with the old town by sending them the Advance as a (jhrxstmas gift. $i.5o $7.50 IUIII I) bvuu--1 --- Oppollte Wellington Hotel PHONE 177 Announcement FREE TRIM. oi BREAD *I'LOUB Super-Lastic Tire Sales Canadian Tire Corp. Page Ten FOR CHRISTMAS THAT REFLECT CHARM FOR PRICES REFER TO YOUR CURRENT CATALOGUF PERSONALITY AFTER EXTENSIVE CHANGES and the installation of a new System of Milling, involving the Washing of Wheat, We wish to `announce I DON T TAKE our wfzrd for this. It will cost you nothing to try it out for yourself. WE WANT YOU to try this. Call at the mill and get your free sample. It is now ready for you. AND DUNLOP AND MULCASTER STS. ASSOCIATE DEALER YOU CAN GET our made right here in Barrie that is proving to be worth by actual test, from 50 to 80 cents per barrel more than other our being sold for the same price or more than GOLD MEDAL FLOUR. TO THE DOMESTIC Bread Makers living outside of but in the vicinity of the Town of Barrie, we are pre- pared to give suicient flour for a baking FREE OF t! A1)l'1`IF Lucky s Beauty Salon nnnmite Wellinszton PGMUIA UV 6:! CHARGE. BARRIE FLOUR MILLS WE ARE arrangiiig to take care of the Fancy Bakers living in the Town of Barrie another way. Particulars will be given later. H. F. F ralick Mr. and Mrs. Jones, rf Midland, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hobbs. 4- .-. -. . . .. . j Mrs. J. Shelswell spent Sunday `with Mrs. A. Hutchinson, Clowes. u. Mr. and Mrs. W. Link visited with friends in Toronto on Sunday. and Mrs. V. Dicker, of C1owes_ visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Dicker. \.IO .......v.. The club held a quilting bee at` Mrs. E. Johnsons s last Tuesday afternoon. -r nI_-I. _: r`.......Lnu;.l EIECIIIUUII. Mr. Jas. Slack, of `Craighurst, spent Sunday with his brother, J. A. Slack. _ ___..-u_-._ -4: ..1.: :..:.....l.- -.+_l 39 APPLY FOR OLD AGE PENSION . . . A lare number of old 'friends at-] tended the funeral of the Jas. Cook last week. Deceased had been in `ill health for most of the past sum- U181`. A sewing `bee was held at the home of Mrs. J. Shelswell to make cloths for the True Blue Orphan- ae at Richmond Hill last Tuesday ` night. RI`. Illgllh. `Mr. and Mrs. A. Benham, of` Clowes, visited with Mr. and Mrs.| E. Hutchinson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. J. Addison spent the week end with friends in Orillia. i `.- I 1:", 1` CvL..l.......lI nndi `enu WILH J.l.' Ill \Jl.u1|ao Mr. and Mrs. J. -Shelswell and Herbert spent `Saturday evening visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wiltshire, Guthrie. *rr-...I___4. G`|....1....n.Il uh-N-npl vii-H VV llbllll 3;, \.xuuu AG. Herbert Shelswell visited with friends at New Lowell on Sunday. Mr. H. Duncan, of Thornhill, is visiting his sister, Mrs. E. Johnson. `um... 11 1 _1......- 1-can .-no-unnnn I-mmn VIDILIIXE [LID DIJUCL , AVLLL3w A41 :1 v nnnnnnn u Mrs. H. Hayes has returned home after spending some time w'th friends at Elmvale. no,4___ ru__L _._L -1. `IA -.. I.` I.l`1Cll\.L (II: LJLIILVGIGI | u The Algwan Club met at Mrs. E. Hutchinson's on Nov. 1. There` were 10 ladies and ve children: present. The next meeting will bb held at Mrs. J. Shelswell s on Dec. 6th. Those on the lunch commit- tee are Mrs. J. Shelswell and Mrs.` W. Hutchinson. Roll call is an ex- change pf Christmas gifts. After singing and prayer, Mrs. E. Hutch- I inson and Miss Moore served tea. at 1 1:, rn ('4 _ _ . . . ...l \l.. |IlSUll auu AVLIGO ULUVLL. up: v\4u v\.I.Ao I Mr. and Mrs. T. Senior and Mr. and Mrs. E. Duncan, of Toronto, `spent Sunday with Mr. and 1\I1t<. E. Johnson. COUNTRY connnsppynnycn __-.;u- --:u A meeting of the Mothers Allow-l, ance and Old Age Pensions Board was held at the Court House on November 15, when the following applications were dealt with: _-1 .1 u ,u___......... 0 unnHna_ WEST ORG 177 PHONE Among those who attended the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto last week were: Mrs. Geo. Dusto, Misses Elsie Plowright and Irene Craw- ford, Mrs. Geo. Johnston, Messrs. Geo. W. Crawford, W. -E. Crawford, R. W. Plowright and Mrs. Harry Foyston. rm. - nr mt ml int. nninuml o 1` uyauun. The M.M.M. Club enjoyed a chicken supper at Mrs. A. Ronald's on Tuesday evening last. A pro- gram of music and humorous {ead- in-gs was given and all had a jolly time. It I Inn, `I IK..Tf-.`..c- an`-`nun LUNC- Mr. and Mrs. J. McKinley return- ed on Sunday from a week s visit in Toronto with their daughter. I Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Maguire were in Toronto last week attend- ing the Beekeepers convention. Mrs. Earley, of Toronto, is spend- ing some time with her daughter, Mrs. Herb. Orchard. She had the` misfortune to fall and fracture her wrist. -n IV ,,_ n-I_I.. ....L.......nA rn Gun- Vv'].'l5E. Miss Cora Doble returned to Sun- derland last week after spending three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. `i Dusto. The W.A. of the United Church met at the home of Mrs. (Rev.) Wellerman on Wednesday of last week with a good turnout. Mrs. A. Dobson took the Bible reading and Mrs. Wellerman the comment on the Bible. The next meeting will be held in the church, when election of oicers will take place. M31`. and Mrs. Ray Murdon and Louis, of New Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. `Cleary and Irene, of Ivy, were Sunday visitors at l John Robinson s. `an, n,, xn-..,.1.. -3 "I".u..u.4..-\ n nu. ucu. vvvuun, u. -.,.. spent the week end at Andrew CL 39 The Hydro is coming up the `and quite a number have had Iplaces wired. ~n,r.. n....,.,. :.. .......mA hr plucca wuuu. Mr. Rouse is around again buying I potatoes. If 1: n ,L,,,,) 1...- ....L.........1 ayynnuuunvnnu n H... ..-_.__ `Mbthers allowance, 2 applica- tions both recommended; 1 Vespra and 1 Innisl Twp. -----_.. -..n!:nn4-inns Fru- `IU\.(1bUCDo .VIrs. Mary Rachard has returned home after visiting friends in lWhitby and Toronto. | 11...... ....\ I...,l nun Tnzun ennnnnv Iuu.v_y uuu Lvxvnluvu Have we had our Indian summer yet ? 1 TT ,,__ I.".<- the 7` tion. VJHISTLING FROGS i PRODUCE TWO NOTES The Caribbean island of Jamaica has nine species of whistling frogs, said to have a repertoire of two notes. These amphibians lay large eggs out of water which develop dir- ectly into tiny frogs, without ever Igoing throuszh the tadpole stage. The eggs are usually found under debris on the ground or attached to the leaves of wild pines above water level. Many otlfer curious things are seen in Jamaica, accord` ing to pz1ssen'ge1`s dirembarkinp: from ,"La(l_v liners of the Canadian Nat- ional Steamships. uuu Auluulavu as `Mr. Geo. Woods, of Toronto, ,,_._I_ ___.1 -4. A...l...-.... TUIZH MINESINIG iI'ro1=1A Advance Classied Sec- -2` `Ian: *3 `THE IDEAL `CH-RLSTMAS -GtIFT vFOvR s`WE`E'THIEART, WIFE OIR MOTHER. sixth their runs. 2* Advance I I (As taken from the Advance Files _: m....-...I.-.. on 1RRR\ The market square on Saturday was crowded so that it was almost. impossible to move around. and the quantity of beef offered was simply immense. For an hour or two the -~-~ - 1...-.. .....l 1.10-av-n;-Hncr lllllllbllbc. rut an uvuu V- ...... -.-- scene was a busy and interesting one and made considerably more so by the ~going--going-the third time and 1ast--do I hear any more, etc., of the auctioneer, and the Scotch patios of the razor and knife sharpening man who wants all you people to come up and purchase the most wonderful thing in the way of sharpening knives and cleaning teeth that the world has ever seen. `The Midland Free Press thinks it is absolutely absurd to make men pay taxes for dogs and let swine ...... ....m.-...-I A.:.g+v-nuina nrnnnrtv pay Laxkca LVL uvso nun l\dU .....-.- run around destroying properfy without taxation. They have High School Com- mencements" at Bradford. This is importing American coliege terms. The thing is not suitable to this latitude. ulvvy. uuu ;. . ....... -. _, ._,, Old age pensions, applications for increase 5; 4 reconunended, 1 re- fused. ` Rev. Mr. Joliffe, of Bradford, is going to tackle a tract entitled The Bible; an Historical Humbug. He ought to be able to show that the tract is a humbug. -Mrs. William Steers, made her husband the 1 bouncing baby girl on ' day. The services of the Collingwood chief of police are required to keep the Methodist Church of that burg Sunday evenings. The autocrat of the sidewalks, the dogsleigh, made his first ap- pearance on Saturday and pedes- trians who respected their shins were obliged to don wings and travel by balloons. A society has been organized to suppress the auto- crat. The members will be armed with stout clubs and the small boy and his dog: are hereby warned to beware-.-Collingwood Enterprise. The Cardwell Sentinel has this to sa_\': The town was wild the other night and chairs found their way through hotel windows in several instances. The air was lled with tufts of hair and profanity, and it almost looked as if the Scott Act had come into operation a_2'ain. Why some people are rushed ~.into the cooler on the sliglitest provocation and others allowed to outrival thel Indians of the Wild West is hard to understan(l.-Tottenham must be. :1 dreadful place. 50 Years Ago This comes from Victoria Har- bor: A rather laug-;hable scene took place at 21 murriagze ce1`emon_\' Sun- day last. The _e;room, after pur- <:11a.~xin._-Vz the wedding 1~in_g*, placed it on his little n;;'e1' for . .\t that part of the ceremony where the ring` is to he placed on the bi'i(le .< nger, the _;-`room pulled and twisted at his n__v;e1', but the ring woulil not come oil". At last the bride, who, by the way, was :1 widow, p1'0(luce(l a ring that did 3 nurlrl l H- -.. .. l`.....`,\.. /\-\l unuun, yxuuuucu (1 Lung, nun. u-u service on 21 former occa. and the ceremony proceeded. The Stayner Sun is manifestly in(li_2`nant and for good reason. Here is the evidence: He evidently .~.=toops to conquer, does Princi- pal Williams, of the Collegiate In- stitute, Collingwvood. He was here on Saturday looking for job work. Honor, manhood, self respect and journalistic etiquette, are thrown aside for a little gain; and, oh, so little. When a man of Mr. Wil- liams supposed calibre will do a thing` like that, who can blame his pupils if they copy at written ex- amination, or steal papers prior to writing. Wheat has fallen in price until it now only fetches a.dol1ar per bushel on our market. Still, even at this decline, we have no hesita- tion in advising our farmer readers to sell. New applications, 39; 24 recom-l mended, 4 refused, 11 left over for more information. New applicants recommended were: Barrie 1, Brad- fond 1, Collingwood 3, Midland 5, Orillia Town 5, Penetang 2, - Vic- toria Harbor 2, Flos Twp. 1_ Me- donte Twp. 1, Tiny Twp. 2, Cold- water 1; total, 24. n 1 n_n:_..._...__: A man \\'us brouprht to liarrie last Saturday by the Collingwood chief of police for safekeeping: The Colling'woo~d chief coul(ln t mz1na_e;e him alone and obtained the aid of some Barrie muscle and not the man into the Castle. The` Collin_s.-;- wood chief cautioned the governor to be careful, as his: prisoner was :1 tlztngzerous man. The cell \va:< got rezuly and the hanclcuffs removed, and while his arms were held fast was suddenly pushed in. The chief then breathed more `freely, but the man was as quiet as :1 lamb and continued so. He had been taxen. nun: uu: nu .... .. of November 29, 1888) , of Midland,` present of a. Thanksgiving If you have tried many kinds of house plants and nd you can't grow any of them successfully, you have certainly missed the Aspidis- tra. This is the easiest plant in the world to grow. Few people know the plant by its odd name, but everyone knows it by sight. It is called the Jron Plant. Perhaps if I try to describe it you will recog- L KIIZU lb. Always in a large ower pot it c is simply a group of slender daring green leaves rising straight up out 1 of the earth. It is a stemless plant, its leaves sprouting directly from a I tuberous root like the Iris. The 1 leaves are characterized by having I parellel veins which run their whole 1 length. The leaf is usually twelve ' to sixteen inches in length, about a two or more inches in width, point-11 ed at the end, and borne on a : slender tube-shaped stem or reed. Each of these leaves, remember, 2 ascends directly from the soil and`, not from any stem or trunk. The leaf, 9. dark green, sometimes var- iegated with a cream stripe, is sim- ilar to a thin sheet of glazed lea ther. Can you rescognize it now? You have often seen it in hotels, restaurants and libraries. The As- pidistra can stand more abuse than any other plant and asks only a poor dry soil in 'which to grow. Feed dand fertilizers are things dis- tasteful to it. ,-,L:__,L:_._ ...I3..._.. Ln.-unto Liihclul MU Alan I u It has a distinctive foliage beauty c: all its own. If you introduce an ti Aspidistra plant to your interior de- b corating it is simply like adding aib piece of furniture or some other in permanent xture, because it will just stay there before your windowln it seems forever, tolerating neglect,a abuse and all else, never once de- v manding attention. Now if you've t had hard luck with house plants,v here is a splendid one for you. You` just can t go wrong` with it. The V name of the plant comes from the j Greek aspidiseon, A little` round; shield, probably referring to they TWO GOOD HOUSE PLANTS drinking" and showed .<;.'mpt0m.< of snakes in _ 1 Conservative . young men, let us _;'i\'e you 21 word of warning. Don't be inveigled into the Grit parlor un-i der the professed pretence of No, ipolitics in municipal elections." It; is the old well-known but chestnuttyl -trick so often played. Then, young`; (`on. beware, beware. John hen 25 ol L1-ious as ever. vvuu.. -, -n......, _-. Applications refused: -Collingwood 1, Midland 1, Orillia Town 1, Mat- -chedash Twp. 1.