,v\.cu.-. ;u. uuu In on I31':uH'o1':l .\`z.. w for sixteen _\'e:11'.~'. M1`. S21nde1`.~I is r( of health and i.~ merchant in town. ` 1--P Di1`ect01`s: W. J. C1'ni;_v, George ;Fricke. Jake Jacobi. Ken. .\Io1'ri. J. D. Ro(l_9;e1'.<, Bvrt Roheruon. ,........., uualllhu uu: Lu\\t:1 rzue. Taxes unpaid are placed at $50,- 989 as compared with $50,529 last year, and tax arrears at $61,094 as against $65,545. Y________ ,., . .. __ -- `l 1'\-nu ` Year), duril {and ..b......uu 1pVIJ,U`2U- Expenditures in the Welfare partment indicated a decrease (Continued on page ten) }Su"1cie11t.in Levies to Stand Clear of Debt at End of ; Year, A1111ounces Chair- , mail of Finance-Miss J. Simpson Appointed Act- -111 (I !"Tnm1y- -nu. Jun.`- I fee} that this is an accomplish- ,ment our rate is not high in com- !pu1'i: with other counties, al- though hig; henough for fty-cent wheat, the chairman stated amid applause. The report of the committee deal- ing` with the 1'e1'umlinp; scheme for the town of Miclluml, which has now 1 (Continued on page ten) K I I Oicers of Barrie Kiwani.< Club [for the \'ear 1939 are: : K Y1..,....l ..4 A Ilr rw,,,-.1 I-O P1'e. A. W. Smith; \'1ce- Pre. J. D. Wisdom; Treasurer, `S. W. Moore; Sec1'eta1'_\', A. H. Felt 3 appointed for the 17th con.=,ecutive .4.-\ 1`.-..-... ..... um. .~\:v:I\ ll:'Ull:L'LlUll. I The nzmcial stzltenment. reveal.< ax idecidecl impro\'em:-nt in the collec- tion of tax arrears, the total this l_\'ezn' being $52,891 as a,<:z1in.~:1 $35,- !l364 last year. Although current rtaxes are down from $195.13? to. mills less on 21 lower assessnuent this yr.-ar. Total taxes collected showed an increase of $37,417 over last years, despite the lower rate '1`.u-n. .....\..:,1 M. ..L 1 - ($185,258, the tax rate was two Improvements Made on Nancy Islangi This Ye_J; recall back past the 1888 pe1-haps remember the ezu'l_\' winter (10.1-ribe<! to \'l11('C to-d21_\' by \V. J. J1; There \\':x.< little if I. `. thaw: over .' Those i 1 i V in steamer cxcur. to Big` Bay Point. The hzmd played and the I121.-:.~' \-.'e1'<.- ll_\'in`:_-' and people Went about the bout enjo_\'in_ the balmy -1` .. L .1`... ,,m.,.,,,,, u .the e.\'pre.s. hope tlzut all who . 1-e-election would be back in council agairl next _\'c-:11`. Alderman Fred Kenny, it is re- lported. will not seek re-election. l"Ln G L.` A,_x,, I ` , ....\....._,. Miss Jane Simpson, daughter of the clerk, was appointed acting clerk to carry on the duties of this office until the January sessions, or until her father's return, whichever oc- curs first. Hope that Mr. Simpson might soon be returned to his duties at the Court House was expressed [by the Warden. 1 fL..1......\._ ... T3.`.__..4- 1"!.___. 11-1- I u_y vllv vvuAu\a|Ao Chairman of Finance, Reeve W. J. Cunningham, of Alliston, inter- :jected a cheery note into the meet- `ing in his announcement that the counf_\' had suicient in levies to _stand clear of debt at the end of lthe year. I HT 1`..-I LL..L LL!` 1 _- -~4-~-.~`r' `L . , . .. ,.-..,,.\ ........ gubout breezes of :1 beautiful u1'Le1'noon." .... -.n...n.u.n.. It doesn t seem the same here .'without J. T., a member remarked I audibly. I \I.'..,. 13..-- O:...___-._ J__._.L;__,, _: E Re_2'1'et was exp1'es.~:e(l by the Warden that County Clerk J. T. Simpson was unable to attend due to illness. A letter from .\Ir. Simpson in which he pointed out that the present session is the first in sixteen years that he has been unable to attend, was read by Treasurer D. H. Coleman, acting in his behalf. l With \`\'zn'den Geo. Pi1ULCl`: 0l1 in ithe clmir and all members present la-xcept Reeve W. N. Johnston. of Orillia Township, absent on account {of illness, the November session of gthe Simcoe County Council got un- :der way Monday afternoon at the l Court House. h ing , In conversation with Duncan F. McCuuig, M.P., to-day, the Advance learned that a survey of the var- ious Wards is now being made upon request from Ottawa, following which :1 report will be presented for consideration. I have been in favor of the change for some time and believe it will be of great service to the town, said Mr. Mccuaig, whose untiring efforts to secure the best possible sewice for his constituency is well known. I .\'ovembc1' JlJ\.IL ..l . . Clerk. Ten Pages and Justice. :u:}.' frost- `. December, \', whicll \\'a.s who can mzlrk will fa 11 and .. ..._.u there ` this Ra(licr.l chz1ng.,-'es in I3z11'i'i(.-".< postal service, involving; the rli;~:continuance of most of the box .~v_\'stem and the inauguration of complete postal de- livery to all parts of the town twice daily through the addition of sev- eral carriers, is anticipated in the near future. Addition of Seveml Carr-` riers, Alterations to Post Oice, likely to Follow Survey now being Made by Department at Re quest of Duncan F. Mc- Cuaig, M.P. RADICM. CHANGES ARE UNDER WNSIDERATION HERE 1:11;- BARRIZEI - CE with Don He then u yvice__ Daily 9 Postal Delivery Planned .___j__j__ :_.:. gU . ._;. .._. uununb nu [annoy uuuu...-.A. The Department of Lzmnis and Forests _2'ave :1 grant of S250 last spring and under the supervision of? M. A. Adamson, of the Midhurst` Forestry Station, this went :1 Ion: way. The Island was piowod up` and cultivated . times, and: l_.:`) L... ..A.\;..-IAA ...:LL .....,. , I n. I zu'Iu. moved where 1' x... H... an 4 the o1dc. \.v he of the shot :1 .2 ` Coleman. .tol(l thv ...-V; 4 :- Personell of the club is as fol- lows: Hugzh .-\2'mst1'ong', Rosemount, captain; Jack Coleman, Barrie; Frank Livin'_2`.=tone, Barrie; )Iar. Webb, .\Iine. Willet Bailey, ;O1'm12`,-ville; Thos. Fines, Manseld;. [I-Iermun Swaeld, Everett; Newton Ludlow, I~I\`erett; Osca1'Stephen.4, Everett; Allan Scott. Barrie; Dr. Shanette. ,*Z\'e1`ett; Chas. Wzttson. |]32':uiI`onl; O.<(-:11` .\Ie.\IuHen, .-\lIi.<-` |`ton: 1%e::. Black, Bzlrrie. ` ` "The 5.:'z1me L1ppez11'ed very scznrce _ `the f'n'. week we were 1-11 e:11np,;` but in UN` . week every mz1nI_ {got his count and we could `nave; ..s ' V T . ...... nu... ulu IUIXUB LULUIU }\\'hen the hull was raised some lyeurs ago, placed in the case. l At :1 meeting of the .\'anc_\' Com- lmittee at Midhurst last week, Mr. ;\(l:lmSOI`l was highly commended for wthe work he had done this year. It :'\\'z1.< decided to urge the department `to make a further grant in 1939 to complete the program started. D. `F. .\lcCuaig. .\I.P.. agreed to try gand secure :1 small grant from the` {Dominion Government also. This 1would enable the committee to lmake Nancy Island a beauty spot. l 'where. picnics and family gatherings could be held. ` nun nu: L\\U 13 and 21 mr_~.:u house 24 by 12. Two wo1\'e.< and :1 bear were shot ill ue inwnxediato vicinity, ' Oscar Stephens. u 1nen1ber of the iparmu dropped a deer that was uh I_ ((`ontinuer1 on page ten) cook- while `I i \':1t ivo and mzm_\' L when . \ | . _ 13 Members Hunt Club Get 13 Deer umu w........\. .L....`.. .....c.~, uuu; vill be seeeded with zr:1.<.~ 1 59 spring`. (`on.uid01-able 1z1nd:.:cz1p-It N12 was done. shrubbery and trees! planted and walks laid out. The' schooner was treated with a p1~e.=er- Thirteen deer for thirteen mem- bers---that .< the record of the Rem- 'ing ton Hunt Club, which journeys` each your to Six Mile Lake, foui" ;miles north of Point Au Baril on `the C.P.R. Compri.~:ed of well known local and district men, mem-i bers of the club entered their hunt ling` _2 roun(l.< on .\'o\'ember 3 and re- turned with their full count on No-' vember 17. n " I Chief speaker was H. R. Hare, of the Economics Division, Deaprtment of Agriculture, Ottawa, who brought some interesting informa- tion to the meeting in connection lwith the records kept during the year 1936 among some sixteen hun- dred producers throughout Ontario, who recorded all their costs and in- come in connection with the pro- duction of milk in order to arrive at the net prot obtained in the dairy-' ing industry from the pToducer s standpoint. t LL- _:..1....... 1_._,,,I, , I 1 .,...uuyuunu. Of the sixteen hundred who start- ed out to keep records, 800 nished (Continued on page four) | ! REJVHNGTON HUNT CLUB ' PROVES NOTHING UNLUCKY ABOUT LUCKY 13. ` At an interesting meeting of some twenty-ve milk producers of the Owen Sound-Peterborough dis- trict, at which a delegation from Collingwood attended, was held in the board room of the Department of Agriculture Monday evening un- der the chairmanship of "Presidentl A I"..-._.l_-. u; yum; \.ua.u.A g Cumming. Net Profit 1 For Furmrs 4 Cents Elam {Dairymen who Kept Record! of Milk Costs Received` 500 Per Hundred Less than Cost of Production. stunt county 1rez1.<: All who hu _ H `gm. Lm: .)15}.01 U( :11` .-\l.x.<- CI<,i:drn 5 3k, (,"oun`cil`0n 23'22'd ppewed VOW \.c.n.Ce, are-11.~ Shelter in ` .` 1Ju1'chz1. at u 0 1]] c:1mp,g md man, I`l.] -_.- 1 u 1 \ Mr. I-*Iz11'r_\' .\',:1n we tailor, is r0t,i1'in:_" at the 1'11.- month. He is in hi.\ amh has been in the t:1iIm`:7n:` for t`o1`L`_\' _\'ou1`.<. His r.-`At shop \\`:x~: \\"nv:`o now .~t:m znui 2'r ,| . n u 3 old relics found; ...... ..-. -1 \\'l1IlC ` r ;en) ?%i%i3fi ; 3 wmnzns fd `.?:`:`f?U';`. r;.l`.[ ADV-`._ I`lU.!U Inn hnvei` J21c1' III {III I fall`: EPUZZLE: Co"r1:sT b accordance with the rules, '_| three opened were declared ` >0 at the .-Xdvzmce oice nm.`L:...... 4... L- --n.4-V I D `. ....- ..u-un-u\., ux;(uI_\ an CULT LUuL'CL1UI`..s' on this I(.`\ _\' t , 1 ".$`JT,1lS.l7, zi few municipalities H uilowcri for the p1`epa_\'ment of ii .$102,301.(;5 ha: been collected ,i'l'i1e C2l.~`i1 Pu_vmer.t.< from 1.~:t J21: iexceetled the L'UiI()CIi0I1.<, and :1: ',`hu.< inc1'ez1. from $200,000.00 ', :1`. the ?;i. October, 1938. _} I`l' .., ... uu. .-uu.uuu UIIICL more 1.~` 0 0 waxtmg to be collected: L A dollar for B. Fairthorne, 32 (Continued on page ten) ANOTHER ENTERTAINING CON-I TEST ANNOUNCED FOR NEX'l'u WEEK--EVERYBODY HAS A`, CHANCE TO WIN A CHRIST-L` I MAS DOLLAR. I 5Simcoe County Finances IP01 _Ten Months Period 7% 7 Nancy I. at the mouth of the Notta\\';1. River. on which isi housed the relic of the famous! schooner, has been _m'ez1l_v improved? during the past summer. 1 In}... `h.....`..4..\.....L -4` 1 .... I. -._ J ..\../nnunu LJlA'1|IQlVIlLLVl | l The Warden and Members of the County `Council, '- l"i1e Municipal Corporation of the County of Simcoe, E Barrie, Ontario. Dear Sirs,-We have audited the books and accounts of the Coun- ty of Simcoe for the ten months ended 31st. October, 1938. and have pleasure in submitting` herewith the following interim statements for thay period. Jxhibit A--Appropriation Account. Exhibit "B--State1nent of Receipts and Expenditures. `County Levy: The total levy on the municipalities of the County i i l "of Simcoe for the year 1938 as shown by the Appropriation Accounts-,f amounts to $34S),54~1.8SJ, made up as follows:-: | General .-.nnn Iirn An I I I It is with great regret we note` the absence of Tom Simpson, our County Clerk. He was taken ill over a month ago and is still con- ned to bed. I am sure I express the wish of you all, that we hope he will soon be restored to health through a speedy and complete re- covery and that he will be able to resume the duties which he has so faithfully and eiciently performed for so many years. We also miss from his seat Bill Johnstone, Reeve of Orillia Township. He has been seriously ill the great part; of the. ;summer and is, I understand, at the present time at Kirkland Lake staying with his daughter. I would [ask that a letter be sent from this ilcouncil exmessing` regret for his ab~ gsence and with best wishes to him, I An anal,vsi:~: of the nancial situation of the County of Simcoe, ,as presented by the auditors, together with the nancial statement cover- ing: the ten-month period ending 0ctob_er 31, 1938, showing the total levy, expenditures and balance of approprilition reinuininya: at this date. items appearing: in the balance of appropriation column in l1ez1v_\' type are items that have been overspent at the present time. I `I feel that npt for some _Ve11'. past have we met under more 1'uvor-' able auspices than we do to-(lay. Many of the clouds that have been hanging; over our heads are begin-, ning to break and clear sky is be-! ginning" to appear, Warden Patter-` son stated in a portion of his ad- dress, the complete text of which is as follows: l It is with very great pleasure` I welcome you to the November session ,the nal session for 1938, and the last one over which I as Warden will have the pleasure of presiding. An optimistic note was soundeci in the address delivered by Warden George Patterson, of Port McNicoI1, before .the County Council when it opened for the November sessions on Monday afternoon. The War-c'len s Address $3-19,544.83) Collections this levy to the 31st October, 1038, amounted to 8.17, l~.a\`ing.-; taken ad\`z1nL21_g'e of the discount .-(l their .~ha1'e of the levy. In addition 301.65 during 1938 on `levies of prior years. Jasli Jzmu:u'_\', 1.038, to 31st October, 1.0:}-8, have led us :1 rc.~zult the bank loan 01' the county ici-ez1. at 1st Janua1'_\`, 1938, to $310,000.00 :51.-1.01` | Shelter: In uccomlunce with By-Iuw .\'o. 1080 passetl b_\'l il on ._lune, 1!)-`l.\`, the prenii. l'onnei'l_\` occupied as the Chil-I lius hecn of for $8,000.00, and new premi.~:e.<,l seal cost of $7,500.00, are now occupied. ((j()l1f.l'n1`l>(l nn n-Ir-'n -"--` nu Lm: year LUGZS 2 Good Roads Iiducation Barrie, Ontario, Tuesday, November 22, 1938 AUDITORS STATEMENT \.. \JA J\.lA r,`7,UUU.UU, 000.00, (Contmued on page six) ICCL. 111 ' the rstl \vinner.<. 1 ~ there 7 I i A minor accident occurred Frid:i;vi afternoon on Bradford St., when '.-\le.\'. .-\1izm, Cookstown, driving" .~outh at Brock, ran into a car `:d1-ivcn by Jus. M(:CIL11*e, North Bay. ;Ailan lost control of his vehicle, `which suifercd some damage in the Jimpact and did considerable damage ito the McClure car. No charge was laid by police. i | While attending Mass at St.[ i.\[i11`_V S Church Sunday mornin;:,, `Harold Doran, Midhurst, had Ms] lnut and coat stolen from his auto- imobile parked outside the church. ~lPolice are in\'est'xg`at.ing. Kiwanis Xmas Cheer 1. ..... "5. I Mr. Gray also wished me to in- form you that progress was being made with regard to the renancing of Penetanguishene and Collingwood debentures, and a draft of this will: be ready for submission to you at the January session. It is desired that committees be reairmed as appointed during this session. The Children s Shelter, under lthe management of the Children s Aid Society of the County of Sim- coe, has moved to the new premises on Bayeld St. This is a splendid property with a very large playground for the children and should prove a` 3 (Continued on page nine) for a speedy return to health and strength. ;\+ 4.1-- 12...- ..... _2.\.. IKI` L.. ........ .... ..,,..... l At the June session of tilt) coun- cil zL scheme was approved for the refunding of the debentu1'e~.~, of the, `Town of Midland, the pztyment 01'; `which had been guzlmuiteetl b_\' the` Ilcounty. This 1'ei'un(ling` scheme{ has now been completed and ap- proved by the Ontario .\1unicipz'.l Board and settled to the sati.e1'uc- ition of the bondholder.~.!, also to H101 `mayor, council and citizens 01' the Town. 01' Jlidlzlnd. 1 would like to, take this opportunity of expressing `my appreciation and I am sure I also speak for the council, for the splendid work of Mr. A. J. B. Gray,` of the Department of Municipal At"-g fairs, for the very able and efcicnt manner in which he carried througzh this refuncling program. `IR/Tu r`....L.... -3 LL- mr___,s_,-,,_v . .... ., ..,;u...uu.5 yLu5LauA. I Mr. Carter, of the Municipal `Department, will be with us at Tuesday's session, when the final} draft will be submitted for your` passin-g`. i lt1U|'.. r~_..... _i_. .,,,-,1,, 1 U1l'l`lI* bo_\'.~' and girls are in~ vitcrl 10 . with. the iiiwanis Club in making other less for- iunutc Jlzirrie children happy at Christmas time by contributing either discarded toys (in good condition) or new toys. Con- L1`ibuLi011s will be received at all .~`(_'l]O()l.~' at 11 date to be an- nounced by the principals. I.\I mu. x,-uLu:uL_\ UL Lin: ucpurllllellt. It was pointed out by Mr. Mc- Cuaig that un_vone wishing: to rent a box at the Post Ofce may con- ti ue to do so, but it is anticipated 3% the number will be limited to :1 j'e\v l)usinr.~:.< rm.~:, as household- ers generally will nd the de'i\'er_v service much more convenient. Questioned us to when this Cllal1f;,`C is likely to take place, Mr. 3IcCu21l: .~:tz1te that while he was unable to.` say leniLel_\', he expected that the new service would most likely be inaugurated late in the winter or in the early spring; L- :u'1'iv ..., \.uurr\.:L.uwu, u1`lVll1f.;' : was! \' hn] inn MINOR ACCIDENT COAT STOLE N .$238,G.S0.00 50,670.00 51,194.89 v v \..uu1.*,. In commenting: on the report, .Ma_\'o1' H. G. Robertson said: I urm.:. .,:LL, n I.u. week the Advance 1'epo1'te(i jfznniiy of Stuyner as suhsc1'iber.< to this paper. With Dr. A. E. Mur- ph_\'.< renewal was enclosed :1 note stating: that the Advance had been fcoming: to the Murph_\' home since 1892. In seeking: to locate the 1`on;2`- lon_g'e1' sub. period to this paper to inform this office. mn- __-_.-,,a . .... . the lcn_:Lh_\' term 01' the .\Iu1'ph}.'. est term .-ub.s-(:1'ibe1', the Advance in- ` vited those who had knowledyre of 21- 1,..,,\,. |.\} uuuuu yum KTHHLC. ` The record established by the ; M11rp11_\' f'ami1_\' is shattered by :1 wide margin by that of the family of Major DA1`c_\' Hinds, who \\'l'it0.~` i as follows : :11! VII .. I -.....,..- . I My g'1`andfathe1' was :1 . [er to the Advance in the 603. my A (Continued on page three) I .., ..... _uuu;-.-1 ax.-u uuuuu LU\\H }\v1m. memories are incapable of: ua1'1'_\'in;:' them back more than 1131*` In century, the m011th.< of Septem- ber, October and .\'o\'embe1' 1Tl d}.`l well be de.' as The mi1de; I From Mr. Mc.Cuaig it was learn- ed that present plans, if carried through, call for the addition of several men to the staff and a com- plete coverage of the town twice daily. It is possible that the busi- ness section may receive postal de- livery three times daily. As many of the boxes will not be required, it is anticipated that changes will be made in the Post Ofce that will utilize space now occupied by the boxes, thus greatly improving the interior appearance and adding to the ef'cienc_\' of the department. T1: wnc nrn`n+;ul .-...+ I... 11.. 1r, Town"s Financial !Standing Improved ,-.-.._.u. u. u. u.uucLLaull azuu; This is possibly the rst time in many years that we hav not had an overdraft in the bunk instead of :1 balance. You do not need to be [ashamed of this .~'tuteinent on nom~i I . mation night. i I An A-.n.. 2.. -1` ~----- ` " ' ...,,-.... I An expression of appreciation for the co-operation extended by mem- bers of council during the year was ivoiced by his worship, a1on,2' with {Mayor Pleased with Results ` of Yea.r s Operations-No` Bank Overdraft. I fl-Iimds Family (Subscribers I For 84 Years ` i NEW YEAR S 1 EXCURSION -rs-r rrrvv -: 1 C'on. improvement in the: to\\'n'.< nzmciul .~vt21nding' was re-: vealed in the report read by Town Treasurer A. W. Smith at the meet-[ in_r: of the town council Tue. evening`. T... ,.-...._.-.,4L, v` I Major D Arcy Hinds Claims,` Family Longest Subscrib-I ers to the Adva.nce--Mur- ; phy Family Record EX- : ceeded. . I 1 [vfmimiszsszons `W mung cmmczz. owns \ \\. I It may be a good thing` from al `health standpoint, he continued, "`but I have always used raw milk, (or what I prefer to call `natural lmilk. It is more important to my mind to maintain sanitary stables and surroundings than it is to force all farmers to pasteurize..`| `AM. `l'\..:..`l......... ....~_.1 -11 :..L--V H. Sanders Retiring in 86th Year up avnuu nu ACLIIICLD uu yaau:uum:.. I Mr. Drinkwater urged all inter- ested farmers to take a strongl stand and vote against the propos- ed compulsory pasteurization meas- I nun `Ex-Wrdmt {Supporter of Watura Milk I _.-v......,,. I A lot of the milk producers are bucking it and so am I. It will! 'create a hardship on a lot of ;farmers, many of whom are making Ia living` from a few cows. They will be up against a tough pro- position if this legislation is allow- ed to go through, declared the ex- warden. , . . . _ . l I 1 Ex-\Va1'den John .~:t1'ong; I voiced opposition pul. pasteurization of milk, in a ;brief address I . n6` Han b efo re the opening: S. Drinkwate1' to com- v i I x I i .,u..w.,uuu U Monday. I u\ 1,.` V r I I 1 I i Compulsory` Pasteurization? Will. Work Hardship on I'v[a.ny Farmers, Claims J .3 -`C 523 . Drinkwater _ To the _\'oun2'er set about town. 1, \ .\ ,.- ` "' ..\.\..\..-.x -u\.;\.u\. nu, \ll1Clllll`l.', 5 of the County Council on. 80's VfKiw%a;1:g_~ 9_iC1ub Elects i.Officers In Tailoring` Business Here for Forty Years.-We11-, Known Tailor is TOW11 S_ Oldest Merchant. i I