Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Advance, 23 Aug 1938, p. 2

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Some critcism of the :h1:-`._\~-.-.- cent. admis.' charge to the Bar- rie Fair ha: been \'c1c~_` by u ttzzm ber of `visitors to the .-\\I\.:m-e 01 ce. Twenty-ve ('~.-:.t.s. they sug gest, would be :2 more }:0p1:}:xx` p1';c4=; and would result `n greatly mt creased :;ttcn at the Barrie` Exhibition, which all were unam- imous in declaring 1: one of thc nest in the province. T1."-has 1-nr-c-t w-;n':~`. whlic fie" Heppy A .=pe-aker at Lake Couchichingv conference referred to Premis) Hepburn as a child of nature wh sings whatc-vex` comes into his head , Rerhaps he ada.pted that. ditt'9 of Sunshine Susieiw: I don't. kno\\ `why Im Hrlppy; I only know I am Somn-times when Mitch Hepbum`, ta!k.~` ad lib.. ha dor-:~' not add Lio Pre Star. I Job 20!` George The Royal Air Force i.= now ir position to let George do it in \'r~r_\' literal \\'a_\'. Many airplane of the .~r-rvico are equipped with ax. automatic pilot. known colloquially as Gf`Ol'f;'(`. 'I`hi:< robot with atten 1 {ion and a(lju.-iment at intervals of! 1:`) to 20 minute. can .~teer an aiv 1 plann on n .4-wt (~nur: with superw iliumun zu-cura< y.--Womls`tm`k Sen`t'-| `nr-l-l`.IA\`im\ . 1` .. ........r - .uu ;Soliciror for obtaining probate of `will, guardianship and adminishation and General Solicitor, Notary Con- veyancer, 6.-tc. nrnxwwxv mm v I'\ 1'7 CAM E RON & CAMERON .iB.-XRRISTERS. SOLICITORS. ETC. ' 5 Owen St., Barrie. Phone 406. [ \lr\\v`vvv FIQPN -A. BA RRISTER. SOLICITOR. ETC. . . ._- . ._ ._. .. ' ' B.-\RR.ISTERS, SOLICITORS. NOT- `ARIES PUBLIC. COI\'VT'ZYAI\'CERS.` ...-....... - v.....\. vv_uu.4;.x-u-..4;;u Money to loan in any sums at lowest current rates. 1.8 Owe-nSt. - Barrie iD. M. Stewart C`. D. Siewaz BOYS & BOYS ER.-\RR1STI .RS. SOLINTORS. NOT- EA RIFIS PUBLIC. CONVEYANCFRS, ] ETC. I \JH|L'l`I In U\\'(`I) BL. l\Hl.(HII('. .ll,'."li|l`I\` Bldg. Branch Ofv-. Iihnvalv. ~ `J. R. Boys. 5. F. Woodul .1. In ..-uyvrn.u, an-V. Successor to Creswicke A`: Bell EBARRISTER. SOLICTFOR, ETC. MONEY TO LOAN x `N r :1 \\ L?! roprterz nn H 111 \ ` ...._.. lMoney to Loan at lowest Rates of { lntercsl Ofce: 13 Owon St. N(:s.-onic Temple mm. Rx-nrtrh nm.L-. T7hnx'21r: `~ Lu:-um-u. I L1`!-\) Solicitors in High Cour; of Ju.'Tir:9 Nomrios Publir, Conn-yanc-Hrs to loan at 1 \\Vo.\`t rates. Ofce: Lu F|or Masonic Temple 5"-ldg., Bowie. rJ,.L . .. ll vuuront I1 11! '2`...- i`G. I-1. Esten ; DR. c. C. FLEMING 1V1-:'1`E~R1NAmAN AND ss17m.):0.\ I" IJ-IVLJIMJIJJ OJIAIAA.-l\4 \l`|ng_p Motor Ambulance in Connection Open day and nL:;ht. Morgue and Chaps`-1 in vonnnckion. Establinhetl 1869 nl_._._ on Russia n. Fhong, 82.] Masonic Temple Bldgn, Av; v./-VA.IA L \J .IJ\I.-A\ Ofce: Masonic Temple Bldg. Omce, 48 Bnyeid Sh, Bm`r1*~ T`DQ.I'\\Y'I'4` 91` .uvv4; ;u uu.:.- Ofce: Ross Block, Barrie. to1'n1lr.:l1t have ln Tho tlp is .<`l.l zxmn probably only a sh the same perszm really hoi" for boys. STEWART & STEWART ALEXANDER COWAN BARRJSTER G. G. SMITH 8: CO. FUNERAL DiRECTOR.S D. F. McCUA!G, _ , _ . _ _ _. L- r*<... _ GORDON LONGMAN var:-nu.` . . ..~.....\_ SI(_)E:r'mT0 LOAN .3 uuncx. cu. M ONEY TO LO.~`.'.\' ESTEN :5; `-151 `EN v-. A V-\v.'lVrn\> M0ney to Loan PRESS WOPINIONS \\'(? \VOlil(I `err-;~1f$ of .:r-r1ou.=1_\' Business Directory IllA.llV .u- .- BARR?S'|`h.7lS vu A.-s-_yu...u u-.` PHONE 31`: The Barrie Advance 3D}! I Barrie, On: I-.;J.OTARY ` Barria Mighty Uproar | We really cannot complain :_1bou*.' our rteighbors requiring tourist.~: to remain at least 48 hours in Canadz before securing customs exemptim on their purchases, becauze we have had the .-came regulation in force as it applies to our own citizens for months. Moreover. if Canauz sxhouiix make all tourisl purchase: up to $100 duty-free, as the Univ States did recently, we imaglm there would be a mighty uproal from many mer(-hant.s.-vBrocl-(viill Recorder and Times. 5 lZ 1l'llH` j ` baby -lsome I`P()})1`1l': J1}! can. my hm r-1u.<. and n .-...nnn I.\vn\~1' During a nancial panic a farm er went. to the bank for som ,n`.om=_v. He was toid ihe bank we `not paying out money, bui was us ing cashier's: cheques. . no nnnl nnf 11113:-v fhic -\~/ mg casniers unrqutx. 1. He could not undr.-r.~'tand this :12. l _msisted on money. V ' The oicr-rs took him in liami, one aft:-r another with little effr-U. At last the p1'esi(lem, irir,-(l his ham; *and after a long and minuie ex _plan::tion some inkling of the .uitua~ ',t.ion seemed to be dawnirsz on Il`.F ' ?'m'mei*'s mind. 1 said: You 1i11dr-r.=tm1(l now how ..- ,1.-n'+ 1-A11 `)5 `b Much encouraged. tl1epi'r-. l ;.i l FUHH HI ticket. VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES" (BARBIE BRANCH) Miss 1. Lawsun Phone 791 I \ D.-xruun on: l`;'...1'1'l Miss I. Lawson Phone 791 `Well-Baby Clinic, 2 to 5 p.m. every`: Friday. Application for nu2`se s services may b made drirect or through doctors. .,... ... ... .v.....,....... Graduatr of I\-IcGi11 University, Montreal. lop and Poyntz Sta, Barrie. Phone 105 iO`1ce and Re-sidevnce-Corn0:~ Dun- Oicc Hours: S9-10 a.m., 1.3 p.m.. '7_Q rurn DR. N. W. ROGERS I I i PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON l Special attention Obstetrics ` .-\.ssoZ'Yatc Carrmtr for Bimcoe Counf.y1 I Ofc, and Residence 50 Mary S. Phone 101 3 `Office Hours: 8-9.30, 11-2.30, 6-8.301 Ofce: OVr_-9 As.<(-ciato C0rcz1e2', County of Sim-1 coe, and DR. A. D. GRAY Associate Coroner, County 01 Simcoe Jhono GI Ofce--58 Comer 5!. Office Hours : 8~9 a.m., l2.3'0~2 p.m., 6.30-8 p.m. lil'\\` 01' L tip A-W,` | LIIC CHSLWI on IROPRA C'I`_ORS and D ! THERAP1 STS ..n rs ;-.uuu4x; A-u4u #52:: Dunlop 5!. Phones 403 Electric, Hydro. Physio and Electionic Treatments. I\`l:1:s21;:(: and Corrective Adjustmvnt: Blood Tests and Urinalysis I `Home -1r Ofce Rates Reasonable Resxdence 144 Maple Ave. Phne 700 P. C. LLOYD FUNERAL DIRECTOR 47 Elizabeth 5?. Fh'no 218 AMBULANCE SERVICE - AL-AD~l4\/D4A-V ....u AJ\4JV\J`lA\IA` Ofce-Owen St. (Fomterly occupied by Dr. L. J. Simpson) J. H. N. SMITH. M.D. PHYSIC1.-X_\' AND SURGEON Arr .. A :- srnc;iz3r gigx-nn1_E'.A's':s OF WOMEN GEO. R. AND E. R. UH I )UU ? think I admitted Ihai so-1'. II .~ like this. When In)` wakes up at night and want` I >mHk. I gfive him :1 milk .4-H I Thr` DR. E. G. TURNBULL nun, : 47 Maple Ave. Telephone 213! Hours: to 4 13.111. and T to p.m., or by appointment. Milk DR. W. A. LEWIS DR. W. C. LITTLE Ticket Simile Licensed 'T`(\<`D E n ma! DRUGLESS 'Q docto" lake ex eir per oxen-3:` ing . favor.- 1.\'TO '.'iQ bu:-11-2 to-lay 21 m-w an 'db0\'~: .]'1:' mar ~ xv)-itera; pounding partnmnt that p :vr-1' zncruaszng wi1.`- nd favor when 111: oico to draw a comf m~ ditation. To such a fri(:n(i'.y circle. nn aw lived kl` nganiza zxpplyinx.-' I to ma] life. 11 BURNS UH ll them. L.- n 1` The Qgigto Cbrjrier the hustle, buetlu and rush of it busy no: and di'L-rent some-,thin;_: that is : of the presses and the sharp 5 pou:2ding out the live, pulsating news that perhaps belong` ot yesterday. 1 inczw-.1sinu' appeal for man_\' to-1noto\\'.~`. with those who, when 111-: can is locked, or the catth- bedmlu c0m1'o1't:1b1 chair up to the n-, ax` m Tn :-\1I>1r1 n:- lvhumn Han l\nin6 ("nu-run ?.~ 111' Ullill-lU11. as these, the Quiet Corner is d It is yours to enjoy and usg. 1': alfor-cl you and ihe plua;~:u1'es you in tum may are i:1\`ited to contribute a1'ticle.~' to th-9 Quiet. are c.-'.pec:'aEIy invited. `Thu nsfhnrir-`r, nndnr xvhnxv. \'I]`1I'-T'\'ii"I t i.`.1't5 \.`.`.p'.`Ll.' .I1\'1Ll;'U- The patlinder, under whose .-up:-rvision the Quiet Corner is (on- ductcd, believes that there is an abundance of latent ta}-fnt amongst th-~ amateur poi-txs of this district that nerd.~; but :1 lititlr: encouragement. and an opportunigy, to develop into something really worthwhile. Bet\\'e(:n the pages 01' some old 1'orgot.ten book you may have tucked away a rare gem that woud be enjoyed by thousands if published in the Quiet Corner. There so much brightnesc in the dullness about us jusrt waiting to spring in-to \'(:1`S: that will bring joy to others, that there should be enough contributions each week to fill the Quiet Corner to overowing. The Cniet (`nrnslr is rlpxiurnr-rl fn rnrlisnp }1z:nnin..u: _;nvl n1!-n1(H'lt.-I: unuugn cumrxuuuons eacn weex 10 mi me quiet L-O)'Y]-1` 1.0 overnowing. The Quiet Corner is designed to 1'adia'.: happin.ss,-and memoriezs, to give amateur poets an opportunity to see their poems in print. From an old scrapbook comes this poem by John D. Wells that 1011:` the silo)-y and 1he,'aim.~' of the Quiet Corner betier than 1 could explain it. Here .Lt is: `-Some poem is that aint been writ The songs that ain t been sung.-`_ Who }1 take the time :- To write Em out an set `em down . in rhyme 5 Like what the-y"d omer be--some soul that sings An feel an understands them sort 0 things. The songs that ain't been sung. Why, all mound, In yonder winter skies an on the ground 3 in beam-en, no matter where` folks Eooks, A n in boo :5. W11`. I . `An 6: `That if _vou i1 Iaok you 1} see little bit Of _\Iatur-'- .- work an nd a rf for it. The .~ong ;~ that Them hormy `Of home p-:~rhap;<. I that b1'ing.~. E01 1-ecoilectiowas 1 HID` 3 tlp-of? Th0j< 'T`L, ..A I A nd ` U(i E thr>u:_J'1; 1 hif_v'hr-1' 5;! . I .,.m.. . A song about a barn an" cattle thvn: A-1'1-:tti11` in their stancmons, whilst I \ ` \\'}*r : x'~`ql1i1`0d in you hz1v.- n scrap book. will 11. frm Illjl. I (`ontributions should be brief no that thc-rrz will be room for all to have a part. `Write lc-gibly on one ,l., 5('Y'H[) l`UUr\. 5|. will 1).. from \\'01`H1-while 11 :\vI'\r.\- 1u.4- xr` Ulll"I mz1_\'lv 111011.-:11 I`l\I! -. The (-311int1wlr*t.< will not he .'-1\'r:'l l able for an inlermled public to `:21 /.9`. upon until 'l`114=.~t'i:1_\'. August 23. This xvas xhe informa,Li0n rec'r-i\'r-H In Bar-rle last Wednculay when an` American .a enjo_\'in_s: 21 motor` hip t'ln'ou_:'n this` district, and head-` ml for C:-xll21ml<-1`. received when she` l.el<.phon<:d thzu famous spot from tlw Bztrrir: infornwtion booth. The `BARBIE vxsrron ` MISSES QUINTS 1 ll_V U1':` 1-port e1'.~ 1' mi.rht . 63.. m l}l (.3 H I Who `r{nO\\'5 1. .__C.H1:] L Ll.``- a.1us has--no matter where y "ha, I nill\!' .H ;' JCd1XH3 an LU\ClL" with white, .~:p1'-'-ading out for ac.-res, nu" l';{V`]1T 9or._~__rs that ain t. been sung. it `.. m4==__ ' I); (xx "ind. bven sung '. THE; UNSUNG SONG um... majybe c i:h+>1n ~: the :5 Ln: .~p1 an plow. .\`lLl4'.` Xmn` ..-V) . 1\ FOR BETTER finest in the provtnce. During recent )`ear;<, fa fan's have been passing throubh somewhat (iiicult txmes, and in some places have shown a declznc m attendance and general mterest, rthe Barrie Fair has shown steady progress and has advanced its status from class C. to 21 class B iair. This is a distinct tribute to those public-spirited citizens devote many hours of time in the interests 01' their commumty via the Fair Board route. It is evidence we believe, that the poiicy of the .-`kgricultural Society has not been far astray. A: 9 cnzvrrzdiofl that might worl who . '1 will start arm` 1 will cease to 5 T will c to I will \vastr- no I will look som I will .=-arch fr) 1 will try and ] will coaso to 1 will not he s\ 1 will not dmiy I will try to .~- I wiil (`nas.(- to 1 6: 1:1; 1 qui` IYFA 71 boys an 1'u_22ed-3'ou am \ ,. I larm. a}1co\'e1'cd up {*9 uy- u. A... .....v. anew Ihis morning: with a hifzlwr. stand colnplaining` of my 1'uthIe.=.~ l sit 1"-ph1in`2` whilra my dut_\":~` (-2 momr-nt Whininr: and my hvar`. < . about mv for tho thh-13.35 that merit praisu: ; for hiddm`. h.auties' t]1aL -Iudr- the grun)1(-~r .< gaze: ; t.)`_\' nd contentnwnt in H10 m1th;< that 1 must. tread. ha.vre 1'e=sentn1ent whvn (mother moves ahcad. be :<\\'nyn(] by r:n\'y whr-n my ri\'.'1".= .rh'o-nmh is ;~`ho\v11 : his mv--rit, but I'll . to prove my own; ` .~:-x- tho beauty r~Ipr~a hr-1'01-0 ms-, ma"-1'. or shinc-- l pr-at-1*. your dut;\' and hr mow. mncrrxlwi with mint: r but that some poem` u'\~f1nn -uni `.n;~L .l HEALTH Eh.'1t up an" "Li2`I< your y find rhyme`! ain t been sung. . things -` an naybors folks I thins. .=Lil1--it`s 1'estin' Th; Pathfixidez DHEIII1 U1 U1` htlndrm memh'-r~'. V1 to put .,. _ . .L `r\"\ U) \\'t`I'K. llxzuxy in the Quiot, worth pro.=r=1'v- Conducted B y v-\. 1 L`1'Ild that_ `~19 nl` : directed. Welcome cmoy for the h.-xppines: i C \'nn in Turn H\)|\' 1`L1\s`~` (111 {(3 (\1)'1`V`~ no_w.~p21pcr oirc 1h-rrc comes omt-,t1-ling as oid as Lilne. Unheard staccato click of the type v, news of to-day has` crept 2: do :' but winch should haw ax`. 1an_\' It is a de}::211'tm.o1:t. thui. `ho, curs.-5 of the day are over. bu-d1(-d down for the night, lik- and :~:pL-mi :1 While in 11-.st.iv ,..<. ll](`l`(' mmor and Fm .' :1 .< dr\ what` you . is ll|`('{*~ 2 .(`.`.". tnrted '|"l1n `USU .3 1 ThP1'4 : \\-unruxv u left; I By S. E. Ki`: 8! CREED - -side of the paper only and do not sen-CI original coplos as the editor cannot undertake to return mat,er.xal ; 1To1'warded. I Um... C.- n .unInv\/XI ! 1:41 In nnnnn 1 J:Ul`\V'H'Ut`U. V | Here: is a. splendid little poem !,"tha.t has been submitted by one who `has already knocked at. the door of the Quiet. Circle and found admlt. ance. It ts beautifully into the gs-neral theme on this our opening `week : \lILl llI'.' I All IJEDI.` FISH MAC S ; mchin VVFIILL I HJVI FILKL glf you have gentle. words and looks, ; my `friends, i'.Fo spare for m<=-if you have tears l in ;-had L0 .Ht` That 1 nave su'ETed--ke'p not, I pray, Until I hear not, iee not, dead 111` you have owers `:0 give. fair Jiiy ` buds, Pink roan-:, daises, (meadow stars \ that be 11\`Iine own dear r.a.mesakc.~)--]r:13 them bloom and make The air, while yet I breathe ii, \' swrlet for ma. `L'.`\H(1 l'iH'(fEL |HUi:UI.'.'. ' sufce, . . Offewd to one who gaze 1`Cpun their beauty ` \ coffins laid gIn1pa1't no swe days. . `For I H ow ' 1 TUESDAY, A\.UGUS 1" 23. 1938 1 And E And L Phone 1377 133 Dunlop SI. 1 And here is a 1:116 select-;d pocm `that may nd a p}ac_e_ in many ell: --or new, scrap-books: LEC-AClES LL, I Unwvv ,.L:1A 31.... 1.-.. .u~ D"LLUI' U`\ iill fee. A m0th< 1~.,-v.-1'<.-nt.1y At gr21 or pr: bliss Of bedtime. wi -,1` and Id.- l)nAu .I`7lrl nl nOmv".< UCl'()5.\' lllt` tho God. and you. , Mm`: your oontril :'-. I-.:+.. hr v-n~ V 11110 ; Uill.'|\`\'1UUXZU; J1. _VUl.l HL`\"'.`l kmw `At .=11pp:-rtimc. the hush that ush-'2'~ - ed prayer. Or hands that waved you to the .~'ho1'rs of sI1e'p, Am : xappy dr child, 3 n+\' vnn :1 placv in P;-.1hx'.dv-1'. T3 , I`\n lzuiy wa f01'n`.:1ti0 nmnlw r .<\\'o-1-c- v 121:i_\'\m.~ di. in the in 1'm'm:11inn rec:-i\*r-ti. but de':i1:hted in another !u-.~'p(%(`l. The voice that an Lh-- t.Io1-hone at the Quin 11}:l1.~' 1m. \\'.=1:< that of Dr 1.Dafne. \\'ho.u= name is almost as uni w-.1-. known as the names of his lvw famous little chargzes. ` K1 was a thnll to get talking to `Dr. Dnfoe, even if 1 can't see the `Quintuplots. she explained as she `hung up the receiver and hurried out to the car to tell the news to her conmpanions. na `wtte 1' ('lU.\l I) }121ppy `nrnnc 11 An /`u1I\ l`wo loving looks, though frau with tendemess, i kin tears. though they thick and fast, ri word: of praise, alas, naught avail iift the shado\\':< from 21 that s past. 7E`Il(lL'l' UlUHAUl'."f days, plr.-u.-:m L rvcoilc-ctions WHILE I AM HERE u L. ' .,. lrl\V.'1 u-nvplp nrvtl Di:\":. you. Alexander 0 the quiet on this. its- .. (nHu.cnr-1,. :1-1'. Ont. >. EHIH )U|.l. cuur (-omributions. origina) hits of prose or short ar- at you (-o'r.v.=_;dr~r worihy of in the Quint. Cormr to The -r." in arr of the Advzmcv, I`\uL- 5 1-'11't-r-0.01:: are not woxw-`n. hlossor.-:9. bnc'ku-round; if you never U1 tllldll |".L_\ _;u` many "reporu-r:< `in;-' `.'.o\v.< but :11` ..3| Tn fs U115. IL. inu.-new-' ~ Han De, haste. alas. the 1`ni$h'e.:` . with its may and p1'z~`.y- klss. a1thm.1_<,-;]1 your home .1`. 1. UL llilI.`pJHCL`-3 I on to oihen. xrr, orzginal 1) row, IHDILD child that has `kl! L shaii fraug}1+ ._L nlay W1E`:(l m n1'?1r~.= rests with in gold `I{1I." `E iso old .c`\l..` (.'Ul'H`I` CUIHUS {U 1`St week. What o u-nut` u-irrl in 55 to depa1".~.<.` Louis Fraser. I\I\'|V"\ Av urn-n no what can they ihe unfo1'gotten `r-r 0 FCC (I ` 'g'hbor'. n1: .1 V (ll: k n ow hand-shr1(3- IL mzty You poems childhood of swr:r:`a no ['(':u-. being them life that As a suggestion might to the benet of the fair and a the same time rectify the complaint of Those who believe that the ad- mission charge is high, we won"? suggest that the Barrie Agricultural Society consider a policy in force in a number of other towns of sim ilar size with respect to admission 1'har.'f-5. Tho nniirv we would sllggest is EAT MORE III'\\ the I'..'1( 1.` El ]lUlL'Ylll.|` It often happen-, L :1 paper i.~ ;_-7\w-n 2:. fhwn 501'.-:I]hp()iYIl6.`<]` x:ew.- whuh me ed" - known for hmlrs.` :1ppre<'iatod and it `I? short while br.-fora} `son gets :~`omet.hin;r, the :`.e\\`.~`pup-er. P311121. litor onvr` told ml: the Iriemi Make thvm kinds of pr-01:] ,...l 2,. .-. V\l'\` - tI1i1 Tatrriv Ahuanre EDITORIAL n'LumL_\ Hunt for on-mzlx cent a An...- up: Lu 1.:-\\.~ iult that mm._\ ,4 An ~l.nu'- charges. h` The policy suggest ta that of holding an advance sale 0' tickets primed in ships of four which sell at one dollar. I\:Iember= I of the .-Xgricultuml Soc-ietv will nd local and di.=triL-t merchants willinrz to co-operate in ihe sale of ticket= upon which the returns are mad and the ticket: picked up the day previous to the opening of the fair. When the gates of `he fair ofcially swing open for businc-<<. the a charge rr-\'e1t.~' hm--` to thirty-\'e ems. `] The zxhovn s_\.tem of timrkl : 1'e;~1ult..~` :n :1 tremc-mlou.= mlvam-:.`: sale which ;n`a.**.ical`j.' _::ua1':mt.ee- `[ the l'(1F !`.(i(ll`!(' for T,ht- fair :11`-.d' r:ive.~ thc-se who xvi:-`h to take 2:1 i \ vantuyzot of the oer an nppoitunit_\'if in make 2: ~ul).-uimfzxl .~:n'iI'.: and to 9 <-'l.`Lll`P n at the populari` m'ent_v-ti\'e Gem chm`*_:e. The rnhml thou. who do not zwail thev.1~11' ` r -w- "rm -l-Established 18-l7- ay at 123 "L1x:iv:~1- Street, Bzmie, Ontario. nd H. M. 1'2`-a\"Zo;< In`.-anaf_-'e1'). owx1::';< and 3' :2e\\'s1:-:xpu'tievotrri 1') the building` of :2 rie and to Lhe tut-ring; of :;lo. C0-Op-1'51- nd Cmn:`.1'y. .m`. 112! 3' that the: up. nu. ~ .enu.~ _\uu n; in :11`: r-oplo he potcnti.~1`W . u-H`;-H Ll `I'Il.` Ht! another ('11!) ` l`In-1*_v wzfe knows that her hu. h:md'.~ \'fe\\`.~' on home buying av ;x'mpl:. Thut he fu\`or.< the local ll1El`L'llLl.llt in preference to or far .L\\ ;l_V bargain dealers, she may ;:it.t2'ibute to the wefl-known ma.~cu iline Cll2l1`Z1('il`lstlC which gzm: birth lto the phrwae. We men must stick to}:ethcr." Perhaps he doesn't say an great deal on the subject of home lmying: in case he should have thi* exacting responsibility wished or him as a lesson to teach him to mind his own bu.~`iness---that 01 earning money to keep the home ' hm ha in nlpnspd_ nevertheless earning money 10 Keep me uuu.e but he is pleased, nevertheless when his wife shares all her trade among the local merchants. And there is reason for him feeling con tent when she does so. He knows that when times are good he earns more money. He also knows that a. tight money situation .'n his owr community can be helped by con centrated buying through local channels, so that the prot is saved for tre crmununity instead of wasted away in some fanaxvay, dis interested market. He knows that when local merchants are gettinr the maximum trade from the dis trict. they, in turn, are spending freely in lhe community and so eas in}: the tight money predicament. If you ask your husband why ht likes you to trade at the local store he will explain in more or less dc tail that in doing >0 you are creat- ing new community wealth. EDANGEE SIGN-A_L g ON THE BAY` ADMISSION TO FIIWR 1. the ! cu fror ll Kempenfeldt Bay is flying a dan _-zcr .~:i,r:nal these days. The beau Liiful spring-1'--d body of water up- on the bzmks of which the town 0` Barrie is situated is _ .=i;:n.= [of stzigxiation that will e\'entuall_v ilead to :1 s~`:1*io11.< problem for the }citizens of Barrie to face unle.<.r `steps urn taken to correct the air- ` uution. j I I...4 +.. 4|. .....o A4 Akn ("...~...l:..ni 3`, ULl.`lIl" unchm lems 'u~n 1n. guauon. | - 1 Just to the e'.L of the Canadizutg" `.\'ntional l{aiI\\'ays station splotchu.-i- 0! green and bi'o\\'1i wg-ei.~' zlre peep in}: through the .~`L1`l`flC. There is ill sxzxgrizlxit conglomc-rat.ion of we!-d.- .: in-fu;~'e, frog scum. e`.u.. which. while! not pzu'ti('ula1`i_\' dz11i:_v'e.1`0L1s 100kiI1:'i ju.~:t mv. hu< grave possibilities. hi} ztimv. if `diis condition is not clean- lmi up. this situation will .` to} who extent that the whoirt wa1.r:1'-I ix`:-m~.: wiil hecoim u stagnant, un-7,. `h.:.:xlr11\` nnn} 111: xvi nrnvn 9 :10 1l'UX`. \\l.l heaxlthy pool uialvd (1!-trxm L .... ` . UUUH thu ent t 4 .....c l`I `lll'l'UUHHLH`_L'.` `Tho rn:1\i.~` urv hL`:|(t}1(`H .~w.'\m Humid ii.~x'mnf< Ithn<- who mm! frag` the month. \l.'L-A .` ..X.n `tion with gthe hay. IUL-`LUU'U 2:`. `.-..n.. .-.n...l.~ HUI lN`lH'.{' H('H`.H`(`(l H`. U:\' l|1il.('.` Ul nn(-'.- fr-`.lo\\' hunmu.`-. And the bunn- :t_\ of n:x'.ur< m horsu1n1ne1' sE.~ aI\\`:._\'.< near. 'l'hr- . := hon: .`muk<~.~' one qm-. the \v`. of ;`.ho.~e who build lmgtze <'itie.~I and lwonder how much longer peoplv w"l `glw content to endure them. It a!.~.o mmke.~ one apprr-cmte the chdrrnh o` :\ mmll 1.oW`n.----0:1kvi`,}i- Rccox-:1. THE , xx: .~umv :n1_\rir-id hum: ,Wnul t`n(>_\' er .-llrroumin V'm.,. ..,. _ 7H1m1I.IHT1L`e twenty-\`e Gem do of this opporttna` ..mn-1-z.G nn on-nn'r\rl,: for `.1110 .0. 5 lH'('HL1'l(f 1 ('Ul|lIlH'l. ",_io_\` Ihre n-ooln-.~.~' of t !nul7' heinsr homnuml in ` fnllow lo.- ,-.5` ....~.....\ ... Ln... I | H`X`(' hro:111`.(-. 2.-... .l.. I:f_', LIN` HIUHHI.` \Vh.`|.t :1 plvn 'ir]ed h_\' the -1 ;:rr-:11 hulks Ln luv ..f :1 _BUY IN BARRIE Th i.~ ll -'1}: mun ;:r:-:LL ])M_\' (ht- L111}! Iu_\ .4. L~z1'.I1. L7 . L. } ub1E. every Tuesday 1%. Plus (editor) and pub1is11er;~'. A Weekij; :` bigger am! better Barrie `Lion ba.*.\veen Town and FORTUNATE. SMALL TOWNi .0 H . .'l :1t(.u'k. 'Mt .. .....H the tnno_ EH11 the A; HI`. EH H \'d."L HUIHZH \':m the rii:~vn1n2'nrt of *1`.-* And Eikc h:1ple.<;~ p1`i:=u!l-; 0 fe`.7d dunr_-`e(m. the ci1y'.+' m:m.~' .<\\'t-ltr and 1:.'1.~=|)`, >_\' sec-k rt-lir-1' in the cool d1n_-_r.< 0| thw ('0u1`.I1'y?Mv . tlemw wih traic. tho` ~\-mrm with humanitvx wmnfort is the 101 0'} mun` livn in the city hu--| nnoh. nf` .-nnun..u~ `|.lILL- often .1.-.1. . v-| Hill.` U1 .`lHIHH"l. | pl:-:1.~ant ('<)mrm':'.. is pm-1 11- -m.'1Tl town or v5H:1g'(- I7 ulks of ]11{150lH`_V 1'e.~m'.ain ' V\'h1itC\'4'1` hree'/.e.< may Er. 'I`rer-- .`~"(r4=4-t.~ awn the ':ntm1~'it_v of `his. 1- I Ill L111.` HIUL wr- would pre.~;<-I ` the pro; ;-:1 V by 1. paper. town A... ..+ 1 UL L futu rv \-u~n;~.n. K I'l|l(l -`|UH` ILUEUIVD m! it forth znyzzxin in ts. while thenih-:h1 r+'J1n:f. The Bin 01 rufc. the p,1zu'e of :1 no innumerable n0I. t`-3 in :1 vast humm- rii;~-nunfnrt. .1 151; L. .. JAM .uuu.u uvur. n.;c- 1 fI1`0\\' into prob-1 m`op01't1on.-'. 'I`}nsr.!_ he the case in the`! wtnun us noun-nnr \\ HI the tow Small /~r\~r\QI' 3 LU lllU\'(' wt. Our- of thr` Ink \A' In L. us`: `ML I nplis \\.`II .III` .~uppo1'L. I In `-.xH 11;: in infernr the to stem L'....4l. ..n LL IIIC .:l' 2 Canadizuag l splotchu: - .- rhich. \\'I1}10! Y1 NOT .r:-{I'LL ON EKYROLL i.:,'. , ;Z` 'no. Tho mu ('1L_V nt. whms into the t n... and to )1`1]r1: nul'.m mi t-nn ~n uu-5 de 1 thni 1,.H His Dad's Secretary The Japa`ne.~e Preniers son has fo}]ow:d the example of Rx,-ose`.`e t and Ac-ome his fatke 1" sxe(-re-t.=1ry. Om: of these gays Pate) soxmi charm hint too of Hepburn will be old enough, --.S . Thoma.~' Ti)m.~.-Jomxzai. linsnnnnn:-a-J Vinif A Practical Hint Why don 1 hose bramy docto Jame= who are advising women to take e1'cr1:<-' in order to ~add to their per xhat the making ~'3oL1=4_:,h ill1(1\`.'iv'_`:(ii]"a brcom have poirxts in them Guelph Mr-1`cur_V. T` Ullljlll n1I"x\.|.u_y. Unannounced Visit -- 'Jn_ den19r1`.st1'z:t-:n_r: the ieaubxht; good T,--aimng 'r)\,1 bt`:ee",Ge17an5' and` .-\nothv:r boy scout has ` 01 ` e_1_`"',_ -he ( e`m3* 913" to the repu`-.at1on 01 ms: o1'g'zn1i'/,a B m?{i.eI .`tbe`gf ao de3"5t.1'atd th tion in rescuing` a boy am! ""' ` 3/ " `,1p1 }g -1` um? artxcxal ]`SL`l.CV.atlOD metnod r.ounced.--Toronto Globe and Mazl and b1.mg.ing hgm back to " Us a fine training for boys z-.21-:` Q 1` ` :1 f.T"atF5.. ` many =uch instances prove its vul- . ..`..~ ma (wan nguns .nc1_xcate tha mgam Fans >_eV,eW .1'actor:< are more economical than - Use of Tractors Sa.~katch(:\van gures Indicate than economical 1:01`.~`-*.~; ~.vhv:re farm; are more that a .~eCT>iOT] (60 a(-x'e:<) Sn size. or where the mm-h`me can be used a? 1(~a.t 500 hours per year.--Fam`.}y Hr-raid and Weekly Star. What Giris Wmry About Esther, who has becn feelixw :eedy has been to see the doctor She says hv told her that she ha? to rest at home for a week am` slop Worrying about the scparatirm of Joan Crawford and Franchofi -Ton:-.--By Ha] Frank, In Saturday Night. Mr. Bennett Started It The Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett .=.a_v~ a Canada-U.S trade agreemen' me>ans. disimagzration of the Britis} Empire. But didn I M). Benn->t` him. begm the negotiations fov the existing` Canada-U.S. treaty ant` had the job ne~arl,V completed b _ fore M1`. Mac-ken /.ie King did it '.'-- St. Thomas Times-Journal. D_\' 1`.e\\'~' 120..-1u:u them and when arr` hr0n::h{' 0 1 similar to numins ...\..1 ..,...u. -..1n:~

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