Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 4 Aug 1938, p. 5

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Barrie Cubs Tie Bolton ` to Stay in Running` A1171`: club. ne potentia` 1'1-in f.=:1ln' which \\'1.< 0 .=chn.rIulw- ck (li:1mond .- Inn AU . ill I lmnd I.-nun, lay-0 if n4-inn Mil Lil!` 1 took ilandalo L` ll" haw: r DLt|L Lnlllg opportun tn nn lI'1lII A u 2 ALLANDALEI . . .u`.~'. Ottawa. are thv M2'.<. S Gzu'. 11.. xi . )1 I i . lll(`.`L`l Jl `hohduyr nun-L. o1'1*,r1c_\'. .\Ii.<.< Lena H011sb<:1g`L-1`, panivd by 311. A. Da\'id.~'0 fowl with whom she I . for the pant \\'r-vk. hn'n.l tn (W run n1-:2 RLJP.` \X. IL-ft Sunday .\Ir.<. J. H \Y. \r.r\,.... 1}'::xm-he (.".-1:`ruth:-1'5 is holi- d:1_vi11j;` in New York City. .\Ii.a.< Hilde. Tooth return:--1' zo l~[;=.mi1.:on on .`-.Io_1 after a short Vi ` with M15. M. `.m\'n1an. Cha1`i3.< \\ `C- \- 1 .\Ii.\< (zu`iru Pack, of Oriliiu. \ `:1 Sunday vi.~'ito1' at the hom_ of brother, Chas. Pack. TF1? Q. . f\..11C|." `L\V'- ... H. _.'\1(-6., \ U `nu. -DZXLI hon BARRIMMLLIA A BUSINESSCOLLEGE LLlL`H>.-u 10 \ `-cmo1'e .\I1'.4. V. Kni~:ht. .-\2'. uml bal)_x`. \r:.-.. r: r-......:......,... MIMICO TERRKERS IN BOXLA Ulllk` M 2'.< UH ill! )1` the Ovogr ` .:ol. l.\|.|.. Death 1 `.n..,..L -) . Tl L`(I`J .\I('D0n:1'ld :1 ml M r ~ In .. ..._.l P. L`l2l1'5lU and ;\I1'.4 E .ra-Izxtiw LU his :2: x-nded f< pitcher 11 n.'nn f'n arr .~pL*1 BL-ucl1 wii 2. .\lcI*';1'Iz1 T01": zmd .\ no` I .. A -1113. v). TIL` H. (};n'tnu1' for I-lulifax, "5 .\Iudoline, n... ...tU,. 4': llllC'H -'.h1`c- T). v. n. cy- Donald ....-o..... . LLL'l Clms ' \ H1 _UUUl xuh of Augus .U.. .... -7 ,1 ll". IL. l\: L'l'. -Ack end He J. Hx.-d_2'e1 ~.co .n(>n. \. Alonzo Greeneld 1 poor h--211th for .<< 1` I\I` \!n.`..,\ I"..,,.\4 Ba_\`li5. .~'p0lid1I1f, u'H'n \ )t;nLnIlj,'. L1lL' \\l3L`K 11 with Mrs. N. .\Iz1L'w. 'Iand. 311'. anti Mrs. 111'. Wm. .\IcF:1 1`- 1-Kllld, 1'~tLu'm- on . 11.*\u`- .'o- ..v .1. YOU CAN QU.-\.LlF\' QUiCKL\' FOR J:~1'x' illk` lk'il\Ill at Huntsvi -J. k`Lt`Hl`.HC`H In South Rive L U :1 'A'Iundu .:n`I.I\|1|\\ L`. Mr. and Mr :\ 6' 'I`/u-An o n (1. UL I1ZUll1`.LUIl. holiday at Bald. ' *3n..- \Yv'~ ."[JL`llL UH` here". He thv past 1 6-n \H..u,l..'. ugcx. [0 ft TL1e. \' whet: she win. who ha: been imlds in Yur- `H , 14k`. Jack ..n no .\IcM:1nL1.<. of :5 of Mr. and :l`1`. of '1`1'A:n-l visitolre withl u G'a1`_\' 211 the week - \' W I n ..- \1:|L '1and. '|\ \.ll .'HlIllI.`Il5I at .\Ix"2lf0)'Li` 1' '.'l l`_\ Hlk t on Thur. the fo1`k.< r. :2 they '11 T7n I)... Tracks `7 "nu V .`.I<";uMr-11 BARRIE. and ORILLIA ` `.\'hi1 .; 11 EU fto -In`. x t-n~3' hnmr. ..Vll`.` th.i: SAME x 1'9 md. ;r.(1j_":u' uxump. lbaby girl in `on July 26th; `l':(l`.L`211` \\'v1)},- 1 3:511 on July 1.1:. |\Vr\\nv' : DVH VVPH 'I'nrr-mo. Mr. m ..1...1 In X JUTUHLU \\1 Izulricc Booth. M1`. and .\I ,1 41. I .. FREE Literature '. All- Lll\-.- \V!\'AALU LY\L'l (`nn':1'zLt11I:ui( `d_u'zu' 'I`homp.<< n}n' rri in I11 U His ORANGE MARMALADE--2-pound jar .. P. and G. SOAP-3 bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. CLOVER LEAF Fancy Pink S2L1mon-ti11 TOMATO JUICE-25 oz. ti11-3 . . . . . . .. PEANUT CRUSH--(somethi11g new)--_jar LOBSTER-sma11 tin J. 9. WISDOM sz co. BONELESS POT ROAST-pou11d . . . . . .. BONELESS FILLETS OF VEAL-pou11d PORK AND BEEF LIVER-2 pounds . . . PORK SAUSAGE--fresh dai1y-pound .. LAMB CI-IOPS--pou11d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VEAL CHOPS--pou11d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YTTI, CLAQM7. "_e3};{a;1 1;m~1;1t` { T Whitesh Roasting` Chickens Fresh Vegetables and Fruit - Corn 011 Cob Local Tomzztoes Grocery Specials li`I\ 21 \\'hi( -cp-jg--m *4...` - Fdrocers a}1c1TButche`r,_ Allandale 1.` JHEIH) that Mr. C: 5+ ..A.. Nil` tho WITH THE sraaun 9 . that lets you control the operation of your Leonard to secure Low Operating Cost .'\l\Hl VVUUU 3.lL`.L`l int: (_'01`p:~' Reunion Sunday. ...`. 4, \f.. QVIVKI '\T . .a.:-~..~ V` Booth 1. u. CZ. L41!`-'l'il(L '\ ells How ILH Mr. ll LIILJ Barrie in Mr. L k ._\. M1-. and L1. . 1.` sh ebb att-an}. 'Dn..n3nn 2 Phone, 1 1'7 i:la_\"I!l. . .\I1*:-. )I2'~' ` I':d`_ ,'h' All`: [UH `ronto. and 312: Tfn .. . VVEST OR-C`! "l`Hl'RS D'AY, AUGUST 4, 1938. l|Il.', L13 .`U.\.`IHllll4'\l Unitord Church on >011, July 30, when 51-3y united in mur- ~n Flaxtll, of To- D21 u \Ynl.nnnn AF ['H1('l[)Ll. (HH'A_\r 5.Ul.`..l Ewrlnnd. only two `-:1 by Js`-w_=` .\"\'. L;U\\ Ch. `7. F. ;\Iom'e. ... ..,I. nn.l ~ -T. Shrl.=wx-'_l, of Sum.la_v with 112'. \' ... I p...~.\17 Luu, UL .\Iz1honoy. . 20c . 11c . 12c .25c . 25c .19c . 15c . 17c .25c . 180 .250 . 22c U1 r` U\. '-'.il.Hl'..'. ! for Boltonl 3 our B211`- \.X {:1 3:`: EH Ll)! '.uhh,: good 'n\.'idi 1` Uu" Hu\\'ku.~'t0nc )521_\'. pa: tici f"1ni L..( n NWTCHELL SQUARE TAKES ' . ORO SOFTBALL TITLE. : ,.\,.,,.V.... .. won last year. I T'm- Mitt-hell S: the mxls in dc-cisiv `I`{:'.l\\'kt.'fOI'1:' Hzuvks 31510 land 7 to \\'u.~ not neces.9a1`_\'. l.`.\.... o.....\.- - nul. 9 I i i I . In .u.\ the ti-.-=d th}.-m .n th n:\1.~I. h0\Vt`\'t*1` l'l'LlCk('[1. T119 Hzu\'k~. tuzu -sd of Ones .-\lthou_~'h u9Lm1ly ' ll-um. inson. ` thu-m uimost 2111 Lei_:h who play h0(`kv_\' 2% F the dn'i\':I'_\' of .\Iitn-In-ll SqL1'.12`(- bz1'lL-d. RobEn. -1... l`:,\kn,-ny Game Called in Seventh on Account of Darkness with Score 4-4; Player Hits Umpire. t For the second year |.\'I itch<-ll Square are I;u2xgu_. chzunpions, and nn nr' Hm; (min nun- Midhurst Wins From Utopia CROPS AT L.=\FO.'\"I.-\lNE ARE RUINED BY L U11 H` nl-h21.<< :1\\'k-st J. .. 0u_L':1 u.~'Ll2l11) at llL`il\_\ n1LLmj_' . big: Ed. Rob- 1..\Ii1\'h-H ace, hul 1 Robimon. incidc-ntzxh thv szum` Robin.-on who is Hm- lz1(-1'<>. p!uy;r who tried out the Oriilia Te:'1'i:1'.< this . . promi.<~.-. Jack Cixxo thv (-an-11i11':. AH mum}w1'.< nf .. H. ..L... n`-.. v\v::\\'V ...IyL idhur .. 1.. Md l` th-< `lxcxpzttru l`.1 mu .cugu._~ am in that order. In the 11-5: utulu. the Square: tn-mm di~.: A ll ::nn.. though Huwkp pl. .1 A1. `u .. 1..,+ nvnI\x.. _yCuL. in-hell Squzwe team won decisive fashion '.1gai11:z't ... Llnuv ~`r\.\ ..-nm._- h..u'nu- 1:11.: 1&0 _` .1. ,th, >1;-\'e11th on account of d;u'kne:.~:. LLL mild l'cU.'L', HJILK LIllf_ HUIHL` LL'<.l1l| LU a 4-4 tie to force 21 third j-_.,-`;\me in the -South Simcoe. izltx,-1':11L-dizttc C piuy-Offs. The gzlfllc \VLl:' called in The two ti-'.1n1_~; wcrc v.-1'_\' evenly. matched and the tendon wax: high at dil-r.;nt stat. _ of 111.; gzunc, and Nemo Kc-b.Art:o1., 3. Bolton p1-.1_v- er. took it. out on L"mpi1'u BLl.~'tUI' Clark when he took a couple 01 hefty ~\vi11j,-'.~, which 'lidn't. do any 4i:1x\m},-`c to th ump.<, but p1'0babI_\ dill ?n hid 9u.m :1; l1.: \v?'l i?l:ul\' {L1 1' ... . p ()1 L11 .\Iudhu }_'L|IH.. LIIULIEIL (li,|\\ l \K" mm In thr 1u. rzaxm-. 4. h0wa=\'z-~1'. the Hu\vk.< ` ' LL . LKLTHL l the .~.cor,- I \ Huh. 11 , U Oro K ftbuli; thus zhey rc- nvn.-;.... .-m. Lnus .nc_\, IL`- O'Briun cup m is compos- 1~'. the .<:xm_~ and lzxcrossu. .,.....- L..'-+.'.`..- Tuesday t1igl1tut Bolton, Barrie! Cuba`, with c-limirlution .sL=.1ring' them` 111 :he 1'acr.-, hsld t.he_ home [cum to` 4. A 1 05,. I... L` lL.i...l 1-~~|A\\;\ Icli Squzxru un._i Sham; . '1; - . ' .`.Im' ill.'l'U::l'. hitting.- .1 I`! L HAIL , H;1.sn't been it great deal doing ;since W33 talked to you last, that is uxxluss you call thg play-o := in the South Simuoe C group, the - . A" . of the Simcoe `softbuil or '.he _t.:1`oup tilluls in 111:- `C" as anything. nut Lin. n'.u.~. \\'1L(1 SUCH `'etera11.~ as C'ot:_\' Tribble and Johnson, cznnu through to do tlmt 1iU;1v: thin-1. Johnson <.1'(>t.< the huwi for . thu hm-z1\'_\' .~vwiI1~,-`ills: bra\`v.< with _ hits, Tribble blasted :1 Iripie ':o for the circuit but Cotty never \\'u.< :1 sp1'inte)'--ov- n in balmy dn_\'.= -..I\\\', \11 01', maybe you think th, woznebzxck to beat. Pr.-nc-tan}. thixuz. or is that Eoing back 1 The bu` .~:u1'p1'i. ( Lhc Cubs forcimr the 2: 4-4 drzuv on :h~ mond Tuc. x\ig`ht.. \\'Y'1l p})(`\ HM- \\lI'l n!HIL' put up a up: tha : \\Eh` ll 5 --r_\wah. PENETANG TENNIS CLUB CLEANS UP IN ALLANDALIL :\ ftl: 1` the ."Ol'})(.`l1 hrre ...1.,. 4 ,.r .. .`Ul'1ilI llth. Hello ag'ai11--n1i.~:a us last Week `z .'o `I uvv, .'~'huck:', he:-`ck. But the ` {",.~.. T h .- n- The zine-d .1` km In in }v whil- tho I IHK` i11a_\'. ms the L L` .`UH(L' \ for futur (I up In th ,'zx1\'m thcil battlix apple-( ;)LlL ALE_.A_\IDAL l.`1PERlA1..S LOSE TO N'E.\`.';'viAR`.~ .E l1'J they . l'clLl_\ H1 Llll` 5L'H|`!lU|" ed on the Beck Then for the pl:1y-n.:. lHI.\K'|l HU Hzlrold rI~_-_\ wrm u up pzug Elhr wi'.h kl`! ` HI (I |u\L' (I 1Un_.' ta) .~win': into am on Saturday. ' l12\H_\' . 'i. on record wax.- Bolton nine to :'n . diu- 'm~|n+ t1`ouncin:g` they ab- wcrc not given :1 to force anothw` lilLv\'ll. doubles ... Ul... thw [U rt `loubh DI..'.. . lIH'A'-'.' . The N orthem Advance 1.`. 4 front .9 [l!IH\ |.Il._` Ililfflt P1.`I1Cia!l_`;' some my: too far`. such `'ete1'an_~ mt `E 'n )`:.n'. >4 xvifh The Iocui confmc its:-`. ".21; . l HI IILHHI :1 d\':1n<'(.- Utopia mf and L{Lidl"`. combix '..-1n- - ii adbwosatian

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