r__, 211" On U1 1':-cord. .\'(*I11(`d vnun ;p.1L"cl mus on ; nz1\'g11g; gill Jamlary or 0z11'l_\' in Fnlw (bv ucccptcscl if z1pp11'cution.< : "at once.) 1\l"c~.`mb(-1' may en 1112111 one sow. but will be prizv monr_\' for the best on IIe11Licaticm-Within :1 ublv length of time` aft.-*1` }1'(cviv(-(I and app1'o\'r.-d, 21 l`.:ai\'v of the Dr.-pzxrtmont` I-IIH-11v u-HI n_v-uni ....l .u '.illi\ (' 0 cultur. intoo cu .Hnn. .4, |lilLl\'!` 1'-'(`01'd 4 i For littL-1'5 1'1-om purlbn,-d sows 1':u'1'0\\'.(l b(t'.l\\`C(.`ll Jan. 1, 1938 and .\lu_\' 31, 111258, incl_u.+i\`c, and si1'o(l` l)_\' pu1'cl)1'c(l boL11's (1'egistc1'ed). I .\l:-mbl:1-sl1ip-Op 11 to Junior ,l":11'lnc1's 01' Simcoe County bct\\'n_-.;'n. Iho 213105 of 20 to 30, illclusive, amll all Am-n1b<.-r.~: of Simcoc County! ,Swine Clubs of t11~ past two _\'czu'.~:,l !1`<|u`u1'Iifl .<.< nl no-n uuu 1ut:'uu1_*_" ng11L1_\`. I z11".1.~;1tL~.~.'--\':\o1'111s 01' di"e1'en1. kind<. Half the .~:ows ar< infested with roun-(l worms. These produce 20.000 9;.-:g's 21 (lay and are l1'.u`d to kill. Often pig's are inibstml when born as U1r_\' get into the inte-stines and alf:-ct the blood. It. may be will to (luucht: the sow bn-1'ore fur- 1'owin_g' and keep the p-.11 clean. l..L1n:,-' \\`o1'm.< are small and gut. into l.`l1L`lUllf_," :i.~:. Floors should be will .~'C21l(ll'(.l c\'e1;\' ten da_\". Lice and n121ngw~ on the outside zuw not so bad, but th__\' are i1'1'it:1I- in'_;' and pi},-'.~ ail`-vtctl do not thrive. (`m11l<(-21.<- oil, whivh may be got at any _:z11'z1_g`e. is thv host 1'0mc(l_\'. Mix it with . and thy pigs: will \\'::llm\' in i` EH1) _`.`.'lll'2l_J,'8. it \\':z]I0\\' in it. unu 1ee`um_: ug'nL1_v. Pa l`21S1t( .<--w\o1'1n.< ( kill nf'I.u1 nhr; um. iI1I'n;I`r>. G:1_ or imlannnation of 1110 .'tomac`r: should be treated by ke.p-- in}: the lloor of pen absolutely clean and 1'ee`ui11_: 1ig'ht,l_\`. P}1l`2l.\`lf_l <.-.\un)'m< nf rh'r>run1 1U:'z11I1.Is.< 0]: g` ()l)j0ct.:-~'I`o promote . production in Simcu 21 p1`z1c`Lical zlpplicution < \':1nt-r-(I 1'!-`U`;(+\`\' nnlhm rm Our I31x. ,.u1.`+x- BACON LITTER COMPETITION 1938 STATEMENTS CONCERT BILLS CHEQUE BOOKS NOTE HEADS SHIPPING B1'LL*S SALES COUPONS CHURCH FORMS ll`|lV'1 JUI (:2l('I1 Jlllrl` l1lZ1l`l{l .1"(l.' 0!`(l01' to m:xl all l`:-(ed 1'c<-orrlsl i'r.>n'r1 and (-omp:1rz1l)l . it. is . t` that rocorvl M1`.--tl ('0n. `1 l>-win at the time when play not less tlmn . d:1_\'.~' old and ;~morc than sixty-ve days old. 5 are lb b wt;-i_2=lw(l at this time. the c0n1plI'.-'titi0n of this feed o1'(l. it is to be mailed or pro, ted to the ag')'icultu1`al 1'0p1'es-n- vn at Barrie o1'Alliston. Fowl owl forms will be supplied on 1'e~ -. - qui The Northern Advanre Hl'L`U litt.-1' ' n11 P.` , 111. , 1iU'l'U\\'L`-U uln'1u11`_\' WI n.< :m- made. ,4` I r\\I I'\1n1nn| - . - I-nn1n(]\' I JHU IVU vardecl ; f\I1!\' I THUR.SD.'-\.Y, FEBI1L'ARY 24, 1938. I l.(`('111l'('.< \\'lH ('}n-p-'-. U...` Domimon Livu ,. 1` r1uu_\'. 1' (-n. '_ ;)--St;1_\'11..-1' Hull), 2 p.m. F1'i(I:1_\', .\l:n'ch 4:11--C (01':mg'1- Hull). 2 p.m. .\I0n .\I:1r. T--~Sc0tch mum (SL'hr)r)l}~.rm. R p.m. Irid21_\_`. .\I:u-. Il--AHi. cil Fhunmher). 2 p.m. .\I:)n:l:1_\'. .\l:11'. ll-~T} r-ton 1:-ii ('hnn1ln-1). J`. ).m. |.`,.;,|.,`. '\1......I. . :~~ r~ I|1l'01l as t'01l0\\'.<. h_\' .\'I0nd:1,\', I3` I) vh:-tt Hous:-) 2 17'1'idz1_\'. 1"-h. F1`i(I:I\' \|' SOUTH SIMCOE SWINE LECTURE PROGRAM u. (us; LU m: .\'(: Ill 10 the [)l|L`Kll]}.: plant or . at m:11'kctin,-.r tim-; two gills may be 1`G'.Ll1`I M"(I to Lhv farm. if desired for b1'cmiin_-.- pL11'p0. znftvr in.~'p<-ction by the .~\\'inn- g'1'z1(le1'. I.itt: rs mu)` be nmrket` d at any u;- <-_ but in not more than two lots.` Thv oiivu] wr-i_:ht and :4'1`z1(liI1'_9,' will he the cz11'(-a.~'.< wt-i1`}1t and (11'e<.-:,~(l '|'l`.'lI'4- I~ L .....l ...4..-.1 .1, 1 .. mm-.~ nu mu.~':1'zu-.. H into-rt-. Io szwnnu p1'0(lucu1`.< z11'r:1n:_-"rd Hn'ou.-_'hout Sout] - rnilm.-.. 1... II` \ mum nnuni 01 1-11 pomts '11: be u(1dL'-d to 'h<~ _L'u1u:1'uI .<(-or; for .fl`l`(l rt-('01`d : the feed 1'e<'01'd to be _iL1(I};'o(1 on th-- basi.~: of 2l(`Cl.I1'2l(.'_\'. comm]:-1:-nt-.<.< and n'*utno.<.<. .\I2n'k.-tinf.-`--.-\1l pig;.~: of each lit~ t-1' are to be sent to the puckim: 1im.- '\I'I\ ...:n.. L -M ~11.) .\I:11'k(-ting of H02 . 1:: and th B1'iti. Bavm I.i\'u Hog` Gradinz. D1-o.=1=od Grad?n2' 01 -1.. ...!H L. H. H ' 1:11 ;rx'HI(`l'.~" ([011 The :1h0\'0 ....u-nn-..,1 L-- lU\\'Il Not .1.l ONE T\/II u \ July, .-\ug;u. Sc-ptu-mbo1'--.\'o m<~-.Lings. I Octobc-r--R0l1 cull, \/Vhat I saw of inn.-1'c. at 3. local fair or the pro- vincial poxvinfr match. Topic-Stump spt-cch:.~` on flu: p!0wi11g' mulch. .\'o\'0mbo>1=-Ro!l cu1l---.-\ Para- .~`it- and Control llutilod. Topic- A Dabutv. z11'1'z111ge(i by loss Currie` and Ross .\Ic.-\1".l1ur. Dvculnln-1'~-R0l1 L`d--l)21.\'iI]j.',` of Du .~:. Annual meeting. The 1'oH0\\`in;,-` `resolution wcrr .Y):].~'.~`P(] h\' .`I t-nn1nn'H*nn - LIUJIIIHIILVL . April 1Jth--Rol1 call, name 21 g'1'z1.~:s or grain seed and its \veigl1t. Topic anamrcd by M1`. S. L. P:1y'o. Feb. 231'd--.\Imt at Md. Crznv fo1'd<`.~'. 1031 call, a joke. Topic, G1'z11'li11.:', .-\nd_\' .\IilIa1`(l, Ken. Gil- christ; co-op-ra1i\'e stump speeches. .\IZl1`Ch 15th R01] 0:111, nnmn -.) cm-151; co-up-rau\'e stump speeches! 15th-P.o1l call, name a` 'countr_\` and an` important man in . Topic in charge of sports committvc. .\.....'1 nu. h.\n ,...u v Laxgu. .\Iay-Ilo1l call, name a weed and a method of control. Topic-Lec- turv on 3;mking by 0u`..sid'e sp~9ak~ er. .-ipt of application. num nf` Mn nninh T`h~- Be:-ton World s:L\'s: h I-nnnr-H tnlvnu-111.13 4 ug m zms .-\c(:o1'din2` 4 ('u1tu1`(- vultum urn-n6 In * .1). Whil .LIlL` .L'J <. by That :1 u-mbers. 'l`l...n 41. `IE OUT OF EVERY FIVE MEN 'D!E OF HEART DISEASE PROGRAM OF ORO JUNIOR FARMERS FOR 1938 L'- June-.\I0et.ing mlmiltcn. Camp 3 \I| uu,u'u.~L.' UL 00 [I numbm of deaths as of the heart and mdu (ilLl`il].!,` the ton _\ TH, mnlcr-: Hm hvnn-x-r. il\ `Ii.-In. - In. " U] 111 :'1('uItLm; 11 I U! . ' \run- I [U :1(-ti\'it_\'. LIIU 1'OHi11_L .v\ /.I..l El: 1:-rd, 111.. lH.LU LU . In (:1nz1: L-id(=ntz1H_\' :1 px*m'iu(- .- 52m : \ il. (h`i' lurch 4:11--Clmrchill \_ 2 um U '.":\r`11 l.\_\ H. .\l. 1..-\.. H01: Grz1de1', Stock Branch. Bar A copy of the Medicine Hat imes szlvs Hvzl. f':n'n\.-1-.- in Q..;.L-..+ rating m'1'an'g'ed by Campre n1`;'l-n su .~` ' (I !`t`j4'l.*Ll3l'l`( (-mi'_\' in this 1' f<)und;1tion so 1, nm) obtain t. Ontario Dvp. Du 1-1:/\ .-... 13,-, um: Lvn _\' the pro`2'1'c-.<.~ 'xr:hi of vital to the Amer 1n In ....+ .... L:|LlUH. up [0 21 I711l.\'~ points` will be had; n+' ..,.,.. nu zulu g'1'z1 \v1!l wt-i_:z'ht understood ihat Lhv : to sell his ho_9;s on :1cc01'(I:1I1c- with the lins-(I bu-I0\\'. The :-nix-i.<-~ thrv Dominion Dominion I.i\':' Stcwk in :ul\'z1m`(-. the data- tlt- nl` Ln...` =11-2111.41 locturc-.< vnrln;-..u-.~ Ln. 1.. `. (110 who LA. 001113 memb 0114 April n1(:cting'. nv IL. gnu/In `n r\\u uuL'vx'.< nus m-on South SIIHCOP. 1.2151110) : Northern Advance L-uug. littee : \ I\\ H121 the m. \'HU how : C'0ok. 1n and h on 1- an illustrzmt Lho follow- (cu Dlllll` 100.000 1 v\.\- um 1" th'- g` Q Dill uoh HILHIC Z0 01'- )n tht:-wa1'b'\.e h thv- _-\5.;`1'i- :-:11 council xxx. w 11' All Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention--Phone 53 THE -"` ucuux-o.< 01 = has b<-on Ix Qhnnnn It" Hot. m m an- .\I:n'kct. CUIH .~ t0(']\' . .L, (0. )`m.'\ `( (Coun- ((oun SONIC- A Topic-- o. Currie :1yi11;: ion for new 1nun1hm'.~ l'*`1i11f_". uiv `U013 [ht-\\':1I'h`1.v .-\_:!'i- muncil W. M. L'i\w.- tlw y~:11`. 'IVE '<-wnt. in There are many and varied types of assurance and insurance. A savings account assures the deposi_tor of an active reserve that can 1*: had on instant demand in an emergency. A savings account assures mmcial stabiiitv and security against marl-;et 1'x'sk:s. Open a savings account with this Bank ?.nd benet from the assurance such an account will give you. THE CANADEAN Bgwl K F COR/E1 700 'po'}$- 100.000 ENVELOPE-S SHIPPING TAGS TICKETS INVOICE FORMS CALLING CARDS LEDGER LEAVES CARDBOARD SIGNS - (Mut- the ` \ L U11 ntchv ]l'.`U1Ill'. I 'I'h-\ Hod C'1`o.<.~' is comluctingx 2:: gDominio::-wicl- funds to help the \`.':):n 11 and children of China. but ? '~ \'.,-1'theIe.<.< you ru-fuse to end the .~:ending of war n1:1tr=ria1.< to .T;1ga:m. the ICHL-1` state:-`. Jupilll "in fan China, {murder c -7 pc-opIa:-.'` l --"rm 14. TORONTO LABOR OPPOSES SHIPMENTS TO JAPAN Czn.:1da'.< stnml " )~ 2111)` 22 p:u'ti(:ipz1tor .-:ion of J:Lpz1n," an-01 `!-.~'t fonvzmlvd to P1` ,tin- Labor I{~']))'I'.'.~1lt `Lion of Tommo. The I-n,Q'uo~ front ("zlmulzl of ni Ynnnn ha in... ullu Ln!` l`il.~`('l. on M<-xi(`0 to statu`-. H l`|-...... :. .., Lu LU,UUU 1nHower.~:. There is n trelm-mi scheme alrn-a : and thv 'F21. powr-1'5 .\I('.\`I'(`n in nu-.wL'n U- `I'he)'v is no solution to this prob- Ium ul}]r>'.~_' thp d-m0c1'a`ic count`:-5 !-urn to d0'wl1z1t Wilson tried tol 1wr. them to do bu,-;"01`., l920--l 10 '0-0n<)';1t:-_ Ami 1h..\- An. : . . :"IfLlil'l'll n_\ l:l\\' were whollv within th-'~ provin .-\nothr*r(1-`izxil of Cmmdizm t that intm'o. him was that In u'oin2' b t\\`m=n Montreal and T.a u:<' to get hr:1.~<.< chock: for ti( \vnr21'~ I11 OVCI' 111,:. . I1I\`1-11 in 1111- L'.S. 1.111 .\'-11'/,1 11-:11!- er. l\'11l111, 0| .\'1~\\' York, has 8,000 to 10,000 1'n]1o\ve1'.~:. t1'e1m-ndou.~' Fz1sci. in Quelnc 1)ow(-rs 2111- \\-n;~1.- nrr Lilli]: xvht-1':~ 10- .... .~ u. \nlll Jun 11 U c0unU'_\".< )'<*Ii.:'1( uluczxtional . ,,.,..,m. ,.,..\...x,. 1. I,` lI.l(|III' ll|l`1 I0 co-on )'utrn apt to do it. n mm |\0(1.. I Hitler and I":1. .~'L1b.~"t:..111tiz1ll`\' an m:1n_\', oth-1' Elm tlm-utun--(1 and :1 prup:1}::1niz1 is .~ I:u'Iu.< th1'01r_2'lm11L to the shor .< of \\'nn-in... .I...4 1 pas. 1{0ch0. I mun Nzxzificzxzi Hit.l1.-1".~' m.-\\' are only strp (I...-.~.~.... . u-rm-an exp I'oHo\\ ed by c01'din_:' to V r_.. 1'Q \... -1 L..D. .-\m Spn~21king' R'Rith 'l(n(L I-Iiflnv -nu] I Order Your S tationer/g Business F01 ms and Counter Check Books % In Barrie nun :th1w- v.. SAYS NAZIS EXPECT TO RULE 85,000,000 PEOPLE `._..`,.,. _ nu.` till.` '.\L'll'lH_L"(` nu-a! info:-nmtion among and 11 \\'u.< not concc-1-nwd \v tn-1'< n{' nn|~1.`.. - ,,c_.. .-.. \lL \,..umuxzu1.~ LU OUIPI` count1'ie.< in .~:eu1'('h of vmployment. While t.1u:.<- \'iAw.< might have been e.\:p1'-~'.<. . M1`. C1'cr;11', 1'11:-_\' xvvro lmrd1_v within 1110 ordin- zugv pu1'\'i(,-\\' of Hm con1'<:1'enc(-. I`..~ purpose wz1.< the Ax(:]1a11;_>'(> of `coch- nit-al information :1mm1u~ nvnnwln-` ..... ....uunuLIuu umung BXPQITS it concagrn--d With mat- tu-rs of public pohcy. ____________ ,u....; 1L:aUuLL'*`> 01 L.'.l1l:l(1:l \\'0ull' soon b- all rlovellopecl. It wz1.< ulsol .-iait,-(l (.`z1nar,lu would 1):-nclit nlosli by ker-ping the power at home. L`ll~ I (-0111-z1.:i11g tlm (It.-\`clopmm1t of indus-I tries here and so p1`u\'e11ti1r_: thu 1nig'1`a,fion of Czmudians to other countries mplo_\'ment. \U141.-. aL.... --` ' ` HON. EARL Tni n1..'I1L 01 [I10 H0115: includxvd 2 t1'il)u1i0n permzm~ n | n\\*` v 1" run` 1' LOHIC vi(-\v<;(i 1)_\' ll` 11(>':lion with {ion coming,-' :u-cinu m_-; 01 tm con1,c-11-11-(` it w:1.~: st; when power was exported from (0uI'n1`y to anothvr it \\"' 01- n)n)0:_:ihi'- in cinn vim. Fifty [_e_ars Kg; V\l`llLJ NU GI. 1n1po:~'; 1. also that th power re.sou1'c,- I): do -1! r`...m.z.. V`: Hl`l1 ed the nu` mf n 1 IUH. 1'41! Lion said the last pnu-` 1v (`nu U\\` I Hon. 2551011. M1`. I\ 0\\'3 111' A4` 41... .l'.`l .~'_\'.~ l(_'H] lmlir-wt in .~':'.0_00.()l)() to 10 (,`\'1 I. .....`.., A ll\.\\ lI'_'Illl.| . in mu L-.\'pz1n. .\(`(I h\' I'll:-H14.` uunal .~_).~`L( conlph-tr-l_\'- Jll LU u1t- I11z1111t(`l1zl11('(- 1-nt oicc of ihe Confm-c-:m-ix-. Iarl .o\-:0 in this aid that opinion ~Xpl`L ast meeting of the Con1'c1'c-ncL- .~:]1ouId 111'!) Govermnent 1 the power (:.\`1)0 3I)1iI1,`." b'l"f0l`f` Pm-linmi pu1.n Th- ir mlock : n....:. In; LHEIL I polilivul \"v'n'_- Ht mm--, emu v-\'<.-11 11:1 :1-L oil. I don"t . 111 if thu-_\` Iakp ow.-1' H.]1'u-inn ;...nu,.m:,. mm or 1n(-Kn as aiding) hr.-1' atrocious attack up- :1-. in the brutal `f millions of innooentl .`ilHl U. COT1fC`1'Cl1L`(` nv xxvnn f\V`V\r `. .\'.Y.. Feb. -Ge1'-I ':1'.ion of .~\u. zmdl dt.-m:1nd.~ for colonic-s. taps :1 ])l`O_l"1m 0! pzmsion. 'I`I1.<`. will he 1 urt.lu-1' bold .<'.rok='.~, ac- \\'H'lI\I 1-` TWmLl l`n~--U . ROWE OPPOSED \ EXPORT OF POWER` LllL' po\\'e1' I b"fo1'0 P211" ll) DIE}! .~\nd 111.:-_\' `ill HUI, H( think they 11 av. 1- :1 lL' l`HLl pu. this 1` n-.nl.. `Ll.`lll NIH] unnlr-xod" l'ILn'opc;1n n: notwolk -' . ml {hm '01 .~\m(.-ric... 1 v1... ` H Illil|\l`.` I mtor In the 2 an-0x'(lin;: to in n..n...;.... 1.- docrioti I` n I "1-ul pu\\t'I'.~` make Ill p 01.! .;- 1 r_\'ho and M` I I .1. uuur LU l_1(.`)`m ni_;-"ht in 1110 arch ism . .-\u.-: Inm.-\-nrl`-` In- nmkr-.~' In 41. nu ma L-.s(l R. FIFTY YEARS AGO \ 1` for J 1 ,'L'UHUHH(' in tlu-ir :h<-_\' are u .~.'.1'()K='>, Dodd. form- : rim 1-nu u n .- .-\ u.~:u'1: by nations n6` [7.. v r U.` and flu, mr 1)1'L'.<(,`I1t' the D-.;pzn't- .P>'DlH'( -< in . :1idin_2, `.1`nr~L- uh I \\ UIK. Hg` :1 Fel.~'('i.` to a pro- I\|l1L',' by _\ .. . A. M" JIU\\' I :w<.-1' 1114- I lit` and vi)` pro do- lU('l\' :11" their n n in ... - \\.l('1I(`U . '.z1\'.- 111:- ` 41 and '.u-_`.' W1 will hu 0:11 Bri- I-nlw muu_\`. Tum p} P foe of .~'t1'iz1 is un u-my experts ith m n 4 . U1 U11 Worn wads I... m; mn.~m-(I . -2'.~L of Juiy. and work th1'ou_:'hc-ur tI_n- c:'untIy _2'oo`i to w;u'1 icommendation without 1, ]_. .?~ I The` Iimu pm'tmemal hu. Duct: for I .Junc 1-1:11. lwill bu wri an (.1. .-1.. .. ..,. .. I 41: 1-:3Lh of Jum Re-distilled, super-rejxned Oil of Euca- lyptus. All impurities remove No pungentjrritating odor--never 3 stale --never loses its strength. A Powerful Germicide Four times as effective as carpglic add is proved by agtual tests on typhoid g` _ but is nan-poi.sonaus and non-carro XV1\71{ f3':ie"cE;eafn}i-"s;;'"' Gargle Sure relief from Colds, Catarrh, Asthma, Hay F Throat. Eucalyptusisof ' avalue on your handkerchief. Rad 'rOtlon5. A Reliable Liniment Penetrates and di lvp the acids and salts which cause hematlsm, Neuriiis. etc. Gives murvelloixs relief from sprains and bruises. For Internal use Recommended for stomach, kidneys and bladder. It cleanses and stimulates thse organs and helps them to function pro- pcrly. Relieves distress and induce: restful sleep. Be sum to obtain our leaet stivlm: full directium for the nmuy uxerof this wondnr oil of nature. EXAMS START JUNE Insist on G.G. Extract Avoid Substitutes There is none lust as Good." Follow summer to its all-year home. Thrill to golfunder blue skies, relax on warm sands. For a winter vacation or a longer stay, there is never a dull moment. And living costs are very moderate. 1 Choose your own route. Fares apply direct or via {he Canzulian Rockica, Vancouver and Vic- torin to San Francisco in one or both directions. FULL INFORMATION AS TO ROUND TRIP 0 STANDARD FARE 0 TOURIST FARE 10 COACH FARE / (1.. A....I:-...:__ .- __. ---- `..'l.` 1"uu'.< nt(-rp1'i.- h w. Iv \rvr\\;l'I TRIKE On Application lo any Agenl :-- ___:._. m.--table for UK` I] n\'-n\\In-.6-inn. L.-.\'am.~: 15 Tu From that dab-2 L'I1 at HL 111:; 0 mm ur, .1.. n.u.r.. an A Lam-nts school befor.-K the tho.-a whose . thy _v-var is sui- \;':H'I`.`H`u' Huniu --n 'l'2U1`L the 11 Ivrnvn WQ .1` ` X \j]` Q3 JUS T1} l'2.t L-L ( ncsdz1_\ "71 .v LHL'll' FL" t1'_vmg' of 2'11 boforc u1uLIzu (lu- for 11133 opening Tuesday, zi:1t-- Hun! 1. L\\'() June ::l..uo,~ me that. fa1'm.-: -re plowing 13111 nvnr COLLECTS RAH_WAY TICKETS 07-" THE. VVORLD FOR LECTURE` 1u}.; HI U\" ' Stock W1 zmd hardv. hv 1In.`4- Hlill'l'H`H El town on the Patronize Home Industry v h21.< its own pecu- xid, wriiing to the rm] Systrm at Mon- nm'ticu1zu'1_v infl-igruod I fir-krts from Que- m\' that thr;=~o wm'e uvhrn-.. nun ........A.- _\ Ul'l.SK In Cnls I0- :3 u I:u':.:'e .<:uvmilI.' Richm`d. Broth-` 1':-main _;-`ood they n ow-1' one mllhon '1: will be principal- h11'(]\`.'0nd Inna: /0 .\UL them. Prices and Good `V3/orkmansllip Quality The Best wr mm 1 111 be prir wood 102' u-ill 1 JLl5|.IlC1IlLE 112, -114 in Saskztt-I on Fwb. Gkh, twelve inches ' 11:1. how(:\'er, on the 23111, was 21r1'zmge(l and ._ H1 II 9 :'\H1 lll`.`l' \\l'I(.' m0\'(-mmuts ~ prnvincn. nndizln t1-av-"I r Indians T.z\(`hine fnv 1?/:1. vi: mm runn T}1"_\' are 1n+.- ..4' :11 hobhx mm lllll ._ 25th. -.`~Hl XVIII} nn(1co.~:ts Iv 1u\..... 1 mmr-_\' 1 lmok|n_ 1.11" n .1 _vc-211's. and have I-. nu. -..` ,. D at 21' at the (Co: 11ows., (liscasc. nison, I fruitfui from ' C`.l1'(.'l(_`>':' {and bu,- (liseas:-. f,'Clll11- . :1 nd (1 1'_v wu` U1 0 -u-. ur. p1j:.`- ,1IfL.~' (`11lH' (I Stumt-titi.< is 0:111.- mouth whom tht` tu. (`Iip< Lho fop off and for n time. [Hill 0 HI .I.,\. 1:. mm Cooksw l'I\ -um .1 .`ll"L| from .<<-11111011 to 1:111 th1~ pi_:.< z1ft01' 1111.0 (-o111ac1- W 'l`h11111p.<. is 1* 4,. I1... .`U\\ | and I Hm- I .6-un I\ __.n_j__...._.__.. [County Swine Clubs Annual: Meeting; Prizes Presented UH. I: ll LUlH1llUl1 il1l111L`11[. lnl'1 motht-1' 511011111 11u\'c- enou;'11 iron in 11-1` .~'_v.~'tcn1to .~'upp1_\' thy young pi_u'.< for the r. threw \\'Ct`1{a', and 5114- .<(:110u1(1 be 1'1- on iro11-pro in: 1'oo(1.<. 1i't11o young brood (lroop whcn a week or :0 wold, they . be ::i\'v-n 1w(1`L1co(1 iron to; . tho deciency. (;oitr~ is u1. cuu.<(: from lock (v, .,I.,._I I 1,. lnr :..,... /\Iu :\Il(`l| blood. 1 I-. .. I (Conzinued from page one) .(1ia'L`2).S(. . and the stockya1'ds are a Ifruitfui e`Ou1'(:1- of various diseases. iCz11`(.-le.~:s11e_~:.s on the part of handl-ers mud b1'(:Ud`l`.: is also 1-us-op11sible fox '(li. l\'eL-ping pig 111.115 clean and dry 111021115 11101}, t.l1'.111 a11_Vtl1i11-g `in 1111-\'.-11ti11g' di'cz1s. 1111.,-`gs of dif 1'1,-11-111 pumsitcs (iuvvlop in dirt and thr: pi;:.`~.: haw.-11 t :1 c11ance. ' Th`, .qfr:\'r-nx-nn uh-nnn-Iv I-1-1-nn1. Lrl l L` Luv: pxg,-'5 maven : cnance. : D1`. Stevenson st1'0ngI_\' nmnutlml the colony hou.~.cs ` \'c1opi'n:_' . hezlltlly H:1\'(` :1 nnh-h 01' 1-Invrxv 1 ['1d\'(,` 21 `building-.< ; from Ii l....Hl`.. . l'$=liov:- nu`H .. lil('(' :`zxld<:' `ull\llIl`L'/..` (IIILI IHU\\.' LIKU CUIUI mm time to timu. Pig -xalthy nut.'d cluzm buds _}ll>'L ums (lo, and .~>zu1itz1ti0n is th 1' :1 .~'uccc.~:. . business; nu. .-`lwnnhl hr. L unnzl \ l-|`I| ould nI`\`\ .. ung p1'.';>. Lms IS cau thz p1uc( \vhero the; u- n10th=1' s110uId b( Q] new that has born xlrlxul in kill 4\`` . LETTERHEADS SALE BILLS GUMMED LABELS BUSINESS CARDS SYMPATHY CARDS LED GERS BUSINESS FORMS IL` the >'LlCL'L'.'>'[U| ."\VI should be ( 1- `I'rcquc11t`._\', thinj,~' that Disease and Prevention Stz,-\'cn. rx-1'91-rvd I0 11- uilnlonts -.1t1' ll| TZIHL L v . `II \\ :10:-k_\..rd. -.<(.-nt zmr ('hiHv_d 9 I.` klX'(` Shouid Ins..n,I .`Ll'U patch < and ;I\\.. `r lle T110 Ln .7 n v,~`LI`l'll `chippin_L' `-n \\'1( 21 common 21 This is czn.1.<< .1-m...-\ H-..- nl'(l zmd 1L'_v. so inc. Sows should be_ `alf an ounce of 110- line in solution form `fore farrowing. a common uihnent in 'I`I.'.~. :r~ n....., L" .l.'..v l:u'k \\I\\:u|\ `ULlH`L" pl}. =`.urbanc~ -/\\u- 1.`...L IUL El DI milk >\I11\ r.. .. Tr.-cum-` sc-1h council awards,-d the year s prinIin_2' to G. P. Hughtra. his tendler being: $29, and that of the World $49.50. Some- folks must want: work had to do it for nothin_u'. \\'lIlL.` UUFI 3. . 1 |'_' clnzmcd with hot _v, as tl1i.~' is the will kill pz11'u.~5it:- ,-pk i( \\ . . 3 01 nm n 111 the ailmL-111. Tha- nun...-I. ...A._ l `LLUFIII ovelops l` LU CU] bocomc ('11 \ unada I . uivrxjv I 1n ilI|1Hl:'HL 1U\ .`|Ll.~`(: by di1 I_ 1e_.* are born.` placed in 2 tho)'ouj4'hI_v 'n1.<, so that .'ill not come 4: I llll'L. I thr mothol [ k. Oftrn a; small litten in nr\1r-`S11 l fllL'\' 1111105 sz1y.`< U1: chowzln won.- but on H111 13 rd` sun... 4`, 11 L l:.',: LU ut` 21>: hu- the b:1. in..,~,- I by ( ( Th- uu u1. . food I Ling: pi Mn f: v 1: :11- whr-n Young arc- hu1tm'. CL-zm, _' >1 ~ X~ :1 im- If is Caro. : })i_:."~ is :11 whom Jtion: uyxes. Feed R (1LlLl11UIiCs, ..fLE=`d.~' will \.u u A:A L-"8 _ do not mxx r.-<:01'<':.<-- kinds hn 1~ 3mr~n:hm' for each .In muk '.1nii'm'rr. and com _:`.:'t~ tion `cht are not more si Pigs bx` we On H1! r-nn1T\1lr.rf3 .-nun. `.uuuu\.uun H1 QIIHLUL` \.ULlH._\;! :11 of the ad \'lH(`(`(i 11-`_g'i.~:t.1'_\' policy for swine in conimu-rciui swine produciion. ` I`I11t1'i~.---]11t1-y `forms must be. -ompln-1; d and 1'oi'wa1'dcd to the < :LL"l'i(`UiiLll'2li representative, Ontario 'iDcpu1'tn1i-nt of .-\f:ricultu1'e, Ba1'1'i(:l ;o1' Alliston, as soon as possible. -'u1'tL-1' d21t- of fu1'r0\\'in::;_. but in an_\' ' (`150 within f0u1't.-n dz1_V;~: of far- ro\*.'ing'. (Swine Club me1n1)L-1'5" zip- pIicz1`i0ns on ; hz1\'i11g' fui`ro\\'ci in .TAnn.rn-v nv nrn-Iv in I:`..I\.......... ...:11 1 The Pubhc' School Board a, meeting on .\Inda_\' night set sa1a2'i`e= of teachers as follows.. Pnchnds \VhHerborn and Jmnnbon $600 per annun1; assuun: frmni $22.3 1'0 per zmnum. }