WATSON FAMILY Page Seven re-cm'vc(1 last W-'-0K: .\Ir.<. 1'}. Rob:-rt.. Mrs. P.zn'kr,-_\', M1'.<. Price, 40 High St.. 160 Brad- ford St.. .\'Ii.=;< H'm\'. Mrs. ?\"i(-hol.<. .\Ir.<. A. B. (`0ukbm'n. M1':~:. J. 1.i.It1f:. 'l`horc- \vc.~1'- 13-3.`! nrticlc-.< g:i\`-n out du1'i11g`t.h' past, wvek. HRS. LONGMAN PRESIDENT BARRIE WOMEN LIBERALS .-\t the annual Ineoting` of B2lI`l`l(' WomLn s Liberal .-\`.<. h.~1d' on 'i.`ur. n1j;11`.. off ` /...I .. ,.. \ ICC-l X'$lUlWI\> I4aren. llra John Lcnnox; 1 \r \HH- '-~i1Hl(`1'Ul| Dutchev. \Ta-a ' 1)ut.cne1'. Mrs. Wm. Moore-. it was an- nounced, had 11- cu appointed 21 Vice `_[))`e'_'>`id(311t for this district of the On- tzxno Liberal _-\.=.:ociation. .:._.._.__.__..__. by an (`I\'2ll['1 mm ; yet one a gi\':n (,`I l(1 ptlrsuv, Ot.h(-rs will seek the same. success:-:3L YEVAR REPORTED BY TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH The annual mt -eting of Trinity. Angliczm Cl1urcl1 was held on Mon day ni.g'l1 L. whvn rcprots of the past y`2n"s act.ii\"uir::< were p1`e; and and ofcers for the _\'ea.1' elect- ed. The reports were all enO0u1'ag:- Eng. showing marked p1'og'1'c-ss un- der the _u'uida.nce of Archdeacon C. .-\.. Moulton. nmnnlia +'m- 19:23 were elected as O1ce1's for 1938 as. follows: Lay Members of Synod. H.`; A. Sims, .7. A. Laking, W. N. Thomson; ultvrnatos. R. F. Grant.` .1 . T. Simpson. \Vm. Pomfret; Rec-~' to1".~2 Warden. W. .-\. Lakinp: 1 Peopk-`s \Varden. Wm. Po111f1'e L',7. Secretary. W. N. Th0m. Parislij Council. E. G,. Co\es. A. S. .\Ior1'ow,. Miss Elgrood. Miss Chnnnen; Audi- tors, E. J. Lrn1nm`d. F. W. Hannah, Robt. Craig. {'11-nnnc Fnl11111iI1`. H. A. Sims. 'l`HU1LSD.~\Y,FEBRL'.-\RY 3, 1938. --:?--- "1(l' UH I. i--('11.-(1 were } 1`L-.'i . WI... 'ce-P1w. WHAT A BOY CAN DO r .ODt.. Lrzug. Grounds Co-mmu rev. *7. Love, R. C1`a ;g', 3 5 Mrs. Dowler. `hr Am:-:H Kfnmorin .111 . n I nu mittee, Mr Miss Sp1'_v, At a meotmfr 01 me sp<.'L'1zu committee of Simcoe C-ounty wewk. Pr-r<'_\' C. Noff. reevx '_o`.'t:1\\':\;~z\5.::1, \\'u:< r>`.o(-I-(I chah urn ...._ ...1.. .\'o:'t:1\\'u: Pivctm Tho other two mtmb-'1'.'< Luck, N-o\'e of Om. Toner, rm-vo of F105. can :1 boy (10. :111y\\'z1_\' 7 ask. What 3.-'1'm1d 01' gmat ? a moment. lad, I pray, I throc: tluixurs will state. RED CROSS NEWS l;UHlI` .\I1'11.< I18 exalt w What \' (\v1 . [HE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE` Dowler. Arnall -.\Ic-morial W:n'd Com , Mrs. Sims. .\Ir.=. Sprott, Spry, Hrs. B1-_vmnc-r. mukv L mko the There are many and varied types of assurance and insurance. A savings account assures the depositor of an active reserve that can be had on instant demand in an emergency. A savings account assures nancial stability and SL`\.".Ii'l`f\' ;1 rainst market risks. . 5 Open a savings account with this Bank and benet from the assurance such an account will give you. __.._.:.__< oting of the special road A4` Qhnr-nn P-n1H`|t\' 1a5t TOTAL ASSETS O_\/ER s5oo,ooo,ooo W0 1'] d 7iot_\' for world \V H21 L You : List`--n And world morn H`-. Sims.` Mrs. Crewicke, .\H'.<. 1\. A. .\h'.<. Fx"-.u11<\ m. r'om1reLv, . m-` Pm'is1I`No DOMESTIC POWER SHORTAGE, SAYS HEPBURN umnen; ` '. Hannah,~ Premier Hepburn. addressing the Enginecring Institute of Canada on 1 i Tues(la_\', said that should` the Nia- ` \Irs. Crewicke,` `ed. all Western Ontario would suf- fr-'r. Plans are being made to meet this possibility and divert sufficient power to prevent a disasLer, and there would be enough for domestic ie U50 at least I- an 'l1a`. `D1-nn~in1' ll m ner. indicated that the gara main power plant b'e destroy- ` \vi:~h to (1OI1ilti011.'\` Ii_2'ht, .1 and JCHLRIUII. ofccxs I`[`.!f\ L` U I chairman. .. \l/`\ 1 n the v:nn A boy `ne LingjNouk (}.o. in thv li_;'ht of um-i.nt l :4`:-n(l and from old books. thv story is told 01 .\losr,-.< us :1 l 1'im:1- 01' l lmi'uol1 .~: C0111" up to tho time of his el11Cl`_`.`,'*'llCC z1.~ ` Llw . of l. The ziutlim , l'ollow.< his pauih Lln'ou;.-`l1 Lliw LlL.~:ei~! of Sinai, and thv forty _\'<:ui's wan- .(lL*1'lH3.," in .<(*z11`cl1 of th=- proiniscd lzmd, and l1czu'.< .~:t1'2u1g'c tales fron; `tho Betliouins. of Lawrence of `.-\1'ubi-.1, who ('{l1`1`l'I`(l tl1`~..- people Ol jtlin;s`-.- 1'e_-,r'io1i.< exactly as the cz1p.ain.~ 01' Moses (lid tl11'e<.~ thousantl )`('zH':_ ugro. The final chapter (leals witl* the \\'l11(l.-S\VL`1)t plateau of Nebo, wh~c1'e in some spot among the crags. and rocks sleeps the prophet, but no man knowcth of his sepulchre un- 3 `til this da_\'. One of tire b.es.: Lrave` books of the y'car. In the thv T In om \I ........ .._. it y l on the -m act- H. ant. 3 .ec~ i get `lives throughout the jungle. ious days followed, but `.'hey nally 9 to 16 Years The Smugg'lin_2' Sloop, White. Tobie and her brother Tommny, two particularly daring children. who lived in Dominica, iiianaged to themselves cast adrift on tl~.-- Caribbean They were captured by Caribs and forced to ee for their Peril escaped from the : Carib-s with the help of a huge negro and ;. n1r\h1(D\,' by Robb \` .\'o1'thwest 1 Roberts. ` A .< Hnu 4-1 glcoberts. ` As the central point in thi: `novel, Mr. Roberts has takien th-c can-:41` of Major Rogers and his Indian grhters. The story stands in :`\1L'\VI`:nf.,"121l1(i, t1'zn'o1.< to Canada, then to En-,:'1z111(1, back ug'zxin to Czlnada and far into the north as it. purstu-.< thv s(-2111-h for t.hc- north west p:'..<.<:1::x lezidingz t.o the` Pacic. 01' ixntviwgsx` to Canadians because (.`anu(}a f01'm.< an actual part of thu hi. backgrround. For Boys and Girls 1 to S Y:-211's Sh:-z\\'nev_ :1 and the Gander. b_\ Iichurd Be1mvvt;t. Thu 5::1n(1L-1'. hutchvd from :m which 2L L`0p1'(-chzxun found. wz1.< as full 01." pmnks 21>` :1 mi: bo_\ and j;`u\'-- Sh21\\'nm-11 no rnd of L1'ouh1A. until fi11u'xL\' hw was out 4:... ,1 .....I Q11-.n\'nnnn u':1.< able to `and bm1\\'m-4-11 nu until 11z1'1L\' t'1tL'- and S11u\\'1we11 wa.~ fnd his hou1't s desire. _-\ I1'i. fznry tale. 1.r.....m.m nr T3-.u~:~ h\' 1`L21_LIl1un U1 Lulu`, u_- ..... 0111011 Jonc;~:. ` A <-]m1'ini11.:` pin-.'.u1'0 of Paris in s1)i'iii2'ti1i1e. B0;-`id<-.< two i1'1=0si.stib1r- -small boys, there is th`- kind-heartml m_L'1nz1n: lladam Pouf with her niany _u'ay potiticoats: Mimi, the horse who vi-n-rrlmir H10 (`obbl-U1`. the butcher, th( ;\'11m1, the norse wnu ';`i'_g'j:1ed; the cobblwqr. How:-1` 121(1)`. who did things both un- `oxp (`tad and in'.`rig'uing. H UU_\ can lH21I\l' LH.\' \\UIlll bright B)` kindly word and deed; As h]`o.<. (-2111 for nz1turr s So h<~2u't.< low-`.< . _tne nvulp ` monkey. T`hr` Premier indicated that the Go\"-rnment and Hydro authorities aro oonsid~:*ring the possibility of power facilities at Niagara Falls b1'eakin5_- under the strain of ice jalmninyx the river. Pa.~:.~:ag`e, by Iiermetli Adult < 01' .\lo_~'e.~:, by Loui.~ \\'d> UUK.` chm'n1in_ Eli /.abvt1'. SEVEN BILLION or LIFE I INSURANCE IN CANADA.` __.._. _-__.._. Ixondon, Ont, Jun.-1`_ ..-~ln 1-0- viL-\\'i11vg' th- record of lifc in. in Canada during the 1121-. your, G Wilson Gicddes, pm-siduiit of tin (.'zmudia11 Life lnsuralice Oicxrs` Association, and general manage1 .:\.ssu1`z111c(: Co., 1)Ol11l}L'1L1 out that no l l I l and actu-aL'_\' of the .\'o1'11hcrn Lil"-' ` I .~:ing'lo subject was of such lllati,-l`1d i]"t/].'1'ht4 to so many people as thai I of life ll1su1`2ll1l:', in \vhichmo1'c' .1..." nut-..H1l1`(l of the nu.-n and wo- l winch more than one-third thc mwnt of the country had their sav- il\_,".~` in\;ested. These 3,-300,000 policyholdwrs, at 111. end 01' 1937, were protected -~ . nu. hvn L"l'tEd.t h'd.Zd1'dS oi A boy can nmk thv mon- pure B_\' hps kept L-V01` clean; Silt-no can inux-ncn .' as sure As spot-ch-oI't mow doth m'an.7 $`_'.,lJUU.uuu,uuu U]. u..w....,, the p0lic_\'hold\c1':< and invostm them in Dominion, provincial municipal . in rst gages on carefully selected Ir.-nvn nnd farm properties, in ' p!'0\'l11C1'd1 unni mort-'~ city,{ town and properties, publin u c.i`lity bonds, in school debentures, etc. In this way the savings 011 more than 3,500,000 thrifty citizens! have served the nation s interestvs by I nancing many a public and private ` em1e1'p1'ise, and by thus stimulating! employment in the years of econ-l ., . I _r.\...mmnn lllule unan u,uu..,..-.. V served i : yezu omic depression. Mm,-m-v workimr (lay Every workin=g day tliroughout 1937, said Mr. Geddes, half 21 mil- lion dol i:u's was disbursvetd` in cash by the lie insurance companies of Canada to heir polic_\'liol(l'c1`s. In fact, this daily circulat-ion l.a. year of the accumulat.ed ; of ou1'| citizens in life insurance fur oxc-e(l- `I I i 1 ed the (lirect re-lief payineiits of all` ag'v.ncies tl11`U11g'l10`L1t the Dominion. Despitw i'h(- recession in othei lines of busine " continuud Mr " ` ' -` H2. :u-.-nvunr-n \\-':1_L \JL`(l'U'l_ sold 11) 2, (3. :i`~(`-'7:').0UU,UUU n12u'|<. nu-n (nun; . portnnt than thv inc1'va. in nr-w'| h11sino..<.< \m.< 111` (1r-c1' in term inzxtions, which \\'u.< probzxbly at that 10\vc~;~'t: lvwl since 1929. 1 Tu. nmiv fvnsh-e 1'U11lt-i0!1:"hi1) to; W259. In their tru;~:t<-e to` polic_\`11o1de1':< and bmmg-cia1'i<*s. thr? .g:1`(:z1tL-. prn-bleln confronting` life in- surancu exo.cL1ti\`cs," (l<*c1a1'nd M1` Gvx-(1(lo.'<. is thv handling: of im'es:t'- ment matters. Mn Hm xvhnhn cond`ition.< 'm1p1'ov- ice ment matters. On the whole, ed '.~l'1r0u2h0ut, the country during the past. year. and a number 01 municipalities and industrial corpor- ations have: been taken out of die fault. and less is being` heard 01 threatened repudiations. The decid` in business which do Untitled States last had lit,ti.e ed recession verloped in the summer. fortunately has Wffcct on Canadian business. so far. The newsprint industry seems to be the only one `to feel the. eftect dir- ectly, and, of'course, the Sit-C1.11`ll'._\ markeu has reacted in line with the New York market. Life insurance clmpanies comle throu;:h the last great depres- sion so well, and it has been sog`e.n- erally known that no policyhonldel has ever suffered a loss through a failure of a Canadian life insurance company, that there is danger that the public may conceive the idea that life insurance companies are impregnable zigainst nancial dii culties of any kind. A fair rate of interest for the rent of the accumulated funds of the policyho'.ders is necessary for the success of the busim-ss. Theorc-.tica1' ly t`hve life insurance business could be carried on without interest. hu1 the cost of tube insurance would h~ twice as great as it is now, and it would not be practicable to attempt to insure lives on this basis. Policies presently in force and s.ruz11-zintr-wax? by the compani-as are based on Ihr a:<. that a fair rate of in- terest will be earn`:-`(l. Thv com panies are debtors to their policy- holders under these contract..<, of course, can only pay th~ir d`:`bIt.'- in full if the ma_iority of debtors 01 the company (that is, bor1'o\vr>r.~ from the company) pay their debt. in full. have~ but. ` A boy can ma t1fu:e `D.. ..n ..\-"H .. 102, '1'hL~ nxcn.-use pm` <-(-nt.. b1'i1\_:rin;;' thw- `l11'ilnL':' for the _\'cm' 675,000,000 nm1'T<. I` ..e....+ Hmn 111:. `mm APPOINTMENTS TO SENATE N0 CREDIT TO PREMIER KING `I .__..___. itncent appointments to the Sen- ate recct no credi: on Hon. W. L M. King or the Liberal party. Mr. I{in;:`s i11ustriou.< predecessor. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, promised the elz-ct.or.< that he would reform the Senate. Years afterwards he made a joke of his promise by tating that he had i'c1'q1-im-ti the Senatei n.- 3* uvn: H1:-`ri `NIH nf Liberal aU`I I pointees. - _ The storm of protest which was voiced over the proposal to havel Duncan Marshal`. appointed Lieuten `ant-Governor certainly does not justify his appointment to Canada's 'House of Lords. although it prob- `ably helps to explain it. l , In is only natural that Liberal Egovwnnients will make Liberal a'p- `pointments, just as Conservative zgrovernments made Conservative ap- `pomtments. But there is at least. a l_t1'adit.ion that men appointed to ;r.h-- Senate, like lawyers elevated to the Bench. shall cease to be activel .pa1't.i. The appointment of] .\'o1`man .l.ambci't is. tht-refore, 8` vr-igv bad =.-.ppointment. and :1 flag-rant `\'ioia.iion of that tradition. I Mr. l.:unl,~`1't is head of the Nat-I `Zonal l.iht-~'al Ft`(lC`l`Z1." lOn and as, `~ll(`ll is vii'tuall_\' the cliief 01:;-aiiizct .f'm- the- Liljeral party in the Dom- inion of Canada. `Aqainst .\Ii-. Lam- . 'Il')'l T pm'.~ 0n.'zll_v we have nothing: to ,.~a_\'. but it does not :~'--t-m to he lquito in kt-opinfz with his recent jll0ll0l'~` that he should continue -`no ~`n- th oflitinl head of the Liberal :p:u't_\"s ni'y.1'ani7.ation. .-`appointments .' 11> those just` l1l1\(lL- by Premier Kins: furnish "pr-wr-i'l'ul uryruni-.nt:r. for those who iwould abo'.i.~:h the Senate and thus s2.\'o the cuum`.`i'_\' a Good many hun- rliirls of il101l.~`1lll(l.\` of r`~'=`=~`--- gram. 'd.\ 1`: n a; pointees. The \'!oIa.uon or Lan,- ional I.il)er:2 virtuz for the Libe s-. f\`` r`n1.t he had ")'c191'1m- IH`- Dmmu: was thou full of Liberal ap- I.II_`..'.uuA1.u.1uu. I oinuncnts just .'u1 he cvuum-y 1' A1...` ..,I. f\-l- ,y,n,,.._. lift- Full simple llhim_".<, indeml. thcsc three, Thus statul in my rhyme; Yet, what. dear lad, could greater be. ` \Nl1at _:1'z1n(lr.-r, more sublime `? 4` --Philip B. Strong: 3 L The Northern Advance 1l1S1.1)`2l11CL' wit: L 1937 than in was about '7 tot.-(11 new in close to the `I11 n1 nu-r. in mm as, f 0lL`21hi7,FI Dom-` I --em -. ` n5: te l' TELEPHONE TALi 3/ze HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION of Otzlafciv IN THE Cheap poiver has been a real magnet in attracting industry to this Province, with a consequent employ- ment of thousands of workers and larger payrolls. In addition to this, the payrolls of Hydro and allied electrical trades swell the buying power of the 1 citizens of this Province. In Ontario s industrial development, therefore, Hydro iniiuenccs your pay envelope, regardless of your occupation. At the same time that it is creat- ing msnhh for the home Hydro is s.1'.'ing work in the homc. This momh. for instance. your Hydro Shop or dcnlr-risfcat11ring{::sl- cooking: Electric Ranges and the new Hydro Plan makes it easy to 32:3. . ' own and c:1sym pay for one of these new marvels of Electric Cookmg. The Red Cro.~:.< So(`i xmnk thr- following: 'J'0(`(`1'\ (.*(1 last \'-'-0k: M... I>..:,... H\ LI:..1a Q0