Mcouurv ENGINEER I REPORTS on ROADS] 1uvL:1'ULt-. That U1-'-~1nzxtt,c1' 01' pz1_\'i11g` :1 tor per cent. _;1'ant on `. cz.1cI1er.< .~'z1}zu'ic.< ,in schools Le21chin_;* fth p;1-21 work ob left over for further con. tron by the $[)L`L'il] c01111nit1`.vc(-01\ vcducation. '01 Having" (on.~:id01'c-(I the s`tut-mcnt.~ 1-lninu n!` H11. ,lin`;.m.u4 L .1. \.\ItA\.LI.LlUH. _ `LZltll11Cl]tr of claims of the di`un-nt I-Iigrh am ;COI1UI1L1il.ti011 Schools 1"or(~d11c'.1`.'ioi\ of county pupils, l'('COHH11(,`~H(i that :1 . committee Composed 01 ;Chairman Evans, with C0uncil101'.~' :Hig=g`inson, S`I:ev<-.ns and B2u`ko1' be 'appointc-(1 to check over the claims with the county ch;-rk, and \\'h(`l'. they are fqund corrc-ct. to autho1`i7.i. the tx'ea. to makg puyim-iit of szunc; they further recommt-ml 111* `the special connniilt-t-0 be c1n1)o\vcrr( ., tu mukt. :1 1(:\'_\' on the portion of .th- (`Ou111_\' outsidu high school and it-ontinuation school of the e(luczL'.ion of county pupils 01. their 1'=~. niunicipulitios. \\'ilt`I' the C01`1`- ct z1m0unt.< 2111- 11.<( ('l`i21i110(i n... \uIu_:l' ilL \ nund the (-0 That no 1-<-solmion 0 t;0\\'nshi}) to (}ow1'1nnnt nI' .....I:,.4' n\'.\u.uLIUll U1 U1` L'uu11L'1I UL U1'l1Il:) 1)u`.iti()n the [ ro\'im-321' to :1.<. the full (`mt of 1'(,-lief and l1u. that nu action I)- xukt-n I1. thv 1'(*. of County 0| I't-1-horo to p lilior ` he Dominion (inn-rnn1<-111 for thtf :1ppoint.n1:-11L of :1 c0Imni.<.~'ion 10 in `\'<-.~'ti'g:m- the c0`m1iti0n.~ o.\'i.~1ing- :1: io the (-o.<'. to con. 01':1}:1'icL1. turul prorhu-1.< cmnpzu" (1 with \\'h:1 :1` turns the produc 1' 1':-(-e1\'o.<. v ' 1II21\'iI1}_" um. thv H-. .1)!" H10 (`ount_\` 01' .\Iithl}(>.<(.-.\'. :1. `lthut I'<;_::.`LIlz1ti0n;< 1vqui1'in;.: thra-" `.~'llhAr'1'ihnr< tn 2: n\H.- in I-nvul 11:.- l'L` 1ninutv.< Lll(`lIl (`0LlH'. \' [0n(ll.` 01' the councn. \' ,, I938 21>` 1 1u:rUIlIHIl`IlU Lnzu 1nI-- LL*n(1L'I' 0! the CoE(l2u\'1vr .\'.w.< Ir l('(`('))l(.`d :11 .\':'w pm` p:1_;`:-. 'l'h- connnm:-o rvronnnmul tlm 1.00 mz1.p.< of thv ('0unt_\' 01' Simcm hr 1m1'ch:x.<<-d I'mn1 Lh- Orilliz: P21cls::L and 'l'imr-.< 211 a cost of pur map; mup.~' to 114w the loan`: a.~ .<(-.<, mu I-[ml nu ` It(:,L-`:x1' from Mr. .-\. `ob.ieclin.: to \\', D. ` H11. Lht 1... . Ul`1l'\\'? .I'JIn1\'alc m....,. *'.`a. ,,-- .....,,, . <- population; mt-nd(.~.I H111 to pmctln: Stc.1L1t.=~ of `I11. ..n...\4.. Order Your Stationery Business F o1 ms and Counter Check Books In Barrie uL:.LLILl'\ U1 `he count)` >21}.-21 1'. p0]i('1- h('(`!l n .. H 6'.` \(|Ll'l .\L'\\.`, I.:1n(.'u. 90(: J tzxr. $1.0! [xv mnvmi that ;l..u.0.... \' u... H..\ KUUHCX .'21t<-1` .\'vw.< I . nn `CDO nfhn 1: HI! (`J-(`HUN U121 ].0lI(`( L \ \'zx.~":x}:z1 I-h.-uch. wmrn mmmuniczltion be lvd. no an-(ion be taken 11. lhc of th- council ol Orilliv 1.. I\:. Hnn +1. r>..,\..:.... ' n; u :.< 1L11'LH(`!' mt the vlrrrk l)(- uul I,` (,'0[)iv.< of the I )1` Ontario for thv 3' council. HU lhv um. 121) LU HE -41112111 /.vd if i\' Legislation 41. . brthern Advance i mm ' 4-(1 'l`in1n.- -,1! -: nn.-I ,.r g-. H` CUIHIII I". Sullivzm, Ouk\'i(~,\\' 1`. in... J. ulI'd.. 2|.` [HI `'(1Lll`> t !'()t'('i\`('(1 I` :`Hnn n|' -: I n] r|,|I:L`v \.vI.|u\.L |\u committcn: also 1'r*.`~'01Ll`I l'0n of `thy I\1\n'xv nr nun! 1 '(l.\'."L'>'SlH fu1'Lhv1' .,\.L- I\ r. V .\`.5(' p(')' 1 up)` n:n I`! pdf.L(' th--. tendon '.< um-(-pt(.-d JLIL|.lll'l H`L'UlIl- rk ;1uw?`ho1'iz(-; Rt-visori (`nu Hm` ...- ,.4 r u I rin1in_ had for printing 38 1:11-(;-ti11_g'.~* 01 L5 fOH0\\'.< 'atronize Home Industry `IIIIXIVIHI Llhll I (-.\'pr_-ditr.- thr- -' und:-2` tzlu ` Review emu v Board. T\\ .`l`('IUH il]('ll1(!1'(I .. . cl. pm" pz15.~` |1lu':~` ("1-. .. l14(lLlL'dLI0I Rev. N. Board of -, Douglas '1 Board of '. M. Mc- `.1 .~.+' 13,1" `(I I [hm 1] L thin I 4- .- Um ` 1..D. Ere-L` A1'(.`a. Having consitdcred the communi cation from the Dept. of Ag'1`iCl1l`t1H`( giving` notice of the annual conven tion of the Ontario .~\g'ricultura' Council, on Feb. 15 and 16, and ask in;: for a grant, and that counci; send (lvlL:z1te;<. recommend that Frank Hig`9:1nso11, chairmzm of th` Agwicultural Commi~'.'tec, attend the convention and troastlrc-1' pay his exp:-n.<-s and also that :1 _g'rz1nt of $25 be made; that :1 5.-`rant of $100 each 1.0 F. A. Lnshley, agx-icultum. rc-p1'ese11L:mi\'o for South Simcoe_ and S. L Page, ug'1'icultu1`al repre- s<-:11tati\`e for .\'o1'th Simcou. be mad for Junior Fannm` zxctivitios. 'nhm- 11.\ nu-\6-Inn Ilp m..I-=~..- Prices anti Good E!`/rorka-'aaans1ip Qualis':y The Best Spicher, Palmer, McKay, Downey, Livingston, Robb, Benson and Cox, be empowered to look after the in- terests of the county regarding re- forestry between sessions, and that Chairman and three membe.-.- form a quorum; that the matter of pur- chase of lands for reforestation be left in the hands of the special committee, providing the purchase of such lands are approved by the Dept. of Lands and Forests. Agriculture The commit-tee have considered the communication from the Dept. `of Ag`riculture with reference to declaring the County of Simcoe a T.B. Free Area, and note that Mr L. E. O Ne1ll, director of the Livv Stock Branch of the Dept. 01 Agriculture, advises mat the town ships of Adjala, Sunnidale ano L\latche.dash had not sufciently s=ig'n- ed petitions to be included in th T.B. Free Area, and he suggevster that steps be taken to have a sui cient number of the stock owner: in these townships sign the petition so that they may be included, zinc" recommend that the clerk advi.~:' Mr. O Neill than it was the under standing` that the county should bx united and than if a suicient ma iority of the stock owners in th( county petitioned to have the count`; made a T.B. Free .`~\reu, that th- whole county would be included Would strongrly urge on the depart- ment` to hi1\'n the nrmntv dnnlmwl ... .Lu1' uumor .L'armm' actxvnns. 'Dhat the nmttcr of Inaki1:g' a ;;'1'ant to County of Simcov Fairs A.~:s0ciz1ti011 he 1'u['en'e(1 to lhe n- ance commitxtee; that 21 .-pocial com mittn--c composed of CounciIlor;~ Bzwkcr, Gratrix, I-Iig';:i1zso11,Hende2-- son, Luck, Downey, Toner. Todd and ex-\Varden 1)rinkwat.c1', be appoint- ed to have cl1a1'g'c of Lln: ar1-21ngw- lnents for the Ontario Plowing Match for 1938`. D...'|. _._.I l,,. I AVJ(lL\,ll LUIV 13701`. Railways and Canals Rc;:a1'(lin:g.z't1m co1'1`e. re Thc two railway crossings on the boundai'_\' lin--.- between Peel and Simcov, wouid recommend that the clerk continue his corrcspoiidencrs with the Hon. Ear`. {owe and Mr Gordon G1'zi_\'don, )I.P., requesting them to cont.inu.: ti1(,'il' work with the Board of Rail\\'a_\' Commissionx rs, In view of the fact that the l1i:::h way zm. these c1'ossi11;:.< is a. provin- cial l1ij:h\\'z1ys, the clerk xvriie M1-. Thos. Kcnned_\', M.L..-\., and R-.v. W. A. Downer, M.L.A., rrquesting them to take the matter up with the Provincial Departim,-nt of Hi_<.rh '21) ;<, and .'1l.~:~o write the Dopzirtment of I~I'i;:l1way.<, pointing` out the po.<. biliity of surious accidents occur:-in_.; at t.h0. L-1'os. The editor 1.< indebted :0 the Min- ister of M`unicip:1l .-\'air:< for a Copy of tho 1513!; annual report: of municipal .~.tuti. for the Pro- vince of Ontario. just off the press, which :_-'1\'_.< much \'z1luabl(: inform ation of th-- vzu'iou.< xmlnicipalitios. Co1n`pa1'atiw Q'l1I'('S sho\\' the population 01' ci:`i(=.<, '.-owns. \'i1]21:'(:;S and tow'n. in 1.026 as 2.31.11,- -l."T and in 19343 in 23,350,131"). the 1mor2;uni7.u<] U-1'1'it01'iL-5 mw no - .1/.4 .1. Av A - .. --`~-~ MUNiClPAL STATISTICS REPORT anu 1,uw'u.\u1p.~ IH 1211.1!) 3,350.1.` includwf In [hr z1ho\'. 1 'p0pulu`.io-n of H11` pr0\'in('(.~ \\`21.< :1<-hmllv :3.,r:.-'.n nnn .\t`.~.\ r(1 111"! I ~ 3nd ._Ja 3rd It is r Toror I All im and i vvumu .sL1`ol1vj.{'1_\` urge on the (1epa1't< have the county declarvd 2 T.B. Fre-9 Area. T-I-nvim... n.-\.~... G.G. stale 0; ` ` ed from .-\1'm. Bros., 01 : T Brampton. ' 1 Several concrete culverts \w;re`, 1 COI]m'L1`UCt'ld and teir. locations and| 3 sizes are as follows: -` 1 Dam: \v,. 10 ,..\....,.:,\ 1-; 10 I 193 1. 1U -.|>, T110 from Q-~)u1n BBCGUSE.` . . lst G.C. is the highest m gil obtainable from .\LISTRI\l'_l}\N DRUG COMPANY 75 Duche.~..~ S:rcct. Toronto !`huL... ": x"\`u'\:.1}` Wy insist on Full direcrinns with each bottle Jill` z1>. \lI_Ll1lLl(,l1 zncr-( , om $2.S()(i,E)I1.0()0 in 1920 2,SI1U,:}5tJ,000 in 1!J. }(`., but the a .<. \':1Iuution pr)` (-:1pit:1 doc}-.1: i from .'$`)51 in 1912!; to $871 "wt the genuine GIT. Extract fmm your drlxggiht--(,r from impurities such as gums. resin and iron are removed by this rening. I Its Cineol content. which (5 the recognized medical ingredient in Eucalyptus Oils exceeds 80% whereas the ordinary B.P. Stand- ard is set at 70% Clneol. ' I J. `74 ITHICS. I I 3] (2) Road No. 53, from Tloga to 1 lot 20 on concessznon 4, township 01! j;Tosso1-ontio, a_ (lisntanco of approxi-! mate-ly 11.4 mxles. (3) Road No. 12, from lot 18 tr. _ Hot 1!) on concession 6, townsh`p oi ,Adja1a, .1 distance of about `A ' `1~. `lnnlell Tlnn \7n 1A l-`u-nun Han Dnn.-. Extract does not leave that odor and never loses its ~`.rrr`n.~fh ` the medical grade oil any of the Eucalypti of Australia. I rened and steam-washed in Toronto, Canada. It is imported direct from Aus tralia in crude Form. muun U1 U1!` [H`U\']H('(. ll` :1ctm1Il_\' 3.(3:"0,000. lxution 10\'_\` jump:-(1 from 300 in 1926 to $117,837.! E. In th(- .~`:1nm Dk`]'i0d .,..)4` _.x'I1f\I Prices 25:. -10c. 65c. 90: .15). `set! \'z11_u:1ti(,n K/I (K11 I\I\_n In gage Three 3 Th` I Ul_ U(LIl" .-174.813 ] me year. Construction The following is a list of the sec- ~ `tions of road which were construct- it.d with tractor and grader during, '.the year: I I (1) Road No. 13, from lot 12. '-to lot 17 on concession 2, `vownshipi Y of Notta\va.sag'a, a distance of aboui '1 1% miles. 1| I0\ D.-..,.rI Mn : +`..nm 'I`:nn-n 4-r I7 -'5' i 02} T..`):-): . in it.-b(;n~ I ? 1 O1 0 LULnv 1961.] -D1.-`.2l..f-I. I should like to our roz1d.< :nu.1'k(- \\ pYzu-I-tl on I,-.\'i. cutin_-4' th- number that new m(-1nb.-r.< Illllk`. 1 (4) Road No. 4A, from the Penc- vang Road westerly towards Fergu- ,sonvaIe in P`1'os township, :1 distanca '01` aobvut 2 miles. The work on roads No. 12 and No 313 was czuried out by machinery |l`t`l1t(:-(i from J. C. W-iggins, of Chm- ltenham, and the g'rading' on road 5` and 4A was done by equipmen-I rent- I `ed from .-\1'm. Bros., 01' i W.-nnnxfnn ! \\u._\ L'1u:.~I11g.{.~' \\'(_`l`C 1na(1e,(1uateI_\' protected with road . In .\I21_\'. Mr. D. H. Maw, of Barrio, was iLW:.1!`(1(`d the Contract for supp;_vin_; po.~*t.s an-d 4,-1'ectin.L` and painting: row" sip:n.- : tho sy. Dun-~ inf L111` _\'(-ar there were thirty rail- way cro.-. . ton chock01'lJo:1rd sig`n.<. six rc-`c1o1' buttons and six liundrod int:-r. (`L11'\'C` and . (:)'0(`1.(d at :1 total cost of g1 gm" 0: c1'cu.~'C In road levy. ] 1.1; is my suggestion that this councnl support and encourage its! Rozul Con1mit'1'<'e to improve thu con-\ dition of county roads by refraining` to add mere miles to me county` system for 21 pt.-riod of four _Voax's,| and to refrain from reducing its' levy for roads for the same period` of time, so that plans for futurri in1provmnent may be developed and} czu'1'ie(l out without gliversion from` who original p1`ogrrmn. Add1'tion.= to .he svst(~n1 and nr~"nnHnr\: :.. 1'1`! ty would be well advised to com- mence constructing roads of thir type in 1938. Should this sugges- ltion be adopted, great care should- be taken in selecting the road which` is '10 be-` selected, so that both local` and tourist traffic shall be served. In other words, the road should be selected according to the traffic it accommodates throughout the whole `year, and not for only a portion 01; the year. ' i Cnnntrnr-Hon ' l DI/4(`.\ iii`; ll LU`HUWb 3 1. Road No. 13, opposite lot 12.` concession 2, `township of Nottawa . feet long-, 8 x 5 . 57. Wnnd \'n F. nnnncifa Inf on .\'il',`2J.---iv) lL't'L 1011.34`, o x D`. 2. Road No. 5, opposite lot 20, concession 4, township of Tossoron tio 60 feet long`, 6 x 6 . 3. Road No. 20, Ion 25, conces- sion 7, `ownsliip of O1'o--32 feet long, 8 X F . n I Cont1'z1ct.< were awarded for thul construction of these culverts, thc contract on road 13 being u'1(l`t'1'l 't'aken by Looby Bros. of Dublin} the contract on road No. 5 by J. J 1 Dumoml of Brentwood and the con-l tract on load No. 20 b_\' R. .-\l Blythe of Toronto. All were con ' structed 1cco1'(ling' to Dc.-partment (ll lHlig'l1wa_\'.~` ;pecication.<, the county : n1at'v2'iz1ls. Road Signs - While in.~'p0cting` the county road. s_\'stom L'd1'l_\' in the year, your road. committee z111(lm1}.~_'iner1' concludodl 1-hat cu1'\'e.<. intv-1'. and rail- way c1'os. were ina(1e,qu:4tel_\'l I)I'Ot(:('lL'(l \\'lll1 rmul Tn \Inx- LIZDGERS BUSINESS FORMS E.-}.3`i"i1=2RHEAIA?-.'v SALE BILLS GUMMED LABELS BUSINESS CARDS SYIVIPATHY CARDS ETHEE .<(-~- in 15).`-{S 21]} with small signs. sign posts, indi- of the road so -\-.~ nf 4-IL. `On. ' J me man of th: Rozu; Committee and members of the ~County Council would be able to iidentify and become familiar with -'t.'he~ various roads comprising our `system. The cost of tihs work may Ibe estimated at about $200.00. Guard Rails All gwuard rails were constructed according to denite specication-.= drawn up by your engineer tmd. ;many sections of road which had `dangerously high lls, lls or. icuirveis or near river beds, and ap ~proa.ches `o culverts were protected by this means. Guard rails have `become known as guide rails in re- !cent years, since their purpose is .considered to be more of a direc-- ition guide than a protection-, the white posts showing clearly at nigh` the presence of dangerous ditches and shoulders. An increased ex- Ipenditure in this respect would be !advisable in the coming year sincv there are many dangerous locations still present on many of our roads Guard rails are not expected, how lpvr-r tn zprilmn H19 nnrp::i r\' ni of Simcoe ranks exux-mely low, a fact. which undoubtedly accounts for the large perc-entaigze of our road- systexn remaining unconstructed, and for the extremely small mileage- which has permanent surface. Un fovvunately, in pas1 year, nianymilesi of road nave been assumed by the: county without makimr nu-nvi hu- (~ConitIinued from page one) I l\.1U'd.1`H I'iL1lS arc` HOE expucveu, IlU'\ V ever, to ieduce the necessity of eliminating" curves which are not safm, but they may be used to pro Vid`. temop1'a~r_v protection until n ancial conditions permit permanent abieration. I Office 1 Again allow me to stress the need for full-time oicv assistance ir ithe Road Dvpartment. Under pres c-nit arrangements oice assistance is {received from *.h'r'- t1'oasurer s ofcc "and is quite sufcivnt to maintain our books accord~in',rr to the 1'cqu.i1'e |memts of the De.pz1rt'nient of Hi-`2'h~ | ways. .--..- ...n .........-.u- Auvl r 1 Th` following: is :1 summa1'_\' of actual cxpembiture on Simcoe Coun- ty roads during 1937: General Mztintenzxnce $ 75,774.79 Construction ... .... 11.56-'1.-12 Machinery (mw and rnnnh~:\ 7 SRO .uu\.xuuCL_v \u; n repairs) . . Superintcndenc-= .. Ofct .~\'sist'ance . . . . Ofce Ihxpenses, (tele- phone, stz1tmne1'_V, etc.) . . . . . . Deleg-ate to Conference Iizbzltes to Towns and v:u.....m. uuu Ix: Uill.(_'." LU 1 0/(IS dH(l Villagos .... .... Insurance . . .. .. I\'Iisc011aneou.< Tools . . . . .. County Shed (land, hnilinn` Fr-11.~.: nfr-\ I.(:.<.- Receipts x uunL_\' nneu uanu, building`, f011=`:e. etc.) County Bridges . .. Grant to Pt. McNico1l Purcha.<.~s for munici~ unlit-I I`-ills Pz1`\`:1hl <~ (mainten- ancc) . . . . . . . . . . . $124,374.13 Less Bills Rr-c~;'i\'abl(:.. 1,403.66 FLll'CI1Zl>W,`." IUI' HH palitie.< .... .. (`on1p(n.' .. Road Committee .,...._, vvnuuuub uizuurig provlslon, Dy an in levy, for their main-, tenance. This procedure is basically unsound-, and since the county now nds itself in a favorable position` as regards mileage, it should at.-ceptl this opportunity to improve its road surfaces by maintaining` the road} levy and road mileage at the pres. ent levels. Should the county feel obli_s2,'-(1 to make an incnase in its road system, thun it is only rea-' sonable to expect a proportional in- crease in road levy. It rnv <])rr0r>&'i'inn H1-3+ +115: :` I. I .\'-t Total IVIATEMENTS f,`0NCERT BILL' CHE-QUE 12::orm NOTE HEADS " SI-IIPPING BILLS SALES COUPONS CHURCH 1F OR.MS Road Expenditure, 1 937 l`-H......'..... 3.. ._ The Northern Advance $122,400.67, I S12 T,0l3.(3-1 2,639.15 .$122,970.83 41,613.61; system and uc".uaLion.=. in ex-; [)CT1d1tl1I`: appropriations necessitatr Inc U1l_L .lllul progrrmn. Addmons to :1lt('1'ation of plans, and :1 dr-`nite objvctive cannot be attained. Pian- nim.:; for :1 period of one year is <-11t.i1'o1_V inadoquatv. Road Surface p1'o"iou.=1_\' . \'he1'c. are on`:_\' 1.2 miles 01' hard . road on the couni'._v . and with in- c1'021.~'ing' traffic in both comm rcia! and plea: vr_~hi(-1c.<. we are con- fronted with a demand fo1'impro\'- ed road . Until 1'0cntI,\ tho cost of con.' haul . f'.lC- 1'0:I(i< \\'n< in-niaihivn in 4-nnva 3,0S1.-11| 317.13 500.00 ll ;v.xm.I`.x`:Iw. H) })l'UlL`L'L UH` [)II1(?'l 11'('.< 0'1 hi:.:hw:1_\' No. 11 in thr tn`.\'n.~'hin of Inni.~'I. \\'ouM. rr*c0m- mond `lmt the 1-ounty clzzrk writ: 1`m- D::put_\' .\[i11i>'tvl' . l.1l'_L'- in: that those tY`0v.'.~` be protcctxd, as tnhu-_\' are :uimi1-.d by all t0u1'i.~'t.-am! am :1 . asset to the hi_2`h \\'.`1\.'. r nescue uome at namulzon. That the account from the Dept.| of Highways, amounting to $60,~ 682.06, due from the counny, be paid by the county treasurer; that a grant of $25 be made to each 01; the Centre, South, East and West District Wome`n s Institutes; that the account of $44.82 from Tiny town- ship for school taxes on lands pur 1 chasul and owned by the county for | reforestation, be paid; that no ac-l tion be taken on a resolution from, Hastings county council re l1.ospital.i-`l zation and relief; that the annual statement from Mr. Geo. Vickers,! regist1'ar of deeds. .s-howine' a suri plus of $2,851.65, be received and, the amount paid` to the county; treasurer. f That Councillor Evans, reeve of` W. Gwillimbury, and Geo. W l Glover, Collinigwood, be appointed to the Criminal Audit Board for 1938; that a grant of $100 be made to the Village of Cookstiown for im- p1`0V'il1'g` the Blemorial Park; that a sum of S3..00 be given to each; member of thl. council to cover. postage and telephone 1'01` 1938', that no change be made in the ap pointmengifs to Motlicrs Allowanc` and Old Age Pension Board front that made at Lllt: June s(e. .937. I Having` considered the re.~:olution of council to increase the per dieni allmvanee 01 members of the coun-< ty council to $5 per day, 1'e'c0m1nend` that. this increa.~'e be made, to takvsl effect Jan. 1, 1938, and the neces l sa.r_\' by-law is hereby presenztecl. E The commit'.`Le recommend that a ;-;rant of $1,500 be set aside to be] used in connection with the Pro` vincial Plowing` Match for 1938. the i l I 1 treasurer on the authority of the `same to be paid` by the countyl 5 [chairman of the .-\_e'ricultural Com ` mi'.'tee; having.-' considered the re; quest of Robt. Crai_e;, caretaker of` the Court House, for an i11cr.a. in salary, recommend that his .~:a1ar_v be inc1'va.~'ed to $100 per month cl'l'ecti\'L. from Jan. 1, li)3S. That a committee composed oi Warden Patterson, Councillor Cun-` ninurzham, chairman of Finance, Councillor Lawrence. and the count; solicitor, be appointed 1'0 eonl'er1. with a committee from the council` of the town of Collin_,-`wood 1110` Mr. A. J. B. Gray, of the Dept. 01` Municipal .~\flf'airs, in connection '.\'ith the dicfault of the Collin,e'woo:I -Elevator Coi'npan_v re the (ll`l')L"l]" tures on said cle\'at01'. ' Having considered the 1-solution of council re salary paid Mis.~- PD l:-n Sutherland, . in trea oflice, and .\li.~'.< Jeai lainsay, of the count_\' clerk .< ofiice, recommend that the .~'alar_\' be $12` per \vV-k, =ii'ecti\`(; from Jan. 1 1.93.8 . rnnance ! That accounts for maintenance of wards from Simoce County in in'dus\ trial and training` schools to Dec. 31, 1937, amounting to $1,823.00. be paid; that a gram; of $300 be` made to the Canadian National In . stivute for the Blind, also a grand of $200 to the Salvation Anml Rescue Home at Hamilton. 'l`h..+ +1.. ..... .... 5...... n..... `[\.-...L l nnmm x u. :11 11 (`D51 01 -$1. )1uh]i(' liztlnililgc to 11v 1111.-' $5.000 0 $10.00 for on pr- f1'0m $!0.000 to $20,000 nn.'- accident. wu y. .`uIUI\I 1-umpun_\ \\'ILn wmcn :11 c0un1_\` has :1 hi_\_-'h\\':1_\' In. policy, be placwl on lo; that noticr h:1.~' `no-n ro<,-<'i\`:(i _2'i\`in: the dent of the Omurio Good II021(l>' .~\.<. tinn 1-r\n\'A-nvinn ...` I.l. -)-J .....1 nu `County Council Lowers Tax Rate to Five Mills t-u roan . Until 1'ec>ntl,\ 1'oz1(l;< \\'il.~` prohibitive in noun- tios or town. but! with the do- velopmcnt of premix 1'ct1`ea(l ann mulch sL11~fac<".<, and more pariicu | la1'l_\' mixe-rl.-in-place bituminous : `faces, costs` have been mate1'i:1ll_\' reduced, and many counties have found it protable. due to . in maintenanci, to construct each. _\w:n' several mil.~' of this t_\'pr3 ofl road. D(>pcn(lin_ upon the acce.=.<- ahiliiI_\' and the natu1'(- of local ma- tm'iz1l.'<. the cow . vari ~.< from $4.000.- 00 to $5,000.00 per mile of :~`urfacr, and I rmly bellow that this coun I `nun L'U[l\'(`Hll0I1 us IN 1) and that tho ('0u11t_\' L{lU!.]1_()l'iZ(`(l to fm'\\'zu'(l [ship fw of $15 and : lh 1{*I~C_ |'\ pvnnn -.. ..l' 1 EH` l.'Ul ` (Continued from page one) ., u: -,::v,; uuu (IA U ]I(l_\ LH iry vxpc-n. of Km ( ,oL'.:s~ ;. ('ommittr'(- l'o1'z1tt(-m!in:_-'. in : con. 11- '-0luti0n.< from < muni,(-ipuli1i- .< 1'cqu-.~'tin_9 Iriitionul )`(>z1d>' l).v- :1 tn thv rnzul - ..n\ 1-nnnunn. \'1.] ;p-ndi'.1 durim no inn $140,000 For Roads _-omlnittm- 1'(-('()mmu-n(I_< U h_ z11)p1'up1'i:1t0(l :1: !)-H[i1"l)I'w nn Hun 1-nnnh .ILxIJHill l`UZl road .~'_\'.~ mldi`.'ion:1| nfv Ionnrl Committee Reports Finaru-In ] ('|)(lil`.~`. -"olution 01' vouncil `re-) in: I- rn\'i.'1ciul Hi1:h\\'z1_\ to protect the pine- i.I'h\vn\' \'n 11 in H1r. IIL" II and \.,.n.. u; xuau nave neen assumed by then county making provision, by r their main- I 1'!` L2lKllL`..I' |l1. Hu- county road `. roconnnrnd thn phw-d uH11hv 21 ~\ lung nl` ('1 HI UH Luv l'UuHL_\ l`U.'H' am; $.1o.0oo rm, '100,000 1'o1'm:1i11 ..., r0:1(l.< I .' thw (`r I.` Ill` ll(l(U`l -m du1'in_u' (`oumy I, and 1'--port 1('iH0`r.~ Hi" Lh (- l.l l'd XUIX` chzl luu UL: yum :1 li_u'}1t at :1 . .\'ott21\\'u n....nnnO In. .\lI. Jun - 'L'UHlHl\`4H' zuldvd tc n-inn +1 \. l'4. I ' U): ml from " `r. um`: it for :m\ 5 `THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1938. -:----j-:. l.` U I L` Y UL membt-1= p:1_\' th 'ms.. l_\ I\\. -port Hi :\.\.\1) and >.~`0`,u1'i(m ` .nc- 1'01 nu:-u LC ' lg, I`%1.xl_ l:0w(, rvsozutlon Vort 01 tgxvnshlp "_h] (unwwnnn uQ`HH ollwhm ucon }0 [( Count Ms- `1h` Dom J. }......A:. that O1`. ` paid ht ni In Ill xich All Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention--Phone 53 d_ rnntmg ' The Commilto,-c on h_,`be1'o1'c tht-m l0I](lL-114 11h.` ln;nnf..,- ml` oI.,. 1(|`. ",u1L-, (.'()llV: ll`. Ion. ll That the following; be appointee `"10 the \'2u'i0us Boarcls of lducatior ';aud High School loards: ;R. D. Sinclair, to BZll l`lL` `_lEducation 1'01-1938-2.`)-40; `,McA1'thu1', to Collingwood -llducation for 1938-40; '1`. lCullou_Q'h, to .Vlidlzm(l Pozu'(l of Edu- lllcation for 1938-:10; Georyze Brown Ito Orilliu Board of Itlduczltion for 'j1.`l3S-:10; Geo. Copeland, to Penn.- l,Lz1n-,_9.' Hi'g1h School Boz11'(l for 1938- `5 '40; W. D. Latint-1', 1'0 Alli_sLon Hi_;'h [School ljoard for 1938-40; Frvd IDoan, to Brzulford School Bo:u' 1'01 J_1938-40. ~ [1 'I`l~..4 ...a...... `,.,. _._.....,'., L` I- V1UOD`4.lU. . 31 That mtrance examinz1tion.< f0) 1938 be held at the i'oIlo`.\'ing (2 n- 3ii`1'L-5: .-\ngu.<, J:}`ce.t.0n, C-ook.. " .Cr0c1norr:, E(Ig`z11', Elnwalc.-, Hawk.- s.~:tone, Hillsdzlle, Lcf1`O_V, Ivy, Mim- gsing, Port .\'I'cI\'icolI, Severn B1-i(l;.-'0. ',iSin'g'hampton, Stz1_Vne)', Tottenhum. H\"aul)aL1s]1en-, Victoria Hzn'bo1', Cold I\\'z1te1'. Lzlfontuinu. 1 ho1'n'.'on and " Everett. . 'l`l..+ 41.. l`L> A- Kill.` L'ULlllL'll il[J]H'U\ ('5 U1 . and also . that it has .p()Ii('_\' of (hi? (-0unt_\' L ( somv \'o:1r.~. 'l`h~ comm -1` 41. ..,...\l.. 41 I\IAIIl\` l>UHl' _\l'Zll'.`. Ill L'UlllH1llLl`1` EH5!` z1pp1'o\'o_~' of tlw r(-. thu loouncil of the County of DutI'::r'In 1'o_Lrn1'din_<: the repeal or :1m.. mintextr 0|` Lhv Farn1c1'.<` C1`dif01'.<' ;\1'1':mL'<- rm-nt Act and recommend th_u1 ..l.A-- A... . ..L,.... .\,. ..`..,.. 4-,. ,.. As 110 the resolution re advisabil- `ity of snow plowing` the county iiroads during the winter months, re- 'commend that the matter be left to the judgvment of the road committee `and the counuvy engineer. Rntrnvriinvr thn rncnlnfinn nf I-nun- auu L118 CUllIlIl`y engineer. Regarding the resolution of coun- 'an3nt road construction, recommeno `that this be left to the coun-`J_v road committee and the county engineer to expend uhe funds appropriated Ifur the county road systeiii in the manner they think in the best in- terests of the county. County` Property _ That a special committee compos- 'ed 01` Chairman Downey, with Councillors Beaitrty and Macl_.aren be zxpopinted with power to act bv tween sessions of the council. Education That the following be appointed to the High School Intrance Board `of la'xaminer.s: Elmvale High School :ni~f.v-ir-f Nlv w 1.: n.,.1,.i... r~..,.n cil to commence a policy of perm ` ;uL 1uxam1nt1's: lylmvale High school iDint1`iCt, Mr. W. Baku)`; Cree- lmore Continuation School District, ;.\11'. J. Henderson; Tottenham Con 't,inuation School District, Mr. W. M` ;Riddc11; BC(`tOI1 Cont-inuation Schooi _District, Mr. G. A. Frost. ' ']`}1;li {',i1,airnxun Iv` I T<`unn.- kn -- .m In(- \()lHll_\` 01 .\11(1(1i(-st-X. :1.~'|(m:` 4 thrm ` . to :1 mi]~ in rural n1i.~` i`t1'iL`t.< h(-l'0r I-I,\'ri1'o .=m'\'i('(- \\'i'I hr ,;i\ ::-n, be ro(iuL'L-(1 to two . * lpur mil. n-commnd that <-I02-1_ enotify thv Ch-rk of .\Iid Lhxul this council 21ppro\'o.< of the <'11:11L;' 2|)!/I :Il _-fnin H1110 H I1-.1; h.-x..n Han- l'l 'ill UHl_`. .' UH,` l'L'[|t`dI U1 ilH1I.Il(H1`.L`IZf C1 di1'01`.<' thul l. ::top.<. ne tukm to 11ezu'i11g' of zxpplications Act to thr- Board of an-0 ds-vision of the Rn\'iow Reforestation That a speciai con1n1i:1tm~ comnos ed of Chairman <"r!" 4. 1 V ELOPEB SHIPPING TAGS 'I'ICKE'I S INVOICE FORIVIS CALLING CARDS LEDGER LEAVES CARDBOE-.}"-.D SIGNS