The recession in the United St ; -~-'. n1.e'ss checked very soon, may dovol op into 21 nancial crisi.< and . iously upset economic condi;ion.~ throughout the world. .\Io:1n\vhi1". Adm inistra;t-ivze sp oko Sn 1 (- n :1 Lt :1 0`. business leaders and capital Ii-.: huddled in its storm c011;u's. . 1-nn .. . n..,._:.l`.. DR. N. W. ROGERS l P,HYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention Obstetrics Associate Coroner for Simcoe Conn ; Ofc. and Residence 50 Mary 5. Phone 101 Ofce Hours: 8-3.30, 11-2.30, 6-$.20 1 J1 J.kJJ.\JL'xA.Ib.J -;.u.n.z nu-.a;~x.-;4v-xu Phone 213 47 Maple Ave. Ofce Hours : 2-3 p.m., 7-9 p.m., or by appointment A. T. Little, M.D. W. C. Little, .VI.B., Associate Corner County of Simcoe. J.J.Llk).|.\1J. 4 ; . u . ; .uu -..;v.-s.....v- Ofce--Owen St. (Formerly occupied by Dr. L. J. Simpson) I ,...n- I A 1-... -n. u v...._.-. Associate Coroner, County 01 Simcoe Phone 61 Ofce-58 Collier St. _ , Office Hours : 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m.. 6.30-8 p.:n. J. H. N. SMITH, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURG4EO.\' run` - I\ c-. \.nn-\r~ .-. .-.._ _. _V. 7_,, Licensed CI-IIROPRACTORS and DRUGLESS THERAPISTS nl _A_ All`) .... Is J. 1l.J.J1\-ILL mu 4. 82a Dunlap St. Phone 403 Electric, Hydro, Physio and Electionic Treatments. Massage and Corrective Adjustmmta Blood Tests and Urinalysis l n I , Home or Ofce Rates Reasonable DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE PHYSICIANS AND SURGEON-S 1-: In I, P. C. LLOYD FUNERAL DIRECTOR 47 Elizabeth St. Phne 218 AMBULANCE SERVICE We can stjpply you with any quantity of the Best Make at right] Iprices SURGERY AND DISELX-STES OF WOMEN lfV' The Bell Telephone Co. purpose spending" upw:u'd.= of $100,009 ix: Bracebrid_2-0 and di. this year. Construction of :1 large bui`.-dixx: is to start shortly, states A. A. Sn=, :` . of Barrie. DR. E. G. TURNBULL ;- nr mu` GEO. R. AND E. R. BURNS DR. w. A. LEWIS I`) 1'06 ll 1 U 1'11` 121 rge, I ll Northern Advance It deals with Beef and Store Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Dressed Beef, Horses, Bacon and Ham, Cheese, Butter, Condensed Milk, Dressed Poultry, Eggs, Canned Fruits and Vege- tables, Fresh Fruit, Honey, Maple Products, Tobacco, Hay, Alfalfa Meal, Grass and Clover Seeds, Furs. You may have a. copy free Counter Check Books Write to Director, Marketing Service Dc-purtmont of Agriculture, Ottawa about Phone .53 Canadian business was remarkably well! mainw:ain.c'd during Nvovembex in face of the severe contraction which continued in the United States, says the Bank of Nova Scotia monthly letter. Imlustrizll production and _ rownntlu cz11`Ioz1(1ix1~_:s \\ (:1'e 1)l`l1Cli(:a_\' un<'l1:n1_Lwd from the prr`\'ious month. _f.}1uLl_X.,"]1 t'll1|)l0_\'ll1ml1 in 1m1nut'z1c\u1'(:.< `,_(1-viinm . tllough each of , `those indjcrm \\':\"1`t" stxbs-tantiaH_\' hi;.-;h- .101` Lhan in I\'0\'mnhvr, l).'(S. In con- "Lrust all of tho .-\1nw1'iczu1 indico.~. L,'foIl :1b1'ut,pl_\` from October to N0- hf\*cl11l)x`1`, and 1-xc.:`[)t for employment '_`in mzmu1':u't.L11'(\s, \v.(-re, much below `the 1u=\'o1:.~' of the 1-o1`1'o.<])owdi11;;' month `M10 _\'v:1r but 1'01-0. .(`. ` lll:lUUl'L U H1 HAS hbullll L\:|uua. `. It is diicult to l`lQ\\ Pr<~si(lon' Roosevelt, even if he \\`isl1=`, cur.-N swing to the right when unvniplog 1 merit in the union_ is climb`i11g_', abovu the ten million mark. .~\t .~:u-11.`; times lielftisti n1o\nL-mo.nt.- czumot l)1 1v:rnn1-A11 31 u A AG :.:1 LB atte` 1a11;kably ____ in ex 1n rn V] ms, )n ".1ctrica1 ' ; 1t'ac\u1'(:.< My 1 ploymt.-nt :11 W 11;: fl'0U ago, plic council. night in {U10 : `$3 for all `etang ab Pa)` ;hin their `1021 their do- `EEOV ...L` .....H-:n.~ unn- The Northern Advance, Barrle l l l l L1'_\' and ` the l l l l l l I l 7 municipal, v C051. 10 0111` COUI]L_\' c0unLn.<, UlL'lHllill .`l.'3- sions of our provincial pa1'limno'nu'..<, land 21 g`enc1`21l (.`CUl10mlZ1n{. ,' of momey in thu Domimon _:o\'urnn1unt. Ths money thus . would uul in (l0- vclopinvg statv. done Our ci<'intl_\' at popular the 1'1v.\'0L11'(f(`.< of the coun llf:l1t.0nin_9, LL-g'i. 5.-;en-_s1'L1l anu` could be the l) LH`\l.t-11>` of quin-c 21:: am- the pm-. l11.\`ll.'.L1tlOT1`S h :1 l 1' all _L`U0tl in their \\'z1)'. but the cost tln.-_\' 21ccompli. l0. "is out 01' all p1'0p01'tion to the `:oo `and 0u_L'ht to bv are T * --" i Canada gave nancial or othiez. ussistaiicg to 75 out of every 10,- `000 Canadians in Septemb.-:-r, apart 1_a1tog'~ether from those who 1-:~cei\'nC .;aid from private charitable organi- Izations in the Dominion, yet, in the `same month, Canadian imports from t:h.~;~ United States alom exceeded $44,000,000 and froni the United Kingdom nearly $14,000,000. 'I`hi< 1-nmnm'is0n was made in Hy = taxes. A study of oicial statistics i_~. by the Dominion Govex-mnent 01 ithe t\\`(.'lV(:' months L`I1(ll!l;'.," Octobvr, 1037, proves\'cl_\' that Can- :i(li2m.< d.1'(: .~:pendi11g` millions of lol- l211'.x:-.\'ery week on I1cc0ssit,i(-s 01 life which zu'r- impo1'tL-d when they could obtain, probzxbly, the equival- ent which are produced or made in V 2-his country by Canzulians. Among` the (-lz1.<. listed by I l l the .~\.<. in Illl.~ mnn r:Liun, ;u1'tc1` a czireful .~:Lu(l_\* of tho statis- 4:..,. u' |`1I _-in-ln :n~`i-lr-< as fnrni`..u1`c. lungdom nearly 14,uuu,uuu. ` This comparison \'as 21, statement issued to-day by thc 5 National Produced in Canada |sociation for the purpose 01; showing om~ way, at least, in \Vl1lCl` ; iCzmadi'.ms can, by insisting` on buy `. inp; Produced in Canada mcrchandis< on every possible occa.~:ion, help tci provide more work for Iheir owri ipeople and thus (lc\crea. the amount lpztid ouz in relief, which comt-.<, from; ; taxes. I \ .+.uh- nf ni:-inl '2-his countrjv by L,u.nz1u1ans. cl21ssif1cz1t10n>' tit-s, w 1'0 such 2l1`ZiL'1C.~'. us i'u1'ni`..u1`c, `silk and wool]:-n __j`uol.<, meats, hundkt 1'c11i<:l'.~'. 11uL.~'. In.-dlclm-_~:, soups, , "frL11t.<, \' `gm-1:1b1`.<, <-z1nd_\', so\\`in1,: mu- chim-.~, sh, cu`.lm'_\', Iznnp.~', t;oi)acc0, v. ;:'o0 1mr(l\\'zu'L, tools, nu;m.- !\'n.-\\'\'i1.1'.<. fzmn i1nu1mr;(,-11~t.~ `illld l(.`l'Llll'/.t')`.~', \\'UUll. pu.p\'1, Luu china-y, hooks. dolls, jc\\'e.lcr_\', `IL w.~pupL-1'.< and periodicals. All l.llL`>',L` i1<.-ms \v1'c imporu-l, `in l2l1`f4`C and . k]Ll21Ill.ltl(.`S in thv twelve mo_nth.< I,'11(ll11;;,' October, 1937, yet 21 . of our own p1'o(lu(:Lion and manul'uc`wu1'i115.: g-'u1u.~. inclicatm ltllilt all 01' tl1c~. items am; prorluced liu Czmzula. wx.:I :4 :. zun\:n`(-n' 1lmt.(",.-n1zul:1 ` in Canzula. Whil it is upp:n'cn: that C;1!1zul:1 azmnot; live umo h(`l`.~'(`1f alone, anal imports mm an important cog in the `n1ucl1im-ry of Inuit-, Cun~z1diu11.s can, _b_\' wu`Lchin_u' their pL1ruI1u. excr- wcise an important r-{TL-ct on the cm iploym. M .~'.ituz1t.ion by i11.<.`;~`ti115.: on xall 2u'tic'1r:.< .~uch us thr-.<-, which are p)'o(lu(:1:(l or made in Czmudzl, if the .p1'ico and qua1it_\' are unywht.-rw `comp:u'uhlL- with 1..h0.~'<- of the inn 1 port: `(I articles. Vl5`Ul Uubly 'll. llC\l. Canada has not as yet felt t.hci` contraction which has di. the`, United States, but :1})pl't`hr-I1.\`i0l1 mm e-ar are beginning: to hvr t.hr0u;:1`. to this coun.t1'_v. Busine. nwn should be prepared for . slack- ening during: the I1'r"_\ T month or 1\\'u at least. f\.. _.__..l.l L ...._L kn -).`.`|i\I\i' :1` worixigz to pay UICJIISUIVCS $3 `every regular council meeting `tended. They may be within `Hie b \ .\Iem1)-ers of the town \\'e1'v uiuuiimous on Monday im rights in doing" this, and do-i` mg so may be the means of getting) the plnvtnrs to take a lrittle more` '.\yuALung ,,u\.-u.-, paints, t_\'p\,-xvrit. 1'.< land t c1'ti1i7.c1:-, \\ bookst, `,I1x.\v.~pupc1'.< 11 All H1r4 hf-111$ CHEAPER GOVERNMENT :OVER 15,000 KILLED BY CARS `:IN CANADA IN SIXTEEN YEARS H01 \-XUJHL 01 (lL"cl.l.lL unu The . su`rrin5: due to automobile acci- dents is 1'01-cibly brought home oh1'cu;_;h .statist.ic.= :uthe1`e(l by Sir Tihomas White. I Sii Thomas suggests `dim the pi-r..~.<.< could render valuable pub1i( service by publishing; pe1'iodic'.\ll_\' `the ziggriz:-guite of deaths and injuries, from such accidents, over 21 tern`. _v-ars in order that the publi mind might be adequately impres;<- `M1 with the mag`nitudr,- of th-<- tot`. ot mortzility and ; of whip-1' `.he_v hzive been the cause. I hiive, :<:1_\'.< Sir Thomas, oh- Luim-il from the ])0min.ion Stuti.~tie- inn at Ottziwzt all uvailztbie oicizti st:xti. wlutting to the subject Thsse ; from 19222 to 1936 in- clusivu, n record of thirteen '.hou.<- and five hundred and f0l"._\'-i,i'11'(`~.. (ieut.h.< in (Tunudu from motor vehich: accidents. T1:-inur 911.. n- four of tht _V-ans: mt.-nt,i0ncd t.he1'- were no ~otI'u-in`. 1-(eports from Quebec, but from . 1-c,-turns from that province, it is saf-0 to add at llrzht ` uccuxents. Durin_~: 1.112` l'. four Es `rm. hnmh-d more. bringing the add at ll.*:1.~'K lw hundr (1 more, Mnotal to ow-r fourteen thousand. If wr.~a1so :1r`.d the expected reun'n;< 1'o1' 1937 an z1;g'g`r-L;;'u1,e of more than Thc . x-xtr,-nt of (lczuh and,,.-;.u.- Ann in automobile Published at 123 Dunlap SL, Barrie, every Thursday M. D. MORRISON, Ediior and Publisher EDITORIAL '.<, 1211' Wood, .1 (.1 an Acacu. I One would be rash to :1`tc1x11)t n`1 forecast of U.S. business t1`vn(l>'. as` public sentiment is :1 g'o\`omin_.~; l':u'~ tor and at t.hw- momom that semi- ment is (lOSt1`ll('tl\'(`. Rut whilvo 1111151- appeals in the U.S. may be un-` sound now. we art` hopeful tlmt. tln: :ountr_v will not commit economic-_ suicid-1:`, and that llrc bottom of Vullel` American vrc s. is close at lumd.` The Northefn Adva1;c`e_l ,\".m;, Luula, n in1plcmr:m.~ pd.pM', ma 5, r-:1`: 1 , With ov-err 39,000 lives taken in the toll of traic accidents in the _UnitJu'd States last year, a death lisr of over one hundred persons a day. it mi-g~ht be expected that -.1 panic- stricken nation would be calling fm ...\+:m...1 nnnfnrnnr-4,: :1 nd im- 1 s I ) 1 Stl`lCK(3I1 nation W0ul(.l DC Czllllllg LU! a naxtional conference and im- lnurdiatr. step.-1 to cope with such 2* terrible situafion. Were that man; people to lose their lives in ar. cpid-:mic, the whole nation would haw` been aroused long since anu_ every possible course Laken that promised to check the spread 01 the deadly disease. Autombilc fa tal1tie~+', however, are accepted ap- paren-tly as a matter 01' course am` only here and there is there any move to attempt to cut down thc deazth total. Dnuln ic mm r-itv i'.l'1:1t. SpV[`l11S tn` dearth total. Buffalo is one city that seems to vlhave realized that ii? is time. some-_ thing was don~e` and the Safety Com- l_ -Imission there has just announcedl Lan interesting plan. A Citizen's'] 2`Safe 'l`ra'1c C-onnmttee is being or- i`:.:2.u1~iz<- to consist of several hun- . dred member-.~; from every walk 01 ` -lli1'e who will be known by their` number and not by their nun1es.l 'l`he_\' will be furnished with report';_ ,cu1`t1s and it will be their re. e . to wzltch t1'21fl"1c con(lition.<; .~ and rwport to the commission any`. ;- b1'cacl1u< of trallic 1'eg'ulati0ns the_\"~ =, notice. The ofl'enders will receivei \' 21 courto0u.s' letter from tlr commis- 2 sion calling attention `.0 the violat-j 3- -l re_4ulz1t-ion and 21. for the} 1 `(`O-0[)cl"dtlOl1 of the (l`ri\'er in mak-; >f ' in;-; Buffalo 21 sufcr city. lf :1 . l(l;OI'l(i l'("})0l't, is ]`n`C0l\'( (i from the; 5- `smne member as to u ;~:'ccon(l oll'~ncL n1 1... 41.:.. m..-ninnlnv rhvivnv nn n.Hon-` ` 1 i The tra.g'edy on Lake Simcoe last` ?Fridu_v, when four lives were taken, i `should serve as a warning: to those ` who travel on the ice by motor, sleigrhs or on foot. There are 211-` \\'a_\':< wuak spots in the ice on Lake l Simeon-. I those who hap-1 penod with the mishap near Sutton \\'m~c aware of :1 weak spot` in theil path thw_\' wort` t1'a\'olli11;.-3. The) ; ._ ._ J 71. rs! ,I.v.,l A-1-n \\'(`l'L` an 1 Look 21 g`ic:LH_\'. 1't(:~'1i thousand fatalities is 1'0-aclicd 1'01` the period of the past :`.iX'i0C1] years. ` 100 a Dav 1 |L.` LLIIII uun,.-.- .... impo1~Lunu_~ emerges. ' 100 a Day It is impossible to obtain exact in'J'ormation as to the number in- jurcd (as distinguished from those ki1`~'d) in the period mentioned. A f:urY_v accurate estimate may, how- ever, has arrived at from the gures for '.he year 1935. During: that _\'(.`H]` there \\'v1`O 36,085 motor vehicle ncci in Canada or at the rule of nu-ar1_V_ a hundred a day. The number of p(-'r. killed was 1.224 and th number injured 20, , 989, the ratio of injured to killed being about seventeen to one. ' T`i1r- rlnrrren of seriousness of the Y ;1;_re '1' '0 being about seventeen no one. The degree of seriousness injum'es received cannot be ascer- tained from the ofcial records, but by common knowledge a consider- able percentage of such injuries must have been very grave and a further considerable perct-nta.g`e of a character to disg'L1re, cripple 01 maim ,to . nothing of thg effect upon the grenoral health of the vic-;< or their impaired L-fciemzy in thi--ir actual or future occupations. 250,000 Injured .-Xpplying this 1' of killxd tc injured to the years 1922-1937. in- clusive, we arrive at the conclusion that motor vehicle accidents in Can- acla during: that period of sixteen _\'(':1l'>' took the lives of more than fteen thousand human beings 01 r~ver_\' age. calling: and condition and causal more or less serious injury to two hundred and fty thou.=an FOR SAFER DRIVING 1 ft-I that no comment is neces- .=m;\' uopnvt.his melancholy statistical record of `(bath and suffering. The gxures speak for themselves. How many of the accidents, which were their source, occurreod` unavtoidably and how many were due to lack of drivmyz skill. to negligence, or to criminal recklessness, I do no! "nu .-nu " \ F I ALEXANDER COWAN BARRISTER 1 Solicitor for obtaining probate of will, guardianship and administration and General Solicitor, Notary Con- veyancer, etc. nlnxvmv mn YGAKY CAMERON & CAMERON VICTORIAN ORDER or NURSES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. (BARR119 BRANCH) _ n._____ m 1 Miss l. Lawson Phone 791 K ............. ..-..-.._. `Ex BARRISTER, SOLIgITOR, NOTARY ` ET . IJ|L4vIl1A\| u. .r._..... I --- 'BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOT- ARIES PUBLIC,` CONVEYANCERS. JJrL.1\aAvxbJ.|..|;tA\u, uvA.aAv-- \I.AVhI .1... 5 Owen St., Barrie. Phone 406. --A-.-`qr n\r\ rang`: ..;..u..4... - \4`4a4A\r, _.v_. . ._,,,_. -, Money to loaf: in any sums at lowest current rates. 1 18 OwenSt. - Barrie }D. M. Stewart C. D. Stews.) BUSINESS TREND IN U.S. 1 } D. F. McCUAIG, x.c. ` Successor to Creswicke 8; Bell WBARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC MONEY TO LOAN l'\r . l:II.._I- D_....:.. IB.4`RR1STERS, SOLICITORS, NOT- w`.-\RIES PUBLIC, C8NVEYANCERS, ET . Money to Loan at Lowest Rate: of Interest. OFFICE: 13 OWEN ST. Branch Office, Elmvale, Ont. WV. A. Boys, K.C. J. R. Boys ESTEN & ESTEN BARRISTERS lsolicitors in Hi 11 Court of Justice ` Notaries Pubic, Conveyancers lMoney to loan at lowest current * rates. a H Ofce: 1st Floor Masonic Temple E Bldg., Barrie. n `I ? v-\,;... MI W mcfnn j__ I` DR. c. c. FLEMING `KVETERINARIAN AND SSURGEOX H. Estetr vcyaus.-.;A, \.I4\4a MONEY T0 LOAN Ofce: Masonic Temple Bldg. I.` U1V1:ll.b:Lu n.a;;u..:v-v-.-.. Motor Ambulance in Connection 1 1 i0pen day and night. Morgue and ` Chapel in connection. 1:--;..~.1:.1....A mm -4 Masonic Tempie B1dg., Barrie i 1; 1 Phone 82. WHAT EVERY FARMER S HOU LD KNOW i A thief or theives entn-e(l thres- -`stores in Collingwood -on I\'Iond:1_\* (nigrht, taking 21 total of $321. Skele- `ton keys were used in two cuscs,z1nd `in the other case a back door was >force d and the till ried of seven ` .1..I'I.._` "IN. LIIJL` I - forced `i dollars. STEWART & STEWART 1VJ.\I.u.uA ;.v ...V.--. Ofce: Ross Block, Barrie. 4 ;J.4;\.|.:u;;;su..-... -..-._ Ofce, 48 Bayeld 51., Ba;-He 11`I'J!\`k1"II` Q 1 1 MONEY TO - GORDON LONGMAN G. G. SMITH & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS I I ..,_ 2.. !"..........|: Money to Loan Business Directory Issued under dirarlinn of Hon. Jnmr-s (I. Curzliner, Hirlislor. BOYS & BOYS ,#__. ~.-.vvr.~rrnr\1 `HEIPCI. Au \.uAun.\.u~.u. Established 1869 Rn: YIIIIR PRINTING REIIIIIREMENTS tu ya; l\v|\` ...-., PHOI\}E 311 EXTERIOR OF NEVV GRAY _COACH LINE BUS We carry a full line of Magistrate s Constables` and Coroners Worms, also Farm and House Leases. The Northern Advance is equipped to handle All Kinds of Printing from a Business Card to a Catalogue. Dlce Nnrthrrn Ahuanre Loolr over your requirements and I.I LI__ A_`|_____A,_" Mr. Merchant- How about your Printers in Barrie since 1847 Jr \lV\l Jv--_ :.vr.1r order with the Advance. 1; [. H. Esten Barrie, Ont. PHONE 53 THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 103?. \;.u;nuv;...4 u;v.;-x u--, Well-Baby Clinic, 2 to 5 p.m. ever; Friday. Application for nurse : services ma b'- made direct or through doctox`. -.,......,...., Resxdence 144 Maple Ave. Phne 700 Gradua.t0 ;)f McGill University. Montreal. Office and Re.sidence---Corner Dun- lap and Poyntz St5., Barrie. Phone 105 Office Hours: 9-10 a.m., 1.3 pm., '7-R n,m The British Market for Canadian" Farm Products