Women s Page Page M anager .\Ir.<. A. 1 toona (Pz1.) that to 11- t profession i must obey a mandments. A1-\r\r\v1nn A4 IIlilH(llll(.`lll.S. Among other things the dmtor .-V wife must be a good business wo-- men and able to keep up n _x:oor." appearance on :1 limited budg-at Cont1'z1r_v to general opinion, sairl Mrs. Kech. mo: doctors do not hzivr a large income. The averzuze. sh- said. is 32.500 :1 year. Her other commandments"were She must be intelligr-`Int and ahlr to meet her husband on an equn` intellectual basis. Clan n1~nc~+ R- nnfinn? -nnrl nnccncc l l I I a sense 01 numor. She must be diplomatic, standing! as she does between the public and a tired, over-worked man. CL- \~\1I:~"- un4- knnnvnn nnn-ru nil 3 El1'(3(l, OV8Y"'\VOFKL'U Ill'dIl. She must not brzcomn angry at broken social enszagrements or latol meals. . G1-un yuun+ kn 9-onrlu fn no-r-1-17 nrl lntellfcillal oasis. She must be patiom. and possossi a of humor. Qkn n-mack kn .-Hn1nrnn{-Cn sf-unrnnn for hlm in civic and 1'e1i3ziou.= ways She must be ready to carry 01:] Qlun ~mnc+ nnmhinn "J-1% n'|'HHn< nil I01` mm m CIVIC mm rellzlouf _w'z1_v.= I She must combgne Yb ab1ht1r=:< 01: a nurse, secretary and telephnnxu .`nn mus-+. have anrial noise aw: 1`Ul' LHUU 211011`, (52111 521) IlU\\'I 'l (.`Z1L',\' be still, | And _:a1e-s and vczu-cs piled high obey Thy wil-1. g11'1. She must have social poiso zm~: storgdrx` nerves.. must never \'l0]ltv", a doctor .- condence. \~.u-I nknu--. n11 :11/x r'nn:+ vn+'r-nlv connnence. And. above all. she must refmir from gossip. IE}-IURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1937. V, H - __, - -___ --l\'1zn'y .\`Iarg`a1'et Wathwr. 134 Blzxkn St.. Barrie. WITH THE mnu, where is shelter for thr troubled mind. NOVEMBER GALES that lets you control the operation of your Leonard to secure Low Operating Cost 011, the elements and make `>1-A v\1u . I . S. Koch, wife of an A1-! ..) heart specialist. says A the wife of a man \VhOSf` is healing` the sick. onr r a special set of ten com-I "H I The ships are tossed, their bu1wark:l S, ""9, in twain, Their` he-ck.s dismantlr:d with the gaile-s and rain; i Kind olw;-ment:x' are these co1n};z1rL~d with life, Drowned with the lies and making of strife. m~ peace of mind `.0 nn, The annual meeting` of the Sim- coo Presbytery Young: People's Un- ion was held in St. Paul s United Church. Rlidland, on Sunday last, with 21 hUDdl`>.d delegates attend-` ing. '-_ Thu f'r-nhn-n nf H1 rrni-hrn-u'nn~ me oi I June Russc-I1. a 16-year-old girl: ;" of Port. Sww-rn, shot a large buck} door at 21 (iistzlnce of 40 yards on] .\Inndn_\'. Sh-~ was out with a! hunting` pm`ty. including: her ' nmthr-r. .VTo: of the men folk re-3 turned without 21 shot. the following for donations received during the past w.c-ek: : The Red Cross wishes T10 thank i I ,\T)'.<. Rlnko TTnd9v-EH] 11 I79-{and Iuurlug Ine pas}: W.0eK: | Mrs. Blake Underhill, a Friend, M1-.<. G,arrc~tt, Mrs. Kuhl, Mrs. ske11y,} Mfrs. E. L. Jaqua, Miss M. Brown. Miss Quuntz, Miss Beth Drury. I Th. number of :n+.io.1.n.: o-ivnn nnr. |Av11ss uguuntz, M153 xsetn urury. 1 l The number of articles given out Ithls we.-ck \_va.- 73. ! j.j_-__.j.-. | `DR. A. F. PERKINS HEADS ` YOUNG PEOPLE S GROUP 1113.2. -_ Thu fc-aturr: of the {.:atl1e1'ing' wasai di. led by Rev. David Small. a mi.<.~'io11z11'y from China. on? Youth and Christizm Missions. ' Ofl"1c1's elected wore: Pres1dent,{ .D1'. A. F. Pwkins. Barrio; Secrcl .m1',\'. Jean Gray. Guthrie; Treasureiyi Cla1`1:nce Dunlop, Stayner; Chair-5 men. Christian Fellowship, Watson Batrick, Midland; Missions. Ph_v.l1i:-,` Ma1'qui:<. Stroud; Culture, Mary` I Robiiisoii, Collingnvood; Publications. ` F1'zmcvs Hurlb1u't, Barrie; Ci1izen-. ship. Nelson Fishr-r, Stayner; Re-I creation, Lynd Russell, Midhurstz, Lezidorship Training`, Rev. Vaughan,` I Bmdford. . ' {JUNIOR RED CROSS HAS I NOW 16,000,000 MEMBERS` A ght for peace, 21 p-JEICQ that should be oun; A ght to pluck thv f1-u<,rram:e of flowers That God _<:z1\'<- us tr`) rai.=<: and tend with care, That fruit might grow and blessings be our share. I I I\I>1nbor.' in the Junior Red, Cro: has now grown to 16,000,000 in 52 countries, representing the`; largest child oxjzanization in the world. . i n: u.:.. ...,...1.-: ..~...mkm..1.:n (`*rm,i | worm. ' Of this world mr-mbership, Cami ada has 333,-170 mmnbers in 10,874` 1')Y'{lnCh(*{~'. while Ontario has 127:55E' ;membm's in 4,117 brz1nc}1es. I um. 1:...-.1I.m..n T..A.~ "l`m.mAcmu:~.- memoers in 4,11": orancnes. Hr.-r Excellency Lady Twee-dsmuir, commenting: on this phase of Red; Cross work in Canada, stated.` Junior Red Cross is accomplis-hing remarkable things. It is inspiring; hundreds of thousands of children: to f0lIlO\Vth` rules of healthy living` voluntarily and dilig'entl_v. Throuyrh. `iii they nd a way to put their. natural kindlinr-ss into practice in' the service of others. And, through their program of international cor-` respondence, th`'-_\' become friendsi with children of other racps and nations, and so lessen the danger oil intrnational rivalry and anta3.zonism.i :By this means the Red Cross is lay- ing` a solid foundation for a} healthier, happier and safer w:rld.` l I RED CROSS Butter, lb. .. Eggs, dozen Chickens, lb. Fowl, lb. . .. \ Beet, small basket Cauliower, head . . . . f Carrots, small basket Cabbage, head . . . . .. Celery, bunch . . . . . . | Potatoes, bag . . . . .. V Spinach, basket . . . . . ' Squash, each . . . . . . `Tomatoes, basket Turnips, each . . . . . Honey, amber, pail Mushrooms, lb. . . . .. ` V cgetame i Buns, dozen ... .. ; Cakes, each . . . . . ,Doug'hnuts, dozen ?'Homemade Bread, : Tarts, dozen . . . . . r Meat Piws, each . Cyril Clancy, secretziry of tho `Liverpool Branch of the Disicharg led Prisoners Aid Society, though a _bachelor, know: a lot about mar riage. In a conference on ten com- man(lments that will keep married men out of gaol, he gives th- -sr` "`d`on ts for husbands and wives: For Husbands Thou_ among` women` about the nancial resources of their menfolk is om of the prim- Lary causes of crime in the more re .spectable classes. Qnlnr-+ :1 xxwnvnnn nf nrnrlnnr-n mil ICITV` aT12'Cl T.-n(3_\' DEl1L`V(.`(l IIl(.`lll EU UL`. `E Mren may like their beer. the}-` `football. and their bowIl:<-but Ln ' l {sight of a wife who still takes cam! iof her appearance for their sak-"J y.SllI'pZ1SS.'\` all these. Don't desp'.' {who judiciourx` use of :1 l1"Etle lip-# ! .~.'tlCk. E I vs -. 1 - _, . .1, -__,,! | The market on Saturday was! `quieter than usual Eggs were up to 45c dozen. A.-pples were the. chief seers at 20c and 25c al basket. n.....:....- i The lashing waves throw trees on rocks piled high, And furrows black as night plough through the sky ; Th ravens cry and flee to shelter kind, Rut u'l1nrn i: shall):-r for flu` rru Apples, basket Crabaprp-les, basket ` Grapes, basket . . . . '. Rah: !.\*[)CLilUlL` CIHESBS. | Select :1 woman of prudence 'md| gvirtuo rath-or than one who 1oo":1 `charming in a bathing costume. : P:omnm'h.m~ f-Fa} 1-non r'nn1' ;1w=`v ..u.. ...\..u,. For Wives Rememb`r'r love makes the WOI`iC gr) rou`nd and has inspired men to| ;their )2'1`0ate: achievements. Lack of; =it drives men to despair and` t'| "commit. `choir rs : anti-social acts. '1/Tn 4-`Lu .-.1 +1-\m.~n nu-r. 4>1nr. `I-unnel nlx '(.'UHl`II1lI} Bf1"lI' IIFFL d.Hll-SOCILII ZICDS. Men think thny are the head _t.hr.- household. Actually they are- `so see to it that. your home is l ]c_:;stle and the greatest place in 1 l - 1 e. n 1 .1 ,n Al 1 Keep fresh the memory of th-gsei `courtship days-G0 per cent. of the: :men in prison would never have `gone there had their wives been the angels they believed them to be. ` Mrnn rnnv Ir.-. `V191 ? hmar fh;-" I " I thr- I at ri T SOUND ADVICE LII IQD A R!` `C{l'clI'IIllI1f" H1 21 na;nu1g CUFCLIIIIE. ] Remember taf `race courses are`! not maintained for your nanc`:1'[ betterment. I I .. .... I InLIL.n. ; ! Even if he is not the man you! "(h0ug'h`, hr- was, you can build up ?in him tho character you once saw ' \un'A nwnnnrr {nnlnncv nhan- ;1n mm t,nr- CH1T2lCEF. T you OHCU .\_`'d\\ I ` Avoid crnztunil` J'ea]0us_v--philan-, Lderim: by wives has causnd morrri unhappiness than wars. A..-2,1 OLA .'Loa.`l.-.v\r-u uvl. I\ n w r\ But \.u-xnuyl;-..x..x.~ v.u.... V'I.OA)I . 1 I j Avoid the intt-rlopwr, who. mn Itimrnc out of t~n, is just out to foo} : vnn Johnny Cmnphn. :1 Fort Y.7`if3: :~'h-"1'm:m. prr~di(:t.= :1 mild winter,: `and _<:ivos' thy-no rnn.=on.=. Squirrrk`: 3nrr- bui1din:L' their wintc-r hnvnr..< rm lthn north Fido of trr=r-9: corn hu.=k.< `arr: unu. `him. and so are coats` V at -..:...- wan (`I'. 7:; mush room crumbs. I D,..\.....,. tentivr. Dmin thoroughly and turn` into :1 ;:r<:-z'..<(:(l cz1s. Sepm':1tr-. the chippc-(I beef into pi.cc-.= and scnltl with boiling xvatcr. Drain and arrz1ng_r(,- over the macaroni in `tho ca: Dilutx the mush crumns. Pu-nmvr-. iho str-m and . from 2'11,-I-11 p ppm`. zmd cut in thir .<-`rip.<. Plzu-,0 with tho muc:n'0ni in a laraw k-:-ttlo and cook in boiling salt:-d water Lmtll thv n1zu'urm11 ' l.~ until of th mndium <-ream room soup with xvator ('nh n1' :1 Zlll Zll'Y'Hllj.{'(` UVUI` HM,` lIli1CZll'Ull`. Ill room '(-r>n: 01' :1 medium cream : (t-hr-re: shoultl be about 1% cupfuls). hcat and pour over the bi-of. and mix in lightly with :1 fork. Cover the tap with huttr-rr-l bread crumbs and hakc _in :1 modr,-ra'.ely hot ovc.-n (400 deg. F.) until the crumbs are browned and the mix- ture h~atr.~ through. Scalloped Ham and Ptatoes 2 slices smoked ham about 1/: inch thick, .3 medium-sizt-(l potatoes, 1 medium onion, 2 carrots, 1 table- spoon chopped parslt.-y, 2 cups milk. (`inf r-nnh qlir-n nf ham inln t.h1`r+w 1' .) the cove cooking. SPA` L'00KlYLg. Scalloped Lima Beans with Tomato 11/; cups dried lima beans, 1 medium onion thinly sliced, 2 tablespoons butter, 1 cup finely chopped celery, 2 tablespoons chop- ped gnr.-en pepper, 2 cups diluted tomato soup. 2 hard cooked eggs. L.assv-=r0u: 1/; 11). broken 1nm':1ron. ., 1m _")`('(`Fl }wp;w1'. boilim: mm`. `,1 H). c]1im)I.-:1 hn 1", m. soup. butim- 1'11 nvhc l/ Macaroni and Chipped Beef Casserole L\ ...-.1. n IL |\\ SATURDAY MARKET cu try And cal m v\\ n n6- CASSEROLE DISHES I FOR I HUSBANDS AND WlVES| Vegetable: ha dept 1. 72 n`0Ul'5, I1tlHUVlXlg' for the last half hour of Produce n. "er wmth nu-.n.~.a The Northern Advance :3. `for .45c and God give carry And r-nJn1 33- '.'4'o'-45c OK: . `IU-`015 . . .25c .18-20c . .ldl '.'15-25 I #:u- 1I'\r I 1. mm}- .-=1lt~'>(! 1 nu n I`iJ|.| 10c 75( .250. 1 )-25c- .25c .25c S-20c ..25c .20c .10c .2ac 1').l`.\l L"cl|lHl Llll` L'lV:IIlI`llLvh ELIIU lllilI\?'[ me strong ; For Thou alonx can say now: Foam- kr. .--6-I11 " ole. `h2u`d`-`c00ke(l cg` ` .~`aucx- by `in it until i_ sauce 'czL.<. then add th~ rt-inaind'c1' of `forty minutvs or until the Cover the beans with cold water and allow to stand overnight. Drain and cover with boiling: water. Add tho thinly _ onion and cook un til the beans are t~ndc1*, seasoning with salt when nearly cooked. Drain and place om--half of the cooked beans in zx huttortml casser one of the sliced .< ow-1` this. Make a l1lt`,lt-ll1'}.:'th"` butter and cooking: tho gt.-lo1`_\' and pzrcen pepp- 1 lightly hrownc.-(l. than adding the tomato soup which has l)(`I"ll dilutml to illr : (`Onsi.~'t(mC_\' of n mtlium whit I A no n g . the Pour half the over thv lll1t(:l'i.'\lS in the cooked beans, l1ur(l-cookv(l no-_ out tho 2`c;<: of th:- . tered bread crumbs ow-1` th-= facrx and bake in 21 n1o 3.30 to 37?) F) for tlw rernmining in slicos and Sprinkle but- sur- oven thirty to crumbs arr nics-lg.` hrownod. A nicw variation of this is to ar- rnz1y:(* . of bacon acr0. the top b(*i'm'~.- plucinf: Ihv dish in the oven. Rice and Cheese Soufe llcups: medium whitri sauce. salt and paprika. 1% cups gratml choc-\so. 1`,- _ cups cooked rice, 3 n(r(`r< L'L ,_`{.`. Add . :1 lll')L'l lll amount of paprika to th-- \\'l`lll4' sziuce, then add the (`her-su and stir ov.-ir hot water until tho cheese is melted. Combine with the cooked rice. S-1)- aratu the em: _\'oll{< and whites. hen` the yolks and combine with the cheese mixturw. Fold in the sti"l_\'- beaten 0,21: whites, anrl turn the mixture into a well-gzreased casser- ole. Set in a pan of hot watlr and bake in a moderate oven (350 deg. F) until firm, about half an hour. Oysters a la King en Cassex-Ole 1 pint of oystc- 1`s, 1/; lb. mush- roomss, 1 tablespoon butter, 2 table- spoons gneen pepper cut in ne l strips. `/_ cup nely diced celery, 2 tablespoons butter, `Z tablespoons , flour. 1 cup liquid (oyster liquor or rich milk). `,9 teaspoon condiment sauce, salt and pepper to taste, but- 5 tercd cracker crumbs. I T-Tnaf 4-inn rural-n-mw nnH1 +1-in nrln.n..- lA|`1'UU CI'ElCKL`I' CTUYTIDS. Heat the oysters until the edges curl, drain and reserve the liquor Peel and cut the mushrooms in pieces and cook in the butter. Par- boil the green pepper and celery in a little `water and drain. Melt the butter. add the our and stir until well blended. Add the liquid grad- ually and cook, stirring` constantly until thickened . Add the condiment sauce. and season to taste with salt and pepper. Combine the oysters, mushrooms, pepper and celery with the sauce, and turn the mixture in- to a buttered casserole. Cover the surface with buttered crack.-91 crumbs and bake in a moderate" oven (350 deg. F) until the crumbs browned. TELEPHONE TALKS IN THE WATSON FAMILY There are many and varied types of assurance and insurance. A savings account assures the depositor of an active reserve that can be had on instant demand in an emergency. A savings account assures nancial stability and security againstmarket risks. Open a savings account with this Bank and benet from the assurance such an account will give you. l'HE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE TOTAL ASSETS O_VER $500,000,000 TEN COMMANDMENTS 1 ` .1, FOR DOCTORS` WIVES} _ - i ,