zxlf. Kiwanis . Garnet : Simcoe Vere, fm. t0 the`! 9 1 ; Znd gag 3rd; AlIS'I`l7.ALIAN DRUG COMPANY 7` I')m~h;.r. Chm.-.4 'l" nnnn A- 5th: Why Eaassist ma 2` U , G.G. Extract does not leave that stale odor and never [nun In ` All impurities such as gums. resin and iron are removed by this ( rening. VHC this H210 1 the `st (10. is the highest medical rade oil obtainable from any 0 the Eucaiypti of Australia. Prices 25c. 40c. 65:. 90: Full directions with each bottle v Get the genuine G.G. Extract from your druggist-or from -x 1. 11 on FUU} C24 The multilzxf, \_III1j_"L .\I.l1 rota tze. ur]'\'|.,n RAJ u1)II1_L" out In th-e- sun. From th` hands of some person or por.=on.< to the jury unknown and aft on the track and got run over by in<'omin_: `.1'ain. Com.-'e.\tiJ11 of th- brain an appli- tzp," ..-...u...-mu: uuuu MULVLPA 75 Duchess. Street, Toronto Phnu:-.. VVAverl2y 921 (1 I521. ' From e.\ cr'ssi\`\-~ d'rink'In.r_r IZ1.\'5H.2` out in th'- . Wu-nm 41.` L n Ins \_.meol content. which is the recognized medical Ingredient In Eucalyptus Oils exceeds 80% whereas the ordinary B.P. Stand- ard is set at 70% Cineol. 7 um: uu1.gs*tL1g n.a)a.'g` SAFE D1RECT - ECON LEAVE BAQRIE glue." Come to his death by No. 7 `jumping or falling off, and engine running` over him, which was an acciednt and no fault of the engin- eer of said engine." She come to her death by the Iirhton striken In-r. From heart diseize. Come to his death in the fol- iowinyr niam-r, to xvi`: `FIN was burn rinrul " `Its Cmeol content. which is recognized medical lnnrnrm-no In 'u11: aeaa." From an everdosxu of gin istered by his own hand. Disability caused by Iuna Being: run over hy tw trucks while d`(.>tach`od from t gine. f`n.n.-. 6.. L:, 1 .1 - I It is rened and steam-washed 111 Toronto. Canada. ll: is imported direct from Ans tralia in crude form. Th said deceased being an orphan, father and mother both be- ing dead." nun... ...1 ,..A_,,-,. n - - _u11ng 0150 the Come to hi lowmg causes, sudden cause known. 'I`1v\I\ -._ : .1 L-uaplclous mrcumstances. The jurors on tharu ounthe do say that he come to his death by old z1_'.:'c, as tha could not 504:` 0nny- bthing else the matter." pnhln fn 141': rlnnu. Ln.-. NI 0 ` .!VERDlCTS or CORONERS 1' It JURORS 100 YEARS AGO 5 She came to her death by I strangulation in testimony we have e sit our hands and seal the day 1 above wi-oxen. r! Paul Burns came to his death by `a mu-Ilze running away with a Waggon '. and being thrown therefrom. j By taking with his own hands .'an overdose of morphine." ' Froni caiisps 1Ih1.'11nuvn on I-~ \Vh( km 4 sincerity for the co-operation of public-spirited motorists to report to this Depart- ment instances of reckless driving. It is your duty to help check this wicked slaughter -deaths that could be avoided, and the maiming and crippling of healthy men, women and children. L;.1u>.d..~i. ' An inquisition holden upon the body of John Brown I-here lying dead by the jurors whose names are hereto subscribed, who upon their oath do sz1_\' Ihat ho cunle to his (lnuth in the foIlo\vfn5_~; mznmer, `by failing o the plank bridge ac- cidental while tryin_: to cross the stroznn and was drowned. Said child, aged 1 day old, .cam:c to her death from spasms, said child having: been found by the witness in 21 trunk under a very suspicious circumstances. iurm-g m. Hm..._ -.....1. J- J\`. n ~\ (in Came causz 5. A u : an overdo ` jury and nnrn EU: b0d.\ was so m: that tha cr.1u.!r1 3.`: i`} 0111 it. but 1 :1: `L .-..',.L....__,. L to his death from national uoc u1 murplllllti." causes unknown to the having no modlcal attend- uc matter." his death from the fol- *5, to wit: from some :* to the juoorws un- is mzm.-:lr=d and 121 not to]! thu think it i.< c<-rnn by . un- I)!`-l`.~nn': " liln." lunacy. p... +..,. M. - 1 age__Three ;_v 1unac_v." two coal frfhn +115 nu xin \V0 CO3} the en- admin and The appalling loss of life and frightful injuries caused by reckless driving in Ontario must stop! Motorists have been requested to be courteous on the road, but the death toll still mounts at an alarming rate. Reckless drivers must be dealt with according to their deserts, and to the laws of this Province. A reckless driver who causes death or injury is a criminal -- just as much of a criminal as a thief; for reckless driving is illegal. Cutting in, passing on hills, excessive speed, driving slowly in the centre of the road, and all the other breaches of safe driving are to cease. . ........a I vn Annu.LuVu J -IJAY VISITS IN BOSTON - WASHINGTON -- MONTREAL ATLANTIC CITY _ _ .._..'...-.-.1 .m. 8.40 a.m. d6.10 p.m. 10.45 a.m. 8.15 p.m. 2.05 p.m. 98.15 p.m. c4.l0 p.m. aily; to Gravenhu rst Sat, Sun. & Ho1.; y-to only; d-daily except Sat, Sun & Ho1.; '2-Sat., Sun. &Ho1. only. Tickets and Information at run I...-....__ ___ (Eastern Standard Time) T0 TORONTO , , _._ . .-.. ..v`;uA no UL ALLLLJUL c laws; you are requested to use deal adequately with o cndcrs. . THRILLING 3 - DAY VISITS IN . \IIA QLlll\!r"rr\1u I-r\Iv"`--H - STS. To MIDLAND PHONE 62 ONTARIO I I At the annual 1m.-L-ting; of the Innisl Liberal Association, held in; Stroud, the fo:';10winu' ollicors were elected for Ih(- c -nsuing year: I-`r~.~. Walter .-\Hz1n. Churr.-Ea: ilfx; \'ic0-P1'-`.~'ident. Ir\'i11};' ]{0hm't.<()n. Stroual; Srr.'.-T1'(!21. E. C. Johns. !{0H_\'. Two mt-.mb.-1`.< from ouch polling` . wil-f ccmp]n{-- Hnu .\n~(-utive. H.-.n h.. I 1 u:....,,., - D 1`('.< \`.'1`l` (lm'in_~' the .)n.iU; .\. u0.\'wo1'th, 2 nu:--1ii1g.s,f S-150; 13. B. Horion, .``I.O.i'I.. $95,, i W) . Wu-. M.O.II.. $110. (,`ouncil pu1'(r}1u. 2,000 feet ofv snow fence and 160 posts, to be di\'I(i('d equally over the township A letter was recuived from t'h< Department of ;\'z1ti011al Dct'e*-nun; Ottawa, advising that 2: wolf hunt. would take place in Jig Cnnm B01--' (Ir,-n . about Nov. 11th. 4 Cnunrii nriinin-null +n n-an! 3-' utrn .~\\'2lll1pp EIDOLIL NOV. 11th. 5 Coumil adjourned to meet in! Thornton on D.-c. 1. at 10 am. I Y\',\...nnn {`n.........LL /" I I LIBERALS or XNNISFIL ! ELECT NEW OFFICERS: w~:1'u uraereu palu: Mrs. H. Brown, supply milk to J. Clayton, $6.10; E. Davis, supply wood 20 J. Clayton, $9; Wm Elliott, inspecting permits re threshing ma- chines, $4; W. Boake, ' cutting weeds, $5; D. Stepherns, 1 calf kill- ed by dogs, $5; J. M~cCague, 1 reg`- istered shuep kihled by dog;', $20,, M. Lowrie, 1 grade sheep killed b3: dogs, $.J; J. J. Coclirzmc, slmep val-i uator, $1.50; J. Fife, .~:.lu-vp valua-. tor, $1.50; R. Arnold. shuep vuluu tor, $1.50; F. Hi'gg'iI1sm1,.<-lcction of jurors, 515); J. Woolsley, drawing; g`1'u\'L.-l, $153.25; D. Shaw, (l1*:'.wing' gi'21\'el, .f_\`2l.50; D. Willou;:hby,' d1'2u\ in_.: _'.L'l`:.1V'(.`l, $22.~l0; _I.`h0.< Alc- Cann, d1`zu\'in_: g:m\':l, :52" 30; J. I-l.f Bishop. (lr21\\'ing _`.1'l'l\"'l, $103.00; 1) ? l`Iclg'zu-. 30!) _\'a1-(ls giuvcl, $l.*~..3l. otlir-r roml accounts, $12.3. Ran.-ll nf 1-T;ml6Li- (" T F\....:. ' Essa council mt in Thornton on Nov. 1st, with all the member: present. The following accounts were ordered paid : NIYS. Rrnxvn cllrnulv nwilly 1-n `l.:<|ul on U\'L'. JSL at [U I ;\'0rman Coxworth. C!<>rk.I5 ESSA COUNCIL Simmon. who w21.= briey. d1`.d{)1:1ll.~' for socizli uctfviti:-.< 11' _?he_No_1f_vhgr_n _AdVance my. ,0 OrillizL .< 1'0cm1tl_\' 01`_:anIz(~d Lions, h, C!erk.5Club took 167 boys and girls to `Toronto to see the Shrinors big lthrno-1'in, circus in tho Mapl" Leaf FFICERSI ,xu1'rl(~11s. 'l`\vent_\'-. citizens do- .nz1tr,-d cars for t1'an. the! N0~(Hc.<.< to .<:1_\', tho children had a in,\\'on<'h>1'f11l tinw. `rs worm THURSDAY, N-_gl EM'BER 11, 19Z.__ .__________._ _________: `J L: Pu:-c_\' Fi. of Barrio, was given ) . ; for one yea by n Ma_g`i;~`trat<- Bick in Midland police court last week. Fish was chzxmed 1 with tr_\'in,u' to pick up 21 young: . -lady on the main slreet about 12.45 (um. a week previous. v ur- that . nun.` -JXIIILUU \uLH1L_\' ncia rm" a1nm1:.11`- GE mo tin:.: at C`r-dur Grove Inn, G:-`or-` , ig`x'.1I1 17:15 . on Friday, Oct. 29, wxth." I about. thirty prc-srnt. Mrs. Jas. .VIc-- !I{ni_:}1t was elected president; J. T. l i Si111])sor1, . and D. H. C'0I0-:` hum. 'I`r:,-z1, ` r -`_ I pzmied I .- I 16. Camp _ mediate ] _E'\mC, I 5, City Clu 1` "[`}1=,> rnhx B`0I`dt_-I1 Fliers in an inter- _mediato Ontarxo ru_2*b_v second-round |_:am0, were defeated by Toronto .A ,'City Club 12 to 0 on Sz1turda_\'. `T-h=~3 ruturn match will b~ played in ,Toronto `on Saturday. " ` I ', I I T.`1.- .\'-\\":u'(ix :-\;-sociation of 1 I Sxmcor: County held thr- ; mo ting` (`ndnr (`.2-m-n Tnn rznm. company has received an order? from Vancouver, B.C., for 21 pair} of boot pacs to be built to speci-` cations. The order was accom-7 ,pzmiod by a . outsize last,` `No. | A Penetang shoe manufacturing, I I l}'Distri c*`* News '- hlorris Johnson, of Severn B1-idge,, believes he has grown the biggest pumpkin in this section of Ontario. He has one that measures 70 inches around and weighs 95 pounds. ,-__.-- |V'llJl\l 10.45 a.m. y8.l5 p.m. x4.l0 p.m. x-to Orillia only daily; Graven Orillia only; c-Sat a.`__ 0 r1 At 21 mar,-tin_<.: of th'- directors of 1-- Sh~iburnt.f:1ir it \v:1;< decided lat owing to the drop in attend- 1c~ at the fair and ?'nI>r.1'n+:- . unulu m .m.- crop In and small _\' si t_\' pm` cont. will bv prize :1\\'zmI.<. It was wzw h..nm- 4,. mm/~ , ,.... \4A\.I1l AAA o|.|4VL'll\.l` receipts, r-2' paid on vzmI.<. felt that r to p1'0c0!:d on the 1:0" has rather than inch-I)L of the so-_` I`\ I'll \\'l unublu without . aILulLXU = Sl1})[)])Ilx (In -.1 AFFORD ARTIFICIAL ICE i 1<|TcHENEE_AR1-:NA _AN T I : It w;1.< announced on Saturday by f R. Krug`, p)'(-. of the Kitchcnt,-2` `Rink and Autlitorium (70., that it would hp imp0.<. to operate thr zn"ifici:1l ic-_ plant this \\'i111:'2r. Thi- `J|LAI\I| 1101-1:\5- 1`..,\... my -An - l l l wuulu nz1\'.- h~(-n 2,592,000. Anton}: thv intercsteml syn.-ctntors \vas a Cz1r1z1(liz111 delegzzuion. This _\'(*a)' theme was much more empoh:1>t1.~' on CI\ ll than on military actlvitic-.<. 'I`h(,-rt` was on aeroplane (l':~n1onst1'.'1ti011. The n1ilit2n'_\' aspect was inmr-ssive enou_r:l1--:185!'ank9 and lmtwoc-n1,000 and 2,000 motor- cycle nmchino-gun units were only a small part of it. But interspersed with the mi]itzu'_v wt.-r~= semi-mili- tar) o1'_:aniz:1tion.<. .s'p0rt.< sociCti~s and bic_V(.'l0 clubs. Rcport.< from the p1'0vince.~' =how- ed that at l<.-z1: 33 more cm.-mie.`~, of the pwoplr.- had born sentenced to (loath. I I l I l I l I l l , pwoplo \v<~1'c- un: p;u`:1(I(-. t`n(l0(l. 'I'l1c-re was no number of people paratlv. Prof. has won world work in th:- I -:`stin1atin: 0f.'tl1r. I in _vo. 01.50 Schmidt. whol fanw for .<(-ivnti( ! polar rogzions, ~: l pa.<; the revicwinfz stand at the rate of 7,200 :1 minute. ' Had that rate boon nmintaineal all (lu1'ingrth- six hours, the total would hzxvlw bwon 2,502,000. Anions: H14 i)1fn\~;:;-fnll m.-z1\'_\' ` the rr-; Clnvw ATTRACTIVE RATES FOR ' NEW YORK -- BOSTC_)1_`_{_ _-- MOSCOW --CZELEBRATE5; . TWENTIETH mnrnmw : Mo; .\'ov. S.--S<>\'it Ru;-: . .~' th1":(~-da}: ceI<-bration of its` 20th birth(lz1_\' C]O.~'(,'d to- wi h g'encrz1l }mli(l:1_V. ']"]1p n1HIu'nn nu ..~--- 7} ` \\m.'1i n1 r.-ondit1or.= p),'6FUH`(', .` Yxu --I H - ` mun Doputy wh r~rr>21. .,,,...n.` . 'nv .'.1mu:mr.1-Urillm xvhich f0IIOwv(i implit mun` to-day from I)(xnnf\_' \T3niuhn- rd` 1 RUM} C01 , Hepburn . to p11`. 21 - u_~,x\- n{ `uu pl'(.`.~'C ` \\'iHb'r>. ho) ` 1'umo1'r.-ti .-i:ir.....1..z.. `bu prc. The l'v(lr-r:1l_ It is umlcmtootl :1 conference of lezuling Liborzxls will be held soon :11 which Gcnorgo .\Icl..c:m. 31.13., will vlcction l 1(`l(l in 10.`-`.8 or RH -ml! 7+ 3 .|.'n:e .rl`(,`SS SZUGZ Liberal organizn-rs in the riding of East Simcov are . con- sridcrab-Ie concern over Dr. Tan- nor s announcn-ment that work or. the Midlzind-Orillia road is to be . by the provincial ;:ovm`n- m-nt. I ;~.u eunu: uHlL'. {stated Dr. Tanner. For some _\'L'll`: _1:buck We have been spoon fed. In j .\lidand is now on the spot." -_`prviou.: year.~: we have had more_ 1jthan our share. Now we will liavu . -'to stand on our own feet. We will '_ `need 21 service club here in Mitllaml _;more than ever now, and pv1'l`lZlpa it will be good for us. People have been saying `Why don t they do something about the depre.<;<'ion in say `Why don : I do soniething about it. H] ..m ...1..,x LL..L 1 Midland `I Now they will have to` ..-u, 1't'IJ1al`K0d Ur. 1`um1e rest of the riding gave 11` majority, and if it had be would havu been 21 member to serve Midland along rest of the constituency thought always in mind town t want me." (`,(}'11'1'l{IT1,;l`|Ir (\v\ 41.1.. To NORTH BAY LU\\Il men`: want 1' Commenting on Fl`(fe .Press said: [A,'}.m,...l I`\|un~n ..: .ILl\IILUIlLll|l \,U., LHHL ll (1 be imp0.~'. to cinl icr; 1 h21. from $1,500 to $3,000 -:n' in much of the last seven ' In an uttvmp1~ to hv-lp the tion, the Sil\'er\\'ood C0,, which uli-.< r~!'1-i5.-'m':xtin11, o`t-red to 1 211 :1 much 1-miller,-(i }n'ien~, hm wixh this 0`w nf`.`u~'-.!.- u- -.-..v `.monaa_v, U1'_. Garnet Tanner, form-` =e1' M.P.P. for East Simcoc, s.a'.e.d_ that the provincial government xx":- 'not making any further plans fox road work for some t.im._. in this Aconstituc-ncy, and that the })L1\'c- _ment, which had boa-n scheduled for n-.-xt your on the .\Iidland-Ox'ilIiu road, would inz11lprobubiliZ_vbe jabandonod for some time. E IK'\l:. \ H11 H115 ".0 nd \ a loss. , |_MIDLAND WILL HAVE TO H'` _ STAND ON iTS OWN FEETIi Speaking at the Midland !`C1uub meeting recently, Dr. s ' Tanner intimated that East Simcoe s _' would be penalized, as it were, fo1.u returning.-' :1 Conservative t.h'! `Legislature. a I Tim wvn.~.~ uumm - ` pvmon. In comulting mt-mhm'~r md council, th opinio opburn was "` `nn ,.L2u1nc-1' as Iouowa I In the course of his talk at the `Midland Kiwanis Club luncheon on `Monday, D1'_. Garnet f0!` F.:l, .Qinu-ni. :4-vml UL El sith udglslzlture. V` The Fress Press 1`e.p01`ts fTannc-1' follows I In +h.\ rlnnvrn ,4: L:,. Amt LUFUIIL. .1 no I`-(H-1'11 '-. hold or 39 F011 t.h(- sittin}: mcmb. zbly perturbed ox-(Ar uhandomnvnt of the . ('0n.~'l`(]II-"UL x:'c-ct < )h I nuncus anu DUNLOP AND MULCASTER .HHl,U Bm n.` .. v lln am glad that I was not Nect- ronlarked Dr.Tum1er. The )f me a 300 -ity. and if if hm: hm. Inn 7 JHIIIISK t}1v1"- on of "Vl.'V .l.. was zzzr '0` Atback of 123 .< p0Ii('_\' of (Inn.-.-av... '1 ('O1].~'v."{]l 1r.l-Orillia urn ? C. ..!1 '.\.|.~L tha `HA H11]. fall 6-n uuu_`.',1l--`ADO '.aIH\'9 ` mozor-I unit only` But soci0ti~ :' I U I)!` but .-nu] 3 1:11. \\ that 1 kn , _., _- --c-1 Cf TV. Vl'hen you see a motorist driving in a manner dangerous to the public, take l`.j;~'. number, make a careful note of the actual time and place and when you reach your destination write to the lotor Vehicles Brunch, Department of Highways, Toronto, giving full rls:1:>`i.s. VVe do not invite reports of minor inl'x`iz;g:.Ar1::r:1.~ the trnlllc sound juli,;rmm:. V! will offenders. :0qu~nt pm'i1 lia hi}.-`11w21_\'. nplicitly Go(l .< `um I? W ` 1111 I1. . . )f Hi2'I1\\'21}'s Igrht be :1 1 u-n.-1 - - .,.. ;uuLlCl.. 1110 g ( xt been 500 I i and had 5 Ml almw u'I'H1 Hm -' (`Hr -):r, 21 member n1'n.u 1118. this report, thy uL'.;-.1: W 11:] to operate ,-nu_ uiecuo 39, and it nnuv L- ..r..- ~ the pos road work 0 11 pub I it` 1 iLlHl with with that