"$5231, MII`i`ESING { ILH. 6 On _Satu1'da_V',z at 7.30 pm. Sun-`2lb0ut two Woks, S [ed to the Grew {vs and family z1n W35 `-V911 )1` Toronto, -.vi_;1ted"1'a1'11w(l in this a few (lays. `number of year. P(*tL'1".~: at 11 .x.:n., I f1'i('l1dS. H0 162W: p.m., St. John s 3 5 wife. thl`0L` (la-ll.2h`f 7.30 p.m., on SunJhavc the s_\'mpath I ity. 1 \T.... >pL`l1I Lnv WCQK end ....:... 1r.. ......l \`r.. 1 n rv,.... ` ant-H. ` 3} Recent visitors included Laura` i Sproule, of Orillia, with her mo`.;hor;: 1 Mi-.<.. Collins. of West.e1'n Canada, at] 1 J. S. Wice .<; Mrs. Binkley, of Dun-I I dus. with Mrs. Boadway; Mrs. David] Wand Edgar and I'}ve~l_vn David. of; i'[`oron L0, at Angus Wa1'nica s. i lg The Stroud (`ommunitv H7211} sup- - L poll` and concert on Friday evening 1`|\V_ E1S a w.~r_\' enioyablo event. On v';account of rain. the supper was 3:sorved in the United Church S.S.. -, room, instead of on the school lawn` -1 l lL_\. Mrs. J. P. (,`zu'1', who is well known - 3 to many, will have reachi- hL`l` 130th _`bi2'th(la_v on the 27111 inst. Shc is not. too well at times. I Anniversary on Sun(lu_\' at h';z'bL-rt. lsixty years ago the church was lerected by Henry Morris and Jacob Holt. Not many here will remem- r:bc-r that even, yet some of their de- - ; . continue to worship there. `The straxvbc-1'1'_v festival takes place on the 29th. 1` 311's. Jas. Cunnin_ml1am, who has bet-n ill in Alliston hospital, is some- l;w'nat improved. Her many friends riwish for :1 sporidy recovery. I )li:<:< L:1\'i2m Orchard `with Barrie friends. Hie rnunv -n-u DL. FIOSPILEII. LOTOTIEO. I Don t fo1'g`(-t.t.11e United Churchl ,: festival and concert in` jSt.roud on Tuesday evening, June .29th. } ` DA...-....L ..:,-.:.,\..- 2...,.I..J.\.l 1 ...-.... ` mm Darrle 1l'lL 11S. : His many f1'i<*nd:< are Hn=ow that Alvin Webb {nicely after his operation St. Hospital. Toronto. I Dnrf fnrrrr-f Han 1Tnih 1 J-J-J-\I-I-VJ-` Jn\JJ.` ` The lovely rain that favored us jlzxst week has 1'e1'1'es`ned c\'er_\'thing and crops are- looking` well, for Lxvhich we have much to be thank- ; ful. u C`..L.....I-.. ..l`L... ..., CARNATION MILK-taH tins-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CAMPBELUS PORK AND BEANS---2 . . . . . . . . PURE CLOVER HONEY-4}-,3 lb. tin . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 1b., 3 oz. tin . . . . . . . . . . . BEN5ON'S TOMATO JUICE--2 large tins . . . . . . . . . . SHU-MILK AND SHU-WHITE SHOE POLISH--bott|e MSERVIETTES--4 co|ors--60 to a pkg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Plain white--80 to a pkg. . . . . . . . . . . . 2Sizes COLORED PLATES AND NAPKlNS--pkg. . . . WAX PAPER--rol| . . . . . . . . . .\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Sales % and Motm` Service Phone 491 Chittick Sales oases. Si;qna]s--Tuck ss, Kell c, McCon- nell 21), Baker cf, Houston lf, Song`- hur.~tt rf. Patrick 1'), Macdonnoll lb, Mc('ormick 3b. .\1I.mA-`In r~ Tn1......-.. n1. 1.` COPACO PRODUCTS Grocers and Butchers, ,1 Allandale Phones 117 and 163 J D. WISDOM & CO. A'Founain of Yo_t_J_th for_n_._ LAIVIIIII II (III! hill! new odorless, vegeuhle rinse which brings lustrous high- light: Ind 1 natural, silken softness no the hair. Lovnlon is the easiest thing in the world to use md will give your bu : beauty beyond your expecntions. Loulon does not bleach or dysit is n rinse which will not cola: the Icnlp or Affect the hm in my wny except to nuke it more lovely--more radium. Try I.ov:Ion-you'll thank us for telling you about it. ii DILL OR SWEET PlCKLES-bottle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. PARTY PACK SWEET MIXED PlCKLES-10}{, oz. bottle f\l` l\IITC L____I -.._rt__l L___,I I - 1 ....I PORK LlVE.R--lb. . . . . . . . . .. PORK SAUSAGE.--lb. . . . . . . . . . . LEAN HAMBURG STEAK-lb. MEATY VEAL CHOPS--lb. COPACO BOLOGNA-lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Complete St0ck Of Cooked and Cured Meats Fresh Fish -i_ Grocery Specials ; rxL\A n : rl\.A\ uvv 1.41.: |uA1\A..|J I l\al\l.al`-u)- OLIVES--hand stuffed, hand pIain--bttle IIAI-n|vA'FIr\1v --nu Ir . u. Try Lovalon--you'1l thank 35. 12 S New dark u .01 Non IMPERIALS LOSE TO CAMP SIGNALLERS BY 7-6 SCORE THORNTONK 1tL11'(ia_v, after an iNHL`5S of 0 S. T. .\Ii11ig'hen pass- e Bo_\'ond. M1`. Mil- vas respected, having this community for a of years and won many Ho1eavc.< to mourn his 30 (1`..ll_27htC`l`.< and :1 son, who s_\`mpath_\' of the commun-| STROU1) [Jl(`i|Sb'U (0: is do1n_:.:j; in Christie} I pleased to! 1': dninxr` Mills spring nave Cut: on aurupri` for near the provincial boundaries jand Saskatchewan is fvacing the pros- ;D(`('t of the most widespread crop 1di. from drought yet exper- iienced. Much of the wheat crop [south of the main line of the Can- iadian Pacic Railway is denitely zone and much north of it is in pre- :c`:~:1-ious. candition, with half :1 crop |ihn best hope if abundant rains are `yet received. Farther north in `Saskatchewan. however, there are lstili lax-g~e areas where excellelmt crops ar possible, and where rainaall isn far kn: hr-an nrlnnimfn Dr-nlnnhln tt-,rup.~: 211' pu.~'.s`1u1e, arm wnere ram-pauu so far has been adequate. Probably half` the wheat acreage of Saskatche- wan has suffered from drought in. vm-_vin-gr degree, rantpging from com- g])]t'-510 failuro to a possibility of a. ght harvest. '.\L'v1Jl-`11rI.. p1.'Ug1`e5S 80 1211`. 1 But the rains which have abund- iantly 1)I-;~:.=od the udjacon-`c provinces Hhis spring have cut off abrup` 301' near tho nrnvim-in] hnllrlllnv-inc Winnipt-g'.--A startling contrast prevails between crop conditions in Saskatchevwan and those in Manitoba and Alberta. In Manitoba the out- lo-ok continues to be memarkably good, with ample moisture to carry c1`0ps along for sme time. Alberta. iconditions are szltisfactory, and raivns lduring the past week have remark- lably improved the outlook in the !south. Central and Northern Al- jberta need more moisture soon,. `but the crop on the whole has made ('.\'(`Pllr"n11 progress so far. H11 : H11 : rain: urlain-`In '|-u-um oh.-A as planned. After all had lieartily p;1'Lzll\ CI1 of tho uppotizing cold niuut supper, a splendid concert was C.l`.j0_\'(`d in the hall, Rev. N. R. D. Sinclair, of Allundale, presiding. The progrzmi includi-(l choruses, reaclings, (lucts, instruinentals. quar~ 1e.tL-s, etc-., by local talent, sponsor- ed by the Women s Institute; also sclections by the Mulholland orches- tra. The trustees of the hall ap- ])1`v('l2lt(` vc-1-_\= much the co-operation of all those who helped with this, h\'l1' annual event in aid of the hull. | nances. COOL, REFRESHING DRINKS AT OUR SODA FOUNTAIN _wI3 SOPE(T.A\T;lZT<`, `mt. OAJUI`/IBO CREAM SODAS AND MILK SHAKES H.\ YE YOU Al<]\'ER HAND 0.\'E Z -s..._.../ Shade: - Platinum "of gray whlto Honda) . black . henna . Ohulnul brown . darkbrown.rodd||h brow , gold; haw: nodlun brown . uddlnh blond: . nib Noadc.|bHb|ondc.n.`_Ilunb|u1 `ANOTHER CROP FAILURE " FACES S. SASKATCHEWAN for 5 rlnus Page Five .l9c .l9c .52c .290: .25c .25c .15c 25c .15c .15c .18c .15c .22c .15c .l0c .190 .15c .15c ,--Deve1oping, Printing and Enlarging T);1il_\' Sm-\'i<-0, 10 ;1.m. in (5 p.m. We use the best and give the best at no extra cost L. G. WHITTY, Phm. B. :11 - - .15c Allandale, Ont. USE uucr cxu:uc:uL Iuuu. music, Gal ALL OUTSIDE STATISROOMS. - uuuaunann Linuuual FIIULC DICLUTICT I0 3 land is new . . . magnicent. Pnmmve scenery . . . mammoth glaciers . . . Strange ports of call. Prince steamers offer excellent food. music. dancing, deck games. a Canadian Nati_onal "Prince" nan: aunn.--:A..~....A I\__.'__, Whiy s Drug Stare illlll IA. l`li.l.`.l`l', :\llElH-Uill(, U; L .uH1rfo1'd and )1. )I(-Lt-an, Oril1ia,.~ *8; N. Firman and C. Lougheed, .-\I- `landnlo, 10. 5 \I..n'.< T-\nn|\l,.. `LI '1` (`.\N.\iI)(.* I()-R ` <:z-:-1'_n'_\'- ;-'11\1.}->i(t-T(-- .\`fn(`]{. Al\\';1_\'.~' If-0 Cold. Open from 7 am. to 12 p.m. daily _ _ ..... nu uu-:5, unllls`: etc. CANAD.I'AN NATIONAL EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS FOR SAFETY AND CONVENIENCE I1`... :_:_ c__-.1_. J42 I See the glorious Canaglian Rockios from the air. condntioned comfort ot tho "Contmental Limited." Daily service between Toronto and Vancouver. Va... I...--1 .......o ...:H ..l...n.. :___ ___..__ ..-...-.... -...u.uu nuu vuuL UuVCl'. Your local agent will gladly furnish you den-r:'p(ive booklet uni full information as lo fares, linu'l:: etc. rAuAr\|Au klA`l'If\LIAI --u-.....-.. ..-.._, . V" .. ....... . nu: -\1u1vI.IVII.lVLE For Snfe. Speedy delivery send package: by Expn-.35 FELMS :UI| il('CUllIH< U1 Ukll'KHESF. I vBr_\'.<.on.< had a four-1`un lead in [the fourth. but two counters in each fol tho sixth and ninth tied the count. Fovatures of the game were jtwo-base hits by Bill Hare and 7U1'r_V. both of Lakeviews. Both Roe iillid Boxall pitched nice bail. T,n1n>vin\v=._T?(:-vnnlrlc 1~f' '\/Tinnilzin ZHEH DOXEUI ])llCl1l. (l TIICC D211]. , Lakeviews--Reyno1ds rf. Minnikin .31). Wiles 2b. Hare lb, Linking SS. !I rr_\' c. Row 1), Bakogeome cf. i T .1`\'.'~'nh: < Cnndwin r-. Rn\'nH n,. {Ll'l'_\' C. 1X05` 1), l'iaK0 .'0l'_L"C C1. Pr_\': c, Boxnll p, Ki2'ht1e_\' lb, Gracey 2b, Excel] SF. M(-Quaid Rh, B1'ad1c_\ cf, T(irkp:1t- '1'i(`k If. Rogrorson rf. ` rmm:..nc,n,m-Q11 011111/T1`!-rI11n]I (lL`1L`2ll(,'(l .Dill'l'lt` L2J.Illl'U1`_\v' U) `! LU 2). Hits were few and each team . only in two innings. Barrie '1`a11m-1'_v closed i11 on the first `counter in the SC(:0l1(l innings when i.\litcl1L-ll . Clark, who had hit la douhlt-. Brown 1'c-pezuegl for 1 l (7la1'l in the IIJ1i1`d when he hit sz1'fvl_v to score Go1~i11_2'. Barrie f'1`z111n1-1'_V laid in two 1110111 counters lm the sixth when Clarke and Hit- lcholl 111z1(l<- tho circuit. In the -.~:ov0ntl1 Powell 1H2`.(l(` the only triple of the 451211110 to Score '..h1'ee 1'1111s. Dun.-in "l`nnn.u-xv un\1;-nu "H? Dull All:1mluIe Tennis Club players: won, by Orilliza 1.1 to 3 in` friemlly tournament playotl on thel Ontario Hospital courts on Satur-1 (`.u_\'. lx. were as follows: l \\'om(,-n`s Doubles E. P('l`l'_\-' and` J. Pm'1'_\'. Orillia, 6; B. Garsidc andl D. lien`, .`-\llandal-, 0; H. Ou1'i(l5:ei '.r(l I-3. lIz1tlo_\', Orilliu, 1; B. Garside; and L. Frz1.~`.01*, .-\llan.(lale, 6; Q] Orilllawi tQ- \' Fl1~n1-an run} F` Tnnnnlnnnd \l (H H1811 C. D` Q< .., Lllk` L`iUllL` LU hL'Ul'L` `u11l'L`L` l'l|U.5. B{l1`l'iC` Tz1nnz>1'_\'--Hm1: lf. Bull- Ambrosio (- K21l0_\-' H. m .. .. .. ,1 Ram sa _\' lb. 1', Clark Butler 21). _ {"1-11'1:n.._A{`nn1c Haskett p. 3b, ".\Tit('hr-11 v-F .\l?1CL}0n'.lI(l C. 1'. sDKHHl(.`I' ZD. \,vZlHIp` lhvll H`. S. Skinner 3b, Gable cf. }Po\\':11 Go1'in~_<: Jb. Brown p. E 1'n1pi1'es--B1':1(lI0_\' and W'iles. i On )Iond:1_v night La] .I 1'_\'s0ns tied at 6-6 1' L<`*Z1_`. ,'llC softball xture. ,was called at the end c 5on zu-coum` of darkness. 5 12:-u-.~nn.~ Ln.-I n (`nun-1 i In a Town Lezxgue softball game ;TuL-. night, Clarke and Clarke "(la-fcatc-(1 Bzuwiv Tann-er_v by 4 to 3. Wife u'n1-n Tau nnrl rm!-1'1 funny ., |\'zlH'_\" 1']. DLlllL`l' . .U. 1 Clarke and C`lu1-ke--Adz1ms rf, -I\I:1cDon:1]d c. F. Skinnr.-1' 2b. Camp- lhnH H` K Q1.-innr`-r Rh Cnhln 1-F ;LAKEVlEWS AND BRYSONS ' TIE IN TOWN LEAGUE GAME M01-.-zon and E. Perry. Orillia, G; L. Fraser and J. Brownlee, Allandalc, Ii; J. Young and B. Harley, Orillia, 3; B. Kerr and D. Kerr, Allandale, 2; H. Dempsey and J._ Pe1`1'y, Orillia, (S; V. linox ~a.nd N. Firman, Allan- dule. 4; H. Campkin and M. Mc- Lean, Orillia, G; J. Bailey and L. l.40u;.','l1cL-(l, Allandalc. (S; Skid Wat- son and C. Ruthe1'f01'd, Orillia, 7. I ` CLARKE AND CLARKE ONE ' UP ON BARRIE TANNERY l('l\' II. Jmyrurson r1. Umpires---Pow911 and Mitclwll. N F-W5} .l'd.llU'dlL`, LU. M:-n'.< Doubh-s--H. '1"is. and; J. Yotmu`. Orillia, 6`; W. F1'a.~:c1' and; 3.1. Pvzrk. Allandale. 3; H. Dempse_v| and (I .\Iv01'. Orillia, 6; B. Loug-I "head and J. Bascombo, Allandale,: 2: Skid Vvnfsnn nnr] H Cnmnlcin I Phones 14 Sand 226 Lakcviows and n4 1 ! Z! in n 'T`nn H1 ll Th 1. `.01 the :.:zunc ninth lHZl'-'. QlIlHH0lIF|_\` (`.\'rHZlln`(`U. With it was found that. Kohl had `--ft `Ho bui`.din2~. his honpr o"orr=d to an-opt an afdnvit frdm Kohi xvhivh will lw ('0n.`~id<)`0d when the '.1r`:umont i.= hmrd. rat :1 date to he nrrangzod. .. .3 EVEN Ulllg SWUTII. R-*. bonch following: a short 1-or-ass. his honor o.\:prcssed \\'iIIin;:nIns.= to hear the evidence of Mr. Kohl. at tho roquest of both t'0un. who bolinxwl 110 could throw ligrht on the case. I am thin`:n-at that my f(`Lld was or-r.-onnl rnd by rrfusim: to hem` tho miidorcn in the case I am in- juring: some one else." his honor 1m\z=`!`m1iI11o11FI_\' oxpiainwd. WH1 H '21: *Fnnr1r7 H1211 1\'n1ul Tun} SQ'l'l.('H. An_\nt11i11g which took not in court, the mayor ` Hi: hnnnr nvnlninnd Hmnf HUI Ill CULIFL, bile niayur I'(`pll(`(1. His honor explained that although his attack had beon public. he couid still hold him in con t.empt of court and refuse to hear his testimony. The mayor left. the box without nvnn 1-miner ewnvn sausly ms nonox` on Lms pomt. VVhon I\`Ia_\'or G. J. Kohl, of Col- lingwood. was called to tho stamd. Judgro Holmes refused to listen to his evidence until he (Kohl) made` 5111 apology for his public attack on his honor some time ago. T'm not makimr nnv huh:- ms nonm` some time I'm not making` any public apology," said Mayor Kohl. You are the rst person with whom I have ever had any trouble while on the bench, the judge as- sm't0d. .\r\InH1-\:I1:v uvklnl. 4..-! -1--- .,..... neon zulu J. nascomno, Auanc1a1e,: 2; Skid VVat.=on and H. Campkim] Orilliu, (3; J. Boothby and V. Knox,; All:u`. 1; C. Morson and H.] .Ds.-mp.~'o_\'. Orillia. 6; B. Kerr and B.: I.()uu'h-rd. Allandalt", 3. ? Mvn'.< Sing'Ie.=.-H. 'I`issin_2'foI1.? Orilliu. `F: J. Bai1r:_\', Allandale, 3. ` .\Ii.\'<*d Doubles--M. Park and R. Gun-. Allandalo, 6; H. 'I`iss:i1152,`ton and H. Ou`trid_g'e, Orillia. S; \V.i F1-u. and D. Km-1'. Allamlale, 2; C.` When the case of D. -.\Icl{uchie's action to unseat Ald. Geo. T. Foulis. of (_7ollinL'\\'oo(l. czune up for hear- `ing in ('ou-r..t_\' Court on l*`riduy last,` . new t'u('to1'.< cropp:-d up and :1 l.-1t.~r date will be set for hearing" the arguments. At the opening of the 11:-aringz, H. E. Manuning9,-, l{.(`-., of Toronto, who appeared for Mr. Foulls. questioned tlw right of G. A. M`organ, Thorn- bury, to appear for McKechne, on the yrrouml of 2m tlfdavit which he had presented. Under rthe Soliciftms Act. he _co~nltended. Morgan would be unable to act. Mlorgan, however, was allowed to proceed with the case on the understanding: that he would satisfy his honor this point. When I\`Iavor G, .T, Kohl n+` (`AL xnv nnayur wu- even bemg sworn. T?n<|In\h\rr5`H1rx hm n1iLI|(HH'I\ was L2lKlIl_L`.' ])J(`l1[_\' and SE11! -ominlz back for morn. He was nb\'iou. tirr-d in the : and 1`. w-nt1:1: to tho chz1llen;e1'. Tlraxldot-k again led to open tho` oigrhth. but wont s`udd0nI_\' down for the full count followingr a succossion of rig-'ht.< and lofts to the face, thr- k?`.O(`kOL1t h1o_w hoinf: :1 rirrht to 2110 iz1\\'. Ho made no attempt to 1'i.= _____l_.._. Hl'l' non voyage. 'I'h<- ovm1in}_v' \\ z1.< enjoyahl in cz1r(l.< .1111 21 sociui hour, iu_ with :1 (Ir-licious lunch. MRS. BLOGG WISHED BON ' VOYAGE ON DEPARTURE .\Ir.~'. Wm. Blogrg`, who is sailing on July 2nd for an ci;:'ht-wen-ks trip to ICxvg`1a11(l, \\';-:~' the guest of honor of 1.110 W..-\. of St. G(~0rg'e s Church on \V('(!n0s(i21y rlvvning at the home; of Mrs. F. Johnson. Rev. A. Holden, former rector of St. Georg` - .~ 3 and now of Bethzuxy. who happen-; ml to he in town, on behalf of the` W.A., pl`:-son-trd Mrs. 8102;: with a lovely box of ch0L'21latc:< and \\'i.'~`1IiI1.f_{` hm hon voyage. 3 'Ph.. /\V\:r\IVAul\'u< JUDGE AND COLLINC-WOOD MAYOR CLASH IN COURT lUl'L'(_ (l L-Ill` pace. 1JoulS' round. : {ound three was a sparring ex-` hibition. \\'i`.11 both men feeling each other out. Louis kept the champ in Iho centre of the 1`ing'. sl1uff1i11g'- about him. Draw. Round four was also very close, with a few body punches. Braddock was: still miss- ing` his risrhts and Louis kept punch-.` in,: to the head. 1 n...,.m.mu.. :,...M,: .1.,. . :.. .1. nuul FUUIIU. lound two \\".1s ;~:lo\\'er, with Braddock missin5.=: 1-i_2'l1t.< continually His two-)'oa1' absence from the rmg;, and his 21'_:e were showinyr. Louis `-7 forced the pace. LOU]: round. ex-` 0111'. T.nni.: konf Hm nlmmn in nu: L0 me neaa. 1 Braddock forced I110 pat-0 H1 tlw fth. Louis` nose was 1'u.\\' and the: chann)io11 s eyes were showin_<.,-' sig'n.< of di. It was the r.=t' time in three ;':hts that Louis had hrwn marked. Th-* pace was slow-` ing` down. It \\':\.~' B1':1ddock .< round. Th-:uI'.lo(-k ag-`ain led to open the: .~'i.\'ih. bu: Louis kept drivin_: . In-1'L< to 111: face. (I1'i\'i11{: n1-n rlrlnr-1: !11'r\n nrl Han \.un- \ In .~u-:1:m lt'll.< ['0 ms` 12100. (Ir-mm`: D1'zu1(I0ck around the ring in front of him. The champion \\'dS w:t-akrm- ins as the bell wt-nt. Louis round. Thzuldock was taking` pk-nt_\' and still cnminsr hunk f`m~ mm-n Na 1:"):- MCL O)'n1IL K -30. I .-\1l:mdz11e--C. Johnson 2b. 1%.: Mzu`. Hines 3h, A. Marshall` `lb, J. Johnson v, laid 1), Bowen cf,. if.-ou_"hc-(-(1 rt`, Saso 11:2 ill. Stayner--C. Dun-lop p, W. Grantl c. G. Litid lb, H. Walker 21), H.` Glen-n 3b. L. Culham 55, G. John-. ston rf, E. Pottage cf, E. Piatts If. Barrie`--S. P'atte1'son p. T. Vicks c, E. Bowen lb, G. Richardson 2b,` A. Vicks 31), M. McLeod ss, J. Walsh ; If. P. )'IcIn*tosh cf, V. McLeod rf. On Monday night in group No. '2 of the Simcoe Presbytery Young_ People s Union Softball League. Ccn-_ tral met Midhurst on the Foresty dia- mond and came through with a 19` to 18 win. It was nip and tuck be- tween the two teams right up to thej nigh, mu TLVVOE H nish. n 11111511. On Tuesday night in the first of` a three-game series in the semi-nals for the Presbytery championship,` Stayn-er defeated Central 11 to 7.: The winners of this series will meet` the winners of South Simcoe in thel nal. ` Q4-nun... f` T`1..v.l...` _. `K7 f..n.nl. JOE ICENTRAL WINS AND LOSES IN YOUNG PEOPLE'S SERIES I LOUIS IS WORLD'S ' HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION enjo_\'ahl_v spent` (-onclud-I Hn1'nn;- IIII1/\l`| The Northern Advance place was ' rop1iod. ta} Alf]-\nnn`11 ALLANDALE TENNlS PLAYERS i DEFEATED BY ORILLIA CLUB} 1'L'_L';1`eLLe(1 D) an. 0 Miss Doris Robinson and Miss Bet*._v Jro Bentley left on Wr~dno.<- `day for their homer in Gi<-o1'g'ia Sta'te. after spending` three weeks with their aunt, .\Irs. D. Armstrong. Much sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Sam. 'Whipps in the loss of :1 loving` ago 23, who died Juno 8th, and 111oi1' (12u1g'h'.cr. .~\Imu. zzgv 33, who dir-(1 Juno 15111 at G1`21\'(*11hu1`st. \I1. um ! \1..,. Tu, Ql1n|.~uu.H son. Peter, H n A and family (lll`|l JUIH` LOLH 211. \lI`2l\'('IlIlUl'hL. M1`. .and )I1'.<. Jz1.~:. Sh(`l.<\\'('H and Hr-rbcrt and Wm. Link spent '1`L1o.~*- dz1_\' \'isiti11_r_-' with U1 . and .\I1':<. "mm Shc]. at Fookstown. Mr. John Sh--1s\\'(:11. of (.'.:n']_\`on. has roturxlul humv z1l'tm' . :1 \n-ck with his broth:-r. Qlliiv :1 numb-Ar from \\'-st Oro zxttr-mlul the ftnwr-.rl of I.-to-1' and .-\In~u \\'hipp.: in Orillia. Herbert Sholsxwll spout Sunday vi. Q'im at Sunnidule. \h- 21:18 U1-: Q-,nn 11nI:\vr>H nf VI.~`1un.:` xv-n>11 at aunnmzue. Mr. and Mrs. Sum. Shels well, of (`:1r1yon, visitml friends In West Oro. cuwgregauon. I The pupils in the con`.inua cion school and the fourth classes sur- prisr-d their teacher, Miss Barker, on` 'l`uc. afternoon last when they p)'c.~'r*ntcd hm` with 1-1 lovely electric table lamp. Miss Barker is .~:eve1'- ing hm` connm-tion with the teach- ing` sa` here after six years of ef-I cient . and her departure is? rcmetted by all. 1 Mia: hnv-is Wnkivxunn .....i .-,r:_.. 4` i I z : I ulr ;_-ruuruaws. A group of young people from the People s Church, Toronto, conducted the service in the United Church on Sunday cv~ning'. Their 111essa;_rr,- in song and tt-;~:timon_\' was listened to with rapt attention by a 1L:1'p_'0 congregation. Thn nnnile tn in nnn`nnn4-inn r mu: WCEK enu. Miss Jessie Foyston arrived at; her home here on Monday after! spending` some months in S0:ntt1o,! \Vash., with her b1'ot.h<-1' Frank. Her` `Ii-iutle niece. Barbara Foyston, an-com-E ` pzmied her. i ` Mr. and .VI1'.<. Jas. Cou1'tne_\" and` unn Inunn .nn+....,~..l 4.- IV.._I.. pamcu mu`. r Cou1'tne_\` and son Lorne motored to Guelph on` ;\\'<-dnesday last to the -graduation exercises of the hospital there.` .\I`:i;<;< Bernice Courtney was one of; tln- g_-rad>uates. A n...nnn n-I` ...nn-.. .1n...`l,. 12.-. .1.` ` ` Luxwu. 7 ` Mrs. Ii. Quantz, of Barrie. spent :1 1':-wdays this week with old` ,1'1'i<:nd.~' here. i Mr. and Mrs. .\Iu1'1`a_V {onuld zmd; son Ross motored to T.o1'onto over` the week end. nu... 1.m:.\ 1:,\..,.,... .ll'Ulll ms accluent. i I\l1.<.~' Joy P:-ll spent. thv week end at Utopia. Knnv ("hum-h Hf` van um cu... THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1937. ELL U LU[Jl`El. Knox Church Sun- day. r<,_, n, 1 I n -- - Uil_\ Hl`XL. Mrs. Cha'u Craig, M1`. and .VI1'.<. Brown and Bliss Pewtormzm, of To- ronto, visited with _M1'. and Mn. A. Jz1r_\' during the week end. L\Ul'L_1l Day on men` honeymoon trip. .\I1'.<. G1`:-Misids-s 1`etL1'1'xw(i from a` \\'eck .~: stay in the city on I"ri(la_\'. _\I1'.<. F. I.cnno_\' and childrc-11, of_ Thornton. visited her 011 'l'hu1':'da_\'.\ Hzu'\'v,\' Groensides is stili in :h0' city, where the doctors are 11o1di:1_;';' out some hope of partial 1'0c0\'e1'_\'; from his accident. i \l;c Tnlv D..n ....n..L u.. .1. .. vi J.nt:mx.~` n`c1'L` 101' [ Se1'vice.`< at S:. St. PauVs 1.30 pJnq St James -day no.\'t. `AT... r`1...u'.. r Miss Elsie Plowright visited over the WL'(`k end with friends in To- ronto. \1.... I) I'\......A__ ,0 n Win-One Class Hold Sale of Baking A hiyzhly succo.<. sale of home- vmade baking` was held S:.tu1'd:1j: af- .te1'n0on by the Win-Ono Clu.:.~ of Burton Ave. United Church 0;: the ljwn 21:` thr- home of M1". and Mrs. 3Lukr.- Spourn. The baking` \'.':\.: ab} t1'ac`..i\'ol_\' (lisp'Ia_\`(-d on one long`? t:1b!u. Ilouqtu-t. ~' of _~_2;1ant 1'1:-d .peonic.< g'z1\'(- ax p1easin_: effect. In conjuction with the sale of bakin~p.,'. lemonade zmd cookies were . at t1n_\' tublc,-;< shaded by Striped um-; ; bx-ena.-. ! `Y-no.1. r... J... LL- ..fAJ- l"-- ` ux'unz1.5. ` Much credit is due the girls for` their vfcient 1nz1x1a_2`c1nent. of thef `aft-:-rnoon, and especially to Mi:<.= J.J `Blair, who was in cha1'_2'e. : M1`. and Mrs. G. .ig'h`.n`1_vL-1`, of. ;Pc1o1'bo1'o, spent \V0dne.~'Llay with` M1`. and Mrs. .\Ic(71'-ackelx cnroute to- North Bay 011 their honeymoon trap.` Gl"(`l1Sidf*s )`PflI')'n('N `fvnan 2` uu_\. ! M1`. Geo. Oild-t-S and `Z\Ir.<,. Hud'g'in;~:, of vislted :fria-nds I191-n for I 1 .qnI'\'1'r-nu -1+ Q.` Dm-m-`. :1! 1: . ... 1 1 Luis WEEK. 3 l Mrs. J. Calvert and Miss Lzxura` `Calvert are spending` :1 week's holi; (lay at Big Bay Point. ` l Former Resident Passes ' Patrick Jo>'eph O`Donnell. :1 form- `er Allundale resident. passed away in Toronto last week. The funeral was held on Friday. June 18th. with interment in P1'0sp -c`. Cen1ete1;\'. To- ronto. His son, Wilfred O'Donnell. 21 1'e. of Allzlmlale and em- ployed as :1 hmkeman on the C..\'.R. Bicycle Stolen Wm. Ba1'nar(l, 129 Essa Rozxcl, had the misfortune to have his bicycle stolen la. Wednoscluy ni:l1t when H` '51: nzn-I.-n in -F1.-nu n4~` T q`~nn`.'."- In 21 Simcoe League softball game at Allandale Tuesday night, Borden Sign-all:-rs defeated the Im- perizxls by one run, the nal score being 7 to 6 after a hard fought 'baLt1e. A l...Z fnun-1 ......m....,~. L... Camp DLUIUI1 lill VVl_`l1ll('S(H.l_\` llLJ'H'[ \\'n( T1 it '21.: parked in front of J. Steely-"3 s:.o1'e. As the wheel was padlockod at the` time. it is believed it was taken away in a truck. It is valued at $50. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. .-\lf:`od 9pi1Ier re- turned on Friday from a trip E ` through Western Canada to the 2' j coast. } I NT. and RT.--. \KIu~ `IT! -..-....\I,l- r\`|/'. ` .l'L V CU" D : M r. and Mrs. Wm. Reynolds are `spending a week's v.:catio11 `m Pitts- burg. ` `Thu 11911.11 T.'.Hn1'nhn c uurg. ._ . ; Miss Mabel Liztlejohn, of Van-`3 xcouver, 13`.C., was the guest last` `wek of her aunt. Mrs. J. S. Me-E 1 Bride, Essa Road. _` 5 WT)`: .T T\'cxH\r n'F 'l"n|-nhfn \vn;- Fn: onue, Lyssa uoaa. i Mrs. J. Kelly, of Toronto, was in? town last. week the guest of Mrs. ;T. Hamilton. F`v-unr-L Ll n:L~ 11'-'1: uIInnn<<:-pix` Sn J I'lZ1l]1llCOI'l. . Francis Hinds was successful in obtaining honors in his second year in modern I.m5;uae;cs at St. Michael's 1 College. 11.. ur... \....`.a..,\.\.... ,.r 13..."... 1 Lullege. .\I1's. Wm. .~\1`I11st1'0:3g`. of Pz11'1`,\" `Sound, is visiting 1'e1a`..ivc-s in town` j this week. I 7\Tm~ T r`..I.v,... .....1 \r:-,` 7........? ALLANBALE CRAIGHURST WEST ORO Damue. li'.~.c`;1 team garnered two runs in the first innings and the Impcriuls went ahead by a single run in they secod. Latch captured another in: the third and Signals brought in! two more in the fth. A pair ofi runs xvorc scored by 1.he home team` 1')` the sixth, but the Signals came` rou_4'h with two in the Sl;\'L`l1t]1. ' ho lmperials failed to score in the lust of the sewnth when they hudf ahe tir.-inf: and winning TLHIS on the! `oases. ; C:-n-\\n1'.'_.rPI1t~1r ...~ L',.II ., \r,.rv,... .