Prices EC. 40. c` Fu rilrecrlnns iv!!! IILJI llll.lll' `.7. IV\ .\H:mr]:alr~ lrnpr-ri::l.~: I-:-1' Get the genuine CG. Rttrac: `(mm your dragqisn-or 1-"mm I All impurmer; mch as gums. min and :mn are .-.-mnved by HID .-rening. Earns High Post [It is rained and sreanuwashod D Tnrnnm. (Ba 2.45 Ir :5 unpnrted direct from A3 tmlia an crude form. QC. 1: the hiqhat medical gait ail ahtainahie Fmm any of the Fzxraixyn e-.5 Lupe--.lln oil '.&s$?ai}iL-1+;}I"'-7-In; my ' Eumiypu of .3~.ustnlla. 1. naumunz-5-A JLI -:?I'. I nrnmu Phouu WAver!ty 4521 \' nu sec nun Mr. Lyle Guest H55 insist on mrh bottle Page .L`lu"e0 1 V) Prices and Good Workmanship Quality The Best USE CANADIAN NATIONAL EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS FOR SAFETY AND CONVENIENCE H" |\\lu n.\ u`\u\\\ng ~m\ -\ 4 2: ant! gIau'I_v urnish _\ou with /all Hon Lu to fares, Iirrzitx, etc. v J:(i'.`:r_\' send parcels 63- .x,or.u. PU '.\\l n . `(Cd r-pm cv p\-:.\.\` \'0\\l\\ "-~\\u\\\` TTIFUAICSDAY. JUNE 24, 1937. u:.\.\.\m\ nn ".1 n \\ g\\\lu\ I j.\: N` M |\w;\\ nolor I ll. :\1 L from the (;\1\\\)\1S It. Robson . m.\r\< tins V ).\P CK .-.\\.~ ' ll! \\s M r tours lULll L`U\\:. gzu'<-.- ugures Sn0`\'1I1_.LI tik'll' produczion of milk and butter. {This was followed by a discussion [with the breeders on feeding`. led by Mr. Steckley. He emphasized intore 4.-are-ful liarxiling of our rough- 1:1;:e feeds. pzwticularly the hay crop. I in order to insure that the l11?.Xl1`:`.`.lI`:`. 'I1ninA:-r:1l and vitamin contept be nV\`:nru ..-.. ~ u. vn-.-. .n~.r 13:: pi LL`...U1't.` 01 me p1'og'ran1 was UL. l placing of a Class of Holst:-in cow. by Mr. J. C. S`t'ecld:=,\'. ag`1'icultural 1`cp1':-seI1tz1ti\'e for Brant County. The breeders were asked to place the class as well and were called lot: to discuss ;\'idLm1 animal. '.\lx'. .\lcC:1;:L1e in referring to the lfm1z'co\\'s. gave ll_2`l11`S showim; ltlh-1'1 nrmlnwinn nf nll: snnl 1-mt.-rm l.allU5lZ:lSCS. Mr. Gordon Bret,l1ct. president of the club, acted as chairman. Fol lowing an inspection tour of the new dairy barn; and the calf herd under the direction 01' Mr. ;\IcCague, >1-he breeders were asked to go to the ::djoining' farm for the balance of the program. Mr. Byron G. Jen- \ ._v. Holstein eldman, gave a de- monstration on Holstein type with the Holland systmn of actually tak- ing` moasurcn1_ents of the animal. us- ing: the length of the face as the unit. This proved highl_\' interest- ing`. it being` the first opportunity H13 breed-srs have lmd to see 2_1 de- mons-Lration of this kind. Later in the afternoon Mr. Jenvey took cliargc of the inspection of the _\'-cI1l'- liztgs and two-_\'ear-olus on pasture. ll`. 1`Lt'c1'1'ed to their blood lines, as wql las their type and ability to produce. \\'l1at proved to be :1 prominent 11-.::ure of the program th- I)i'L1ci1`t_`.- cow.- 0}" ag'r1cultu1'al \'.\n\~. ;.\7\.`-11-ix-p. Fru- 13,......- (.-.....+.- -The fi1`st, annual Holstein Breed- ers field day, sponsored by the re- cently organized Smicoe County Holstein Breders Club, was held on Saturday, June 19th, at the {arm or Mr. J. J. 15. .\lcC-azgue, Alliston, with an attendance of sixly Holstein en- thusiasts. ll`. LI...,L'... L -..... _.'J ,-.L _A' (`n..,l.... All Orders Will Receive Pxorn_;3 `Attention--Phone 53 THE HOLSTEIN BREEDERS ENJOY FIELD DAY AT ALLISTON .lli1.Zlki:' \\".lS I611 Mr. )IcCague. r~1 _ .s CONCERT BILITS CHEQUE BOOKS :Io1'E HEADS " SHIPPING BIL-IF SALES COUPC V ? CHURCH F0 RMS S'1'A'1'ElfEN 1`S_ ..-nq~..._- _ ___ `L LlLll'[:v"IIV`. UITICETS are I sxdent. Gordon Brethe; To :1: \ ice~Pre5ide-nt. Neiso f` A T` . Q.-xn Ts-.n ~...... I. H13!) 111 SUHIE uolasses sxlnge. as tendered th nu-ruin ` uauuu CULLLEILL $1161` cutzmg '35 I11 ~1`:f\ 3 ,-nm. .'.-~a-n LLLC in April . _,_ rm empnaslzeu ' ` `t yn mg was twzhlgv some instances v ...-.s.\ nun \ The Northern Advance ne was stxll u:1;;bIc t hoped to be out in am! woltd appreciate ation given him. .\ 1\~ .fI-fin +',....`. xv.-. -\. .uo1'an, t . J. Wolfenden callpd djtions er-:i=*ing sprin the 5 G-LlL'l1Ul`lZ.`L1 trouble. The Board i7b3f` n rt-":4:-V` uuun glvi-11 1 A p-ctition : I N. llorzm \\ .-.1 Fnv-.1-1, ,, ,-, .....; Auuuc. ll Mrs. V. 31. Adams asked that the sidewalk at 263 Dunlop St. be re-1' paired. The Board of Works was:! asked to look into the matter. f Acknowledges Dismissal l Jas. .\IcG1'egor wro:e from the hospital ackx10\vlcdg'ing his dlllllssill` as relief officer and thankimr couni cil for past con. given him.` He still to work but! hop;-cl to l)r- nut in -um.-I~ '- u; ex.) '21: made. Ada I Boal A __|____A ,I , ,1 Luz: request was gwanted. ` Miss B. Hinds wrote that had put down four new blocks of cexmm. walk in front 01". her apzu't.n1enLs on Mule-aster St. at :1 cost of $37.50. She was g'i\'o;-n to understand thzttl the town would bear part of the` cost and she would uppncizzzc some` c011.-ichrl-utio11. On motion :1 grant of was made. ; }f,.; \/ \I \.l...`.. .. L V -' - " Persistence Wins I The E. L. Ruddy Co., a1',te1' being refused on two previous occasions to be allowed to erect an elec;1`ic sign 2-: the Clarkson Hotel, again asked] pc1'mission to erect two single Neon} signs on thu \'e1'amlal1 of the l10Lel.i The request. g'1'anted. ' B. she four on` \\'Ol1l(l ht -'2)` l|!I1'I ,.4' &Ln umon: sxdew-.2 Gabi C Order Your Stationery Bzzsiness F or ms and Counter Check Books In Barrie RELIEF ..-1:11. Reeve `Would have Oicial Reiief Doctox-_ F AKE S WEEP STAKE n.:1l\ U11 [IO ., St. and Maple mg the water and :`,.:.:.r Ann` L. :.. (Comtiniied from page one.) Persistence he N. I, Hlllhlv (`n u4'+n-- lw yx I,Ig_1; By-[aw .re Soliciting YX."1 : u- CH C The 3 uamagm: Property AT MINIMUM Juquc AVE. 1n the Her xnud runs o 0 their properes due curb and_1ack of a G fnu-r. an.~.:y~,... .. .\I1';~ . J. E. Chown, Moran and R. J.` azienqon to con- on roadwagr and St._. between Bag."- nlp .\x'.: In ~L. dIl.U 500 -III LU u ux A, another unr nnn L I :1:-ms uul the , .:c some ' ex I I I 1'c- ; rks \\'L`x5 ` :1`. f L1 5 . him. ; DEMAND FOR C.Ja.NADIAI`i ? NURSES IN UNITED STATES -. .La.A-n. -"At. -vzulllul, T ;'mmig'rat`m1 papers. cm IV`??? 4iAXnv"')r9nn Oro council n T1112, 1.:-.1. Mrs. J. Cook Mr. A. Little Mi Association Presidents ENVELOPE! LETTERHEADS SHIPPING TAGS SALE BILLS TICKETS GUKMED LABEIS INVOICE FORMS BUSINESS CARDS CALLING CARDS SYDEPATEY CARDS LEDGBB LEAVES LEDG-E38 CARDBOARD SIGNS BUSINESS FORMS I V ,_ .11xuIl',l(ll' lllIII"IlIl|.`. V5. ;\riunu-st Hm':~:r-:\:hr;r- Pin-}:i1 1r: TI1r_r-nf'-Wn.r im-r:~: for Ym1nLr nml Old and ()t}nm- Anmr-timn:< Ivy Band in Attendance Community Singing T)_I_)T\'(', I) \QT."T."I' \ \ T\ r\I;'rrr~:- 130 ;;.m., 6 p.m.. Vrm .T>m-ingr the :1f:'1m-rmrm nrldn-:~:<(-:~: will lw s,ci\'r-n by Hon. VV. .\. Gm-rlon, I\'.(`., (-.\f-.\Iini:~'1r-1' of I.nlmr'; Hon. T.r-npnlrl .\Inr-:u1]::_\', K.C., .\I.I . P.; .\II'. II. Hzxrris. ,\I.T .; Nan. Eur-I {n\w-V. (,`rm,s'(-rvuiivra Lr-mlor Fur ()m;n'irn. and mlnr-r ~'. :11 53 ;;.m. (SXIK) sponsored by Innisl Lib.-Conservative Associations in honor of Our Leader, Hon. W. Earl Rowe. :-n L Sat. June 26 MONSTER , LIB. - CONSERVATIVE _ _ __ _...._-., __.- 1.1. JJIUVVU. lnnisfil Twiar On Lake Simcoe, Highway 11 PICNIC vvAA4L4AuLLAUJ AJLALVL 'I:f{T;\:f:rv_I_:".;:`}\:T:I'I_' .-\.\'I) m: O Everybody Welcome God Save the King ORO COUNCIL Low -SPORTS PROG-RAM-- ;;.m., I.::rliI~.<' f\fnf'Hmll. i;:.Hir~ 3Tf`1J'.< Snf'I}gnl_], .\H:mrl;:lr- H G.C3. Eziracr tines not have that stale odor and never loses In strength. Its Cinnni ::.~.nrs-nr. which is the recaqnxz.-:1 rru.-dlral inqredlmt In Ezxcaiypnxs Oils ezczadn 30$ -vhnrerasz ihe driinary 3.9. Stludv ard is :2: at 70% Cineol. A.US I'R.\1'.I.\.\! DR'UC COMPRNY 7.`! Duchexw Street. Tomato I..___ , 1-211 -4-- Znd 421. 3rd Q ; BECOUS-6 . . lst m qil thvalnahie whv