]uS' Wai COLIIU [)8 (10118. Mr. Stewa1't s subject was Cu'it'- zenshjp Growing Out of the Past. In Garnada we have followed too long !he melting pot idea of making (}1;nz;di~an civiizens out of those who co to us from other countries I We forget that those people brimzg their language and "braditions that took centuries to develop. When they come to us we try to make rbhcm accept our ways and language and forg-cit` their owm. The result is that they pick up the cheapest and common things, while we call them foreigners. .Tn.q1'.pm-I wp ehn-nlrl on:-nunuzum -:.1nm~n| Miss Jean Lennox Outstanding On Friday night Principal A. R. Girdwood in exending a. welcome to all, said that`. parents and friends who had come in such large numbers were doismg honor to the school, the [students and the staff. In the `scholarship awards, parbicular refer- Ience xwas made to Miss Jean Lennox who won the First Carter Scl1o'la,r- rs-hi-p, worllh $100; the Andrew Hay Scholarship, Upper School, worth $30, amxd the Moses Henry Aikens Scholarship of Vicitloria College, Uni versity of Toronto, Worth $650. His wm-shin Mavnr Fl C l?n`lmv~h `U1: lIlbU1'(3SLt:`(l In 1161' progress. Rev. N. R. D. Sinclair, in pre sentting: the Andrew Hay Scholar- ship, Upper School, to Miss Lennox, ramd Middle School to Robt. De laney, said it was needless for him to dwell on the attributes of the re ;cipients, as the student body, the Iteachers and friends knew them he- ter than he did. The schola1'slup~ were awarded for nchievemen-t in umar.hema.tics, one of the gi'eate.<:J subject to train in clear thinking. 1T-he late .Aend1'ew Hay started to teach in B?au'1'ie in 1882 and con !tinue till 1920, a '1'ibute to his patience. When he 1'e.~7i;>:ne(l hii former pupils founded the scholar zchipxz as a tribute to him. Students and Scholars l 'P1'ofo.~`. Bennett, of Victoria !Colleg'e, presenfezl the .VIo. l~Ienr_'` and con'g1`.;.tuI:1te(l her on attaining_ the higrhest honor ma`.1'iculabior: stundin_e' in the p1'o\'ince. The win !1'lI`lg` of this scholzlrship entitled Miss (Lennox to $150 c-asli and four years Ifree tuition at Vic'.o1'ia College. {(`.nn+inru:d nn nnrrp f.l1rrm\ |Ail Scholzu'. to Miss Lennor. mgnu. The Collegiate Auditorium was packed b=oth nights, showing the in }teres` taken by parents and friends of the students. An excellent pro- gram of choruses, diamces, violin olo and a play enlivened both even- mgs. MI I.,.. I ...._.... n..s_t-_J:-V -' 1':m:. In Two Barrio. 1-inks came throu'_e;h in the -rsr round of the Sea_L_~;1*am 3h'oph,v r'omm~~tition on: "I`uesd~ay._ S. ;_`.\Tm'edith won from Beattie, of iH'*m.1'1t.nn. 17 !o and D1`. Short` Iwrm from R .'. M('CuIloucI:h, 'I`o Iwmto. 12 to 11. in .".'h exciting game. `Dr. Shnrtt also won; in the second 'rmmd of tho Nor`.h .'~\mm'ic:m Life iconmetition from Dr. White. Port . TCa:in_t:, 17 to 4, but J. H. Mere- , dim last to Pm-.=ons, of Oshawa, 10 `I\ r: . Scholarships and Diplomas I .P1"esented; Program of 1 Entertainment. U The tenth annual Ontario curl-ing ghonspiel got away to :1. god start on .\Ion with 129 games played. 61 in the Royal York trophy aml 31 in each of `he Birks-Ellis-Ryrie and North Ameaczm Life competitions. Owing` to the 1-:1.va,p;es of the u. there were a number of defauhts. 'T`1-nmn Dn\w1-:v. vinl.-s Io fnuyn nn ism. ENTRY AT TENTH ONTARIO BONSPIEL 1 more were a numL)e1' 01 ucmuuus. Three Bn1`ri._~ rinks left town on Uonday morning` to take part in the .=pic:1-Di'. J. S. Shortt, skip, with B. Undo1'h.il], W. R. L\IcVitie and H A1`ms1:`r0ng:; S. Meredi-th, zkip, with M. R`oboi't; C. H. Beelby and A. J. Simon; J. H. Me1`edit~h, skip. with J. 'I`. Simpson, J. M. Mills and O. B. Patterson. I 1.. am .n..-+ ..,.....,1 me +1.,` nmmi `U. 15. r'auo1-son. l In the first round of the Royal York trophy cmnpetion, Dr. Short! lost to Fred Allen, of Lontrlon, 10 to .11; S. M01-odith lost to B. C. Hall, 'Kitche.n`c1', 9 to 10, and J. H. Mere- dith Lost to D1`. J. W1'ig:l1`, London, 6 10 14. In the first round of the North Amm-icz1n Life trophy com- petition, DT. Short`; won from H. G1-ahlam, 'I`1'mmi.ns, 11 to 8, `while ,J. H. Meredith lost to W. J. Russell. Unionville, 7 to 9 ,and S. Nlererlith .wov from Rev. McCullough, High 'P:x=-l:. 10 lo I Tvivn Dn\h\I:n \v:v|1!n nnwun +ln-nwn-l-u in ? LUIUUII illv \v'1(1.Ul`lil \1U|lL'}.',(:. (Contmued on page three` Vol. XC. N0. 51. Established in the Year Eight Pages IIOIU . t5I the pa. (':madi21nS. Dead hor.=n.'< am! <-nttlo m'r~ dotting; the rangeland of Southern Alberta; as ram-hor:< battle to get food and; wn`.r-,~r to th-'-ir .=tm*\'ing herds. Vorei than forty (lays of bofo-v zt-ro \vn~-1` ther, with snow piled hi;-rh on thv:-i ;rrazinI`r `Q'I'oy_."d.'. and winds not war::1 r enough to break the drifts, have` brought about this crisis. r`n("\ 1-I] 1~i`r11u--u-:- nvnvnnl-nrl Ruin ` uruugnu zlnout. zlms crlsxs. Wo(" 1~i_:rIw"u'.= prevvnted bring`- ing Of fr-M1 tn 1-nnt-hvnt. nnd }`l!"!`(]*` have ranged for miles looking fm food` On rnvw- 1`:1.`.`(`h".< tho t'":`tHo have xm`. rostml for xvrw.-k.=. maintain- ing: :1 003501093 hunt for foddm` ` Wiuh reservoirs frozen to the bottom; many ranchrwsz and f:1rnv=r.< h '\'<~ 1 to rm! water to their stock. I V ad iz I-u.:mr1.....1,..1 1,... ,1:....`..,\.` M) mu warm` to their stock. i ed is 1')f'iY`._(,"h(1 .11f`(! Tom: di~*':1ncr\.~`1 w1wrr- the hi_r:hw.'-._v conditions per- mit. ~ KIWANIS MEETING `ALBERTA lje K tiljmm hhmuze Mr. Roy A. Slte~wa.r*t, president and maanagvinvg director of `he Barrir Tanning Co., Limited, and chief of the Gaelic Society, "I`oronto, ad Vlarnced some worth-while ideas in a rhhoughtful talk at Kiwanis olm Mon day night. He congratulated the Kiwanis Club on the splendid work being done, particularly the agricul tural committee. There was a wide eld for improvemennrt in ag'ricul`tura' methods in Canada, as we were years behind Sweden and Denmark in this respect. Our augriculitulwavl represen- tative was doing splendid work, but there should be an agricultural` school in the d`ist'1'ic to demo-nstratr just` what could be done. M1`, .Q1'p\xr:1rf. z Sn-'h1'ar-+ was (`.1`A-L I . ! The rs" pro,g*1'a.m of the Barrie {branch of the Canadian Concert As- ,.~:~oci:L`r.ior. was. presented in the Col-` night, "when Mr. John Goss, noted lbariton-e, was the zvrtvis`. He was iably 21;<.si. by Gwe.ndo1:.'n WiI lliams, pianvist and ac-compani;~`t. I legiatc Auditorium on Wedue.=(lu_\" 1 Thn local .-\.<. hn< m-m-I Dr. David La:m, prominent Pitts- burg lecturer, travelyler, and former |CanIadian, addressed members of the Women s Canadian Club at the Li- brary Hall Tuesday nzight on Our Sister Dominiunvs Over the Sea. W9 1-n+'n'rrnrl in nnrrin~n'l'am +1-\ A115 olsber uom1n1o'nLS uver the sea." He referred in par.ricuI'.a.r to Aus- tralia and their interest in. Canada and Canadian Life. The climatei there, he stated, is much like t!ha.1:' of Californcia. and their houses are seldom heat-`ed. They have some snow, but very little, he said, relat- ing a humorous incident in which he asked a. young Aussrie if he had ever seen a white blanket. He re~ plied, Yes, but it was in the re- fri._2'e=rautor. In nnnnlnr-:.-... +1.... .m....I,,... .:..,.1....-.: J. G. Keenan and J. R. Reid, Bar- rie, have held the Simcoe Co_unt_v crokinole championship for several years, but lost it om Wednesday n11'g;ht when in a 15-game match they were defeated by Hunter Russell and ~Wa1|`:er Craig`, of Midhursi, 8 to' I- z. The match was held at the home of R. M. Coulson, To-ronto St, Bar- rie. -'7 9 `,3 `.\'I'r. Frank Corrigran, of the New`; _Palace Hotel, Elmvale,.1ei`~t last Fri-1 ` day on an extended visit to Bu al~o,f ':.\'-w Ym-k. Phil"-dvlphia zmd F1orida.' ' NH`. 'N1n: Rnrlnw (".N"P an-A-mi L l'l:g'tf`I`2.l|LOI'-' ' In conclusion the speaker declared -that it is a good thing for us to know about other parts of the Em- pire, because we are a part of it, and 3'0 realize the importance of unity. NT-,= .T W. T\/Tnnf-an-n_T.anrle nu-naizlm-3 I umcy. Mrs. J. E. Montagu-Leeds presided and introduced the speaker. MlDHURST PAIR WIN COUNTY i_ CROKINOLE CHAMPIONSHIP -uzuns, p1a.nI1.sL and accon1pam:-'t. ] Thu local A:<; has ox-'91` 200 membrfrs and an apprm-i:1.ti\-n audience gweeted the avtists. Mr. -Goss was . from 21 cold and |\\`3:< not at his best, but dG]i_!1`htr=(] `all with his -numbers. The artists ientcrtained the students of the Col- llegizntc in the :1l'Im`noon w1`h a . i p1'o_.=;1'zm1. . 1 Nfv (`.n:_~ |'n1- Inc Gs-of nr\I\r.rI1-nnnrul i pn):.;'1'zuii. I ` M1`. Go:<.< for his rst appea1'z1n(:<- chose 2L group of Shakespeawrzm . which h1'oug'ht out the ran;:e 101' his voice. The gr,-'1'oup included .Come Away Death ('I_`. A. Arne) ;, 'Si`L'i1 No More Ladies (T. A.| EA)-no); Orphous With His Lutc"| L(William Linlcy); Lawn as White! `as Driven Snow (Thos. LinIe_v);] O, .\`Iistr0ss Mine (Anon); Pe.j:,'-21- ' R::1iisev (Amt-m\. I 1 ure1g'nel's. ' `Instead we should encoumge ivhem to retain their best traditions and "`n(-Er la11g'11a_2'c. We have 21 popula- tion in Canada of but ten. milllion, bw`. we will yet have a hundred mil- lioml, and M1`. Stewart hoped we would discard the mellting pot idea and be more tolerant toward them `.\"n0. 1i'm'_s:'i1:x_r;e we do not under- s`amcd. Those people know they will have to ](`:Z11'I`.` the Engrlish Ianguzlgw I but i` is to their z1d\'z1ntag'e to re i tain their own. I v ':'11n .-......1-M. ......4,\.rl .c..,.... 11..-u...._ CANADIAN CLUB HEARS E ABOUT SISTER DOMINIONS ECANADIAN cousin 5 ASSO. PRESENTS g FINE PROGRAM} '1` L'll.'l'?lUCrl(l." l For his ls-:.'s" appearance M1`. Goss lcl1o. a group of stirrim: sailor }SOl1'_Q`.~`, Lowlamls Away (Caps:-an .Shant_\') (arr. by Sir Richard Terry) lDo me amyas day (IT. by Sir Rich- lard 'I`erry); Beautiful Nanc_\" (arr. :by Gustav Holst); The Captain s Aippn.-ntice (arr. by R. V. Wil- liams); Hi;=:hlI:z:nkl Laddie (arr. by S. 'Ta_vlo1' Hzn'1'is). l .\l.i.<: Willigunxq me n mnnnnc-1.n+:..I John Gross, Ba1'if0no, Id G-\\'vndu])'1I \ViH1znn:+, Pianist . cu 1'1`zLI1'Z). E This wars followed by Lieter ans Doe Schone Mullerin" (by Schubert.) `;the story of a mi1.le1"s son who went ;forth to nd his love dream, follow-l vim: the mu1'mu1`ings of the brook. !I5as Wanda-1'n" Wohi.n' ? Halt ! "`Dan;rsag;unp: a n de Bach, Am E Fei01`abcnd. 'F`nu- 1~.;- 1..`...t. \'\7\I\I\`Cl%PlP\ 'n,r.. n.,.,l ). Iz1y10l' nzn'1'1s). | ! .\Lis.= Williams was a sympathetic acconupunist. She also de]igh`ed with jhvo pizmafortc solos, Minuet, by" {Raw}, and Jardins sous: la pluie." `by Dohussy, and an encore. Mr. Cow rn=I)onded to two nncorcs. T('sv W A `P nnn ~m.n.:.1,.-...+ -4- uu~~ rr'. to two R-"\'. W. A. E. Doc. presidetnlt of the local Association, explained that. i`. *3 unfortunto there had been` -some confusion regarding: the rst r('()ll(`!`l't. Whom the date was ar- 1'anu_v:ml it was found that the Odd-" follo\\'.= "l'omple. whorg the concert mvziilablo. and the local .-'r % {was '0 have been held, was not ` I 1 asketi ilmf "lw rl:x`.*- be sot fo1'\v:n'(i. iluut Ur. (ii. < had '1n. :~'a"'1_o: `for E1n'opr* to fill this en_:rz1g`e" 1:. It was tl1r-n tlmt the Collegiate `vili- Horin`- \v :c on I rm .. x Iorx"-" \\ r`I`.g.':'C(1. 3 The nex cmwm'+ xvi b. - 'proh:1b],v on Aw-.; 19.1` but ibers will bn notinrl in p10 E time. ww 1m-K. r'nn~m>1pn:a mm Mo:-xda.' Mr. Thos. Barlow, C.N.R. agent __ is. caused bx this very thing`. Ire. Lain uiuir own. `Hie . quoted from ).'I1J`*i .i1(`,\`' Arnold, the En_2'lish essayist, who re- ferred to an article in the Lomndon. 'l'imes whicli <-riticizetl the Welsh fol" not using the E!l`!`iiS'i1 lax1g'Liz1_2'e. This discourtesy -to the VVeL people re sulted in_ more Welsh being spoken' in Walc-.- thmi ever before. Enp;z lan s trouble in g'overni.nug Ireland land ' the middle a'g'es \V-':l`S t`hL- livght ,.l Europe and brouxrht the light back to the other counIrie;< . En,Q'lan(l tried to (lest1'o_\' l1'eland si mv. and l:mg'11ag'e and now she` has practically separated from the Einpii-o. In Sco?~land, traditions` are deep rooted and sepa1'a`io.n from lho Em'ni1'e has long` been moo-ted. The` Gaelic people have got to_9:ether and opened Gaelic schools and encoui-neei the de\'(-lor_mir.-nt of their old tradi Lions and customs. Tn South .-\i'rica following: thr-' Boer War the Enszlish lan5_v:ua_c-;e wa.- made compulsory, with the Boer language optional. This has caused` trouble ever since, all becau. of a; lack of S}'l1l])21ti10t.iC un(lerst.a.rwlin:. : We liave :1 .~o1'<- pot in C-xnadn in 0111` :1I.til'nrl- i.n\\"n-(l H10 F`)-nnr-in l UI`l"'l". `V1! 0-" '."k"-V(V .~\m`i?' mom- plenty of RE-ORGANIZED BAND 1 PRESENTS PROGRAM i Roxy 'l`11oatre Filled Sunday. Night; Pleased with P1'0g.1`z11u. I time. . jj't- \ Tlwt; citizens of Barrie and dis-| t1-ict are interested in bamd music was shown when the Roxy Theatre, was packed Sundsary night 1:0 hear the I rs` program provided by Bar`-rie sl 1'e-organized band, under the leader] ship of Michael Amgelo. Expressions of su-rprise were heard on all sides `at the progress made in so short a T4- uvnn .-..1.. 3.` (\n+.-.1-`nu 1....+ A-Lnl B11113- } It was only in October last tha? pthe re-onganiza".ion of the band >sta.11bed and Michael Angelo, of To- 1 0IWt0, engaged as leader. Sunday nig'ht s concert was arranged to give the citizens an oppiortuniaty `o iudg-e and to prove to the town councill that the bamd is"wo1'bhy of supper by that hsody. I -13,. H1.` aunt .......+ -4` +1.... v\\nr\rwIr1nrr\1 `U3 VIIQJI IJ \Jpl`ya `For the fmst pant of the prognanni more surprise than anything was `reg'isvte1'ed but toward the nish the surprise had vanished and nothing don Longm',21.n,, vice-chairman of the band committee and mas`.e1' of cere- monies, suggested that the cancer: migjht be a reg'ula.r feature, it was received with loud acclaim. 311-. Longmzatn menfioned that the people who had turned out for the initial ` -perof-rmance in such numbers could help counsiderably by phoning Mayor Robevtson and men~tioning the fact` fvhat they would like to hear more: of such concerts. L .im...v,.,. 1:.-.1m..+..~.... ..,:.:..n.....n,: +1.": bult pleasure remained. When G01` 1 l U1 SUCH COHCQITS. i Mia_vo~1' Robertson addressed the g1:1\t11e1'ing; before the commencemeinrt ` (if the program He sta-`zed that he would lend his 11eu1'teie.-at support to any movement which would aid in Barrie '1havin_u' a bzmd of which it could be proud. He thanked Uhc citi'/.e~1ta:~: f0i' lheir support and was. sure that they 2l_"`_,')'0C{i with him that: :1 band \\`:1s 21 real asset to any com-` munity. { ]1_nprovement. in `eclmique andi ::.bihty shown by the band was re- lmarkable in such a short time and much of the credit should be given I`In NT)`, Antrnln Hr: hm:-an \vH1 I | The zmnrual ice harvest on Kem- ipm1['<.-](lt Bay will be,';'i11 e-2:.1']_v next wr-ck if . of the wzmtc-1' are rcturm-(I from the D(=p2u".ment of Health as . it \\".< learn- ed Lo- i\ mrnrwintl H151.` H10 (`.:nminn. ` (`(1 l.-0-(l`ll`-_V. ;` i~ v: tlmr. the C.an:\.r_li:1n: \' r.?n:.:x! `.:xil\\':\)'.~', Scull B1'o'.<. and 3:u'1'ir_~ l"'.Ie-l J ; Suppl_\' ('0. will hill - \'(:.'1 "71 :1pp1`o_\'in1:1le `m t:1l 01' 10.00 I laons of i('-, which will <-mploy ll)0uL 100 men. 'I`l1<:tl1rv.-.- {`11'm.< expect} to l1u\ <- llwir supply cut and . in 01110 week after op01`ation;< ho;:in.; Tllhe ice this year averages only 121/. inches thick, from eight `o ten inches below normal. Lack of . at present, will hinder the li-'?ulimg- nf hlwn it-0 tn H19 effnrnrrn nlnnl-.< n1"" uv.-K o1 s_vmpatnot1c un(1erst,a.w11n_~.:'. f mo . in our {Lt-tiJ'll(1<` t.ow:u'd the French 1 Canadians in: Quebec. T-hrzre we1 have 21 polito. happy, contenterl, cuI- ` tured people, who `.m\'e their own L,:'n,2'1Ia_o;c. trndi-`.1'ons and customs But bec::aru'se of our :1ttitu toward them, thvrc is 21 st1'on.g' movement on fooi to sep:n-:1`.(- from the rest of Canadza, and we n:aj.' yet have to} g'ht. to w-t,:'.i11 :1 united coun1;1'_\'. Ii; s01` of our political }0'a(le1's had: sax? .0n0u_::h to 2'01` up rm! toll us` the hue =t.'1 c` of :1':1ir.=. We n.~.A +11. .\....~.. 1,... 4-,... `. {ICE HARVEST EXPECTED T0 | BEGIN EARLY NEXT WEEK` .:the `we local rms. V ELL pl'U5llL, \V'1 nln(.lel' LDC H- Ulllllg of the ice to the st?o1'-45:0 plants of; 'LionswCT1T5 mH_FTlks By Noted Sportsmen; Barrie Lions Club at I~'1'idu_v .night s meeting heard from sports- .ment in four different; lines, which proved interesting. Cnwinn M`opki1no' xvns fir.-zt inuirrr-I I provea 1n~ne.re~stmg. 5 Gordon M`eeki4ng- was rst in".er- viewed by Lion Bill Garner. He had ,.been interested in hockey -2101 his life and broke into the O.H.A. in 1907 at the age of 17 and played with -Barrie, whose colors were then orange and green. He recalled the RDEIEAYI nf 1900-10 xvhn 'R:n'\~in vrucw-11. J. G. C010. :1 Inc -m}w1' of thv Can- ;}diz1.nt BiS]`(}l_\'_g.E`i'rP in 1S.(?Or51nd I1J921, 'un"m~v1'cwer _v lion 0 on ong- man, gave 21 short history of rie: jcompetimion and said that he hndi 'rtravc-lled some 150,000 miles to mt-. tend shooting: meets. A `. Ba;r':.c, 011$:-ario, Tl1ursday`, February 18, 1937 |Jl_lS1' 01'dinm-_\' `Run, Says M.O.]iL; Only l<`e\\' Cases of Flu. 1MEAsLEs IN 130 BARRIE HOMESi | With 130 families in quarantine `for measles, Dr. N. W. Rogers, _M.O.I-I. for Barrie, expects "he peak `of -`th;e epidemic to be reach this `week; He stated that it was just an. jordiinfary `run of measles, but Lherc_ is mo` need for compluications settingi in if fbhe proper care is taken. Five years ago ` Barrie experienced an epidemic that had ve hundred . . . . -Enrn-Inc 1n nliovvnntfnnn -n-ul urn nun We rxl that mzm;-.' Jr-w;< have for slaken tlmoir (.nti1'r- past hm-m1 it is? the only way they could n`..:.-kc anyl progress. Our Indians are not al [I l0\\';-ml lo foaclu tl1<`l1' own lz`m.,"uag'e; in school. 2`. lan;r11:1,g'o that po1*t1v:v_v.= ! 1 K LFIG `T110 QUYLW` 01 {1ll(1`.l`F. I l . ntzxnjx :1(l:niry-.bl;' t1'z:f".'.~: of the 1)ast.i T-Ins has (lr-h:1; them to :1. l.ar;rr2| I extent. NY 0. ._ L-1:.__..! L`,AL .,.,,,1 n an epmenuc mat nau nve nunarea families in quaranne, and we are going through `a s4imil:arr year, thel -1Vll.0.fH. .s`-iated. As far as Barrie experiencing an outbreak of the ui such as has been the case in valriousl communities, there is but a slight |c'hance, he said. The cases on re- cord at present are nothing more serious than a; severe cold, and wi'-h .proper precautioznls there should be no developments. ' I Im-media-Le appoinztmen` of a com- ` mit.`.*ee by P1`ime Minister Mackenzie King to examine the Divine lwazw colt- sistng of the commaindmemrts, statutes` and judgmen-ts of the Lord, in order` `to make reco-mmendatioums for its ap- plication and use in the admin-ist;m- `don of all nwtional, provincial and iso-cial affairs, was requested in peti- ;tions from the Brit-isah-Is1'ael-Wiorld LFed'e1'a1.io`n at :1 mass meeting` in Toronto last week. Dan 17 T Qn-u-inn-nH nnI\1:nin|1| LUFUHI./U [ESL \VBCK. I Rev. E. J. Springett, Dominion Co1nmis.sio11e1' of the Federation: asked that the meeting endorse a `petition to Ottawa ca.1*1ing~ for a day-' r of national repentance and p1'a_ve1' throughout *:hc Domi.m'on. All citi~ izens, ir1`espec tq've of creed, it \v`a`s lhoped, would join in this national \ movement. - i The futility of present govei-n-; imezntt atfeznpts at patching up U110 British North America Act was poinlted out by the speaker. 1\'Ian-` `made i.nIe1'fe1'ence with Divine 1?..\\" ,is useless," he said. and as soon 21: gwe 1'eali7.e this `fact, cons`-ructi\u; istops mm be taken to ameliorate con- ditions as: they exist to-day and t.he1'eb_v p1'(!V`C11t 1-ccu1'1`ence of the peculiar problems a"ecting' the whole Dominion, which our legislators ad- Pmit have baffled them. DnnIx11r-. A4` Ho {Hui-.n1{n+` in ('1nA u Hlll: l1'.2\'lf uzuuuu LIIUIH. Because of its disbelief in God s word ft`? u.'1'it;Len= in the Bib1e,ro1*gan- ized religion is helpless in the face of he ._2'1'owing' loss of faith by the For three _;'ene1`ations we liave been ` taught tliatl the opening` clilarp-ers of the Bible were myths. Mr. Spring`- ett said, and until we can get back to lho 1* tilization that the Bible is 2.1: '3". `."0:'(l of "11thority, we arr- not in .1 nosifioii to accept God : off for of` ii1m1unit_\' from tilie evils tha` are l)(`s04U'lIl|2` the xvorld to-day. 'l`l~n mnllihnlinnnc rlivm-1' nut] in. man in the street, he pointed out.I `ASK NATIONAL PRAYER i DAY FOR THE DOMINION. 1:l1'(` l)(`>301[L1H|,'!,' [HP \\'O1'I(X 1}O-(Id_V.' \ 'I`Iw muHifudinou.< direct. and in- direct forms of taxation are u.:: .nncr\.=s':'r_v. hr- claimed. pointing` on: that 2-1 1'r~tu1'n to tho titJ1im.:` : a(I!nin.i.<"o1'mI for social and econ- omic welfare, as God intended it '. he. would __2'1'ea.'u1_V case thv n..n,.?.~l I`...-An . 1... an '|-.nnu1u r\1~ G. D. LIVINGSTON EIETED 3 . REEVE or TOTTENHAM SFIOUIU UL`. VVOUIU _L','l'L`Z12Ul_V (`E1513 EH1` `n:m('i"l bu1'dm1 1*r*.=`Hnrr so 1m:w1]_\' on} C`:1n:u1:1 to-day, I . ` J. R. Boj.'.~t, ju'im' Dominion fvn-I ,"~5'~` (-i1"'ml)inn in 1917 um] 1918, v.':1.~\ I infm-vioxvod bv Lion Frank Dohson on trvnmis mi badminton. M1`. Boys ' said ho had .-".ai1r` *0 play tennis 7 as a _\'oun;r.'=tr-r and \v!_r~.rs tennis cham- wninn of Nortiu.-rn Omrtnrio twice and Western Oni-ario once. Badminton. he believed. was a nmm strenuouzi 'i_o:a1ne. _It_\vr':=, perhaps, more pr*'n)'3- ti-nr as it did not -1-r,-qumr_~ he cn"c=tnn`. -practice timt tr-nnis dons. Tenni: , q)I:1_\'n1's did not nvcr.~.=sa1'il}' mnko - good badmiinfon plwc-1's. as the ) stroke usotl in the two gmnes is iidvi`eren|`.. in tennis one used an -.:n'm n1o\-r-vtmnt. but in badminito. ifiio wrist had `go be used more. (.'.\'U..'I1lv. i Mr. SI bolir-\'c>d that much of the old .~'t::ndz1rd of fzxith in one an- ojmr "215 Q0116 -. A m:xn'.< word is no Io."I_:(~r us grood '-.< his bond, and| few to-(luv will honor :v. v.'1'itten con-] tract if the price _9:oo.<; down or up as the <-as-v may be. In vhe eld of polifics we no long-(er respect our` poH:ta'c:1] 1-on)-n. `, br-czlusc we have lost i`-`dth it them. Is: it any wonder whon some e;ovm'rnrnnf..< do no" kc-"p faith. nor honor cont1'acs.` `A70 .'I1'n nnf }\11HrHnn- n uvrud-luv 4-run In the r-Ivction ]z1. wnek in Tot-i` fr-nhnm to olrwt :1 rnevo ".0 ll tho \':1cam*,\ cau. by the 1'esip:1mtio11 of M. S. Brandon, the honor went to .vt~:-Rt-cw,-r G. D. Livinygston, who was r-Ir.-(-it-ti ow-1' W. J. \V1'::_\' 3` the din: *n:\,irn'iI)' of two vo`re.<:. Rev. Dr. J. S. Shonrt, chaplain of` the Ontario Curling` Association, in-. 'terv'iewed by Lion R. S. Atkcy, said` who threw his rst stone in a hon-1 sspiel back in 1908. He gave a brief} ~outii=nIe of the history of cu1'i.in_Lr zmdl despite the discussion on the game, believed it was purely Seottisnhfi Barrie Club. he said, was the onizv `one in the Ontario Curling` Associa- tion to win a cup three times at the annual honspieli In the West. where '10 starved to curl, thev play the knockout ,v.v:ame, forcing: `uheir oppon- ents sone off` the ice and leaving: the piia_ver s stone as nea1`t:h.e butfmz -as possible. fer- (-Y1` muion v.'v1~ Ii-.=nm-:.mm,1 1. rm.` 17......I. n..1.-,... LH(`l'!` IS . |U "I`.U\\' 101' Somv of O11*:u`i0 s nvnwr. `I\ 1. mm. ..t 1'CC1ll'1'(31l(.'(3 OI I118 In &~1.n `DH-`In n\Irv-nvu '11:` n--\\' Jump um v. 11. has not _vr_-t'| \r.\1I\ i .~1chc\dnI- . > bo post- ."-nmv for f\.-.4 .. ..!,.1.. [Commencement Exercises 1 Draw Two Full Houses A letter was read at Kiwtalnzis on. Monday night, signed by ten: boys,' I as f o~l1\ows - We, the undersigned, all sons of Kivwanzians, hereby challenge our days `*0 a gtavme of broomball to be `played in the Barrie arena on any dwte YOU can secure the arena. I r1v1__ 1,L;_,, ,__,. ,1: ,,, , Deplores Melting Pot Methgd oi: Citizenship! j__j,j_. I Over a hunderd women of Barrie churches gathered in Collier St. 'Un.itAed Chucrh on 1<`ri afternoon 5 -o observe the inte1'-denominational `Day of Prayer. Mrs. A.. Cumming,| vice-president` of Oollier Church W.M.vS., presided, assisted by Mrs. Bartley, of Clapperton St. Baptt-isvt Church. A ne atmosphere prevail- ned. Prayers were offered by the `following: Mrs. (D12) Slhortt, of St. lA;n'd'1'ew os; Miss Dawson, of Central; Mrs. (Rev.) Garbiug, Collier S. Bap- tist Cfhurch; Miss McDonIaI1d, of the Brethreln; Mrs. Graham, Pentecostal,` and Adjt. Charlong, of the Salvation. Army. III ... (`no.4-p... -0 "l`..:nN-u IL......l.. .. ;; nu ,. Mrs. Carter, of Trinity Church, `gave a very ne address on Peace. A dueft by Mrs. Hea`h and Mrs. Ilrwvizn was grez1.t1_v appreciated. Mr. Justice J. A. Nlakins, p1'esid-` ing: judge art the Spring Assizes, was presentvc-.d with Ilhe customary white gloves densoting no criminal cases on] the docket, by Sheriff E. C. Drury the opening` siiting on Tues`; .day. ' i\/Tv `nu-n1-\' in in-.\L-ivur +1-Ln n1-ocun... Iv."-V -\I\.r `N... ..v......; ...u. .-......v-. `The letter was turned over to Tom Phillips, chairman of en/cerl tainmencf, to see if he could make the necessary an-rang-emeinrts i [SEVE`:`*MSSlZ*E i C&SE3 SET?LED . I am crazeaml Auuy. i M1`. Drury in making the presen- tation, spoke of 111143 record of the} county since the last assizes. His `Lordship suitably replied, sayintg it \\'a.~' :1 ploasuae to sit in judgment at in -rourtt where there were no crim- 'ina1 cases, and he hoped the County` of Simcoe would continue to main-I tain its high standing. l Ti`. '2: nnnnnnr-mi H1n"- fnnv r-nun: WORLD DAY OF PRAYER OBSERVED IN BARRIEI .i(lWANlS CLUB DADS GET CHALLENGE FROM SONS Lilli]. H5 Hlgll SI/lI|UlIlg'. ' It was announced t1m".' four cases, two jury and two non-jury, had; been ;~'0tt.]nd (ml of court, and that] the c 3 of Hr-1-mun Osborne, Ba.1`1'ic,i lvs. Allan 'I`1-ansport, Collingwood, was adjourned bvcnuse of `he illness of the pl-uivx:\till".< counsel, C. D. S`:ew- l art. l`1.n hn -r\r- u.,...,,. T4`nnn'l.v T3.-slmlncnn Um: (.`a1.s'e is 4\(=l;iu111'ne(1 and One. (Just: J`z1k(3n. from '\ , I .Jur_\'. Should encourage Retaining \,(Best Traditions of the : . Past. ! arc. The Ca. \\'m-r2: Frank Robinson, _mil1e1', N-ew1narkct, Vs. John Bo_ves.*l `Churchill, who c1'.z1imed $16,000; Ed.` Lambert, Simcoe County. Hug-'11. Grant, Orillia b:u'riste1', for xvrongul ?fu1 seizure of 21 cm`, with danm_2'c.'~:l lor $5,000 (tlzmnvd. Non-jury: A. G. Cuvzma. O.L.S., Orlia, vs. Mc- .VIJil]a.n. Sc-cut-itir-.<, claim for price of: s"Iock bought` vahwd at $12,600; E\l.; R 'TInH1nn-(- n1*n('I:viHn V: A Cl S'0C|( [)0Uf.','l"l"[ \'2lllU`(l ill -).lZ,|)UU; D1.` B. Tudhop-r-. B)`0(`kVi1]C, VS. A. G. `Czwanu, claim 1'01` $7.350 rlmnaates. ' T110 .-\.=.~`1'/.1-s ('()I I(`]Ll(1d \Vr>dn(;~'duj; ';1fL0rnoon without rr-ac-hirw 21 verdict in any one of the r-i,g ]1~1: cases listed. M1`. Jus-`~1'(re .\`Iu`. found pleasuw in having` seven come to 21 settle- ment, and adjourned the eipshth until lthe next suiifting of an. ASSiZf? Cour). . r.. +1.,. r:....+ 1;..+,.,1 :.. ...1.:,.1. llzlle IIUXL S'l`U|.lllf ()1 {UL ."\hSl'l.|f \JUUl'-. In tlto r;~:t. ':x. listed. in which t .v- plainefi . Samuz-1J01m: of Orillia, (-Iairnr-d $20000 dzunzxgvns as `.110 result of a motor :1(.-cidont from Dr. Chas. C. `;\`Ir-.`.Ic=hm1 and M. D. `;\}cMr~hr:'W. the ju1`\' hoard ve wit- nrtssvs for thv n1"mifT on Tuesdr`.-y | :'..ftr.-1'1mnn. -\V(',(Il1"F(]}1`\' mo1'naing" Hugrh W. Grant. z=.(`li11: for Johnston. announcod that a se".t.1ement had ..I i been reached. a The case of Ed. Lz_1mbe1`t vs. II. I` W_. Grant re:m'd1n'_: \vro`n-grfni 1)se1zu1'c of a car, was rst taken |f1'om the jury zvi the request of the ldefence. "~h(.~n n`I`t<-1' two witnesses, had been heard it was announced] 'lthat]adsett1et}1wnt lmd bec-;`1 rr]*nch(I.i concu mg 10 at-.ti\'it_v 0 110 .u- `prmno court :~i'.tin1..-' ]1(2rr>. ` ff? , ms. SHRUBSOLE SUFFERS ? BROKEN THIGH IN FALL: I . -~; I Last 'I`.hu1's afternoon Jas.. Shrubsole, former re chief, and in` his 78th you)`, fell at the corner of`, Mu1c:1.=tc1- and Collie-1' Sts.. brc-akin}: his left: thigsrh. The accident occur-; rod in front of the library as Mr.` Shrubsoio was sir.-pping` over tho curb and his` foot viimwd on tho ice. ` He was take"-n to the RV. hos-I ,pita1 and z`it Mwim1 bv T71`. W. C.` `Lif`.rt1o. His rromiitin-.: zxt ;v1'e. is ::'.< good as czm hr- (expected. Thn On'zn'io I.(-_:_*'}5`1',`1111'(> xrot un- dor vvay again on 'I`11r*s(l:1,\' with-` Premier Hepburn in his seat. Dr--4 hate on the "I`111-om: address will] probably take some d::z'_v.=. and the` new power contracts will be the sub-. jec : of a hot debate. th, [ r) n. . . (`W \K m`n'rr`r'-' Dr. Shortf won :n 7 (1 Vhn :=r-(-om] rmmd of (`hm S<\n.-""11? ,1} (-nnmetit.1'n`n1 from H. Graham. T`;'m- mi'~L=. 1?. to 10. but Tost out in the "ilwiwl round of The North Amerimn [ifn in V7. PT. 'Kr*Hr=1'. Midland, 4 to 12. 'S. Merediih won his second with ` round gmmc in the Sf-`.21',`1`f!D1 com- D,._lpet.ition from J. R. Reivo. Ch1]1 _ChiH, Wmi 15 to 9. amtd the third}-ound from C. R. Grcezng Locusrt H. 12 to 4. S'ub_`He also came throtuzh in the third round of the Nor`."h Amc-1-it-an Tlife, beating E. Parsons, Oshawa. 13 to .1 VU1`b'lby UI Loront-o, W 01`tl1 5650. His worship Mayor H. G. Ro`bet't son ,in presenting the Carter Scl1olavr ship to Miss Lennox, paid tribute to `the founder of the schollarship, the Ilate M31-. Carter. He could have let`? nno beizter monument to his memory ltlhan this endowment to twenty-ve counties. Every student `who tries for this recognition is bene.ed whether he or she wi~ns or not. Miss _-Lennox during` her ve-year course had headed her class in the academic course and l1'.I`(l also been active in athletics, showing` that she had 3 well balanced course. The citizeezis of Barrie. as well as her teachem and fellow sudents, were proud of ,her achievement and would always `be interested in her p1`o;e;1'ess. `R!-!V_ N, P D Qinr-lniv in nrn Students of Barrie Coegiate who during the nterm had applied them- selves were accorded full honors at lthe annual Commencement Exercises on Friday n-ight and Monday n\ig1ht. P-resenrtations of awanis for schoxar ship-s won and gradvuartion di-plomas Vto s`udenrts of the academic course were made Friday mght and the athetric awards were made Mondlwy night. ~ I"hn (`n11...-.-:u+... A ...:.-4 ....:....- ...- _ nu nu-p mun. honor (2ont1'ac`s. ` We are not hui}di.n_Q` a worthy t1'a- ; F dition. Above all, we should teach`1` ]0.V11t)'. faith, ]1o1w.==!,\', and ~`.hcse;`] can I` ., (2 only by on<:ou1-a_2`i'n_Ec all to 1} hold` .;st to the best traditions ol'"( if we are to be worthy` `