. .- __. _. . .\Ii.~'.~' I"lr),\'vI~!1<` H:1nn~I'm:1n is 1`.--g (-0-.'~ri:*_: n?:(-`:}.' :1f't-1' hm` operation at her :mn.L.: home in AHan(lulr-. Quilp a number from this vi<:in`Ly {`IM(`Y1dL'(l tlw.` at homo in Stroud Communitv Hall 1:1.-t'F1'i(1z1y evening for the ("onscrva'.ive leader, Hon`. Earl Rowe. lwc 'n.m..m wnI-1v:nI- u'.-- H1 In H... pression, 8-to-1 Band Spreader, Acous- tic Boom Absorber, 12" Dynamic Speaker, brilliant 13-tube performance -and is a beautiful furniture piece for any room. Take advantage of our offer to-day. Come in and hear this new Rogers. _ mas VA. MLJ I. v-1 (.L.!.JL).L \J.LV1`J :, Mr. and Mrs. ;VIatl1e1' and son `Hugh, of Bu1'k`s Fallts, speumt the "3New Year's holiday with Mr. and '_.1\'Irrs. A-lex. Fletcher. ; Mr. D. Mchellan visiite(I Mr. Alex. lMcDo`ug'-all on Wednesday, Jan. 6\t.h, " but Mn: McDo-ugall, we 1'eg'2'et to say, `is still in a feeble condition of ilhe-awn. amrs. r,.. wacmen over the week end. I The congregational mleetting of the United Church was held on Monday. The usual Business of the church was lattvended to, such as electing Sunday `School ofcers and other officials. nu-uzmm-an me nrst 01' the week. Miss Hackney, of the Omtario Hospital, Orillia, visited Mr. and .Mrs. Waddell the week " The (!DnQ'l'e(!`2f:innnl n1|aath'nnn n4~` Hm |U'u`u1I`L anu nrauy } The Lades `Aid of the Uniterf i -Church met at T. A. Stone s home' on Jam. 7th, and atitendled to all necessary business. I M)`, A T. nmnnxy A4` -I)......:.. 2- w me clty. - Mr. amid Mrs. E. Stevenson, of Tm-onrt1o,.caIled on Mr. and Mrs. D. ML-C`aIim-an the first of the week. Miss H-at-lnmv n+` Hm nw+m.:.. .`t"cUJh. Miss Eldridge, of Cookstown, is the teacher at Argyhe school. RIF. Cecil R.i(`11n1'r]an11 e Qnn11*`nm n A A Cal`. |The weather is still keepinng damp and wet, but little sn-ow. Mrs. Geo. S. Clark 1'eturnJe_d home last. week after having spent a coupl-e of weeks visi"I'ing' 1'e1ati\ es in O\1ti`Ulia and Eady. l "Fhe Latins Aid n4` 4-1.. YYIJ`/\J lAl\:LJCD\321'1'_Y uusuness. Mr. A. L. Hooey, of Barrie, is back again as managver of the Bank`- }of Commerce. D Dan L.` up... L...... .._.:m. 1 - A ~ I U1 LIOIIIHICTCE. I R. Roe is very busy w1vt'-h hns truck d1'zuvim5.r: the fn`1'mers hogs and cattle to the city. Mr. amui Mr: I? q+...m..,.-.. -1.- auu J.Ul'l.-ll, \\'L`l.'L' l'L`\\'ilI'(U`(l Z|I`:(.l_' [C thwaun an hour s d1'z1gg'in3:-;. The .' was lig-l1~t0d by sx-:a1'chli_<:l1t from the: re reels on the shore. . Young: Heppleszone had :1 promis-: inf: caree1' in music. He had a flm-| voice and only that 111ovn-in_Q' hadl sung` in St. A-n'd1'cw .< choir. H0 is; survived by his parents, M1-. zmd` Mrs. Richard Heppleston; two 51.191-.4,` Nora, of Toronto, and Alice, at` home; and a 3'oL1-:::g-e1- brother, Jack,! age 14. ; v(`.nn1n1nI1finn- an flan any-Ll-.n+ Fl.:,.r I;u\L:1'_\ 01 [-110 DO(1_\'. , Vico-Pre.si(lcnt. N. M. Thomp.~:on said t1ux.L Mr. Heppl zton was a .;2`ood J'riomI(l of Kiwanis and moved that 21 w1'r:zut1 be so-nit from the club `as an re.\'p1'es. of sympathy. `The motion was sedonded by L. C]zu'k(: .-md pz1.~t. unanin1ous]_V. lHL'1l.I.lL'. If the Icp;Isl'a.ture was composed of, say, three representatives from each countt._V' council, partyism would be . I ielviminatcd, appoi:ntt'n1en:t-s would be on merit only, and we would have more efficient service at less cost. Reeve Sitewart said this was an idea that wa.s gainiirg suppovt. He did not have time to go into it as fully as he would like. The county cournucil system is more like the un- io~n~ f. ,'0\ ("l`lllYlI'1i.'S we have had in cmerg'encics and they seemed to have |aecomplished more than party gov- ernments do. We all know that the p211'|A_\' atem has many flaws, but this idea is som(.~t.hir.u` to consider. '[li(-1`<,- is too much overlznpping` oi g'ove1'nmi.wnvt.< and the people are de- mandingr 21 change of some kind. Dr. R. J. Sprott, in moving a vote of thanks to the speaker, expressed .rt-he hope that Re-eve Stewart would in! the not distant future again ad- dress the club on this subject, which merited seous consideration. P1-ncirl~.-.m.+ Aw-f Qnah-11 \`I\"f\\ lmunu-.'u scnous (.'011Sl(1C1'zltl011. P1'osid-em A1-t Smith referred to `the borcavementt` suffered by M1`. and l1\I1'.<. R. H. Heppleston in the loss of .tI1oi1' son by drowning on Sunday, Eand the s_vmp2zth,\' of tiny club was 7c-.\'temlod. Reference was also made .to the work of the Bar1'ie re bri- fgade in the rescue work and re- cover_\' of the body. \Ii.-n_D.-n.-:.l,...4 \ xv 'r`L-~ THURSD.-\.i', J.-\I\'L _-\RY 1~1,`1. ?3T. (Continued from page one) 1 The Legislature Mlam-y people to-day believe that (the work of the provincial legisla- tures could be done by the county icouncils more efficiently and more ecoonlomicvalnly. 'Dhere would be no !party affiliations as at present. At (present a representtative in the leg- fi-slalture mus-t vote with his party or he won t be there long. If the lcounty councils were in control it `would do away with party patron'- vage and raise the status of the civil :service. Officials appointed to-day iztre at the mercy ofthe next g'overn- me~.Int. Ir .1... 1,....:`.1........- - - coUNc1L GUESTS 3 % or KIWANIS CLUB In: teucner am Argyue school. Cecil Ric-hardson is sporting :1 ar. \I.... x.r._u___, TUNING THE OLD WAY Phone 1221 At the`zmnu:;1 meeting` of the Bar- rie Fire Brigade last week, ofccrs were elected as follows: (`EH94-` D 1 \xr..H`.....,1.m ....,1. r~-._L Irom se_vere shock. Hundredvs of people Lined ihe shore as the remen d1`a_2,'_n.;ed for the i body. 'X7hc1-e was .f<`zu' that thug-." n1`i'_9;ht go onto the ice and 0ml;1:_ the lives of the wo1'ke1', buto pohcc-I worked tlo keep them back. C1i'. Carley, assisted by Geo. Baldwin :1-nd' remcmi on the ice with ropes at-3 tached to the boat to d1`21_-4' it lmck, and forth, \Vu1'(' 1-c\vz`1rd0d after 1c.<.< hou1"s Flva I-no]: nn Han .-11:-n vCom.m(-nting' on the accident. Chief Stewart stated that people had be:-111 wz_11'ned not to go on the ice.. Policemen had been detailed to keep] childmrn off the bay, but it was to no avail. Th. \XI f` run,` .....L:_. IMU uvau. ` Dr. W. C. Little, acting` coroner,` said he had expected to hem` of :1` drowning accident. Altthougrh no in-` quest will be`hel(l, he thought the authorities should do something` in the way of placing` 1-est1'ictio'~m=. on skating on the bay until after it had been tho1'ou_;-;hly tested and decllzi-1'ed sale each year. uppuztlfu Imgaln. Emerson Bullantyne and Foster Ar1mo~iI: -took Miss Coe to the ShO1',`. She was hy-saturical and kept f'1_g'11L'ix1g to go back. She was taken to the home of H. Cooper, Lmcle of Hop- pleston, 2:-nd medical aid . fl`:-1'i11;;` Dr. Grey found her :0 be ;~':: from severe shock. n....,1`.-ml, ,.+- .4 I\(\I\|u'r\ Hm -I.,. BARRIE FIRE BRIGADE I ELECTS on-"ncaas FOR 1937] (Continued from page one) sign of Hc-ppleston, appeared Izngain. }7.l`I1D)',Qnn R:|H51nh'nn but unrl he never LOCAL BOY DROWNED IN KEMPENFELDT BAY` Page Four Darrle H.Uh'pl"v`cll. I The W.M.S.`h _th(~i1~ monthI_v_ meeting in the church on Wednes- day. Iflrnrr Davie hmd ffhn mi_=f'nrt.unn L-v MI1`1 E3TI*T(t LEFROY . .\'1 1'. ;_ ly ill. rat AVLLCUIII-Tl'lS is He fell and broke his thigh 1. last week and chest compliciant;ion.~s- ._ have set in. Miss Dundas, of Wavmv . . l(:_\ , is in charge. ' A litvtle child niiraculously escaped .l'zxtaI injury on F1'id ?=.a-y last when Gwcnny, fivo-_vem`-old i.\I1`. and Mrs. Robt. Grt:zu't-s, `us .~'.ti'uck by a truck uu1.~:i(lr- hut home 1 on thePi,-m:tui1;:`lloaulzintlliurled into I ` the ditch. .-\lt;l10U]. ,'l1 hex` clothiinig wm< ; cut into sl1)'('(l.~`. beyond 21 out and l.~:L-\7c,--i'e h2'uise.~:, .h(- litltle ;:;irl (-. ; .~ci-ious injury. . _ I Robt. .\l(t.\l2l. 01' Orilliu. who _;kopt the store and post olii(-r- in _'(,'z'ui1:;hui'. prior Lo the rv 21 lbw l_\'wur.~t :1;-;o, pa.s'. :m\ z1_\' on .\Ion(lz1_\ ;in l`o1'ont1o. The fu-n-L-1-ul took place on Wr-lm~.~'(l:1y from I,ak<:. -H,ou.< Orillia, to Severn Bx'idg'o. l.'l'hc,- in . W. .\'c\\'nia..n was in cl1a.1`p,'(-, 2l.\'.~l.s".L'(l by u (:lL`l`;.:'_\'mlln from To- i'on=to. Since-rv .~'_\'n1p;1tl1_\' is oxtonvdetl ht-o hi.~: wit":-, (-.hil(li'on and f!`l(`I1(l$. knox Cl1u)'<'h at 7.30 pm. l('ollcq,5t.- on I\`lon al't,'or thn \na.c:1- ;`g1.ion went at thr.-ir home here. 'l'l1r- nnnnnl nnnnvinm A`. Go (laughter of ` 1 Phil and I`):-u-hura .\Eew1n:zm ru;turn- _ml 10 'l`<,-(.~lm~ical School and Haverguli quite se1`10us- I l)I\"I\ L. . guull spa-n1. an tnr-n-.nome_ here. , 1 The annual mermngx 01 St]. Pei]te1'.~i; .\Iin<-sin-_~', took place at t` c c urc_ on 'l`uu.:r1uy' evening, wrth a record iuLL(:nda..`In(:re ;;1'es0n'}. All depu1't1110nLe !4.-mled Lhc-, your w1L'h :1 small balance. I'['h(; ()iL'(er.s`, Sunxlay Sclioolhstafi 'r We 1i.~"l and rccLo1'r(:(:civc< a oarty E(\)'()Tt.-ol' LI"mn`ks for th(-ir work. Tht`! 3 t`oI]m\'in';: wm-.- uppoinikldl fIor( 1937 : \Vzu'd-n.~., L. .lol1n.~'on um .. h'a\. c.s`; IT):-]_-1,-'zuo, to SV,;'n0d, ( 1"1'z1l`1(:`l& !Sid-. H. 1.'a.y-.~', C. .,'ox, _ .- 1_\1p;u-,.-, [,, (}rz1vo.s`, (Lt,-0. I*`rah(_:k,I Il~Lzu'r_\' I"ruli(:k, F. P-:u'.'on, H. 1.31;:-? u;:u', W. Kmvupp. l"t')','.l.s'0r1 l_<\`r:1lI;Ck;f Or}.-::mi.~'t.~: .\1r.<. l.. Jo nson, . . ra- Ilivk; S.S. Supt., 1.. Johnson; As.<'t.1 'S'uht Svd (`o\'- Su` Vfrs` Pe"n'`0n . .,._ `.,..,_.. `..`, Mrs. .VI'ea1`;~', Mi-as 1 zu'k:1',` 1\ Ir.<. /0.`-K, .\`I1'.<. Iiiggax`, ;\I1'.=. 1.dI*`1`al1(.g J 1 Services for Sun ny, . 01119 11 a.m., St. James 1.45 p.m., St.` Paul's 3.15 mm. ' 11 a.m., 51. Jar pm. A .\iii: woman advertised for` 21 hu. She got one at 211 Lost. of two dollztixs-. He enlisted in the` `army and was killed. She got three thousand in insurance and will get a widow's pension as long as she lives. Yet there are those who say ' advertising does not pay. iw llla.'IzL'1l. nev. W. iVeWman omclat-[ led. Ater the ceremony the happy| `couple let for Toronto, Uxb1'idp;e and Orillia. On their return theyl \vill 1`(.Sl(lC on the 10th concession off Vespra. ' M1`. Put McGin-n-is is quite serious- thigh! and (:l1r: nnn1nlimn:inn.-i `I A quiet wedding was solemnxized at the rectory on Tuesday afternoon: when Norma, eldest daughter oil Ernest and t-he late Mrs. Oakley, of} ';\I'inesi11ig', was united im marriaage to Harry Fral;ick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fralick, Minesin~;;'. The bride was charming in a tunic dress of rust colored crepe, her coat of wine color rzmd fur trimmed, with hat to match. Rev. W. Newman officiat- ll, -\f?trn~ fhn r|n1`nn1nnu fhn Innnrn-I nut) xcauum un:uL'r zuI_\' .5011 com11n0n' or crop requirement without resort- ing to p:'escript,ion buying. The official results of fertvilizer anal_vs<.-s for the z'c4g`ist'1'a.t`ion year 1935-36 for all the provinces have just been- published and may be ob`tained' f1'e_e on request from the Publicity} and Extension B1'amch, Dominion` Dep.u't.ment of Agriculture, Ottawa. I 1 x | _._j__. I I Unasatisfactory 1'ertili'/.ers~, to wit,i [fertilizers of doubtful plant food, conutent-.or of such mechanical co-n- dition as will not. feed satisfactorily` throu_e'h a drill, are becoming` rarer [every _\'e1:.41', accor(lin~g' to G. S. Peart, I I I Chief, Fertilizer Divis-ion, Seed Branch, Don1ir.ion Depa1'tn1e of Agricullt-ure. Occasionally, however,: :ll`1.~px`L'i.0l'.s' of the Fertilizer Division nd such sl1ip1nent.s`. Usually, it is~ the casual vendor who most ol`ten` volazes the Fe1~tiii7.er Act. Manu- l1'act-111'e1s zmd importers who intend} `to st. _\' in the bu.~':ine.~'s do not de- lbe1'.(rl_\' hut their rcpuiation-.5 by (le-j Ili'`e1'i11_:,` uz1.satisl`z1ct.o1`_\;' goods, 11nd,} tlicrefore, they are the most depend-I `able .~'ource.<. from which to bu_\*. ln_- -,a:"_~,' event, i'z11'i11e1`aj are advised to} ;bu_\' subject al\\.._\'s to g'uarz1-n:teed`i anz1l'_\'sis and .'atist'act.ory mechanicalll In-ondition, and they should refuse dc-I1 ilivcry when the bags are imp1'operl_v I; l-ubelled, or not labelled at all, orl when the label is lower than tlmt off 1 the fertilizer ordered. Also, when; the mechanical condition will notl v I I I Ipermit of uniform application as in-` . I i z I (I`-ICdJtC`(I by too higrh moisture content ( or inadequate screenin=g`, the fei'~tili- 2 zer should not be acceptede. lg .`-\n\' r-nmnlpfn m~ mix-ml +'m~h`lirnn-I aay. _ _ J IG.reg D:1v1s hid the misfortune tc injure his ankle. " pl'Ub_l.'1`l[)llUIl. xnerc ls oeuevcu [0 D0` 3. widc cnou_2'h choice of 1'eg*iste1'ed|' mixed fe1't,i1izc1's to give satisfac-I Lory results under any soil condition. n1- 1-I-nn I-nrnlil-nlnnnf u~Hm.4- W.-_-nadr BUY FERTILIZER ON -I ` GUARANTEED ANALYSIS! CRAIGHU RST J L Th 1 u 1 A 1'0.siden~t- of Barrie till a fewl 1: yea1's Iago, Mi.-is Br.-rtl~.zx Carley pass-. ad away at the homc of her brother` v'|ut Erindlale on Thursday last, Jam. 3 I 7*!-h. She had been ill for some time,` r`!but death w*u..< attributed to pneu-i [;monia. Deceased was born in Barriel 'fty years ago, it daup;hter of Mrs.- -l(Ja1-ley and the lwtc John Carley.` Ilsurvivinzg are her mother, two sis-, Hie:-:4. Mrs. S't.aJn'1e_v Miller, Lewi;~'t.on, -;.'\'.Y., and Mrs. S. Braser, Toromto, zzmd two brotl1er.s, G. H. Carley, Erindalc, and Cliff Carley, Biarrrie. 'Int}ermen Look plzxcf. at the Union l(?r:metv;-r_\', Ven. A)'ch C. A. j Alouhton officiating . l x l , ___ 1! As part of the g-`rent systoni Wl1l(`l'l -<-nuhles the Province of Ontario to; `keep almost the entire network of |provinciul hi_u~h\va_vx~' open throughout ithe win~l(,-r, O nt-tario hi';.-;11wz1_vs engin. `em-.<, have built up an org`a1iization ;(-zip:il)lu.- oi s:111(lim:; 3,000 miles of iliighwuy within three hours after th" `need arises. l":L trucks, mechz1.n l Jicul .'\[)')'(.'2l(l(?l`.` zmd convc-nienvlly lo~ ca.ted pll`l".\` oi zibrasives have made this wondl-rfully 'efl'icient fl.-at an accoinplishetl fact. The materials 4 used to make winter driving safe are `sand, cinders and stone chips, mixed with common salt. The salt prevents` .thL- stock piles from freezing and when the sand is scaittered on the` highway the salt n1el|t's the ice there-i `by embedcling the abrasive in the slippery surface. Withourt the salt; the sand and cinders would be dis- paited by wind and traic.-- I,`ihse1 C.l.l._ Oval, `.-,I.~)\I LU Q1 zulu Ian` (.0 _`.1`0O(1 -5 Ho $6.26. `Choice butchers sold }$5.:'>0 to $6, with medium 21.1 $1." lrto $5.40, and common to $41.1} B(es L.` butcher cows $4 110 $41.25, cat I ners and (,`lltl(.`l'.\' $2 lo $2.75. 11211111) ht-Ir] ,<`-fro.-,-.:l\.v urH-. .-`Inn: `uI:l'.s' emu cuLu.`1'.\' 2:51: I0 ,..'(:). ! Lamb ht,-ld sltene.-(ly with choice} wzwes se1li.12I;,:' at 9,4 9&0 $9.51!. Choice; [butt-chorsheep $4 to 5 i C'hf)i(!n Pzllvr-Q u/rm-n nu in 1'1`) ' i -`pl 1 DU Hogs w eu.s'mr wgth svalcs made at $8.50 to $8.65 on`- ?t1'uck. Reports from E11p;la11(l were {lower .'.md this had an z1dvo1'se effect `on the market. 3,000 MILES OF HIGHWAY , `i SANDED IN THREE HOURS! nt. non C H was answered byl My linniigrrzmt .~\l1(:est0l'." A short I `i talk on the mono ln lllv low: 01! home, the love of country has its? rise was given by Mrs. Geo. John- stonv. M1';<. .\lug`uire xzavu some in te1'o.~=Iinv_u: (-urrr-nt r.-\"r.-nt`.~'. )`lr.~'. Adznn son, who is convr.-nr.-r of (T:mzuii;m ization, ,g*i\'r: u spl:-ndi unrl vt-1'_\' iinforn1zut`iv<.- Pant-r on the l'nior`. Jack. .-\ ."'ln_L"-r`Oll.{' was l:l1j0_`,'(:(i um: , " a piano solo given by Mr:~:. (}<-orgr` Johnston. There was a. display 01,` old hats and the;~:e were alter-ml tr, look more modern and the inrmvu :' tion caused much merriment. After the National Anthem had been sung.` a. social hour was spent, during which the tea hos gesses were Mrs.I` A. Foyston and Mrs. Geo. Johnston ` 'I'-he Febrularry meetiny: will be at Mrs. Wilmot Cook s homo and will be on H.i.~v!orical Research. I ('.nh(TI'nf|II-,11";hr\;` ....,. A..L,\..l.J x ' J 1 ( 4.` ;i (. l l r r The .suI)Dl.V of cattle on the '11: 5 ronto market this week is heavy, but fprices remain rm `and higher than; Elust week. i ` (`l'|I\:1I1. I . , \ . . . . .. .4`... A I _ ,, 1 . in |l)Ll'L`l:l1(.`1`.`~``l'l(I`L`}) 2:34 to #5. ). ` Choice calves warm up to $12,` ; with good vealcrs g'oin_.-' at $10.50 to? i $11.50. ` I unn-:- um.-,; ,`,...`..._.L..;. 3, ~- glitlz \N(:EK. i Cholcc IO 19.. s;~1.-u: | ruluu. ' :'l he late )'I7s.<. M. . .. ` I lat Guth1'ie ancli had01t,:1]1::-`t b1 .`"? |COl7(1\\v3,tQ1- C11-_y:i.ghu1..` and Gu(:L(,l)_| fyt! gzmd since 1909 had been on the $31! }}i5)11`}~o teaching` staff. Since going to` I owntto she had attended C 11 ' 1st` United Ch'u=1'ch and had beneg:' i"`9$3't`3f1i`v9f `the choir fol: 27 years. x ms: :m-9 thrnn cn: Mm, unu n.uu1`_y uicpuuig, OI uumrie. : Among `the many Ilo1'u'lti'ibutcs .\\'e1`e t,'l1o-so from the pupils of Davis-[ fville School, s~t21' of Dzwisvillel School, staff of Morse S1. School, ichoir and music committep of Col- llege St. United Church, Evening` [Auxiliary of Deer Park United Church, the Women s A.ssoc".iiaIt`ion of College St`. United Church, and the Women Teachers Association, To-, ronto. ` l l`kl'\ l..,. `\.[:.. \,I-...,,- , 1 Surviving; uure three sisters, Mrs.. Robt. C. Morri. Blaine, WzI.. I-ton-, U.S.A.; M-rs. Geo. L. Te-`lfer, iPa,1'is, Ont., and ;VIis.< ;VIzu-g'ar(.-t Mor- 1 rison, Toronto. innsmuer U1. I-I18 CD011` I01` Z7 c IIIHJUU 111 iV1UuIl`L- r1eaSaI1'L ue'n1el;e1'_\'. Amonvg friends and rclaitives at-l ;1en(llinvg' from 2.` (listancc were Mr. ia.::'(l l\`I1's. Geo. L. 'I`c]`fe1' and fum-. .il_\', Paris; Mrs. N. Morrison and fa.m-l :1'l_\',` Mr. and Mrs. D. F. 1\'IcCua.ig',` ,M1';~'. Alex. McC~uaig', all of Bzu'1'ie;` Miss Bel`l!:1.l\/IcCuai~', H. A. MtcCuaiy`. and Henry McCuaig, of Guthrie. _t\mnn-o- `flw mar-nv flm--,:.l h-Hm+....' ` |`tUIl_. 15 E118 guest, OI AVIISS Maneer. l'I`ributie to the memory of Richardl -. MT` and Mrs" Chas Robinson ..j J. Hepplesnon, who lost his life hvl `" were S"`da>" V`$1*"5 "Mr d1'own `o Sunday, ags .paid-bS,`:lVI1;i` a:nd Mrs. Sam. B1'o1ey._ . the maxhy citizens who crowded St.` hlrteen young people umled wlth And-rew s Church for the funeral the church at the Sacramental 591'" service on Wednesdav. Evidence oi' :1ce "1 the Umtled church '` Sm . _. ' , "y evening. Ark: ;::,.::::::`f*;:,h::::*dgu:s.a . the cm Hess assciates and orgmnizatiuus i t12_1n Fll0W'Sll1lp convener, had charge `with which he was eonnieeted, was 01- me Y`P'U' n-metmg 13% `~ve`.3k' shown in the profusion of floral tri-`wltfh Lhe.f]1'w.mg program: hemp` I:`;::?m:::*d;:%;.*'edi%1:Sl" :58` ,- ._ - . . : '- _~' - -, era me eyno s; -sigiiiiti `iii: iiiasgi, 133'-giuesdl `P` by K=" ".HA"%'hE5 Dim in-`. imember of -the church,.a.n1d who had 5 Stwmentals by M15505`. MTe'9e and` `been connected with the Y.P.S., the?`H.1e P1'*".? 1``1**-10"` P9110`? by lMen s Club and the choir. In musicl Olive sh-Bring? Rm" S` Paisley ',he excelrled and gave promise of 3. led the dlsicusslon. 0" .` How '9 91" ibril-Liam . career in this field. He hadi Improve our Spclety 1" 1937" `s-taivted to take lessons less than 21. Her many fnends hem are 3-Vi i_\'e'ai1' ago, but had developed wonderl onlgalgmif gepllgzs ::]f_%vI S0'Ogl{lk )l:]' Ifully. Last: Sunday niorliing he \\`:1s11.Cyt01,Cd to health again ii." 1." .`.`"t`1``l. 1 l"`' ` 5?` `."`?:l The llmirind w A lmhl +ih,.;.. n.._.. tes. : fI`ni:bu.te was paid by Dr. J. S.| 'Shortt to the deceased, a valued; .member had! been the; ;lVIen music` rhc brilliant eld. `_\'0-'a`l` had fully. \\`:1.s1 `in his accustomed place in St. An-` ,(l,1'ew s choir. In his memory the fulll lchoir attended the service in thel churcwh, which followed 21 short pri-l -vznte service at Che home. Miss O { `Brownl-ee szulg Yea, I`houg`h Ii l Wl:`.lk. v I.`L.'..Ln...J T 1 .Yn.-unln -4,... 117:` V 1.-...- l VVIEUIK. Hiclmrd J. He~pp1cston was born: Hn Barrie 22 _Ve:.1r.s ago, where he had! .~'pc11*t all h'i.~: life. Left to n'1our11 `rare his parenfs, M1`. -and Mrs. R. H.. 1Hepples/com; two sisteys, Norah a.11dI 5.-\l,ice, and a younger broher Jack. I Tnf.m'n1n11v1' \vn: Inndn in Ram-1-in 17:1, 1 v uu on r1.1.~7'.ol'1c211 1cesear(:n. : Conm'z1tulat1'bn;< are extrzndcd to} Miss Norma Oakley and Harry Fra lick, who were nmrricd on Tuesday: by it-v. Wm. .\'<.-wman. ` Mr. and .\I`l`H. R. H2H`)'i.s`. of T0- ro mo, and .\'Ir-'. Nixon, of Maple,,- wrr<- S.:ml:\_\' v"itor.< 2; . Wm. .\1::w s [ The funeral of Lhe/ late Miss} C-athermc Mm-ri.~ton, who passed away on Jan. 5th, was held on l 1`hursda_v last. Service was conduct- ed by Rev. Dr. R. J. Wihson, assisted by Mr. Carswell. Invtermenrt was! umade in Mount. Pleasant Cemete1'_\'. Amrmvsr *F.rim1d< and wlae1ix-n_- my 4:\1.lCU, illlu U. yuuugur |Jl'Ul4lll:"l' dacx. Intermenvt was made in Barrie Un- ion Cemetery, the pall-bearers being 16. B`aden, C. Simpson, A. Ciclzmnd, l{.Dohe1:ty, J. look ::n(l G. Long'- H1111`! i FUNERAL HELD OF LATE ; CATHERINE MORRiSON I I FUNERAL OF RICHARD J. HEPPLESTON LIVE -STOCK MARKET BERTHA CARLEY \- - . . I h(.`2l\ _\' stccxze ln'oug`ht 11'om; and fair to good $:').:':(); `(hni(-- huh-hm-. _-nhl _"\.vu {Hl`v'II -yuan.--:-2-- .ucu.11:, W`1ul'e U110 IHCYTS nl:l`h SC0l'(`S were Won by Frazn-k Green -zund Al- lan Gibbons. The president of the Women s Association, Mrs. John Cook, then called the meeting to order, and after expresslnrg` regret rlart mhe absence through illness of Mr. `Arthur Little, president of the Men's j'|A ssoc~iaJt1ion, called on Mr. l,._\v.ull l Guest`, president of the Junior .-\.<- B-lsocialtvion, to irnvtmoduce the guest of ,!the evening, Hon. Earl Rowe. On l:]ascen'ding` the platform the Con-sen--` nan Isowe. Mrs. Donald Fm-rier is ill in the Barrie hospital. 'T`7hn WM 9, `hold Hu-iv mnnalu '.~1uc1wU10I1'S was new In the (Jommuu~ iwty Hall on F'1'ida_v evening`, with an exceedingly 1-a-me agttendizance. The .rsL part of th(. e\'en~i-rnp; was enjoy- 'ed in playing pmogressive euchre, the ft`WO lady Winners being Mrs. W. J. Leon-ard and I\I1'.~:. H. Me1'ed`i`th, of Barrie, whily, the men's hi.g'h won hv F1-g;y1nk (lvnnn .'Ll1l` Al wan won 03' me latter '1' Lo :5. I `The zmmial meeting' of -t`he Ivnrnis-E l Hio1`ticuL`Lu1'zr1 Society was held in the Community Hall on Mondziy nlighlt. The 1936 ofiicc-1's and direc- tors were re-elect-ed. It was decided `.t.`o ask Mr. H. J. Moore, of [sling- i-ton, to act as judge at the ower ;show to be held in Churchill on` IAug. 19vt.h. E A very successful malt home un- .der the auspices of the Women s,` .Men s and Junior Conse1`vat'ive As- Isociwtdons was held in the Commuu~ ii`t\" Hia]-i rm Fvirinv nvnninw uviH. nu .rua.cK. ' At the United Sunday School zvn ' nu=;.ul 1neciin'_2', M1`. Roy Goodfellvowi was re-elc.-ctml s1u)erin`tm1(lcn`t and ',Jack ;\I:11'qui.<, sec1'01-a1'y-t1`0z1SLl1`c1`.! Z E11coura.ging n.-poms` were g'iv(,-n from * the various clznsscs arm! the s0c1'ct'a1'_\ 7 1'epo1'ted 51: smlendicl inc1'0z1.<<- in` the ._\'ea1";~.` attendance and a good n- ?ancia1 balance on 11a.z'.l. $ 1 1 ` I11 'I`1'n H`! L`. n T1`1n +4 n4` 13 nu 1~ - ~ ` gauuzu uzuance mx.z'.1. : .\1r.<. 'I`ruman Flatt, of Bi-aden s,`, was opt-rated on for appendicitis in .t'hc- Barrio hospital on Tuesday moru~ iinigz Her many fric.-n-ds here wish` ;i'o`r her a speedy recovery. I The hockey match here on Z\'Ion(Ia_v; lnight hotwoen Stroud and .-\iIist.on' ! was won by the latter 7 to 3. `T-i1r ;imwmml mmnf,inn- n4 Mm Tm-~=~ jn:.sIbUl'C(l no nezum again. l Unvirted W.A. held their rst meeting" of 1937 at the pzLl'.~)0I1a_9,'e,] lwith an attendance of 30. Owiniei to Mrs. Marquis being" unuvoidzxblyl absent, the meeting` was presidedl |0VE`l' by the rst vice-president, I\Ir.<.u lLem1ox Black. In the opening` de-` ivotional period Mrs. S. J. Re_vnol(l.~i * gave v:1splendid paper on New {(3-` solutions. Rev. L. S. Paisley t`hen| 'eon-ducted t=he in;~vt:1]lzLtion service oli 'the 1937 oieers. In the business` ineet.ing',, several leAt.t'ers of thanks! were read for Christmas remem-l brances received. The treasurer s report for 1936 showed to-ta] re- iceipts of $608. Sevemxl new plans `of work were discussed amid com-I mitltees appointed. A social half; hour b1'ou_;-"lit the meeting: to 21 c1ose,; with the following-; lunch host;esses,| Mrs. S. J. Reynolds, Mrs. Go1'(lon,i |Miss Annie Wallace and Mrs. 0. `Black. | \4. .'-L IY...'.`.,,I r: 1 m u 1 ~ ! 1 Mrs. Joh-n' P_a.'{.t.(;rson has ret-urned] `home after V1S1tlI`l`g` w1t11 Mr. and] Mrs. Hunter at Thornton. : Mr. Geo. W1-ig'h.t, of Vermillion, SZLSk., is visiting with relatives here. Mrs. J. W. Thompson, of Thorn- fton. is the guest of Miss Maneer. D ; MT. Rind T1`Q (`.114-me T?nkn.enn A1 am; ;u'1's. cam. broley. Thirteen united the church the g\'iC(: in the on Sun- day evening. Niix K:1H1ir>nn T-nm1na~ 4-Ln r~1....:.. 9 Essa Road `\""v--;Iu.'w $1122.95 ----- I 'I'hr` Wonn,-,z:'.a In:~..-i'tutr- met on; 'l`hur.<(l21_\' zxftmnoon at` the home 011 Mrs. R. W. P]0\\'l`ij. ,'I1t, with 31 ladies` p1`c:~:cnt. 1011 call answr,-reti by Mr In1nn'crr:un:' Au~mn;-+n.- " \ --.1---41 STROUD Trade-in Your Old Radio NOW Maximum Trade-in Allowance on- ~. R. KENNEY ELECTRIC YOU LL say I m glad we traded in our old radio for a new Rogers after you ve owned this beautiful model just one day. A big trade-in allowance for your old radio plus the most liberal terms in our history makes it easy for you to thrill to this radio marvel. It has No-Stoop Tuning, Noise Sup- $I995 (Less Trade-In Allowlance) for Thrilling I3-Tube Performance - Value Beyond its Price v (xvi LU CHO . chestra. I cheers of welcome. After express- in}: his plea-a.=u1'e at being; p1'csr.-.nIt, he gave a very interezttinp: address on importantt present day questions, in- cluding the Hydro situation. Ma-. Geo. Joh-nLs~ton, presidvnt of the (Ten- ut-re Simcoe Association; also gave a_ short address. Ater Izull had enjoy-' ed a .s-umptuous lunch, the 1-emiain~de1' of the evening` was spent in dancin_a;' to the music of the )Iu1holl~an or-, vative leader was given t. h1'ce heartyt `-. .u.uusu | 'l`h<.- b1'i~de, _::ivL-11 in 1n211'1`i'.1;:'c by H191` iizutliei`, looked charniing` in 21` :L`3.`0W11 of ivory crepe back satiii, \Vit.hI |hz1t; Ll-Y`.`d n1atching' ZlCC(3S$Ol'iC.i. She ,czi1'ricd a bouquet of 'l`alii. roses. ]`)I.=s Winnifred Applcby, cousin ofj who bride, was b1`idesmv:1~id, and wore 9:1 blue Laffeeta ;:,'own with pink acces-i series. and cm-rim! mm. ninL- M; un:en', 1,. ;ucMu1K1n; Hydrant Men, D. King`, L. Miller: '1`)-afc Ofcer, Lou Vair; Auditors, R. Simmons, G. Coles; Lineman, C. Carley, R. Sim- mons, W. Lee, D. .\[il]m', W. Living- stotrso, C. .-\nder: G. E. Sponccni Truck Driver, R. H. Irwin. . \JALlIl.'IU. vvu. I The guest list included Mr. and` J. `Mrs. C. H. I1'wi:m, Mr. and Mrs. R. Beale, Mr. C. F. Sharpe, J. A.} .\IcB1'idc, Dick Burton, Dr. Hay-I ward and Len Chahieu, all of To- rontio, and Miss Dorothy Little, of Ja1'1'abt, Onvt. I ,.u; u:'.31ul:ul:L`, wmcn was (iC('0l`L\i(td `in pin kand white with pink ch1'_\'- sz1.::i11ex11u111s. Mrs. Pa1't`ridg'c 11,-- coivod in 2x ma-vy blue crepe _:0\'.'u with matching" accessories, and cor- sagc of Bria1'c1`ie roses. Mrs. H. Pa1't1'idg'e poured tea. Immediately `after the ceuple left for their home in Carnr.-nrvon. nu .... . - A I vu L/Iuu umuua 5.-,'Uwn wnn pmk acces-E .' cewrie-(1 pale pink roses-.; Mr. Ha1'r_v Pz11't1-i(lg`<:, of South Por- icupine, b1'ort`her of the bride, wasl lbest mvam. rx .. I I g . lrutgc [0 J11`. 15e1'L1-am Henry ._n;. .'::;od For(:. Camp, Carnarvon, !.~`o;1 of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Young, i ~.`m:?:e Rock, . 1:. iL'nited Church, who oiciated at the \'om Scoiia. Rev. J. Inuwizzgze of thr- b1'ide s 1)zu'o1`.~t.~', con-' ducted the Iluptiuls. The \wldin;.,-' ,r.:u.~:ic Wdzi plztyutl by M1`. Ted Grc_v, |o1' To1`on=1o. You`:`.~_r_-,', " .-\i`kcnhcad, 1`chi1'ed n1ini.~;te1' of the` !ln.Ll-`.lL' \r\"(.. run 1 , .. V115 uruun. I I V, . . I*o1:l`ow.mg' the ceremony an m- formal reception was held, also at! {the residence, which (leconmsd min kand whitn with ..;...1_. ,.x..... ` Lll.l.'L'1eS. Mr. and Mrs. Wnl. Jacobs an-nd sons Donald and Douglas, of Toronto, . spent a week end holiday with Mr.` land Mrs. D. Jacobs. I M? T. R/TnDlnn,. IV`\l\I-\" AL,_ 7" ' : I A p1'ett,v white we(l(li11<;.,v xvus sol-' | v.-nmvized cut. the home o1'M1`. and .\I1`s. E. H. I- a.1'tAri`dg'e, 104 Bnasdford SL, last week, when their only (1-.mg'}1`ter,A Violet`. .`.lc1`1'o.sc, wu.<, united in mar-g lriagc to M1`. Be1't1'am Henry I L} Cod FOl`(.`.~`t(e1' Cnmn, (`:11-nm-unn Eu; .umuco, Lne 1na1'z*uaug'c to t: place the Iatlter part of Jax1Lw.1'_\'. uvwer. I `Captain, Hook zmd Ladder. Har1'_v Hook; Steward. G. Coles; First Brant-1una;n<, F. C. Lower; Assistant; 0. J. Wi1Iiam.=.; Second Bra-n-chman,l J. O Connor; .-\..ssi.~rtant, G`. Baldwin;' Tihird Bn;mch_man, G. Poles; A,ssisvt- an1t, L. Caldwell; Axe Men, Green, C. McMulkin; Hydrant Men, Vair: Alldit0)`.<. R. Simmnnc ('1 D. F. McCuaig left this morning, for Otaawa -to take up his sessional du-t-ies. If n .1 N1 ..._ 117... 'r I auvu. rmrs. ru. Jacobs. Miss L. McPhce sperut the week end in Orillia. M;cu l4`.H+l.. Lr..L.L,....) ,1 m ,, 1 . ROGERS No-Stoop Tuning! PARTRlDGE--'YOUNG Allandale World Wide Reception Don't Squat--Don't Squint -- Don : Stoop - Don't Strain your eyes. Tune Strain Tune your radio safely, simply, quickly, surely with the Target Tuning" system. Standing or sitting, tune by sight, not by guess. Here is radio's greatest in- dividual achievement. Makes an ordinary radio as old-fashioned as bustlcs. Figures are large and cas~ ily read. Tune in daylight or darkness with speed and ease -_ without _ stooping, squatting or aquanting. Don : Squat--Don't Squint were OIGOI-e(1 Iouows: Chief R. J. Wolfeilden and` Capt. O. B. Pa:ttte1'som:, re-elected; First Lieutenant, S. Sherlock; Second: Lieutenant, A. W. F1'a;ser; Sec1'eta.ry,' J. H. 0 Connor; Trelasurer, O. J. Wrildiams; Executive Committee, G.| Colies, C. McMuLk~in, F`. C. Lower;` Represemtative to Benet Fund, F. C. Lower; Rep1'esemd;atives, Ontario Fi1'emen .< Association, 0. J. Wil- liams, G. Coles; Rep1'esemfatives to Simcoe County Volunteer F'iremen s Association, A. W. Fraser, F. C. Lower. r`.,.....:.. u..-1. .....a 1 II n I