:ruv`1L'cesJ_ 11. , 15 reported. Contributions have al:'e'.1dy been received by the Rad Cross from some 50 textile companies located in more than 35 towns and cities in Ontario, Quebec and t.t.he Maritimes. More mills have promised `contribu- tions as quickly a.~: they can be got out. Small mills are giving in pro- portion be large m.il.s. Manufzicturing Company, Montreal, donated ten wool blankets`; the Sling. Manufacturing Co.. Bram.- ford, 1,000 wool bla.nkr.-t,.~'. l:`H.-d R. Fol. & C0., Toronto, The `Triangle ` ,':2u'c 120 r pui1'.~t of men .s wool socks; l <-nman .~s ` I_a`.d., Paris, Ont., among otlie.-2' things. gave 5,838 pzvirs of girls and boys , womt.-n .s and nit,-n s St0('l\'ll1g.~' and .~;ock.-'. Stau'er-l)obbi<`: & Co., Gult, g':1\'-A 1,200 Lowcls, thr- Dominion 'l'<-:\".il:- l`u., of l\l0n1l`u :ul, zunong ntlnm ilvinuru .....~,. '7 -Inn v.....,.l. 'l'L. ('i:lll.\' and 11 UN: mi.- :u'Li(-l- of of |)l'()1(-ills, is prc~.x'(.-nt 1 li\': h:I\'|- or .~'lor'p, g.-;0o.< not" lhll Ll iodine- |)l`H.l`)' J .to ..,. al.. Llll,` I ally \l7Il.' fond. Pl.` Uil\l', |H`l l Limv :1 ; halibut liw Lx'llH'1f and I"! (`UL the mic- ,nul wa ; Lhc-rc-'. ll `."l_'(l(tr U: ,.m |`)' NH} Hum Lllnlll .`|'l IUUI or: 01' [hr ii 1, (f:1n:uli:m cr (-.un.~'u1nption - lnnlu. '|\\V-1|':\ lll|lll' u|.\\IllI' III ` 1:1. and: 1'21pitl`_\' l)('('l)lH- ` of rlm'lm' and :l'lII`.l the only 'knu\\' it I'll-` and ('((`.`l l'umll_V licvprz :1`ml ivnluml I'umI 1'01` Hu- lll . |`0ml.<. l\`` I... l`. `I. n0t|1in_u; run A-n.'l.~-v :,0.1s _>.'.J into ` ago : who \V('` all!) um]: al...| - 0| um! Advume Izu'I.1ull_\' pzu-zmcu D('IOl'C ms (-_Vv.s`. Edawrd l`('.fuSl5(1 to ==.;\cce})1 any of 1711950 t'21w11-e_\ (-d hopefuls in 21 mar- 1-i21:.`.'(-, of state," and Britohs szully ,\\'attcl1(-d t`hc I 1'incv Charming l1eg'emI roll on _ve:u' .a\fto1- _\r',-211' with- ] out :1 romantic .c1imux. : ' First Great Love Yet when I<}dw2u'd p1'<)f(.~.<.~`4-.< ;z'enuinv love for the first time in his tlifo, the Empire was by 21 xterm of (:onl1'o've1`.s'_v- -and the |m;z2-n who once bnsee(:}1r3tl and fumed` at him to gm n1:u'1`iod and sehlt: down," Prime I\`linistcr Stanley Bald- win, now 11:15 secured Edw:1.1'd s crown as th,_. pricv for wu11t'in'_g' to carry out that advice. Again `tw]1crc is Hlv Inv)-1-ior pum- Ilox of the Britlsh p1'0s.<, which for _\'0a1`s has 2`..\`SZli1('(1 some . (-F" Ameriacn 11c\vsp;1p(:1'(lo1n for intcr~- ferin_:-; with t'he prixzzltc ]i\'c.'< of pub- lic chm'actc1's, and to-day stands divided, in bittvr wa1'far0, over the trzlditionul .~;at'I'o-sunct p1`i\`;utc life of`. t'h- man they (Ir.-scribe as the, world's trrcatest gentleman. 17`.Am-n-A rm am: I:unn V. ..1.,..-...: 21` tom asunder , > i wornus ;:reaLesL g'enur2man." 1 Edward will nd lit-`tle At.o c}1em'i him in the past great 1'0m..:1ncc-.5` of I`rin(-r- and ('ommon(:1"` in history. Woes of Henry VIII. f Hmn'_\' VIII. t,rird it four times. Four of his six wives werv com-i mo11or.<-~A1mn Boleyn, Jam: Sey-5 |mou1`, C:1t.heri:`..- Ho\v21r and Cztth-3 lerino Parr. 'I`wo of thmn \-mm to; _thc block. H(-m'_\' ':1:`(? .1 hrrd timv` `with all his wi\'(.~.<. His third, the! l l Uuulugs. 1 None luvs (i('\'(+i0pA *(l such world" stii'1'ing' 1`epc1'cu.<. or involved so many fantastic 0. Hem'_v twist.s" as Edwa1'd s bwttle with his Parlia- nien-l for the love of (iEll`l(-L`_\'L`d Wallis Wzircltl Simpson. Pa1'a.(loxe.i abound. For 20-odd _\`'a1'.~', ever since t'hv ci'St\\'l1ilc Princv of W:1l<~.< b(,-czlmv tnhc wo1'l(l`.s' most uli_<.:'ihlo buclivlor, cabinet? mini.s`tcr.'~' hzive L'O:J.X(.`(i and hi;-:11 press111'o(l him to choosv :1 b1'id('---an(l your :"l'tei* year, with un- llziirginp: zeal, B1'itonsrh:1\'.,- hoped he would select on-v of lAhr- st'i`in_u' of more or less bluo-blooded c:1mli(lat.r-., a2'tfull'_\' paradctl i)('fOl'(`5 his ` ].v(`1l\\`l'll w-fnunrl in no". -I-nnl unv Romzmcc-minded kiI1. ,`S, do\v.n the ages, h1"\ 0 set I*Idwa1'd m_\'1'iad ox-` amples in who (-121511 between human passion and the stern dictates of sovez-eig11ty. Mnm} Fri!` llnlnannilv I i GIVE LUGGAGE 1 hU\ U1.'t.'lg'lLL_V. I Must End Unhappily | Few ]11l\ (_- been .s-t.zm'od by happy` endings. X70110 }1:!u< 11-\'n|n1\ml u/nu-hi. I u .\}IlLl7 Ul LIll'."L` L','('Hl` ions from the Lt-xi donations in mom,-_\ :1 many other kindly :ulizm iI;d (Irnss Such > I...~{. H.--.~. L..ll' ..r n HEARTS HAVE RULED 4 ` MANY KINGS IN PAST; '1 . lrr.v~-J-.*:*;-`_"?*`~.'_"f*;%t`r!i\&~<~:x t,'i-1 -as-. %7r`- },7.'.."F:$'-..r .-. - -.er- .,-";~_r* .-:-1..%r;t@.;`F:2s.:m.:w*;m:: a% . : ;~_ 6 BAYFIELD STREET 1 V _ BARRIE I ' :1 .-_z -5 . ;-`*.:. :-'_ :9. , __'.a 3. J. FOR MEN-FOR WOMEN-IT MAKES THE IDEAL GIFT. A CHOICE SELECTION-NEWLY DESIGNED, SUBSTANTIALLY BUILT. ADD 'I`() l"lHC `l Tj[< ..\S[TRE OF SOMEO.\'E'S CHRIS'[`)f.~\S \T\Tl`H A PIECE OF FINE LUGGAGE. lmwn above nun 1"m~ir arrival in (fziiizuln, in llm (`zuuulimi l`zu'.i- flc Stezunslnips; l`r(=.i;:l1te1' Beaver- brae are several sheep tlml; will mean a ;:x'mLi. deal to ('zm:Ldi:u1 farmers in the [uLure~ Tiwy are :1 gift to the Province of Ox1t:u'io from the .Kerry I-lill l"1u(-k Book Society in North \V1l]iS and are an mxtsiandiing brood or general utility sheep, which, due tcfthcir adanlgtbllity to any environment, __ - 44. New Breed of Sheep for Canadian Farmers Any \\'oman would appreciate a S',I'A-P.=-\I\' with \\'m'dr0b(~ r1'in;I. .-\n_\ man \\'m11dnd 91-031` ]>1oa; in owning a (N1 . -ux/-..-nzx`v-._ -~. . ._. '. R. ALLEN Say MERRY CHRISTMAS byreaephonef VVARDROBE .l`R7[ XK. or an OVERNIGHT D.\(_'r In recent ye-a1-.< two 1-oyal prinr-e.~ have renounced their 1'ig`ht.s to! so\`ereig'nty and mzu-1'ied co1nn1one1'.;:.` } Thp Count of Cov'.z1'dong'a, oldest son of ex-King` Alfonso of Spain, 'ma1'1'ied the Cuban beauty, Senorita _ *Id<,-l:ni1';L Ignacio Adriana Sampodro gin Juno, 1933--41nd lhcy .<(p':m'21te {in .\'.o\'cmber, 1934. x ' ' 1 In 1932, Prince L<~nnzu`t, 01' Swe- iden, g`1'andson of King` Gustav, mar- xied 110 p1'ett_\' strzlw-blondo Karin .\'iS.svand'1, (iau::11te1` of 21 \\'ealthy ;Stockholm business man, announcing` fervidly: I would rather ma1`1`_\` iKa1'in than be king` !" ? I'YL....Y.... `LZII `........ I.l\/ ["he_\"1'e still together, just plain 3`Ir. and Mrs. Bernadot`t0"-just as ;E(lwa1'(I VIII. and Wallis W:'1'ol(l `Simpson will become lust plain M1: ,:m(l .\`li'.<. David Wind.' ` ` _--.3- -.. ..~.. ........,.... . | l'.dw2u'd's own~ anu-.<`to1'. ($001-_:;o [IV-. whose tutor declared he would] become either the most, polished: u t] - . . . - , ' `::::..:.%:::?d .3323; `"*::'::;a:* * rs ` - ...' bo,h, _ deed Parliamgnt End 1.11},-1 Const1_tutiona1 Act of ettlemunr by ` x1}ar1'y111g' ar _ Catholic (_'ommonc1', |Ma1'_\' Anm- _AIt7:he1'be1-t, m 1785__ {out Ge;;)1';:ct_(ll1dl`)1(t)' 501:1-etlar, lam] it \-'z_1s no unx . 5 t at na proof t;).ihtt`he ma1`1'1ag`o was broup_`ht to a 1g` .. Tn vnnnnf `mm-.. I-m,. ..... ..1 .`..z... . umgc 01 state. Crown Prince (Tnroi, now Kinvg of R>o-umunia, tried it twice. Each (,-pis-Odo caused :1 storm that drove him from the country. In 1920 he [renounced his rights to the t.h1`0nr+ iufter 21 n1o1`g'ariatic m2m'iag`o with u .commont:1', Zizi Lzunbrino. I (`Ln-nl alivnw-nrl 7;: ........',.,l 1)..:.. m-1' on uec. {$1, 1312:). I In 1931, when Carol stzrgc 1lL" coup (l'(.-tat, to gain the th Ma1.rdo x'e('(.-ivt.-(I $80,000 rm French chzxeau to rmlounce claims znyraillsrt Carol. 1Inv:uH1-sxllv Han vnnn--nun cmuns zu_u`alIlSrL b1ll`0J. SporudicalI_v, the romance h:..~: blazed of!` and on ever since, with Carol lately t,l1r(-.-zltcnctl by tho poworful Roumanian [)ezx.<;:11ts 1)a1'ty' Ibecausp of his continuvd association Iwi't4h her. I `homely Anne of Cleves, Henry de- ?scribed as looking no better than 'a` Flande1"s nun`:-." Ibt was :1 mar- 1'i~;Ig`<: of state. (`I`nu'n pI';IltI[| ("..\.,.1 .... .. 1. :..... Ar L'UHHll()1](.`l', /117.1 uzunormo. Carol divorced Zizi, nmrried Prin- c(s.~' Helen of Greece(.-, and was re- stored to grace. Then he became emun1ourcd of the t`itiz1n-haire(l Magda Lupcscu, another commuter, ag.-;ain 1`m.ounce(I his throne and fled with hvl` on Dec. 31, 1925. T11 10511 Ilvltnn r`..\...I ..A -IIILA1 ,1 L: 1 um. UL un;.;I nitts, 3,990 1 luking pants 4 for small '7 f\f\I\ .4. -LEATHER GrO0DS-- TGL.-\DR"l.`O.\*E Iii.-\Gr George IV. Wed Catholic IlI(` f.-Llll (II IIH` [it'll Ul H'll l'\\|`.\ and mm mm \\'u.< zxrn-:\.m:m1 t.hm11_u h lho .L:md ofl`i('u.-: ul` \\" Rupert D:n'io.\', 1n.`. mu] editor of Hm I(in_us(nn. 0111.. \Vl1i',:11-St:1.nd::rd. l`ln~.~'v In-i.:v \\`i.n- ners. prm!m~t.< uf .x;mwr:\lim1:: of hre.odi1u.: with tho most, (-:Irul`ul methods of so.1o('tion h<`iILa: vxor- cised, are destined fm't.hc Olllurln A.gric11lt,urz11 Society at Guelph, from where the strum is expect- nm <`x|w<'tn(l In in this -um-.Ir_\'. 'l`I.n' n-:n ..r I... 1 Hus ('(lllI!Il 'HI(";".'ifl of I nrl nnn 1'-1 Il_\ . ' HM` pen I I") In \\'!|\: | M (011 <`\\'0:~' \.~= rfI'i(`o:< W. .l.nsl nun! rapid fuvm` L960` zrgcd his : throne, and u ..n .. n .. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1936. {$32.95 to $159.50 CRIB BLE Radio & Electric Service I 125 DUNLOP ST. pl IK)I'1tn 199 N: ~ L | 7 '37 s.` `I Phone 122 Creemore horse show last w:r:k was :1 big: success. 'I'hr:i's,- v.'er;_. 56 entries with some clas : ha-.'in;r many It's 3 zmimala`. The horses were all of noticeable quality and the judges had a real job in plac- YTHY , ~11 to .~:111-v:1d to 0H101` parts of the m1111l1'_\'. .\11 111011 of tho ovn110111'1('. :111d 1~11".:u11i1-. \':1111o of the gift, p011 111:1_v he 1l1~1-111111 f1'o111 H11` l`:1.cl. that the 1`l1".`1`11 :111i111.1l.< 1111111 first n1'i'/.0 at 1'!1o :1.111111;1.1 |{1*1'1'_\' .llil1 Shvon l1`a.i1' \\*ho1'o 9.01111` 10.000 to 15.000 sheep were shuw11. 1111511103 1101111: able In \vithst:111d 111011.11 w1\:1l11o1', `these .-zlmnp 111-1~ l1:111dsu111e 11.1111 sy1n111o- (rival, 11.1111 will, it is felt, prove oi !i 1"oz1t value to (`amzxdizul 1':Ln11o1~s. Northern - Electric 01 run EASY TERMS the I'_lEW Night 323 thlf.` pl. M`, \Vl V7x,ooo .... ...'I nllll In-. Premier Patterson, of Saskatche- wan, and Premier Bracken, of .\lani- < boba, made a special appeal to the textile mills in Eastern Canada for assistance through the Red Crox. for the 250,000 destitute Canadians in the drought areas of the Prairie Provinces; it is reported. Cnntrihnt.-inn_< havp ,a1,v-;.earl\- hm: Ln HIIU ud(hLi until the evening to make your Long Distance call; you can telephone at the special low rates anytime between 7 p.m., December 24th, and 4 a.m., December 26th. Plan now to ings with your voice! The low Night Rates in effect every evening after 7, and all day Sunday, will also apply ALL CHRISTMAS DAY! No need to wait aupplement your out-of-town gifts and greet- . .un1.\ LL $1,000. cs, nun- 19,600 In. - `) 750 I IIU_\ 0 0 0 (D, -` 21 nd 1 L I . . n APPEAL OF RED CROSS MEETING WITH SUCCESS all] I-ported | 750,000 I 'w.<. <`.1'i('k0n I 1\...: u `,',A:1.\ unkt.-ts, ` 1' mak- | I cloth? .-,. ....,1! , ;.;'u\'t: y'.u'(ls . \ c0:1t1'1- . ulu.~:try } n-nn.I.. CHILI] ` '5 and ' cotton "oiling, ` cnt-Ira CUN- ; and sub- [(1 -'l.\' thv i that :2 ' any ` con- | Lldllo Lh r: do-* ll. 4 4 Co., of 1V1on1ri.-ul, other things, gave 7,200 to\vcl;~:. The Da_v-Smith Company, at I-Ie.~:pclcr, Onrt., `gave 20 swezxtcrs, the .\lImarch Knit.Iin_u; Co., I)unnvill<.-, j_','il\ r\ 2,-181 bo_\'.+ and g;irI.< s\v<.-zLtc1-.<. .\IilI.s that. do not make gootls .~'uit,ul;l<: for usu in the West wre _v_;'iviu_u; (:u.<`n; for wx- amplc, the Harding Carpet. ()0. b0llf.'.'hL 1.30 l)luI]k('L' 11.`: :1 donation and- the l1i\'r-rsidc Silk .\Ii!I.~ at Gait (rnvn . \.`l nun .1- ..1.nn.... I the ..l (IS I NIH] ` 7.00; I 2 Accidents reported to the Work- unen s Compensation Board for No- vember were greater in number than last year, and the 53 fatal accidents reported were more than l double those for the correspondingl period last year. Of these artalities, it was noted. 24 were acc-ounrtr.- for by the shocking lake (li. caus- ing an enormous amount of suffering amd sorrow quite apart from the loss in dollars and cents. Awards for coinpenszition vember totalled $394,357.48, ;.';i'r:atl_\ `in excess of last year s gure-.~: and it v.*a.s ur;:ed upon industry to real- ;i7.e that this rep1`e.'<,c-nted costs foi ;one month in twelve and that there iwa.~: also a larxrr: amount, impo.<.~:lbl- -{to e:~'timate, 10:1 through .~:poilage of Ina.teri;l.s and rlunm;_-'r- to niuchim.-.< -and Lquipinent. lh Yl'\r- nal :|n',al\`.i; ;n:-ii.ox- uz` . . I in .\o- :' '.".]Ul[)IHEnL. In the nal analy i.~:, .-'0(:i(:L_\' as :1 whole must pay both direct and in- direct accirlrant L-ost.'< through high!-1 `<-onnnodity prim.-.~*, zuid in t.hi.'~: high]; `(-on1prAtiti\'c 21;.-'0 thr- rm \\'it`h0uL u n-nnll -.1:-4-Ill:-:10 vn:-nml ..u.,- 42.... AL. NOVEMBER ACCIDENTS COST REACHES $394,357.48 u,_. ,u'0od an-(-idv.-m. record -`ilyility of elimin: ' (7or1sr:r\'utivr.- ...< 1.4` tun ..l .. BIC. NA'v'.L\I.. CONSTRUCTION RACE TO START IN I ifull objective will be reached. Ur- ;-5.-:(-nt request has boon made that con- tributions be . to H1`. nozwostt local Red Cross Branch, or direct `col Rod (`1'o.<< II:-:uh;:'.:xz'l'-r.~', G21 J:u'v?_-: 91 'I`n1`nn`n E H11; I .'*>' L 1'05 4 1'1 l`o1`on`.o. cunt .Hl: l\.l\'l'1'b'l(lL` DHK .\lll gave LL cheque for 3:71,! Brock Woollen ($0., of Sin a cheque for $1,000 and of wool cloth. To lulu, and them is nu \\'u_\', the mills in tlh I-Izx.~:L n2n.e(l to the Red ('1-(ms 1 of .+luIlin;,: for c0n1t m't.- wool bluvnkets, I, 31] l)oy.~: s\\'0z1t.cr>:, 10,000 llumxvlarm 5,001 lbs. of f'1n;:uri11_u' _\'21l'l int: mitts, y:u'(l.< 0|" ' for making for mlull cl-im. .... ..n .: .1. 1- V .~. pmnn I5)-I0, l`( (I 01' |ll(l|llJll lllllll `r; 01' {hr ':1 w0rkr:r.=, <: :~:, n1u(,-hinr,-1' 1'-I. (`ml I.......r.o nu HLL! .~'n1p.< lrmlty -xpimth HY ]1`*\'r- [-21:41 `.1 1|('('l(l|`Hl.` ftnihnr rlm` In. .. u...` ! iiH'lIH' nppml, l`n run A p|\1j.:lilHl ' 1'.~'T of lmilrliny.-' UL` (105 A. A. SMITH (`L IEICI` LII" from busi- h<~ vuluuhh llI'l`| ZIHU L All new mn1plvt.<(l `.\'if.!`21l`(l Tm :\1-4. mun u`.-.~ -n..n mun Ul mu: ,M.>U,` nuedt-(I M) bring` the h:m.- Hm` <. of lifw 1.0 Lhcsv pox :-M3.`-. peoph. 01' our (`m1u:li:u1 \\'.~.4t hzul yet been rcceivcd. llowvvcr, Red Cross remains con{'ul.::t t Canadixwm people will not allow : large body of fellow citizens to c tinuc to <.~nduro _9:r(-at h:m1 su'(:rim.r, Ind that when all ; 3,000 .0... - I\,ll: hu IL x 1h '1 t \\'|, Bri- us;. and ! lvt is a long stretch from the ipyranlids of -ancient 1y`;;'ypt to the lpylons of modern Germany, but it `has, ber,-n spanned by an e.\'pc1'ience Iof I-hr I-}ri~tAish Olympic boxing` team. Tho m;1nmrr>r (If H10 trzmn hin-hlv {Agree with Pyramid Builders thatl ` Fish is Valuable Diet for I \ Strenuous Tests. I ...,. . "J'hr- O"_\'mpic 11..-uni, h0w.-ver, writer .-'u_v.\:, is only putting); i [)!'u(ftiCf` 21 prim-iplc: known long` to Lhv men who dmvt: Lh- slnva-.4 V built Lhn pyr:m1ir!.<. "I`hc,-_\' \v-n- \ uw:n'- of the .~'u.~:t:LiI1in;: (]U`:l]iU(5 f.I~'|1 ZINII 'l\l` \\'lI)'l-'|lIf"| H 1hf\Ql' tlllll U from (`.. n...l KULLIII .`3'd UUVYH f'an1ou.< Londo xu/snrnnnn rut nu-:1] ilV\il1" Ul LIN? fish and the V r-it-ML p_\'1`:unitI.~ (:'u.=iv4.:l_v on LI ['o-du_v ph_\'.< urn ;~:tron.;:l_\' an importzmt plvntiful stun ] 'l.\\I'il). : I .~:~n(l my love unto my dead, and Lhcy-- , know Li.< sent, that [ have not f'o1'::0~L ; - For 0:" -n wh-~:1 1 arm alone, I feel , Their love ret;urn--and, oh, no words can say The peace thuvt comes to me ! It xnatters not` What wm-.~ bmide, I have here- 'l`lw\ ilI.`U HI mt.-ditri CUVH . l;u_\'1n,;-; si5.:'l1t. 1 uhnnnl I |H"llLl and 1'mul.~ :\(`('(}l'(l iml.1. >'1Hl to 1 l . .l. I 'l'h:tt. A ml 'l`|1:lL. \ ilI|Il(lHlH I; .(1 \X'0...\' that l-.s'.< 111..-n lxulf < Of Hfu in {ht- m).:IIL. ::bun ......I. '\ VHLIUH .~\c('Q)'tl!I ll'I 1 OLYMPIC BOXERS COPY EGYPTIANS II.` \ l`h muarh nnvl. I That 11:15 lmow I mug, nu tu. `Lo pr(nn I; n|-|L'i':u' vu -in:1l'_\' HI lfik: Page Six j_'Ul'.\ 111 from my 11 ever grows; via (lip; on. L slows. I L.. illlllllh ' this ph_\`. m-Iv nn ,..-.. nu impm-Ln :1 ..H ol., \\il\ d';u'k um! lig.-,'ht :1lun;.:' the as it k1m\\'.<; il.~ l':1ith1'ul {light it novel`! u1'uL," u all thv COMMUNION .~u.~,Ln.1n1n;,' (]Ll'i|llLllfn Ul \\'())'k!l]f'H OH th0S(5 111` rls wort: l'r:d :1lm0. :-x- n.:. s',.,..I . ([()\'L' .v , oqm H '11