Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 3 Dec 1936, p. 5

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.. AV V..- 5...... Bu_ck" Jones on tlw Colts de- fence, continued to show tlml l1r2l1a:< what it takes, being` :1 stalxvart (le-V fensivoly and also g'L11'od in both goals. He got his rst point when E`--the sent Long a sizzling: pass and- scored the second ,9:oal himself on :1, solo effort that car:-ie(1 him t.l11'o11g`l1 from his own blue line. 1 - -1- 1\.,; , n l)L`."`1. 1117.111. .`\1t91' 1hupp_\' coupln loft Sound. IL]... . VI` IITIII ._-l 1I.IH. Mr. Groonsides returned home on Monday from Montrcztl, where he vms being trozrtetl ater a rafher .=c:1'ious zzccidom. ~ p.Hx. I Pwv. W. I\'v\v1n:1n s .<\1'\'i<-.v.< for Sl1l1(IIl_\ will ho: St. Paul's 9.30 a.m., .St. I c~tvr .< ll :x.m., St. James 2 p.m.. St. John's 3.30 11.111. Pl'-\,'1.=r`: note Chang-v of time owing to 1'oud.~\ aha-in_9; blocked ac:-o.<;~: countl-_\-' Holy Communion at St. Paulie 211. 9.30 71.111. l'Ullv' () 'u.~'L \\'OCK. Sm'\'i(-0 at K!'.o:< VU 1 \'nuvnm n _~ L`. (71111 P011 :11 H I D .2) 0 \ llUl'('|1 l,rCl`n(LC")'_\" VVt-ddin_L-; hr~Il.< ('nmmunit\'. . L.L..A L3UUH(l. 1\'I`I*.~`. 1`. Hill 1' !'0nr*o `ust week. Qm-vim. ..+ I. I\l'\ ".J_!.|JJ." 1. \.l1.? 1 On Saturda_\' c\'cning` :1 happy g':1t.ln>1'ing: u.<.~'<-1nh`-d at tho homo of Xstuplu,-11 Groso, alnom.-,'.=/t whom were mam) 1'e1z1ti\'(-.<, namol_\', ROY. R. J. D. Simpson, Toronvto; Mrs. (.'urr_\', _E1n1v.n1e; .\Ii.<< Reva Simpson, To- _ronto; Mr. Brock Jnmi<-son, l\'i`u-hon- er; Dr. L. J. Sixnpson, 'I`.,or0nl0; Mur- ivyn Corbett, Toromo; Mr. and )Irs. `J. R. Jamicson and Mr. nnd Mrs. J. ..'-\. Corbutt, Thornton, and many iothvrs. 'l`h(~ <-\'m1i11g' \\'u.~' spont in Isi11i__2'iI1;:', music and (1u11('in5._-'. 2Ll'1.or whlch rt-t'1'(-.~'111n<-nts were .<(~1'v<:d. Mrs. Pri.~'cilIu B`:1nLin;4' 01' Toronto, who was conned to hm` bed for at |numbcr of _\'ou1-.<, ]):1s_~'v(l zuvuy on Sunday nig*ht.. On Sept. 19, 1893, VVn1. (,`orb(*`tt. h(`1' f'n'.~`1. hus-band, din-d. Some yoz11`.~' lutvr she ma1'rivd _']'ho.<. I-}m1tiI1,2', 0|` I\'_\', who died mun_\' _\'t-:1r.< :1;-:0. .`-\fter .'h0 moved '10 Thornton. whore 5110 was wcl` and l'm'o1'abl_v known, hvillgj; of :1 c]1e(-rful disposition. '|',h- rs-slnuins were laid to rest br'.<`i(Io those of her 'r. hu. in Ivy P1'(`.s`b_\ t(*!`i21I`l Church CeJ11<=Le)`_\'. W..:l.li.u..~ l\r.H.- ll`!/\ ! (Continued from page one) ;no real form about the ganie, from. 40 to 100 players being on the eld and the matches decided by the number of goals scored. In 1871 some seventeen teams met and or- gxa-imized English rugby by ado-pting a code of rules, and some semblance of order was brought about. A team was composed of fteen p'.a_v- `@175. In 1874 McGill Unive1's\i-t-y or- `g'a.n:ized the rst rugby in America., Eand Si102'bi_\' after I-II211'vz1rd o1'g'z1n~ ized. The ;9;ame spread rapidly in ithe United States and the Inter- 'col1e;:iate _Rug`b_V Assoc-ia-tion was or- ganized. Qimm +1... n.,...,\ 1 .... .. LN`. N gztxlizetl Since then there have been mra.ny chan_. and rug'b,\' is now :1 scienti- :fic, smooth game. It is a college gmne and has done much to foster :21 school spirit. Before 1920 it was `weight and st.reng'th Llilzzit coun-ted, `but .<`ince then it ras become more gseientic. The rules are changing gfrom year to year and it is hard for leven 21 coach to keep up with the 1'ule.~'. Rug`b_\' makes men. Dr. `Walker .<:2zii(l he could not recall a sin_9:le rugrby enthusiasi who ran foul ;of the law. It. teache:< co-ope1`aLio11 ;and a player `earns t.o _L1'i\'e and 1/dl\'(`. `hI:n'd knocks. 'l'o-(lziy it is the back- jbonp of a'll`ll0tl(`.~` in every collegiate ?and collegre. It is playezl in 500 icolleges and 3,000 secondziry schools iand is attended by over ten_ million ipcoplo every year. i In rllncin - av u7..n.m. -..n.., I I i year. . I J. H. Rodg`er;< 1n thanking` the `.:peakor, said that rugby was first ;p1z1_vcd in Bz11'1'ic in 1914. when some !co`1e;z'o !so_v.< ret-u1'nod homo on the |out.b1'mk of the war. SECOND S.P.A. CONTEST rIImIl1ulllL_\'. News is that another butcher is soon to open up. We wish the `young man over) success. I prupltf L'\ (31'_\' )'CEll'. In cIosinp:D1'. Walker extended 'co1Lm':1tL1Ia.t1'o11s to the B!:x1`rie 1`u_4'by team on the fine . this year. I H 1'am:...m.- :.. um 11, , ERUGBY IMPORTANT IN COLLEGE LIFE I GRAIGHURST H"`ill 1-om1'm-d from `To- \vrm1( uro rin_n.;in}.-; in this n'x'('lII()IIy' U10 1| trip to Owvn Page Five .11-14c .. . .14c ..25c . recent news item in a Montreal paper read Desmond Saunders (23 months old) of 1102 Seventh Avenue, Verdun, talked by telephone on a recent Sun-- day morning, to his grandparents, Major and Mrs. J. Saunders, 17 Parkcroft Road, Lee, London, Eng. Des- mond s father, Mr. L. R. Saunders, who also spoke to his father and mother in London, says `It was really wonderful. I never believed it could be so clear .' .29c .27: .25: .25c .35c .19c .29c . 29: .15c .13c Night rates on trans-Atlantic calls are now effective from 5 p.m. to 5 am. They mean a saving of about 30 per cent. l 1 \.,_\'C'UIl(.` l2lyl0l' CDC IIFSE '35 21 centre player and was credited with lm1ngg- able to skate ba(;kwa1'ds and I Hi 2|: n{Tnr-Hvn nu nnv knnlznvv nl-xx , I VVQ think thvy would lmvn nuulo` 2L (h"m'm1t job of it with two more! `pm-ks` practice under their b(ts.f }'I';h0}' 11115,-`In. not have won. but they} fwnnlzl lmvn mm! H nl.-ma ' -r -r '[`_l1r21vt front line of the Northern Vocutionzl` ouit would have :1 warm spot in '.m_\' coach .< heart. They scored no less than 19 po.int.<. during: the si)dt_V minutes of play. It * * I I -.~ -r - `Bz1r1`io .< Trio of Bowon, Scott and .Long' tried h-21rd, but were so busy koep1'n_2` the other three in check they dnidn t do much sniping on their own account. | In the r.~'b two had an oven shzwe < lapsc-d in the nal ..<(,-Ven f.','0Zl.1.< ag;21in. 1 I \\':'..< ('ondi~bion. I at 2. ` The ('.'olt.- have been out for at the most sovoll pru('tices, whilo the `To- `ronto (rm-\\' lmvo bmwn tog-:-tl1e1' for rover a month. All of which Imlkos ; a di'm'ence. _ What, does that make his son? j.\'oth.ing' except that he is jus-t a `chip off the old block. At any rate C_Vclon(" junior clicked for four 1.-`o:I.l.s' and four assits on the nig'ht s pr-rformance. >f`- * 1 The rst st)'in_2' line of tho .\'o1"uh-| ern Vocationznl team are r:1.tod us! .`ho\vin_2' the most of any junior trio? seen on Toronto ico this ye-u'. 'I`hoi1" record for the !1i_`.{'|1t was Gnldup.` ve ,<:o2x1.< and two :1.`~'. '[`a_\`1o1'. four and four. and Czn'nn_-;io, two` and two, a total of 19 ; points. ' I I i 1 1 v Z`I.uybe that doeg not 1`eg`is Lcl`, but when you connect. thls youngster as `l)vin;`\' :1 son (\14nnn H of 1U1v]nr the fhnn 1! once gm-.21t lHHn Htrlxf 1 mu-,\ llllg'lH. not nave iwould have made it close. I 3: at =r. }l)I'lIlf.\ d. 5011 O1 EH6 OHCE g1'(!ZlE iC_\'L-lone" 'l`ay1o1', then 21 little li}.:'ht mzly .~:how through. =i - * *- ELUIU DU bhille Uill;K\V' d.H(.l .. . vffectlve as any hockey play- -2' `5_=:0w111_<: ahe~:1d in his lime. ..~.,\.`..-.,~,~....~.. mwsport meaning: But then there might be an ex- cuse or it. After 21.1`, a boy by the `name of l'aylor p1u_ved for Northern ` \'ocat.ional. - ' l 1 * alt it ` Is there a reason for it ? The 1(.7oI`ts did take :1. 11andsome trounsing in the S.P..-\. last I<`rida_\' night. *- 41 * . Barrie hockey fans may be pessi- |mi.~1t~ic this week. 14 * * C_\'c`om: l`uylor the rst was nfrlr n]:I\'5u- 5111/} um: nwufnrl \vH1 : pm'iod.< Barrio} of the play, but . to allow them. M21_vbe it! ,,_., -.-.. -.,..,..~- ' In the 1'. ~:t Cwo periods of tlml game Bzlrrie mutclwtl the stldcntsl stride for stritle, but in the nal frame H103.` fzulr.-d and the ("ow-1' lino] of Ta_vlo1', Ca1`ne_a,'ie and Goldup mm; wild, scorinyzg seven counter.<, four of` them in little over 21 minute. 'l-`his lino : (l all of their tt-am.~' clown wnu also won 1118 Allan pup. 1 From there I\'Ieeki11g' jumped to` " p1'ofessio11z1l rzmks with the Ottawa: ISL-11zuto1'.~t. with S11'.1;:" SJ11au_u'hr10ss_v,' ms (`0:`ch. Later he played with the; 12:2Sth Batta'ion and after leaving`, u1'1'ie in 1918 he went West and` `wfor . _\'cz11`s pI21_\'ed hockrgv with 1 '\"v1'('to1'i-:1. ('0"ch )I0eki11;;' .<.'tz1 .od to 1110 Ad- 5\'l.l1(`l` xhat he '11:-,lim'cs this yca1".s' miit.io11 of` the Colts to have as n1uch _. as tho chz1111pion.=hip crew of itwo _\'<*z11'.< a_9:o. 'l`he_\' are not as |`!expc1-imcecl :1 crew, but seem to be` >` hobte1- hzxlanced than the 1934 11021111. he said. I 1 1 1 I 1 llllllll .\'L`l'lL`S. .'~\g1z1in .\Ieekin_u' left Barrie and` 1-onuxined away unti`. 1932-3. That your with 21 :.';1'ce11 bunch of young- sters he took them to the thlrd round, and only tou5.,r'h luck kept` them from the .<.e1ni-n:1l.<. Thu` _\'~:u' fol1owin:g' he was in town, but out of hockey, but in 1934-35 ho_ was back `z:._2':1i11 and this time the (`olts wvnt. th)'ou_L'I1 to the junior B championship. Then came an- other lapse of a year and again ;\Iuekinp; has taken up the -mins to iguidc U10 (lest'i11ies of Llw B:u'1'ie junior and intermediate hockey tozuns. I l.(`:'.UllE. Masking` has had a world of ex- Ipvrience 215 a pId_w,>1'. Leavin`9; Bar- rio :-nfTte1' the Co`ts went to the nals he turned up in Toronto and during` the next five years played on ve :`-i'nin1` 0.1-T,-\, r*h:1n1nin`n,d-n fnamu um Iu:.\L uvc _veu.rs p1aye(1 O11 nve .~:<-nior O.H..-\. championship teams.~ The rst two years he was with T,o-' ronto Eatons, who one year won the .-\]lan Cup. 'I`he next two ye-ars he was with T`.R.A.A. and the last yeal `of the v(. with 'l`o1'on~to V'icto1-ias,' who also won the Allan Cup. g l FFOH1 tht`-I'D NH-r>L'i11n~ 1'nn1nru +n` EUFIES. Tlldl; wzus in the (lzL_V.< of . mam hockey and Mocking` xvus the 1 star centre pla_\'(-1' V of Lhe })L'0\'ll1('u all that time. The next winter he left Barrie, to return as co.-ach in_ 1918. This time he led the juniors` to the nals, but was ag'z1in out-'; lucked as De La Salle Coll(:_9.*e beak] `the Colts b_\' a. close score in the nal SCl'lL`S. l` ;\n'v1:n \'r\n"':|1n- Info DlI|!\I:1\ ....,1: L Gordon Heeking, coach of the Bzuwie hockey team this year, has the distinction of having; either? played on or the couch of every Bar-E rie hockey team that went any dis-! tance into the p`.aydowns. As af player back in 1908-9 the old Dy-I mom; Colts, then called the Cocks. o` the North, went to the semi-- nuls of the O.H.A., to be beaten out by Preston rfter a \'e-g;zune on.-`nu GORDON MEEKl.N.G GUIDES COLTS AGAIN I Been a layer on or Coach of Every I Barrie Team that Went 1 Places. f A. A. SNUTH Hlt: .Vur`t,h(:.!'n .-kuvum-9 C`V`" ' D Ba1'1'i(e di. an un.~'0l; })}.LS- in_9f at-Iuztck which czwriod them through time and z15.rain for (`I059 in 3 _` shots, but only twice wr-re thrry ubh: 'g to click. Bar1'ie .< front line of Bowen, Scott and Long`, c1'e(litod with being" a trio with a future, were ; too bu.`~g\' t1'_ving' to konp the Toronto ace linv in check that they _`.`,'l11'(`.(1. in only one g'oa`.. `\ (th....I_y1 1,,, -I A -- ` emu curvewy mven. " The funeral of the late Mr. Dib- hen was held on SutLn'dz1_v last from! his homo in .zu'rio to tho t'zunl_vj plot hem-, \\'h-rv intormt.-nt \\':\.~", nmde. "I`l1-(lr*coa.<-(1 'i\'(~d ]1or(,- for V :1? numb:-1' of _\'ou1'.<. (-nming' {'rom`r E11,`.-,'l:111 whvn 21 Izul. Ho and .\lr.~'. t |Dihbcn (1100 .\I211'_u`zn'(-1 I.uml(:_\') I moved to I-lzu'1'iv IT _\'0z1r.~' zuzo, but I '.~'till kept in mm-h with thvir n1:u1_\r".`.' f'ri(~n(l.~' horv and who \vorv al\v:a_y.s` 1 made so wnl(-omv at lhoir l.0\\'n?i honw. "l`h0 S)'l1l[)ilt]1_\' of Lhv (-mn-l" ,muniLy g`o(-.4 out in .\lr.<. Dihlwn in I] lthrr loss of hm` du\'0`wtl partner. ;.'\`h'. Dil)`h(`H was \'('!`_\' hi_u'h`y H-. \ `ed and had a \'-r_\' hi_:l1 . 01'} Hm-nor zmd duly. Ho was an An_2;li--< [can in religion and :1 lifelovng; Con- .<<-r\'utive. His mz1n_\ f'riend.' regret vvry . his pa.~'; cuuL"Ll(lL'u wnn a social evening. 1 At the meeting' of the Y.P.S. of' Burton Ave. United (:`hu1'ch on Mon- day night, Wallace McQua(le, the presidem, was in charge. lav. W. _.-\. E. Doe conducted a discussion on Chrisrtmas and the ceremonies and traditions co-n-nocted with the great feast. A ilalk on .-\.stronom_V by Rev. Doe concluded the meeting`. Win-One Class Entertains Congregation The Win-0118 Class of Purton ,,v.-\ve. United Church entei1,ained the " eong'1'ey,`atio11 of the church in the e . ` I, Sunday School rooms last Friclay i'n;i,21ht.. Sevent'_\'~ve people enjoyecl "the proguiani of graines and comm11n~ ):it,V sin_2;ing', following by refresl1-- llments. Mrs. l`hos. Little and Mrs. V`: W. Little won the lucky spot prizes. )Miss Jean Wils-011, president: of the ' ` class`, presided. . The annual election of oflieers of. _the Sons of lCn_g'land took place on _ 'l'ues(lay ni'5:l1t and l'(\sI)`lnrl --e fr-I ii Election of omcm at S.O.E. I` ` IUVVS : ` 1 Pz1.~uL President, C. Walker; Presi- f.d0nt`. Roy I\'i,'.-.'l1t.lc-y; Vice-P11-. sVVi]f1'cd Wa1'dIr3; Sec1`olz11'_\'. V. I`). 3`Knig'ht; T1'0?l.s`LIl'L`I', W. B. Wt-bb; 1st 4 Committceman, S. Jo1m:~'.on; 2nd Conm1ittecn1a-n, .-\. Bi.~'h0p; 31-cl ('om-; mi`tltec-nlan, C. Danvers, J1-.; -! Commi`t'leeman, S. O`]i\ <'-1'; Inside IGuzu'd. J. Wood; Outside Guard, C. |Dzmvers, S12; .-\udit01's. S. G211-.s'i(I(.-,i `Wm. W-ardle. J. C. T\'Tilm- uu_\.s zu nr.-1' home here. I I Mr. ;.nd Mrs. Stoxvart, (}huppel| and .\I1'.<. J. (`lmppcl \\'(`.l':,' in To-: lronto (xvvr th(- w<-vk end. ` : Mus. H. ('uIhum. of SLu_\'1wr, vis- i'Lod her dz1up,'ht(-r, Mrs. G. Durnford, his week. [ Iiov. and .\Ir.<. (.`ru. and M;u'y| g u rw4- in 'l`..... A` uuy. I 1 The play Dc.-a.(-on Dubbs, put on; by the (`onllinuafion School })'.1})H.\ on Thur.s'du_\' evening` last in tho{ 01-zmgre Hall, was g1-ea.tl_v enjoyed by; a .arp,'c- audience. The parts wore: all well portrayed and much cred1'1' is due the tt-zu-hem for the excellent t1'u`inirnp,'. "I`h<- dances and songs were` also cl(*ve1"_v psiven. : "H10 1'1n1m-ul M Hm I..L,. \.v_ n-- uu_\.s` '.2l.\` week. Mr. and Mrs. duug=ht(`r Viola and motyort-d to 'l'0ro~nt0 {ho day. 1 'l`1sn nl.... uh, I vs 1-11: In I OH)! du_y.s` '.21.\' week. '\Tn- um! Ir Mrs. Helen Anderson and Mr. Thos. Bell visited in Toronto last gveek end \vitl1 their brother, Jos. : Bell. 7\/Ilmu `L1 Fk-`I`CQ \In :.. __:.mr,, 4: - . I Mi.~:.~' Ruth O11-l1z11'(i. {(.`ra\'vnhLu'. is :n,io_\'in;.:' d;1_\'s wt 11(3)` home here. I . :|nt| \Iuv.- I "L- ,_. ..., |l)unvers, Wm. W-ardle, C. Miles. I Elected Chaplain of Legion_ } At the annual election of ofcers lol ttlw Canadian Lc_2'ion Mlonday .ni_2'ht, Rev. W. A. E. Doe was elt-C .- ml r-lmplztin of the Barrie hrum'l1. }l(- was installed by Pre: S`l1ll?/L`1` [of tho Ch1'istic.- St. branch. The lvlv-ction \\"z1:~' conducted by His W01`- iship Ma3~'or Robertson, l1oKno1'z11'y |p]'(`.\'l(lt'.l]t. of the Legion, z1.~'.si.~:ted by ll". Johnson and J. I\l:1c,Gl1'(rg'o1'. The 'ollic(>1':< are as follows : I Past. Pr0.'~'i(lo11`f. A. E. Allan; Presi- (l(`lll, 'l'l1o.<. ;\1z1ys; 1st \ ic0-President. `l-I. Jmnvs; 2nd \ i(.-c-P1'esiden., H. }'I0(lf. .'l`.<; S_g`r. at .-\.1'ms, Reg. Smit-l1;` l E. J. Feltis, H. G~a1't`ner,: ,v'1~ 1.` m.,..a.... m AL\llll nun unu uuu: Hub. Jack Dyte, first string defence man last year, showed more promise than previously in this game. He checked hard and led mzmy 1'u.~'hc-5. The second lino of C-::rl 1.00 zmdu the Living.-'sto11 bro-tl101:< . strongly and on their work look tol have somvthinr; l )f`.~'l(l':: Colt. .'<\\'o:\f-I OPE ' |*'U('n!'(- pzul;_\' 'tl.';1y ni_9:ht in px'o<'e<-(is are I-rn1inmnn,9 1: 1Ixu\\:K'|l.\ 1)'L` <-quipmonvt. I `Indy. .\`I1:<. E. `W. Smi h: 1 52nd _2'(-nt. W. . 1110 znmuzu electh of ICn_4'1am 'I'1u.-s(lz1y ni';,-'ht lows : D" .41 - I - W Luucnre rarty L'nd4-r tho auspic-c.< of Lhv Y h0('kr-_\' tezun, a very SuCL'(r.l (`u('h!'(- pa1ty \v:1..< hold on Wedne.=- I.-.1_\' m_9:ht the O1'an_;re H29}. ' :1)'(r to ho Henri cm 1. V :\llil[lU2l`M.`. ` Mr. and .\I1'.<. Luke Spu-urn were in 'T'o1'ont`o on \Ve(lno:~'da_v zxtyt-e=ndi11g' the 1`z1i'.\\'a_vs vct:erz1n.<' meeting;-in the oak room of the union . 1 Allandale Young People ` Mrs. F. Dobso`n- enterminetl H15` members of the Isszn Road Pre. terian Y.P.S. with 21 talk on her re- =cent trip to Vimy. The n1r><>t.in_2; \va.< exceptionally well :11)tm1rlmI and HI: mcm, Lil]! LU vmly. Inc n1r* \ exceptionall_v u0t<>mlud and \ conc`u(Icd wiih social evning. meeting" Llm V P Q m'\\v' men the Ln_9,'i( Ixlglxb l2.L512. M1`. 1*`. Slmrpe, Tifn St., '.\'z1.'~7 taken of?` train .\'0. 46 'l`ue.=d21_v morn- 3ing' and rushed to the hospital .~'u`e1'- ing' from an attack of pneumonia. I<}ng'i-m-er Wm. Blogjw 11213 been 1-I.-- c;1l ,cd `to Al'Iamlz1l0 from Mimico. ; On account of the .st'at.ion:n-_\" ,moto1's starting` at the C.N. round- housc, A. 1`). Spiller, K. Iiuhl and `P. Brod-:1 have been called back to , .--\1lz1ndz1w1e. ` MI`. .....l 11... 1 ,,I, rw {wit-h relzttiives in Detroit, Mich. Tfhe re b1'ig'adc xvas called to the [home of W. Bell, Cen`t1'e\St., to ex- tin-quish :1 chimney re on S21tLH`d`.I} nijsght last. 1., (WT tvnin \'n AI: 'l`.m;-ll-my mm-n %ALLAunALE! I Barrie Colts, after winning; their` first start in the S.P..-\. scwies, f-`;l(l(l from the picture last Friday night when they dropped an 11-2 decision to the fast moving.-: Nertliern Vocat- ional team at Maple Leaf G21l`(l(3l`lS. Outside of the rst line of" their op-l povnent.<, the Colts looked 0\'(-ry bit as good as the Toronto tezun. 1 . u n .1- I D811. Mrs. H. Gartner is visiting` this week at the home of Miss L.i`.ian Boucher, Pe`netz1ng'. 7\/T1` nnrl `M1-c I -Tun-Ia r`:.....`.`.lA ....,\ g u1U\'ul-g I-0 UL1'Ol`[. ` Mrs. A. F. McGuire has returned Ehomc after spending: the past week iwit-h relzuiives qvhn fI'|'n ]'n'n~ntln urns nnllnrl 4- L`-- uuucner, renetzlllg. M1`. and Mrs. Hugh Garslde are fmovin-g to Det1'oi`t. ( VII-Q .\ W M..r:,.:.-,. 1. f\J`I1`II`\I\:J` `Iuw Z'Lill' you xx g'o1n,r: I 4 ;~.m'mcd soon. Anot.l1c-r thiH_L," the country needs` Sad--I m z~f'.*aid you : less pernxa-nent \\'z1ves and more haven't. any money. rrmunent wives. .. um; ua .Lu1`.U\\'b'I .1,~'t. , Vice-President. Iznnr.-s; V :_v'u.<; Smit-h; L-ulivv, Feltis, G~211't'ner, .. Shc>ph<-rd, T. J. Williams. is im(:1'v. to 110t'<- that e]('\'m1i mcmbur.< wz-1'0 initrizltod into? I nu-1,... a v 1 ux.\,n. Eldon Ad-zxms, Carmzln I)o\\'nc_v lust F1'idz1_\' 1'01`; I&Ei`E`?ESII'G u .ur.<. (,ru. an Toronto for :1 xvenk Euchre Party 1, ......y.:,..... . put: u1'z1n_;re H2i'i. to h(- used for hockey Prize winnbrs worc-: 1. Bowen; 2nd ]21d_\', Mrs. 1.4!. _v_;(-.=1.t1, H. .-\pplot0n;, D. Mimlikin. Barrie Colts Lose to Northern Vocational 11-2 in Second of S.P.A. Series, ;_;-nu, H -` Min 11 i k.i,n .` u L-UUl\ p1z1C(,` rosu`te(l 21:` 1'01- nuuunls. { ot`<- 1 I Mun-y| couple of` I ! holi- V S ` I . I ('011y:1=:=LL1l:1!irm.< to a.- 5 Thu mr~wtin{_-' of H19 Slroud Y.I .U.] \v:x.~' in <-hamw of .VIis;~' Ph_v]`i.< M:-H`-' `quis. Misx 1\ I:u'grz1rot l"(,-1'_r.-;11. took t.hr- topic of tho r-\'<:nin~,,r on Robert ` ,_____v _. I 1n'n.<. Mr. Pzxislr-3' road .~'0mr- of B'.11'ns' povm.< and Ph_\'Ih.< Mzn'qu1.~: 5.-`:xw~ :1 n;1p:~r on Our Y.P.U. I :1D<-r." l`lw zhort rut-1'o:1H0t`:1l pm"- ?iorI \vz1.< (-r>mIuctnd hy Mi.<.< .\I:u'qu.<. l'l hn n~.r-0-tmy.-: (.-lo. with tho I`.Ii7.p-zh ; Rom-diction. Mr. and )1:-.<. `Nm. G(10W1l\', who <'o`0br:'.tnd t'nni"I (.~'i!\'m' \\-oddim: 111I]i\'(`)`f on SUI`- [d:x_\`. Nov. 29th. H, ur.1u`I_v wn minutes Io get 21 heruringri ` I in ru`:p'l_\' to Mr. Rowe, he threw up jhis h'!l1(i`S and sat down. 'I`,ho Con- fseu-va.t.1've 1cador tried in vain to calm thv ;1udi(-n('(= and give tho P1'cn1iP1' in vlmm-v, but they would have nonr- :ol' it. nun mu-n u\\H u1um'_\', unu HIGH; had the _-_-2'11] to a The fact.` \\'h:1t \\".- nu--dml in Ont;n'io xvusi mow \'i>'10n and Iu.~'.< rvpudizxtion, and] nzorv r<.'. for ma_iorit_\' and min-` o1'i1._\' 1-i_L*hT.<. So far as the 11101105`, hzu`on.< of Montr(*:1l wc-1'0 cont-m'n(*d, Mr. {owp .<:1i(l ho nvw-1' met Sirl ,H:-rhvrt Holt. but if he know him as Well :1:< Mr. l\'in_2; and Mr. Hep- `bum did, whose party '.1ccopt:~ui $750,000 of his money for th- I0 .,vrr:u1]1urnoi.< ~g:1'awts, and M1`. Hep- burn w0n"t. deny that the 1)a1't_v Int `lozlds receiv(-(I some of that mon(*_\' to finance the '.uste]ec~lvio11 (rain- puigxn. Tho speaker had a rough time of it during` [)a.i.\'&L_L ,`S of his ad- drr:s~'. but he got througrh, complet- : ing his speech. P.-.....:-.. n.,..--.: n-..._ ---5 um bylftfllll. I i Premier Razzed Down I When Prener Hepburn tried for ,nezu']_v ton minutes to met a h0zn'1n, I .m rrep'ly Rowe. hn thrnw nn There \\'c-1'0 wild scenes ad. the n.oI11i11ation nlecting; in Mztdoc on! We(lne. when Dr. Ha1'ol(l Bo_\'ce.; Liberal, and Dr. Harold `Welsh, Con- servzntivc, were nominated for the East Hastings b_v-election. News that Premier Mitchell Hepburn and Hon. Ea.r1 Rowe, Conservative lead- l<-1-, were to be prese-m brought elec-l tors from all over the ri(lin,rz; and the A1'mou1'ir'.s`, the largest building` in the town, could not begin to hold {the crowd. l I n -~ I ' Barrie Colts Lose One-sided Game to Northern Vocational Juniors. I11'Ulll tune to Llme. ll Conservzltive Loutlor Rowe \\`a.<; (-lw01'(>d as he rose to speulc. After,` o.\'ten s_vn1putl1_\' to the widow of t Jus. Hill, whose death \\`21s the cause 3 `of tlw b_v-el0ction. the Consowative glz.-mlw ; he was above personal-l-`l ;i1ie.<. I-lo\ve\'er, he .'1: no quar-`F `|t(}l', nor would he e.\ lend any. Inlc lsczai-hing` terms he denounced the ` '1-(`cord of the Hepburn Go\'ernment,| ]1:1l'tl('ula1` 1-c-ferm1co being" made to 11.11: S(`])1l`1lC school policy and the `(-xtnwllulion of Hydro cont1':1ct'.<..' Ho n(,*\'v1` .-zrlrl 110 would 1'r's1o1`(- tl1o ])()\\'(`l'\('Ol]`tl'l1(`lrS if f`l(`('t'(`<`(l, bul that ho would repu Ihv rvpudiators, (-hir-l` of \\'l1l(`l1 \\'as Mr. H(`[)l)lIl'll. Tlw p1'e. l1_\*-0l('(-lion, he said. m:1rl t.l1(- f'n'$l limo in |1i. that. v21 :.-;o\-'m-nnm-nt hzul h1'ibr-(l the poop`(- wllll `t.h-i1` own nlonoy," and then fact. \\'u.< ; .. .. . .m,\..,. .v f\I\ .....x 1 mien-z1ui<: Docs and m-ckJ1n_:. 2 Pl`(.'l11iC)` Hepburn, the rst to :spea!<, .~:'fai*ted out with cha1'2;ing' "that? General D. M. Hog'a1'th W2 direct-j ing; and financing` the 'I'oi'_v cum- ipaigwn in Inst H:1stinp;.< and that! `comp-h1int,.~' l0d,L-`od with former Se-E Icurities Commissioner Geo. A. Drew 2l.3,1il1St companies with which Hon. Atthur ML-,i1;'he11 was u.<. had; never been iiivt,-sti.g`:1tt-d. His re` \\'as also di1'ect,ed at Sir Herbert; Holt, whom he said was sL1p[)o1'ti~ng2*i Mi`. Rowe. The P1'<-mim' defended_ his 1'epudiatio=n of Hydro conti'act.<,= his school tax `.e:i. and his: g_r(-norm] admini:~:i'z1tion, but \vz1s : jected to inte1'1'upti0n.~' and boos} from time to time. ` 3 (`n.m,,...mH.m r ,....1.\.. n,..., ~nvvvuv B_' z11'1'zm_Q'oIncnt, P1'c~n1i<*1' Hvp-{ burn spoke r. being` y_:'i\'('n 45' minutes. 'I'11<-n M)`. i . I I4.-hm... ,..,.,. 1.... Iowo \\':L-5 .. . xv, ' mun .~.pum: lll`.\L, ueIn_J,' j.:'1\'('n 40] W11.-`i given one hour, and .\Ir. Hepburnl 15 mim1t<:.< to 1'(>pL\'. Both 1u,~a(le1'sl had wir suppo1'te1';< pretty L-\'en`_\ 1 dividt- and were subjected to con-7 si(Ie1'abI<,- boos and h(*cklin_4'. Pl'('mim' T-Irmhnrn Hm n.-+ +,.. {HEPBURN AND ROWE AT HASTINGS NOMINATIONS I I Fortun 'I`0I|e1`-I m Htl V1('I\- |'1\II I,` n-n.nm Special in Fresh Groceries . ya .\.u -1.: .72 --1. uns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOIWATO JUICE--20 oz. tin--2 tins . . . . . . . WHITE ROSE WHEAT FLAKES--5 "3. bag . . MACARONI AND SPAGHETTl--1 lb. pkgs.--2 FRESH MIXED Bl5CUITS-2 lbs. . . . . . . . AMBER HONEY--2 lbs., 3 oz. tin . . . . . . . . . . . CLOVER HONEY-2 lb., 3 oz. tin . . . . . . . . .. DILL PICKLES-3l oz. jar . . . . . . . . . . . . .. TENDER ROASTS OF BEE}-'-lb. SHOULDER PORK-lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BREAKFAST BACON in piece-lb. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HOMEMADE HEADCHEESI-Z--|b. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. PORK SAUSAGE--lb. . . . . . . . .. SMOKED Fl-LLETS, CISCOES, OYSTERS, PORK PIES MILKFED CHICKENS . . . . . . . . . . . o . - . . . . . . . . . PIE CHERRIE.S-2 tins . . . . . PUMPKIN--size 21,->_--2 tins Tf\R.`ATf\ lIlll`l'.` an . Colts Match Students for First Two! Pe-riods, But Fade in Final I F`.-an-.n Grocers and Butchers, Allandale J. D. wisnom & E6. Choice Quality Bee? and Copaco Products - C ..5... y.u.::. CALL AND SEE OUR SPECIAL CHRISTMAS HAMPERS We will gladly supply you with all your Christmas Cake requirements at the right price. '-Av: A!\lI\ nun 1-\.... .......,._._ _-r STROUD . ..`2EEiJJ;7.3a*3.d..._1._6_`.. afraid some ' to be diam)- 1't'e right ; I ` _.._.__.v-.__-.-uuuua A quiet wedding was .~`,oIc-nmized at the rectory on Saturday afu-r- noon, whon Marion, d.z1up;hLer of Mr. In-ml1\'Ir.<.Jas. Craig`. of Midhurst, iboczunv tho bride of Lorne Orser, of Bz1H'i(*. Rm`. W. Nmvm:-In ofciatod. [T110 bride w:1.< attended by her Sister, .\\'hilv the 3.-'room .< bro=thm' :u'-t<*(l as best. man. After tho cm'o111oI1y' the hum)\' (-mmln h-1'1 nn 1. 1-.-in 4,. THEP.SD.-\.Y, DECEMBER 3, 1936. --..a. ..a.

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