Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 3 Dec 1936, p. 3

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.- - vvvv.---uu -v___.._..- Four times as ecctive in carbolic ucid as proved by actual tests on typhoid gun. but is non-poisaoous and non-corrosive. A Most Effective and Safe Gargle Sure relief from Colda, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma. Hay Fever. Sore Throat. Eucalyptus is of little value on your handkerchief. Read directions. A Reliable Liniment Penctrates and dissolves tahe aglds and salts which cause Rheumatism euritis. etc. Gives marvellous relief f m sprains and bruises. - For Internal use R(!('OlT1ll1L`Ylf]d for stomach, kidneys and hl.'2rl(li`r. ll cleanses and stimulates those Ol'.I. lll.\' and helps them to function pro- perly. Rcl'2c\'cs distress and inrlu-`nus rv-slful deep. I u I` f` '3 A his il1.il11`ix,` amxt-:::<-d 10 U:- \\'Iu~`n the 1ln*(><- bo_`.'.< 501 wit` hnm(-.< in Bzu'1'1e. '['Ln:s(lz\_\' the shell of tlw nn- of OLA .I.l.-. Al` CL . `urn: . -.. . .-r/r. Insist on G.G. Extract Avoid Substitutes 2v..~.n: is none "Just as Good Be who in obtain our lnnet rdvlm: full lHrI"(`Hv7l"`. for me mnny uses of this wonder nll of nxturu. Three B211'1'ic young men had a arrow Psrnmn nnrl unnmfhinw n-F .. Toun THE W0 R L D RADIO I937 Notrlzern Electric with a NEW 125 DUNLOP ST gt; kl: and Indian Traded 13 Models `la Night 323 ;_' poxz, /H :;'r"'.u1 1! c:.~.`lz1"1] fu;z H .".vIs of i'r.H'n.' (1/.'.." ;.`u;'_\' /0 mi//f.m.~. ".\`Y./IN": d3};z`ec;'.r[z .:;/re j-,.--- `uuauce, st-c1'eLa1'y 01 Unu(1I'en`S Ala` ,duties the inspection of our gaol, Society, $4,000; R. F. Grant, treas- shelter and House of Refuge. We urer of Children s Aid Society, do so, believing that government in- $4,000. spectors should visit these institu- They would recommend that the; tions and closely inspect condivtions. -treasurer of the county be author-1 Visits of a Grand Jury for a fewiized to play the premium of this` minutes, when everyone concerned i bond, which amounts to $20 annual-1 knows when they will be, do not 1) . 2 compare with that of inspectors cal`.-t O11 instructions from the Depart- =ing' at times known only to them-I ment of Municipal All'ai1`s, a bond` selves. l`o the dep-`u't,men,t weiof $20,000 has already been placed` ._.-t1-om;-1y ul-`L-C the complete with-` on J. R. Coleman, =;s.sis`tam tr(v.1. :- `_ d1-awal of the Grand Jury. Thggurer, and your committee a1)p1'o\`es ieicicncy of guy police n1agi_5t1`;1t.(_," E Of bond Zllld i.'.l1C [)Zl_\'lll(`lli. Of tll(` igwe believe supersc(lc.~' the end for l D1'0m|Um- ` which the Grand Jury was ('S`tal)ll. l Roads and Bridges . ad _na1-_\~ -lu~0_" 3 {C the account from W .\ x". ....,l ' . '1 'l`L.\ In ...:IA..n Ifm. ..I,... .-......t. 7 t J. I_Zcid Consideration \\'z1.~' `_g-ivon to the re- qtlc-st of the Department of Munici- pal A'uir.s re 21 complete return of all tiu.\' z11'1'ea1`s as recorded in the county treasure-r s books, this to be- comp-lated in January. As some of 111 e municipalit-ies have asked to control their tax z1rrea.r.<, the inton- tion of the council is early in the year to huwc 21 complete return made of all tax arrears. If this does not meet with the approval of the de- .partment, that the county treasL1re1' be authorized to (_`l1_'.,"ElZ,'(? \vhlalteve1' `help is 11ecessa1'_\' to make out this 'report as soon as possible; that the ;c0unt_V clerk request the cha1'tcredl izlccountanits, G`e11de11rni11~._;`, Gray &, _P.oberts, to give an explurmition oil this mattc-r to the departnwnt. l-T-n\'inn' r-nn flu \'n:nl1Il'inn\ till.` lllklLL(.`l' LU l-Ill.` (lC[J'd.lT,|ll(`lll.. I-l:a\'in`,q' co11si(lcs1't3d the 11.-; re a s_\'ste1n of provincial auditors ,l'o1' all municipz1litie.~:, thou_<:l1 the committnc '.1;:'1`ec;< with the principle iof the resolution, would recommeml }th:`.t denite action be (l('l'e1'1`0(l un- ti` the .I'z1'i1uzn'_\' .<(-.~'. in 1Sl3 T. l To Bond Employees The Finance Committee, lmvilrg }('on.<~i(lm'e(l :1 rv. with refer- ;enc<: to bonding` certain employees :who isstlo 0rdcr.< or vouchers for pa_\'ment on the county treasurel`, recommend that a bond of $30,000 ilw `pl:1('(`(l on the following: employ- l l l 1., ,_ ....__.._-... ` 'I',hz\t l1zwi11_<.,>-' con.s`i(lx,-1'u(l the ac- Icount, of Boys &- Boys, s01icito1`:< for `the your 1936, 1'ecomm0nd that it be paid. r~-.._:_1._,..A,-_., ' :,, . .1 .--.. Vllk. \....,...u u...._, nu ku..uu...~.. . I led ago. - I The Finr.1'ncc Committee have con l. the communication fron il {M12 A. G. Di'.lon, Collingrwood, \\'lm: `\\'ii'n,- was 21 puticntt in the `.`Il.1Sl\'Ol\'il 3,1 Salnitarium and \\'l1o.sc,~, muintemuice l r ll1d..~` been paid by the County Ofgl fsimcoe, and about wlrich instruction} lhzul l)C('ll rec-.-i\'(-d from the clerk ofli itho town of Collin.m'oo(l by they? lL~ounL_\' clerk to takv the Ileci-s.sz11'y - :zi:cli0n to l'(}C0\'L`1' from M1`. Dillon C :niaint<-nznlcu in the hospital, and E] i 1'ecomm.-nd that ])l`0C(`O(ll1lf.._".< be .s'ta._\'- ' jcd until furthvr inst1'u(-tions are re- 1 , . ` 1 1 ceivod from 1.110 council of the town ,( l of Co`li'n_2'woo I the umounri a(l\'zmce(l for his \\'i.l'u .~.|` .. ..... ~........\..-...,......_. _m....u urx.u\lHE' |u3L1LuUOI1 I135 _]0yCG an enviabl* reputation for Faithful and frindly service. The Bzml; of Toronto can well serve you, just as it served your father Evy, _ and your grand. , , '9'. . father In :...;x-,v:. thal :13 are pan: I llL'dlLll.\. llUlHId.l UUll_\' .' l`n.I-5' ()l`lIlg,`S us as a council to another phase of; the subject. Graols as established; yezu';< ago were intended as a place: of connement, remuneration. on the plainest food` 1)o.~'sib1e to mantain hezrlth, because` the individual had broken an estab-i li.~:l1ed law, and t.hi;< was the punish- ment r:. by democraov forf the` protection of society. '.Io-day} we find con. clamor that all: the institutions of correction shouldl he maintained on the basis of a holi-' may camp. Your committee would} justify the C0u1'. followed by the; department, and this should be ad-' justed from time to time. i strongly urge on the department the xvithdrawa` as part of a Grand Ju1'y s: We : 1 L :4 l with labor without t 1 t < c t t ( L V I 1 b ULUIV "ell 5 . . 5 of 111113 t [- premiun I ! th { 101' clea i 101d1l]._L" .u-.u vv |||F, l\m7U.Lll4lUll . Whcrea.s all urban municipa-lit..c.= having connecting links therein ap- proved by the Minister of Hip:-hwa_Vs a certain subsidy or grant is made lowai-d.- the construction or main- tenance of such roads and streets; and whereas such subsidy or g'rant' i< proportioned in accordiance with the amount allocated by the county [towards the maiinntenance or con- struction of roads, streets and_ bri(L_2'e.< in towns and viI`.ap:es throughout the county. And where-. ,a.< said grrant. or subsid_\' is then paid ithe :-aid municipalit_\' on receipt of payi'o!l.<~ and accounts certied to by the county engineer and foreman supervisinge the work. l`h(-rt-fore. be it resolved that any` urban municipaIit_\' m.u_\' remit along` with, in lieu of cash, in their an- nual 'e\'_\' to the county, properly certed pa\`roIl.= and accounts which have been spent on such streets or roads as ag'reed, up to the amount so gzranted such urban municipality for such purpose. I Vn1ii- r-nmrnifnn 1'(nl\nnr11\11:xnrJn nu. - !...,....v-u_y .V\.'. n.'., u lllh`Udlll.'L' UL up- p1-oxin1ate]_v tuh1'ee-quarters of a mile. Your committee recon1mc.ndod that the above communication be ap- p1'oved and tho clerk notify ihe de- pz11t;2n of the resolution. T\Tnw-rm-_T`h.Hnn '1`1.n4. LL .. `n _.. .1 - p2u'umn1t OI I-no resolunon. 1\`l';erce1'-Dutton--TJ1at the Roads B1-id_2'es Committee consider the following' 1'eso`.ution : \I7J_.... .~, #1` V` _lIlL'llL Ul um ILCCOIIDE. That con. has be-on _2'i\'en lthg: request of Councillors Henry land Dutton that the committee con- `sider the advisability of having` the c'e1'k notify the Department of `High- |\vzL;'.< that the following` resolution [11:15 br-on ]izI3sr3(l by the council of `the County of Simcoe: Resolved that it is tho wish of tho council of tho i('ouny of Simeon that the Depart- imen-t take over zmd assume the road {1'lll`ll1ll 1'f_',` from the wesltern boundary of the villatro of Port ML-.\ ic01`. to ln';:l1\A'z1_\' No. 12, a distance of ap- mile. ALI. ...~--~----`A ` \ ,.n.. ,.,.. ; J V `.y':`.';`{ n-- Q4 ees: E. J. Jones, county e $10,000; J. T. Simpson, I ngmeer, 1 county 1 clerk, $5,000; Robt. Craig, oametaker ' `of court house, $1,000; Miss Helen: `.Surther3and, t1'easurer s steno i$1,000; Jas. J-ardine, house of refuge, $5,000; Justice, secretary of Ohildre Gr:-.11 Children rrwmu ..-....m I-nnr\v'n run:-\ .l (- graphe r, ` governor of Miss` M. n s Aid? t, Sooiety, , 1...; LI... -;,u They the; author-~ I `I3 4 On iV'\\'+I'Il(I`:r\I1Q -Funny +1-n. T`|nn.n.+ .ized uz` .~u(fn purpos Your commitoe recommends that The Northern Advance u.uu:xr:o~. . Finance E The Finance Committ~e reported` that on e.\'aminin.5: the repoit of the` Grand Jury of October, mention \\'21>' made of in. food being pro, vided for p1'i. in the _L1'aol. The committee, acconip-_=.nied by the sheri', proceeded to inve.sti_u'ate. and by special order of the slu-rill , the committee was able to interview the pri. without any ollieial of the` gaol present or within l]('1ll`lllg' (li.~ ' lance. 'l'h--y con\'er. quite freely. with the prisoners as to 3: eon- (litions of .~;a'nitation, food and man-= a_u'e1nen`l, and they w01'1- unanimous in stating` that more than .s'uf'cient food was supplied. Some 1'eg'1'et was exp1'e.~`.'~'e(l that more work was not available. The reg'iste1' was e.\'am- ined and it was found trhat the prisone1`.< who are serving` n longer te.rm than a few days a`mos-t invar- iably gained in weig'ht. The com- mittee unhesitatn._9:ly report that the rations provided are s~uflicien.t and generally pr_'_o(luce an increase in wei-g'ht and good health during` the] inearcera.tion of prisoners. The. only problem is, should our 2210] be} ma.int1a\i`n.ed on a menu basis as a liospita`. or a restaurant. or is. the department following` the proper course in buying sufcienlt plain food to adequately maintain rw healthy. normal body ? 'I`h.is brings? us as a nnnneil in nnnflnnr nhnm nf' Reid ditch 01..-. um _VL'zIl`. The ;,7;raml jury visit.(-d tthe homo some two weeks ago and reported 211' in g'r>od condition, the homo clc-an, tidy and well] kt-pt, and paid tribute to the g'ov-rnor and matron. Vnnv I-nnwrniflnn I1-nu Pu... -v...-n `Lu hill.` g'oV(.'I'n0)' zmu matron. ' Your (.-ommit`lc0 hz1.'~' boon v(~i-y ucon.~`i.~t(~nt in t.i _\'i11'g' to keep (`xpn11.<-.4 down as iow as possihlo and also giv- ing uttenon to the needs of t.ho `who are unfoi'unt2m- unou_2'h to be iin thm institution. Agricultural Committee "l`hc- Ag:i'icL1lLu1'ul COl1lmiH('(3 re- |(`Omnl(`!1([(`d `chat the usual _;'rant of $100 be mzulv to tho u;:,'1'icu11ui'211 I`(])1'(`.s'(.`nt1\ti\'(`.\` of .\'01'th and South Simcnr`. Mr. P:1.:'v. M1`. Ii:1. and M1`. .\'c1l<.*.~' i'opo1'tr~d on the work dom- in the two (li.~'t1'i(-ts and p1'(-.~:viit<-d l sho\\'ing' how H19 :H)0 _`I`1'.HL \vu.~: vxpumlui. 'i`h(- report made by [hr u9:1'i('ui- tum` 1'0|)i'l,`.~u'I11iU\'(`< on the '1`-P. I"i'x'i` .-\i'u;1 .~:1io\vw(1 that W011 over '75 ])('l' cent. of the <':1t`.]u o\\'nm`.< lmw :,-xpi'v_<.'L-(l `Lh(.`!11.H_'k`1\'(`.~' as |)c-inf.-5 in 1`::\'m' of [hp mow:-mvnt. l`\m nm..u.:u.. ,........1 . ..l &L .__ uu1.~u.>, 11 Llc, number of (litioll. A`: ...... HIHK 10 .<".(m- h I'()\'.'` .4! (|l`.|Ull I':-g.-;a1'(li11__-` Llu, uplu-r-p 0 (lu1'in:_~' Ihv _\'u:u- tln-re hu p<-u. in ('onn-(`Linn \viLl` and farm }.u1il(lir15:.', incl {mu-nt on th(- n<-w furn .Q')1 .\ . I`. . IL. {nu-m uu uw nvw Iz1l'm OI nboul {$231,000. .-\.< for lhv 21.~'.wL.< um] "1<~vm1u(- 1'(-N-i\'t-d. thr trr>21. `J. `l`t`('\'i\'0(l upproximutt-l_\' $10,000. Am present Lh('l'(` are 115 i1nm1t.~.<. `,0! tlw. 27 are old zuzv pensiont-1'.~ `iand 1.114` (-ouniy 11-(-oivcas $17 pm gmonvbh and :1 1':-fund of $3 from gt-ach inxmrtt-. .\'0thing' unusuzzl lms `happened in connm-tion wit,11th~ |udn1inis1't.:1tio11 of the homo durin,-_- I the year. I 'T`L. `u\Ul lUl' lUI'll1(. l' (. OI1.~'l(l('l`2lLl0n. T11::::[th(.*_\ lmvo c011. thv `fo`lowin;.-; zlccounts zmd would rc- commcnd that t.ho_\' h'- pun}: J:1.~'. .\`I:|cDonul(l, Thornton, .,\u : ; How- zml (70ch1'2u1a-, Utopia. $1-1.50; J~n-- miuh S`lu1u.:I111r-,~:~_\', Shr.ml_\' Bu)`. $107 I-{n1'1'_\' .\IcCzu'n('n, P1u~lp.<'.on, $17.50; Wm. H. liirby. .-\r1;.w.<, $40; .!:1.<. I"m.~'~,-r, Sl*.z1n,L_\' .u_\', $2.60; Clorxlon \\ zxL. .-\n_L`u.', $10. House of Refuge (Hip livid 1-rnn. nn Hun In-nn...~vu lll(3 HUI thi.< _\`o2u' ' thy dry sc- `f0nn<-1' _\'1' (`Pop \\ (.'!'(` .`-In :11-In-< 1) U i ` full an ml T.hL- U.` 1-Lu;/u.`l:.\. III` ll'lL U\(`l' UHIH EHO -J llll`_V' .<<-.<. 19:/}'.'. 'I"h;1t they haw c0n.~`id-red thv count of Jus. BI'ennun 1'01` bonus 3,600 t1'0L-.~`, planted in 1925!, 2 rwould 1'(.-connm-11d that it [)0 I `ovcr for I'u1'lh co11. l`h.~.t +1.... .. LLUAII yaau: uuc) {eeve Letherby, of Coldw1a.ter, mhought the discussionhad brought up a vital question, anyway. Mem- bers of the council should be pre- ` pared to get down to work more seriou.~;ly. They were in closer touch 1 .._wit.h._thr: people ..than 411embers ofi` pa1'lian1ent. There should be somef means of avoiding` excessive duplica-'[ Mon of .s<.-rvicus`, amid the general trend of thoup;ht wa.< that there was over-governmenlt. The council, in- stead of goin;.-; to the Winter Fair, might prot.21bl_\' have hired at coach; and _<.;'one to the provincial 1..-`ovum-I ment. to talk over n1LLtte1`.< of publicl interest. ; I'_`I__,,, ` 3 r 4 l I I . \ um. 11 purpom H.'I I`\' u lIll\,l.' IIUL L-U U.\'C(fL'(l -)1 ) [1 `two a(:I'c.~: of lo`. 8, C011. .3 ( towns`-hip, for tho pul'[)0.~'0 (*. to pI'(~\'(-nf 21 szxnd ('0unl._\' road. 'I'h-_\' !'u1'thm~ 1'(*(:on1m~-ml ])LH`Ch.".ZS(`. of the south hall` 1 Con. 11. lm1i. for rofo I ,_. `, . '\I`I\f\.A|.I L... 1.ul'llllE1.\'L Lnc 10 Lot 112, Con. 'ship.<. when t.it.1<- 1 i. lots 1 T.os. town ".1 m-Em. nn+ 4,. cummr-nu that no action b<- lzxkvn. 'Th<-_\' h:1\'- z1'. con.~`idc-red tho I'nsolutio'n of {In council 1'(+_;'.:1.r(li11g the pu1'cIm;<(' of certzxin p1'op(:-1'tio.= 1'01` 1'0'I o1`c.~'1z1tion ])u1`p0.-`(-.~'. and would recommend that special c0mmitL<-.~ on Reforr.-sizxtion be z1utho1'i'/.c(l to 1.u)'cl1a. the foH0\\'in}.~: p1'opc1'ti<:.<: 112. 2 03.. Tinv 1'nurn_ ll'.\'Ul' UI UM` l0\'QnN"XH.. The committir coI1.~`id01`od the re- solutxon to L-.\'ton(l an ilwxtation to .mu1uuuu 01 L.ounc1Hor;~: .-\.<. and Pzmtin_<: that the council ]'(`l1(.`\\' the pa_\'1nent of as bonu!~' of half `.1 cent per two for 1'!-for-.<`.r_\' pu1'po. for trees that are livng' three _\'(;zu'.< after being; plzmted, and would ro- `colnmr-nd that action b<- 1`],(.\. 1,_.,\-,. ,.I,.,\ ..,.....:,u,...,..: -.1_- uuuy DOI21.l`(I. That t,hc_\' hz1\'c conlplctcd thu- 11ecc.<. repllns needed at the county gaol, n:m)cl_\', a concrete floor over the boiler room at 21 cost of 21pproxim:1Lcl_\' $250, and also 2'1 s-11o\\'<-1' bath in the p1'i.'~'onc1`s corri- dot. "`1\n` ;.1_~.. `Lyn ` ` " UUl'. That trhey have erected an ofcv for the inspector of the (,7hil(l1'en .~' -Aid Sociefty on the (*,4';lFt . of the Children s Shelter at 21 cost of $360. Reforestation The report of the Refore. _Co.mmi:t`otce read as fo`.lo\vs: That they have (`Ol1$id(`l`(`L] thv resolution of Councillors .-\.<. ] tlntiI]Q' T1121? Thri I-nun:-H an n 4-1-- ,5 _, ..... ..\...`.....uu;.', uu: e.\c11ui13_1'L'. County Property l`,h Prope-1`t_\' Committee having L'0I1i(i(.`l'C(I the i'equ<-st for u c`lmn'g_>'e in the Veniilation system of the counci' chamber, recommend that no action be taken till the Jzmuury ses- sion; they further recoimnend 11.: ~the ('1'iminal czlilendzlr received, , led, togetlier with the report of lhe boiler inspector; .thv conimitfee have considered the ud\`i.<'.1bilit_\' of c"ectin_e; 21 ehz1n;,-'(- in the in. aite of the C-hiId1'en s Aid Society and 21 copy of 1-e. is being forwarded_ to the Chi`(h'en .< Aid So- ciety Boazimi. 'l`\u..4- +1.... I .... .. I - - -` L'0lLa'l(1I`aEl the request of 3 I thlat this on. T.hat consideration has been given Co'.1nei`.lors V-aneise and Nerf that the committee con- sider the advisability of paying the usual maintenance cost of the light on Notttawa bridge, and recommend bi! done. I Additions to Coumty Road ' System The Roads and Bridges Commit- `tee recommended that certain roads ;asked to be taken over by the coun- ty, namely : the fourth line of F".os from highway 27 to the townline be- tween Sunnidale and F105, 8 miles; `the sideroad between lots 100 and 101 in the first concession of Tay and "1in_V, a distance of about l`,~ miles; also fl1z1.t portion of the four- _th conce.<. between Orillia town- ship and Orillia: miles, SL-Ssloll, it was recommendetl that by-lu\\' No. 1302 of the to\vn.-`hip of .\'ort.h O1'llllEl to authorize tht, CXCl1.`;lI1 _'. ,'e of certain propei-ty with the I-l_\'dro Electric Power C0n1xni>:sion of On- turio be approvetl by the county, and the \va1'den and clerk authorized to sign by-law con1'n1in;.-; the eXt.'l1ElI1}_"t'. town, he referred 1937 . about 11/.- to the Jzmuilry County Council'Wo{1ld[ Abolish the Grand Jury; .'the above agreemen-t be sent to the ,department of highways for their` consideration. 3 'l`lm+ ....n.m'A,.....a:.... 1.... 1.-.... .,.:A.... nouse 0 `HIV livid crop):- Ii-: \`.-:n- \vm-.- 1 : \.Il.l> .,..,... [)l'lC(.` VA :1 rr 7': ilL'I'l'.` U1 IN plowiu}.:' all` other :1.<.~ ~ funn .-took l'.' J11- l I H|IIl \ CU\ l1o_-:5 nI' f'n\I.'! ~| out Lunu\\'m}.'; p1'0[)(}1`ll(_*.< . H2, 0.5., 'I`,in_\' town- `hen h:1.< been found sat- V; 14 and 15, Con. 1, nitiuo to\\'n.~'hip, -100 zlcres, at not to (3.\'(`(!L'(l $5 pm` acrr-; res .-\d_iz1`z1 >, of rvfo1'- n In-nvr-nt u mm: .1..:r. ,..` ac un ncluge rap; on thv j)l'0[)<"l`l_\' :- fair, but o\\'im.;' to 1. no! as :_"oo(I as in "[`h<~ root and hay am good. 'l'ho1'c are fuli \\'I1w..t .~`own. the I` dmw. uml all roots ` . . -. I . 4 uul null 01 IO 1'of'o1`0. rm` until the .] \llL3'.-L .`U\'\H. 110, all prop<-1'I_\` . . of \'L- st-p nftl1p phuw. '0 hm lwmx a-.\'- \vi'Lh Hm house inclutlin-_;' pay fzlrm of about H. ....,.o,. .....l 'l"I~.L`I'.SDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1936. _\uun_-4 the l: -:tlLh_\' `Unat Hg: 01' lot 2, `nu-nufn tin Ul H'lUl'- drift on 1 l n ,....x- ..` LlX'L' =1orvd. - good .r INA ' . `Ml lin cw qng (`nu lU| .:.. tutwn Jun- UH and loft _"l_'hr- (lovtor ;::r\'r- it out as lruzirt ,, . .. .. ..,. ..\--n nun In`-`UV . I John llonizx, l,hv- i 'Cll`.~'l. nicrulizmt in town. llllhlv 21 trip lo BullI'\'i0\\'i _\'(-. .lohn l)o_\'lr-. our `.l'l`0(`:'l`_\'l mun, i.< doing.-` :1 poor lm.~im- his . is (lirt_\', (lusty :.n ::o.\ iou. ml<.-i-il'm'ou.~': how can llv (`.'\'})<'(tt to (lo much `. 1:4-\'. Styx rm-;.u-l1-(1 Sun- (l:i_\' ni_,-"ht on clrnrily: tho .~'L'l`1l10ll` \\':1.< punk; if tho rs-\'~r-urrrl _2`<~rrt|v-I num wou`(l li\'- up 21 little ulosnr to wh:-.L hv prr.-zu-ho.< ho haw 21 big`-,-;(.-rm (`Ol1f4'l't"l;':l1rl()I1. D'i~\'(` Sonia-_\' (ll(`(l l:r. S2vlur'(lz1_\' :1! his homo in this })l:1('(`. I l f:1iln1'(`-: tho 'l'zi(-t is ho wu.< (lrur:k.| and \\'l1i. is xvlrzat killed him; hisl honw \va.<. 21 rcntr.-d . in R0\\'(l_'v S1. .\`larrin(l Sylvia R'hod<~.< and Jas. Cznrurlrzrn. last Szrturclay evening, at the l-laptislt parsonage; the bride is a very or'dinzn'_v town girl who doesn t know any more th::-n :1 rub- bit ab`out cooking and who never hclpml hm` momher three (lays in her life. She is not a beauty by any mezrns and has a gait likv :1: fat duck; the groom is well known here as an up-to-date loafer, who has` 1 I boon living` o` the old folks all his life and don w :'.mount to shucks; they will have 21 hard life while thr-_\' livo -lo'_u*vtl1m' and The T\'ow.< has no conp,'rutulzrtiorr.s` to o`or, for we! (lonlt bt`ll(`\'c any good can come] from such a union. l "l`l1.. iuL-Inn .n .1 A1. `in. .4..rl W'herL- '{'rench A dv.-1i'g`htful fuaturte of 2: news- pupvr mzm .< work is that he al\va_V.<' looks on the bright. side. Ho has to. Vfhc local e\\'spap<=1' no doubt often ; p1'(.-Atty sweet on (-\ <:1'ybod_v,'[ kind of co11_L*mtL_1lz1ti0n : 21"] round. "Hw m:\v. man 1. m-(:-.<.~':u'il_v :1 Hill , but ho has ;1 1211'}.-'0' 11-art and hu is c..pal)l.- OI" pv,-rc0i\`- ' I114: _L'ood poin`..~' in ,-vol-_\'om-., `Hm bu. n1:1kv.< him optimisvtic` ..ml :1 1.-.' 4 \. , ., n- - I C 1 I l :x:_-_- mm goon pom=1.< and if h'{- ton<\.< .-omo make t.h<.-m more pJw.< 1'0all_\' i.~'n't any harm 4 .~'on1M.iIm::< .~::n'(:.< ("um- 'l`h:- . rs t0`d of :. 101- who :m::oun<- tlzu ' .. I... ...._..11 4 .II n, 1.- unuu, .~'t0!'v (Ii nd<.-rifm-m1.~' (lay mun \\'nII1rl uum sucn 2: union." "l`h<- issue in which the Mi.s'.souri! edit-or t.o`(I tho lruth \\':v1.< the 1`:n. ho (.`\'l*l` m.-Ldo. Z\'ow, in the sprimztinlo g whvn the dvw, li_kv diamonds, ' .~'p:n-l in the _;-*1':1.~'s. when s\veot- thmzllu-d hi) (l.\' mnkn 21 melody all thv d:1_\-, .~'ul).<(-ribcr.< to thn paper vhilc it w:1.< puhli. drive oixt int tho. onunt1'_\' u . (!i.<-fzLn(~r~ to (':1t('.h :1 `_ .`,`HlHfi~':* of :1 pim-0 of black skin which 112111525 . from u barb- ul xvi)-.~ f(`l1(,'|`. It is :1`l that remains of th.. onco mz1nI_\' form of the Mis- .-ouri miit.m- who told fhu truth for l1I'I- mu: m-u. am: some members of. council thought this wou`d be an` ideal sum to use in showing the up- pi-c-ciutioii of council for the honor brought to the county by the Orilliu 'l`crric1'.<, while others tl1oug,'ht it could lw better used. It was the idea of thr- bout cruise committee at rsttol1:111(l any mom-_\' left over to some Ci`l2ll'll2lb`l(} cz1L1. and some t~hou_g-`ht tlirzii this should still be (lonv. .\Izin_\' >'uf.',`.9j<'.~f'tri0ll-.< w01'(,- made as 10 tho disposition of the money, but finally it was left in tho l1::1n of the boat ('l'1,li$\' con1mit,te(: and_ will likely _:'o t0\\'LU`(iS the of tho (-.\'pm1. of tho 1037 outingui l l l ! me 1;o1'1'1e1`s. "l`_h<- matter 2lftCl'I100l1, but di.~:cu.<.~'i0n it was just . (`11110 after up on F1'i comidoruhle boat (:1'ui.<:- con1n1ittm,- 11u\'(. $135 the t1'(-:1.~`Ln'_\' and council thnnn-M fhic men1be1's m,...m L- T111` in of I Plenty of Talk, But No ` Action His \Nor.~.'hip Wzlrdvn Di'inkwu.tL-1` at the opening` of the session. rc- 1'u1'1'c(l to the honor b1'ou`g'hL to the county by the Orillizt- [`c1'1`i(-1'.<, win- ning` the Mzmn (`up Three yezu'.< in sLIcc0>'s'i011. and 21 motion was late:} introduced to the effect. that the pro- fit from tho .~'un11nur bout c1'ui.~'o ofj 1110 counL\' council he u.'~`ud to honol . tho '1`,o1'1'ie1*s. J 'l`h.. , H-- .~cc1uL,zu'_V 01 [no 15021111 01', ldduczltion` of 1110 Weston Hip:h School, 5::i\'in_4 notice that the school is open to pupils of Simcoc County; also ask- ing if this county was willing` to pay `the accounit of 1\`Ilis.~: D`o1'otl1_\' R0.',`(`I, "lottenham, was corrisdcred umd reconm1ond that the matter be left over until ['urlhe1' information l.\ obtained by the chairman of com- mittee. , Education The Committee on Cducation re-l commend that J. C. .-\insle_\', Orilli21_.i be uppoinlted to Hie Board 01' Edu- cation, Orilliu, to ll the unexpired term of Walter Scott, who has moved awu_\'; hlli-\'C co11sidere(l and ZL[)pl'0\ u(i of the report of W. R. .\IcVit-tic. public school in.~:p(-ctor, with r.-fur- once to schools in his in.~'pecfo1`at<.-, and t.eacl1t:1'.s tcacl1i11g' fth class work, which <-`ntitlcs them to a ten ])(`l` cnmt. _9;r21nt on the tez1cl1c1.< sz1l- . ary. 'I}1o communic';1ion from tlu.-l secret,a1'_v of the Board of, IC(lucut.i0n` \'V(-. Hirvh Q:-imnl ..:..:....i THE EDITOR WHO TOLD THE TRUTH (Continued from page one) n;.u:. I .-.H..,\..l.... -1` r*_1_L_-, `to hold the annual plowing match in the County of Simcoe in 1938, and recommended that the present. warden and Chairman F. I-Iiggins-on} be a committee to interview the As- sociation on this matter and e.etend an invitialtion for the holding of the match here in 1938. Legislation The Committee on Legislation. `having considered the resolution passed by the County of Perth at Itheir October session. to the effect ,uthat the Dominion Government be. requested to -investigate czirefully` the results attained under the Earn1 ers Credit-ors Arrangement Act, and `that such act be either repealed or so clmnged as to make it more ef- ft-ct.i\'e, be approved. and the clerk of Perth County so notied; also. that the recommendzution of Perth} County Council concerning the par-' clmse and sale of coal be approved; that the recommendation of t111~| l\ .o_\`al\/'ic1-o1'iz1 Hospital concerniiigl g'1wzmt.< to public ward patients in ()ntzu'ii) ho. be nnuroved and the l.e<.-:i.~"z1tL11`e notied z1cco1'(lix1_2'-' 1y. I the Provincial Plowmen s Association I I. '1 4 . 4. El I'`\ Lnuv. `I A D '1.` I I E A D V 1:} R'l`I SEM E NYFS :|lI1IUU!I` wnuH .u. Hun. (I! f. LVIISSC ml that for ..H IL`. 6.. H _l'll ill`) "I'llL] from that at. `... ill'lll UUIH` l'L1n(-ml 1. I` . N11. mm oprm'.1.<~nc' t]1i11:.-.'.< up to, . `r-ntablv, Llncre * donr-, and ii 1(-ml 1-.\'pen.~:e.<. Mi.~'. Cdi- I 2:11 just onv! I... wmh H......l Ill (:V(`1'_\'0Ht-., I M11110`; nn `.1: 1'7 ma Ill .\'.`7.'/3l.\` fr-' mluy. 011 4 '.'.-rgg />n.s'. . .I . .L_' 1'L'2l(.'Il(.`(l mm. TJ1r,- trio were unable to place 21 hand on the car and \ve1'(.' compelled "'j`: to stand by and see it complete.`.y `t-`S consumed by the flmnes. When they '0' iwlwft t.l1v1-r vvus nothing" but the red- 'l_l,hot cha: is and n1efal shull of the lm(l_\' \\.:h the . of the up- l`11_t l1ol.~'tr-ring in what. had lwen tho ton. _ n:-nu. .-(`"0 1\l'l1l thvir \\'21_\' to .-\lli. they Ill: found (`hi(-1' G0or<.:'-- I u1':l1a. who M ; ; opvnml the lockup _ loo1_' and q(l1v_11t- ,` tod them. In thls httle bulldmg _`f:`~tlu-_\' \vm'e '.1l)ll- 10 got \V21l'lll and .`[` . ~tho nigllt. l` 1 \"i('t01- l.e\\'is\\::s consi(le1'a.bl_V cut 92 about thv 1210: and l1zuul.< and re- llyl; i ('(`l`.'(`(l .~'0`vm- . ln`ul.~7r-.<. but :10!` l'= 501' inj111`i:;.< lip .<:,-r- Ifnu; st-t out for 1).. nuln 'm.iI- l\nI\\r.u un uucc D2u'nL' yuullg men nau narrow escape and .something.,-' of :1 harrowing` experience Saturday night ]\v1~.cn `_chei1~ C211` turned turtle _and fgburst. mto ames on the fth s1de- ]*1ozxd of Tecumseth after ten o cIock. _ xT.Wo of the young fe1`ows were Vic- , tor Lewis and Lorne Desjardin. ; The name of the third was not dis- : | closed. TL ... ..--..., .. . . -3 :___,. 1-, ~n 1l.ll.'.`\ld_\ (Ill? bllL'll Ul LHI VHF \\'LL5 ;1.\'1n_-.1` at the side of tho road south `of. thv town. 'I`h<- unmex had com- `}) ('L(`l_\' st1`ipp(~(l 11 of (~\'m'.\'tl1*ixL2' in- Eamnlzlhle. even the tires huvxng hm-n rr-ntlt-rotl utterly Llsolvss and `pzn`H_\' burnt-d.--Alli.<$on I-I<-1':1l(l. I UIUSBU. I They were coming` from Beeton to Alliston and turned the east corner of the jog in the road south of R. }A. Mitchell's place mt too fast a clip. [The car swerved and as it. careened `into the sha".low ditch it upset. Vic- tor Lewis was in the rear seat and `was pinned beneath the car. No Esoonor had the two _\'0un5,-' men in `the front seat (-'I\'T1'iCutO(i themselves 11112111 the car burst into ames. :Fi'anticall_v the free boys worked to rz~c1<,-a. their companion, which they isucceuded in doing` before the lmnes l`(`2lChC`(i him. '[`1.. h.:,. ...,...,. ......1.I,. 4- _.u..,. g}$32.9E }';"i39.5o [THREE LOCAL YOUTHS HAD ; HARROWINC. EXPERIENCE J GRIB BL E {Radio & Electric Service Re-distilled, supenrened Oil of Euca- lyptus. All impurities removed. No pungentjrrilating odor---never goes stale --ucver loses its strength. -- ...-u ..c A Powerful Genmgide "Kort . \ nuz'[. c, mr(Lrl_\ .`.' ago, pz'clurcs vwl (11: fr /,;.'.'m. lc.t /315* fr-" w zV`;`.e2-im; my. my site 0] -on hurt I]: I":u\r:'.:].-'

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