Tihere is :3. general feeling among `those who have given thought to the matter that We have too much gov- ernment to-day_. and that the expense of service could be mate1'ial1_\' cut down. Some are of the opinion that county councils could be dispensed with altogether, as the provincial government ..now has taken clu11`ge 01 many of the services that formerly were under the jurisdiction of mun- icipal and county bodies. We hrxliavn fl-mf fhic is nnl in Hnnl C. M. H. Esten OUU I Barrie, Ont E PHONE 53 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1936. VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES | n_____:_ 1),, u J. H. N. SMRTH, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 0fc&-Owen St. (Formerly occupied by Dr. L. J. Simpson). Residence 144 Maple Ave. Phone 700 DR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate of McGill University, Montreal. Oice and Residence--Corner Dun- lop and Poyntz Sts., Barrie. Phone 105 Office Hours: 9-10 a.m., 1-3 p.m. HQ v\v\n DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention Obstetri ` Associate Coroner for Simcoe Co nty Ofce and Residence ' 50 Mary 5!. Phone 101 Oice Hours: 8-9.30, 11-2.30, 6-8.30 I. 111 o1uu.-um) AJVU DUnU1`JUNb' Phone 213 47 Maple Ave. Ofce Hours: 2-3 p.m., 7-9 p.m., or by appointment A. T. Little, M.D. W. C. T.i !.HP, M R Acenrnha nnwnnan A. 1. mule, 1v1.u. W. C. Little, M.B., Associate Coroner County of Simcoe. The Northern Advance, Barne ` UIIICC HOUTS 8-9 a.m., 12.3o-2 p.m., -6.30-8 pm. I3J.'I`JL/J.."`L1J.lD1. Orillia, Ontario will be at the Queen s Hotel, Barrie, Every Saturday. 8 am. to 12 noon, and by appoint- ment. VV U1V1.l14lV | Associate Coroner, County of Simcoe 433/ I Phone 61. Ofce-58 Collier St. - Office Hours: 192-0 urn 109n0.-.... cone-.. nan`: vvrun.na.4;\ 1:. vv v\lUl\\J VI EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAI SPECIALIST (\..:H:.. (\_A....:. \.)lL\J. IX. f`\lVIJ IL. I`\. DLJIKIVD Licensed CHIROPRACTORS and DRUGLESS THERAPISTS 82:: Dunlop St. Phone 403 Electric, Hydro, Physio and Electionic Treatments. Massage and Corrective Adjustments Blood Tests and Urinalysis Hore or Office Rates Reasonable I P. C. LLOYD & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS 47 Elizabeth St. Phone DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Phmm 91': A7 M....I.. A..- SURGEERY AND DISEASES OF` WOMEN kccnrI1'-24-A r"..-..n.-... f`nn-no. -3 CV.:.......- DR. WALTI:'fR H. WOODROW V1.1 1'.\ A h \Yr\.n~\ A \V1'\ r7vr71-\r\ .` GEO. R. AND E. A. BURNS T ~'.nnvm.-.A Mr. Merchantu MISS BEULAH SCOTT AMBULANCE SERVICE DR. W. A. LEWIS -.. _.____.---- a\1\4 --Phone 79 11- .. . v..-_u \lA Barrie Branch \1.1~;istrates', Worms also 218 PIIIHOIQI at 123 Dinky Sh, Barrio, every Thursday I. D. , Editoz and Publisher Northern Advance \/Ve can suppy you with z_1rg}: qgantity of L Lthe A`Make' at right prices Counter Check Books How about your EDITORIAL Phone 53 TOO MUCH GOVERNMENT AND OVERLAPPING OF SERVICES I; The rz1tcpa_\'e1's of B*.u'1'iu acted \\'i.s0]_V in 1e`t.t,ing the town council of 1936 curry on for .1937. We be-I |1iz.`Ve the present council is nmkingl 2| I-cm] n'n9-f fn ilnnrnvn Rsnw-1'n c n.A authority to carry on the work 01 the council bet,\\'vex1 ::esSl0n.s`, but not] to vote money, and the wl1o`.c coun- ..{l unnnnm (`nu own.` an `"11-:\.. An.-n I/IIU CULIHCII UL'|;\\'l`Ull ivCblUIlh, ULIL IIULI coun-I cil, n1ec1ing' for two or t.h1'eL- days` in Ju11ua1`_\` and Now,-mbt-r, would be .~uiciont. 1l(.'\'t.' MIL p1tf.`l.'ll~L CULIIICII I5 ll|llKlll}.". :1 real etfort to improw Ba.1`rie s n-i ancial position, and with the co~ operation of 211`, in :1 few yezu-5 Barrie will be in an enviable posi- tion compared to most other munici- pultilt-jL'S in the province. E Communism is spreatling` in Can- i ada and all over the country there are schools train.in'g youth according ` to the doctrine of Lenin. The Communist Party in Canada may deny that it is fostering violence,l but there is n.o gentle bnzmd of Com- -munism that could be applied here. It is all one. It either attains power through bioodsshed, or having attain- | ]ed power, mainttains it by violence, by ruthless suppression of individual ' liberty. I Reeve C. D. Stewart fully intend-i ed to retire from the town councill at the end of his year, but pressure! .was brought, to bear upon him, not `only from Barrie ratepayers, but also from the county councillors, who have recognized his worth inl `that body. Reeve Stewart has; served the town of Barrie and the county well for several years, and if ` we mistake not C. D. Stewart; wil`g `sbe Warden of Simcoe County for] 1 1937. 1 fan order to Premier Aberhart of A'be1-11:1 has kg-1-ant a at promised to slay the money barons missed thei of Eastern Canada and free borrow-[he \\'aS in ers in Alberta. 1'ron1 tl1(:_SlldCl{lOS ofy.1}1e_V didn't interest which bind them to thelgay amt he lenders of the East. If his la\vs:}md zlcted stand, the people of Albert;-a who box--ijnspj,-a,0n rowed blithely and enjoyed then)-|1n,-tead, tj selves a few yea(1i's ago, neel n_.c%t pay ; ttme Britis- any interest an not muc , 1 any.;of a ma] if principal. It is not, however. the(1uoIg)m-so money barons who are ,e:oing to suf- ; 'f0)'(_I the J fer through Aberhart s coiiipulsoi-y:D;\-1,-ion W; scaling down of private debts, bl.1l':|p)'esiding`, rather people who know not Florida[side_: were ( or the Riviera, and who in the good 5 ment \\'a.< ` years did not travel as did thelthorough C . people of the prairies, whether theigiven to 3,1] moi tg;age was paid or not. `had been 1-: `A .L.. J, 3. Owing to popular demand, parti-l cularly from members of Boys and; Girls Swine Clubs, a reprint of the, publication A Study of the Dress-5 ed Hog lias been necessary. `The publication is an elementary st4ud_\' ofl the carcass of the pig: in relation tol its commercial value. The bulletin, which is well. illustrated, is of prac-: tical interest to farmers generally: and is a. useful reference for mem-l bers of the Boys and Girs Swine; Clubs in Canada. `This publication: may be obtained free on request , from the Publicity and Extension; Branch. Dominion Department of! . zsrriculture, Oittawa-. l :..:.___..__._.._....._..: i THE PREMlER S ATTACK ON I THE APPEAL COURT JUDGES ~ I During Premier Mitchell Hepbul-n s ' public career he has done and said `many things tlmt might justlly bx: criticized, but his recent atluck 01- the Just`-ices on the Appeal Bench 0! the Supreme Court of Ontario 1: perhaps the n1os`t. un\v2u'rante(l utter ance he has made since he beczum Prenuer. Dnn...`....n 41......` :...l....... ....4. -c an, Page Two l'.'l'UIIllUl'. Becuuuse three judp;e.s out: of ve sitting; in the Appellate Court Divis- ion of the Supreme Court uf On- lurio (including: C`]1iL'f-]LlNti(3(.` N. W. Rowoll) have dared ugzzxinst. Pvt-n1ic1 Hcpbu1'n s <-.\'[)r'.~`.~`:*tl wish zmd com- mand L0 o1'd(3r that the O`ata\\'z1 V211- lcy I owc1' Comp':`.:n_V lw I-xiv:-n thr at which xvus so :\1'l)it1`:1)'ily r<-1'u. `by A0t01'm=y-Genum] R.0n-buck, 11' takes it upon himsz-H` to accuse L1n~.-v reputable and u11ivm'. 1-v.<;wct<-d juri.~'L.< ol'unfui1'nuss, polivtical pk:-r liuliny and dcreliciion of dutv. 1+ min 1. ..,.m.11n.: +L..o mu. tiziiiby anu uerellcllon 01 nuty. It will be recalled that subsequent to the p1~oclzii1iation of the Act of the Provincial Legislature repudiat- in-g' certain convtna-cts entered into by the Provincial Hydro Power Commis- sion for the purchase of L'l(`('.lt1'l(51\l enery from certain Quebec powei companies, one of the companies af- fected, the Ottawa Valley Power Company, decided to test its rights in the courts. Before this could be done it was necessary to get the con- sent of tho .-\rt.torney-General. Such lzrts are granted as a matter of course in all clases where there is any reasonable ground for action 1 whiatsoever. `The at \\-'Z\.S refused. Avttorney- General Roebuck arbitrarily refused this company, in which thousands of Ontario citizens hold s`l1'z:`1'es, the riglit to sue the Hydro Electric Power Commission of O'nt211'io in connection with the repudiwtion of a `\'alidl_\' subsak-`tine; con.tract, primarily lat tho lI1S'lig'2ltl0I1 of Hydro Commis- sioner Arthur W. Roebuck. The legal advisors of the 0ttaw2.- Valley !_'Power Company felt that this was unfair. ACC01`dlll. ,'l_V they zipppealed to the Supreme Court of Ontario fol 1 the .-\ttorne_\'-Genera` to at. The trial _iud,9;e dis- their claim.` They felt that he error in so (loinsx. But Whey 5.-'0 into :1 tantrum and isay \\'a.~: playing; politics and {had under the directon and `inspiration of P1'(.l1ll(.`1` Hepburn. ' Instead, they, in accordance with '= ime. British principles, led notice iof appeal in the proper manner. In` l(lU(` (`O'll1'S(" flit-ll` nnnnnl l':lh1n nn kn, _i wnn me rrovmcial Hydro I e: That is what has a1'ou; the nP1'emier s wrath. Until now no .t',-Government }1`a:< ever medriled wit. ngthe jud*g'cs in the performance of fgtheir du-ti<.-.<, and the attack by tho {P1-einic-1 is (lzimrm-ous, because it lmigh-t tend to bring our courts of law into (lis1'e. which wou`d he most unfortunate. The province has a right. to ap- peal the decision of the Court of Apperul, "but there is a decent way iof doing this. ___j_}7 W _ I | I r \,0ll l(fl'(`I1C(f. We ask that the Wheat Board be con,`.`inu<-(I in op<:1':1t.i0n :1. method oz .~--'i1in_L,-' \\'hv:1L l)ct:z'.u.~:c we have no 1'.;it..h in th<- .\p--cul;x1i\'<> nu-thod. Wu h.;<\ <- :nI.-`o than them should be p1'0dur-(-r rt-pro.<<>nL:1t.ion on rhut board, vithol` z1('lu:\lI_\' on the board 01' in an :1d\'i. czlpzu.-it_\'. Compulsory Control 'T11r- WHIIII-cf nf' H11: 4'-..-`nun-: n4'1 Lompuxsory uontrol I 'Thc.- rt~qu<-.-t of 111:` f:.nm-:'.~' ON the \\ os:` is for n \\'h(`Zlt-SCi1U.:` or: ganization which would comtrol zmd` mr.e1'r_-hundi.~'v the total crop of \V1-.~'t~l ern. Canada, and this method was` act,uu.ll_\' provided for in thv VVh Board 1og.,ris`ation of 1934. I (kn Wac+nwn ("uni/`av-nnnn Rn onbi un: Royal I01`K uotet. - `The working; of the requett of she conference would likely mean abo- lition of the Winnipeg Grain Ex- change and removal of the restric- tion-, made in August, by which the Wheat Board is unable to accept deliveries unless prices. drop below '90 cents per bushel. `The system now prevailing, according to the Western Conference, is entirely in- adequate for the marketing` of Can- ada s annual production of $400,- ;000,00'O worth wheat. ` Against Present Method . All we are asking` is that the `Government put into new on the .~:tatut;e books, the Can- ladian Grain Board Act, through {which the Wheat Board wa-.' estab- "Dhe act was passed, but it `Z154 I `ished. is not functioning because the Gov- ernment laLd down in Aug.-;ust the lrestriction Ilia!` the Wheat Board will not take delivz-rie.< from the if2u`nl(-l`.~' unle.-s and until the price ,of wheat fall below 510 cents, ;-:ai(l iGeorp:e Robertson, secretary of the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool. and re- | pre. of the Sa. (`onferc-nee. l U/'., .,..I. 41... 01.- `l7L._._A. h_,,_,1 1 force an act , LJUHIVU l([{'I$'U[10n 01 1:164." The Western Conference, he said.` wanted the compulsory control of all! wheat by the \Vhea`t Board, the] ll Comp'ete elimination of the spec- ulative marketing of wheat and full limplementing of the Canadian Grain -Board Act for the marketing of all Ca-nadian wheat through the n-ow ex- isting Wheat Board at prices com- |mensurate with tlhe costs of produc- tion, was asked by the Western Conference of the Canadian `Cham- 'ber of Agriculture at the Chamber ~s first annual meetfing now in session at the Royal York Hotel. "ll~l1n u'nrlzino~ nf` .tl1n rnnnalno A4` blnn Eu; apyvczu Jll Lne proper In course their appeal came up be- %'fore Judges of the Appe'utr ?Division with Chief Justice Riowell ` `presiding. The . of both ` [sides c':'.refull_v heard and _iu(l;: iment reserved in order that- .thorough consideration might be igiven all the points of law which `had rai.~:ed. Finally, by a ma- ,jority decision, with two judges dis- lsenrting and three affirming`, the ;Court aillowed the appeal and has [decreed that the Ottawa Valley; {Power Company must be given a at Ipermitting it to bring; action against lthe Provincial Hydro in connection |wiith the repudiation by direction Qamd authority of the Provincial Leg`- 'isla4cure of the contract for the sup- Iply of electrical ene1'_9:_v which it hadl lwith the Provincial Hydro l l.< \l'l`1:]l. l'1'/we '.I\'!\IIL`!Il' flanl Jclpal anu COLlI`|E_V DOUICS. ' We believe that this is not in the initerests of economy or efficiency, as local bodies are more flzmiiliar with conditions and better able to judge the merits of how money should be spent, than some one in an office in Toronto. We believe, however, that county councils and municipal. coun- cils could and should be more effi- cient and more economical. Certain members of Simcoe County Council have been agitating for the com- bining of the officer of the Registrar and Surrogate Court Clerk, and cut-] itinig down on the expense in the Crown Atto1'ney s office, now under the control of the government. This, perhaps, could be done with- out impairing the service to the county. Those agitators for econ- omy, however, should start right in. rthe county council, if they are sin-I (`P7`P. I WANT SPECULATIVE WHEAT I MARKETING ELIMINATED me 1\or1.her1. Advance (Col. C. C. Porter) Wit.'h the speed appa1*en~t`_y sur- rounding the sale of the Mail and Empire, many are wondering: if tlzre was some imuvnce behind it fill . . vlwm o....,I.... 1..-;--..- n..\ ....1- _......l \ 5 WAS DEATH OF MAIL A TRICK OF POLITICIANS R141- The Sunday before the sale was announced, the mzmug-ing' director of the Mail brought from 21 conside1'- able distance 21 man for an import.- anee position on his editorial staff. l`he new e-mployce gave up a very fine connection in order to accept the more desirable job. He moved his i'ami1_v to T.o1-onto and begun work tlhree (la._\'s before the sale be- czune public property. Like a very considerable -number of the 400 Mail eniployet.-.~`, the new man found him- st,-`l out in the cold before he mun even drawn his 1'.s't cheque. Mail Chief in Dark Did the n1:1nag'ing' direcitor of .`.he Mail know znnything of the pending ubsorption at that time `I 01' c0'..u'5e he didn t or he would not have l)(3<:ll g'uil1_\' of such a cruel hoax. 'l`l1iu illn.-iv-i1.n.~ Han nnnun-.1 .-in-_ gUll`l_\' Ul SUCH 21 CYUUI HUHX. "his i11ustmt\cs the unusual cir- cumstzmc-<-.s` surroundin;__r the abs-o1'p~ tion. of the Consnwutivc: paper. I'nrHu-n-and 'l`n|-inc inciuf Hnuf H.hHn Ll0ll- 01 L111? \.aUII.\'|5l'VIH`LlV|,' [Jil})Ul'. J Imdignanit 'l`o1-ius insist that `ivtle circumstrances like ihris prove their contention that some powerful and unexpected development of a poli- tical character was responsible forl itlw midnight murder. Wi11:i.f 1-nnld if. `have hppn, fhnv any 'llll'.llU`ll`S Ill bIll5 way 1 Three days before Mi`tch" an his merry men were plunged into consternation by the announcement of M31`. Iarl Rowe them. he would make the provinee s new sepamte school tax Ieg`i. the issue in ` lizmt H=d.sting's. <...u.... AI..." `UH? lllllllllglll. lllUl'UEl'. Wlhwt could it have been, they ma: asking`, for the juggling of mming mi`.1iown|s in this way ? I '1`1au..n Jun. I-\n6'.u..\ 7\/TH:-Ix" ..n IXZIP/L II`-`(I-hL| lls. Sudden Alarm And, at the same time the Mc- Cu1`.aug*h combimation, scarcely warm in their new Globe castle, learned that promine-nt Conservative busi- nn,<,: man, nnvinnc nvm` H10 1'/m<'Lf.11rlp (SETH. Simcoe County Council is com- posed of 46 members and meets three times a year, ve days for each session. It is Well known. that the real work of county council is done by less than a dozen of the: members, who t-znke 21 real interest in the affairs of the county. With- out impairing the efficiency of the council, the number of representa- tives cou`d be cut down considerably with a saving` to the county. T?.rAn\'n \V .T C11nninahn111 nf` A1. LIRLL p1'UHlHl('1lL [JOSCl'V2l`|.lVU K)uSI' ness men, anxious over the lassittaude displayed by the party s big morn- Iing organ in the East Hast-inxgs by- `election, and its go-neral supineness concerning; the `Tory cause, were negotizutring with the Mo.n.t1'ea1 own- er of the .\Ia.il for immediate sale. "Uhe Globe owners discovered ow night that Toronto with its 750,000 population was too small to support two n1o1'ni-np;pape1':~'. 'l`11c. ~:c.- suddenly reveared economic conside1'a/(ions b1*ou,:ht out the shock troops. I u If \U5IQ in Hlzn H-uni 7\Tn \vnnHn1- ltdlllllg 511331."!-I. We are not asking: the taxpziyer of the East to subsdize us or 'any- hhing like that. All we ask is the opportunity to work out our own salyation. We contend that the costs of producrtion are kept up by certain government policies, under which it was possible to develop .semi-monopolistic industries, which 'were able by controllng supply to maintain the prices for all those necessities to the farmer in his busi- ness and his home, he said. lUl`Ul.l}.'[lll; ULl'L l/UL` SHOCK LFUUPS. It was just Iike that. No wonder the _ Ma.iI s manag'ing- director, ex- perienced journalist that he is, ever. ulent to keeping` an eicient staff around him, brought in a high priced man for -.1 new job on the] .eve of the paper s absorption. - nf nnln-an 11.. did nnf lznnxv :11` .\.`\e U] LHU [Jbl[)Ul`b 'IU4U1"pLlUll. Of course he did not know at that very time he and his men werv being sold down the river. And yet, for nine years he had been tho one link between bhe Montreal mil- Iionraiire owner of the Mai`. and his . VI-oronto journal. ! m.:..,1....... lZil'lI|Ul' 1'(. CClVlHg' EL UEllVEI'_V IJYICC and a part`icipa`tion certicate by which he would obtain an average nrir-p nvev `Hhn whnlp nf Fhp r-rnn..l 3"1`Ul UlL'-U JUUI'HU.l. ' Chivalrous And these men, who play with millions as newspaper men play with peen-nies, thought they were doing tlhe c`b.iva.lrous thing by giving: these 300 or 400 employees, whose lives Ihad been " devoted to malcing the |Mail a great daily paper, three or four weeks salaries and turning them out on the street. 'T`lnnn flu,` nnruxn 6'-`.u.n~.n:nm~ r...nn.-.,J farmer receiving a delivery price and n n2m1`ir-inzrfinn I-n1-ihir-aft: hv WHICH H8 WUUIU 0DE'llH an ilV(fl'21'gU' prxce over t-he whole of the crop- selhng season. I We nrn nnf. u:Lvh~m- H-1n fnvnznmv unem DUB OH Lne street. Then the same namciers pretend amazement when the pub`.ic suggests the whole miserable affair was mere- ly to prevent the M-21.i1 s voice being raised in protest during` the by- ielection in East Hastings. 1 ! T-T1111 Tf Han nnklichm-: nf Hnicn UIUCLIUXI. III 1311:1513 I.'laSTaI!Hg'S. ' Huh. If the publishers of this synthetic Globe-Mail crowd want tol print something rea`. int,erestin,g, that all will read, why don t they `mm a few pages of these lettersl they are now receiving-; from indig- nant subscribers of the throttled iI`for_v paper, ob.-erved one old To- ronto business man grimly in dis- cussing the scandal. I141 21 saving L0 Lne count) . Reeve W. J. Cunningham, of Al- ]i. had a resolu-ion prepared to place before the session last week in reference to this matter, but ow- ing to so much other discussion on the last day, he did not introduce it. If members of the county coun- rii are sincere in wanting to econ- omize without impairing efciency, they would support the resolution, which reads : \V1nm.m~.,. aL,...- :.. n_..,...,.L-..+ LL- Midland last week received cheques for the g'ove1'mnen.t grant to the schools. The amount for the public schools is $100 less than last year, while that for the separate schoo-` is $159 more than for 1935. cannot burn the skin. Limber upl Quit complniuingl Get a small trial bottle from your drug- gist, and in just a moment you'll be free from rheumatic and sciatic pain, soreness, stiffness and swelling. Don't suffer! Relief awaits you. Old. honest St. Jacobs Oil" has relieved millions of rheumatism su'erers in the last half cenlnrv. and is just as good for sci- atic.-: neuralgia, lumlxmo. lmclcnche, [prams and swellings. G What's Rheumatism? Pain only. Stop drugging! Not one case in fty requires inn-rnal treatment. Rub soothing, pcm:tr:nin;,v "St. Jacobs Oil" directly upon the "tender spot" and relief comes instantly. `St. Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheumatism and sciatica liniment, which never disappoints and cannot burn the skin. Limixm-unl f\..+ ..,......1..:..x.....I r`..4 A Rub Rheumatic Pain, ' Soreness, Stiffness 1 Rub Paln right out with Imall ` trial bottle of old St. Jacobs on." ] urnxusuxu A 1.215 Solicitor for obtaining probatte 01 will, guardianship and administration and General Solicitor, Notary Con` veyancer, etc. MONEY 'l`n T.nAT\T CAMERON & CAMERON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. I I: f\.._.__ no I'),_ -An I GORDON FOSTER BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY CONVEYANCING, ETC. ` MONEY T0 LOAN `Office, 3 Owen St., Barrie Phone 69 GORDON LONGMAN [BARRIS'l`ER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY 1 ETC, -SSLIGITORS, NOT- ARIES PUBLIC & CONVEYANCERS .`lVB government. We, the members of Simcoe County Council, realizing that as efective results could be ob-adned from a 1-e-org'anized council, would recommend to the Department of Municipal Affairs the following pro- posal : HVIY. .... IJ __,,_., `,7 .77.. _ v_____, .. v--. .._.-.--.v..;. Money to loan in any sums at lowest current rates. 18 Owen St. - Barrie D. M. Stewart C. D. Stewa LDLIUUCQDUL DU \JLCBVVJ.l)I\U 01: 131111 BARRISTER, SOLJCITOR, ETC MONEY TO LOAN 064:... D... 121-..]. n_....:- ....-.. en. -av-.1 BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOT- ARIES PUBLIC, C)NVEYANCERS ET . Mn..- 5.. I -.._ -+ I ..... _. n_., U-`I`1`1`L/ID: 16 UW.K1ai\ 5-1`. In the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto. ` Branch Ofce, Elmvale, Ont. W. A. Boys, K.C. J. R. Boys u. .....,.._.u "1`Zf{R1sTERs `Solicitors in High Court of Justice Notaries Public, Conveyancers Money to loan at lowest current rates. Ofce: 1st Floor Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrie. C, T-T, Flstnn `M L! `PM-an I5 G. H. Esten .- \JAI-A_lLVsA-1.0 .n4AA\I|.l\JJ.\ILt`|J Motor Ambulance in Co nection Open day and night drgue and Chapel in connection. Established 1869 .Dl..._- no n_..._:- n-. I 1 2 hh` Ref v\r\a--`\J4-I \lAVhJ, ;.4a.\ ., Barrie. Phone 406. 1-nuvvaxy ...A - IN . -. AVLUAVLI 1U LUAN Ofcez Masonic Temple Bldg. wmcn reaas : Whereas there is throughout the count1'_v g'ene1'a`.ly a strong` feeling that we have too much government and reductions should be made. PnQ1vnn fLn.4- nnnndnv ..,u.u...'1.. nxu. Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest. OFDDIFD. 19 n\*n1r~: cm Mbney to Loan Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrie D. F. McCUAIG, B.A. Successor to Creswicke & Be`.1 AD'DTcVrn17\'n nr\7 1-n~nnn~n `am 1v1u1\u:.x 1U LJUAN Ofce: Ross Block, Barrie. STEWART & STEWART |11`I'!Vr'I'\11Y\r1 nnv vnvmnnm - ALEXANDER COWAN BARRISTER L-.. 1- OI IIIKOYGSI. O-`FFICE: 13 OWEN ST. 43 nrnrvcoe Pnwnnnul u v n n n . . .. G; G. SMITH & C0. FUNERAL DIRECTORS TO LOAN veyancer, etc. MONEY TO LOAN . M .... .:.. 'I"..__I I! ha zulu reuucnlons snoum be made. Realizing that county counmls are a very small part of our exces- sive government. WP 1'}-in rnnn-Juno: 1-.4-` Q31-nn,.n ESTEN & ESTEN . -my-.-...-..---.... mun PRINTING msoulnsmeurs BOYS. & BOYS We carry a full line of Constables and Coroners` Farm and House Leases. Loo) over your requirements and place vour or.ler with the Advance. The Northern Advance is equipped to handle A1lKinds of Printing from a Business Card to a Catalogue. 3usm*e`ss Di`rtt.r y Nnrthrrn Ahnanre Printers in Barrie since 1847 IL rates. Stewart yuuuu . We would propose a county coun- cil of reeves only. The chairman of four or five of the most important committees would form what we will call a. Board of Control; they would meet and form estimates and plans `to submit to the county council, with