gnnmrs rmsr GRAMMAR SCHOOL STARTED IN 1843 u.::xn; I Evans. I ` \X7,. !I-`:11-Inor 'l7111'eate11s A Legal , Action; Pzlymont Dm- , - Z. 1 hr): \/UUHCH. Reeve Cramp, addressing the council. members on the nding'.< of his committee and -the lack of satis- faction gained from -a visit to the legal offices in `the parliament build- ings, I`oronto, reg-;ardin'g the amal- f.g;amation of the registrar of deeds and the surrogate clerk, assai`.ed the office of registrar of deeds, saying tha it is purely a matter 01' politi- cal patronage. Money for Ocean Trips I 'l`o the knoWl0dg`c of Mr. Cramp, ltl1e1'(.*g`ist)`11"S position a"orded a [good salary and plenty of leisure 'tim,. for trips and ocean vo_\v'a_':e-5. oHe claimed it was a rank inju.~'fice ithc pl:-lying out of money by the [council for which they received no- lthing: in return. `The ziiiizilgaiiizltion of these ' two` ofces would save thousands of 'lr;l ars, the Orillizi rceve said, but as no s:z1tisfaction could be obtained from the provin- cial heads, the scone)` the county council asserted its authority the better the nancial condilion of the county would b!-. 'm.,\ run ..,m...4 -z- .v, -:uunL_v would 0!". T=he full repom of H10 committee follows : Con1m1t1e0---Rem'c (,`,1':unp, cl1:1ir `.`.::'n; C. D. S`.e\\'z11`t and E. J. xflvans. uc1_\ usea oy a gentzleinnun address imr; the county council during the Tuesday afternoon session, Reeve W. Cramp, Orillia. as chairman of the committee reg`zu`ding' adjustments, Department of Justice, used it as the part played by the Provillcu of Ontario, not `the Simcou County Council. n.m.,,. Hcaring the term 11ig'hw:x_v rob- bery used by gentzlemnun mg` countv nnnm-il rlnv-Ihrr Hu- "id iil ' . Hm'kness' by the Finrxnce Eight Pa ges uuuc. um expense or mO`t`l1l`S al- lowance had increased from $38,615 last year to $51,322 this year, chief- ly due to nio3t'l1ers with one child be- in_-_-- included. The cost. of old age pensions had jumped from $25,094 to $33,156. There were now 21.`) old Argo pensioners in the county, an increase of 85 during` the past year, and expenditure on this service amoun-t-ed to about. $1,000 a day, the county bearing 10 per cent. _One bl`lQ`l1tSinni' in Hm "`.,`+"r\ wumy nearing 1U cent. brigrht spot in the picture was a reduction of $40,000 in the bank. ow:'d1`;:t and a reduction of $20,- 000 in road expenditures. For the first time that the warden remem-. hers the road commititiee had kept within the estimate. I Q .__,_.__. lJ*`l' on we W111 De. ' In 1935 hospitalization cost the] county $56,322.89, while this year it< is $39,516.79, an increnase of $3,- 193.90, and it is g'oin._<: up all the time. The expense of mothers al-l I 3:51.322 this vnm (`1'I:nF_ by uunuy wI:`.'s in good health. The high cost of social services was getting to be a serious prob- lem, said the warden. The rate- payers who are footing' the bills are having a hard enough time to keep going without paying` for other people, he said, refe1'1'in'g to hospi- talizzution costs. The sooner we put the clamps` on those who t.he Jninute they become ill, look for e one else to pay their bill, the (utter off we will be." I T11 10241,\.. -- -- !The fall session of the Simcoe County Council opened on Monday aternoon, with Warden John S. Drinkwater presiding; In welcoming Ithe members to the last session of the year, his worship was glad to report that no deaths had occurred since the last session and the coun- ty family wizvs in good health. hiiirh r-ngi` nf an:-in] L-nxvtrinnr Cha1'te.1'0d At-.(ro11ntants to Audit '.l.`1'eas111'e1"s Books for 1937. Warden Hits at Mountir;gA` Cost of Social Services}; In a. paper given at a meeting of he Simcoe Historical Srmiotv nnu V0]. XC. No. 39. Oldest 1 Paper in the County uuuun. mu: c\.u\.rUA. I It was estabiished in 1843 (whu:.1 I District Schoo7 was its t.i and bv 2 the Act setting apart the District an \ a-Lnual grant of 100 was made to- 2 wards its support. Frederick Goroi was ' i`:=t. head nmster. underl( vs'hoscR,u'e I was placmi in the fol-|( lowing'yt-ax`. The school was then H hrld in the mos`. (`21.~'t!`I`]_\' room of!( the ('ou1*. House, on th:- ;.':roundl] oor--rth:it later occupied by Col. } Blaming, Lhe Country Clerk. Gore lived at that time in a long, C low whim hmi.<~ .~mm-whcrn hqt\\'r_-on 1\Iujo1* Ro_:u_1`.~ 1'o.<. dr T.('(? and .\Izn'_v i, __. St.rL<`t. The cellar of the house next j, `he Sixncov Br`-\vm'_\'. now owned by M1`. Geo. Cook, \vzx:< being then dug by John Pearson. :1 carpenter. who` built the i11`v.I.~ -- i>_`.` Iif"_".'-L`.~`--~'.`H(i ?n-. to it. \\"n. n <'(Wf:`,pi1'I-(i. Mr. Gore? mow-d with hi: hn:i1`d(-1'.~`. This \\'u.< the .~ vonri nrir.-k h<:u.~*(~ it`. {hp town` at Hm! tinw thu r\`i~ T 1 v hm'n.r . nn\.4.. (Continued on page t.hree\ COUNTY COUNCIL """.'F) (Continued on page ve) y Nnriljeru Ahnmwe 1847 ` i The automobile was still capable of locomotion, but in the estimation lof the officer, there was rerally only , }the windshield and body left. The` driver of the anicent mode`, Wilfred . 'Pilke_v, 'I`hormon stone mason, wasl hailed into B:u'rie police court afteii `being stopped .vhile behind the wheel l of the Overland on Nov. 17th; near Etlonvnle. Driving: the cm` him- I `. .thr* ofli(-'-1' found it was a men-l mum and . Pilkey. i :`l1l_L"':.\'Il`.".I" J4-.`l'.~` n-r-rl Pilkey 310! and (- ', 'mmnrn`nn- :n H Al nu LuIll'L b uL`L'()uHLS owmg ml `tlx.-'.t it \vz::- his only means of ` portation. ! J` 1 Thu license n`.a1'ke)`s of the Imobile were u"`o called in am ;whon thw car is put in good !will they bu r.-iurned to the {of `the vehicle. l I Premier Hepburn said last Fn'da_v:i (We will not go to the country in[ '1937 and there probably wil`. be at legislature session in 1938 before we -appeal on our record." I SEVEN MAJOR I-`AULTS, BUT CAR STILL OPERATES] I Claimed by Traic `Officer Car; penter, of Collingwood, to have seven fzrulls which made it a public, menace on the highways, including , it very slack .vteerin'g apparatus, no brakes, no lights, no horn, no muf- fler, no clutch and rubberless tires, an Overland car of 1924 vintage: will likely go to the junk pile years` after the first call. I nu ,,..,,_. -\.._. ..r,,.uv\,u u; aaluc. L0 remark: '"1"h1s is a damn sighfW?_U'd0H 1 The amendment to we Hospital better than}, got` when I worked out beln.` ma Act of 1931, which provided that ", 3 f``""" A 3"g""d that th:`_YmdenS 0 am. m"mCipam_\. payin.g. an account 1 pr1son,2rs weye well treated so far as l`J-`ohn Car] in CW0). could 1.ec0\.m. the Sum 50 to-days dmner was concerned.vEdE` Dllttf paid from the 1nuni<-i_nali.t_x' propm"_v . "Th0-`E `V110 b_"`{k he 13W C_3m`0t "X" vanes ` responsible. brought up ihe question 199 to be T"""`3ked Whe 1 5- ~ a`~ immberS' of \-:hethe1' or not York Count_v[- could 1'0covn1' the money paid after tho date of this amodndmen`t. `I mijh mggf gpanu by that county. W. A. Boys, I{.C., country solicitor, acting for uthvis county, after much negotiation, was {able to arrive at a settlement Where- by Simcoe County pay $1,500 and [the . s fee of $100 in full p:~;_\'mentt, with no further costs. | Reeve Cnrlfnn -..nm-+:.A ..+ mt-.. . mx. ueu. noun, \\'u:~` 00111;: then dug who 1uv.I:'-- In- to \\"n...': cotztplr-Iv -(1. Gore .-vcoml m(-k Town that. rim`-. the o`.l`.or lwinq :1 part of Ilw l1ou.~<,- now owm.- and occu- pied by M)`. H:1l`p(')'. 'l'l1(-so fwo h011.<~.<. \\'it.l1 :1 .~:n:xll ;:nt_\' in \\'l2l('ll n. fnmu u.....,.,: n Ir - -- uk 1:: .1.'I\"l rlme)` 'xmountI:n_2' in mu; all to ca.~`t.~', $13.25 rnd . his license for !and l . A l Icn rla_v.<. ll)` ve days 1n _9r:1ol. P1]-I .ko_\- p`cudrAd ;:u1lt._\' and stated hel l{l1:"\'.` tl1- cm` :0 be In no t Candi-E .tion to km on the road, but . zltn` Hm was going north t.o\v:ml Moaford to collect accounts owmg mm and tlmt tran.=- ` nortzttion. I '3-"-'_" ` pL'._\llH.`ll'l., VVIIII further Reeve Carlton 1-L-ported at Mon- days session -that the committee de- cided the settlemen`t entirely satis- factory and approved -of same. TL.. `-_4~ "-~ `- ` "' iton, Beeton, was chairman, was ap- .pointed to inve.~:tig'ate the case. IT`he nding` of this committee was that the patient had not been :1 resi- }.dent of Simcoe County under the ;Hospi-tal Act. Action was then `taken iby York County in the Supreme `Court of Ontario to recover the sum ,pazid by that Boy_s., |K.C., country solicitor. actms-' fnr Hm ,_.-- i I A commitvtee, of which Reeve Cali} 1 u,,u:u.v )U irom Lne County of Sim-' .coe. The patient was admitted to the "I`oront~o Hospital for Consump- tives on Dec. .19, 1928, fro-m York :Count_\', and his account paid till August, 1935. `The County of York ,then learned that this patient had. .liv<-cl in Simcoe County shortly be- fore being` sent to the `Toronto hos- ,pital. The account was sent to Sim- coe County Council and at the No-I ivc-mber session, 1935, a delegation` from York County Council appeared in an endeavor to regain the money which they clsarimed had been paid in error. - `The County of York for the past! yea)` htas been endeavoring to collect] a hospimbal account amounting tol $3,,670.50 from the County of Sim- ;C08. TIN D21f,iPnf. \\'.'I< nrhniH-uri Mal ESETTLE wum YORK ? ; coumva $15001 I)isp11Ivd 'Hos})if;1I A-\v<-011111` of $23,670.50 'l.`;1k0n `[0 R11p1'e1ne Court. u1u.'uun.s. I According; to rumor there will be several changes in the town council. Mayor H. G. Robertson is again aspiring to the oice anld will prob- ably get it without opposition. Reeve C. D. Stewart has intimated that he is retiring from the coun- cil. Many will regret his, as he has now an intimate knowledge of mun-g icpal matters and is highly reg'ard-- ed in the county council. Deputy- Reeve Wiles will be in the eld for reeve should Mr. Sitew`-a"rt decide to quit. For deputy-reeve, Ald. Mills will be an aspirant. We understand that Ald. Shepherd and Ald. `Tuck! have intimated that they will not seek re-election. I Qnlnn. hnvuv 1\1f\P\IJ -31! L`l_-..V1`---- suck n:-elecltloll. Some/ new blood will, therefore, have an opportunity. I I I Nominations for the offices of `Mayor, Reeves and Aldermen for the town council, members of the Board of Education and a Commissioner for the Electric L.i'g'-hrt and Water- works Department wil`. be held in the Collegiate Auditorium on Fri- ,d1ay night at 7.30 o clock. One hour Iwill be allowed for receiving nom- inzrtions. Annnu.-l.'..... J... ........_.. LL... -11 I I , 3 {MUNICIPAL NOMINATIONS ' : FRIDAY NIGHT,_ NOV. 27th I occu) the IN .. ( ! "!W'Y} .a1'kers auto- o and only sthzxpe! urnc-d to the mrnm-I iulll Jys, this was 2re- and on- LtlS- ital ;hat u nt .14 y ion , - gwus inau;:u1`ute(l last year and t';a`kes' Men1be1's of the county council the place of the annual banquet to visited the county gao`, to-day as theithe warden, and is the concluding noon meal was being served to soci'a'l function of the November ses- satisfy themselves that he p1-isonelvs sion each year. The pa1't_\' left by were not being starved as the report bus in the (`2l1".V' Plft<`1'n00n- of the grand jury would imply, At the conclusion o-f the morning Sheriff Drury and Supt. Garrity ac- session Warden J. S. Drinkwater was companied the councillors and show-*|D1SY1t8d Wit'h 11 lZ`01d W3-tch and ed just what each prisoner gets for `chain from members of the council. dinner. One councillor was heard|Th9 P1'05nt'r* Ei0 '35 made b.V 0*. to remark: This is damn sight!Warden Ed. Coombs, brief remarks-' than I ' being` made by the two other ex- on A11 the`\varden.s of this _\'ear s council. Reeve prisoners were |`J 0hn Ca1`1 f0a Of B99150, and Reeve `to-da_V s conce;-ned,.Ed. Dutton, of Wctoria Harbor. _-rrhose break tghe law cannot Canes were distributed among the per-t picnvicked in zao`. !mC'mbT5- -six-1h annual Chm-tel` Night last `The Barrie Lions Club held their `evenng in the American Hotel, with 'members, tlheir wives and grlleslts as- sembling: for the social event. `The greater part of the evening enter- tainment was taken up wiivh the ban-I quent -zmd the various `toasts, and ad- dresses. Dancing concluded the pro- gram. Oscar E. Shank. president of the club, acted as `toastmaster. I Pnlln\xn'no~ fl-m .+nuc+ tn +1.. I.':..". zuevn none U_\' Ine Club In 1936. `S11-, :\l;1i]()).v)` 11-c Past P1'osi Gordon Lon_u'mzm tho ('l()'{- of his addressed the c-ziiididutc-.< to the j f:.\'})-l'lf'l1C(* was th Lions (`lub on the merits of ser-Yuko;i thn body vice :and said that ,\'(r_\' member of |;~_mou.= ju. of :1 Lions organization was expected to rou:'I'.< of those (' serve in the carijnpr out of benets of _iud,r:r.- we] to loss fortpnate people of different teams over what lcommunit-ies. Maurice Park. Alvin , be imp ..: trail lliianmer, P. A. Sinclair and B. W.: Mr. .\Ialion<-_v s `Ev IJennett were received as candidates, , by the people of I "I`he toast to Lions International ;Tho address was _. iwas proposed by Frank W. Dobson, `which told graphh iPas4t Deputy District. Governor, who ` the early days in [outlined the work of the clubs. in- very barren coun tternationally and compared their Solos were ri work with the famous old hymn, i Gwendolyn Lamb Bless Be the Tie -that Bdnds. and Morton Knox. The toast was responded to by concluded with d: we CIUD, acted Ioastmaster. Following the toast to the King`. `the toast to `tihe ladies by J. R. Cole- yman, chairman of the Charter Com- `mittee, was responded to by Mrs. R. ]s. Atkey, president of the Ladies |Auxiliary. A. F. Pugh, past presi- ident, proposed the toast to the sis- Lfer organization, the Kiwanis Club, `which was responded to by W. J. ?Craip:, on behalf of the Kiwzzinis. }ln\ nr H C Pnlnnv-fcnn n-r} (Inna :x,r-mg, on Denali 01 tne I\1\~.":mis. Ma_vor H. G. Robertson paid spec- yi:-1` tributue to the work of the Bar- `riv: Lions Club in (he town, and he `D)`0])O.( (`i the toast to the club. Prosidc-nt Shank responded and grave` ;an outline of the work which had! `been done by the club in 1936. V Pna Du-n.-:l.r.n+ (`_,....-1,... T...~....~-.~- v.u\,\.u.n. 5 I-Iron. Earl Rowe, who was to have ' been the main speaker, senit word 5 that owing to by-election activities, 7 he would be unable to be present. "Pinch-l1ittin'g' for him were three of ' Barrie s standby Conservatives, J. F. Craig, J. F. Jackson and Major Knowles. Several from Innisl al.- so spoke, including Frank Beatty. Lennox Black, Ji'o_hn Cook and Fred (Peacock. They voiced the opinion that lie Liberal Govern-men`t would take the worst trimmim: it had ever _ had in Innislil, a township that had._ 'never yet failed a Conservative `candidate. ` - 1 { J. F. Craig` took the oppoi-tunity, The first he had had since he ran `as Con candidate in the rid Q in: in the provincial election, fol] i thank the people of Innivsl for thvl] Isupport they had given him. He ; hoped the same wl1ole-hearted support , ' would be _ to the next candidate whoever he `may be. Mr. C1'ai_<.:i pointed out the dilferent outlook of`- the Con.~:e1-vative pm-by in O'nt;:irio~} Instead of it being merely a mantel I zlof re~election, it was a bitter figln J :|to regain the position that was lost. ; n|Ho\vever, the Conservatives of 011- 1 Ln-in r:I1'n u~nln'nn- 11v\ rm..." I ( 1 ;Lions. Club Observe { Sixth Charter Night COUNTY COUNCILLORS WERE IN GAOL TO-DAY 1 | l vuu-1oz'.1'e walcmg up. '1`-hey were lulled to imli"e1'once by so mzmy years in office. Now with :1 mm loader in the 5'ouZhfu` liurl Rowe, strong: in the ince1'e. of his people, courageous .in the face of adversity and ya in rne1',r:_\', we will l1a\'<.- to get be- hind ln's able lezztlership and -_4'i\' Ihim the boo:'_t nece:;sar,v, declared n a. paper gxven at meeting of` the Historical Society on April 28th, 1892, the late Judge Ardagh rr-cui`ed some interesting facts about Ban-i<".< early history. Rahm an M D...-..:r. r`--.---.----- Innisl Consematives held an en-i H. T. Cli` and G. C. `Temple-,i ,thu5ja5tic meeting in the Stroud|lme`n`1.be1'-5 01' the Ontario Ski Zonel ]O1`ang'e Hall Monday night, 200 ' Conimittee, were in Barrie on Friday `gg'aJth~erinlg' to elect the 1937 slate of last and after inspecting` the hill: officers of the Innisl Conse1'vat,ive.2round the Allandaile golf course, Associamion, The en/musigsni, ac-!a_g;reed that they would make idhal ' cording to several of the speakers, [ ski courses. In the evening a meet- could be taken as an awakening of 1118` W35 held in the Lib1'31'Y H31`, the people, and their rallying to the when Mr. Cliff outlined the benerts standard of Hon. Earl Rowe. ' Of Skiing`; D0'l11*tiI1?.` 01113 that it Was Arthur Little was the choice for purely an aInlateu1'spo1't- With mov- president; for the coming year and ing pictures he illustrated its many will be assisted by the following rl features. `lsrt v;...._D..M;,i,,..:~ 1.._ 7..:.:...-... mi. ..mnt:..-. .l.e.._,. . .. lbL'clXl.U?ll'(1 O-I non. 128.11 KOWB. I following: lsrt Vice-Presiden , Jas. Latimer; 2nd Viice-President!`-, Alf. webb;[ Secretary, H. M. Stewart; Treas- urer, Wm. Ingram. C. Grose, .. member for sixtylyears, and Wm. Grose for fty years, were made honora1'_v members of the Associa- tion. The president and vice-presi- dents will appoint the executive ofcers. vv V. . .. ` LITTLE HEADS INNISFIL TORIES I . Barrie, Ontario, Thursday, November 26, 1936 um posluon mat, lost! waking They nHim>_ ' \~u1'K wmcn nan` Inndidntnc +n Hm` llkiblf. to King,` V Iharter , u.'nn: (`Ink very Darren country. rendered by Nliss 1Gwendo'yn Lambert, of Newz_narkc~t,, The evening was t dancing` 7 I LUV DKXVTIU ctut). I Mich-zrel Mahoney, past. president of the Ottawa Lions Club, and much- in demand as a guest speaker by service organizations, was introduced lby R. S. Artkey, who stated Mr. MIa- | honey hiad heeded the old saying 01 Go West, Young Man, Go West." Mr. Mahoney did 20 west. and j0il`l(,`(i in the trail which led to the gold elds of the Yukon and Alaska at he age of 18. NIT`, Nfslhnncnr +4-JR n4` -LL,` L.....J Hz11'1'_V E. L2lmb('1't, District Govex'nm'. Dist1'ict S:-cretzugv. Frank Courtney, of .\'(,-xwnaktht, responded to the toast [to Zone Six, which was proposed by R. S. Leishman, v1'ce-p1'csident of the Barrie club. I 7-.:r:,.k..mI /'l\l\I\VI \IV .._-.. _., -2 H : can) mawry. -$~\.\A) uuuun. ya: I Being" an old Barrie Grammar School boy. hut honor thoumht it fit- ting that he should say something about the school. .u A___ V A ,1... . . .n... we age OI 16. Mr. Mahoney told of the hard- ships of the men who answered to the call of sudden riches, leaving civi]izat ion to enter :1 new ]it'r- of which t,hc-y knew nothing . His ex- periences were many and varied, two of the most outstanding` bring an eye witne.'~'s of the shooting of Dan :McGrew. mmlo fnmnm ha D.-.114 w I 1:336 wntncss 01 Inc shootm_2' of Dan i!\`IcGrrw. made famous in Rom. W, Fm'vir".~ norm of that tith-, \{`hi('h rucitn,-d by 1~rquo.~`t .. . u(id1'(:.<.<. .-\no1hm r:.\'prrir-nce the inking: out of th' iYuknn bod) of Judgv Hump. She United Staies !('0L!!"'[`.~` Of '.`.}1n.<{- (luv: 'I`11n \`nn\u:n. mmuu: _|u. or me United States (lays. T110 rmnain: were carried by dog were thought to imp';.v.<.=ible- trails to Seattle, wh(.-ro :I\Ir. lfahont-,\"s `feat was recognized bv tho nnnnlp nf` -Hm TTn;+m! c.+v...,.. I-`UV -`1i1h0m'.\"s feat ,b_v the United Softatcs, ;T}`I0 address was i11n,<-M-n+mi hu c1;rh.c ,u_\ -uv- pcupu: U1 Lne UHIEQG UFSICS. {The j1lu.1'2'uto(l `by s`ides' `wh-ich graphically of the life of `the what was then a country. Solos won: rnndnrm-I 1-." ML... , _____ Men1bm's of tho Simcoe County Council `arttended the Roya` Winter Fair in a body Wedne. afternoon and I-venvinyr. The trip to the fair ;\\'as last `the =the Af f}-to nnnnln ?nn n4` LL- .-..~-.-1--- I {FORMS OF GOVERNMENT ,` DISCUSSED AT Y FORUM An analysis of the forms oi} `government now ope1':m'11g in Rus~:ia. i |Ital_v and Germany was pm-.s'Cnted by rthree members of the Young: Men s Forum at the Y.M.C.A. last| uSunday evening`. FoI`.owin','2` this. 1-hr 5 ch'z:1`acto1`..e`LIc.`< of soci:;!i. w-1' out I alined and 21 compzu-i. made 01' llthem all. g IJm.1-. Qmul. ..-..-.-A J r` un:uIUIl_v cuzu'2u:e1'1sr,1cS OI each. Next Sunday evening, sta1`t~'in_z` at 8.45. the Forum will receive a re- port nn our own form of govern- ment by Cl1i:n'li(= \Vzi.lke1'. This will be fo`.lowe(l by a discussion of the: weaknosses and st1'm1;2`tl1 df demo-3` cra?c`:_v~-"m comparison with the types! (of _2`c\'c1'n1n0nt E\l1`Cll(l_\ discussed. I - Th" Forum is open to all young men of town. It is held in the` Y.M.('..-\. hllllll1')`Ia' ;n _\ii.,.m1.,i,. ; mum an. I Herb. Smith 1`epo1`t(-(1 on (`ammun- ism, Albert 'I`:1_v1or p1'r-.<.-nt.(-d I<`a;~'c- ism, and David Hutchin_;'.< out`ined Socialism. Lloyd Merrill, leader 0! the Forum, developed 21 c1-iticzrl comparison of 2111 three forms of g'ov`_e1'nment, emphasizing: the ele- me131.bar_V c11zn'uce1~istics of each. NPX+ g1H1(1n\7 rxxvovnrr nn--h'nr- 1-` |uL _-_r<;vc1'1111w11t a11'e:1(1_v (nscussed. the Y.M.(,'..-\. building in Allzmdale zmd' opens at 8.45 o cIock M011 Sunday evening. 'l`m\*n had Many Fires in Early Dzfysz Eartllqlmkn in 1870. I COUNTY COUN(Fl-I-..-LORS PAY F VISIT TO ROYAL WINTER FAIR r F,&llAQC\Jo An organizing committee was ap-I pointed, which included V. R. Fin- lay, D. F. MacLaren, Thos. Rich- mo-nd, H. D. Shepherd, Miss Mar- gareit Srtewart, Sgt.-Major T. Wallis and Fligiht-Lieut. Tennant, with Bill Gilbenbs as secretary pro tem and Mr. Finlay as chairman. It was decided by this committee to put on a drive for membership, and Chairman Fin-lay, with D. F. MacLaren and Secretary Gilberts,' were appointed to arrange for skil courses at the Allandlale go-lf links. Another meeting will be held soon when permanent officers and com- m.itt;ees~ will be elected. V l .l.6aL1l1'S. I The meeting was called by the [Business Men s Club to discuss the :['ormam'on of 21 Ski, Club in Barrie. and with over fifty int'e1'ested in this. winter sport. p1'e. it was fell thlat such a club could easily be or- ganized. Ar. nunwaniuinm ,.n.u...:4..LA_ .....a r-- `ORGANIZING SKI i ~ CLUB IN BARBIE; .11 um '`-W1 ' H are stall to py mittee P]`"`'t 0` Brshipy the 1851 F.!h'dS "10! lberts, 1 from {h 01. fan COD-I we yea 500:] ! I`]1e t'o\\ C0m_`and the g`e'tting; , could m I >RuM: ........ ---j I A cu:-hrr; pzmy to raise funds fori the Y l l0('l-(I.-_\' ir:.n: will be held in the Orangv Hall, Allzmdale, next. .\\ c nigrht, Dec. 2nd. It {planned to have a lively community singnsong after refreshznents are served. `Tho charge is 25c each and it. is hoped this new club will be xriven the support of all the euchre enthusiasts of the town. Further information n1e::'y be had from the Y.M.C.A. office. Dr. W. C. Gilchrist, Ori1lia s old-I est: active medical mtzxctitioner, cele- brated his 751111 birthday `ast Week. He is still going` strong and has nn initenrtion of re-tiring for some iime yet. Dr. Gilchrist is a native 01 vom towmhip and has i'~';.~.i(!c in Orillia for 48 years. . Aug 1'lg'llLS. The Island has an area of about 42,200 square niilcs. Its coast line much indented ::'ud only the coast was inhabiited till :1 short time :1;-:0. Labrador was :1 bone of contention for a. long: time, Quebec claiming rights. By :1 judg;n1enL of [the Privy Council about ten years Iago. Newfoundln-.:nd was ,:i\'<-n the ;righ'f to not only the sliing; rights I on the coast, but to xnost of the in- . terior. It was an area of some 100,000 squ:m.- mi`cs, but most of it is nnde-v(=lopr.-d, though rich in nartural resources. Nm.~Pn.m,l1.....,: 1...... .. -.~..vnuA_ V- um. u 1'21 1 resou 1'CS. Newfoundland has a population of. about 260,000, living mostly on the coast. The interior is rich in tim- ber and minerals, and as these are developed settlers are ndinvg their way inland. They are an indus- trious people and" if given a fair chance will make good an-ywhere. F`ishin-9: is the main occupation dur- ing" the summer. In winter they build boats, knit, t2'up.=,, haul wood for building and fuel. Some 2:0 out 01 the country, f`1m!ing.;' work at var- ious places. lz:va1'iubI_\' you will nd Newfoundlzinders on corfs't1'uc- lion work, as they are skilled work- men and don t mind climbing-up in the air. 'l`h(-_v zm.-. how cliavnrlish as the Scotch. and like to get back home. I T<`ial-uihnr :.. +1. .....:.. :..,n.._..._. ..u xgct oacx nome. l Fishing` i.= the main indu.. and. that means cod shing`. The _\'(~m'l_V: value of the cod is around 5424.000.- OOO. `Then `there is the cod oil, vu=`ued at two and a hi"lf million,_ and the ht.-1'i'ing' at :1 million and a~ half. `The sezzl L-v.1r:l1 in tho m'.1rl_VT spring` is an important and thrill- ing; cxpcrit.-m-v-. ."!::- .`<-'_-:1`-` vom` heldfin this county and would be 21% goo}, advertising` card. Reference was nade to the Orillia Te1'1'i01`s and their splendid work in winning the -Mann Cup for the last three years. These boys were \\'orth_v of some re- cognition for the honor t-hey had brought to the county. Referring` to the T-B restricted area czunpzlig-'n, the canvass was n-:.n-l_\' completed in South Simcoe, and North Simcoe would have to;' get busy. He impressed on the` councillors the necessity of doing: all' they could to get a true expression from the armers, as it was of vita` importance zn'.- - - EUCHRE TO RAISE FUNDS , FOR "Y" HOCKEY TEAM- |n1s`I.o1`y, past and present-. ; The Ishamd was discovered in 1497, {by John __C_a.bgt__,and his son and; claimed for King Henry VII. lt was first known as llln: l l(:\\'-ll0L1ll(l-lzllld, hence the name. The King gave . Cabot a present, and it xwis record- ed To him thzvt found the lsle, 10. It was not colonized, how- cvc-1', till 1691. The Fl'(.`l1L l1, Por- and for a time strove for supremacy. \'e.=.'~'e~`;< from all tl1L~s<: coun-tries ttzguese and Spanish also laid claim came every summL-1' to sh in the .shallow watt-rs of the Grand Banks.` B)` the treaty of Urquhart in 1716: England was given sole possession, but F1`-ainct.- was given cr.-rtain sh- ing rig*ht.s. 'l'l1r.x lerlnrnl lane nn an-.-., AP ..L.,...4 R ".\Iewf.'oundl:'nd" was the subject]! iof an i11t421'(esti11:_v` and informative! |'2`.Lidl'(,`.~'.\` at I{iw:u1i.< Monday nig'h1| ;b3 Von. Archdeacon Moulton. It is Ia name that many do not know how `to pronounce, said the speakelzu 'lhc-re should be a slight emphasis] on the lust syI z1bI0. A native oil ;\'<:wfo`und]aml, Archdeacon Moultorn '2 `f:llYlnin1` \xIH 1-1 nvnv-U v-(kn:-n n4~` (Ln .<.-wxountnzlnu, .-xrcntleacon .\1oult,orn `- famillar with every phase of its history, past and present-. Thn Tslmuhd was: rliannvnvml in 1,100 {NEWFOUNDLAND 3 : ULDEST coumv; CDZUICC. The town pu1`cl1i:2`sed the Gas Plant and issued debentures 1-unninig' for ten years, payable in annual instal- ments, of which two years payment still owing. The town will have!` ceases to opemte or not. In last eight years the Gas Plant lhas more than paid its way, apart .from the d<=bvntu1'e payments. If it can con-Linue to do this for the next ltwo years, why c`0. it up now '21 v town will not 5.,rain a11_\'1;liing-',l~j` land there may be 121- possibility ofv some one to opcrzvte it whof make it pay. E `to in full, whether the Gas I -- 1 \(`ll. ;\I'('}l(1(`:1(-0|] .\lu11I1uIl ])Cs(-1'i1)0s lslzllld :11 Ki- \`x':uIis C1111). ;.5Department Refuse to Amaigamate Offices A taxp=;'.'yer 01' the town, ii1te)'c.~=t- ed in the welfare of `the town, does not ': .f. ,'l`C with the town council in submitting; to the ratepayers the question as to whether or not the Gas P`anIt should continue to oper- ate in Barrie. The Electric Light and Water Dep'.u'tment, the town council poi:1!.< out, have been operat- ing` t]10'G2:s Plant at a loss, but it must be remembered that eIec`t1`icit,\' and gas are conipc-ting`, mm-d nat'u1`al- ly the Gas Phmt has not had a fail chance. TF1. ,.....4 ......,L.. , u u n - OPPOSED TO voni ON |' CLOSING OF GAS ...,..... uuc ca-vuuauc. ' Among" suguzestions made by the. warden was that Simcoe County con-] sider bidding for the 1938 provincial I plowing match. It had never~been[ he]d.'in this 211 1:001. advertisin-2- card. norm-..m.,,; , . ..., .-_... \ (Continnzd on nage four) f`Jf<'q110.s'1 to .J<)i11_`[?(rgis1[1'ar PLANT! with S11rmgu1(* (T`.<)111't is '.L`u1'ned l)m\'n. H. Ann.- i Jas. H1arknes.s, farmer in the [vicinity of Midland, appeared be- |fore county council on Tuesday and wanted to know whether or not de- bertures of the town of Midland .held by him would be paid by the `r:roun~ty. He could get. no savbisfae tion from the county officials and he decided to lay the matter before `the roun-t._v council. If he could not |,<:et .~,:xti:;faction he would be forced to no to the courts, as he needed his ma}/1(:_\/'. Vh. Ll ....1...,,..- ....:.: u...o 1... :....- L.J Inluu mun` IIIOHBY `CIIGSC aays. C. D. Stewart, Barrie reeve, in re~ ,p1yin;: to Mr. Harkness, pointed out `that the county's. hands were tied in =t;he matter, as the bonds were Mid- `: nd .= which municipality ;i.- under -_-'o'_-',;1nmr-nt supervision. j.\1thou;`h tho county <,:'uzn';u1teed the lpnymcnt of I\Iidlan(I s dr.-benture.<, to `pay $1,400 to Mr. Harkness would he :1 (:mnpII-t(_- loss to the County, law they would be unable to recover the amount from the dc-funvt ::1un- icipa'it_\'. This was different to the o1'dinzn'_v method of loaning` money, where the guarantor would bo re- sponsible. and he in turn cou'.d enter suit against the. defaulter. The Loun~ t_V cannot do that. Tr11nn H um: Ann1:.~..`I.+ ....L.I.,....n Then it was (iztylight robhc:;\'," said 111-. Harkness. RC-(-Ve Cunnimrham said W de- partment would not let. the county pay the amount as it stood, but he believed that early in the new year bondholders would be paid some- thing on account. "Who mnffnr n4` `Mu 'l.!....l....,...-.v an E-- inuunity cannot do that. mung on account. 'The matter of Mr. will be taken up Committee. acvurai Lnousanas OI dollars per an- num. As if. was our opinion. and so far as the County of Simcoe is con` icerned, the office of 1'egIst1`a1' of `deeds is purely a inatrti-' of politica`. patronage rather than a necessity. County Fees Not Returned We further requested t i1;1`t the .=.u1'1'o1:'ate court pay various office (L-X[)(3I1S(}.~, such as the cost of tele- Iphone, St'l`ti01181'j', cabinets, etc., the county to provide the office, heated `and rent free. We felt that this would be a 1'e21so11*;a`i)Ie request to ;make, in view of the considerable `fees co'1c-cted in this oice from the icounty, none of which has been re- turnable `.o the county in the p:1.=t. Very much the same condition is true of the sheriff s office, but our request in this matzter has apparent- l_v also been rejected. _ Mr. Harkness said hat he investeu IIUVZUIS. ' We beg; to zuivise you that two 'n1ember.< of your committee visited the Departmiont of Legal Ofhcea, Paiament Buildings, Toronito, with lrcspect to liaving: the o.c;: 01" 1'92- listrar of dt.-eds a1nal;::'.1mltml with :that of the suri-agate clerk, repre- senting a saving to the county of several thousands of dollars it. our nnininn, unrl :n `WANTS coumv `- TO MAKE anon on ; MIDLAND nouns | lllh Hl\'|IlL`_Vc Mr. Harkne; said that he inve.~tr;d '31,-100 in Midland bonds and '.he time of payment expired on June |15th, 1935, which would make the ` payment two years overdue in June, I1937. No interest had been paid }.-incc 1935 and it was time some` 1`hin;: was done. He was a farmer fund as everyone knows, zmners [mod their money these days. C. D. Sf.e\vm'f._ Rnvn I-pnvn in ma- 10d11(-ti(m in Bank ()vCl`-J . draft and R.0a1d Ex1.)o,11ses 1 Bright Sbofs. IV