Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 5 Nov 1936, p. 6

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'[.]'1(` IJOHIIHIOH HHZll.`~'. ]n(I ;<(>(`()n(|: pL'1(-r- \\`:1.< st-1-urr-d by L`nvd (`um. minyz. iurrir-. `Ind Cilhnrt ..'1ltlwir.'k. Barri:-. in Nnrth Sirvxt-on cli.'~'h'i(-L During thv day and r-vc-nin,L: thu contcsfants w(-rt: :uMr(-:<: by thv Hon. Duncan Murshu'l, Ontario Min- isrtcr of Atrriculture, and Dr. G. 1. Christie, Pm-~=idr-nt of tho Ontario` Agricultu ru] C()Hl!;:!e, Gun! ph. H:1H. t.own.,mp counci u O1':111;:o H.111, Churchill, ~. Oct. 21, 1936, after 1, "nu Al` Al... AIL.` . J. H. Sloan, rent c 5; ; O. R. Black. `them ;\(l\'Zl3](`L', 1 :3. (:11. T D '.)ALL mum n 1(-d_\', .5110 S1)1'2LL`j.',`(`, `II ! O11! .v * killu uh- nu, '.\|Il` ., IlU|l`l illltl : 14-r[n'i.s't-:4. His first job 21 rxnilwuy was :I.s' an :1; mi hv lms In-M pnsitiu im-rt-:1.-'in_-.:' impmtum-o i 5:, <-m.~'lr'Lu-timl and --.\'w H"lll,.~'. Hu \\';|.< app: 11 of Ll1~- H1-\\' ho;u' of l,|1v- .\':1Lionul llnilwxz )4-1' L'I.~9. :1-'.'m'i:1!~rl will hmml I:--1:1}: J. Y. Mm \\"iH'ri:l J. ", (2:1).-;m>x1_ on, I\'.('.: R. I.. llzlly. and I). H. .\1vlmug':|'I. ....-.~ . | . ditcl1in;_: . road 9, McCullough, ditching`, . $18.37; Jas. Moir, ditching',' , $2.5; R. Lamb, \Vi1'0 fence R10.50; R. E. Bo_\~ c-s, truck- `; R. Stewart, salalgv zmd` '. S:-1-1.lO; R. McDonzx]d,'1`(.-- ml halts. SW: rm INNISFIL COUNCIL -Y:-l~i. lU; Ix . ;\1cJ)onald,'1`(.-- 3 bolts, $6.60. I udJou1'ncd to meet at: the 0:11] of tho rut-\'(.-. w 12 mm... m...u. own.,l1ip council met i11 on Wed- nislng! of the as;~:essn1e11t roll;' 5 m`e_ l ..`_ .yus.s._v auu L'uu.~Lut:L`dU1_\ UEIOW average in appearance. In Eastern Ontario the acreage of new seeding:-: is about normal and with plenty of rainfall all season stands are in good shape. Fall plouyhing has been don, under favortzble conditions there. `<-rl'(ml will cmnhinv U1! I'c-sitlvllt with H1(). of I/hw bozml. 'l`}n- up- .~u}>j-ct to zzpproval by M1, and .\1np.~' urn bring Ii.-Hr-l_\' 1.0 pro('un- this p:|.~.~'(l zu I:|. . 1 :1u`.lmri'/.in:.;' n new set` 1:m:r;.-;a-nu.-Ill of the (Tznrl ml . l-ft to thr- ' `hv buurtl 01' dirv('1.0r;-. I` n.H`u-< In. nnnu 3 oncpparu, the Bell ) H. Ross Sheldon, en- ! c=.1.~'h; the Northern III I |lu|\\ I .lil,. I'M-u-]_\'. .< luu ht-inu` Is! thrt-v Wm Itmuh uu...l . of 11211] for nn.~ct- rent of hull, $2_:i nu-L-, p1'i11tin_<: acc-0unt,{ obbc-tto. sh:-c,-p kil'c-dl Eowmzm _-UIL-n, she-;-p .~:, 315; R. Clement, )_\' (logs, $20; VV. G. {-1) \':1]nrzfnu- 9! '1-I _\ uu_,:n, .).CU; VV. I;-p \'z1lu.ato1'. 1.50 ;| when-p \ u]u:1fo1', $31.50;: um, slmep vuluator, W. Henr_\', 1m-ct.ing' 0 I lzh. rm -'1` A ,u,u yulu. | commxttee M-com-l of the fo11owmg' ac-I The Northern Advam-e Current Crop Report !1'hc.- October crop rayort .:'i\'v:' u review of conditions in Ontario :15 compiled by a large stuff or re.g.;ulzir co1'respomlent.s, as follows: We-.xt.l1e1 conditions since the end of .-Xugust have been pa1`ticu`,ua..1'ly fZlVO1`2lbi(. for growth and late crops make 1'emzu'k able g'z1in.s, otfsettillg to u con.si(icr- able extent the slow development earlier in (ilexxtml and Western 021-` tario due to i'nte11.sc drought. Pota- toes, root crops and suj:;11' i,- new .3:\'pect\,(l to have 21 l:i1'_L1'm' _\'ie (li per acre than Last year, while the yield of corn for husking, corn for fodclc-1' and total cuttings of alfalfa will be less. Pastures, which were reported 1-o be in the lowest condi-i tion in _\'eur.< at the commenceim-ml nl` .\uirn_-9 sync` .. ..1. LL. 12.. L H1] ()1 (lll'(`(`L0l'.~. slmuld ho com- nzunml. .\1'1<-1 1114- hnurd d-- Igw-1'l'm':l shoulu zmlountingz ....:.: ~.~il:-I1? 01' the Illlnm-1'l'o|'i up:-ration 0! '.mm ...,... In-I'll null - . (l:1y.~ m- hu~nn..~l.o I|1\\':|_\:~ III with him .\hl1`IIm'II. Il\I1 II "I ('l\>' -T` I .U'. which is )lI|(~ u.'1y.~l hmu_4'ln. ks $1.02 I n.1~...1. Fm-pk. 4111.1 I I 'l'.ln- t~r-(-lion ml u ski jump. \\'lll1'lll i\lllllZlll(l citizvn< .'ll'(` llxmm'iny.: |_\ puhliv .=ul).<(-1'ipt-ion.~`. w:|.< >l.'ll`ll'(l l:l.~l wnok by u _:::uu: ml? 20 men. 'l`l1:- sitc chosen is near I"irth'.< ("ox-m~r.4 The jump when ('omp`.(-fed will n1c-a.'ure 164 f(`Ct in len;:th and 64 feet in l1eig'ht and will cost about. $700. U1 ..u_4'u. 2`.I1(1 :1 of Septembegr. huv mendou. and are to above normal cc out most of the prc .'nm..~... ,,.,l u..\:.. ,.....,.. OFEERING RECEIVED nt|llI ni('(`l'. I J:u`k \`\':u'I1-r and .`\l Ur `llllH'Kl`|'.<. shut :1 l:u",:'v mot land 1.ln-:-- -uh.~ whilv hnmil Il7tt.\-r. (li. Ins! wm-k. .. \ u.n,:.m_\, .\u':I1m'(I; "l (om- l'=Hl.\'. 0l`IHI:l; D" (`omp:my, l'-nv- 1.-1ny:,'11I.~"h-11:2. l.h- 5,,mm I-on-_-;1m-.~ hzul r-mmnmy ]14'.;;(]([ll1ll'7.1'l'.\` ut H:l)'I'iI`, Orxllm. I'v-lh::lll;1'll|ShI`ll(* um! <'nliin_v:~ \\'0mI. \l7:6l. .. I uL.-\(H. .\. In. .\1avl)ot1:1` .\l..\l., Owvn Sound. who lms hm-n Olcvr ('omm:1n(lin_g` thv Grey R(-}.:'i1m-tut and is tho .~'wniot' 0"l(`(`l' of the two uni1,.<. ::lIlI(l that the -Fort-.~'tm'.< will m::lnt,uin ths-ll` ull1'li:1tion with um Slwrxvoml lt`orr-.:tm`.< nf l'h1.1`l:m(l. "l'ht- now 1-0ml)im-tl 1'o_l:inwnl will l`l2l\'(- its rt.-;.-,'in1t-tltul l1o:ulq1uu'tm`.< :|.~ l'o'ln\\'.'~' : llr-:ulqtt:n't<-r>' ("mnp,::n,\', %:u'rir~; .~\" (`otnp;1In_\', Owen .\`nunl' ll ('onIp:u1_\', .\l-:1t'm' ("' (`om- l -n:-- 1-nun-u " ~ ' .:a(le- have :lll'(`2l(l_\' a_':i'ce(l on a plan in-o1'g'ani7;ation of the 22ml ln/ fantry B1'i_2'a(l(- is now a\vaiiin_Q' ap proval of tho hr-:1(lqua1'L(:1'.< ;~t.aIi' all ;\Iilit,a1'.\' Di. No. 2, Toronto. and an oicia` announcomr,-nt is oxpoctmi- . l-I4-})i'-. of the fouii u'n'it;< \\'l'li('l 1 comp1'i.<,-'Il1e 22ml Bri of 1'0-o)1g`anization. l By this plan it is l(-arnod un- nlli<'iall_\' that thv Simcov Fort-.~'t.0r.< and thr~ G11-_v R:'_u'i1n(-nl will lw amal- :.-'amatv(l under the namv of (i1'rg\= _;Simco- l"oi'L-. and that tlit` Al- `fronquin 'Rillv.<, with l1eo:1(lqua1'tm'.< aii Surlbulgv. and the .\'01'Lhe.rn l ioiivm-.<.` wilh llI`:l(l([U:X!'1('l`~` at llunt.~'\'ill:~, will` also b<- znnal_-'aniatt-(l, thus r0[)lz1('in;_" `l.()lIl' un.it.< in th-- b1'i,<,;'a(lr.~ with two.: 5 "l'lw plan to lw adopted by tlwl ':22n:l ll)'if.;`utl(* is part of` tho :.:`m1m'al` l't`-()l'_L',':l>Illzillloll p`an oi` tho ('an:uli.-m` non-pr-rnianmn militiizi, as in(licaf0dj l'mm Ottaw;i. sonw Limo ago. lt will! likr-ly "go into I-ll`v(-1 Januaigv I. 1937. ll i.< l1l`l(ll'l`. that ilw view? (lrv;.'-Sim.-o<.- l01`o. R(';;`lIlle?Ilt willl l1:1\'~ as its first. ('0mmamliIn,Q' Ofli('r-ii lit.-("ol. .\'. I`). MacDonald. lfIAiE`ti0I` l"0)'r-.:tm-.- nf Wm.-I-m.i `TWO REGIMENTS TO COMBINE IN GREY-SKMCOE FORESTERS ausu n<- zun:u_2':n `four I ')n)`i"`UI(* i: so: I-I It . .--~-l~ _ A 1 The l)L'l'. I'he I937 21uiom0hi`e p1:1t.e.< COn1mUm0l'1l- coro both in color and dt-si_u'n. The _`.`,`ll1'{*.~ lure white on` 21 red bz1(`h 2')'OLll1(l with l`e.:`1.~'t1`2lt-ion Ha white crown on each . at thc top. The has been There will be no sc-ri<-:< ]r~tL'e1' xvii`. come in the .~'(`-cond, third of` fourth p0.' be- tween the numerals and each plate .wil] hu\'.- only one . letter. , In a1mou11cin, the advance sa`.o 01 `I937 permits Mr. M'cQueste11 stated !th21t the depI:u'tmr|nt will be unable to consider reqL1.r-; for . ar- 1'zm_2'ement.< of number.= or . . ]ette1'.<. 'l`hi. oc-czwioned ('on: extra work in H1 past and the minister hope by its di.<<-on tinuzmce to _~*zw<- the expen.' this extm work involved and at the samr. time in(-1'9-use the efficiency of` thc servit-e ;r1ven to a`.1 motori. m1mb(-1'in;: 211')-2111:.-'(-1v1<*11l cl1;.r1y_r'( -(1 from last year letter prexes. 11-.'lti()I1 _\'eur l l l l I Hon. '.l`. B. McQueszt<-n, Ministc-1` of Hig'lm'z1_v.~,`, announced that the 1937 motor vehicle permits and opo1'ato1's licenses go on sale on Nov. 2nd. 'l`l1e Hi,r:h\va_Vs Depa.rtm<>nt -i.~' mak- inig 1937 pezrmits z1vail`u-ble at this time so that pun-l1asc1'.< of now 1937 cz11';< and trucks will not be obliged t.o pay for 1936 1'e_2'ist1'ation and so that the in('1'o;1si11g`l_\' la.)-gc number of uutumn p111'cl1z1. of used cans: zmd trucks will not have to pay the usual t1'zmsfo1' 1'00 witch only two months of the _\'<*u1' relnuiningr. Til1rx '.Irl\".1`n:-n A4` 1nI)I',' ... EL '_<-:11`. Page Six -montns ot the _\'eu1' 1-emaining: I I 'I`ho a(I\'anr.-0 sale of 1937 pc1'mi`t. ~ is 21150 (l(`.~`i.HL'(l to zxllovivale the usual" 12:51 minute rush when 1936 po!'mit.~' loxpirv at thv end of` the _\'ez1I-. M:`o'to1'i. who v.':'. to avoid w21itin_: wtln line will be able to do so by pro-I |vu1`in_L' thx,-11' nmv p<,~1'mi`..~' in .\'0\'om I 01'. lvurn ber. T`1 1937 MOTOR PERMITS ` ARE NOW AVAILABLE ()l'I , mutin- '|.il.. l.....o:. ll") .'l|llil';f.'l|l Nurlylx Hm)`. vry M` lhv ., 1- ............ .. .. . i In _]lHll]). \\'hn'h' - 1.< rm.-a~I.!_. u .\lg'nm|uh` ()!]<~('I`.~. H J `m..|..~ ... v4.. '1 lH`IH' in lln` .\| -. mHn,- Farm News lwillj { Legion News :11'1'a11}_r`ed. I We are Liven to under.<`.::nd that: at 21 recent mectin_2' of UN: 1:11`:-iv` Bu.'~'ine.=.< Mcn.<" .-\:<. u 1'1,-. tion was pzx.~'.~:(:(i :1.~'kin_;' thv `town council to declare We(In(.-.~'(lu,\'. .\'o\`. llfh, 21 public holid`.:_v. Tho __-~m1.- , men of the Bzu'1'ie Bu. .\I-n`~-i A:<.=ociatio11 are not zuvuro of ju.~"t-3 '\\'h,-1+. Hun 1-n;'n]I1l:nu\ ...- . ~`OCla.tl011 '\\'h:1,t that 1'c. 1-X r-rvir-n m-m 1.7,... the 1)u. 111011 of Bz11'1'io :kmd1_\ c0n.' and the `-IL": \ IX!` . mun. 1;c111e111b1'2111(`e Day is vc-1'_\' s121crc-(1 to the t-.\'-. men and tho t]1a11k.< of thv I!:,11'1'i1- h2':111<-F: of thr C:111adia11 I.0g'io11 1.-`01:'.~' om 1'o.~'p1-1'1 paid to our fallen con11':1dc.<. '.T`h(`1'(- Hw- unnn-1 Pnm . .. I` A Y 1 V 1 1 to 1'01" 1111-11 1 pzuu L0 lzulvn ( ; are . `. Vet:-1'21 n.<' .-\.~. {which have not yet w:.rru- attend the :ser\'i('o.~' noted above. Now, com1'z1dv:~:, \\ r- can do; this if` we have the Turnout that we shou`.d, and I am sure we will. Or. the mo1'nin_<: of the 11th our .<<~nt.21t.i0n to the \'z11'iou.'~' .~'m`\' he :11'1'a11}_red. W0 an-n n-hvnn In 1'epx'(-- 1L'L'.~' WW] 1 ,4 .,I .I at : p.m. A\o\'. 11 ` Park. 5 l`h<- (-om1':1d-.-.< : coratv the _v_-'r21\'(-.< hour will hr In-A-Vnn |Puru.,` .\uv. ntn. On SLmd:1_v,, Nov. 8111. fh(~1'r- \\'il`* be divine . at ;VIidhur. A11g'Ii-, can ('1`.u1'<-`:1, which I\Iidhu1`st bmnch`. will zxttg-nd. )I;irlhL1r."~t branch will. hold tyhoir Reniombremco Day S(`1 \`iCC `at 2 p.m. Nov. 11111, in Sprin_2'\\':xtm ...~_-.un nU()m.< on In(- H`.01'I1il1f_," 01 :.\'o\'. .I1t.h. ' 'I`hr dm-oration of _-_-'1'z1\'(-.< in I-Em 'riv Union and St. f\I:1r}.".< Cemotr-rir-.-. will t:`.kz- p!2:ct- on Nov. 11th. 0111' ('omrz1de:< at 'Tho1'11to11. Mid- 1\.nr.-1 and Slroud would b(- r.-'Izul in- dz-(-d to have the co1n1".1d4:.< from B|:n'1'ir- attend Hm mm-;..,... .mu..I '- ."\. I `Wills uunl u _\uur 21])[)ll('Elt10`n. Please bear in mind tho :1r'U\'iLiI*r of Rem0mb1`anc(.- Day and Lhv du_\'.~. close to it. On the :1ft(-rnoon 0! Sunday, Nov. 8th, we 112m; :1 vr~,r_v cordizll invit.:1tion from our ('o1nrmln.= at "l`I1ornt-oen to join \\'*'th thr-m and attend divine : at St. Judr- . .~\n_Q`liczu1 Churr-h at 5 . p.m. .'~'\I. the" Rt-nu-n1br2mc\ S(-1'\'i(*r- hold at Thorn- ton Union Cemetery nt 2.30 p.m.. Nov. 11th. (`I1 Q""uI]l\IV `V... (.11, n m'_`.'()ll4l ll. Lm,-rv l.~' not mm of you but would tukn the risk and pull himf linto the tr`-nch. x Commulv, you (lo not mar-(l to rl. your lil'<- tn pull the In-]p'-s.< <-om-. lrzulv into tho tnench and . Fl You can do it and still mu-J`_\' on" `with your own job by g'i\'i'm_- you] support to tho C'zm:1(li:m L0y_"irm.l Any 0fll(!('l' of llurrie l)l`1l1l('ll will 1): `, 3.-"ml to give any inl"o1'mation hn <-21`! 1`o_L`:11'(li11_2' t.l1- work. Lot us l1:1\'" _\'o1n' applicatiom. r Plom:r> hnnv in mind 41. f l 4 l I-Ll-1:1 [hw U~i In run In: WIU1 ll ion and dw-nlon.-ztmt In-lp Lhv ('()HH`:ld(- inLu-n<~- and kimll_\ active .<(-rvicr-, if _v .}w]pl-s. woumlvd h~).'onl it. thr.,-rr- is In. . I] I ..n.. . .,,I, A ' This wi']' bu Uu- |:t.s't opportunity! l;o.'1ppt-:11 to 1!) <-nnlrzulu-s ht-fnrul` Poppy Day, which is S.`|.t,Ul`(l~:I`y, .\'ov.g 7th. and Wt-dm-.~ul:1y lH()t`nil'L',', .\'nvi I l`Lh. (`um ml.-.4. lis .a-zu-rwl `L0 '\/I'|'_V 1-.` in II... .....nl... . . _ in In - not whu ( um! .. u.. I` 4 Jun, II. In llllxli in Lhv -,5)`:-:11. work xvidmys zmul ('|IiItlI'vl did not. `()n1:- h:u`|< (lit-(I .~'i\n-c- lhn wm H. |..I..I... Lhu ILH. 1 I th. I`... ALL WELCOME alllil, ill :1 Jul), in HM- IIUH 1| l*`:\l' \.v ('H`ll L0 t-VI-l'_V Llw lnl)l.h:-l`.i, \' rs and Fri:-nl:+ 4 M ......... H .`l'H('l` [I In Il)"|:`\ Hr-lp in : Poppy mt-dium VHHI VUHI1` I hvlpll-.;-;. furl,un:1h- , .'ll)lI` L0 1-.` I\ H I \. `bill and I In I ~ :\.`.`lDlilllL'L` K 0111111558: not been .u2'nr' J uuvu Inc nth-nd the \'m.. ,.-...... un: WILH llw H:n:uh:m I/w'~ dw-nlon.-ztrzxtm your (I4-.'+ir.. In -mnr:1d- who In.-<-dz; your - kindly word. llurinu :-rvim-, your cmnrudt-. my _v in lhp \\'h'4- m- HUT pW('l'\'Il'l' Pmvim-i.-1|. ! with Hu- 1n\\Ir\II 4| ....l . I.0.0.F. To .u-, u _yuuI' c(mn'um- voumlr-d In lhv \\'i1'<~ of Inlcn {kn !`;':lr 4....` ....II uw w"' |`llll1'(l, . 'uII1I':ul4-.9 who 1-very w:1),' you ~ l):1_v ':nn1p:xi`;-;u. thrmuzh whirh rur St-rvit-v .ur--: M-nnin I..| .~u uuuu nnea-n.~' to ow.-1'_\` 111. -lcnienlbrzlnce Day; 1 men` h:'un<-F"-1 ian Lemon non nf` Tam-.-3;. nud- \"()lI .......I. |l'K. ll) LHV` ('UllH'4 lnu-|'., lml mm vrip To all u-mnmclv-'1 -nuup;h in M in 1 urn :: `Wing and 1 y ()lIl{ HI/l`\ In :1 mrk of :m.- ;~`l.iny_' H iltlrvn of I,lu- lm_y:- bark and win: I mar 1-ml:-I, lila- ...l.. ..:l... . ' I-x-:-u-l'Vll('I' mun witlnw.a, nrph:m.;, : of Hun Im_v.'4 vvun "k. 'l'n L|II- (`lHlll`.'l |...| .. `_h~ ('!:I1:uli:m I/v`1.r~ .Lt- yulll IV wnwl, Hun-inar Stroud wil` 1 Nov. :1 .. H-\nnn,.. ;\u\. i I` I wnoum-rd zzt H10 morn1n:_r tl'1"' l:1_v Hm! -.....m.... Speaker - J. S. EASON, of Vancouver, B.C. END OF THE P.OWER OF GOLD As Revealed in the Great Pvraiid UHll'll(lL`>' forms f*,\.. l'ullH`.'Hl' 1- !'!'i[l[J] `ml:-`z wh ... I`... "'l'hi; um. hnpw Dom ! ,.'Hl' haw- hnvv .~w,,..` witll _wiLh` vvhn I '-. .. 1 :1. -'~\(1(11'e 1 ' kenzie I{j~ng`. I 10. Broadcast .---l{1 ,u put` L'U1ll1llt:llCElIlCIl[' :1;x;ai11st at the first have Improved tn-~ now i11 normal -.1 ..m..1;+.',... ,n...n..,..x. I ll. l's()."~' `v\IHF()H, l.0('lI$Y `t:1:r~ Fnunty. Thu Potato Club t<::un r Soulh Simcm-, -nmnn. Bzutttimz. Mlivton. and Fr: ('.1'(-mmnwe. will l`(`Dl`(`.'~`('nt 1110 Dominion nals. '1 T` mint? V..'n'rir- `Ind Cilhru-9 TI-IURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1936. _.__.._.__..._.._-.:.__.__j_ wrvnce 111 St. A Church. B.'l1`1`iv. are invi1<-d to I ..n-hm 1>.m.\.. .~ \ L1 0 c'0CK. tho Lzulics` .-\u.\':Ii:u;v m.\v;,.n in Q+ _\...: l L`l`IJlIl(.`I1I-. l On _Wcdm:s(lu_v c-vening, Nov. 11, from S) to 10 p.m., (,-;:.~:tL-1'11 ; ltime, Ihc national broadcast of the R:n1<~n1b1'u11c(- Day .<<=rvlc: will take 'place. "l'l1t- mu. will l )(- under the `direction of Sir Irm-.~'t .\Iz1c.\Iilliz1n, Mus. Doc. The l'0 .Jo\vin_'_r is the pro ' 54'1'un1 : i .1. Toronto S_vmpl10n_\` 01'che.~'tra sand Choir of Il1r~ "l'o1'onto ('o11. t.o1'_\' of )Iu. ("zxn:ulzx," l'I11j:lI.~'l1 `and F1-c~ncl1. 2. Excerpt from .~`pL`L'L`l`. of His Majc-.~`t_\' I{ivm: Ed\v:u'(l VII. to the 'Brig'z1de of Gua1'd.<. 3. Hymn; l`lj\'n1112u'_\` .315; l'}11,:'li; Hymn 564. 4. O1`che: Symphony 1.~'t mo\ (-ment. 5. _-\ntl1em--Tl1c Choir. (S. The Choir and O1'cl1e. .~`.<-uuicm." Y to lhv .l`(`l`(.'l:U'_\ . (,.'on1plL~t,- Lhun as ` .~;uon :15 you can and turn them in. Our .\litlhur.~:L (:onn`zul.-5 luwe con- `C('lV(`(l Ll](.' plan of holding` social 14:\'(3lllI1L ,'.-4 :v(-ry two w(:ck.'. `l'l1cy are mukin;,,r t,l1c.s- l)lOl`L' or ls,-.<.~' of :1 com- .munit_\' ;;`zLblu:i'i1u. in Ol'(l(:l` to stimu- .':xLr..- uctiivit_\' in the branch and in- ltI(-`).(i-t; tlw r-i|.i'/.v_-n;~: in the work of the llr,-gion in \ r_-spm in p;:.i't1iculur and Lvc1'_Vwl1e1'(: in ;,;'r.-m-ml. "l'l1L-so :sociul cw.-11iiig`.~: are llcltl at the homes ;ol.' the (.`()ml'z1(lC5 and \w- 1111- sure it {you just call COI11I`Zl(l(: Charlie Day Ihc will tell you where the next one `is to l)(' held and when. On 'l'l1ui`s evening.-`, Nov. 5th, ,I0 to 10.3 p.m., (.-21st.c)'n standard .t,iim-, His l'Ixc<:llenc_\' Lord "J'\\'L-ed.s- muir, Go\'crno1'-G(:nc:1'z1l of Czmudu, will l}1L`.l\'(' an upimal on l)vliu`.f of the vCunudizm llc-gion Poppy Campaign 3o\'c1`u nzltionzxl l')l'0}:l(lL'21.\'t. His lira ccllcncy will be 11.: istud by promin- `cnt ;.;(:nt`ein(-n of thv Dominion Gov- evmm-nt.. i u \U..,I...\ H, 7- " ! The one-room school at Ja.rratt's, wOro township, was completely de~ lsbroyml by fire Saturday mox'ning'. ?'J`-hc,-rc: was no om; in the school at lvthc Limo ;LmlLhu fire is believed to ;lmv,- ..L1ll'U'(l from :1 zlufective flue. ll3(mk:4 uml oLl):.-r m-quipmcnl were `lmrnml. 'l'lu: building hzul been re- mmlc-llml zuul r~nm1.uLml (luring the smnmu-r Il0'l(`.'l_V.w` and was (-ovvrcd by in::ur:uu~-. A 40-foot :rui.aur belong.-;in;; to H.url.':z, M.i vv:1.a' z_l(-.s`t,1'oy0(1 by 1'|.rI~ rt-t'enL_v. "l'h.- bout, with sup- plin-;s, hm! juwt '1-ft the govcrmncnt tlovk wlwn it burst into flames, which ;;pr'r-ml rapidly. l`hc thrt.-u on Imam! lnul lnm-Iy Linux: to loosn-11 Lhr rnwlmnl UH top and got avvuy. /'5 .-;x ml woml lmza with Un- tn ."1.nL(t~ : knt. !FlRE DESTROYS SCHOOL I HOUSE AT JARRATT'S ILLUSTRATED ADDRESS LDC Rt-quicn1. 7, (`I114 Ch1'i. Street Hospital. .-\d(l1'e.:~.~'--Co1. W. W. Foster. _'~\(id1'es:~:---Iit. Hon. W. L. M210- : I{j .- (:(m1n1iLL(.~(: hn.-.31: ' Innh . . .~.m-.s.. mun In` (:()-()])cl`1lliI1_L{ Lown (council of that town :: (Tln-L fun` and nur- L111 nun-1e orancn and iznry will attend divine Ami1'ew"s P1'o. in. All z-x-.'< men attend. Be at the : :1`. 10.30 21.111. of portion of His Late \7 II I \4\IlIlllE.;` ('u-opcm1ing that town of Coiling- ('0-(m4- rm in (1 u Hon 0] Ma.- ' race to bring into being that perfect social order, the Kingdom of God on Earth" The Great Pyramid has an astounding message forthe British Commonwealth of Nation. Constructed near- ly 5,000 years ago, it tells in unmistakable symbolism the story of the selection of the Celto-Anglo-Saxon -- Among many dates those of the birth of our Lord, His Crucixion and Resurrection are accurately shewn, also Britain s entry into the late war, midnight, Augusl 4th, 1914. the Armistice on November 11th,` 1918, and the commence ment of the present economic depression. Of vital interest to us to-day is the . _ _ . _ indication of a startling se- quenee of events immediately 1mpenrl:ng--including; the (late of release from our present economic bondage. Hl ll!" WIUU1 1-mnpr)<.r-d n`:n~4-II Tn- )1 :\1x ri of A.rthm `rank (Hm-n. Ontario in The .\`(*<'0r1d, I.,(\\u` (`nun I ks the 'f;yra:n:i-<-:1" BARRIE BRANCH British-Israel -World Federation [Canada] Inc. GOD SAVE THE KING """" "' KJH` H10`! and` un v. M `Z 'rn.- : throu_2-`h | . f':|mnn.- 1 mmmu 10.. .uppIu.-.~:, rrn ._= town.-ahip of \"~ U-lc dihall, ."Sli..`: ; D. H. (.'o r-nmn ;`:;vr-aunts, imlixgr-nt.~., $819.: 5` firm-n Front H2n`(l\vurr~, 1` Wood, 94145151 ' nnv \ an wil'. have . week and. Nov. l..1h 2 .:lv.u I not. \ U\l,`l' L0 L0\`(`! ol the National `I\'in_<.r l`Idw:u'd H I; \'ov0mhm* 9th L :xuspico.< of th;.- zulizm Rookmon. nu -. _ . IHL` VVIHTH B001` ("z1 .t`0. )'(-nrv~'nnt O <*onh.~~1. (`nuns-il on VVm'1< at UN '."Iv~ trwnn um u...2 ., I nvzl-'pHUIlI' my.-"Urn, us at March g l.`J.`:f$, wi?h intvn-.~=t ut thv sznnw 1:1,: Lhzll '}'1;1I';_';4,-d thr- i township by Zzmk of _\'ovu St-otia from tim Linn:-. ., .. SPECIAL CHEAP FARE ' NATIONAL BC : \'r:.-_m':i . fJ'l:'T, ` ` '/.1 mIl.- IlIl,r'l'1, int 3 . . now. I`I'nL OI h0l1.~:(- on . v:- r- izuzivs, $12.50; \V:1ll:,u'I- (`nu -.:i-p(;)`t, Lion of 1")`:-rl llarnv-.\:v :0 " `Mir-1, $3; "l'. l'. Cmi-,1`. two .`i'l"i"I.'l(i .3 mill '3. ('01:. l2, .\l!l.'.i1'lpHl "l"`l"[)lll)ll(' S'.'.~'t.z-in, 1051-3, .9200; l.. ll:n'ri.~', '1, (Rm. 7. $221.00; l.Vultm' l.. H; (Eran? Knupp, .-v~`-rrtiiu: _iui'0z's,, 33'}; W. ('. llnw, wilt. of lmII.<- on Pm-l St w- :,m.~_ .<:12.. .0; .::ilill'.' fr`--~ rI~ .-\n~r'rmil, #20; (lwu. l). Shun- TLOII. .uppliv-.- l /`lll`, $28.70; William J. (Toll-, milk, H-lit-l , $1.40; .-\. l'I. lxiw, H1"5lL, rt-`iril, 50v; :n'i'i~ (Ern- I-rul S'm'I-. .~.upplir`.~'. 1'1-lir-l , . .70; .\. tonnltl f`o.. zupplir.-.~:, rr-lit-l', ('11; tv-lcephonv in t-mun, h0.~'pit;1l hull, $55.3 ::z-(-aunt.-', $89.38; thv ll2mlwm'r~, .euppli-:,l wood, $6.88. Jon (fault (.'l,-rli. (fr:ii;.-;-` l)mvm-_v, .--'r-lv-c-`iim: jui'm'.<,: ('::n.(li;in .\':ition:1l {uilv ml Hon. (,7. D. l`lo\\':,-, 'l'i':n1.~'p0rI.. that it hzxs : .l. llL111_n.;(-:'l'oHl to lw pi` ,<)`. "'H7- 0i. M. -`llli: John .\l2'. l`lung'<-rl'm'l Duzzr, *.'.'m`. -: at wuml, A5; .l::.~. Pl!-l`("`.. qlulivs oi" 1_m.-.~`il-Ill \\' 'v'-"ll P Vl3'llHH`~1y -l""'lHl L |'iH1l,,vlitiirimm ol' boun `7142; .`-.:.ri.":-v. ()w'l`i:u'rl. \-.'m'k ::i`. Minv--1 rig, .'~'-.; .\'u:`n.:m Wnllrm, \'.'m'k on l 4 A b_v-law was pH.~'.~"'(l nul.hori'/.im.-; tlrlw l){_n'r(;yvirrg of .$`~l,000 of the sun--I `lll.~`('l"'li()ll ymliitivwiil is . _ E()l`ll('l`~ill-(`()lIll(`ll, >10] 33.2.); 1:1l<-n llllIlll*llllll"l_\' .:xppi'u\':i'. 'l'h- .~L:1Lut<- p:x.<. at of l'urli:mn~nl :1ulhm'i7.in;. up for 1-lw ni:m:1;<.-;-rm.-lit :uli:ui .\':1lion:1l . 01' wln-lln-1' ll1l'.~'(` olliw-.< slm lpin--tl or two iIll'll nu ; 1-` 1'4-l'ul ('m:.~'i Ll! (`i4lI'(l that Mr. llun;:r-r lil` both posts. As (tlm'mii:1iI unul pr:-.~i (huizulizm .`\'.'itio:iul. Mr. will have ('l1}ll`_L',`(.' 01' Llw 1 T: pmpm't._v (illl[JlU_\/lll_'.:' 8.3,! 24,000 mil:-s of i-:nilw21_\' uml UH-. Unitt.-(l Stat:-s, l.-'t~;.~'r':Ip|i, I-.\pi'0.<.<. hon-l .~hip r-me-rprist-:4. fir.- l'.......1:..., ., '- ! nu 1.:-ql Q-.. -1:11. HUI`: 1 Dun . nu. .. lU LAU.` ll. from ,t-hc .0f clerk's I nm...x.: U11 .VO\'. the pcuc report. . ` '1 1'c-:.sL11`c cheque J } .-\u;.ru. 6-lm.4~ I\I'\f\ L0mmL1I11(`L1I!:)n:' worc run Hon. Dr. L. J. Simpson. i\.~`.~'l counci`. that the l)1'id_:'c ovm Creek on the (ith Con. linc ' c.on.~:t1'uctcd this full; id. Cu notice of 1'cco11.:i(i01':1ti0l1 0 A. Do1me1l_\' z1\\';11'd dmin; .] notivu to clean out tow1L~h tion of John I{o\\'u-1 . zm';u' Sto\'.':u`L 1.. 1 :1-:9. um-Io. ' _ . nr` !)...._.. L. LA L L I- Ve. L`0LlHCi[ Oct. 26, :15 per :;(l_i0u1'n1m\~.`. all the 1ncn1bo:`.< pi'o.<'I1`. recve in the chair. l7'nn\nnun.'.--14 inn . .. L` w 1'61!- IXIIOU: IT)! rultr: 4 - I 'emple, Barrie, Sunday, Nov. 15$ _8_30n n1 >u UL -Juzlu 1\.U\\L'l`. il\\" o\'.':u'L L. :1g'c. L~ncIo. Pottuo Fair to bug hcld Nov. 13th; in G. 1tI\'an: * pcucc. :1ck11o\\'Ic1l:.:'i11:: _)o1't of thc to:'.~ n~u;II1`..|- mt. I -'rLn lmh, .` uppli: `>10 rni .`4Im'_v of the Hook downi! "1 the :1::.~'. told and zL(:Lt'd by; B1'iIi. z1<-101's and uutl301'~', 1:|t(*. Pn'ili.~'h :-(lu('zLtionz1` lnng to (`ow-r," will be :1 flltlll" ; Book Fair in tho] ldwzn-d Hotel, 'l`orouLo, from! hm` to 14th. under Lhci .~' A:~'soci~ution of (`an I Rookmc-n. ("zu1:zdi;1n National RzLilwa_V ve spesinl mics for next and. (`.nnf..n..mi|n 4`-,n~n 4-`av g_-_\ana[[ons_ -rm .\'-`oi :-, rr-lirl' 'I`hP: bo_v." repro, clubs` in .upplir.-.\:, 1 the following projects: Dairy C'at.l.`r-.= v0wn.~;hip tc Ber-l' Cattle. Swine, Foal. Grain anrljlulll. .SIi..`:0; r-in: Potato:-s. The compotitio-ns c:onsistf=:vr'ount.:, $8! of submitting the (zontx-.: to trr.+l.< llurtlxvnrr-, of their ability in _iurging (:la.<`.:~vr*s and` answering questions pnrtaining to,` thnir _vear s work. 'thr- lmrmwim: i The winning: clubs in Dairy (`.uttln_l plus fuml.~' of the Vt-,~'p)'.'l Cumin and l otat.m~s \viIll'il`nl:-phonv S,\*.-'trni, Oniario in tho Dominion: by tho Canadian` H9 tho town: Bo:/.u and Girls (`luhl .znik frc the Rofrul Wintr-r l";i.ir. IUIHP. tr:nn< from the Simcon Jun- ('nun-il :I m-cl to in" .\`v.""- (`inn and {hr- Htillth On -\[U!Hl:l.\'. .\'o\'. 310. :11 I0 ' \ . t.'.:~v :\ $'\\"::v ('lxxh 'mnnn nf Nu-l I) (v_. \.'1:1u~AU.1 il U1LL" Lue 11ne.~' OI; :-rilizzztion Act of the P1-ovincc 1-1'ta. an Act which is dc-sit,-'11(-(1 ck the 1'r>1n-oduction of the-' mind-1-d. Such ]C'f. ,'i lati0n{ -Am ...-.'m.,..:1.. L- .. .-L! VESPRA COUNCIL .5pL`!l2ll rues I01` Cent-u-mule fare for Izmd H,Lh. mood till Mon- rs,-1 u min;-:. y:L'.`.l.'HLL,' 11: our L con.:Iitutr:.~: such a .31 nd such an economic the ta:~:pz1_\'e1's. In his DYODOSZII, the Iug'e rivoczxtc-.< that all pm 74L ,1 1,.,,..1 . ...,V.-... \AlL\.Lk '1`. Simpson, cud )L1:icnt had been ' Hmpitul 2111 to\\'11.+l1ip of Yes '1-nth-1' dispL1tin5.-' .<:;xLut.c labor; .1, D.=....:.\ r-hO.~l `- nun -- IMPORTANT .- uncu uy non: tho.~:< 'n:nv\nr. in yurcll, Lin: Iuu,'_,'JH(.'.~' .< p1'op<:r! .1 . should and the reli;;`iou:~; 1'r:.-pon.~'ib'c [;c1's011s' `-rnr-ti, 1`(:spr.-ctr:(I. zu-t-aunts wtaro pu.<.~'-, rr-nt of hou.s(. on` xx~.~, \V:1Ilzu',t-I Winn nf' lq`u,.;l |").. . Boys Inter-Club Contests ; The advance of club work in On-;-V tario `\\'Zl.`_' evidnnc- :d at the OnLt:n'io Agricultural College on F`riday, Or-,:. J 23, when 118 tearns of two hay: 5 each mpresenterl 1:. simi'ar numb:-.v 7 of agrricultural clubs in kwnly mn- tc-st(-d judging competitions and oral` I examinations ` 'r1.m,. 1,.-. -.m.\._........a...1 ,v,,1 - I Jurm'.< ., .,... n .uu, _iuror:~;, vnt, . >`.12..'.0; P.;.i ' r_ ~ (1.... is Q: . ,, . ..~.., It rut! by UN- in time to; GOD KING m u.m. (Ioufts, ('11-rk. BOOK FAIR` 4 xx; IU } I X, l.UL|XlL:- l.",L`i'K. zldxnittudf il1d};`:'I1t3 f Vcsp `u; copy` .1tinL-` _<.-mn-- -\ ` .' .~'.'1()Ul(l . _\ the lmc-.< 01, Man Du,-Zn..,.l '5: \`I n nl .-'ur- In U11` .~`lH`-5 :1 .\Iuni('ip:nll Mun-h 1.4,! u-O1. . .--nun. 1L';_'x:1u`.IUH ; to prevent} 41- (\h\`inn:v LZIFHJ \..orr1 urowr.-rs A.'.f)(:I:L special display of cr;mm:r seed _:rad._ of corn will be f ms wel`. as information ieties. culture and usr-I-1 of portunt crop. _8.30P - Lil\'LlIlllllf.,rll. of thv .1 .]:1s. COIL`. L~hip'.< por- .';u'd (l1`uin_. 3: prizv H51` i H1 R!`\1'l';`4 nu, up-| supplir-.,lF 3:111 1`1'o.n . Un- vr Willow u-,...l.l l.,.. H1 D .......n.t 41'} clerk lHL"\ UH at, wxthl and the] I V I d0\vnu' U, ml by kc, utho)-~', .0 ` hr. in. 'outur- ;,l ; ' h .i ` xzuhtws. : .31, `'1 LAN` :\HI. (11:11 _` 1 kctmgr \vlu.-at quit 1 [mm 30 1.0 A10 1 '4 For l.h<- lzlsl vu |u._ L... 1.. Hroon. 1`(C~'pr)Il. 1'01` p1.nnnin2' the l`]u- Wmnt-n".< Institutn of Dun-I l.~":1_\' (Tommunity Park. opened last sLnnn1o1', have now dt-cidc-d to pro- vidv am open-.'-tir : rink on the park site. The villagre has been without :1 rink for some time zmd hhv project is gz'oat`.y appreciated. .1. n';=.u\~:euge DI Lne umr.-, pnospnor-; ous and potash re-quirernents of theirf sold will enable the farm: __ to pur-Q chase the r fertilizer r=:qui2'emen:.~; ..___:`LI, I , 'l`.ht- Ih-)'t:.](l :\lli. (H L-mi inn~ uyl`....A ]lI'|`.~i(Il`IH *5 -1mr_,-`:- .\`.-3,000 nu-n on mil:-s in (';m:ul:| St:1L<-.<, huvin,-.v; also zmd .'tt-zan1- 1'. on :. tfunzuliun Ha :npp1`:-:1- Hm-. um! pn. nl ,.~tr\:|dil_v in I'm- '0p<-r:Lt,il1;:;, -.\':-vu|i\':- llP])1l)`L!lI<"lll..~'. appoint:-n` `r'}miI'n1.'u1 n! divu- t of Il:|il\\'x1_\`.-< in `St-ma-n1h4-1' I.-..! . --ml--I.-1| ---7" ' -,.~1.xnu|iul ()1 Ln =S(-pic-n1h1' l::.~3 on this l\'('..; IS_\'mim_-`Ion, l\'.1 .\lr)'.'1lL ll or Health, .s...2o; -'1`. A. saw. _\'. 1`. meotin_;- 01` Board of Hcz1lt11, .<'f:.'_- ; W. 13. Sloan. meeting of ilozmi of Health, $23.20; C. W. W. HC'I11'_'\', .~'(-l(-ctor 01' jurors, $4; Wil- L`; fr-<-d Stu-\vzu't ,.<:=lr.-ctol` of juro1':<, $4; .i ' \\.. I3. Sloan, st-`.0Ct01' of juro1'.<, 1: C. W. Hc-m'_v. court of revxsion, ' $`.'3..I(`; O. E. `Todd, com: of 1'e\'1s1o~n, . $6.40; "1'. Connc-II, court. of I ; Harr_\' gt:-ynoltlcs, courtzt of re- :--\-i. $6.40; '[`ho:<. Cook, court of . 1 . I l`(,'\:.~'i0I1, SIS.-'10. f Iiozul Supt. Stexvgxrt p1'u. the `I folIo\\'in_2' road accounts : ` Sum. \'u\'il`.<. ditcl1ing, '3$12.5.`9; W..VIcCu11ough, road 9, ditching; ; ilrozul 3, wxro -7%l>onu.<. Boy .. 1. r. N . 4 .}f..,_. Ln. ", nu. 1'01` Lh1- (:15! thrt-v \\ l*( :1 hu. has hm-n paid, .<:1t.I:~'f'u(-t01'_\' to the t":n'nn1`.< :he `Kingdom urrection nistice lllh. 1918. and the rnrnrnen:-n 1,.u.~.u;.;\, -n~ pz1ir.< and (`ouncil Sf.1'oud at t I :5. J. I-IUNGE;Rl`ORD TO FILL , DUAL POSTS OF C ; Ll IPF. Qqj; [A'_ _ `Do:n' of Health, ` \':-1` nxnnn... An` 1. I thu I n . .. Soil Testing Service Given at Guiph Winter Fair 'I'hrou2'h the courtesy of :he On- tario Agricultural College, farmez-.~: may bring saznples of their .=oil;~: to tlie Guelph Winter Fair this year and h:=.v-:- th-:-In tested frr-1 of charm':. A kr.o'.1:'7edge of the pho.<.pnor- notash re-au: rr-rnrm~_-.~ rs.` Hn.-.;v llL'.`( the all ,-. 1 A1u.\plLki" uCCO'.HlL:` 11111011 1->$!.'.S(i were o1'do1'L-(1 paid. [ "i'hL- nzmce committe = mended p:1_\'m(ant fol ' vmmts : 1.` [.1 cu. .,_. `.... .....a.u.. ur um: as';~:essn1c~11t roll;' {all 1x1o111bm's pro:-.~'e11t. 1 ('oInInunic11t:ion.< and uccounrts {were received from the fol`.owin_2- :1 J. '1`. Sixnpson, county clerk; Toronto `\\'(`.~'l(.`1 I1 Ho.~:piLul; Welch, Anderson w& ('o.; I .o.<.< Sheppard, the Bell j'i`vl:-phone (,`o.. H. Rnzs Qlinlrlnuw nn ; LY \ 0.; l(.0.' ;'l vlophouc Co., ('lo. $25.13 I ;\1l\'21n(`0. ` LI 1. The bo:,n' of of `tho (`mu (ti:1n |2:1iIw:1_\'.< inform- 1\Iini. of uppointt-d S. prr-.~'t-n.t of the `.~t-m. A').LI'Jy 1) ` iog'.<, S9; I|(-d by do; .. Ln; 1 Tlw ClI|`t':'1l 1 `\':-5 uvuncv. I-{o.4[>ilIzx1 zxcco-_n1t.s H.'..\'(i \\'uI'n nI'I r.\-(.1 I'1~.ni. t.o\\'mhip H` O1'zm2~c- H.111, (`,h...~..1.;n ,.. ;ucuuuu.~1_\ Lulu are now 111 normal` to condition through-I most provi-rice-. Fzmnci-. iI1C1`C'21:'(.`d their acreage of f;:lI wheat! this season and elds have an ex-} ;:e'1c-nt appearance. A large L1C1`0`.=.{_"L- of n;-\\' so-cdings of hay and clover was so badly injured by the (ll'0Llf.ThI in C:-:'.rtr-.11 and Western On&'.ario Lhixt it \\'L~` ploughed up, and the remain- ing` -acre-age in this section, although g1':;1t1_V' beneted by recent rains, is very spotty and con. below Zl`s'r=1`:10'n iv` unnanrannn Tn 1Z`n,~+.......

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