Page Two The Northern Advance is equipped to handle All Kinds of Printing from a Business Card to a Catalogue, Nnrthmt Ahnanrr 5,. PHONE 53 Printers in Barrie since 1847 I rates. Barrie C. D. Stewart E-NI. H. Esdzen om: Barrie, Ont THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1936. `VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES rn1'mmnm 1-uVu aununun Ofce-Owen St. (Formerly occupied by Dr. L. J. Simpson). Residence 144 Maple Ave. Phone 700 Graduate of McGill University, ' Montte-a.`.. Office and Residence-Corner Dun- lop and Poyntz Sts., Barrie. Phone 105 l'\l..- `I'_`[.......~. 0 1n 1\ r\'\ 1 9 v\ inn Counter Check Books rnone IUU Office Hours: 9-10 a.x 7-8 p.m. I."l'll1Lrl.l`LLV IXLVJJ DUIVUDULV Special attention Obstetrics Associate Coroner for Simcoe County Ofce and Residence 50 Mary St. Phone 101 Ofce Hours: 8-9.30, 11-2.30, 6-8.30 fI'lIDl\J<.|.`$iVD .`$i\1J DUIVUIIJULVLD Phone 213 47 Maple Ave. Office Hours: 2-3 p.m., 7-9 p.m., or by appointment A '1" T.if.Hp, 'M,T). Z-6 p.Ill., I-:1 p.u1., U1` uy appmuuucnu A. T. Little, M.D. W. C. Little, M.B., Associate Coroner County of Simcoe. VVU'.|.\'J.lLlV Asociate Coroner, County of Phone 61. 0fce--58 Collier S . Office Hours : _ 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.30-8 p.m. lJl\. VVl1hlL1l\ ll. V1 \J\IlJl\\l vv EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT SPECIALIST Orillia, Ontario will be at the Queen : Hotel, Barrio` Every Saturday. 8 a.m. to 12 noon, and by appoint- ment. 1 .l'I'_lh1VI\I'1D 1'D 82a Dunlop St. Phone 403 Electric, Hydro, Physio and Electionit Treatmemts. Massage and Corrective Adjustments Blood Tests and Urinalysis I-l--_ _.. filling D-On. Dnnnnn-I-nIn L;1C8I1Se(X CHIRO'PRACTO RS and DRUGLESS THERAPIST-S I CA no. I\.._ -.. BL--- An ! D1000 LESLS anu Urlllaxyma Hora or Office Rates Reasonable` [47 Elizabeth St. EDITORIAL J. H. N. SMITH, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON nrc.-- l'i....... Q5 DRS. LITTLE 8: LITTLE PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS DL.__.. '11 ) A ) I.._I.. Au- SURGERY AND DISEASES OF WOMEN x....,...:..4... r*-.......-m F.-.nn+u AF Qir-mun DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON c'r\nn;n1 n4> ('\ka+nlv-Sm: DR. WALTER H. WOODROW |`7T1 11; \Vr\.I1`i A\V`I'\ rn`rY`nr\A| GEO. R. AND E. A. BURNS Y inn-nan ! MISS BEULAH SCOTT DR. E. G. TURNBULL AMBULANCE SERVICE P. c. LLOYD &. soru, FUNERAL DIRECTORS Phone 53 DR. W. A. LEWIS --Phone 791-- nu v.--_..- V- Barrie Branch Magistrates , `Forms also IVIJ IL. [1 Licensed "'l`f\ D Q -. v\ A Phone 218 Weather is a factor in the busi- ness picture, but condence must go hand in hand with good weather and good purchasing power. `"1 .qt3'lIfF>H1l'1("l', n}lQI'3Hf"P1` (`HY 9`/I-!(`S goon purciiasuig power. In September, passeI1g`e1` car sales ] `in all provinces rose 19.6 per c.;nI;. compared with the same months `.a.~.:'t year. They were especially good in `Western Canada due to higher wheat` prices -and early marketing of crops. Manitoba series rose 21.7 per ce=n-t. Saskatchewan sales jumped 32.5 per cent. British Columbia sales soared * 43.5 per cent. Rn? xxrhnf. hnnnpnp in -Hhcz-1'r.;i.? CAR SALES SLUMP IN ALBERTA 3 96.0 P81` CCIUQ. But what. happened in .-\.lbe1'c-.L? Sales slumped 23.6 per cent. com- pared with the same month `ast year. ; (`.1-2n.+nrl Alhm-+52 : m-nn .<`x1.uatin11 ' viewpoint of trade and industry. | year. 1 Granted A1be1'ta s cron s`xtuatio114 was not as a.vo1'ab1e relatively this 1 year as ;VIanitoba s, and that other ; factors enter the comparison in 1>:'i`.'- : ish Columbia, there seems nothing` to account for the stniking 1'eversal of sales between Saskatchewan and ` Alberzh, except the two words-- , Social Credit-which mean, in short, comp`_ete lack of condence in pres- <-nt or future prospects on Lhe part. ` of bomh business men and cmxsumers. The fact that truck sales droppeci 31 per cent. in the month conrms the I '1 In an editorial Small Investor is Hit, the New Globe the other day}; strongly criticized the various re-.`( pudiations of obligations by theil ,Aberh-art Government in Alberta. 1 Concluding it says : l , Pr-pmipr Ahorlnart has reduced`. Lonclumvpg It says : r mum of _ 3_07 P_'rem1er Aberhart has reduced[m0nt},s on $3 $104 pub1_1c revenue_ as well as des'tro_yedvl 01. the instalments credxt and i_`r1g`htened off capltal. ve Vear5_ of Cc The combmatlon of these factors may! in p1`.Opm.tiOn to 1 yet force the people to` reverse 1112; ed up to $2,o00_ - 1eg'is`.ation and return to a pohcy of; 1,1, is an an--zmg : tions. honest recognition of their obliga-j{G\0Ve,-mnent and p`.o_vment Commis \XT1'l +1-an {LIA}-no nnuv 111-crn nnnn H~l!`4L.... D `D.....y:.- n4 Judg1'ng_ from the large number of fatal accldcnts on our highways these days, it would seem if Roe Fulkerson is right when he say: 1The old urge to get rich quickly seems to have changed to a desire to get killed quickly. LIONS." Will the Globe now urge upon good riend, Premier Hepburn, Ontario, the same policy ? TI !-an D-ntm-in Government has 1 Untamo, me same poncy: fI'he Ontario Government has re- pudiated the contracts of its Hydro- Electric Power Commission, and sma`J investors were hard hit by this ' repudiation, as well as by Albcrta :-| dishonesty. E I Tn :+_= r-ritioimn nf Allrwt-t.a.. thei I I > V G15`-fl01'l_SW-_ _ _ fwealthy New 101'}: mercnant, men. In 115 Crltlclsm Of Albertau the; In his will, made a few years ago, Globe makes much of `ohe contmstnhe had left, bequests amounting to in government Saskachewan and A-lbe1`l&- It C01`-ltional and charitable institutions, in- TECUY Points Out that Saskatchewan eluding three hospitals. But recent- has made eV1'.V effort t0 hY11' it! ly, as the result of the high estate obligation despite its serious econ- taxes imposed by the federal and omic difficulties. _In contrast, }10'-; state governments he added a codicil ever, the Globe fails to make a COD}-:rto his win revoking these b uests. parison between the A-berhart repud-: Dr. Framk E. Adair, of emoria`. iation and that Of _the Qnt}1'i0 8'0: Hospital, New York, says that this ern-ment in connection with its Hydro] practice of 1-evoking bequests that c0nit!`aC'tS- It is to be l:l0'Pd l*hal3;were formerly included in wills has +.lm`.r: was: mprplv an oversight. lnnrno +n ha 2 nnmmnn not-nrmnep. P01iCleS bf`-tweeniabout one million dolhars to educa-' I their Mr. Hall ` -Grove: . ing Knou give separ de `jib! that l plate: Hepb electt far-re conrwac-Ls. n, 15 to De nopeu thus was merely an oversight. ---------s v Some individuals and some busi-' ness firms are forever reminding the! public of their superiority, but the`; public take their measure in .a dif-| ferent way. i WILL THE GLOBE BE CONSISTENT ? 112"" ` oi I Saturday is Poppy Day, when citi-I zens will be given an opportunity to; do something for those who volung teered to serve their country in the; GreIa.t War, and who have since e.\:- t perienced misfortune and hardship:.`J There are many who by reason of t.heir service overseas have become-'< casualties in the battle of life. The Poppy Fund was organized to pro-l` vide some of the necessities of life < for such. It is nearly twenty years since the boys came home. Many have answered the last call; others ` are sill ca1'1'ying on, but with dii- ` ' culty. The Poppy Fund is to help * veterams and their dependents who are nding the road hard. Buy :1 poppy on Poppy Day- CHEAP MONEY AVAILABLE -` FOR HOME RENOVATION` Iacilmes. ; The maximum loan is $2,000. No Iminimum is xed. The banks will ,provide the money to any owner at la discount rate of 31,4 per cent. !This is to say !,hat, on :1. loan of. 5. $100, for which the borrower would" 3'] g'1\'e a note to the bank, he will re- `.ceive $96.75 in cash, and a pro-l elpontionate amount for the la1~ge1";5 1-`loans. He can pay it back in instal-lj ments of $8.07 per month for 1234 `months a $100 loan in one yeai-,l di can be spread over 1 - years. cours, they would be 1 Yl proportion the amount borrow- . l$ nrl nn tn $9.000. I` Hion. David Croll announced last c Week end that legislation would be '1 introduced at the next session of the Legislature to authorize municipal- ities to exempt from increased pro- perty -assessment improvements made through the Dominion home 1'epa.i1's and modernization scheme. This means t.hla.t a home owner can take advantage of the scheme without fear that in doing so he will raise the taxes on his property. The new legislation will take the form of an amendment to the Asessment Act It will be permissive legislation, but the G-oevrnment expects many \ l l 1 municipalities will take advantage of ` it. It Will be for a three year term only, and during that time assess ments will not be grounds of increased value accruing increased on ' through home improvemenrts. We be- ` lieve that such legislation should ap- ply to all, whether they improve their homes with money borrowed oi their own money. There are home owners who could afford to spend money in improving their properties, but when they do this their assess- ment is raised and taxes increased. The Assessment Act needs revising all the way through if building and improvements to properties are to be encouraged. Fifty mi`.1ion dollars of state-aided expenditure may be disbu1'.<._ in Cwnlada this winter as a result of the housing` renovation program an- nnnnnml I"hn mnmrnf mnv hp LIN.` HOU.\'lll};' l`CIlU\'il nounced. The 1 doubled if those construction work low the initiative to the state plan. 'I`-'|n..a n1-imp: 1-v n This to me state plan. The primary object is to get twhings moving immedilaitely without the need of waiting until Parliament meets in January to enlarge the scope of the existing legislation. present plan applies to 1`u-' modelling and renova'tion of houses. it also .u.pplie.=. to the installation of immovable equipment. It will be _ possible for people to put in a new`. ' plumbing` systen1 or a new bath tub or a new roof or to paint and clean; up their homes, and, under this plan, to secure the requisite nancia." facilities. l 'T"'Ian v'nn\':I\1III11 lnun in Q`) nnn \l'n ied `LO .$z,uuu. 1 1 an-amgement between the, jG\overnment the National Em-: _p`.o_vment Commission, headed by Ar 1 Vthur B. Purvis, of ;VI-`ontre_al,'who has, been the prime mover on one side, iand the Canadian Bankers Associa-` '_tion on the other. l I 301- money grants, V I Recen-tly Jesoe I. Strauss, an attempt to djgnify gwealthy New York merchant, died.i, - - ,- n ;In ago,!th%1a1;, ;I'he bequests amounting` to1 11,," `_M,,,,,,1~ km 'Sl0I1 01 state oenevuience. . i It does seem that g'overnnients`- ihave about reached the limit of their lcapacity to deal'with relief through :the rates emd taxes. If that is .=.o,' 7 it puts the is. up to private char-1 viity in one or all of its forms. In` ]point of fact, ma'n_\' believe that the iexpansion of state benevolence hasi Estied private charity. A taxpayeri` who sees a lamze. slice of his contri-g `hution to the government going for social schemes does not feel disposed to `give privately as wel`. Community chest funds have late- ily been in process of collection inj Canada. \Ve|:1l1h_\` mt-n l12lV0 been` paiiicularly ;_-ft,-nt','l`Ol1.*' and in `Toronto. intlividunl contributions higrh as` $10,000 and $15,000 were rec:-ive(l., Yet. on the whole it has pl`OV(,'(l dim- cult in mozet ('1tlC`S to raise the-_ mon<.-_\`. And the rt-:i. is oh\'iou.<.f When ;.1'0\'('l'llnl':nl.`< un(lr~rt41ke 10 lookl 21ftm' 1-vor_\'on in nr~e(l, when tlivyi impo.~`e trt-men supel`-taxes and? ('>`t:lir' t.:i:~:r_-s mi imlivi(luuls to ra.i. the monr,-_\', both the incentive and` th~ niozim to :-'um)0)'t privuf.. char-` itiv-.< li. Post. |come to be a common Occurrence. Irt is so diicult for heirs to n-[ lance the payment of successionl `duties that testators have had to be! lless generous in leaving money toij 1 charities. , 5 Dr;nnMf`I7 {n Dhilnnlnhia Hnovn wac- I cnarmes. Recently in Philadelphia there wast: a discussion of the Q1i'. ,`ht of those` hospitais that are dependent uponl {private philanthropy. It was point-if ied out by eminent surgeons that thew ldepression had been ooding the! Ihospitals with the indigent sick, {heaping on them a tremendous over-` iload. At the same. time hospital in-; `come had diminished sharply, in part" because of 21 drying up of funds: |fl`0Tl1 private SOIIYCCS. I "FY1119 '\n ,\'n'/ii:-1'.i'10-Y'i(`i1 nniicv` |lI'UH1 DTIVHIB SOLIYCCS. I I `Thus, the .~;oak-the-rich poiicys [of taxation has crippled hospital ifaciiities of which the poor have wbccn the prime beneciaries. | I Pr-I-nnH\r Hun Ki Jnhn 'Tc>1mYr2n'I'1- woecn me pnme nenenclanes. [ Recently the St. John Telegraph- JournIa deplored the stiing of` :private charities th1'0ug'h the expan-4` ision of state benevolence. i U14 (`Ann nnnn-u +1u+ n-nun\-v1n1nnf:.` The Northern Advance, Barrle Over in O: township an nudif. is h< in;' m21dr- of the books of the oi<-iu].< hack to 1.031 and evid<=nt.1y: ihin(::< aw in :1 bad m(~.<.<. FI.\:u'(-1m- `oo.<(-m-.<.< in the method of account-uf in;-,' is fouml all the way th:'or.1;`h.`;` `;\'Izxn_v ch(!qu(-5 have prone 1hrou;:h:( iho bank n(-(-ount of the munlr.-! -.21-13 ity that czmnot now be produced :m(l';3 for which no r-mries are made in`]` 1 the books. | MlNET S POINT COTTAGES ` ENTERED AND RANSACKED` ---` L Making their rounds of ; cottages _on the lakeshore, police found 'ninr- cottages at Minet s ` Point broken into. At s/om,. cottages iho doors were jimmied, while at others the thieves gained entrance through the windows. Owners of the cottages have been notxied and the loss will not be known til`. :1 check-up is made. I TAxE-s AND CHARITIES . uuuu 141 uguuu amount may . akin +n H n illllULlIlL Hilly UU able to do re- on their own fol- of other adherilng lhe Northern Advance (Wall Street Journal) _ I I Yes, sir, it s gotten to the pointi 'that a man on nome relief can : af Lord to accept a job. The American ;\lc1`cu1'y tells 01' `one case in point. I can t take a job paying 53 pp) iweek more than relief because 1 can t afford it, the applicant. quoted by the magazine srayys. \:"nw that I m rm rplipf 1 mm in uy Llle uluguzum: auryz. Now that Pm on relief 1 go to `the movies 7 times a week, cvcry afternoon, at a cost of 15 cents per day. If 1 took :1. inh I wnulcl h:1vr- in aay. If 1 took a job I would have to go at night: and pray -10 cent: :1 night. That would make the movies mu? mu $1 7:`: nmrn Hurn 1h4-\' x-n~1. ltel 'Miss Rene Caisse, a 131-acebrid-ge nurse, claims to have dlscovered a 3h_ c_ure for _cua}nce1' and has been operat- 'of mg a chmc m that town for sor_ne m_;- years. For thlrteen years M199 .Ca;isse has been working to produce ntsfproof of her cure. Mvany individual r cases which she has treated are list- ed as cured. `The Provincia` Minis- ter of Health, however, is reluctant al__ to give recognition_ to Miss Calsse} In Followlng pat.holog'1cal`1_)roof m _one] the serlous case, the mmaster advxsecl ] ms her that she '1m.ght_demonsrate on Ver: m1_ce under ob. of Sn` Fred- t_`| enck B_zmung. NIISS Calsse, how- mu ever, 15 _relucb9.;nt to gave up her wd many patlents to undertake that ' ` task, and has accepted an o er from a Chicago Ulniversity to demonstrate .her clzmcer cure to the stall" {She will be allowed to grim. her ,`treatment to a selected group of as` cancer pz1t,ient..=, and if she can show L ` that the t1'e1t.m(-.nt `even p1_'o`.ongshf?., im_ lL1ll`ree.0;:n1t-m.11 w1ll be f:'l\ ('l1 hr)`. the` It ..\l'..=.~:'(7z11.<. .~ tre2mm-`nt ls a`l _m.'it.l1..t `._s elzumed for `n. she need not Doki bf. zxlrzml _ot g.-`ehn;: 1'eeog`n1t.1on. hm,` (ancer pal1ent< }v1ll nd then` way: ` to l .1'ucel)1'1(l_L`: 1f z1s.=urc-cl of be-ingl mm cu W- 1vi. : ` ' \ eir xgh so, ~ rte- in een nto me now. And if I take a job l".l have to `pay 60 cents a week subway furs.-, muaxking a total extra cost 01' $2.35 more than 1 pay now. Rn vnn I-nn n:I.~:ilv min whv I 1-:n1'1. HlOJ.' l,Il'cUl 1 HOW. So you can easily see why 1 can't mkc your job. I d be :55 (:cllL.S worse off, even if your job puy:: $2 more 21 week than .I m gettillg from relief. llllOSL Vllal l]UELil..lUIlb UL L118 uag. Dr. Simpson was not even ad1'oi.t - 3 in his effort to confuse l1lS hearers ` 1 by his talk about the ab-olution of t*sepsa.1'ate schools and the introduc 1,public schools. `These are not the lquesitions before the people of On- itavio. The question at issue is fur- "lther concessions to the separate 1'1 schools, which seriously threaten the imtegrity of the public school system 2:.of this province. 3` Whpn hl-m hawrnin xvnsz marln hv tion of religious instruction in thcl Speaking in "l`o1-onto last week end -C. 0 Knowles, editor of the `Tele- gram, charged that Hon. Dr. L. J. `Simpson, Minister of Education, speaking` before the Ministerial As- sociation, and Hon. Arthur Roebuck, ` At.torney-General, speaking at a `Liberal rally in Massey Hall, dodged `the renal school issue, abtempting tol ,draw a red herrinvg across the trail =`to confuse the public on one of the `most vital questions of the day. ' hr Qimnznn `M2,: nnf oven mh'nif| SAYS CABINET MINISTERS DODGING SCHOOL TAX ISSUE -1.01 unis province. v` When the bargain was made by " the Fathers of Confederation with 3 the hienarrchy of the Roman Cat.ho`.ic Church, there was a distinct under-` `standing that the settlement was Inal, irrevocable, and no additional _'!concessions would be sought. The _`P1-ortestanvt majority have loyally andl. pnctiliously observed the harms of` "l_.tl1e agreement, but unfortunately "lthe same cannot be said about the llsponsors of the separate school sys- tem. They have continually agitated for additional favors, or privileges, lor which they always '1,a.t1:empt as a claim for "IH-iaiv 1'nu+ 1~i(rl1fR" A ;me1r Just 1`lg'n1'.S." - _ _ * Mr. Roebuck talked, in his Massey Sh1t` ,Hall speech, about the Hepburn N0 `-Government`~s honest way of meet- M0119? a nsa-nclal problem. Mr. Knowles asked: Was it honest to Ofc` secret promises t3 support this separate school legislation and then G, 1-1, deliberately convey the impression no such legislation was contem- 1 ` plated ? Was it honest for the ` Hepburn Government to betray the . electors by passing legislation of such M ' far-reaching importance without giv- t` ing them an opportunity to expresslopen iheir views ?" In answer to Mr. Roebuck s refer- Phone ` > V l Roman Catholic Church. _ Goovernment elected to meet the fin- ancial pproblems : more than it is under obligation to 'lig*a1txion to meet the nancial prob- ence to meeting a nancial prob- lem, the speaker asked: Whose n- " ancial problem ? Was the Hepburn of the separate schools, or the nancial problems of the Province of Ontario `I Hep- burn s Government is not under ob- lems of the separate schools any solve the nancial problems of the ` --:- _ $n0\\'F H1211 Irnf.` S}'.5'1('l11 Op(.'I'l'l[1H_Lf l'(`\'-I _ enue.~- for the month of Sc-pm-x11ber iamoumc-d to $l7..`L`95f3,.`J64, an in- c1`<-a.<(- of $2,037,285 over the cor-I rt,-.~'pondin;_-' month of 1935. Openn- I mg` oxpen.<(:~s were -I11-1,994,327, an iinc-1-0:150 of $1,385,878 over Septem- ber of last year. Net revenue for the month amounted to 2,962,637, '4;-.\'('eeding that of 1935 by $671,407. F4-n~ 111: r-Iwvnnf vnnv nn 1n .Q(I`.1l. M`ontrt'a1. Oct. 27.-'I`ho mont:h1;.' .<\21tmnr,-nt of Czumdiun National Rai':- w:1_\'.< c:z1x`11in;';:<, i'<~'uo(l h(`1`~-10-d2l_\`, sho\\'.= that the s):.sI<-1n operating: rev-` (`rm Hm mn.n+11 nf .Q:-n1~.. -mhpvl I nun Mr. Merchantu .C.N.R. NET REVENUE OVER $6,000,000 FOR NINE MONTHS c-x('ee(11np: THZIIZ 01 131-30 [)_V -`bl)l1.*iUl. For the current year up to Scpl. 130, operating 1-<-vcnuos have amount- mod to $134,448,312, an increase of _' $9,349,237 as mmmpared with the ; corre.cp-ondinq: period of 1935. Open L umimg expenses during` the nine .1 months totalled $128,242,851, show- , ing an increase of $9,278,336 over .- 1935. Net revenue of the system fox \ i th enine months of this year totals, | `$6,205,461, an increase of $70,991i as compared with the nine mont.h.s~" of last year. ' COSTS MONEY TO WORK CLAIMS CANCER CURE liln VVUUAU IHUKC LIIU XHUVJUS .$l.T..") more thzrn they ( ' CAMERON & CAMERON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Ann ;.:rx.uuw;u .L 4.44: Solicitor for obtaining probatte oi will, guardian.'hip and administration and General Solimtor, Notary Con- veyancer, etc. Mnxrwv 'rn LOAN GORDON FOSTER BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY CONVEYANCING, ETC. MONEY T0 LOAN Office, 3 Owen St., Barrie Phone 69 A GORDON LONGMAN BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY W."T`(7., Published at 123 Dunlap SL, Barrie, every Thursday 34.. D. MORRISON. Editor and Publisher u.Inn..vvr|u\n uu u-my r||\| ` BAR.'RISITERS, SOL1CITC')RS, NOT- IARIES PUB-LIC & CONVEYANCERS Money to loan in any sums at ` lowest current rates. 18 Owen St. - `D. M. Stewart Stewa .1. .. ...--v.-.v, _.--. Successor to Creswicke & Be`.l BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC I MONEY TO LOAN (X52--. D--- DI_-I- D__..:- 5 Owen St, Barrie. Phone 406. 'Ipl\\~r~V7 nun v r\A\v an: up n.a\a-hi BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOT- ARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS . mmn , urr1ur4: 1.3 uwnm 51 . In the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto. Branch Office, Elmvale, Ont. W. A. Boys, K.C. J. R. Boys | DAIEIBLDLLIUD Solicitors in High Court of Justice Nata ring 'P11}-ip, (".nnvs.v::nr-aw: DUXIUILUIE 111 Ehlgll KIUUICI: U1 JUSI-ICC Notarles Publlc, Conve-yancers to loan at lowest current 1-nhu, D Esten _ 82. We can suppy you with any quantity of the Best Make at right prices .U.U;\I.'.4 1 l U 1JU4L1V Ofce: Masonic Temple Bldg. Mbney to Loan Masonic Temple B|dg., Barrie nun. Money to Loan at Lowest Rates -8 Inc---.o nvvi-1;- Ofce: ht Floor Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrie. 1 T1 Edam M W `F`.,c4+,n1 I` UJ.V:E).Hn`\.`l4 .1J 1IXJ1l\.1.LUl\nD Motor Ambulance in Connection )pen day and night Morgue and Chapel in connection. Established 1869 |L__._ on D......:. l'\ STEWART & STEWART .-us-Nun-av`... ~nw -rtV'vrr\r\'r\r~1 ALEXANDER COWAN BARRISTER 1 LVLULVILI 1 J. U J.JU.l`ll`J Ofce: Ross Block, Barrie. OI IIIIQYGII. OFFICE: 13 OWEN ST. n ~nv-nw-.-an n--vund ` v . A n . ..u. "iu8:`E?'i~'cI Lam Northern Advance veyuuce r, ow. MONEY T0 LOAN -... IA _ _ . _ .2- 'l"..._..l_ ll D. F. McCUAlG, B.A. G. G. SMITH 8: CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS .5-.. A....L..I.._..- :.. f'n..n-.-H ESTEN & ESTEN BARRISTERS #5 in L`| n'|n ("run-+ .-.4 Business Directory BOYS & BOYS Yll PHINTINE REQUIREMENTS D l`DIII I9 LUV of Interest. "Inn 1-: nun: We carry a full line of Constables and Coroners Farm and House Leases. Loo! over your requirements and pice "our or.1er with the Advance. How about your