susmsss MEN T0 gvousunlsnunum run POTATO ma! CENTRAL cuuncu ! ANNIVERSARY? v ,_ ,..-..\., \Ill\4 ......- uuxul <---u vu present. the 1'mancialstate- iof G,ut~,}n-_ie, lhey was taken to the; mom of the Royal Victoria Ho.:pit'al, Memo1'ia.l Hospital, Orillia, S1lffel'll1g'lmh`n1ibl'S of the board .1" at (from numerous lacerations, . the 11U1`SS"1 Sid11CC last Tuesday j]'lg`l1t hip and internal injuries. '1`l1e[m8`h1- Tlhe meeting` was presided truck was t1'avel`ing north about 30 0V`~ 1` by H- M- La) , Dresidellt of the miles an hour and the car, going.-; in;b0al`d ` the same direcvtion, collided with it.i with tW0 @`XC9Dtl011S the -`late Of Tvhe (lriver evidently failed to see t.heimC1'S and di1`eCt01`S were returned truck ahead of him. Traic Ofce1"f91'_T`hC Coming .V931'~ M1'S- V- E- Lewis investigated. lknlght, for-.v9 y_e_z3rs president of l-HI..- uy,,, {__j: R.V. eHospital%, Balance ; Sheet Shows -Deficit of Over $3,000 for Year CAR COLLIDES WITH TRUCK ?.I)uring Yc;{ __. -__.___ I ,, : '|`..,...4.\,1_ I , _._---., ..-.,.u.-use RISE ruesday J-u,'.is_ Thelnight. nh 30`ovcr Lay, president of car, in , b0a1'<- _ 1-ded With exceptions ed t_he[o icers immc QfCC1.!fo1` the for ve years ithe Wonnen s Auxiliary of the hos- pital, was elected to the board and will be the first women to occupy a position on the board. J. D. Wis- ,, representing the Barrie Busi- ~ |ness Men, ,was elected to replace A. Sarjeumt. Mrs. Knight wi'l re ` -place Wrilliam Rusk. . H. M. Lay was again the unani- ;B1-Uug~h1"inous choice for I)l'P~irl(-nf nH-~- M211 .1 w1$1hinq of C04! fnvorAd nnuul. ..... smusu cmsns nsvuzwsn AT gs; cmnum cwn , w_*ho' t I 8 - there were lest ; _________._._. About $60,000 was spent in O2':"'.7n on relief for the rst eight months of this year, some $7,000 more than for the same pwiod in 1935, though relief recipients this year. |/IILAC year. umI`}:e(l. was atso Indicted. E The third true bill brought in was on the charge of rape agiainst Wil- fred Beausoliel, Gordon Rollins and Amie Beauchamp, all of Penetamg`. The docket nresemterl his Im-Aam... _ , , , . . . . V- LVIKICHUCI ,' Tho Fpf .'lk(`1` ]`.'(':l(i(`(i th::i '.\'<- flan- izdians try to contribute to those .. posit.i\'e forc::.< by thinkinga` sti'z1i;:`ht " and clearly and p1`actic-in_u~ 1.0]:-1-utinn and r'=r-vim-]':lti()Il. 'l`h-- mt- w:1.= ;v.'r4.~'i\i` (I ov-`1' h_\' .\h'.<. M011`.21f:u- ;' I, -1 ti` and \\':--.= we]! 2-:ttendr:d. .' METROPOLITAN LIFE STAFF HOLD ANNUAL BANQUET ` 'I`ht- !`.`(:|`.1b"1'.~' 01' tho .' oi` the Bzi1'rir.- hizmch of tho I\Iet1'opolitan `Life Insu1'anc<- C0,. along` with their !fZ1Y11i]i(`S,.]'1C](1 an smjo_\'ab`r> b:m<~,:io~ c at I\Ia1']z1w .\I='-Lnor S21t1l`.`(iZ1_"H!':'ht. `Following a production contest, for 'which prizes were drawn, songs were lrr-i_ide1-ed by Miss Lois Ryan, Mr. _A. 'VV1ldm2m and Mr. J. B. Wzilkz-1'. w.:th ;Mi.<:~' Maizie Barkey as accompzxmst. Mr. J. R. Barkey was chztirmzm of ?tho evoninig` and short a.ddl`(`S.\'(, S were given by E. A. Ryan and others. i'Daincinp; was then enjoyed. 9_ Mrs. Davidson thought that the Vlgovernments of the world had much [to d-o wirbh the present situatiorl in VI-the propyaganda of the press and -iradio by the heads of Germany, t;Ital_\' and Rusazia. 'I`h<.- imorc-.~t or` -lthresp throe countries lnvnc ... A...` n::L(.' 01 evxdence spvzxkm` J1 cdians ( b and (`-'?~()I)(`I`.'IHr\n .}1Lll_\' and Russia. inteh thesp countries leaves 21 Hgerous situatzion which may 11 settled in the next ve years. . It m:zxy be one of the re lhi.' aite as :1 causn of thr world war, and it was the th `of the speaker that the S; struggle brought out many pot land powerful ]e.<. In the "w;u' world an enormous amou evidem-r; has been H-Iea. I Spanish revolutrion w.- see the n:-.t.e of evidence. vmm m,,..Lr.... .. `gt:ugl"clplC`dl m:.1ke up of the people, fand also the inuence and impact of Spa-in will have a ruth1es..=: dic- batorshivp or a government which will persecute its opponents hea1'tle.~'sl_V, no matter which faction wins the civil] war, declared Mrs. Johr. F. 3Davidson. . n. u.., r- =7 [civi }Davids-on, spezikinvg to th {Women's Canadian Club. in i;`i`.d`?.*`ela3 1;Z`*i"" `i`f" o s are ieyto as :` lwhaitever gwroup is in power |sult of the civil strife, she ; ur|~1_,., ..,,_._I.,n- ' >- 1, n . ,__ _._. .4, vvac wgicllll me unani- `mous president. Other zcxecuitive offices were also lled un- 'animousl_v. They are: Frank Hlam- imond, vrico~presideint; C. C. Parsons, trcasure1'; N. M. 'I`hom.son, secre- -ouse committee, F. Hammond, . A. Lewis, Mrs. lxlxlight, . VVvisdom; finance committee, R. G. Nrorman, H A. Sims, C. C. .. Parsons, N. M. Thomson; ;committee, J. A. Mac`Laren, Dr. E. G. Turnbull, A. H. ; ', Neil .VIcDonald; honorary presidents, L. McCarthy, K.C.; G. B. Strathy, K.C.; W. H". fWrig'h1. Hon. Dr. L. J. Simpson, M'.P.P.; D. F`. McCuaig, K.C., M.P. ` 'I ihe,Iv1-ustees report, prepared by v-H M. Lay, was as follows: During gllhe year ending Sept. 30 last, 1,268 !patients were treated, an increase of 939 over last year, or ab`out 8 per cent. The total days of 12,650 was, `however, 667 less than last year. 'lThis apparent discrepancy is account- ed for by the admittance of a num- er of one-day or short-term poantients. `Such patients involve extra laundry (Continued on padre four) ._________ M'rs. Davidson Sees Long I and Bitfor S11-if'(-` VVl'1i(-I1 Ever .Qid0 VVins. 11. m. Lay [7 ` mous lac-xecut.1've w animously. vricc~p1'e. 'trcasure1'; M Lary; house commit "]{(~_ . n I A 1 nnnc neaucnamp, all of Penetama`. I presemted his Lordship (~omainn(l twenty cases, eight crim- 1'na`., four jury, four civil at-tiom rnd four divorce cases. Three of the four civil actions hsavra hann ML IIUCCI ach e4 all; I\ `uu uuu ma.'n_\ potentxal post- Z1H'lOl1Ht Of )(:(11 11']:-:l. In Hm -rr.......u..: ucIa1Llt.`:Sl_V, nich ieclared neal~nin'g' the Barrie adian Club thv Lib- night. Bitte1'ne.:s and Iikelv to Ia. in .<:m:n u mu thou2'ht Sp-.1ni. . potential A\-_.`0n_"_ In HM. nnrf aux. UL NIB FCESOUS of tho next thou2'ht that H10 Qn.m:..1- \ 3;` 1,268 Putietlts _ 1' run . Eight Pages -v -' no :.(-now .-\. at tho I ) den` wxth the '17.. -n7x-..n~`a'.-- .... vu v Va (I Kli. not vna Ye cunuunt O1 1. In the alter- :1 nus: a,I1O in Spam, 1- as :A 112-. :1 U.~L O1 :1 dan- nnL krx ~:*ut:1L at rorc Mcmcoll on July 27, 1936. Anthony Parent, simllarly ('ha1';red. a'.~.o indicted. ( Ihp t.}1i1'ri fvnn RH] I-my-.u.n.LL Z... ...-,,l mu rn me carrylng out of jus'LicL-, he said. Some countries consider the jury system antiquated, but his honor was in full favor of it, remarking (that it had been the people s part in 5+-e-i_n}_r jusitice done for many cen- tunes. Add)-<-.<. the gi-and jury at the opening of the fall assizes of the Supreme Court. of Ontario Monday af uv2'noon,_ M1`. Ju.'~:t.icL- .\'IcF211`]and in1p1'e.~:sed on them that their Liuty was only in an investigmzing capacit_v,l not judging. There are `two dutia.-= of Canadian citizens, one to exer- cise the fra.nch~ise. and the other to aid in the carrying out of jus'ticL-, C01lY1t)`i(`.< (`nn<'irini- H111 Murder, 'l'hcf't and lapef Cases to 1. :-(weed; Two Cases S01` Over. 1 V0]. XC. No. 35. Grand Jury Return l Bills in Three Cases Three Actions Settled; xrkey. Barrie, and the Metropolitan fe Insurance Co., took up the r. ree days of `the court. (Continued on page four) USINESS ,SPONSURBAN(lUET "FOR POT_ATO FAIR lkf.` Steps to Cmisfrur- r Skip C0111-ses and Organize 9 Ski Club. I O hump 01 ;Vl.1'S. U80. BFOWH. Nearly 1,000 campaig'n letters are being mailed to the citizens of Bar rie, and everyone is being uregd to mail their contributions, thereby[ `saving the cvanvassers the necessity ,of calling. Red Cross ags will be flying next ' week from prominent ;bui`.diing's in the town, and in the} windows` on the main street will be. `attractive Red Cross cards and dis- 'plays. The theatres are kindly run`- inp: a special trailer telling; of the 4 work of the Society. The Barrie Red Cross has just completed its finest year of service since it was organized three years ago, states Mr. N. R. Vinton, the nltario Fied Secretary, who was in Barrie yesaterdray conferring with the ( lnnnl I 1 ( l .........-:4;, . , W.. ux i<-rstzmd that the wives of} members of the Barrie Lions Club` organized as an auxiliary last wg-~<-k`. end. with Mrs. R. S. Atkey as-presi-"' dent. There are only three such or-1 ganimttgona in the p'rovince. .. .. I-s|uA|\ uuuuuy. no ntzzltr-r of holdm', :1 (`hrnstmas :2'_\' m.1x*k<-t \v21.< but no seemed to be .:~11t1m. ovm I no :.(-lion wz1.~' taken. ` pr] 1? fhn I-:_v 4.-...., - . -- I Oldest E Paper in the i county i '|Favor Remembrance Day Holiday 21 rvutx.-. from M. wn U1 gut`.- x:nu:1'uI;: 21110 July 27. nf -.-im1.;ul.l oting; :v~nn _c IIIH" 0'6 0 hon!" `.\'i 1 p0.=(-.~`. `o'clock. _~ 'm..~. OPEN FORUM TO BE HELD FOR BARRIE YOUNG PEOPLE An Open Forum for :l1eyo1m;_v people of town will start tl1i.< coming Sumlz1_v nil:-lut. The pro_:1'~::m will (mom with :1 ln-it-1' won-. p(~1'io(l at n?n~ o'clock, zmcl the balance of the 1 1. .. I v " ' "l1n\.I~ ~--'9 nyan. .\Ir. R. G. .\'orm:2n. F} Scotizx. the (':1mp:1:7_2'n izmd czunp*':ig'n 'rwz1(iqL.`z11't4 ,opr-11 all \\'z-R in the Qrnonls, I\'in_2' B o('k. s`. Holiday On 1'eqL1o. from his \\`or.~hip 11110 m:1_\'or for :=n r-.\'pr(.<.~'inn of opinion as to \\'h<-thor or not R4-. membrance Dav . be k<-pt :.. a`pub1ic holiday, the me':tin}: \\'('H: on record as t'a\'o1`ix1r_-' thv proclaim in: of :: public holiday. 4 H'h~ n'::l1vi' 01' t)ouitr\' H`._1l`i-(I \\`: - I':~`l'Ilc;nr` 1.... ..~!' LU meet tneir particular need. I-liis Worship, Mayor Robertson; heartily endorses the work of the `Barrie Red Cross, pointing out thai the Red Cross here is ac't`in,<: as an` :::1:riliar_\` to the Relief Depar Lment~, and in the matter of the provision' of clothing, efc., is saving: the town v hundreds of dollars by its economical purchasinyr. Mayor Robertson ur;:es' the citizens to rally at this: time to `.l1r- support of the Red Cros:<. _ ' .\Ir. F]. A. Ryan, the campaip-nl (-hairmzm, . that the appeal is earlier this year than usual, bucause ` of the W-r_v . winter wvafheril `met with by tho canvas. in tl`.'-`- :pr-\'iou.<. (-anip;:i_:n. A'n_\' per.~'on . `.\\'i. to help in j.hs,- (";`.mp:1i_2'n i.~'r1 a. to _L'0t in touch wffh .\I:`.I= Ryan. ` i 1 ..,.... n,u:uuuI..u:.'t`.`>. "A real need in your community has been met. b_v the 'Red Cross during the past twelve months, sltates Mr. Vinton, and I Barire is fortunate in having such a .splendid branch, well ofcered and with the various committees function- ing one hundred per cent. Mr. Vinton pointed out that Red Cross is trying` to make all its present-day {services morale building, so import- ant in these days of rehabitaifion fol- udded Mr. Vinton, and everything possible is being done by Red Cross to meet their particular WO)`S.]1ln i\/Tavnv Dn3~nv`~-~- ` lowing the depression period. "Our ex-service men are not forgotten." K With an objeotive of $1,200, the Barrie Red Cross Society announce (their annual campa.ig11 for the _\'ea1 l ` 1936-37 will take place the week of Nov. 2nd to 7th. Mr. E. A. Ryan { again acting as campaign chairman and is giving his usual aggressive. leadership to tthe campaign commit. tee comprised of Major Gordon " Longman, Mrs. Geo. Brown, Rev. N. R. D. Sinclair, Miss Helen Garrett A and Mr. R. G. Norman Teams of 1 workers are being supplied from the ` Kiwanis Club, Lions Club, Kinsmen .< Club, Knights of Columbus and Can- adian Legwion. A strong team of lady workers will this year take part in the appeal, under the chairma2m- ship of Mrs. Geo. Brown. Near-lv Innn nu-.. IR:-:n caoss MAKES ? JAPPEAI. [03 $1,200 __- I Ci1iZ(`ll.\' Urgml `ru~\ss1s1" (`:1n\';1ssm;s, VVIJU Start M onday. ____:._. At the annu.-3-l meeting of the Bar- ll"l(5 Golf and Country Club on Mon-v day night, all the directors were re- elected for another year. The re- port of the t1'ea.su1'er, R. F. Grant, showed a balance on ha-nd of $222.50, though the membeship fee `had been lowered. An effort will be made to increase the membership next year. '15,. ..e_ I Mi)i1'ecto1's are: J. H. Bennett, R. F. Grant, R. T. Brymner, J. R. Boys, J. D. Rodgers, A. A. Smith and M. H. Esten. Officers will be selewted at at later date. IBARRIE GOLF CLUB DIRECTORS 'RE_-ELECTED AT ANNUAL MIEET .luSL8I1. umce date. ..,...... Lux` me young wn start coming ml. The pro_:v::n1 at} , - u. for liscu.<.=1onpu1'- ~ planned :0 c7o.~'e by trn u nv n:::l1v1' 0 p0u} t2'_\' ' nrn conwmrl ha mun: .~t.1'Ie(I by Lloyd: e Y.M.C..-L. and for :1; rt in the social room of, Y.I\I.C.A. bui`.din_: in` Topics for discussion to cover {'1H'V`nv-14> nw-I ` x'::z::p:1I(:n t)'.~ 'n(*a(iq'.:artm'.< v. wk Red Ynr-L uu: ou.':(1a_\"s (135-`\\'2LTr"I` `A Declaration o1Ori]'.i; Youth, based on % duced t name dove1oped'standi Y-out-h Cong`res~s. BE`1] C 9 authors. if "can U---1-- 1'] 0 Y`. E 1. ;. ll \ A ~ -V `.'.'in:ii11_-4 the Chum r It the Americzm , Warden John S. Drinkwater, of Orilliia, paid high tribute to the Bar- 'rie Lions Club in their gesture of lgoodwill toward a neighboring town, calling the banqueting of the mem- `bers and executive Terriers, Domimon i eportsmanship he county. The Terriers, had together with mem- ibers of the Oakville Lions Club and such sporting luminiaries as W. A. Hewitt, Toronto, secretary of the On `tario Hockey Assooia.tion, and P. J. "Mulqueen, chairman of the Ontario Athletic Commission, rounded out 21 ,ne program at the weekly luncheon Hlotel '!.'..~'t night. ,`Pre.~'id(nt Oscar` Shank acted as: clmirman with Art Pu_e:l1 and Bill V1391] leadin:.z' in the community ; ii:g'. Clifton H. Stewart favored; rxvfth two violin .~.-le(:tion.<. W. .-`Li `Bell c-xpre.<.~'<-(l the t.hI::.nk.< of th-' {Lions to the spozikers and o.\-tcn(lv .hi.- L'0I1_L"1'lI1ll2Lil0Ilb' to tho Orillia: team on their r0inm'knbl0 . in pionship of Canada` for . )`(`Zll".<. .\I.'r\'1)2' llolwrt:-`on. on behalf of the town of B;~.rrir-. e-xtoml.`-ti his official \\'lvoni-210 the 'i. He <'0m-. I]11v]`l(ii-(I \ll' Wlnln-n.z.n .....i at of the ormia]. '.acrosse cham- 1 pions, `one of the finest gestures of -' seen jn the i ICUH 5 mcndr- `l'.Ir...~:.- _\\'. .-\. Hewitt and P. J. Mulqueen Loud in I. 1ai.s'e of '1`errim's. {unus HOST T0 g omum camps, 3| In tihe early days if a man played "lthe game he could always get he'.p 5' if up against it. The latch on the 3 prospector s hut was always off and t all he expedted you to do was to -lhelrp yourself, but` wash the dishes 3 when through. In later years this f changed, when all classes of people ` drifted in and life was not held in 3 very high regard. Many were made and many lost in those 3 days. Never again will there be a 3 gold rush such as that to the Klon. ' dyke in the late n-inelttieis. plane has changed all that. Howard Allan, Churchill W.I. and the people of the district, thanked the speakerand Ithe Kiwanis Club for the program `provided. fortunes l The air- ` on behalf of the l 1 i l L'I:Au' uurmg TJ10 day. I First Step in Organizing Ski Chib With _rep,"es9ntative.= present from t}v- town -council. service clubs, Camp Borden and other organiza- tions. the matter of a, winter carn- ival was discuswd `and it was decid- ed that the construction of skiing courses and oryzanization of a Ski Club should be x-51 decided upon.` Skiing: is :1 popular winter sport and it should be fr-:-:t.ur(-d as a major at- Lraction for the c:n'nival. R(*p1'r-svn- fatives of the Toronto Ski 7.onn \\'i`l be invited to come to Barrio and} advise whether or not . ski: (-ourses can be located nr-ar the town. If such courses are fezzsablz-, a Ski (`lub will be organized at once. The Camp Borden r<,-prr-sen:1t.iw.< ::.~`- surod that at l1'l. t.hirI_v from Il 1(*, camp would .~'i;:'1 up 21> r-l1-`:1't~r mr-m-" 1 )1 2'.- .L11'I.-11' :-`udi-~ {nu ..-.. ...nuu-uun, an pupuh. i The speaker of the evening was Mr. R. A. Choquette, for many years with the Bell Telephone Co., but l who in his younger days was among the gold seekers in the Klondyke. With slides, he gave an interesting [talk on the Trail of 98. `To-day ' with high speed motors and airplanes few have little or no conception of what it meant to get to Alaslca in the nineties, and only real men suc-t gceeded. Alaska was formerly owned; I l 3 by Russia, and it was rst exploited ' for fur and ivory. Gold was inci- denitly discovered along the creeks 'and rivers, and for ten years the gold was panned, running the gravel through sluice boxes. Over twelve ` ..million dollars worth of gold was ` taken out this way, which gives ` some idea of the work and hardships of those pioneers in Aaska. The ` earth froze down 80 feet, and to 1 reach the goald-bearing gravel, shafts : l were often sunk down 45 to 60 feet by tvhxawing. the earth a few feet at a time. The prospector then worked below the earth all ' winter, getting out the gold-bearing gravel, and in the spring panned. Then hydraulic machinery was used . and much of the slnavish work was `1 overcome. ` In A varied prog-ram was eiijoyed, with Kiiwani-an Ken Mo1'1'ison as chairmism. Following a sing`-song`. Roy MvcV.i`obie introduced a novel stunst, and as .-Ichoolmasiter proceed- ed to demonstrate a day at schovo' with Kiwanians as pupils. . l 'I`1n :-n~..1..\.. -1: LL- Members of the Barrie Kiwanis. Club in large numbers, many 01` vthem taking t-hi-11' wives, journeyed to Lefroy communitv ha-1] on Mon- day night for the regular meeting. The good folk of Lefroy `and Churchil`. dis't1'ict met with the visi- 'tors and the Churnhil] Women's In- stitunte provided one of those means. `that make you forget about d(.-p1'es- ' 1 si:m.. !K|WAN|S awe islmcms BUYS wmi ff DINES AT LEFRUY, HONORS AT auupui | I S4-1100] Day Skit a11d".l7uIl;l on J\'lo11dyI{e J<` l 1-og'ran1. ('\l III." to UN . nu n 1' Hill` (0 M1 M2`. .o 1... kU um n. Ho com- Mulquocn and ;\Ir.. on their splendid work in 11:,-'. in Ontario. and con- his rmnarks with an invitu-4 Terriers to h:1n_: theirl Bm'1'i(- hook if they won-| time not w:1x'.t.od by Orillizx. (km W. F`, nmm Ac on Barne, Ontario, ;1Thu;';day, October 29, 1936 'lThe Blarrie Business Men's As- sociation will sponsor the banquet to be given in connection with the Sim- coe County Potato Fair to be held in the Armourics here on Nov. 15th. Art 21 meeting of the executive last sight the proposition was .V Kiwanis Agricultural Committee, who had charge of the banquet last year. It would be a good way for the busi .ness men of the to get ac- quainted with the exhibitors at the All members of the Business Club are urged to -get behind the `project a'n'd buy tickets for the banquet and .1`.' visit the Potato air during the day. I -'5.-.9 co-.. :_ n..- suggested `J G. 0. Cameron, chairman of the ` ._ _..- VV\r\I`-I.` nuuL`ul.'U1l am 1m` sing - favored V in Hm n.;....1.,. fr xv ursw _ ` IllH(IU('LO1` mm 111221. The f)'...ctL1rc 11%} rlotljxlvg compzmu tftw-1'.~`. b1-_:nn 111_iL}1'_\'. H. oI(1`:2`.1on whmh he : \ (Ind the bo_\'_.- at th -\'(w Hn.-nu-,:I ...1\:,.1. ..u.r1K nr..L`1IllL` mm p:1'!o:'1m-d on 1` the Toronto G\`HK`1'L`.I Pg Ho.~'pit.u1, whi<-I1 was nece.=s:11'_v to re- `mo\`.. fragments of the skull which - Wnro imbedded in the h1'_:in Lis.~'11:;x 1` He was czzllr-d into consultation by - Dr. Swan, 01' I\"Iid'and, who perform ' ed the rsrt operation. A)'1'ivin9- at `./h':nm~..-I ....,1 ,. 1 (`H UH` nrsm operatxon. .-\r1'iv1n2' at .`-lidland and L-.\:2nnin [in5_-' the boy, D1`. 1\'Ic2\_'enzi<- found 1.110, iskull had been drushed like an egg Tshe-1' and a hole approximately two lb_v`two and a half inches "1 the }left frontal remon of the bo_v s lwad `Brain tissue; was oozing out through ` (connued on page eight) r cl . `V U`, U uuw . an inju: . 21.4 Hor:n21n Li liming an arm, Ir-__v ,( I110 would take the 1; I | tho doctor told u- Thv Tn uh... -4` 1 Frank J. Hughes, K.C., for Bax'ke,\-'.i Mr. Justice McFarland ivn .x'un1ming', up the case for the jury, asked them to discredit the majo1'it_\' oi` thr evi-' dc-nce given by Miss 'D11eIma Cowie, nui'se-in-twining: in Toronto, the only? eye witness to testify. 01115` that iiwhich was cox-1-oborated should br-i ,used as (1Vi nc+~_. his Lordship Lold 1 the jury. ' I` Dr. R. G. ML-I{gn7.i.-, ht-ad Sll1`_U.'(`011 [and nerve .~`})n"L`i.iiFt of the Tumnto "(F-ne1'a`. Hospitzli, tn.~'t.ii _\'1ii}.: us 21 plaiim` witnr-.-'.<. . that 1i1.~n- \\'u.< no way in which hr could .t.~'. the injuries to the ho}' in rioI`:u'.< land ct-nts. If it was` ;1 cz1.~'0 of his ison ]1.n'iz1g; to hzzw thw option of `.~'1z. inju1'_\' to the brain !.~'u('h I.i\'iiiu`st0ii had. or ;Io&inLr zm nrrn 1(...- I nv 1.x-.r.~ 1 i | I uu: ueJ.eI1C8 the Metro oltan if ""`"' "'"""" Insurance C12 ). and J. R. garke\',1;in?' The Old 'I`eFI`mCT1t is the hi {shed this mowing ' gof a most favored nation, Lhp chil-I vwimam pimlayson K_C_, of Mid_ d1'en_of Israel. God set them avpartll land, acted on`b0half of the plainda m5_Ch059n DC`0PlG- Thi-`H h0`~\'- birs.=,, with P. E. F. smily, K.C., f01'eVe.r' `W H0` "`-W" that they had no the I-nsm.am_.e Company and Hon_ o_bllg'g1t1ons; it Involved living` a true` Frank J_ Hughes, K_C_ Bm.ke_\,_;la1fo 1n uccordancv with God`:< plan. . PM, `"*~ to make I-`"391 3: Jup for re?` "M10" t0 5`? 9"? h't Of the w"d- ` rlr-nr-cw n'i\n.:n T-uv T\/fl-.. "rn....L_... rv - "H .-1.Lu:1' a uuee-uay sitting the rst'1 case on the docket of the Supreme , Court of Onvtario, fall assizes, reach-;( ed the jury at 1.25 `this afte1'noon.r Al`. witnesses for the plaintiffs, Her-] t [m=a.n Liviingxston and his fa.t,her, 11 Louis Livingston, Midland mc1`chant,Vt seking; $20,000 damagsccvs for injuries g arising: out. of an accident, and form the defence, the Metropoltan Life; Co. Barko_\', n~ 53 Fitnlnvcnn VF A4` `M-`J > -- 1* [Chum 120000 from l5arr1e| 7 . `, I Man and Mefropolnan `; I Insurzmt-e (`V-0'. |f I . > ca.sn_sr.o1en, together with} quantity '.i;e church is just bpginnil, to her selarched the car and found s_o_me3tudguovgifidlufiniflywllfiih I:etcreatvn l loose change and coin vvrappers buy, hp ,`, _o;pef"- v(,,ef_:]'uslt 2:: ` gkignrth the Stamp Of a Huntshout and l_i}re it?` among those who . `Q . ' . ' .d it. -t is no use lengthening The car was stolen from Bal`l'l1`|nee ` _ ` v ` I and was the property f Arthur i`k d%1 e"1fi,-Z3?.n3`Sf?.3loJ;'l`? Kenzie. Chief Stewlart believes thatthjn .W to those `who come in the same pair may have had consIid- W '2 d g] ` ` t. 1: G d` enable to do with the Barrie break-, 9. "99 9 new `S" ' . - ms so hr thp men have not bpen It IS not that the church uas falled, locpd ` ' ` but we have failed the church. We ` ` ' ' need an inrtensifying of our spiritual _` fellowship; we need to get closer to `each other. Two contemporary7 `things are essential. God never? ;g1'ves us talents unless we use them,l` . and if God gives us power, it is be-V: ` Vclause He is going to use us for some ` ru - .`.~, n. ! particular work. . uxvmgwston, Midland merchant. and his son, Herman Livingston, claiming $20,000 damages -as the result of an accident, which is claimed to have done very serious injury to the seven year old boy, against J. R. Barkev. Barrie, Life Insurance thr three (nn11h'n11nr1 nn nun-n 3-~---` I 1118 car stolen Bl'l'l`I of Mc- thati ins.- been} located. -,_-..,...._,, a H`.'W mites north of Barne were responsible for the robbery in Huntsville the mighut. . "11"-; _ safe of the Huntsville Dom-E in1'oill`Stor`e was drilled and $100 in cash stolen, together with I of cigarettes and tobacco. Traffic officers investigating H19 am-:.4n.... 01 cxgaljetmes and "I11-af' 1'. c`m'h is _J`1!-`T Investigating. the accident`: reahze respo_ns1b'11it5. some1tud9 toward famy life coin ,,.,,,,;,~',,,.w.'.c_;Lp1,tal and,lI21bor. weallt} Police are of the opinion that the: driver and passenger of the car ran the narlmd an-fnnwn umver and which into the parked automo- bile driven by Orville Nicols last T,uesday morning a few mi`.es north resnnnsihln `Far n... wuvulg Une "1<'arn1er Trophy. In the Grain Club Competition, which was very keenly contestod, 30 team competed. The South Simcoe team, Albert Lennox and Wil`i:`m Cherry, of Creemo)-re, won third place, BELIEVE AUTO THIEVES I COMMITTED ROBBERY! Ipullltb` out or `a possible 600. I The Oro Potato Club team, M01-I !viI1e Crawford and Jack Nauighton, `wonsinth place, and `Midland Potato Club team, Iroyd Reynolds and Stlanley`ton, won eighth place. In the Swing Club Competition thi- Simcoe County team, Victor Small,- of South Simcoe, and Edward F1`ench.! of Norih Simcoe, captured first place wining the Farmer Trophy. Club (`.nmnn+.;+:..n pnerr) : unxs uut: ngm; to 1'epres`ent the pro- vince` at the R.o_v`al Winter Fair in the In1ter~Club Contest. The Barrie -Boys Potato Club, Lloyd Cumming" and Gilbert Baldwitk, won second! lwith 1,074 points. Lolioyd Cummdngf also obtained the high'est individual! score of the compe'tition, winning 551 points out of possible Ora P.-m.+.n mm. um... mu 2' Ha 41 All lrraxlx u-men, wmninng f1rs't place a Ptotal of 1,084 points, captur- ing in the J. T. Cassin Cup and 041-11- ring `the right to repres`ent the prom Rov'al Wimrzv I<`m`. znl uu :wn1evc;~ment days. Simcoe County C`.ub teams won a fair share of the honors in Potsato Club Competitions, the Aillistron Boys Potato Club, Arthur Banting" and Frank G-iffen, winninng rs't trOt11 1.084 Doinfs. r-nninv. F .-Xfter a three-day sitting the first ase docket nf' Hm Q.m..m.m Auu-3 um.c1`-(:1uD competmons. 'l`he1'e[0\\ m.-d by his were 52 clubs or 5,877 members en-I of rolled in club work in Onmrio thI.< Memo1'ia.1Hos1 year, and the teams present at tln-(from numerou Gue`.ph collxpemitions were selected 21%;)-ig']1t, previous County Club Competlion. on Acrhievement days. Si'lT1COP (`mnnhv (`huh 4'n-Inn` v-mu 4-Ln ,-.--~., `'7 tra` F_rid:1.V, Or-toimr 23rd, \v3.= Ontario Boys Inte1'C1ub Day at the Ontario -Agricultural College, Guelph. Ono] rhuniired and eighteen club to-.1n`..< on 236 boys in all `took puxrt in the \ 2H`- ious initcr-club competitions. There` 52 club: m- 5 $277 nmmL....., . lBest Swine J11dg(:`s, I-Iigh in 'l`o:1m and lndivlduzxl ! Pr.)1`;11'v> .]11(Ig'i1Lu'. mu; n.-.uu'L .1Iu'111.:'.1`.'x'3, Id fhw ('0u1't. re of the sku ] was md with the actual Hr told of The oper- 10 had ])e!'fo:'1m-d 11 Its Which: (I in Hm hi"-11 1i_~.-.... m z-:1 L\\`~'J alternzz iwnn I`.il?.iO!1.~ bo(-z1u. accopt 'fo:'nu-d on 11197 to have a sary only be Lvnll uv'I...L ... ---IL . __., `.m.(._\ .. \.:- aw 10 nr- -:1 m\'or`d 1'11;:'_i\'u, n:'.1 (m `".':". Vvw in} '1(`('O!'(II`.f`-` `with God's; plan. T11r- most J'21\'0l`C-ti` u :1-ution.~' in thn OM Testmnr-nt failed. - they \\"-`I`(` not prvparod to! LA the re.' p`acr=d up- mod them. Since then other nationsf appc-arr-d and failed. We can ' a favored nation and remain I ms such if we enter into a covenant: Liss11:: iwith God and iive up to that Coven-5 tion by ant. ' nu mu: uxvurce cases. Three 01 civil actions have been set- tled out of court. The fourth, Louis Livingston, Midland son. Herman T.ivimm+.nn ..1..:...:..... I - I f Midland hos'p'ital ended its year on; ,, Sept. 30th with an opm'a4.in_:r g'plus. The superintendent. s report at 0 the annual n1l.`(`tlT`l _`,' last week show-I 9 ed that 1.00:8 patients had been dis- ; charged during the year. There h wen-. 126 births and 39 deaths, in- cluding 7 still-born infants. V VVI VII AIlVU\l9lI _ ,,._._. . h 8] Most F_avored Nation lgulmf)? ,l For hls evemng theme Rev. Man-- ll ` T11 uel spoke on A Most Favored ,-esp_eS: `Nat.ion. Reading several passages- been a] !from the Old Testament referring toltinued _God s promise +0 Israel to make of},-eached t her a great nation, a most favored ._ , urdk e 9, naitqon, the speaker` wondered 1f e,m~em( *`: Canada was to-day a most favored the WW f-nation. In the modern sense of the geograp Wterm, a fzmored n-anon Is one haitfand 315. 3 has a contact wxfh -ancwther nation tolnew id` vbhe effect, that such :1 nation wilfl bet 7 5 granted any favors granted to anyfgoverm r - 3; other namlon. [to do ,, -, ,,.,,f l'\II ... .-uunw Luau lIIl>`>i*-7 H0 '_D.'lIJ.1]`1`-Tl we <--an hold out. Tho 0} God placed on I.=r:1el \v:1.< H must bv :1 holy peoplo: r-xv must bu unrir-r H10 g'ui So t`n-d.'1_\ 3!` wn are to br- .1 1', ' I n..47,.n H... ..... When wo von;:idm' uh" p)'i\'.ii~i;:'e.~:| SW enjoy in Canada to-d:1y we may; perhaps be pzwdonnd for (-on.~'idoring' iourselvrgs :1 most fz1\'ox't~d nzuinn. We come from 21 9;1~vz1t co!'on.;.'.:xi=m1 `mace and \'.'o;= are bt-g'innin__' to 1'e:1li7.r2 the splvndor of our :..'x.`..i0n21I hf:-. and have tho rnurks of 11 favorul n:=.ti')n We h:1vr- the ph'.' ad\'antI=-;--.< tlwesv aw only thv o.\'t(>rm1`~ I: x.` and not thv Voundmion. Hi;`:`.o2`;: .~howt that 1hi.= i--: no '_`.'.`l111]11I1'tv'e that. (mt. obligation fhat ":1 hnh. ,,,,,m1,,. ,.........n.: L'uSlaUIllZ.ll'_V 101' some years. Rev`. Manuel, at the morning scr-.i 3 vice, spoke on the task of the church `. . in -the world today, taking his texi I from Isiah 5412, .r'Lengthen tthy _] cords and :<.-t1'cng't,he11 thy stakes.'l The t.im_- had come for a more point,.; ed place of the church in the hearts 1` of the people. The cords should be lenmthened. The open church and.} :bhe friendly church is what. we neediq to-day. The church has always been` commimted to missionary enterprise E E y and there never was a time when the world needed Christ as it needs` -Hiim to-diay. Those who are doing [the most to stem the rise of (`.nm. g-num to-(Lay. '1"nose who `the the of Com- lmulnism and all the other isms are! those who are d0inQ',,mne:f. cm. ruin ' __ `n~casure1'; i Arnniversax-y services at Central, 60111111 Church were .m,img'ly obsm-V-ed on K.C.; Dr. W. ] Sunday last, with Rev. John Manuel, J- D W'iSdm f M.A., of Hope Unitvd Church, To-1 1 vronto, as preacher. Srpeuibil music bv-i '1 [the chioir was greauy appl.ecimed_;committee, The evening` service at Co1'ie1--571, Church was withdrawn, as has benn 5 Good-U3 adit1 y customary for lh W1'3!'Y I3-1`?-Siide Mamml. at mm...:...- iK.C.: (: 1:2 q.+.... _'l`\m I4`ine Messages Brougllt _` I" by Rev. Jolnr Mzumol, nf 3 I 'l`m'0n10. f /_,., ., -.u u;u1Avb3 `J 7 _ 'J`rv;1t'od; .l11<-.1'(*ase 01` 9.39 3 William H. lbey, oi Mzxttafya, was` ()\_(_l` ]().,V-) 3 serious',y injured early luesd_a.Vf ' ""_ 0 morning` when the car he \_vas dnv-i _ ` ` l . ` Hing.-; c1*u.s]1ed into the roar of :-1` truck; M9'01}T8 W 0100} 01C01-W; bed! 18' -ldryiven by Clarence Hutc11i11g's a11d`}>01'bS 01 the \ H1`l0U-*` _.01`g'31]1Z30T15 'Jl`o\\'m.-d by father, one mile no1'Lh`=Uld 1'0 P1'9S9mv th0_1`11?{nC11`1 St?-te` -I mentbof th(i._ ;ftl?.\*z1ll) V1cito1'121JIos[:iIt'2Il{ - -. .- u - -' .- rm.-n` A can 0'-a'1e1'e - *I3`9"`.,`i`::";L'.3:.`%.:::; *::.`.??:.:::: ms . - xi -4 rom nu1u- s --- Ynestertlay the grand jury l'etI.ll`l1(`(i three true bills and two cases wen- llalid over. After hearing sufficient -Crown evidence in the charge of murdr-1' zwzainst .\lrs. Vera Cudmore, who is alleged `to have placed her six-months-old son in 21 box stove, .<.ho was indicted and will be tried to-da_v. A true bill was a'so brought in in rthe case of Davul Lacroix, Midland, ohargul with b1-eaking; entering and "heft at Port McNicoll 1936, Avnnmnu D.,..,\..+ ..:.-.:v.~..L,