(Continued from page one) Incinerator Agreement Ald. Mills, under inquiry, wanted to know if anything was being done about removzx`. of the incmerutor from the Agricultural Park, the ag'1'eei11ent with the council termina,t- ing in December. . Nfzuinr Rnhnrtcnn unit] 110 11:11] (ml I riill jiru u -.-1-` durlnu the nut day of treatment. Ruxnacam rclicvc thc pain white memorial the came. yet they oonlnin no harmful drugs or narcotics. H .n of pcoplc have testified to the quick rcli:-I given by this ctcicnt remedy. Start the treat mcnt today nnd end mzeumutic naln. -'% '1 DBCKBGDC run IICW HIE IIIIO FCC Ind CYIIn' backs--n boon to housewives---and more than Just a temporary reci. I Neurnlzia. Neurltis, Arthritis, Aching; Jolnra, Lumbagu and all nllicd Rheumatic troubles 2-anpoud quickly Do Rumm-um. Swelling: from Rhtumntold Axthrilla disappear ln most cases with _ n lcu u.A_y umuucnl or less. and Bladder cleanacd of impurities. Rumncupu give yoi new health and vigor through [ht-ir chanting and germ Hllinu nclion. Many Ierlouu dlleasen may be avoided by keeping the kidney] tn good order. Start your treatment today --Ask for men: touny um: and Kneunnum: pain. BAC KAC H E S `.?;`L.";.'." 1>?.% . Sw"I.b$2L'..$ T25` !. ?a n'.' hm-ks--u hnon honneuriven---and mnrc than lust n tcmoornrv n-J?cf. numvmmwxc - cmwsvnns A box of 50 vapsulcs. more than two weeks` treatment, is $1.00. uuwu, HUWUVUL, Hull '10 "_S`ni),|[. 0 meeting approach-g Referring to a public rm`0UI11 hdd that he would not at llidland, M1`. Saundelzs said that was the 1-astspcak<.'1` D1-. Tanner, M.P.P., at least had and that he was not (-nou.;:h cou1'u_2'(- to attend, even if he 2;ed in betwr-L-n Mc- did not make u very strong` case for xders. `the . schools, but Dr. Simp- spez1ker.< were p1'(:.~` `_. (lotus not know any more about .\IcCombe, O1'aI1_:`e' the .~`<-p:n`z\Lu school question thzm Ontario We-. andi d0t:.< Dr. 'I'zu1m-1', um! thnt is nothing Paat Gn'z1nd .\Iust<:r.| :11. all. ATTAEK THE cAus"E oz: F Everything in Music %__'TA.'?`5 '-rAP..'.?.F_`.E" .. _..__. D..... U. Lrllll nent of \I1'. Mc- I ut hcj ged thc ; rive the 5 In-it_\-' to - school : school ent iro- .1'cd. t-mcnt.< mlln luv lla_\. \\ZL" U|'.HllL`U 101' ll DLUUUUZIKUI: .~\-(13.11 rl1'l\'on by Alfred B. Thompson, of Pc11e1:1i1'_:'. coll3(lIn_: with u l3zu'1'ie- .-Xllzlmlulo Dairy \\':-.j:on at four o'clock Sumlu}: morning` on B1`.1(lfO1`d SL., In-111' th; Prince of \Vales School. The car \\ 21.~.` proceeding south and 1'ail-V-(l to ( the wagon, c1*:u into it from behind. The ilnpzmt turned the \\ u_<.':0n completely o\`< 1'. smu.:.~=l1ing: p1'uclicull_\' all of the bottles of milk contained in 26 an .-z..- 'l`I-?.L I{::D.-'\.Y. OCTOBER 22, 1936. [CU X14011. .`\l'loI1L`L' IKUPULICK \VlLH ulzUC['- Eing :1 d0wn1'iy;ht t'ul. if he jwas cor1'ectl_V reported in the press has saying that the amt-ndmcnt [)2,la'S- 16d at the last session of the Legisla- Iiture only chan;-;ed the word may Y in Q1151 " '0[ H1011` .ll'l(`,IlLl>' UH v(' [l'ilL1UlllL`. X Dishonest p1'opu;.-'zLn(l?;-. is being `put out by the L`ib<-ml Government, Mr. Saunders claimed, and he charg- [ed H2011. .-\1't.hL\' Rovbuck with utter- finn n lln\lYl1I-;n"if I`-.I.nInnnrl H` In; ll UL iU'.." 'l`l1o_\' are not (li.' the bill at all. l`:h(.-,_v are not l1on<.-.~`L with the lipcoplc. 'Tl1e_V are l12ll1(lll1,L` out a lot of G_\'(3V\'?JS'h, said the spczikor, and he 3roud the letter which Hon. D1`. Simp- -`son :<(.-nt. to a frien.d in Penctunq. l"dz1tL-(l July 27, 19/533, prior to the lzxst election, in which lit` made a iscc1'ct pledge that he would support `the (lcman(l.~: of the Roman Catholic .sep::i1'z1t(> school forces. Only one church--tl1e Roman Catholic Church i-de1'ivcs any benet from the Hep ;bu1`n `.c'g'i.~:lz1ti011, and members of --_the LL-g`islatu1`e were coerced into ivoting for the bill, Mr. SaL1n(lL-1'. .: s~:1.1'(l 1 L 1`_`1'(,-nlier Hepburn {vu.< quoted as isz1_\'1n;: th:..t any man who 1211505 the 11-elig'.ir;.u.~: ('1'_\' is :1 t1'aito1', but the iansxver of public school suppozvturs 1to him is the an:<\ver that the p1'opl`.ct gave to David long` ago, Thou art rtho mun, fo1' .\l1'. Hoppbu1'n . plan lL'f4'l$`l?lt-l0l1 start:-(l all the .~'L-ctur- gian L1(.`l'lll1Ul`._\' and . in Ontario. |It \\`2:.~` the (ll1'llL'.~`t -b211'L-l'.icc(l deal that has ever l)('L'll put ow-1' 0'11 the public .~cl1o0l of the province, .s;.id Mr. Suumln.-i'.<, and he appealed to the K eh-<-toi'.< 01' Ontario to elect straight .111) :.ml down men who are definite- 1_\' 1)'1v(l;'<:(l to repeal the Hepburn bill and to . the public n0n-. inn . (lL`L'lZ1l'll`l_!.',' that not o.1e of th-- men who voted _for the nl;.niHnn.- kill -l\r\~Il:l l\` -26 in "an . 1 Fz1l`,i11g* snow, CL1Ll:`iI1_L ,` poor visibil- ity. xvas bIi.1m.-d 1'01` 21 Studebaker 101' f.-Xllzlndulo :o'c',ock :SL., `School. snnih nnr] 1'11:-I1 tn :r-n Hun \vno~nn 7 :mo 1-`nnr Opp. Bell Telephone L me your [rec S2-page Day a 1-`L~1h Day". mn- J. G. KEENAN -RADIOS- Victor Rogers Majestm DeForest~ C1'os1e_v Philco .'>Lm<: 1`I1:.\nc" HEINTZMAN PIANOS EASY WASHERS HOSTESS REFRIGERATORS ` oucuuau snc )Uu xuu Vcuux, \ in sound nourishment for \\ every cent spent. \ DEPARTMENT of FISHERIES \ OTTAWA \ _'TT,',,.,,, | M1`s. H. Brock. of Owen Sound; M1`. and ;\Ir.<. C. l1`.~:n_1c1'e, of Edgul`, and Mrs. E1I. ,ot Dalston, were \'i (In!-inrr Hun xvm-Iz rmr] xviw \VlLH A1113. 1\.. DUL'Ll"cUll ill. IJZUSL-U11. {ma B. P. Smyth, of Crajg\'ale,V and W. Newxnzm 0xch2mg'ed pulpits on Sunday. Mr. Smyth was` the ;:uv. of M1`. and .\I1`.~'. A. Jz11'_\' while here. 0.. ..f UL Y). 5,...` . ..4 I 1 ._ .... IUCULIUII. The secretary of the T :u.<-inc-.<:<, Mbns Club wrote asking council to appoint two representatives to act on the \vi'r-ter c:11'niva;l commit-tee. Motions Fra`ick-Cavan-agh-'I`hat a street light be placed on (`,od1'in,_L-"ton St., opposite residence of Thos. Sr:ytl1(:.<. _T:|n1m:-T?nhnrf ch-rmf Ho-hf unu .u1`.s. mL ,0; uzusuon, were \'i. during` the week end with zVIr.<. E. E1ls:n1e1'e. MT. {. .-\d(li. of Orilliu. . the W(`0k end at home. Knox Church at 7.30 pm. Sunday. 311' J. B(:`I is stayi11'g' ZL few (lzxys Iwith .\Irs. R. Bcrtr-an1 at Dalston. `):.\' r2 1') Qn1\'~1-u A`! r`m:......1n ILUIVJ. Sorvi(.-r- at St. Pctf.-1".~` at 1,1 21.m., St. P:1u1 .~: 1.30 1;.m., St. John s 3 p.m. St. Jamr.-:< 7.30 p.m. `T110 nal nt-ctin.-_-' for Sumiuy School t1'.1Enin:: c0u)'.'~:n wil be hr-Id on Wrzdnc.-sd:1_\' at Orillia, with Vvn. .-\r<:hdv:1(:on Simp.~on as . Barrie re b1'i_:adc, aftr,-1' a week's rest, was called into action tsvim this wwek The 1'. call calnc last night when the barn of Chas. Davr2_\`,' 12 Park:~`ide Drive, cau`,-;ht re. The b'a.ze had g-ainr.-d c0n.-iderable head- way before It was noticed and by the time the reels a1'1'iwd it had :1 start that the firunmmm had difficult) in extiI1;:uishing'. It was ft.-a1'0d that it might sprvad to the barn of th- Weston Bakery, xvhc-1'0 a number of h0x'sv.<, are Stilbld, but wate1'wu.~' played on the goof and the hazard was e`iminated. Tho barn \va.< d0 moli.-ho-d and little is known of the or-i,;rin of the re. 'hA _W.m..a ,...n 1--xvnn n.:a .,n,,.. Uflgllll ()1 L111.` Ill'(2. The second cal` came this after `noon to the home of W. J. Little, Burton Ave., but there was slight damage. water in which sh was fn-shcned, over fish, which has becn placed on platter or slmllow dish. Sprinkle with u`a.spnnn of dry mustard and half teaspoon of pepper. Chop hard-boilvd czgs over sh and dot generously with butter. Serve with tomato sauce. sh freshened. Bauer >t water 2 hard-boiled eggs apper 1 tsp. of dry mustard Flake frcshcncd sh into piecns. Tum thrcc--quartcr cup of hot which In-shcned, BARN DEMOLISHED CRAIGHURST PHONE 243 lpLlU`lL' SCIIUUI [}UI)lL. ' Divisiional Work: So far nothing ahifn` been sent to the divisional head- lquui te1's, in x'ecog'nition of all the ffrc-e . _:i\'en our branch. We ;1m\`r.- h.:d visit}; from the eld secre- : tzn'_\ . home `nu1`.si115.:', nu-t1'i~ti0n and the Junior Red Cross supervisors This` i.< another branch of the work to fie opened up in the New Year with the `forming of an Outpost Committee. (' uirnniuril ' Ivnrhm Han nm:-iahf HOSPITAL PROTESTS CUTTING OF GRANTS {FEE WORK or THE RED cnoss SHOWN` { (Continue.-"I from page one\ 1 I Home l\'u1':~:ing Classes : Three Iclasses were held with a total enrol-E ` ment of 46. The classes were taughtv by \'olun~tec-1' gwaduate workers. The = ` pupils showed keen interest in their 1 1',E`.`,`.:,.._....m... ` \ Iivnun r\ ..~L.4-nzl 1 i i U7he Tnninu .~.nsient.s. : rooms Kiwanis Club were Dnrl (`vase - `UH I-. 45 were assisted. loaned to the for the distributing oi their Christnias cheer and again at The time `of their carnival. \ nut` NT" ! l'llL` DHHL` UL I/HUM` CLll'IllVill. I ` . 3 Junior Red Cross: Miss Anah Me ` Eliinlcy, as clmirman, has renewed who interest in the Junior Red Cross : and urldml nmny new member`. Miss \ H::milton, Di\'ision:11 Supervisor, {made 21 visit to the,comm1'ttee earI_\' {in the New Yr:n1'_ and tzxlkcd to the} H)ub`7ic school puplls. ` ni\'i~`4nnnl \Vn1'L" gin f':n- nnH1wcr Lll\' l`\HlUHL'5.` UL .\Kl'-`J l.AZl\\' ` hou.<:- free, netted $46.50. W1! `nvn n-1-:1fr\`f`I1I nnrl uvid HOLISL` lI'(.`f.`, HCLLCU -*'}l).<'_)U. We `are gzratoful and wish to thank thu Boy Scouts. the Women s In- stituto and Service Clubs. Especial- ly are we yxrateful `to the press for . r;-zu-h week '_L1'i\'il1_J.` so much space to `tho Red Cross now.<. `the Water and Lig'l1t Commis. for free .~'e1'vices, the I{i\\'ani.< Club for :1 .special $25 donation to buy bo_V.< 1)2mt.~', and to the Lions 'C`ub for 150 pairs of mm-nrlod 51100.: .w(I 5.-,'0Io.~'hu.<, to the zluditors, Mr. W. P. Graham and Mr. \' 'r!1nu\\.-r\\\ -1111` on .-.H cl. l-.......... EIUUILUIQ`, J1). \V. 1 X. 'i'hom.~'on. and ` irnd of \'0!unt-"01 \ so freely of their (`nl r~u`n':I\' xix! `SO .ll'CL'l_V O1 E11011` Elllle. Col. Bi_;gu'z11' said that after l1czu'in_-' lho 1'(`po1't.< p1`e.some(l of the Barrie l)l'1l1L`l], he would . that this braucll \v:'.~' `-u. us any he had visited l'~:' .~'()H`.L' tlmr. From Cape Breton to \'ictoriu, he found the ; zlnxioty in all bmncln:-.< to 1-eulizu blu- i(lo:1l.s of Zed C.'1'o_<.<. Thu: led (7ro;<.< Soc-ir`t;.' is uniquu in its univm-. 'l'ho1'(- no dis- Lim-txon in 1'21:-c, ~c1'c0(l, color, re- ...l L.- . ..ll ...... .. Ii:--inn nlv nnli t'l`1,. \\`.'l< H111,` Ul unc man to 1101]) . . 70 .\'(-zu'.`< z1j_-`o. From 191-'1 to 15118 the I-Zcd C1'o.<.< came more pi'o1nim:nt}_\' imo use ::nd we an,- fzlzniliar with the work done. It was the \`i-.-\\' of many the Red C1'0.<.< was a war-tixne organization only, and .~:om<- hz1\'(- not yet got. away from that Ed;-:2. When }.'ou11;;' nun were c-n i. it was found that an alumn- .n:_-` number could not pa.~:.< the medi- cal test. In the United Suites, one out of cvc1'_\' 1.l1l`0c were rejected, : `Frnm :h'mhilih~ AF. lllg III JJ8lXilllUL`1'. Mayor Robertson said he had dis- cussed the niatter with Mr. Living- ston and he was looking for it new location. VH1-.n annm-ntnv-n n O-Inn T)" -inn `-' Riuy W`illiumso11, 15, Pu-4 SL, and Jack Scnnlon, also of I u(e' SL. \v(-re two lucky boys \\'h(.'ll u honummulu bomb with which thvy had hm-n t-.\.- p(+1'in'n-ntim.:, uxplodu-d um-xpm-<-Lu-U _\'. ,`W`illi:un.s'on had sand blow inmo his face and eyes. and whi':- it is w.-r_v `painful, nothin;.-; AL-t'ious has (h-vn`(_)p- . ` Ml. St-tmlon r-.:(-um-d nnhu 'I`}wv : pull I ul, uuuuuy, .\|.'l'I()U-\ I121!` lI('\'|?'()l)' ed. Sczmlon cscups-(1 unhurt. They got tun ct-nt.< worth 0|` 1.';Lmpo\v(l~-r {ht-y \v(~1`u u.~"In1,;' in Llu-ir bomb. :\I1'<-;ul_\' for u lrizu`. '\V.illium.+0n .stloop<-11 Lo i;,:'ni'.- Lh \\'i('k wht-n it v.\'plod- in his lim- without wz1n1inp;. hall` of which uh Ul evc1'_\` u11`ee 1'L`_]CCt,0(1, :~:ufl'r-ring` `from some cli.=.:ibilit_V. Af- ter the war these facts were consid-' ered at .1 meeting` of the executive of `the Inernzitioiiul Red Cross. Many of t,_h(. mo:~:L com.2igioL1.< di. have bueif 1)l*:l(.'l.lL'illl_\' eliminated, and through eclucation many other dis- ('1l:`(-S may be controlled through edu- C21tion. "l"he {ed Cro.<.`< was: asked to take on such an (,duc-utional pro- _g`i';;ni2u1(l real pl'0p;1'0ss is. being made. Until 21 fter the war there \\ Z1.~,` no \\`il_\' for 11Lxr~e.< to get training in public health nursing, but now there 2111- x}. uni\'er.~:i1ies featuring` such i11sli'LiL'tioii. ll" n0thin`_L` else had been Junior {ml (`ro.<.<, that alone would he :1 \\'orEh_\' coim-ihuiion. The Jun ior lied (Iro.<.< j.~ Cl'l,`ilIlll.;' it new view- point zununv,-,' (.'l1ll(ll'ui'1; it c-neouragt-5 a civic spirit and kimlne.~'.~: towards (.`l1ll(ll'(:ll ol' ()ll1'.'1' cou1m'ie.<. It en- crmi-.i;_-'<-.~' ('llll(ll'(,`l1 [0 (lo nizmy tliin_-.:.< l() livln llit-n1>'l-l\`i-< l|\' ll('\'lE`l\\() L'1|1HllL'll Ul Ulll-31' C to hulp thun1. um-t`hod.~' of nlr-('LiI`._;` .0 .\ V 1-.. I" nluy nu. ('01. [:i.L".2`:::~ H,-1':-rx-ml to the uwl'u' con:l1'Liun.< in Spam at tho present :tim:- \`/'lum,-vs-r our l'(t.'.l(`tiOll to jus- Livu: or injL1.~'ticI- of the war tlu.-re [)t:0[)](- :H't .sutTor':ng', and thv ideals of Lh-:- Ht-(1 (,.'1'o.<.< are to u'll-viute suT- 1'~1`in_g`. .-\n il[)[)L'll is Lu he m:1du.- b_\' tlw llltt-r11:1tinm1i lied (`m.<.< for hv p ni Spain, and \\'(- should lo \\'h.:.L \v- (`111 \ U1. hi}. \Vh Orin puoph-:nw ofthwlhw \ 4'.. mi .. ... W. sIMc6E1jANERY LAYMEN MEET HERE ((`u11ti111u-rl : um:-1' Iv.-truvtion. can .~'.'1\'(- Lhv woe ml (H\'i11c .~'m-ix-Li<~.~ and {hr 1:111)`, :n' Llw clun'ch. 'I'h- `nynn-n :`.('l( > | M1L-L:n1y;. :1. p1'(:.~ \\"I:'.v(.*1'ley, vice- ` '[`11ompson, Pen: ' vn:|<|n~n)-- nvnmrftix K-lll` L'llllX'L'll . .-:-In-U-(I W. It. Ih-1-5011. onuL;uu.-'. :1. p1'(e.~'i(l('l1`1r; W. (`/orlett, \`i(fL`.-[)1'('.x`i(l(,`lltZ David Pom-t:m;;. s-c1'uLt21r`_v- `r:~:1. 1-.\'o(`u1:i\'e committee, J. H. D:1\'?:-.~, Humltl Wzmllmtn. B:u'1'i4'!; J. Ri('h:u'd.\on. "l`. Wvbb, Co`lingwood; `W. (lorlett, 1.. Au-her, \Vm'orlc_v; H. Cz1lvor1e_v and W. H. Howson, Pene- I *0-`mg. J H nmvim whn hr-III H10 nv~.~_~11'. uzmg. 1 J. H. Dzwius, who hc-`d the presi- dency for six years, and E`. Cole, 1 0p[)0.\'lL FCSTQCXICC O1 LHUS. br:}.'1',n(2.<. Jzunes-Robertson--'I'.hat street ligzhi bu placed on second pole from Bam- wfn St. on Jacobs 'I`errace. Cknnlnnv-.1 Turn.-w !"l'Vk..4 C'n...,.n Qt BOMB BLOWS SAND IN EYES llll KAI L|.s.k', 3:1 or po`iti(-.4; ;: .~'zun0 `ideal.-'. born th1`ou2'l1 1. 6' r. \\ I\ . IUII.` HI DIHIIH !` ~ um: III-(I ('l'n<< II`!- IN] on p;1_;-v four) tiun. (7ln'1.`Liuvnil_\` alum- \\'u:'ld t.hI'uu;':h in.~'|iluI,- l'U('.~. by human :r_4`-11-y, l(`.`. U) Illllllilll :m- 1nt.-1.,-'x':1l 1 . \JI'd.llE.lHl UIIH .VII'. 1 to all 111.. happy ` \\ o1'ker.< who gave 1' time. I that nfnrl n!` +11 R-.u-u-in all an- :1nimz1tvd by The 01':::1ni7.uti0n Ihu pu<. d<~ to help . 191-'1 t\-n..- nn|\\n |1`\r\1-r. me IV on hem Advance J UU lllilll) |/llH|`L',.` -.~'. by :1 I11-rd \\'111Il(.`\`('l u\. , D1l.l'l ;: \\'2Il DL. OH Ji1CUI).1' L(E['l'ElCff. Shepherd-Jan1w--3"I'hat Simeon SI. be _<:1':1Ve1led from C.N.R. ; tn Mar_y St. S11nnhard-N[i1I-!T]1:1t ronnr- nf l `@026 Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Marlin left this week to spend cl month with their dau-_:her, Mrs. Bzutone, in Bu`vu.lo, N Y. Islr. and Mrs. Bart 'l'hompson, 01 Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor. )lrs. Jas. Simpson and Mrs. Wm. Simpson. of Pittsburg, are Via'l'[lI1g` witlg Ziss E. Re;:nolds, Toronto Sit. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hocking, of ';l`oron-t-o,`are visiting` with Mr. and llrs. Hurry Love. Mrs. Jean Armstron'g-has returned to her home in London after visiting friends -and relatives in town. Mrs. Lynne ls l1o1ida_ving' with her dztupshter. Mrs. Mitchell. in Tornntn. Ac. SIMBDE MEMBER FAILED T0 APPEAR ELMVALE MEETING Some 1,500 people crowded into Hthe .~\g1'ieultu1'al Hall at Ell]1\'2lll` on spent the week end with Momlay night expecting to hear l)0t31`ers are not (liscLi.~'. nor sides of the new School. Tax Bill dis` |cus-sed. Largre posters and news- lpapers advertised that Hon. Dr. I. |J. Simpson, Minister of Education. lxvith George McCombe and L. ll. lsaunders, ofcials of the Orangu; `Grand Lodge of Ontario, would ,speak. The centre Simeoe member, lhowever, did not Si10\V up, though he {had on three dill erent itions promised to be present and lsueak. It \v:),< lmnwn l1 nxvnxmr N1 :1 r I .` comn1unicv.1- A , Premier Hepburn insulted the pul\lic school del<-_'.':z1t1011 that called uupnn him at Queen's Park, said L. H. Sa;1iule:'.<. told `.210 :'.~p:`csez'.- tutives of the public school forces in Ontario that they were `only danger- zous to those who feared them. Is unit 21 nice way to treat the public :.<('l100l . of Ontario? He 1didn t talk 'ike tl1.=.t to the Roinan l Catholic depulations, and the insults -the hurled at the public school lead explained by Mr. Hepburn. Dr. Simpson or any `of their friends on `..h(- p7:iti'orm.~. pl`()[):l;.','ill1(iu'. `put the Government, `Mr. Hlon. ?ing a downrig`ht i'ulsehood" \\"as in as that ed 1.e_c:i. ture in LVIlIIl -\u.:,- .125 m. n.e;,`x:o1us, 101'OI1l20 bwt. j of` visxting and 7;! _ Jnnn A mm '41- 1-nn-nu In-.1: s-nh. \~|-1.1:` ` Lncuus vzmu relamves m town. =, her` dz1ug`mer, Mitchell, Toronto.. Rh`. (`:H')'t`I [`r.\7n 1-nhn-nnrl Ina! Qnr I u..o..-1., IS vlslulng wltn Mrs. r1cacy_.[ Penetung Sit. I Mr. Goo. Harfeld 11215 ret.Ln'ncd toi `.l`oronto, where he wil`. takya two] ?J`oronto, Where he will take a two; C o m p-21.11 y. Q uLLug,'m.uL', mrs. Mitchell, In '11oronto.I Mr. Carroll have returned last Sat- urday after a week s vacation in. Ottawa. I 'n:.. n,.....n.., 014.1`/xln 4- m,.,,,,. I uuuuvvu. | Miss Dorothy Shwter, of To1'ont;o,[ sppnt the week end with Mrs. Frank Craig. ! 1 Mrs. K1-ampf, of St. Louis,l " I I L'.S..-\., is visiting with Mrs. Hcac Penetum: ..' ` \ On October .th, in St. Paul'.<' Episcopal Church, Clcvekmd, Ohio, at- 4 p.m., the 1nzu'1'iz1;2,'c- of l\'uH11';m], Muriel, dztuf.-:htL-1' of the `ate D1`. and ` Mrs. Edwin B. Olmsted, 2176 Bell eld Road, and John Ho\vzu`d Sibbald, son of M1`. and l\I1`s:. VV. J. Sibbzxld, 1765) N. `Tz1,\'lo1' Road, took p-'.ac(-, .`-\1-chduucon G_erzu'(1 F. 1 -.xtto1'. of"ciz1t.ing'. '11:: h|':IlrI (rivnn 3n n1um-inn-u ku- o1uc1zu.1ug'. I l_I'he bride, gziven in 1na1'1'iz1g'e by hm` b1'o`th C};z11)e11, \vz1;< attended by` M1-.<. J. Le:-11'; ;\[o1';-,'-(111. The _s.,-`room! was attended by his !'ou. Geor_ II. Sibbzxld. Mr. and )`Ir.<. Clinton! Gapon. `Twin Oaks, Senecz1Fa]ls,' .\'.Y., uncle and aunt of the b1'id0,| \v(-rrx m-nsr-tut at Hm or-rmnnnv : :lE[Cl1(lL`(1 Dy ms r'ou. ueo1'_<,re 1 unuunu vveu. The Milli--'14"l' Se11ecz1Fa]ls,'d1'-5`3d 11 meet Church Z\Iini. were present at tho co;-1`emon_\'. :'1'01`Ol1t0 t-his morllil Tihc _s:'1'o0m is :1 _u'rand: of 'I'ho.~:. i thi-1 H101 ? '35 10 Sabbald, Bx`:1dfo1' St., Bzwrio. 3]? 1-` "Gt h5 3'c HT ____;__ i\\'n wr-1'0 nrnnmm] T110 1'cg'u]z11' monthly and Lhzmk-i ofTe1'hL:' mu.-etin_4` of C'cx1t:~al United \\'o::n-n".s Mi; Au.\:i]i:u'_\` \\`:..~ hold at the pa1'. )Izn'_\' SL, lust 1 'l'hur. :1ft<-moon, the p2'o.~'i(lcnt.~ .\I1`.<. 1%. H. PZ11't1`idf_('. pr(-. , .-\I'LL'r the devotional period. Jo. the Gm-:1t Ph_\'. b_\' 311 . Di`- womh, ;\I1'.<. 10t.h\v-H and .\11'.<. Clam -Eobimon, ;`.i:.<. W. O. Pz\1't1'i(1_ _`_"`.\'-"' :1 thzmk. rc:1din_;`. .\I1`.~'. Pick-l (Wing: int1'0(l11(-ml th-u ;:L1v-st syn.-zlliu-1'., .\'Iia:;~' ;\1`.tch0lI. 1rz:\--1li115: <-(-1'1-:.1'.\' :11" the Women .< .\Ii.<. Society oi" the Unit:-d Chum-h. who _;"uvr 21 Vt-1'_\W i2:tr-1't-sting` talk on the work amour" 1'o2'0i_L'ne1`.< and lndizlns of our `Ami. .:~111.i11t1iv`{_-' u.< that. mi.<. work, 15 most often quitw 1102!)` at hand it? we but 1is"fcn to tho (,-omm':n(i Go." It may be just around thw (-ornc-r to` some no(>(Iy one. 5 \Tu4~ F \T:.1 r.4\I\ 1\`\l] \T--- 1`/' '\T,. r ;v1a1'_y DL. Shzzpherd-M.i`ls-'Thut requr-st of Legion to hold tag day be 5:,1'ant,<:rl. F1.-1 1-n nu-_T\InHq:."l'Hn1 . wxnn nqf nf . I ` cc"\'<*(I. R0f1'0. \\'(.-1'(- : u1 = .\UlIlC HL'(. U_\` UHL`. ' Mrs. C. ML-L(:1n and .\Irs. W. MC-| I-l1'i(lo . 21 vc-1'_\' ;1pp1'op1'iz1te duet. wlule the offe1'in_2' was being re-i thv close of the meeting. 1 (Continued from p.n::- -w" ; .\'o1'tl1 Bay, who were um1!>`.<.- to at-. ta-ml and therob_\-' Look t.hi;< opportun- ity of thankin_4' Mr. H('L'l.~` for his long` and `,o_V211 .<.m'vico, . ad dx-<.-s. w<-re _g'i\~'0n by Mr. D. I.\ ;\IcCuai;:', l\'.C., and 31.1 . for North` Simcor-; Mr. H. G,. 1()})('l`L$011, .\[';a.yox of B:u'1'i<-; Mr. W. J. Blair. Chint Clerk and `former ll12l_\`01` of LIN : town; M1`. J. M. _\li1I.<, (`hi4-1' D4 -.<- putcln-r; Mr. J. Walkc-1', Di\'i. En g.r;ineo1' ;.\-II': E. L. WI-Ito, Y211'dIn:1.. and co11_4`(mia1 host of the e\'m1,in-g: Mr. I . Vit-ks. Ro21(imu; who wi`.l= lnko ow-r thv Lt-1'1'it01'_\' l'o1'mer1_\' >'ll|)(f)'\ i.<(,`(l by M1`. HooI.~`; Mr. Fl. Stvplu-n:~'on, Yurrl I"'ormnun and 1'0; p1's<-(-n`tz1t,i\'<- of the .\'Iz1i11t<~n:u -1- 01 Way O17.-`:1l1i7.:|t.iox1; Mr. W. J. .i\1`tlu, 1-vtir-ml A-i.<~tum Supvrimendmmt, and, MI . I . H'(-r-1.~'. hroLh<-1` of H:n'1`_\"~" and f01'1n(-,rl_\' Roudlmlstor. I Hr. I-l(~vi.< 1):]()l1:,':: to :2 rai`1'oudingL `1'umi'_\'. whim-h is 1;-.n'tr:1_\'<-(I by Lh-'5 fact that tho dim-1-ttnl n1(,~mhm'.< of .-zunv can lw found in thv 1'unk.~' as I'1\:|(l||-I I...-,. ,,...Hnn (`nu-nun. ...,. ` C.N.R. ROADMASTER, \\ or. H. HEELS, RFJPIRES, lfn (-(L 121 l2ll'L Lllill L-Ill` ll|lIl'l'!'ll| Illl, lHU(`I'5 'uI1k.~' us` 1'o:1<.`n;'.~l_-r.<. . l`m'em<-n. soc tionmvn. ll-_`.."('ll1.<, L(`lt`}. ,'l`:l])h(`l'.~', train- mvn and 1-lm'in-:11 l'()r<-e-5. His fzxtlu-1'. Jus. H:-<-Is, had 1115 `vs-z1rs' .~'<-1'\'i('(-, and 1114- .w11.<, n:1m-ly, I"_<-Lt-1', with 58` ymn-.<; Rim-h:ml. 50 _\'o2u-.<' Wil1i:un.' -`H! _v<-:n`.<; Jzum-.~', '32 _\'(`il.l`.\'; .lo. 13 _\'u:1rs; H:ll'x _\'. 4-1 x I .-mn.hin..,l mi-I. In. W u lib, ulilIIH'.`, $4.2 _\l`il N; ql()5('l). ll:1rx'_\', _\`<-:u'.<, which; unmvbim- \\"i'1h thv _\'-ur.~' 0|` .<-rvivc-[ of Lhv 'm'iuu.~' _L-;r:1I1dc11i|t|n-11 rvprt- .<-nls :1 min` of -1-17 31 -:11'.< with th- (lmml Trunk and ('m1.'ul.1`n11 National l{:I`il\vu_v.s'. form} n l`(*('()l'(i Mr. H(~(vl< may bv juwtly proud of. Mr. Hm-I'v Hm-I< \\':|< hm-n in MHL` nm_v m- _|u.'aL|y pruuu 01. ' Mr. Hm-ry lh-1-l.< \\':|.< horn in Mill-- hrook. ()nL.. nu Ovt. lflth. IHTI. Ho` (`11l"l`1'(lLh4* . of th.- Grzuul 'l'I'unk R.:1ilw:1_\' us :1. .s':-t-tionnmn on _-\1n~E` l.-:1. lH!l3`., :1! Vi:-tm'i:1 Hznrbor, nml \\'m'k-(I in \ :1l'iuu.~' 1-npzu-i`tiv.s` us >1-(`!`.(HlllHlH, .~:-vlim` fun-mzln zmdl 1-\'h':1 _<.-;:m_.: 1'01": mzm at ()rilliu and! .\H-nynl-uln IllI1 I-nun-um` Id Hl*) l`\lIK| _`..filll_'.f I(H'| lllllvll .-\ll:nnl:lI-1m1il Jzmu wlu-n h<- \\`:l.~` nmmil wiih In-:z(lqlI:11'lI-1`.< :1. 1':-mun wlxivh point hr ml Xn\':-ml):-I` '|.~l. I!!! .< .0 nu-1 1. n. lI|a|.`l"l'.\ |H).`lllUH Kl` .'\H:lAl|(l:l'|'. .\1r. Hm-I.< is of :| I`<*liI'iII3: 11:11: and of . t-h:n':u-tr-1'. ;nrr H1Ull:.L`l1 it is ll`('1`.~.<:l|')` for him to tire from :u-livv .----r\-i-1-wnlln 'nil\':1_\'. umlu-r l.hc- Ht-\\' pa-n.~~imI 1' ulutim1.<, h(- is ph_\'.~;:iv:1l`_\' lit, and _i0ys r~xvvptionul|_\' g-`owl hmllh. I soc1'uta1'y-t1'o:1sLxrt-r sim-v thv ur;-::n11 a zntion was form:-d. 1'(`si1,:`n(`d tho ])0.\'i~ tions which they mu`. llr-(I so F.zi1h- ful`y. J. H. Davies prosidetl at Lhu , bunquest. L4C_L`lUH LU HOUIU 1.21). , U2L_V UC }. ,'l'21IlC(C(l. Gvzntner-MilIs-4"I`hat request of Barrie Badminton Club to have space extended in town ha he zranted. SlBBALD--OLMSTED CENTRAL W.M.S. llI|l\'l |~`|o pu,-:mm\ `uni; I< nl \'ULiUl|ZU [)L`l'lUU, d(.`5ll> 7. `V V` V ' V id. '1: b`. Ml.5_ Dig] twill, and )trh\\'-H :1nd`)h'.<. g.w'mm m Pz11't1'i(1`_"x <..";:\'-'- : to 4'"mt :9` reading`. )1)`.-'. I3ick- i the pubm . - -. 77 ed .~']l\'il1{(-l`.}1e)(E)I:l;1;(__ `n'z:\`(-111112` <-(- - ` ** - A \v:- e force \I . C` ol5llllIHl_\ :l[)|H)ilHt`(l l'l`< :1! (J [ll)illH`(l l'()lHl|llIl."L('l'| :11 (r:1\':-nl1ur: \\':1.' lI':n1.~l'm'I u(i IHLZVI. tn (hr rund- M .-\l|:1.n I nnlur.` .--..\ .<:n'y nu .-..|~\-hm u-nl In H\. . .\l2ll'_\' DL, lill 1 p1'n.~'i(lunt.; , ? 1 Je. Di`-1 . 11111` `\Tu-- l"1...... \ll'll|l'1l unu 15!, I920. I'():x(lIn:1.~'t<-r1 ' I 1 .,...l.. Iim wnlh l`(' H1: At a meeting of the eounvi` of Mntchmlzish township 1':-<~entl_\', 2: bill was received from the Ontario Gov- ernment for $1,738.34 as the town ship's share of p:htin1_r res in the municipality last sunnm.-r. The eoun cfl is not inclined to pay the bil`, us it would mean an increzwe of 9 mills in the tax rate, and also c'a.im that as :1 result of the department hir- in_.: men from far outside places the cost was unnecessarily increased. and the res were largely on Crown lands. r uuws promised to De present and ture only C .lspeak. It was known, however, that to sl1a1`l. - as the date of the mi ed hke declard thatlhe not`at spea un ess e was he Last spealcel` Tunnel -, on the progrzun, coux lpgoing; to be wedvged l)0l .\\'f'L'X1 mul !Combe and Stunders. . The other two `_ son n ent, George O1";ll1j.',`C:Ll1L' .<<-p:n`at~ Granti Mzxster of andl 'l'u ol`L. H. S:_1un(ler.<, Glrzmd .\Iuster,l,:1L all. 0} and spoke, denouncing` the newl 3 `i amendment to the School Ass.esn1.entll {Act as the most _1niqu1t0u.~' le_s.:1slz1t1o11 4` people. Tl` lpgxssed .111 Onlzxrlo or =2yn-_\' other pro- e_\'e\\'w.1s-h Ivlnce slnce Con.['ederat1on. 11`ed(l lel l I thoug'-ht I would have the pl<-u.<- son tn lure of callimr upon the Mini. ofldatr,-(l |E:lucation to a(l(l1-e.<.< you, but he i.<-last electio lnot here," szml Johnston Brown,x.s'eeret pled l who presided, and he went on to 1'eu(l;tl1e (lemaw la copy of : bill which haul been (lis-`r.sep:11'21te : 1.] tributed widely all over the riding!` church-th I I I l : I 1, calling` the public meeting and nam-`-derives 1 L ing; Dr. Simpson as one of the sp<,-ak- ; burn `.e_e'i.< ers on the separate school tax ques--t.l1e Legislz n tion. *\vnHnu` Fru- 1 - U011. 1\'0Ll'1 I I am : that Dr. Simpson islsaid. [not here, th-At I niight talk to him; P1' iface to face, said Geo)-ma )"IcComb<>. gsayin 501' Toronto. Oran-tze Gra..nd Master of 2 relig-.i I Ontzirio West. ` ans\\' 1 of Education ad-ito hii ,, di'o.<.sed meeting` of the United I\Iini. .-\s'socia.tion in n ; 'l'm'onto morning`, Where he knew V i-an 1 _|th:.t there was be no debate, but iian 1: is lierc this evrgninyr xvhervilt w `we were prepeued to answer him, that `said L. H. Saumlers. pubii . I 1...... A . ) __ 11.. ( _ru-nu-c YULQ 111 L111.` rumament or "Upper and I.owr:1' Canada, Ur. .\Ic-` Combo said 111*-at it \\'.'.1:< about 55310`: for 21 .sho\vdown and chz2.H0n_2'ed I, P1'o\'incial Government to give the; :5 people of Ontario an opportun-it_\-' to_ ivote on thv xvholc separate ; ':i<:In.x Tn\'p< unit] hv nnh1:- er-hnnl ` r `. ` ruxenuus. {-4 Pointing: out that .<<*pzn'at(3 . i. wure forced upon Ontario by the v;Qu(-br-c vote in the Parliament ` W[Vnnn|' and Tr\u'(:v I-.111-:u1n KTv \T:-_ `i\ULC uu L-Ill` uuun: .~:upzu`zLLe SCl100l;SOllUl zmu 1an--(1 lo L110 ';i.~'; Tu.\:e.~: paid by public 3 behind. _|suppo1`te1'.< should be devoted enli1'e-iiinpziet \\':1_e`on 1}` to public . he Vow ' M1`. .\In-Combo refute-(1 . ,1'c~po1'ted to have been made b_\`Tez1. :P1'e-mior Hepburn and hi! f1'ien(ls to Besides 'I`,homp.=on, two g'irl.<, Miss The effect that there were no incor-`Bs't.t_\' Bickm-ll. Glen Road, '|'ov1'onto, ilpomtml eo1npz1nir:;~: away back 111 18621 :1 ml .\Ii.s.< I.-ouise Bowman, Vz1ug`l1an' b_\' 11a1ning' scores of companies th:atiRo21d, Toronto, and GU-n Gur1'it_\', of '\\'e1'(- ineo1`po1'zitcd at that time. IBzu'1'ie. were in the e-:x1'. .\Ii.<.< Bick- L'n(le1' the Hepburn plan. he add- ; nell \\'zx.~' . cut about the face ed, many compzmies whose . arr;-;2xml was taken to the R.V. Hospital. 'own0d ent.i1'.-l_\' by P1'0test,.mt.s are i She \\'u.~` found to be .=L1fl'r-i'ii1_2' from iforced to pay taxes to the Roman 21 _;'us11 on the I'o1'elw;id from the ` - Catholic .<(-hools, and he quoted from l hairline to the i'i_2'ht` 0_\'eb1'ow. The ` Butle1".< L-utecliisni and the .\Iission.`lo\vei- z,-_\'eli wzis cut thi'oug'h and 3' llnnl: nf` H15 T?nrlpn1ni'n1~i:f l7n`rl1nx-< +n?`llw.. turn l\4\1\' ininwul Qaxvn run I ` \\t`l'i' |uL'Urpul`uLcu at Lnzu 7.11111-. !1 ;2H`l'lC, 111 Inc .\ll.<:< 1510K- ` ; about ' are ~ and . to Romania -Catholic Butler .< Book of the Redemptori: Fz1tl1er.< to[Thi- eye bz1dl_\' injured. Several I {:~`l10\\-' the kind of teacliinjz that pro- Istitched were required to close -, tc: i;2l.\'])l1l_\'(.`1`S were compelled to\\'ound.< unzll-r lll'l' chin, on the r1_:l1t `suppprt. Protestants are forced t0|ch:`-ck and on the f or(-hezid. She also :. to the .'~:eparzite-, schools and: - .o\vmun. ri(lin;;' in the back seat, re- :h-lp to propa_::1tc doctincs which are` ceived minor cuts on the face. She `repugnant to them, he declared. \v:1.< able to leave the hospital on l It is -.1 plain case of robbery ol';Sun(lz1_\', but Miss Bicknell will be |'i.',lh(,' public .' Mr. ;VIcCombeE confined for at least a \\'C(.'_l(. Gar- :, _~,-ai(1_ and he appealed to the electors: 1'it_\' and 'l"homp.son e. injury. l=of Ontario, including` the voters in` E. A. Boyd, driver of the milk fl Centre Simcm, to elect men to the'\vzi:ron, was thrown out and suffered IA-g'islature who are pledged for the :1 wrenched back, and his brother, ' ircpeal of the Hepburn Bill and for; 301-t Boyd, received a severe shak- ihe withdrawal of other concessions`ing' up. The horse was freed from - 1.rr:-1nte t.o the separate schools since; the Sllilfl-S when the wzuron overturn- ; C0nl'e(ler21tion. No Government hasi ed and ran awa_v. It was found at " any 1-ignht to say which religion is; dz1_\ brez1k standing in the Prince of !1'lL _'hl., but that is what the present] Wlales sehool_w1rd suffering from a. Eigzovernment is doing. It seems t.o`cut tendon. The car was badly ` 'me that Rome is the inastcr of the dzmiagred and the wagon was prac- _u'overmnent at Queen s Park. itically demo`ished. No charges will 5 1. it.1'zi11sfci' their tzixes from the public; .~ an injured ankle. Miss - `](`}lLlj_'llblllL LU I.,ut:n1, IN: ut:CIz11Uu. ;\\'z1> mile 10 lCZ1\'(` I .Vlis.~ "ithe ;VIcCombe; 10: the electors1'it_v =01,` d lCcnt1'e Simcm, lllrowr ` repeal receive withd1`awz1l horse `- th 1; "|:1n_\' :1-ig'ht, the p1'esenf|W'z1lcs 1i;:o\'m'mnent Pzu'k."` .` l V Fl. ouu11uu1`s. Lohg Agitation .-\i'tm` ti`:zcin5,-' fhc l1isto1'_\' of the svparate school controver.=_\' in On` tzlrio, M1`. .\IcCo.nbe said that peace gcannot be mzidr: .~:-cure in the pro- Lvincc while there is an o1'_g`zmizz1tion . ,' by \ f`l'_V' known means to control eve1'_vLI1in:>: 1-clig'ious and poli- ticui, there is a weak-`minded l1t at Queen s Park 1'ez1(l_\'. sectarian (lmnands and rob` ;Lhc public schools of their just i 1'm'en11n.<. l . up puonc .~ch00l 01 the p1'o\'mcc," said for iniquitious bill .:houl O\'L`l` sit in 1110 I.r{.;'i:i2ltLll'l: zuzziiii. POOR VISIBILITY BLAMED FOR BRADFORD ST. CRASH nHnuMM:s;i%.% Rumacaps Are More Than 8 Relief From Pain. This sci:-x: 4` ur- muln (which in not a patent medicine) really reaches the Sn ~- of Rheumatism." Uric acid deposits are eliminated from the jo1m~ ud muscles and the kidneys and blood are cleansed of impurities. Onq box will convince you that permanent relief is possible. Write T FOR FREE BOOKLET Dcparbnent of Fisheries Otuwa