L1) puum: auctlon at me 3 WELLINGTON HOTEL, BARRIE L '``on`-'- "~ x SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 1936, at twe`.ve o'clock noon, thei_ following; property, that is to say : ' Ix A11 anid singular that certain par-_ eel or tract of kind and premises, situate, lying and being in the town-i Ship of Vespra, in the County of Simcoe and Province of Ontario,,` containing by adnieasurement two` acres, one rod and eighteen perches, more or less, bein composed of Park `Lot No. 35, Next of the Townline . as laid out by Robert Ross, P.L.S., for Charfes Thompson on broken lot , No. 26, in the 6th concession of the said township of Vespra, and she-wn upon a. plan thereof duly registered -` in the Registry Office for the County \ of Simcoe as Plan No. 15, being the Ialis forrnerly owned and occupied by the late Margaret Lawr. being` those lands on the Northwest corner of the townline between the town-I ships of Innisl and Vespra, and the} sixth concession of the said township; of Vepra, lying between the said town of Barrie and the said town-1 ship of Vespra. Tinnn Hm: cniri nvnnr-1-+\' Fknro iai .` ..r..u.\un., gun I. `urn `1936, at the hou_r of twelve o clock ;noon, by P. A. Coughlin,` .-\uctioneer,`; `;the following property, namely : l ` All that parcel of land situated in _I`the township of Oro and being com- `_:posed of the West half of Lot, _ T,wenty-six ((26) in the Eighth Con-I f1cession,~and that part of Broken Lot `;Twenty-seven (27) in the Eighth V1Concessvion, as described in Instru-I 13,ment Number 27300, save and ex-4 `eicept parts heretofore sold, and all of 'which said p1'ope1*ty is more particu-3 -larly described in Instrument Num-g ber 12138 for. the township of Oro.f I On the said lands in mid +n kn` | stain`:-`nan:-' ya. .. gun- at. the hour of twelve o'clock noon, '.the following property, namely: I An nn :inn'n'|-.13` H1211` I:-vtain nnr. .Ll"l(:` JUH-()\\'H]_L [)l'U]J(.`1'(_\', IlZlllH*`ly3 All and singrular that cc-rtain par- cel or tract of lzmd .'1!`.d p1`e1wIsc:s. situatt, lying: and being: in xhe tovrn-| jship of V(~.=p1'.'1 n the County of Smcoe. and being composed of the North haif of Lot 'I`went_v-vn. (25) in tho I<`ir.<.t, Com-e.=.=1'on of the sa`d township. O11 fhn cs Ian/3: fknv-n c cm?!` in uuwumup. I On the said lands thn-o is mirl to be :1 good new barn on stone founda- tfon, frame house and other out- bmldmgs. "Wan 1217111 urn` Tu: =n'l:1 n-n1-uinnof ha a. 1't'ht`l'V`t`ll UK]. I Terms of Sale: Ten per cent. of the purchase "money to be paid at 'g'ag'e, which will be produced at the --2j- l Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mort-7 time of sale, there will be offeredi for sale by public auction at the f\llI:'I_`RlY IlI`\'I`I"I I'|AI\I\li-I uzuuc u2u'ns, ouwnouses , emc. , Terms: Ten per cent. of the pur-` ;chase money to be paid down at the tirn-e cf sale, balance to be paid in `fthintxy days. There will be a reserve bid. 1 For further particulars and cond:-` Itio-ns of sale apply to i Radenhurst 8: Hammond, 1 ` Barrie, Ontario, ` I Solicitovrs for the Mortgagee. E Dated at Barrie this _9th day of Sep oember, 1936. Duuuulgs. The land will be sold subject to a reservle-d bid. 'I'--_.- at C..l-. VF ... -um. ...-...A .3 Of Valuable Residential Prolpen-ly, irl the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe. ;'\Im!-1'u::rl by \' 2*`.'.2.- 01' `h~ ',mw ya '01" .<:1l`_- conwinul in 2: (-vrL:1'm mou- g:z_::u. w`ni<-11 \\'2H |)<- [n'mluL'<(l :11 Ihv timo: of .~:1l<-, lhn,- `till he rm`:-nwl for .~':xl< h_v pub} c auction at 111` f\lIl:r.`v\x|c I,II\'rt-I I1Ar\v\Iv-I 137516. at !`. ..f A. ('ou:_-'hlin. Eng" [|2I!t`l'l 01 Situzm-, I_\' HIM town of p0.~-d 01' 1.01 (32) and TI North . of `.~z1id town 01 R<-5.ri. P 'l'h(-n- X: 5* `sznid 1zm :1 brick N.-.~'i('lum ` .-.1, \'nI111.nn Coier St United bCimr'c.hE uuLn H,'.~Iu!'HL'l.', \\'IH1 (.ll `vs-xm-In-c.~', also hri<'k ;_-'21)`: Terms: Ten pol` Com. vchnsc money at timv of .~ jbalance within L]1i)'ly }af ce1'. s ym_,_ ____,,_ .4 , -n 1 JUCL [0 3| 1'(.`S(`1'V'(`(1 DIG. Further terms and COI1(liti0n.'<. oi} sale will be made known at The tl1]1'.p| of sale, or in the rwzxxxtinxtr an un- p]i(-ation to I'\ F ll1....l ......_ -'tl1la.`I'a The propvvty will ht- ject to 21 1'osc1'vuI bid. 'F`111~f'h:n~ +r.1vr-no urn] ucr xaxoo 101'. I118 Iiownsnhp OI Ur0.; the said lands is said to be! situate a ne solid brick dwelling} house with all modern conveniences? "frame barns, outhouses, elbc Terms: 'R4=-n nor npnf n+` +1. m... . `uuaauun M) ` Duncan F. McCuaig, K.C. : - Vendor's Solicitor, Barrie.` Dated September 9, 1936. ` - UEIFTIE, I Dated .84,-ptennbr.-1' S, 1.93(;_ QUEEN'S HOTEL, 3Ai2Ru: .:(\T1.: QUEEI-\J'S HOTEL, BARRIE __ann_,, -.... ..._. yuu.--. uut.LLuu cu. uuc QUEEN'S HOTEL, BARRIE jnhT Mortgage Sal J`d.HU. me emowons. . T A . th "_ ` of valuable Property m the T3wn'fs*tarto t:.)pp' (`(1 1(;i]':{`t?tn\]\Fit,}xL othee1?hs1u(:>j):J}::1 `hip f V`P' in th C"""'y this is` nof done manv take a (ii; of Silncoe. ` - : , - - _- Under and by virtue of &he powers:i:30u: hJ;tW,:$`rlsiiegreat detnmem ofsale Contained in a certain mort" The Department of Education is gage which will be pmduced at thefanxious to see music taught in even` . ' . ~ \ I vlellglhegeaugglgnbt giggled fol Salegschool. Ta-day there as 89-5 school wnHNr..l.n~ n.n_., DADDH, frooms in the urovince Whprp rnuzip Mortgage Sale an I unun I , an! I . 26th at 12 o`clock noon at the nlll-`S-`N'< Lln'rl.`l nxnnn V Mortgage Sale Mortgage Sale -uu-- SATURDAY, SEPT. 26th -uu- SATURDAY, SEPT. 26th ..A. L]... L. SA'l"URDA; , S_PT. zen. I.) nn ,V,I, | (II l'I:'H'|'l"`. (HUI (T1 l.ul.~ .\'umh-`r.~ T] I 'l'l1i1't_\'~llu'-4` (313 (- ICU /.:1ht'H1 Stlw n of Bzlwit-, um-0 d Plan .\'umbvr 12! .\".'1id Y0 hp 4'1`! 5.... A ..I` l. 121 I_\'in:.:' ). F. IWacLaren, M0rtgagee's Solicitor, Barrie, Ontario. Anfmnhr-r R 1091: Pa ge Eight ......., OJA_4n -. 1.1 3.00 0't'lo<-k noon, 1. .-\I,I<'Ii0l1c` 1', 1.111- 01` lrzu-I of land : In: ..~.l I. 7.. :l(lt` KIIUWII HT ENC IJIHC the meanmmo on ap- Il\l `ll III` linr two 0, with all .. l\..,.I. 1 noon, by I`. `r, follow- h_-in_L; In thu Lud l.u.-`in_Lr com- :-vr.~: 'l'hfrt_\'~t\\'o (33) on the H `(fl-1.1.4 in Oh...` L. (`)1"t.h- pur- ' sale and 1,11`- dzxys thr-rt-- \-nu; un Llll'| .`s`tn~t, in thn; um-ordin,L-, to r 12!). w c.-rr-(`tr-d on .~'to1'r-_v, solid. modvrn con- x\~'|lr1. 0's:-1'-d sub- .`\p[JL`il1illlClf. Let Us Clean Up Your Car Reasonable pricus on Painting, I ishingr and Body and Fender Repairing. IIIII 1~l'\\1I1\ . uv-r-r\ I-|r\I\\) A nit {A MAN IS OFTEN JUDGED BY I THE CAR HE DRIVES Not the Type 01' Model, but the , 1 ' Appe:u'zmce. I In! I]: (`lean [In vnnr Par FLIVIJLK I\lLI"!`\Il\ Dl1\JI' ' I |0pp. Clarkson Hotel Phone 815 I Cars Called For and Delivered Our (Jhurch School at 10 :1.m. Evening at Seven The .\Iiniste_1` in charge Next Sunniay, Sept. 20111, Holy i E Communion and Church Scliool R9.]]y| Day. f I the time. of sale and the balance` I w'it.hin t'him'y days. 1:... 4-....n...... .......+:....1m-.- mu! .-.mA_l UR` 11Illt`- 01 Salt` unu um u:u' For further particulars and condi-i Lions of sale, apply to Radenhu-nt 8: Hammond, Barrie, Ontario, Solicitors for the Mortgagee. Dated at Barrie this 161}: day of Sevpbemiber, 1936. WlLSON'S A.UTO`ODY AND FENDER REPAIR SHOP L-.. !`l....I....._ Ll..A..I DLA..- Q1 EMONDAY - TUESDAY "- WEDNESDAY EASY ACES At 6.40-93.10 H1 illlCl7n Pol-T [Iv nh 'F.'..111hn- I with HENRY FON DA 90! Pcnerson, Mary Brian; George Barbier ON THE SAME PROGRAM JVALUE OF MUSIC IN y Right round the world these two` DEvE1_op[N(; CHARACTER: University of Toronito boys thumbedi _:.__ Q1931` \V'?~.\`--0110 fl! .\'`i11'-T-'9T11.V'{ Mr. {oy Femvick, of Hamilton, SEWI1 C0Um1'if`-"--`30-000 n7i15"and]3di1'c(`t0l' of music in the sch00L~' 0;! H1951` t1`a"SP01't3ti0n bl '35 justl Ontario, was :1 guest at liiwzmis on $75-00 62101"! T1195!` 1``m31'kab19:l\Ionday night and spoke briey on 0`aV`_108'l1, tellillfl `_h0 5t01'.\' Of 11?? the value of music in the school. '1? "1 P1<'tUl`Sy W1 b`~ &"I\ T1 m;;\1ost people respoml to niusic, though`, C H. _ -t d ch h - 111 _many cases it is supercial. 0 ';1:):ayUng:Ptembue:c slfrne {Music to those who understand :71; is _ _ Ipower but- it requires years of as- at 8 p.m. Adults 2-ac. Children 15c.s(1>ciatri on, an: the school is the best -____,,,-I):1(`PT,ns1'.11virl E Matinees WEDNESDAY 2.30 ;"' 5 NRY. F9 NP!` 'I`i-1U-ILSDAY, Sl$1"I"E1\ lEEI{ 10, 191:6 Tf:'1+fiI'RsDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY D8 TEQUCEU ITOTII ipZ,ZUU 2.1 year 50`! `$1,200, which was carried. Irmnediaty Mr. Stapleton jumped to his feet, and said: I don t want the job that bad; you have my re- signation. UCUllUL'1`. Con1ms. Albert Harvey mov- ie-d that the superintendent s salary be reduced from $2,200 a year to? Tvnwvxnrnfalv Mr Q!-anhnfnn {nn-`nod '41` u) .)1,uuU Iayor Kohl accused Mr. Staplcton of neglecting his duties and lowering the .~:t.andzn'd of service, and p1`es.ent- ed 21 motion th'a-t his services be dis- pensed wzh, but could not get a seconder. f` ..-..4 vs` .. <.'..v.,\.. A1L....L 1_Y.......... , _ At 21 .~:to1'my meeting of the Col- lingwood Pub'.ic Utilities Commis- sion on Saturday, J. Stapleton, supelilntendent for the past 25 years, tendered his 1'(.-si'gn`ution when a motion was passed to reduce his sal- ary by $1,000. 7\Tn\'n1- 1\'n'Ial ur-nnanrl `Ur Q1-unlnenn COLLINGWOOD UTILITIES SUPERINTENDENT RESIGNS Uoyd Tuox-ti,` Sat Mitinee 2.50 "HiTCH-HIKING ROUND rm: WORLD Auction Sale Victoria St. at Railway Phone 999` Goo. A. Keays, Auctioneer (I: 15". REV/.~l0UlS PICK'ERlNG- NIMSTER aollcuors tor tne mortgagee. Dated at Barrie this Twenty-sixth day of August. A.D., 1936. Barrie F tie|A Supjll y Co. LVLILIISDUK Joyd Tuord. Organist and Cf::hxr- master. Sunday, Sept. 13, 1936 ]1 21.111. and T p.m.-The I\IEni:`te1'. 3 p.m.-The Church School. We ix1\'1't<; you to \vo1'.~'hp with US`, Sunday, Sept. 13, 1936 11 a.m.---Satis(:d with Second! End` 5 HoRsE TAX COLLECT OR WANTED REV. E. E. LONG. BIA. 3.1). lfinimnu Mortgage Sale `THE TOLL BROTHERS . uuuu. | W. B. Sloan, Twp. Clerk Churchill. _4. l1Ui\ `J. Minister I {X-nu.nL $.18 BVILUJCCI} (:0 "(L FESUFVCQ D10. Torin: : Ten per cent. of the ` amount of the purchase money on i the day of the sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter. l T`11n`f}1nv ht-rwm an-:11 r-nntnnc 1:14:11; E On M0ml:=._\' v\'f`lllllf..". Sept. `29t`l1.| `~Yhe `Toll Brot.l1ers will _:ive the'r lfamo-us t1'avelog`ue, Hitch-Hiking I Ro1md the W'orld." in Collier St. 11721!`--cl (`lmn-h. Ri_ `round tho \\'or`d tlur-.=v two L'ni\'m'sif_\' of To-| iron t.o boys thumbod tlmir way in `{que.=t of knowlod_zo-ono full _\'oa1'- lv'isiti115: t.won-ty-.=e\'en cotlntrles. tra- i}f'~*--ll~Ine' 't %_(l.00(}l)."111iles-:1nd $the;)i(1; . ranspox :1 Ion was just. .75. :each. They have a thrilling story, 5|*I`lu.=h'r.te-d by 150 colored slides. % CUFHCI. The young lad, who was taken to the R.V. Hospital, was attended by Dr} W. A. Lewis for a slight frac-J` ituro of the skull and severe burns `about the legs and arms. Although the cm , which was driven by Geo.; Monrte-ith, Ba_\"c-ld St., Barrie, pass" (-omplet(Al_v over the lad's body,f io1`luna1.e`y no bones were broken. ` Th! 'Jf'('ll`L\l\`Y Ar-nnvvnrl -4- 0 '7" Petty thieving is gett.ing to be, `more than a nui.<:1n<-0 around Barrie. ' lsome ]ig]1t-ng-91-ed person was dis? yH.u1'bed a few night's ago as he was 5' l going to carry off the drinking fou-n- ' {main on Bradford St. It was taken] japurf and parts taken. but.1ater3 ffound sc-\`--ml blocks a\\*;1_\'. `There 1'95 ~ no justication for such pilfex-ing| v 4 52.:-d the-. _r:ui't_\' part_\'. who` has been` rrgivvn con.=ido1'able latitudc-. :s not `far from :1 rude :1\\'akonin_2'. I Lloyd John Chown, ve-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chown, 75 Maple Ave., sustained serious in-' juries last Saturday afternoon when he was run nvnv In: 9 mnnw new r\V\ 1u1nu1mL.c'y no Dolles were broken. v0 The accident occurred at 2.20; ,p.m. opposite the home of C. M. Gmt` Smith, S Oollier St. The little 1-ad!a started across (`ollier St. and as heiv `i1-an from the . passed 1:11 from of an park.-d truck, and then \ .ran into the path 'of `:1 \vestboundg]- |c:n ziriwn by IC1:n(-st Hobson, all ` Kirchner. `a ` `LI,.1.~ \ .... .. 4.1., L-.. .l.._,s ,,,.r n . . 1 1 Miss L. Johmton and Hugh Mc-' gVicar, both of "I`oronto, escaped ser-I gious injury when the car Miss John~ ]ston was driving; left the highway and collided with a tree near Guth-l rie last Satu1'd'ay afternoon. The car was badly damaged. RUSK .Tn'h11:fnn and ham nnnwunainvs was uauiy uszunagea. Miss Johnston and her companion were proceed;'ng north on highway 11 to Orillia in a car owned by C. chine suddenly got out of control of the driver. For some unknown rea- son it. got over onto the wrong side of the highway and the driver xvasf `unable to bring: it back to its pro-` iper lane of trafc. The car left thei ghigrhway and collided with a tree, hit.t'n;:1ho stump it continued on for` lanother 25 feet and nally came to L. Weller, of Toronto, when the Ina-' {then veered into a stump. After,` `a stop up against a telephone pole. 1 {The pole was broken off in two : ` places. : k {FIVE-YEAR-OLD BARRIE LAD KNOCKED DOWN BY AUTO} Julltb xaaw oa;Lurua_V ansernoon when! he was run over by a motor car on Collier St., near the Bayeld St.`u corner. ` .l\1|CI1Ilt.`l'. ; : Hobson, who smv the boy dart out `from in front of the truck, applzedi his brakes .=uddcn1_\', t111'owin5_- hisw fear iirto :1 skid. The left front fender of his car hit the boy, knock- Kng him into the path of the ea;~:t-j ; bound Mont:-ith , car, which pa.<. | comp1e~te1_\' over the lad ; body. He, \\`a_< ru: to the hospital, whore he ilizs recovering nico1_\~'. ' .W-Hdllll Llllfby Uuyp ulereulter. ! Fuvther terms and conditions will; be made known at the time of the` 3` sale, and in the meantime may bei i had upon application to k Boys & Boys, Barrie, Ontario, k Solicitors for thc Morlgagee. T721598 at R21'h'p fhi: Twnn+v_=iv+h _..._..-..., '\l cu. Auuall. oauguv HI every] gschool. there province where music {is taught. I1: is hoped that before Hon-2: music will be a major study in` 1,hr: university. ; I , T} V l`rwo ESCAPE maunv i WHEN CAR HITS POLE` Ipxace L0 sway 1:13. I Music, like any other subject, is icarried over to adult life, and it [helps to mould life. It develops the Ireasoning power, it trains the mind land the emotions. "I"n -;nnu..,.:..+,\ .....-7., L- ,1_:y,: 1 New York State, which has no` automobile speed limits, put into ef- lfect on Sept. 1st new drastic safety laws designed to eliminate reckless motorists from the higways. Thei aws provide a stepped-up series of progressive penalties zxgainst persomll `convicted of xvckless driving. , _:_____j E -The rst \V.C.'1`.U. autumn 111881-~ ing will be htld at the home of 311:3.` {Andrew Cumming, St. Vincent St.,E `on Monday evening, Sept. 14th, at 8 o'clock. Jlcmbr.-rs and their friends `are cordially welcomed to attenvtl. ' I ! The kennels of h. Hoppleston, Barrie, captured $L'\'L"]1 rsts at the ICzm;1dizm N:xt'onul Exhibition do}; :show last week. One of Mr. Hep-| ip1eston s dogs captured` lhv Calnla isilver trophy for the best cocker `spaniel bred and owned by the ex- | hfbitor. - r NEW SAFETY LAWS FOR 1 NEW vomc HIGHWAYS: 3vALUE CHARACTER [:UL'121U.`0H, `clI1(1 E110 - place to study Int. Music, like urn- LOECA LS i of Good Young Farm and } General Purpose ` mum-'m `owners 1 I n'1'od Why is Kc-mpc-nfeldt St. allowed] I9 G- `to be as peedway? Many times we! 1'd our guests have been obliged to] h0{\'a('att- the front on nr-count nf duct I 1 `mm. our guests nave oeen oougea 1:0] eivzu-ate the front on 51-count of duat. I K<~mp St. 15 the most tra- nlwllcd St. in the town except the: de11igh\m_\'s," declared M1`. Aslinyr. fl 1 h:1\'r- f.\\'n hvirlrrn: ~11-U-11 an-.r.niw `vuuuucu 1.0 mm: Speclal note 01: thirty days thereafter. } Why were Vincent and Duckwo1'th| The property will be offered for !S,'fS-. 1113071 which there 1'5 litle, iflsale subject to a reserved bid. i any, t1-afc also the westerly side o:f| Furthevr terms and (-ond:"tions of Kempenfeldt St 00d'd With Oil '7 `sale will be made known at the time 1 Why was Pen-etann` St/L. so lavishlv nf E219 ma ;.-. +1.0 7\'\l1'1T\4';vV\r\ M. .... in/uwn 1 ment from dust menace in from of my home on Kempenfeldt St. that ] a.m here o-night, said Mr. Asding, {adding that the street had only reg ce-ived a slight sprinkiimg this spring, rwhich he declalted had been of little: 07' O `IE9 It is as a result of unfair treat- Int-n1pe11.u:1uwL .31., nooaea wltn on 1' Isale will be mm Why Pen-e'tan,r: layishly . of sale, and in `oiled without cost to the res1denLs plication to jon that street ? . 1 H71; um`. D.-.,ln,.u c+ ,......\.:-,1 ...... I -- gux uu uau. ZS ; Since coming to Barrie I have_cI endeavored to keep my property in I rsvt c1`ass condition, but it seems that; I can get little assistance, he de- s clared. After ai-ring his views 011.} the ma.tte1~ Mr. Asling asked the fol-I llovwing questions, which he asked the It ;counc1'1 to take special note of: t r \Vhv vmm-A Vinr-nnf and hnnlnunm-Ll Strenuous objection to the dustl menace on the roadway in front of his home at, 110 Kempenfeldt St.l was taken by H. M. Asling, one 01:0 'Bm'rie s summer residents, at the 3 Ataown council on Tuesday evening` it 4M1`. Asling appeared personally be- 5 lfore the town fathers to present h4S|l fproblem, along with a list of; !whys which he wanted cleared up! ifor his own information and thegb benet` of the 1 taxpayers of the,i` `town. 11} \ UT; :- .... .. ..-....n. .4: ,,,_1-,,:_ _Ull. Lilith .'|1't5BL .' ' Why was Rodnev St. Graded con- ftrary to the wishes of the property 9 owners ? !llI}.',ll\\": _ S, llL`ClZU'E`(l .Hl'. :\Sl1ng`. I I h:1\'c- two b1".d;:e;< which 1`o'*qun'r, "atttent1on, but I have had no rmults ,f1`om my requests for repalrs. In. fshort ,what do I ,:r.~t for the taxes `I nv ? l I(T:Ht} vnn 5121: {run AH `V in. {Says Residents ! Unfa): Treated,` uweulng 1101158. 5 mhe property will be offered for; sale subject to a reserve bid. Tarmn: I`e'n new con?` nf the `MATTRESSES--` 1 I "COM!-`ORTERS; I ; u.~t-. | T inquired of .==ver221 propc-1't_\'| owners on Pt-no:-tang: St. if they paid `for their oiling. but they said t.ho_\V' `n<`-wr pail of)` it, said Mr. .-'\.=1in;r.' ` Arp vnn nwmm-nrl fn nnv +`m- n.-_ I `l})i|_\'. _ _ . Did you ask for 011?" m(lu`1 R:-eve Stewatt. l V, 1.....+ ...- ..,.,...: 'l\9't"\ t` Bl-t'\\'ZLLL. j Yes, but we received only slight sp2'ink]irrr; which was of no , 11 up I ll!.`\l`I puu 01!` IL, .\`al(l A11`. .-xsnngr. Are you prepzu'ed to pay for oh- }in;: if other residents do? asked ` Reeve Stewart. I Uvr... Luv my ....1..,.,l.. ,!..,_~...u I) I I Marbtresses rebuilt just like new.? [Beautiful Down Comforters made,` `from feather beds, also made into` ~ Feather Mattresses. Eide1'dow11 ;re- 3 covered. Representative here now. Phone 1186. ` I `BZLHI J11 . .'\.\l..U}.,'. On motion of Re-eve Stewart and Ald. Gm-nm', council decided that [the chairman of the board of works fully investigate the. complaints of i.Mr. Aslng and report: back to the -council at: the next meeting. Audit V We, the undersigned, h`a-ving been appointed by resolution of the Town-: ship Council, at a meeting held Sep-` tember 5, 1936. to make an audit ofg ;`ALL the affairs of the municipality; `for the years 1930 and 1931, requestj that any parties having information; relative to these years communicatei with us iinmediately. Welch, Anderson & Co., i Chartered Accountants, J 59 Yonge St., Toronto. .l'\L`t`\'t`.' OLE V\'iU'L. Yes. but, C-v~1-yborly doer.=n t, Saki Mr. Asling. nn vnnnn A4` Pnnxva Q+nu'awf and Your Last Clhzmce to CONSULT H:0I`1::ss01z Saturday, Sept.-1E f arrie Fair Grounds Free :x(imi: tickets for 2111 Public and Separate Schoo` children of Simcoe County are availablt: upon request. 62111, Write or phone G. 0. Cameron, Box 1031, Barric-, stating the number of tickets 1-equi~red and school section. Sat. Evening, School Chi`.d1'en .< Day, 'l`uc.~:- day, Sept. 22nd. c-uylu.-~v .~'1.`:\m})/ed v-1 birth zinte. D11: ONLY THREE MORE DAYS FOR QL`l`I.\"l'.lO.\`S n:- 1 El FL and mu 1] L L` \' \' \ .. Hllll Hldll K IC N .\'A \\.H sHl.`~\ p1'ohI(-m.~`. your own ouclo.-=(- \l' Full Reading $1.00 O1-5.:":miz~ :1 part_\' at your home amp 01 Vt.-sprd.. 4 Upon the said property there is` said to be erected a substantial; dwelling house. 3 "u: n1-nnnv-ztv nri Ba n>'nv-a.-I {mt ! Psychologist Reader (Phychic) 'l`im: limited .A.. ..,...4.. Phone 701, Barrie, Wellington Hotel. For an appointment t'\lII \I '1`lIl'\I`I` If\l'\I',` I\A\7C Christin :YcKgnna TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL FREE SCHOOL TICKETS FOR BARRIE FAIR For I1m.~. lHlH.l.'\l Ull us contrzu-t l`:lll`0[l<- in .:v)(' 1 \'\HH, UHU UL iv) any th1'o(- of your Lvttcr must be in x handwriting. Please .-=(']f-z1(l(l1`('sSt'd and .n\'vlopa-. Give your r. .- who cannot :1'ox'd vut out this not,.uv ?`. to PROF. UL-- AL. ..I . ...l.l...._..- erml: Part c-1-edit given to 1mrc11a;~-` crs fumi. :l}`)p1'()\ Cd joznt not;-.~. in [0 l'l\\Jl`. AIL" {hr uhovc :1 5c in min, -and he 4'L..,\,. l\` ........ ihe Nonhem :'\u`vauc:e zlccount of for tom` of 1937. Sp. Ii ; H - All and singular that certain par- f eel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying`. and being in the town- , sh-iip of Innisl, in the County of -`Simcoe, and being composed of Lot` ` , Number Twelve (12) in the 'I"hir- ejteenth Concession of the said town- ;ship of Innfsl, more paivticularly Ldescribed in Registered Instrumen-I] 1 No. 19923 for Innis]. ti Theme is said to be erected on the! - said lands a house and chopping} iimill. Property, in the Township of ` lnnisl. ! Undo)` and by virtue of the powers {.of sale contained in a certain mort-: ,3`gag`e, which will be produced at the `time of sale, there will be offered for _ sak- by public auction on .~l` SATURDAY, SEPT. 261:}: p .'L1' 1? n`r-Inn]: nnnn u+ '+kn Valuable Residential and Mill ` Illlllo I Tm-ms: Ten per cenrt. <-ash at the} ftime of sale and the b`alan-(-(- Within thirty days thereafter. I 'l"`h:= n'I'nnn uvi'I'l `kn nn'm.....J r._I JVO. .1U!JZ`v5 is : : mill. I 1-._...-. vr ILL 14 0 ClOCK T1001"! 31 the j QUEEN'S HOTEL, BARRIE "by Clarkson Spring, Auctioneer, the, ,fol1ow'f'ng lands and premises, name-i lly : AH and a~:nn-nLn\- Lab ..,..4...:... ...... 1 Under and by virtue of the powers ?of sale contained in :1 certain mon- gage, wl1i(-h will be produced at the tmo of .< .10. t.hr-re will be offered for sale 21 public auctior`. by P. A. iCou,r:hlin, .-\11c,-tionc-c-1', at the nlvxnc Lvrx-rt.-I bAnnI!.` Applications for 1119 position of! Collector of Taxes for the 'I`own.~'hp' of Innjsl for the yvar 1936 wi`I be` received by the unclersigned on or` ,before Monday, Sept. 14, 1936, at 12 o clock noon. II! n h--` 'I'...... f`I-..I.