.'I`H.U'RJSuDAY, `SEPFIHEMBEIR 10, 1936 Q |;t1`a(11I1}:; uuu glavnu Elizabeth St. to I \V1'gh1. .: property. LONG-HAUL E TELEPHONE CALLS lllllg .-ulu uh. Asunu the entrance to LOWER RATES Effective from September 1st 1 a maple J * - - 1% Eb / 5 A F E O H I CAL adw"" at I LEAVE BARRIE rrd St. be M to exceed H FOR TORONTO FOR NORTH BAY FOR MIDLAND V ---,, 4):- A- _.2..b- Again rates for long distance telephone service have been revised. Reductions on calls to points over 130 air-line miles dis- tant hecame eective from September 1st. This is the sixth long distance rate revision in the past seven years. It will mean substantial savings for users of the service. And remember, low night rates on both Station-to-Station and Person-to-Person calls, now apply every evening after 7 o clock, and all day Sunday. I` ' jJ5\Jl-`=1-"*--i (G112 King's Highunn `wii SAFE DIRECT ECONOHICAL NORTH and intermediate points Parry Souxfd and And intonnddialo point: 8.40 ..m. 4.35 p.m. Hunt-V-"0 9.20 ..m. 03.15 pm. 2.15 p.m. 8.45 p.m. 12.00 p.|'n. x7.35 p.In. 12.00 11.11:. 7.40 p.m. x- I`o Huntsvrille and Pairy Sound only. c---Saturday only. Standard '1`-ime. DAILY SERVICJ-l--LOW FARES BUFFALO - NEW YORK -- WASHINGTON and other-Canadian nnd U.S.A.. Points. Ticket: and lnlorlnun at "'~lNLOP AND MULCASTER STS., BARRIE PHONE 62 L ---- 1 rroauce 071 59I>t- 15* the Pa-i"5 iCk W0` * Bumer, lb. . . . . . . .. . ms,-n s lnsrtitute met at the home of Eggs, dozen _ __ _ , , Mrs. I. MeLach1'a.n, '1`o11end`a1e, wih Pu11efS" eggs, dozen the presrident, Mrs. W. Kennedy, m Chfjckens, spring the chair. Fowl . . . . . . . . . .. . The meeting: opened by singing Ducks _ , _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _ the opening ode and repeating the Honey, dove;-, .5 lbs, . T_.ord';~, P1'a_\'er. After the business Honey, go1de;{, 5 `b5, ::e.~:: I\1r.`<. Rr.-1;. S1'.i'g1e_v grave a Com 5 , , _ , , _ _ , _ ,. uurv h'1'{r-`-pc."n(v` nnn(-1' on A. A. `n`~:M1TH: Managegr Pusze Seven Tj the c-nan`. . _ row} sxnmng Honey Honey combs very int:-:'es`.ing paper on Health. The mode] homa-:~ wr~r(- judfrcd and` Buns l`.- v.I- v u-r-14 in \T1~: R \V:n-Minn -F..1.,.... hom(-:~: judged and! thv ;;.1'Izv:~.+ wcnt to 3112:. B. Wm-n1ca,; cakes B+'ssie Kermody, Inzz Kennedy apd Dough!- Hzlrkcr. Mr. D. F. .\IcCua1g, H0.men- K.-C., .\I.P.. }:a\'(- a most instrucve E13; ._ and helpfu` talk on law. A1'1'an, warts, ments were made to meet with Pork P Sm-oud w.1. on Thursday, sept. 10:11,} Cookie at Mrs. Roy Goodfc-`.1o\\"s. `. candy, `l\/1`.:~_~ NI nnu NT:-Y r:/-Waun 1"`n'nrLs I EH; JVJTF. KO_\' UOOGI u\\`.<. . Miss Mona 1\`I(`IJ:1('hllI1 favored with a piano solo. Lunch was sr.-rved by the lunch committee. I Mixed Muard Pickles-Cau1iow-E ers cut into owerettes, tiny onions.` peeled, Cucumbers washed and cut` an pieces or tiny ones `zeft whole, wax | beans. .1 -v ..+..n4l nxwn-n1`n~k:t In `A in-inn In-ans. uben. stand overnight in a brine made of 1 cup salt to 1 gallon of water. Drain. Put in :1 kettle with` viinegar to just cover, and bring: to the boiling point. Drain off the hot vinegar into another kettle, or skim out the Vegetables. Make -a. paste of 2 oz. dry mustard, 4 tb. flour, 1 1-3 cups brown sugar, 2 tb. turmeric, 2 t. pepper, mixed with `enough cold vinegar to blend smoothly. This: mnounn: .5 sufcienlt for 1 qt. of vine- gar. Pour into the hot vim-g`ar and, :Il.lI' over the heat till thickened and! .~ur.ioo .'}i. Add the vegetables and :,lll":l"x`.('l' for 2.3 to 30 minut<.-.~`, stirring 1'x ~:qL1entl_\` to prevent scorching, but lwi ix C:-11':-1"ul not to mztsli the vege- 1---hl : \.':v-\' u nmnunl. nf .\`l]("'.ll`l (`J C`aI'{`Iul 1101 C0 HHLSH L116 VE. ,'U`! tuxblc-.<. V:;r_\' the amount of sugari to 1.11:; 4:. Uncooked Tomato Relish II.--RipC tomz'.Io~:-.-2 1 peck, :2 cups cho-ppod on-. ions, 3 cups .~1:j:a1', 2. . tca.~:apoon.<[ ground H1.L('(`, :2 `.-,-z1. cinnamon,. 1,4 b. c-:1:-1'3 .~:cd, 2 cups chopped ('.(*1*)'j.'. 4 <-hopp (1 1'-,-(1 pc-ppm-.~. 1 cup ` "round clo\'u.<, 2} 5% `pints n.--` (1 r2: 3 oth~ :r.1\. 101' (`ON wth The-1\e~ s not :1 cheaper thing on earth, Nor yet one half so dear: "Dis worth more than distinguished birth, OT t.h01lSBJ1d1S gained a year. 11; l':1';.'.s' the day a new delight, Ls Vi2'tue s rmest shield ; -Ami adds more beauty to the night Than am the stars can yield. HM!` 1 no`-.n'. 1n'u`n. \ U\` 1' \\;u1 u .:_\`)'up mxlo of 6 (`ups I)1'o\\`u'.u.1L';u`. 1 qt. vi1w;::n- :1.(1 3 tablespoons mixed svpices ted in u r-hmsr-('I:0'..1\. 13:12`. and bY`Ol1'_L'h:t to the boiling` point. On the two succeeding clays. l'll with GOOD TEMPER 101) , pLlL .1: cold pin _\ Yn Tn; PAINSWICK W.l. PICKLING TIME the .`..,l bt makes Poverty content, To sorrow whispers peace; 11: is a. gift from Heaven sent, For morta`.s to increase. It meerts you with a smile at mom, lt lulls you to repose : A flower for peer and peasant born, An everlasting rose. .\Lk . Pickle--\\';1 1 I wk. - \\ 11:1! wholu .~n H dlll\ H2111 and .35 in V1 ' .~'-. and lot .1 .7 L'U\ K I` 1 the fth eventh ( q. t.-. I n-.` L.U\! 1 salt to .4 .1 "PR1:-I-i0Ls`DAY MARKET ONE 1 OF BEST nus SEASON T-he pre-holiday market on Sa.tur- : day was one of the largest this sum- mer. There were plenty of buyers and an abundance of produce, which all helped to bulge the farmers _ pockefobooks. This will l.ike:`.y be the - last big` market for some time, as the numerous cottagers and tourists have al let for their city homes. Their presence will be greatly miss- ...1 -- ed. Vegeta.b`.es, as usual, were very ; much to the fore, although there 7 was little change in prices. Peas,` which have become decidedly scance,' were up 10c a. basket, and beans also .9-nun 9 fpw (-putts in nrice. Potatoesl `were 1Uc D3.S'Ket, auu. wan. inavl -rose a few cemts in price. Potatoes` were chiey 25c and 30 a small basket and 50 a large bask-et. Am....:.....1. 0.-me remained unchanz-4 A charm to banish g-1-jef away, To snsamch. the brow from care : T1`.u1'n tears to smiles, make dullness 3'3-Y: Spread gladness everywhere. And` yet tis sweet as summer dew That gems the 1i`.y s br-east; IA talisman for love as true As ever man possessed. ti n< - basket and buc large Dasu-L-eL. l Although eggs remained unchang-I ed on Saturday, predictions were for a higher quotation next week. (I`hei_ average price this week was 28c and 30c a, dozen. Poultry and butter, at `the usua`. prices, found ready rale. T`]nnvn wae. 2 soar-citv of fruit. ex- the usual prxces, Iounu reuuy xanc. There was a scarcity fruit, cept apples, of which there was a 1 plentiful supy. Some pears and ` plums were offered. but grawers' stated that the crop was light. A few peaches and grapes were also for sale, the former selling at 70 a 6-quart basket and the larbter at 50c. The prevailing quotations noted last week end were as follows : Vegetables ,.1....u T1410!-fr ,__ _ _ _ _10C V Egclaulca Celery Hearts . . . . . Celery, bunch . . . . . - Beans, basket . . . . . ` Vomartoes, small baskeitu Hexad Lerttuce . . . . . . . . Gherkins, basxket . . . . . Cucumbers, basket . . . I Pickling Onions, quart . Ccloolgjriig Onions, qua au. ower 11 Cabbage . . . . . . . . . . | bUUKlng Ulmujm, quunu . 1 Cauliower . . . . . . . . . . ; . Peas, 6-qt. basket . . . Corn, dozen g Potartoes, basket . . . . . "Vneg'etza.ble Marrow . . . . . Green Onions Carrots . . . . . . . . . . Beets. bunch .. . Pumpkins, each . . . . . Spinach, basket . . . . . . Sweet, Ferments, quart Fruit A,,,,I__ L....1...; a) i l ' rluwwru | Gladioli, bunch . . . . [Sweet Peas, bouquet :1Mixed Bouquets . . . . Produce flulv Arpples, baskett. . . . . . . . Melons, each . . . . . . . . Pears, small basket . .. Plums, small basket .. Crabs, basket . . . . .. _ Peaches, 5-mall basket ' Grapes, small basket . Flowers to > bou. , ` wt} 6. In oven canning, keep thej im tempe1'a at 275 degrees F., and, see that none of the jinx touch each; .-3 ` other. 1 ~) In" Ag L~l\nI'1 an -3 im- in f21((4n frnm} panes . . . . . . . . . Doughxuufs, dozen Homemade Bread . . . . . . . . . . dozen ... .. `Pork Pics .. Cookies, dozen . . i Candy, lb. . . . . . . 1 . f C-oily. -7 VV'h4';.t may this wondrous spirit be, ` Wsfrth power unheard before- This charm, this bright amenity ? Good te-mmer-nothin-g more ! Good temper- tis the choicest gift That woman homerward brings, And can the poorest peasant lift To bliss unknown to kings. _ .. nzur Luv: J61.` uuu an um.-u...` perfect.1,v clean. 3. sterilize the jars. -'1. Use new rubbers. 1 .5. In either hot or cold puck method, p1'oce_.< for the length ofi time required for that pzuticuklrl `product, count311~ig the time only af-3 `tor the water has acually begun to} `boil. ` In nvrnn r-anninu, 1.-(opnthrai Iotner. i`" -v , . 7. As soon as a jar is taken from} Pcrt-`pigj cE:|3'md'l the oven, or water or steam bath.` ', berland St. ! itighten the top to prevent the en- Wilnce Of ail Eleven residents of vCum.be1'landI ` 8. Keep canned foods in :1. cool,`st_ petmoned for a ngm to bgl kd1'.V, dark P1a99- placed along about 84 Cumberland Protein foods, like peas, co1'n,:st_, A11anda}_e, beans. meat or chicken, keep better! Mordern and Helwig, Ltd., insur- if l`-*1: <`00k t0 boilin` Point atfance adjusters, T`o1'on~to ad\'i.~'<-d noun- leasi. in an open kettle. then tran.-l` j] of 3, (:1-aim they had ag-.1i11st the "` f(:l'l'(l to the hot >'tTi"-C` J"r1TSy andltown for damages svustained by their p1'occ-.<.s`(*(l. lt tizikes consi(le1'able time Q-1i4-nt, ;\{_ Turnbull, whosc truck was for the boiling` point to he reached in 5 damug-Cd vvhcn it 1-an ova` a loose Wile centrr-5 of the j:n`>`, if D11<`k('d manhole on the front street on June colzl. 'n :`l1('ll .~`01'id1.\' l`2u`kL~ foods. llith. lc1'(:1'1'e(l t.o Fll1. \ll(`L! Commit- . m:1kin`<,r it doubtful if all of the ba(-- tee, 1"`-`iii '13 11"` .li`-`-'-` 411'!` l\'5ll<` It 35*` 83` Burt W. Jemwtt \\'u.~` 5:1`:nite(l Der-`: \\'i|.\`>' -"f<' i0 <'ml`1.\' UN` .l11`.~` into 3" iii'ss1o11 to erect a sigrn over the; 5: ~"l|1('t'}\:1?l illlll l i+~:\I to hoilfnf:. bv'-fore gidg-\\`;1lk at 23 Owen St, I -~- l !.`_+l.n um] L`.-`um nn l\:~l1:1l|" fl W UUH Il`,.'. }JUIIlL (U `pk-kl`-.~'. Th`.-' i.- r x r.":Hon of cucul icrovk. cow.-)`v-d. 0 u cool. dark p`:1(-e. 1 - nu-nan Tnrnnfn F , u.=inp:. T 4 Will anyone who is inte2'este(1 in? iforn1mg_a reading grrgup p`e2}se1 ;1em'e- then` nzune at the 11bl`l!`_\' w::111, 3.\'1i: .\I(-.Phec- after Sept. 1st. ; I drain 011" the .~;_\`)'up, heat. zuruin to the 1boi1'n;: point and pour over the `pic-kl-. <. Th .-' miotngh . for I of cm-L11nhc-r.=. I(<-op in a ,.u...1.- 1-n\'(.\-.11 r\|- in .-a.:u1r-I-c :H :1 -.~, .~`1`.('<'(1. H (:_1.<., 1 qt. .~: (`M1 U21- 1 or `.3 <'11:);1pv(1 .<\\'~vt 1'=1 pop- p-2'~'. `_~ <-up suit. 1 qt. \'1!1('j4'(11'. :9. 'l:xh1c. . .~`. 1 lb. brown .~'u:m'. I Put alt:-nmto 1~;:_\'r-1'5 o1tom.:=.to.'-.<, o:1i0n.'< and salt in crovk. and `t smnd ova-rni_s:ht. Drain "11. Put? in a pre. kettle with the other inszredients, the spices tied in :1 Che-eset-Joth bass, and simmer till th'~ ton::1.tor-.- '::.n~d onions are soft. Seal in sterilized jars. USEFUL HINTS ON CANNING E-citrly. 7 K V _ _ it 2. Have the j'dl'.< and all ut.ena'.1s15=T -Ton+1x,- (-1 can 1. Use jars which W31`. seal per-j -.,..+1v ` V.O.-N. MADE 356 VISITS IN JULY AND AUGUST 001. (Ian: p'z1('e. Green Tomato Pickle l.--(}1"~-11 `.0- \...,\.. .1:,. ,1 It ,..,- 1 ;.+ _?.~...l nu- D a.5 KVD Flowers `LS .... Produce .25c,E ..10c: ..40c` ..45c: .. . . .10c H311"-"' .....5c 10 plied Reeve Stewart. . . . . ..5c ..... ggciloking after it a .15c .15c ... ... ..15c 10c. 15c 30c 30c 20c 23c 18c . . 20c , 65(- . .4v5c ' the street. - ticles given v < ilics helped asked Ala. nonernson. N. L. Martin is the trustee, re- The estate have no intention of insuring` it or nd it is rapidly go- ing` to pieces. The estate say it is in the town s interest to look after it anc. they are just letting the matter . alone. 158 I 50c 50c . . 30c 70c 50c Bell Telephone Extend Service A. A. Smith, local manager of the Bell Telephone Co., wrote the coun- cil asking it to pass a resolution granting permission to open the fol- lowing streets for the purpose of placing conduits at the following 10- cations : Burton Ave. from Essa Road to Reid St.; Essa Road from Burton Ave. to B-aldwin St. The re- quest was gnanted. Miss Mary Gord=on asked permis~ sion to erect a Sign in front of her store at the corner of Berczy and Charlotte St. Granted. Kiwanis Club Extend Thanks Geo. S. McConkey, president of the Kiwanis Club, in a letter express-. `ed thanks to the council for granting] permission to hold their carnival on` 4 According:- to a report of Red` Cross activities from October, 1935,i. to Nlay, 1936, there were 3,934 ar-i out, 1,150 hours of `work put in, 75 workers, 143 fam- and 33 personal calls - made. ..A-v lIII I` n .'1'5'c gas" .25c to Ii6c'c3' `Inn 4-.` .'4'o'c' Jo": I2 'fo'r' "Y-he V.0. N1u'.=se's report given at J the meeting of the executive '1`ues~ day night, covered the months of . Jruly and August, when 356 visitsu` were made. In all 40 cases were} adtrnrtted, 30 being carried on intoi September. The cases included 13` medical, 2 surgical, 10 pre-na.taJ., 1 obstertrical emergzem-_\', 9 new infants and 5 post-natal. ii n Jnlv :a ta-mail {'liY'l'i(`. was m-zan-1 ... ....~J\J .156 to 20`: Qn` 30c, A ' and :and` : and .10c 0` * 15c 0' .40c 3` .3`5c V` l 10c .700 ) 50c t` .156 ..10c S ) 25c ) 15c ..50c 1 200, ..10cI lac ` _ . .30c .70c .50c 40c!` (Continued from page one) Ald. Gill. In his opinion it was a crime the way illegal gamblers in- habiited the fair taking` funds from! innocent people. ; Mayor Robertson and Ald. Mills assured Ald. Gill that the matter r would be handled by and from the proper authorities without any reec- tion on the council. . Are the same restrictions for parking on the streets adjacent to the Agricultural Park going to be in force at fair time, inquired Ald. `Shepherd. Last year there was no parking on Elizabeth or Eocl-es Sts. around the park and in his opinion` I it worked out very satisfactory. AIA Millc aucn1v'c-A him that he I n I {Barrie - Allandale ' Bands May i i Airilgamate (irc worked out sausxacwxy. - ) l Ald. Mills assured him that the : same sysbtem of parking would be `llused again this year. I Has the list of delinquent tax-| ,_ payers ever been posted up in the `rlclerl-< s ofce'? asked Ald. Ruben :- son. The mayor replied that the clerkl and his assistants were still working on it. {. Ald. Mills wanted to know if any ,more work was to be done on Van- d couver St. Mayor Robertson sald }5 that the town needed more men. . A1-o H-my-p unv mean on relief who ex d ,t -3()c11l1(:.\` nCl})(`(l anu 0-) pcrsuiliu l:u.u.: of V]-ork3_ ..5c1made- Wi1es-Gi1`.--'[`hat the 1`oad\va)' V.O.N. to Hold Tag Day _ lBunker S Creek on Bradford be` .30(- The Barnie branch of the V.O..\..Irepai1-ed at 3, cost not eXC90d- iniade application to hold a tug: day $450, l K; "on Sept. 231-d, the third day of. Bar- stewm-t-Wi1es-- l`hat the request 1-ie fair. The ont,i1-.e~ pi-oceo(l.< \\'lll be of B_ Jennett, Mary Gordon and H. per, deivided between the Order and thelg, 1>a1mer for signs be granted. V `Hospital Auxilia1'_\'. `The requ0. W115 Ste'Wa1't-Garner-'I`h:L11t the chair- .n.=_15gran1te-(L _ man of the Board of _Works fully ' H. R. Palmer \\`-z1.< }.`.'l"lll1L`(l 1):-1'iii1s-"mve5tjg~a,te thg cyomplamts of Mr. `sion to erect an clec.t1'i<' . in fr_ont Asling and report back at the next of his place of busine. at .37 I`:1l7A`(1'I]"]e()t,ing_ . `L.,.+1n Q+ 1-1'11 rs, ,,.A'l IIw.n+ u: Rnard of. that the town needed men. Are there any men on relief can cut weeds '. asked Ald. Jay, stating that they were. ge-tting bad on Essa Road. He was told there were no men available just at present. AIA 1:...,1;...1; ncltpri whv it was avauame Just at preseuw. Ald. Fralic-k asked why it that the fruit markets in Barrie could stay open on holidays when other stores are closed. 1s there any by-law permitting: them or just ` what is the reason ? he asked. TH-n nnf :1n'n amid tJ 1D `lT|3VOI'. arm 0 push-na.w.1. in July :1 tonsil clinic was organ- ized, when 30 instructtive visits were made to parents, and through the medium of the V.O.N. 28 children Had tonsils removed. A total of 12' hours were srpentt in the above visits. The we]-baby clinics .in July had ~- ..I III -;Lh...1..._.,... nail 9: {n E r What Is the reason 1' ne amxcu. I'm not sure, said the mayor, but perhaps Reeve Stewart could tell us. H1 Luna nn hing 1-nmlipd Reeve `OI his place 01 Dusme.<>' at an run /421-|me(,tmg-_ 1 MR bah St , . ., I Gill-Goes.<;e1--'|`hat the B(_>a_J`d Of. of; H.av}'1'_\' J. I`,w1.x's wrote councu t]1at1W0_._S Consider the advisablllty of 11a1.;]1c- xylslied to rent the p!'ope1't_\' 1111-[grading and gmVe]1ing Ann St. from ..c-`meduarte1_V west of IIo.~ .`~' and .Io]1x1-H`~._1;,,_,,~m,.r_~h st tell us." I have no idea, resplied Reeve Stewart. . _ ` An .. vv:n:11`f nf AM 1<`r21.u-.k .< m- Stewart. ` As a result of Ald. Fral-ick s in- quiry, the council decided to look in- to the matter further and nd out 41-. wnoenn u'11\,' L0 U18 IYIHJDLBX` .lul'LlIL11` ?LHu nuu uuu `the reason why. \ Who is looking after Simcoe Hall '3 asked Ald. Robertson. um I n/rm-am`.-. za Hm +r11,c+.n0, rp- . `L116 DiLl']`lJE lJ1'?J.uL'J1 U.L Llu: v.u..\.-r, 1.32L;; 3; 'on of 0 .d4ivide(l then: .-Xuxiliary. was` 5 1 granite-d. n ; pc1'mis-'1 frmlt _ `of l<}1iza- 1- K St. - n. . "_V`_ 1.; he \\'lSl]e(l Lo 1'(-.'I`lI. `Ln(- pl'0pe)'L_\' un- ,`medu'arte1y John- Dislton Sfcs. on the 1akc.' ut the us- `ual rental of $1 pm` you)`. The mat-I 9; tel` \_N2L< (I`o.frs1`1`<:(l unti`. the next d meetmg. ` ` F`:-mi I.r\.\m n nm'm.ssinn fn Cut? 1 ` meeulxg. . i 3 1 F`1'cd Lo-vc askotl perm ssmn to cut I i down a dead trvc in front of his pro-i 1; pcrty at 241 Elizabeth St. Granted.` _` Petition for Light on Cum- ' St. ..+.. A`. (`nmkm-lunrl .1 .1 4 , I ,: g"; `I : 2-: u ' u Hl_H)4.'_\ l4|l.`I'H LU -`Lu ~u ,. ("h1'i.~'1m:1.< a-ht-~1' for H1.` 21(`\-d_\` . .1'.n of the town. 21n(-.- (`,nm111`-ttoo. 'l`ho- Liquor (onvtrol Bozml of On- turio uskx- the counci` to -.1dvi. Lh-=m of (110 mu: of H11 munin- pul v-1`;-c-tions in u('co1'dan(-o with tho lo- pamtnment rnrrulntions which provide thut no bnor or wine be sold in auth- orized p1`rm1';-as day. chil- -l<-t'm'n-d In Fin- on ;:om.-1*:1l pollmg.-;` tee. I . i!]1SS1011 at | Estr-11 and listen, on bvhsxlf ',\f w.\Ir.~:. Johnson asked the town to 1'0 x . . 1 sp1d('(.' :1 1m-new on \runc21u\'c1' bt. 1:,-.f<-1'1-ml to Bozml of Worl 'll., Dull '1`..l..ulnn.. (`A \\ Il`D111'S were spenw In Luv 2 .i an attendance of 50, August. Arr-ancrprnr-nf.< were 11 `I i(il('l'l'(`(l `U DU; Th(- 10]] Trlv: 1(~d p(-1'mi.\~`ion -Toronto St. `Tho I-`.zm'i(~ ..:,... 4.. L I Motions ` Stx.-w:u't-Wi1es--'I'hat this council: `appoint a c0mm':ttec to interview members of the Barrie and Allan- 10 HUIII il L113 uu_\ uu hv`1'01'r- C111-istn1;1.<, the .i.~`(-(1 to bu used to 1)1'0\'itle ` L1... AA... D;.l'..u-v...l Tn. VH1- 1_'he Northern Advance \l\\x ll'(l Ul V`! Ul l\>. V-})h0I1<' Co. in I'I`l110\'(` H I{iw;mi.< (Jlub :1.~'k':,- 1.,.I.l .. +-ur .ln\' `hr-1 ls (glut) :1. L t::.: lay H10 u'ism1;1.<, :. 3 M1,. nn..:l\' 4-11. u.~ ;-.11.: polo ldlale bands to ascertain the advisabi]-1 `ity of an amalgamation. ` |` Ste'wa1'.t-Shepl1erd-- I`hat request of Fred Love to cut down tree be granted, the work to be-_ done under the supervision of `the Board ` Vlorlm. YXT-Hg=_('1i1`|__'I.1n.1'. the 1-oadway August. Arrangements were made by the : oxecuiive to hold a tag day in con- junction w'i'h the RV. Hospital on the second day of the Barnie Fair. fI`he need of a new car for the Nurse is getting most urgent, as the old one is long: past is usefulmess.