Page Two Printers in Barrie since 1847 I. Tl lat. Barrie C. D. Stewart C. M. H. Esten om! Barrie, Ont .'H}|:URISD'AY, SI*II YI`MMB1ER. I0. 1936 `VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Ofc&-OwQn St. (Formerly occupied by Dr. L. J. Simpson). Rocidoncc 144 Maple Avc. Phone 700 Gradmate of McGill University, Montreal. ~ Office and Residenco-Corner Dun-I lop and Poyntz Srba., Barrie. - Phone 105 Office Hours: 9-10 a.m., 1-3 pm. 7-8 p.m. l'nIU1\Jx1Iu.V nnu -3u.r\auc1u.n Special attention Obstetrics Associate Coroner for Simcoe County Ofco and Residence 50 Mary St. Phone 101 Office Hours: 8-9.30, 11-2.30, 6-8.36 rn I 17] U1.-ux D ."l..V u D ux\uJ;:U.Va Phone 213 47 Maple Ava. Office Hours: 2-3 p.m., 7-9 p.m., or by appointment A '1` 1.if.Hr-. MI). How about your A. 1. uIu.u:, .'u.u. W. C. Little, .VI.B.,A.ssociate Coroner County of Simcoe. ` VV'\}'1!1D.`\ Associate Coroner, County of Simgoc Phone 61. 0fce--58 Collier say Office Hours: 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.30-8 p.m. Cl'I'1L 1.114.131 Orillia, Ontario will be at the Queen ; Hotel, Barrie Every Saturday. 8 a.m. to 12 noon, and by appoint- ment. EYE,` EAR, NOSE `AND THROAT SPECIALIST r\_:n:.. l'\...5....2.. mcensea CI-HROPRACT01-LS and DRUGLESE THERAPISTS on, l\.__l-_ Cu. DLA..- Ah? J. I1E.I\-J11 LE 1 C 82: Dunlop St. Phone 403 Electric, Hydro, Physio and Electionit Treatments. Massage and Corrective Adjustments , Blood Tests and L'rina1;.'sis Ll... __ flltl..- D`!-1 pA:(nI\x|I'|`l DIUUU J. Eat: |Hore or Office DRS. LITTLE 8: LITTLE PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS nL...__ 911 A`) lUI-..I- A-- P. C. LLOYD & SON FL'\'ER.-KL DIRECTORS. 47 Elizabeth St. Phone A.\IBL'LANCE SERVICE SURGERY OF WOMEN .... ,.:..A., r'........,.... r`,..-mo.-A4 Q-{man EDITORIAL DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON c-.....:..l ..unu-.+-L... nkmmn-1-u DR. WALTER H. WOODROW mvra vs. \'I\ if` A\"I"\ '1'\I Y1')f\A` MIJSS BEULAH SCOTT J. H. N. SMITH, M.D. .-....,.. . u . I--cw`!-|r` GEO. R. AND E. A. BURNS T nc.ncz..~1 DR. E. G. TURNBULL --Phono 791- DR. W. A. LEWIS Barrie Brunch , I-:7 p.m.,u1' u_y app A. '1`. Little, M.D. 1441:. NT D. Accnlrinfc Counter Check Books Magistrates`, Worms also IVIJ IL. 5 Licensed I`f\L`C nv-.13 mu Lxinaxysxa Rates Reasonable. 218 Phone 53 V m 813110! of` also duly ged Mr. ; has But -trey At- { 1 to` the now the the 1 of the of Ca potato rate 0 His e long. ' ten in is wad eleven prodw of C1`( mente stallet raisin the n _,r:rovrr i on the still buck why =ed 7 . foot `bushra ithous: `acre. `, Moth `work 'ica] ` A visit to the Canadian National ~..1.:1..:+:.... rhxrnuli tn the observe: | ------ I Farmers who have watched. their :2 'farms blown away by the winds in , P (the mid-west of Canada and the} ;United States must have more thanl a casual interest in the new farming` `amethods reported from the University! California. Prof. Gericke raises 1 potatoes on the dampus there at the` of seventy-ve tons to the acres elds are Wooden tanks, ten feet a ` two and one-half feet wide and c` ` inches deep. His good earth" 3 L waste)". diffused with a mixture of 1` eleven chemicals, which combine to_c 'i_p)`0(l.'llC the hundred different kinds;} crops with which he has experi-',h ' merited. Five California farmers in-`_ stalled tanks last spring and are;g raising potatoes and tomatoes for:; market equal to any that are _-grown on the land. A single ten--I .fcot Tank turned out nearly 26-` ,bu.=hel.= of potatoes. or about two`1 ethousand six hundred bushels to the I l1`>..,...... 13..-. .n....... :. Hui- A.......,... -4 ` > . V e e f e "1 [LnOuSaI`lG S1)` nunureu l)U.`Il(_`.lS lU l.Il J' iacre. But `there is little danger of Jiother Earth, being: thrown out of work in the near future by the chem-` farmars of California. le .` Leading mercial p the ausp ` Ch.a.m"ber .` a.'ect of agree-:men to the si ope-an c were a a more 4 science bl`0u8'}l .......n....,l Snescn Leading students of world com-ll policy met recently under` auspices of the International of Cemmerce to discuss the the United States trade agreemen:,s. They found .in regard six treaties made with Eur- counltries that while these urpru 2 5.1.6-.1) in the P121113 dil'vL5(1'ti0Yl-, The showing made by exhibitors from Simcoe County at the C.N.E. is evidence that Barrie -Fair on Sept. 21 to 24 should be among the best county fairs in the Dominion. c`oun'Ir1es tnau wmw |.u\:au step in the right di1'.uc~tion-, decisive stup 1'o1'wuu'd would have to be made if umy improve- ment worthy of that term was to bu brought axbou-t. in imenxatiolla`. t.1'xLdt.-. Rxwut-`it-Im1iti('iSn\s werv that US. Spescico c.11iti4:js1ns import duties l`('lYH\il\0.d high on the whole, even after the said rodudilomv. and that the special (1(`\'ic(- adopted by the Untited St.1Ltus to provvni Lhiml party nations benemixxg by specic. tariff redmxtiom hand the o.~'vct of dc- li-borately, -in the 1-xUl`t"Inu the pmctticul effects of the most- favored-n.ntio'n laws. `(`.mmLn1c1.ivu elements of the trtratic-s \v<-re first. |brough1l ubou-I. m lmernuuouu-. uuuu. ` . . t.h'u.t. vthe United Smutvs hud ubwmlun- ed its autonomous turitf policy and '| ..... .- v\1\\|v urHHn.(v` in hllfgrghin mhuut l u . l ykmd -11 per cent. of , [ports in- 1936. ed its autonomous Lurui pom-._y mm was now vm'l`in-g` to bargain whout its tariff, as was also the case with Great Britain, and secondly, the speeding up the machinery o1 negotiation as shown by the fact that the United States had succeed- ed in obtaining: 1-l treaties in two years--~treaties which l`l,"pl'l.`5l!lllA*(l 33 per cent. .- \i.mm_'ican cxport.n' :\.l]10il1l(`.!ll1 im- The opinon war; ex- pressed that it was an importnnl pnogress toward a more liberal coni- Vrmercial policy in the world when the !two greatest trading (`0lll1*l1`.lCS were of of 3 S L` 0 8 D IS I 8 y 1 willing to negotiate in this w:I._\'. It would seem that little more can . be expected for some time to come` excepft continuance of the present !world trade situation. British nat- ions within the next twelve months will ne-_2*oti:utc new treaties involving a very large proportion of lhe world s trade. ln :ultl\ution, negotiations will clear the way for '0 I9 11` -11 D1 ll- i_V ` al air` in he Post. an I .9 ity 5_e. treaties with other nations outside Ythe Empire. No one of these treaties vmay be as sat`sfao tor_v as wor`.d `tmde idealists might wish for, but [altogether with the return of dome-- tic prosperity to various nations they lwtil`-l doubtless play their part in `slowly stimulatin-`I commerce on the seven seas. `This is perhaps as much ` We of the post `as can be expected in the present tary and economic affairs-.--Financia`_ `SIMCOE HORSEMAN MAKES l \Vl'll.l'H Mr. Johnston. long 01' liorin;.v;;-I to be a deeply drifit/-iil` these ' Idisturbecl state of international mone- . of about FINE SHOWING AT C.N.E. 'l1h,1s valley nus the results (ill that exist`) hut: in known from clluinnel in the betlrock south from ~Goeorg'ian the N'ot1ALwIasI:i.,v'a valley to near An- gus` and thence cast to Kc-mp<~.nfel(lt Bay on Lake "Simeon. lts course! south from lmkc Sirmcue to the bake. ()ntario basin is not denitely known.l G(:olog'ical- conditions at B2I.)'l`l(,"| nnd for an un(l(`il.('l'l !llY1(.`(l dista.nc4- to} the westt a`on;: the north sitle oi" the} broad valley leading to Angus an-I very favorable for urtesian water," the Dominion (leo- l0gi.~!t writes. A high sandy area to the nonth forms a good collecting ground foil the rainfall that seeps down into th.r. 1 grouml to re-appear as spr.fn;:'s and as izmtesian wells situated on thol low ground along: the north side 01* the valley, west of the head of Kem- pen-(`clJ!. Bay, feet to about 50 feet above the level of the bay. "As y-our records of wcl`s at Bar- rie probably `show, two or more water-bearing sands occur below clay which acts as a seal for the artesian waiter, Mr. Johnston statecl. In the deep well drilled in 1910 at a point about three-quarters of a mile oice (Ferndale) lthe bedrock was reached at a depth 375 feet. rose above the surface, was struck in m.nd`at 30 feel, and in grave] at 155 feet or somewhat lower down. lllhe elevation of the ground at the well site is 41 feet above the level I .-o _ `l Ant-n1-rlirwr tn tili Toronto '()3.'[I)erS. "of Lake Simcoe. l l'l1L,. A.-..1'ln..s lnnr A-F fl-in 117:.-ll llnurh Bay along 3. the ml`nL: of`` I which is only a few I 1 Water which i LOWERING TRADE BARRIERS According to the Toronto papers,1` `;*Simcoe County knocked records 1'01". row of loops in the horse judging competitions at the Canadian Nation l al Exhibition last Friday. The man responsible for making -Simcoe; County the ta`.k of the day was SL3 i;Hastinigs. of Tottenham, outstanding 1`-horseman. ' u7L..+ 1.- ..AA,.A In-+ moi: in a ` no rseman. 230-315 feet, no record, po:\=.1my G. H_ Esta: 7 What he addfd last Week 3 quicksand; 315-345 feet, boulder Qgreat box of ribbons were: `irst, clay; 345370 feet white Sham ;;t.\vo-year-old standard bred stall1on;l Acm-ding to the annual report, oi G ` three-year-old lly; rst, brood the geological Survey for 139o-91_} _'_ :;m' 1`St f03l; '1'S1`-y t'_0 get f the following s'ta.tement a.ppeare_d :~ FDR L dam; first, three get of she; rst,.s`sNume,-ous `d1-.iv.e wells ha_ve been M`d" )%best colt for 1937 matur1t_v;. gold Sunk in this town (Barrie) in all of'O ell `E:-`h . medal: b`~`-`T SWINE Of lllle; Jl1Tl_3l' which an abundance of fresh water E <'l13mPlTl 5l3lll0ll gljlld Cllalllploll has been found: it rises to a height of` I . stallion; reserve senior _ch-alnpioniabout 20 feet above the 19`-91 of'Phone 82. :.mal"`i3 l'C`5l"'C`- gmnd Challlploll lllare-{Lake Simcoe. Tlhese wells have am He exhibited a handsome line ofgavel-age depth of 250 feet the dwp. I: ever_\'bod_\' to g was so ,<:reen I .:tandzird breds. lest being 276 feet. , When Hiitinflf '35 20 he llad ' .-'\1*tesimn wells may cease to flow llliiiil` 01' hm -`<`-'~` ll lll< l W35 505` because of a collapse of the c2i. "S0 fond Of ~l'10-"G ll01`-*9- l '"`lll`iv`=(l the inltmtion of sand and silt, (le- l'10W nice thY'positjon of encrustim: solids on the \'.'<-re, he I0l(l the p1'es.<. l drove Screens, exc(,SSg`.(. de\.e10pm(_.m Of! them to the fair at .\'ewmarket. I `wens on because of deciency of 1-3'm_ ' `ll C'0ll lillow fall over the intake arezi, the writei `how to keep my entry ticket and adVi5,ed_ ' !had to fumble through my pockets In the case of the Barrie \\'&ll(`1' iv-'11-En the .l11d`-'6 =11>`ll<`f`l l0l` lt- Blll lzsupply, all these possible causes of lVV?-`'>` IJ!`0U(l Of my h0l'SS- l :0t{(le<-reuse in the How should be taken Inn wl .~.:.A l.\`lr _In}m.l xinfn 1-nn"rl(n~s,|.Hnn I 1 In 38 years of cxhibitin:g1 ve! {never found two horses alike, con- 1 jblood co`t.'<, its not so much that t,ht:y x'e (i(:1icato. as that they are. h3gh-.sIx'um:. 1t`.~; fatal to make them' `jit.1.(-ry. You have to love horses to` XSU: that th(.-3" are like people, and, gth-" b:tJ1.L-r they are the less good ILh('I`(: is in ;:(-ttinp; impatient and ` rough. If :1 man loves homes (enough h<: I] study their b1`(.-<-din-g and their uphrim:.fn;,:. That's :1`! I know about how 21 man .s"u(-.(-cud.-'. with them. I vtinued Mr. I~L' With those ` I IORILLIA MAYOR CLAIMS SLOT I MACHINES NOT LEGALIZED n('7(m1p]:LIm,.s' that ihv Orilliu Lawn -ulxmzil w:..~ py1.,n;.-: the stzunp of up- `prmn.-.1 on .~:lo~1, nun-11inv.~: by .`.i(-on.-Im: | w<-r<~ rofutt-I last week by M.':ym' .Juhn.~aion. ` '|'|m- \'n|:1im~dt Iv :v\/III "Tllv lily '. "'|".\'n,' M3-wrl H1<`1'l:|-.~'. ` Wrnn1.',, ('()]`1`l'('1.(-d tho lawyer. ."H'|h- froy I :-npt-.(_~5u.)ly referred to only (IL-wi(luI to jump ofT. He didn t jump. Premier Hepburn says there isn`t a chance in the world of a province- vmide referendum on the liquor ques- tion. The` Government evidently is making too much money out of the business to take any chance on such a referendum. l'Il. I [lI*l \\.IIIl ll IIIIHI" \IuuIu. llll unu am 1:01 I-`_u'uli'/. ll}! .-Iul m::- '14: llr '.m\\` In 1|!-\: . v~.||;.m-I in l.h4~ (h-ullmltln-A Iu`.~l ;.I\`:m';ut | ....V.. _ , T W-~~----- 'Rl?.'l`AlLF.RS ASK 'l`I-`.CHN|CAL|'l`Y I 0N UT` V - I ` . `.r '.n\\\wr, ml(h'-.~`.~'in;_>_` an _l'` '``'`` `` M ;|.~|nI`:Ihl;~ for 1c-112:] hnnur.~'. .\""`.` '.`$""",'|`'":-`V I" ; mqnw ~.~ lhwm with thv >"'" M `'l``'-- 1' fur :-:n-:~I'uH\' \v-iu'l1h1;." \h- l.\\'H-4 lll'L"-`ti 2n n - - ,i , . . . :.~1 \\'.-.-I; In Ilh` I I-2ll.|l}.' :1 \\uM. or p11I`.=-'> ' . - W` Wml.,__.>._ lrhv lh-(ml 1\I-rvhu `mu H1 " 11.. -'1icl '\'l1l)D'l"'1 (`"-l"- r . . : , .. , . A - _ .1 },uu thzu, H1)'t'n- rrnxrs \vr-rv I . 1"" `,l"`""". u-,u1h.r on :1 101:, and out-gl-'_U">| 01 UH` Dl_`H' In Hnmll MT; how mnnv ft-01,1`-*': "."' Lh \'" `* think would bu `-ft. on tho "!"\'?3`- i1 \\'=I>' 11*` I1-i=!`~-.\".~` 01' <-o~n.~um 'H .(iHNlCA|.l'l'Y HI! 'rn.- 0|. -lhe N onhern Advance 1-xplu , li('t'I up on; I up lU [ll .u|hm'* :`l\... u u. ..- x.....,_`... :unu.~-ma-M. (Runn- 4 lllltlrl` Lhm. (nutr- '--gul. ll` 1.11:-y ura- : lu 1,h- pu|i'I- L05 |m.~u- upwznlim.-_' mill `.L'III"' an (H. The showing made by exhibitors The A Toronto merchant frequent trtps to Europe, on his re- turn recenitlfy said that things are who makes A visit to the baYla(ll'dll iV`a.uuuu Exhibition reveals to the observer the progress being made by_ science along creative lines. Every improve- mend: would seem to be to Increase speed and to lessen the labors 01 man. Through impr_ov-emenits machinery of various kinds, one man can accomplish in a day What 3 dozen could do a few years ago. That means that eleven men are out f a job. The problem we have not yet solved is what to do with those eleven men. They must be fed and clortlmd, and they must have sonie- thiing to do if they are to be a part of our social system. In the solving of this problem lies the solution of [world peace and world happiness. We spent some time in the educa- Oll ' me b 1'1 liul th l oommg m ngla at the present tional section at the C.N.E. the time and unemployment is the low- est since the Great War. 1t-was, however, an unhealthy boom. Great Britain to-diay is spendinlg nearly other day and were impressed with the exhibits of schools where tech- nical and vocational iinstructions are . 3 given. This is a feature of educa- 'i" tion that has for too long been sad- lp ly neglected, particularly in the rura` 1 districts and towns of the province. .1 Taxpayers to-day. decry the ever-.` increasing` cost of education. and we agree that the taxpayers are not get- ting value for the amount that being spent on our schools. The l purpose of education should be to.` train boys and girls how to live at` full, normal life. While a certain amount of academic training is necemary, boys and girls should be ` trained to do the things that they!` three-fourths of her budget on strengtheniing her defence and pre- paring war materials. She is forced to do this because every other Eur- opean country is doing the same. Fiance the other day sanctioned a loan of $150,000,000 to Poland, to be used for war purposes. All of this can only lead to war in- Europe, or a greater depression than ever has been known. The outlook is not promising, however we may View it. I i V In a recent Speech C0] Geogg-e A are adapted for. Instead, our odu-|_ Drew made reference to `the c'onnec- cational Sysmm has been planmml merely to pass them through the!` same `groove. Education in our rural SCh$00lS, in particular, has been neglected too long` and the one-room! school must gi_ve place to the central- . ized school, where boys and girls may` received technical and vocational` training. , tion of Hon. Arthur Roebuck s name with the legal rm of Roebuck and Bagwell. 'I\he Atorney-General de- nies that he is at present connected with the rm in question and de- mands that Col. Drew apologize toi him. So far as we know Col. Drew} has not apologized, and why should > mr u-pun lmnu :~l'nH_\' sf phm I M-dz 'l'lu~ town; .- 5101 Ill:l(`]1il]l'.~`, um-<~h:1I`1iv:1l aw` I`.-1 Ls` (-11:11 (I {In-nu. midn- L. . up run In (NH I113 11) ll'U;[.~ tho` in lt'1.'fzl]i'.'A' -125: ml` uh.- 1ml '1, lhu .... I ... 4 ~'in;: ..I. 611., manna D|STRiCT % FA`0RABl.E run ' ARTESIAN wens Accounts that have a.pp re- cently in newspapers to the effect that It lungc artesian water buusin oc- curs along the c'ou1'.se of an ancient. valley bcmwnev.-n Wzisuga Bu-21.1-J1 on the Georgian Bay and l`oront,o, urc .s'(mww.h1uL m)I:~'.l-cudim;', (luclurea W. A. J'oh.n.- Otmxwu, Dominion ($001055- ist in c,hurg(: of water supply and boring}: division of the Bureau of ('(`.iV('d by W. M. S1lI'1.('l`, sccm1m'y- t.rcmIur<-r of Barrio Wr3UL('l`, hight .Al'L('.*s"iIIY1 Witter conditions (:x;i:-it only wt. plan-ms und depend on the locxr` 1:1-ol()gic.ul conditimi rwthur -than on the 4-xi.~'.tL(:nc: of an zm(:i(-.n'L vmzllcy, 4 Johns.1,()n. 'lTh,is vullcy his but-n drift-iii`-.d coursvl I/ilk!-.1 3 | known. 1-} I 44(!....|n.-vi:--,-I. ..nmIi1inn-4 :11. B;n'ri(-- Economic (iuolmzy, in in letter rc- . and (ins Uonnnission. J ()nL:n'Io mxsm IS not. mennnu-gy nnUwn.I undwu-r'n1in(.~d _l>mml `very of` (;_-0-v |logi.~:L : A Mu-`n .-~.mdv an-:1 to nomhn Col. A. the connec- I\he connected an (:2 m firm I}! s( 12 and . Drew he ? He simply drew attention to the fact that Bogwell, a Toronto; lawyer, has recently been appearing in magistrates courts throughout that province defending individuals charg-3 ed with operating slot machines in; contravention of the provisions of`; `the Criminal Code. Bogwell also defended `the strikers who did bodzly harm to a policeman and damaged propert_\' in the Guelph sttrike. Mr., Bogwell, as a lawyer, of course a. right to take such cases. when he does so the Crown Attorney who opposes him represents the At-5 torney-General, who is obligated enforce the Crimnal Code within province. Hon. Arthur Roebuck, Attorney-General, was up to ` 1`: I time of accepting the position, V zwnior partner in the legal rm Roebuck and Bcgrwell. To-day the` rm name is listed the same and on` the door of Mr. Bog'we1l .= ofiice the`. name of Roebuck and Bogwell still? remains. lf Hon. Arthur Roebuck` has no connection with the firm, whyi does he allow his name to be used 7, `very nd nu off Money to loan in any sum: at ixliitcsizxn lowest current rates. i 18 Owen Sh - 1'0) ID. M. Stewart ltuhe , nndl tho 13- F` M CUAlGv B-A ,th:: ya!)-L-y, o1'.thc `head Successor to Creswicke & Be`l 15 BA_RR1sTER, SOLICITOR ETC fe.(:t._'1.o MONEY To LOAN 01 We Ofce: Ron Block, Barrie. "A: vnnr 1'p('n)`li nf 01 Lne Day. rie a luu-1: nf the nest (Ferndalr-.-) ioz .uaKe blmcue; mhe dn-.i1`ers log of the well down to the bedrock was as follows: : n on 4-,.,.+ L-on-Ir` 1nonn- 20-90 `F;-of |t0 the oearocx was as Luuuwa . 0-30 feet, sand loam; 30-80 feet, sand and boulders; 80-100 feet, stiff `clay, no rock or grit; 105-140 feet, ;gravel and sand; 140-155 feet, clay; 1 155-200 feet, ne sand and silt; 200- 230 feet, course sand and gravelgl 230-315 feet, record_, possibly] feet, ` 3 01 Hfhp oalnlnuinnl znrvpv for 1890-91.? U18 mn1u'amon 01 salm `cum mu, uc- ` 'positdon 01? wells I `fall intake w1"1te1' HT... -`...,. ,....~,. -4` H... Dn\1~\-:r4 u--um-n i(lC(.'1'L`HS{` Ill Lllt` llU\'\' .\llULllU UV: l-2U\t:H' [into c-onfder-a.tion. said Mr. John-` `ston. Deciency of 1'ain1'a11, even` over a peod of years, does not seem to gxrcatly affect the ow of ar- tesian wells unless they are very ;shallow or have :1 . intake 41-03., for the How of wan-1' und<-,1'g1'ound is cxm'(e]nri_\` slow. the undcrmound 'supply is vc-ry lm`1,:(- and decicm-._\' of minifall in dry _\'ear.- appears to he bakxnced by r-xcc-ss of rainfal` in wet ye-zzrs. - In 1111- 1-nan nf AMI- VVUL _V5i1I'>'- In the case of shallow artzesian wells, my loss `than 100 feet deep, dry periods of short duration suc.h as that during the present summz-r catlso mIz1,rk-(-d low:-ring" of the watt-r love] and ct-.<. of the flow 01' U1! wc`.1s for 21 time. Ml L 'l`.......... \-,..'1nn |\\I)|-`Iv uv.-.11.. WUCIS lUI' H LLIHC. In the Toronto rogrion many wc-I].-4 haw x:om- (try during the pr:-.~(-m Isunnm-r, but tin-so an-. mos1.1_v shaow `wzm-1'-1.:1.bIc wt-ll.~'. Smno of the shal- ilow um-.s`im1 (owin-pi \\'c:`.ls in I.h4 `hip,'I1lkmd an-:1 l10)'L1](*`aSIL of 'I'-oronto :m- )'t*pm`lt`(! 1.0 lm\'(- cc-:1.~"u-d to flow. 7|hi.~', lm\\':\w.1', is only 21 t.t~lnp0l'&n'_\' condition; t.}n-rv '5 no rt-z\.~ (m to .~up~ po.~ t.hu1 thv grrnllld \\":1,1m' It-wl ha.-. In--1. p-'rn'.um-111.l_\' lowvrc-cl. "l'-ha Dominion ('i-ulog`i.~`1 (lt~(']:`.1`Hl Tllml 11 \\':x.~` u~\'ii:-nt Lhnt \'1'1')' fu\'or ::,h`.- :ll`l.t-.~'i1lIl \\'2|l--1' ronlit.nn. v.x3.~1i .4 l>.. ..: a .` ....... .l'..o.n,. 9.. [Luv nu: diliml.~. I . \pl.m-- nu ]'.~:\v -nu ... l`;n_\' nml vlmlml. I . I. I The Northern Advance, Barrle ` . , R|-'.'|'A|l.F.RS DRIVE LIN FAIR MI-`rmnnsi `I IHI.l(lEl. 1 In . <|.~011.~.~imI of ihu 1':-t'uIlilHI'l1nI:l~ (inns mi |H`i('L- \1m~ml.~ 1-nmmi.~-' `.~inn, t`h-- .-\. -\']m-.<.~c~l Ill-I opin'::2:`. iv. 1':1l)l- in my in- 1.:r:-.~.~l~' (-un.~umm-.< thzut. the Gov- m'mn~'nm shotlltl d<-t<-rmim- .s'Lz1ndzu'd.~e of paint, which would h(- (l<.~;m'i1)ml in such terms that the puvchasaew would .kn.o7; `Jne precise contenfls of the can and purposes for which suibable. lilll \\iII|'I l'\lH||ll-UIID '...\.. and for .~oIm- (H.~1llI('\' 1 "l ruh:1hl_\' no In-1.1:-I` mm n h' l'm|n.(l at any 0111\- h.- :u'm lwl\\`m-ll Uv'()1`_u`i2l 'l`umn1u, 1h.- \\'rin-1' my 'l`h:- mun ]n'0l|'lll sun` \` Ill'\v`]*|l| (hr \\'<'.~ l I. . V `xh~ ll [Hill I l'*\v huml 1211115 ll.\lH|'.` ~u]ut4i< \':~1\' . lIt.nn. v.x'1 L ulhvl` (`ll (E--mvszm writ. I` um Illlvlll ,~m.- HM \\'<~l|.~ in` r run ' ln` 4 I i 1 I .` [HEIVI ("VP 3011 `:l(l(>p1N] m l`.0:n'd of r.~,uviuti0lI of ` HH- pm :1 -.ul Publiool at 123 Dunlap St, Barrio, every Thursday an In nalunurrarhu DAL..- .-A W .~|l]lx`l - . .-In- I CAMERON & CAMERON lBARmsrmms, so1.1c1.'1~o1cs, ETC. Ann ALEXANDER COWAN BA-RR1\S I`ER Solicitor for obtaining probatmc o1 will, guardian.-ship and udxnimlsrtrution and General Solicitor, Notmry Con veyancer, mt.-. M(\.1\I.l<`.V 'rn l.()AN BAR1I{ILS I`ER.`S, SOL.ICI'I`ORS,- NOT- ARIES PUBLIC & CONVEYANCERS P f 9 1 1. GORDON FOSTER .BAR.R.l1S'lFzl{, SOLLICITOR, NOTARY CONVEYANCING, ETC. MONEY TO LOAN Office, 3 Owen $1., Barrie Phone 69 ` connon LONGMAN BAR.R.lS'I`LER, SOUICITOR, NOTARY I`.'I`{`._ ;r1;uAuu~ua.n.u-nu, ~v.. . H . . . . _ .. _ - 5 Owen Sh, Barrie. Phone 406. .... -..u: -nn u n A u BARRISTTEIES, SOLIC:I'_I`-ORS, NOT- ARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS wrr`. Ivlonay to Lulu llv l4UWUI( l'\lltE3 of Into:-est. OFFICE: 13 OWEN ST. In the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto. Brunch Ofce, Elmvale, Ont. W. A. Boys, K.C. J. R. Boys Mr. Merchant- D.`$IV.II\.LD .1 IIAIVO `Solicitors in High Court of Justice T\Tn+n1-S 1:: Pub! in Cnnvpvnnr PTF. lbollcltors U1 rugn uuun. us uuauu: Notanes Pubhc, Conveyancers Money to loan at lowest currem 1-stun. I I.) ! Esten ', 1"U.\J::rL:-114 uuuu\.1unc - E Motor Ambulance in Connection Open day and night Mo1',g`ue and | Chapel in connection. ! Established 1869 nl , , , on R......- Ont` muunuyx IU uunn Office: Masonic Ttlllplc Bldg. Mbney to Loan Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrie IlhI.\Jo Money to Loan st Lowest Rates II` ll-IOAI-n? suvvoo Ofce: 1st Floor Masonic Temple Bldg, Barrie. 1 `L! i`c-I-cm 'M W `Pam STEWART 8: STEWART vu. .-nu-usnn run: :r-'Irnr\.n (1 \ MONEY 1'0` LOAN Northern Advance veyuncur, uw. MONEY TO LOAN --. |A--....i.. T.-..-`I- I G. G. SMITH & -C0. FUNERAL DIRECTORS .5-.. A...-Lula-u-n in rnnnrfi Directory ESTEN & ESTEN BARRISTERS .. J... `IJ-:~L (`nu-.4 A-C BOYS 8: BOYS YIIIIII PIIINTING REQUIREMENTS We carry -.1 full line of 3o21stz1bles' and Coroners Farm and House Leases. The Northern Advance is equipped to handle All Kinds of Printing from a Business Card to a Catalogue. Loolr over your requirements and place "our order `vith the Advance. Nnrthrrn Ahuanrv PHONE 53 We can guppy yuu with any quantity of` the Best Make at right prices