A. E. SMITH Shepherd's BENGAL Gm-:'.E_N GASOLINE Firestone Tires and Tubes FOR REFR Visit our Bo=oth--Oold Drinks, Hot Dogs, Ha1nbung*e1s Teiephone 194 LINOLEUMS % GARPETS A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SUMMER FURNITURE GRASS MATS ETC. oonooo "1v`f6-ron 011. For Your Gar and Note the A va. -n.vvu.s- \I\A7I. IwJl\u| Aivvv VIII) Diarenoe G1-Gasing, Spraying, Minor `IDA.-.....,.... one Mile East o Barrie Highway 11 TTGTF A.IV\ItIK4Ul.I. D Motor Accessories Telephone 535 IRISH LINEN 'i:;BTLE'CLO'l'HS SERVICE E 'c1'a13BeI~ao?1 E4? :7! Inches I . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 109 Dunlop St. A JJt1lHl4.l'l JJLUIB ..'??f: $33.89 ' STATIONI STOVES Table -.4-4 w--: `_ __:jj ow Follow in the footsteps of Mr. Simcoe bynouttting" the family with shoes where quality and service counts. YOUR FEET WILL BE HAPPIER, T00 ! Hartt-Slater for men Blachford and Enna, J ettick for women. Frank Hurlburt Cushion Soles for Children HURLBURT SHOE GO. Barrie and Simcoe County s Foot Comfort Store Rainbow Bordered Table Clotlgl Hurlbufi Ehoe Co, Phones 445, 1443 A.` \IJ.U WHITE ROSE GASOLINE A \TT`\ ENARo0ii5rmR 011. Motor Accessories Always on Hand --SERVICE- Also Magazines, Papers, Ice Cream, Soft Drinks, Etc. White Rose Service Stqtjgn Our Catalogue and Literature for our 1936-37 school year is being prepared and will be ready for distribution to prospects about July 10th. Write for your copy. All Graduates assisted to Positions in Order of Graduation. "I`I-IURSIDAY, JULY 9,_1936._ "s vv ALA s-.-.\J uu.|LJ\.; ll) L301 Vltli _)" ear for summer 20-HOUR SERVICE MI-EERMAN 0SIBORN S PURCHASE YOUR SMOKES AT \-IIIVIQAI. l'Inm `n ml. ARRIE IETTER DlXlE S Meet the Myster)"'i\'/I'an' ALLAN DALE 54x54 $1.19 A Complete Line of Smokers? Requisites Always on A Hand. Proprietor. Sarieanfs Service Satisiies Phone 88 - 94 Proprietor. ` USINESS BUSINESS 54 x 72. $149 ii9 Baggage and Harness ;I'e1ephone Res. 557 The Sarjeagt Co. Ltd Phones 88, 94 Bmineas I-Ioure,'7 to 6 daily |DlX|E S_ SMOKE snap COAL AT SUMMER PRICES E _E`E Steel Roong, Cedar Shingles,` Asphalt Roong, cement, Lime, Plaster, Brick Fuel, Builders` and 1'a.rmers Supplies since 1889 W. R. ALLEN Advertise in The Advance SEE OUR LARGE-DISPLAY OF Sta-Pak Cases \ OLLEGE uOURSES IN THE LATEST MODELS '2 Doors East of Queen's Hotel It Pays to Advertise LEATHER GOODS HEMSTITCHED HUCK TOWELS` .9 With Chrysanthemum Design 9 709 -- 24 :40-inch Pure Irish Linen Hem- stltched Huckabnck Face Towels, ultra-ne quauty: woven with Chrysanthemum design `.`f.`. f . f .".'. :..?. .".f`. $1.29 Headquarters for (for travelling) SATURDAY-,,JULY II, 1936 Mr. Simcoe will only visit the establishments refer- red to on this page during these hours. If you spot him, say HOW are you, Mr. Simcoe ? and he will hand you your $1.00 bill. The rst person to spot him in each store will receive a $1.00 bill. Simply carry this week s edition of The Northern Advance with you when you approach him. This is the only condition to get your prize. How You Gan Recognize the MYSTERY MAN He is 5 ft. 8 in. in height; fair complexion; age 46; medium brown hair; weight 175 lbs.; average build. Do your shipping earI_v on Saturday with the firms mentioned on this page between 10 a.m.-4 p.m., and meet Mr. Simcoe, the Mystery Man. Winners names will be given here in next week s edition. Look out for another contest `in next week's edition which is one of nine contests that have been ar- ranged. Order your edition of The Northern Ad- vance and be sure to join in the interesting con- tests. WALKER STORES Lat Rene of Sharon" Linnn are conned exclusively to In in Barrio. Mr. Sir.nco_e,_ the Mystery Man 1 __ 'I'.I'3'?1'lTI Dixie Corbett, $1.05 ;mLLs Look Who sHere Telephone 25 Barrie, Ont, will be gix;ing away a.l;solut'e1y'FR`EE Between the Hours of 10 am. and .4 p.m. 4:: A -cu:-v-\-In A wv `rrvr vv 4 - -Il\(\n 32 Ba.ye1d St. Telephone 730 DE SOTO AND DODGE CARS V AND TRUCKS THE BEAUTXWVINNER OF 1936 Repairing - Welding - Painting - Body Work See the New 1936 Models For the warm weanar a full line of Cooked Meats is glways obtainable. Business Hams: 7-6 p.m. 8aturda.ys 11 p.m. THIEPHONE 51 VISIT For Quality Beef, Spring Lamb, Veal, Pork V and Chickens su Penman Towel.` .vALus' 134-About 14:22-Inch Dainty Embroid- ered Grass Linen Guqst. Towels. These are in White and Solid colors with Cross-stitch xambroldex-y_and Apmlquea doalzna in n.ttra.ct1va colors. Each 656 - 34 x 40-inch Pure Irlah Linen Hem- sxtltched Diaper Face Towels. lovely quality, with Modernistie Pattern border. Each ....... ....I'- ................ BRENNAN H. R. PALMER M. J. BRENNAN P A m2.TJi} S LEADING BUTCHER Visit the Modern Fstablishment of Business hours,` 8-10 p.m. daily T? -About imss Guest. Anr_e 57 ELIZABETH ST. -.-.'-,- ----~--u ...--- `an-\IlIl\J Ideal for summer cottage or lawn use 171-Pure Irish Linen Damask Tea and Luncheon Cloths. woven [with Green, Gold and Blue Checks on Natural Linen background. scxse 54:54 mv-In .11 DUNLOP ST. H. R. Palmer, Proprietor. l_l_)l;`.AIA._AB:E.il;3 l';iK(Y$ l-_lOl.>P!'j; Phone 229 TI'e_1ephone E6- FOR THE LADE+3S- FREDERIC S ONE-MINUTE (VITRON- NEUTRA) WIRELESS WAVE $7.50 OIL OF LAVENDER WAVE $5.00 OF ALL GARMENTS AND HOUSE DRAPES Firth & Moore 999-68 x 70-Inch Pure Irish Linen Hematttched Damask Ctoths, good serviceable quality: nick variety of pat- $3, terns. Each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. of` A i-s`*'% r;awe cm I-I. Osborn, Hemstitched Damask Table Cloths: ODORLESS DRY CLEAN ERS GOODS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Other Waves $3.50 and $2.50 Morning Special $1.98 : uuurcnt-rjcw 31:4 IT S HERE AT LAST ! Ddinjy Mdie Eecc Interwoven an nu: nnimlnnmnk Tabla (`Jnthn wnvnn mu 129 DUNLOP ST. - BARBIE r vl]l@&li `(WNW ITUIUI KIUI/CID Ih ' at 13 C! with 1 +_...`m`m w?::*a:.':z:me *;%:::;1 FURNITURE Now is the time to service A-.. .0--. _ _-,