Page Two , NOTARY h I`f` J. R Bubs Phone 218 VP-I-[ONE 53 ueu ETC _... _. 9.4;.` `avg: IJIJ-b0hIAil\I~2LV 0ico--Owun St. (Formerly occupied by Dr. L. J. Simpson) Residence 144 Maple kilo. Phono 700 NICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES Barrio Branch MISS BEULAH SCOT?!` apecun IIIEIJEIDII UDSEHGI Associate Coroner for Shlwnaaum Ofca and Rnaitnnh naaucunu uonmer 101' Bi` Oico and Ruidnnm 50`|Mu'y St. Phunn I01 Oice Hours: 8-Q.-80. 11 30. 6-830 How about your uun unu DIBQICHQ $5.. Phone 15 Office Hours: 9-10 I.xn., 1-8 pm, 74 pan. UECB 119113 24! pan, 7-9 pm, or by ixmncnn - A. T. Little, . W. C. Little. M.B., Associata (`An-ones County 01 Simone. UV IJJILIIH Associate Coroner, Gounty out 8lmooo~ Phnnn HI, OER:-.._.E8 03`: RD ussuclune uumner, uvunuy 01 axmeoo Phone 61. O$ce~--53 Coic 30. Office Hours: l8-9 a.m.. 12.30-2 11,111., 6.30% p.m. J. H. N. SMITH, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 111-- I\,, `Hill 8 a.m. to 12 noon, and by mant umnn, unnuo will be at the Queen`; Haul, Bu-I-lb. Rvnru V_ 1111. 82A Dunlap S1. T71arIfv-En Hvdh`! 5zA Uunlop at. rznmn lulu Electrtc, Hydro, Physio and Elaetkoule Treatments. `AA - . nu-`A f`.v\u-u-ant-{van ohlnub-vnnnn EDITORIAL Plbono 82.. mccnseu LJHJIO P R A C TO RS and DRUG-LE5! TH.ERAPI.STS c . enA I.\.._l.._ DI"..- Alll e 8110 Lnnrecuve 1-um Broad Tests and Urindxsia Home or Ofce Rates knlonablv I-nYs1cxX'N's'1_xn stnacmou Phone 213 4 Mtt AVA Glnn nrnne DR. N. w. noc.-ans PHYSICIAN AND `summon Speciai attention obmtztu mnnlntn (`.nnn~n:n- In-so Eh-u-mu.-.t1nau Graduate of M.cGi1l Umvardv. I1nn..l'a1L DR. W. A. LEWIS SURGERY AND DISEASES OF nrnwrma uce Ina ueaxoence---uomu IBM but and Bzvadfmd 89.. E30. Phonn IE DR. WALTER H. VVOODRW `no-uewru paw-. luuvv-C-|4\A n V-vq_.n-... -...:v _ '-- Motor Ambuluxco In Coannction luusm ..,n and 380150 \#n1-an-In III LL uauaud have too too much excessive costs and` d purchasing J Lde no at- J iucing the` I 1 t I 1 ti SE 111 P any way - iges, the ` more un- increasing lmher of 1 , THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1936. GEO. R. AND E. A. BURNS DR8. LITTLE & Ll'l"l'LE `-1191-wt!-I . awn ; u--. no-..-....--._ 32 Shade: -- Platinum (909 gray. whim blonds) . black . hsnnu .hocOnuI btbwn . darkbrovtnaoddluh brown . golden brawl . nodiun brown . roddhh blond. . ol& Hamil . lull Honda . -dun Ht-`O c. c:=H=7ri1;&Tco. F'UN'E'1`.AL nmmcmom for 5 rinse: um; u.u.. .u..- .._.- Chapel :4 connectk E`stabl!.~.:cd 1.869 '1 D_s --Phon 1.68- Magistrates`, Worms also r|o1a' gm.` Licensed TDDQ and g p1'0D-' u- loymc-ni d` m, and 3! nt. So 1`0 any 01 W session amission e unem- it will r to the eate fat . Then, all that he man- Lstees to the Min- sition to the con- eader 01 Bennett, the Gov- to tackle tho n`eri 017 Burn. Out Phone 53 If the picture Green Pastures- passes the censorship of the parsons and Premier Hepburn, it will sure have IL run on the screen and will be known as bare pastures when Ontario is through with it.--It pays to advertise. It must be gratifying to share- holders of the First Co-operative Packers of Ontario to know that there was really a prot on the past lyear s operations. There is nothing that succeeds like success, and with wise management and full co-opera- tion of the farmers interested there 1:- an unnounvu nnxr 4-`Inn Dnmwin nu!-Av, `C1011 DI CHE IHTIIICYS 1ll|lzBI'Ub"-Btl. LIIUIIE `is no reason why the Barrie enter- prise should not continue to make progress and show a prot in the years ahead. } Which made the greater contribu- tion to Canada during the depres- srion-Agricul`ture, which maintained iproducrtion in the face of falling qprices, or Industries, which cut pro- ` duction and maintained prices `I Mr. J. D Sutherlaind, of the Dominion tlpai-1*iame~n~tary committee, inquiring ;`into the cost of fanm implements, ' that if ind-usvtries had enlarged the : production of goods and lessened _: prices as agric-ulitural prices went ' down, much of the distress of the ' depression would have been avented. ' Indrusrtries policy resulted in unem- [ pl-oyment and decreases .in the pur- 3 chase of agricultura`. products even ' at disasttrousiy low prices. ' ' { Tn 1Qf-I9 ncrrir-1IH'|1!-ill nrir-he Mad Bureau of Statistics, informed the ` at ulsaxsmrousny l.`0W prices. In 1932 agricultural prices had declrined frty per cent. from the 1926-1931)` level, but prices of agri- cultural implements-, for example, had dropped only two per cent. The volume of production of agricultural implements in 1933 was ony 15 per cent. of the average annua' produc- tion of the 1926-1930 period. Agri- culfturaul production remained normal with increases in some branches.` A few industries, Mr Sutherland ob- served, enlarged production and de- creased prices with favorable re- crnlrf-e FIRST SESSION or EIGHTEENTH` PARLIAMENT Had agriculture followed the ex ample of industries, Canada would have collapsed. Agricuture has sus- tained Canada, not only throughout the depression, but since Con- federation. ; `Ila. C..`|......1.....J ..4-:......L...J ..1....u1.. J.t1UUF'd.Ul0I1. Mr. Sutherland intimated c`.eair1y that if Canada were to make econ- omic progress, there must be co- operation on the part of industries with agriculture. \r(llILl\l(l an via, um. Jfor all who Ilucd 1 ` now, but during` tht ` That The um: now in 0p 1'(.-1'01` to Lhx must colmr or supp1.E.-d fur tho.~'.: Thu: 1111311 thr.-ru H): "l'hx-_v hul -\'ur_\' om world to n1:1intuin ww-` but r:xLh:-r I11-nxln-1'5 01' L111: vom out jobs they \v(.-n- :(:z11')'y on with ZL Wh:LL (lid t.h(~_\' lo \I .~iun l):~.-H-`;11`.'. Thu 1` Ml Lh: inn`. t,o_u:-tlu-1' `hr n|:1l`l`is<`. m--n :1 Llxrov-q11:n'tv:' tinn- 1.~'in`u'lu mvn on h:1`J' `H1in_;.< pickud up, 1 `.~ix1;;'l<- lH1'Il up to tln `and t'm:1ll_v hr n ....~-.3. 'l`l\.. nxun-an-n Mr. W. K. Esling, M.P. for Koo-l1 tenay West, made a ne contribu-i. ~tion -to the discussion in the House ; of Commons on May 11th, when the. labor question was up. Mr. Eslingl-; hails from the little city of Trail, ; B.\C., with 21- population of only ten thousand, and approximately half of these are employed by the Consoli-I dated Mining and Smel-ting Com- pany. This company has loaned a million dollars to its employees and constructed and repaired more than` a thousand houses. It charges only! ve per cent. and makes things so` easy that an emplloyee, if he has a permanent position, may build for himself a house Within the munici- pality and also a summer home up the lake. n u:_._ _...._...I 4.1.. ._nnnwumnn.-n+ LIIHIS l.1 l\C- Mr. Es-ling urged the government to consider some way of acting joimtly with municipalities in provid- ing nancial assistance for building homes-. He said in part: -rv ,__:_ 1 .......... "f\ A-ml". 4-kn. . the carpenter shop, the paint shop,. `.llUlllt:a'. Ill: acuu All yuan . Here again I want to take thezwhat does he do? House back to my own city of Trail, because I like to show the people of this Dominion that in an industrial. way Trail but to all phases of Canada. In that city we have an industry which employs ve thous- and men, and not another industry i'n this Domini-on has the same keen sense of the human relationship be-g tween employer and employee that exists there. They recognize the great benets which result The son-s of employees sets an ex-1 ample not only to the Government,i ind` str ' ; . u y m I paint shop. from giving! the boys a start by way of a trade.l are taken. not get along in the carpenter shop,l He goes to the employment manager. The employ ment manager asks him: What de~ 1 partmenvt do you think you could get along better in The man says: Perhaps I could get along in the So he is given a trans- fer to the paint shop. He is there for six months and perhaps he does not get along in the paint. So he goes back to the employment oice. The employment manager says: You have had one transfer, you may have another, but if you cannot get along in the third place, it is all off. But that man feels a sense of security into that plant. They may go into the foundry, the electrical. depart- ment, any other branch of the works. There they are put to work on the basis of twenty-ve per cent. of a journeyman s wage, and every six months` they are advanced until they Hm `Full xx-no-p of a master v-nr-o1'vo the pattern making shop or` in his job that few others have. i WHEAT FLOUR AND WHEAT FACTS i Canada s best market for wheat our is the British Isles; Australia's is the Far East. Wheat our ex- iports from the United States are mfairlv well disrtributed throughout monitnsi tney are a(1vanct:u uiuu Lllcygpulbc receive the full wage of a masteri fairly arsan. Then,ifthe deparunent foiiihe which they have tted themselves is; wheat not reay to receive them, they are; East. simply sent to what we call the_ ~P1'c clearing house, the labor gang, often where they work until there is an India opening in their pa1'ti`cu1-ar depart-`tion merit, where they are given prefer-i In ence. i our I .... .. . nu ixvnrhri The Great Plan `;_W I should like to go a little fur-`rm ther in emphasizing the part that in- 3` dustry migiht play in this period 01.03 depression. Recently it was m_v;`1` privilege to have" a conversation`(l` with perhaps the foremost construe-1 0 tion engineer and the foremost min-lg ing man on this continent. In the~ir| 1 general conversation they referred to: the fact that Doctor S. G. Blaylock,;f" vtice-president and general manager. 5 of the Consolidated Mining andilp Smelting Company, had gone fur~;1 it ther and accomplished a greater work; F than perhaps any other man on this 1? -North American continent. Thi Work was purely and simply the crea- l_ 9 tion of a co-operative spirit among 5 i the ve thousand employees who?` `by other planrts in the matter of in-`.-` carry on the work of the larges (|1 metallurgical plant, not only in the` Dominion of Canada, but in the.` wor`_d. Doctor Blaylocl: was soil- far-sighted as to realize that thei` time had come when there must be;( a uniform interest as between the; employer and the employee. He` 4` wanted the employees to un(lerstand`_ the ideas of the mana_e'ement, andij they formed a co-operative so that` the management might get the beneg , t of the ideas of the men. and to} show hon. members that this is al plant which might well be copied dustrial relation. * 1 n ______ _:__ n...... ll ` for V y Uuhlldl lCl0lhI\Jl|- ` Depression Days l There is one point I want to stress, because it applies not only to` mining institutions, but to all indus-. trial plants! in this country. if` they could create a relationship un-i (ler which the ::iiiplo_vee would feel` not that he \\'z1.< only ;,'.'0ll.Llll','.` sol much per hour, but that he had an. interest in the work, this wou"(l lie, 21 great step forward. 'l`his is only` an imliication of what must come in Canada if we are to provide _ioh.s2 l.11|'.`l1l, not only; but the next live 01` ten` solution is thel operatioii at that . Iplant; l the live-day \\'('ek.l -That work cannot be I who need it.n n.~ali7a_- that met. 'l'h(-5' 1,-\'er_\' ()])|)()l'l.Llllll._\' in the world a full .~'::<--l._\' than M-1' smne inmbe1'.s' eonnnunity go with-l quite willing tol carry live-(la_\' week. What lid do when the lepr~s- l)(`}.,"&ll`. '! The lll:lI1:l.g`I-Illvlll (`all- ttnzetln-1'; tliey picked oulll H., I\)IlIlI`|AAV .n..n -incl nut H1:-in nn: `um :-c-q1uu'u3r Lllllt` `nun [Hll nu` 1.s`in;:l(: h:1`.J'-tum-. 'I`h(:~n, us Hhing.:.< thvy h1`0u;:ht t,hu,] mvn tlll'N'-qll.'11'L(`l' tfmn-, Mmd Lhv mu-n xwru ("x|lv(l izxgzuin. The n1:m:1;,::-nu-nl. said, Yuug `hu_\'.< can tzxkv your chnim-. Do you want to go back nn six r|:1_\`s :1 wvvk, and thus (lI'pl`i\'u .~'mm.- people 011 :A|`\C nu uvnnhl \'nlI n-n-n In l"II`l`\` nll The first session of the Eighteenth Parlament of Canada is over and the question may well be asked: What was accomplished ? The electors last October gave a strong mandate to Hon. Mackenzie King and ~the Liberals because of pronniseal made that in1mpr1:i.nfn nr-Hnn wnnldl iZ|.'_".'llH. lH(` IllI1Il2l}_',l'HIl'l||: im_\'.< chain 1 jo`)>`, or wuuld you czxrv thv \'v-du_\' \\'m'k `."' 1 tlxv mun chose th.- xw--(l:1 :1 r4-. thvy now lmvo 1 . II` n..... ...... .-hi i| ll'.`|I la Llll _\ l:L.\':1tinn. H ! work I'|l'u.-on dzlys, whilv work vu l.'1_\' mp:-r cent. of t hmm,-.~', and \':- 011' ,1. n.. .n,n\,l I INDUSTRY AND LABOR Lnrlevnncu r|un 'l`hi.~: whnlu plant, is run on :1 on-I opul'uLiv- I.)zL 'l`l1uru urn p.~r11up.~'. fL<>o11 or Lwvnty d0p:u`Lnw11t.<, and thv men in those (lvmlrtnwnvts nuvvr air their 'l'i('Vll)(30S to anyone buti their own dcI(:g':1.t@S. E_uch depart-l mcnt elects two delegates, who meet. `with the m.-mzu:cment--part`.y on the ,............m'u +h~.m__f.\vu-0 21 month, `with thu m.-xnzxgcmem-pzxrL:y on um- company's tnme--tw1ce 21 month. Any man mm :1 g'n`evzmcc as to _|o'1.<, \\'m1m you 1-:11-1~ LU 1-:11-1; un th1-t'1v1--d:1_v xv:-1-k`."' U11:11111111111: 1'1\'v- xv:-11k. As! Li1111~ for 111-} 11' H11-_\' :11'<~ shift 1111-11 L111-3'1` lzxys and lay off ve; 111'di11:11`_\' 1l:1y l:1h01`ox >` :1 \v-vk. S1-111-11ty-five` pt-r the 111011 own their own wl11~11 they h:1\'1- U1.-C11 1i\'.- th-_\` x up 1113111` ;::11`- dt.-11s, 11101111 th0.i1' fu-,11co:~: and _x:011c1'- :1H_\' i111111*(1v1- t}11\~11' 110111113. Grievance Plnn 'l`L:.. ..l...I.. HI... L. mun n11 1) n- D lllllllllillll il lull .`..\"1|l_ 11, Ln? ; Vu-d:I_\' (1 dm-pr<~s- zu: lvl`. .v `lhe Northern Advance IXllll2l}{l'|Il -1';t|1-y pi and put u um! ll`lC.u.. ' )ll'l\1 (l U thvm put I nnxrhi i CU: T1-1 I . . . working conditions, wages, safety or anything else takes that grievance. -{not to the manangement, but to his; ilown representative. The delegates = from the various departments dis-'3 +cuss the grievance; if it is well `founded it is remedied, and if it is! not, it is simply sent back. |c Security of Employment Every employee feels an into-rerat -'in the company's welfare. A man goes to his work in the morning, not H with a feeling of insecurity, like many employees throughout the `country in these days of deprcs.sIi'on, lnot knowing whether he is going to _ have his job or whether he will be told when he reaches the shop that they do not want him. Not so at Trail. -There a man cannot be dis- charged on a-cocunrt of some feeling on the part of his boss, who may have a dislike or a grievance against him. No man can be red off-hand, unless it be for some offence that could not be countenanced by any- one. If, for instance, a man does e.not shop, ,f Wh3.t e n A {_ think t ,4 D : n paint 1+`nv- +n H-an nah-1+ c.'hn`n We is 1-J1-ere UII 6 | East. e_ -Production of wheat in India has I .', surpassed that of Canada, but . n exports only a small propor- ` ;- * tion of her total output. --l 1828 the three largest wheat iour exporting countries in the iworlnd were, in the order of their Hiirportance, the United States, Can i Mada and Australia. In 1935 this >1: order was altered to Australia, Can- _vi2`.d`Z1 and the United States, conse- fyquent on the 28 per cent. shrinkage c.;of U.S. exports and the steady ;1_{growth of Australian exports after if! 1930. .T).~..-n'e.n I-ma Bonn a mntf Ilnnnrfain : [our lis throughout lwthe world ,but Japan s market for ! our is conned to the Far . `IF...-.4. _~` importance. 'l Exept for two years between 1928 . ` and 1934, Canada was the loading 3` supplier of wheat to the British mar- biket. In 1929 Argentina, and 1931 {I Russia, were at the head of the llist. `V-.. 1410: r`nv\nA0 c:I11'\T\1in(` '7n hp!` \ :___-. E; \Vrito.< the Bmntford E3~:p0sitor- 0} There seems to be considerable ap- , pmvul of the idea -that the time has .1 arrived when the death penalty _j should be inflicted, not in the com- imunity where the murder occurred, `but at some contra`. place in the D;pr0vi1u-vs, or at the penitelltizwies. |`hm-n M :1 Irnnd deal to be said I wziu. ; -Rusnsa has been a most uncertain `factor in the world cereal situation, ~ {suddenly appearing as a large ex- Iporter of wheat, barley and oats in !1930, and again in 1931, and then lrelapsing into a position of minor T importance. ' 1-7`.\'r`-nf for two venrs between Russia, at me neau UL tut: mm. In 1935 Canada supplied 70 per `cent. of the wheat our imported `by the British Isles. Austra`.ia, Italy `and France increased their exports {of Wheat our to the Brit1s~ h market, {but those of the United States and ;Argentina. have declined. ;])l'0\'lI1(`l`.\.`, mo [)\`X1lLL`IlLl':U1t'5. l`hvn'- is :1 good deal to said for this view. If. after mm`dcre1's `zirv triwl zmd ('OH(1\`:l`nI1('d, they were tmi1. immediately to the pen- itvntiznry. t.lim'v to uwnit the time of oxocution. which could be carried out ;with ms lit.tlv pub1i('it}' as possible. it would .<:1\'v :1 lot of turmoil and <'ui'iu.~'iLy that in\':n~i:1.h1_v :1<'comp:1n)' ,ii:ii\3.:ii1i_v:' in .~`m:1l` coininunitins. I (`:m:ul'i.m.< are quite f.','C1'l(`1":1H_\ ?:1}:r-d that fhv death p-nzilty for munh-r is l\:`('<'.~'.\`.'lI`_\' for Lhv protec- tion of sm-ii-t_\'. and, if this is so. than it .~*hnulxi lw imposvd in :1 man- nvr thni di.~'tm*1>.~' the public as little as p0.~\~'ihI-. Rdlsllcd, super-nined Oil of Euca- lyptus. All impurities removed. No pungent irritating odor-never goes stale -uevcr loses its strength. - ....u . The Northern Advance, Barrie u-.v\.; Juan`: nu .......c..._. A Powerful ermicide II A. vvvynnun \a-...._..._.. Four times as effective as carbolic acid :5 proved by actual tests on typhoid gcrgnsu but is non-poisonous and nomcorrosxva. A Most Effective and Safe Gargle Sure relief from Colds, Bronchitis. Catarrh, Asthma, Hay Fever, Sore Throat. Eucalyptus is of little value on your handkerchief. Rmd directlons. A Reliable Liniment c I nsyuuu-y -..-......._..- Pcnetratcs and dissolves the acids and salts which caunc Rheumatism, Neuritis, etc. Givm marvellous relief from sprains and bruises. For Internal Use LY Ul IJIICA LIIII \p|-)\- Recnmmcndcd for stomach, kidneys and bladder. It clennst5 and stimulates these organs and helps them to fuhction pro- perly. Rc`.`.ovc5 distress and indurvs rs-{N111 glean. Tls `\Ci'.L'\' regtfutl siecp. away an us.-._ ,_...__ ____ Br: mm: M ohtnln our leaet vlvlmz full dimcum for the many userof this wonder all of nature. PLACE * .. -u ..u...,,. lruaist an (LC. Extract Avoid Substitutes There In none lust as Good" ` OF EXECUTION Dlhllhlld, UUIAMJL1 U18, LVU 1.111! I CONVEYANCING. ETC. i mom-.v T0 LOAN l0loQ, 3 Own 51., Bu-rio bhono 69 Published at 123 Dunlap St... Barrio. ovary Thursday H. D. . Editor and Publiu GORDON LONGMAN BA.R.lUS'I'ER. S%1';`I((`Jl'1`OR., NOTAJCY - CAMERON 6': LZAMLRON B.A.RRISTE.1.S, b'OLlC1'l`0RS, 2 l'C 4n!) uauvvcnnua urllnvvcnnun am>.ms'n;B.s, smcmoas, NO'1`- ` UKIEB .PUBL1C&GONV.EY'A.NCERf: Manny to loan in any sums ml hues! cur:-um rnton. 18 Owen St. - Barrie D. M. Btexwart C. D. Stewart autumn In` I uuun 01 duaucu Notaries Conveyancerrs 401193 to loan at lowest current mm; BOS & BOYS , SOLIQITORS, NOT- AKES HUBLICE CONVEYANCBRS. nnlinunu-a a n.-gw-a, nu... V- .. v-:, .__ 5 Owun St... Ban-co. Phone 406. Mn.\.l<`.Y '[`n [DAN W. A. kt-):7S.vK.C.' 47 Elizabeth St. 0590: I01 Floor Masonic Tomplo Mr. Merchzmt-- nun. Money to Lou: Masonic Temple Bldg., Bnrric. Mona; to I.-can at Lowest Rates A` lnA-m-at 5'] EWART & STEWART ~.-vunrnrn-r-un nnv -1-rnurxvun xx -...v-A--- - w -.w._.. Oenx Mnonlc T-ample Bldg. D. F. McCUAlG, BA successor to Oxeuwcke at Beu A B!7I &"|"1ED E111 'J!"'.|"l"-l'\D 121'!` EDS pranuses zormuny occupzeu the Bank of Toromo. Blanch Ofce. Elmvam, Onk. Ir I` 1 u muuvmx LU LJUALV 05:05 Ron Block, Barrie. Al..XA`NDER COWAN I-\Arv-I-sun--nun-n an .31., Dune. rnone MUAEY TU LOAN AMBULANCE SERVICE Northern Advance A; Foutain of Yougth for4|m-|`agjr_! " LUVIIDIJ ll mu Wulllcnlu new odorless, vegetable rinse whlgh bring: lustrous high- WHICH D1158` IUSIIUIIJ U151-I li3h`unndanatun.1,silken nnfn-mac on oh: I-mfr Tnvnlnn BI.nuIuuu.n|.|,3u.L:u softness co the hair. Lavalon 1- .L- ._..l... 4.2.... :. 4.. IOIUIQI (U u.u.' unu. uuvuuu iathceulestthinginthe world no use and will give yoiuhalxbeautybcyoudyour -rm-a-ruinnn, Invnlnn doe: ESTER G ESTEN I) A'11I'\I1d'lIY.11\I: nun: wuuu vuu nut LIIIUI the scalp 0: Lecz the hair in my way exccp: to make it more lovely--morc radimt. Try Lova1on--you 11 thank us for telling you about it. {LT} P. C. LLOYD 8: SON FUNERAL DIRECIDORS Try 11 thank .32? 3 5 * \'.'_E*.._..x LOVALON nZ1_"oNn:&~3'1I6,{ L... D--- Dl..-1. H...- We can suppy you with any quantity of the Best Make at right prices Business Directory IRDON FOSTER I 1-. 1\r\-Irlrvrvvlixvu I A1) I nuvu-.-....- . II I'M} NITRIC: B1d._ Barrio. Hm PHINT!N$W__ nauumemem We carry a full line of Constables and Coroners Farm and House Leases. The Northern Advance is equipped to handle All Kinds of Printing from a Business Card to a (Catalogue. Look over your requirements and place "our order with the Advance. Nnrthern Ahuanrv Court of Justice Fhmunwn n n awn: Printers in Barrie since 1847 `- 1 M. H. Eaten Cmmier Chesk Books