Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 4 Jun 1936, p. 7

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THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1936. T In Aid of the Hospital The Mission Hospital at Ak`.avik, situated where the Mackenzie River ows into the Arctic Ocean, was erected in 1926 and was wel`, equip- ped to handle medical and surgical cases, with e`.ectric light, X-ray ap- paratus and operating room. rr~L,,., m........L.. o...-..u-ul vnn-an: and p'a1'a.Lus uuu uy::xa.u.u;, Luv: Three Toronto-trained nurses and 1 `the misisonary in charge, Rev. G. ' Nicholson, dlid heroic work in rescu- ing patients in the early hours of the mo.1'nin~g of April 7th, when re destroyed the buding. All were safely removed without injury or loss of life. The nancial Toss is estimated at over $25,000. I "--~`-3--~ `Dinl-xnvx 'F`1o-nxinou Thp_[ chat, An waltz instead of walk. CSUIT1aY}8(1 at OVBIJ ~;:z.J,uuu. Quoting Bishop F`.e-ming: hospital played a v-ital part in our work in the Arctic. 1,661 miles north of the railway and consequently will cost much to replace, bu-t we hope to do so as soon as possible. The hospital was kept very busy and its loss is a. ser- ious blow to our work." .. u _.J.,......L...J :.. mmli.-oi mic- The I It is situated 10118 010? LU Uu; VVUAR. To all interested in medical mis- sion work in this distant part of our own Dominion, a cordial invitation is extended to attend the tea given at the home of Mrs. J. A. Lennox cn Thursday afternoon, June 11th. A largely attended W.C.T.U. meet- ing was held at -the home of Mrs. W. J. Pope on Monday afternoon, June 1st. Mrs. W. J. Ball-antyne. was in the chair and Miss Emma` King led the devotional. period. Re- ference was made to Mrs. Cameron s; illness and hope was expre-;<,sed forl; her recovery. This being the last regular meeting until the autumn, there was a lengthy business period and various resolutions were and passed. Plans were made for a picni June or the rs`. Clearwater Park. gram consisted of :1 solo by l\Irs. A. W. Lines, a duet by Mrs. W. K. Batty and Miss Kaine and a reading by Mrs. H. J. Bartley, which were very much enjoyed by all. Mrs. Devine gave an excellent report of the recent Simcoe County conven-Z tion in Huntsville, stating: how thei delegates had been hospitably and well entertained by the citizens. .'-Kmong` the many splendid things she reported was Hrs. Wright statingl that Prince Edward Island had noi nn I7`.!10lS. no police. and_ A nvnmcci nn made 1 l c to be held the latter part ofl: week in July at}. The musical pro-{: Edward Island nau no- depression, no gaols, police, and} attributed their good times to the` two P's, prohibition and potatoes.` 311$`. J. Rosborough, of W2i.ubau- shene, was agrain elected county president. Much regzret was express- ed that so many members were un- able to attend the meeting. At thei close afternoon tea was served and` :1 very social haf-hour was enjoyed. ____..___._____ JUNIOR NURSES ARE HOSTS TO GRADUATING CLASS I\1`. M. Louckes, P. Bell, M.` Rush, G. Downey and G. Hulhertf members of` the 1936 graduating class of the Royal Victoria Hospital. were entertained by the junior nurses in training at a dance held in the nurses residence on Monday evening. Some twenty nurses and. their friends were present. The guests were received by the super- intendent. Miss J. K. l\rIcArthur, and Miss H. J. Shanahan, zrssistant super- intendent. The reception room. where the (lance was held, was tastrn fully (lecorafced with blue and white ..+..Mmm-=, A buffet luncheon was intendent. The I`CCCpL|Un ruuln. streamers. A scrved and music was supp`,ied by Powe~11 s Melody Men. IN THE OLD DAYS Women s Page ucunmuq u; Both 112116: and hearty despite z1d- been sto`.en vancing years, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. boat which` Parent, we1_1 known Port McNico1` A. Stone, o1 couple, cdebrated thei1'65th wedding ship, was anniversary last week. Bay. ARCTIC TEA" p1_3iI1y dxe, The regular monthly meeting of Central United Women s Missionary Society was held at the home of the president, Miss I. Dawson, Donald St., on 'Dhursday afternoon last, Mrs. L. Pickering presiding. The devotional period was under the direcrtion of Mrs. E. H. Partridge ,......i +1.... QM-in+nwa na.::ava'D: were read direction or Mrs. 11;. 1-1. rarnnuge and the Scripture passages were read by Mrs. W. Robinson, Mrs. D. Col- pitts and Mrs. Rothwell, and Mrs. Robinson led in prayer. rrmm-.e+u_+uy.n who-n1]'1n1' rpgnnnded to Rob-lnson led in prayer. Twentty-two me-mbers responded to the roll call. After the business was transacted Mrs. Rothwell gave a report of the morning session of the Simcoe Presbyteria`. W-.M.S. at Cooksttown. Mrs. McBride and Mrs. C. McLean sang a very pleasing duet and Miss Dawson gave a report of other sesisons of Presbyterial. The meeting closed by singing a hymn and .the benediction. rmm wmxrnr +.`nnn1mfm~ing meeting and utne nenemcuon. The Easter thankoering meeting was held at the home of Mrs. H. Jones, Bayeld St., on April 16th. The Easter W.M.S. devotion-a1 Leaet was followed. The musical num- bers were a, duet by Mrs. Chown and Mrs. R. Smith and a quavtemte, Mars. Hvenson, Mrs. Urry, Mrs. Roth- well and Miss I. Dawson. A paper, The Story of Easter, was read by I Miss Dawson. "FLA 4-1r~nncnv'DY` (rnvp A VFYV P,T'l{`.(')1lI'- D1155 uuwbuu. The treasurer gave a. very encour- aging report of the work to date. The annua`. convention of the Essa Township Branch of the Ontario Re- 1-igious Education Counci` was held in the United Church, Angus, last Wednesday, May 27th, with after- noon and evening sessions. The president, Mr. Geo. L. Dzwis, pre- sided at both sessions, and the pro- gram at each session was interest- ing and enjoyed by those who at- tended. Between sessions the An- gus congregation served refresh- fnents. '["|nn .,.+'+m-mmn session was onened It Wasn't so when I was young, We used plain language -then ; We didn't speak of them galoots, Meanin boys and men. The afternoon sesslon was opened by devotional exercises conducted by Rev. Mr. A. P. Stanley. After the p1esident s -address, Mr. W. H. . Kirby extended greetings to the de.1egat.es and Mr. Harry McCann responded in a few well chosen re- marks. rm..- mmc.+-.~.y-v..tn~o:z,mrc=,r. Miss Ger- marks. The secretary-`treasurer, Miss trude M. Lennox, very eicien-tly presented the annual report of the year s activities, and also gave the ; nancial standing of the Associa- tion. M-iss Lillian Kirby sang a solo. ' ` An cxcelent address was given by ~ )~Rev. Dr. Myers, of Toronto, after : which Mrs. Harry McCann presided '1 over the questionaire, responding to a deluge of questions very tactfully land instructively in a comparative- ) lx cl-\n1w+ naninri (VF f,l111(`_. and instructively in a CO1'I1pa.ra.uv::- ly shovt period of time. Commit tiec-s were then appointed and the meeting adjourned for luncheon and recreation. 'I`1mn rlnxrnnnsii ::A1(P1`('iP_S f0I' the CENTRAL UNITED W.M.S. ESSA O.R.E.C. CONVENTION - and young people. . at the evening; session and sang an recreation. The devotional exercises evening session were conducted by Rev. Mr. Lee. Reports of the resol- ution iand nominating committees were given, followed by the instal- lation of officer by Rev. Mr. Mac-y I-Zeracher. Miss Amy Miller sang a solo and Rev. Dr. Myers gave an- other very splendid address on en- couraging adults to attend our Sun- day Schools as well as the children A choir assisted anthem. Rev. Mr. Maclieracher pronounced the benediction. nfm:-s for the year are as fol~ 1118 bftti givings treasure 1934.. jective Mrs. presidei four ye county need fc reading life. . ious so ing. The Bryce, India, l, pronounced `the benemcmon. ` Ofcers for year fol ' llcws :1 President, Geo. L. Dzwisg; `=LV:'ce-President, Harry McCann; Sec.- gTreas., Miss Gertrude M. Lennox. \Sup<:rintendents: Children's D.ept., Mrs. H'arr1'y McCann; Young People, `)1 .< Bernice iVIcMackon; Adult, MI. {Wesley Ruddick; Home Dept., Mrs. Thos. Wilson; Teacher Training, 3Rev. A. N. Reid; Missionary Dept., ,.\lis.~' Genevieve Jamieson; Temper- iitance Dept, Mrs. Ernest Morrison. ` St. Mary s Young Pe-ople s Society` ,vcere hosts to St. Margaret's Y.P.S. gof Mid'and on Monday evening. lM0re than fty young people of the Midland Society made the trip. A splendid program was presented by `the local. society in St. Mary s Par- lisl. Hall. Alfred Crossland acting as fmaster of ceremonies. Included on ?the pro,r_>_-ram was a short skit and `a humorous paper Ryan. Later the young people re- tired to the ihall where lunch was served, follow- icd by a dance. Those in charge of ithe 'uncheon were Misses Minerva -l McCarthy and Agnes Came.ron,`\vhile lniusic for dancing; was supplied by read by Perry 1 l{nights of Columbus MeMartin s three-piece orchestra. 1w flc C`, A motorboat owned by B. A.` Jones, of Kitchener, reported stolen from Eight Mile Point, Luke Sim- coe, was located iast week at Car- lthew Bay farther north on Lake Sim- coe, with the engine removed. A quantity of shing tackle had also - from the boat. A row- . which had been stoien from T. 1 of Hawkestone, Oro town- fmmd in Carthew i .. akin um: nicn An` when we saw a girl we liked, Who never failed mo please, We called her pretty, neat and good But not about the cheese. i MOTORROAT, MlNL_JS ENGINE. I FOUND IN CARTHEW BAY Do NOT FEED T RANs1ENTs `. M|ARY S Y.P.S. ENTERTAIN | MIDLAND YOUNG PEOPLE )f Hawkestone, uro LUwu- also found In 2 the socia- n sided rig tfully ative- mmitr d n A note of optimism and progressl (` marked the eleventh annual meetingv P` of the Simcoe Presbyterial Women sib` Missionary Society of the Unitedlcl Church, held at Cookstown on hlayldj 20th. 1? Mrs. Boyes, secretary, reported a J` membership of 1,010 auxiliary mem- _ bers and 46 associate members, ve 11 circles, 23 mission bands, seven YT baby bands and nine C.G.I.'l`. groups. h` The treasurer, Mrs. Caswell, reported 17 of $9,170, sent to the branch 3- treasurer, an increase of $340 over '51 For the coming year the ob `` is $10,000. J. H. Robertson, retiring b president, gave a brief outline of her . 3118 years work in piloting the ' 78 W.M..S. She stressed the J11 need for daily prayer-and daily Bible 1' reading to fully develop the spiritual nildren The reports given by the var- ssisted secretaries were most (-IlC0"J.I`.`.g - mg tracher guest speaker was Mrs. Geo.- a` returned missionary from 35 f91' who spoke in the afternoon DW1Si and evening, giving a vivid picture of conditions among the lower caste` :em10X- classes. She made a feeling appeal D-'P -; to the Canadian women to helpl P601319 those of India. 1+ Mr *.\/tn h (1. Rnll crave 21 report Of ur ad iittees W.M.S.SlM-COE PRESBYTERIAL I MADE FINE PROGRESS IN 1935; of India. Mrs. D. G. Bell gave a report the nominating committee and Mrs. F. W. Dobson conducted the in- stallation of the following officers: President, Mrs. W. Nichol, Beeton; 1st Vice-President, Mrs. A. R. Har- ..:,. n..'m.,- om! vi:-n-Pro_=idtnt M1's.. Vice-1- res1dent,, Mrs. A. n. mu-l vie, Olillia; 2nd Vice-Presidtnt Mrs. T. McF`ar`.ane, Stayncr; 3rd Vice- President, Mrs. J. T. Cor1'i;an, Fnnbcfnxlrn` 11+. Vi-PTCSi(1C11t. 311.5. President, Mrs. J. 1. L;U1'1'1;.'uu, Cookstown; 4th Vice-President, _Tushin2`ham, Midland; Rec. Sean, `Mrs. R. Boyes, Lefroy; Cor. Sec.. Mrs. C. Cauthers, Stayner; Treasur- er, Mrs. J. Caswell, Midland; Sec. of Cxhx-istian Stewardship, Mrs. R. W. Ney Midland; Sec. of Mission Cir- cles, Mrs. McKeracher. Alliston; Sec. of C.~G..I.T., Mrs. E. E. Long, Bar- . rie; Sec. of Mission Bands, Mrs. Or- : ..:11.. 'r..,M r`.}nn-r-M11: Spa. of Baby Mission Bands, Mrs. ur- vlle Todd, Churchill; Sec. of Baby Bands, Mrs. S. Ke-11, Churchi1`.; Sec. of Associate Helpers, Mrs. W. A. E. Doe, Allandale; Supply Sec., Miss Lamb, Orillia; Strangers Sec., Mrs. J. Wood, Gookstown; Literature . Sec., Mrs. G. A. Clemence, Stayner; Missionary Monthly Sec., Mrs. H. Connell, Beeton; Temperance Sec., Mrs. J. Henderson, Tottenham; Press Sec., Mrs. D. G. Bell, Stayner; mem- bler without portfolio, Mrs. T. Sin- c air. Well, when we met agood old friend We hadn't lately seen- We greeted him, but didn t say Hello, you old sardine. A Powenful Gerjnicide n-dun Qnfn npr; fl .L'uwc1.u.u \.-u..........- V of proved value. Safe oecause non- injurious to the most delicate esh tissues. Kill germs in nose, mouth and throat with G.G. Extract. A Liniment that penetrates and remove: the cause of Rheumatism, Lumbago, Joint Pains. Neurisis. Sciatica, etc. Your money returned if 0 not absolutely satised. hill directions with every bottlm. At your Druggist or from ' AUSTRALIAN DRUG COMPANY 18 Duchess 8%.. Toronto WAVM-in I53! The Northern Advance 3 I ---- N 19 5| Chicken a la King--4 cups chicken wogressi (cubed), 12 mushrooms, 1 green pepper (shredded), 4 tablespoons wmenrslbutter, 8 tablespoons our, 2 cups Unitedlchicken broth, 2 cups cream, 1/ cup May diced cooked ce`.ery, salt and pap- rika to taste with 2 teaspoons lemon Ior`.`,ed Juice and 4 egg yolks. . nnnk mushrooms and pepper 1n a 25c--40 65c-- 90c Julce and 4 egg yuuss. . Cook mushrooms pepper in little butter in top of double boiler; . melt balance of butter, remove from heat, add our and stir until smooth. Heat stock and cream slightly and add slowly. Return who`.e to re and when boiling add other ingred- ` ients (excepting egg yolks). wxmn rpndv to serve. re-heat to ients (exceptmg you When ready to serve, bo'J.ing point, remove from ame and SEASONABLE RECIPES LOW NIGHT RATES NOW BEGIN AT 7 P. M.'. HYDRO` ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION of Once when a youth was turned away by her he held most dear ; He walked upon his feet--but now He walks off on his ear." Goodbye! . . Don t forget to TELEPHONE Let the telephone take the sting out of goodbyes. It s so easy and inexpensive to send your voice winging back to the old folks or to friends you have just been visiting. It s almost like being with them again. Just look up the Long Distance rates in the local telephone directory as soon as you arrive. You will find them surprisingly low . . . as little as 30 cents Al-An`. --_-77 ~ a. for 100 nls. stir in the egg yolks beaten very light. Pour into patty shells, tim- bale cases or serve on ngers of toast or melba toast. a......;c1. nlnfn with narsley. olives melba toast. . Garnish plate with parsley, : and strips of pimento. 1 Sweetbread Salad--C00k 4 pairs 5 of sweetbreads 20 minutes in boiling, `_ salted water to which juice of `A ` lemon has been added. l Let cool in the water. Drain and cut in cubes (about 4 cups). Add l 1 cup drained, diced pineapple and . % cup celery cut in thin strips about | 1 in. long. I 2 Lay circle of watercress on plate, - pl-ace ring of diced beets inside and ll centre with spoonful of salad. ) Top with cream mayonnaise. 1 Cherry Salad-Wash and pit Eng r Cheap poiiver has been a real magnet in attracting industry to this Province, with a consequent employ- ment of thousands of workers and larger payrolls. In addition to this, the payrolls of Hydro and allied electrical trades swell the buying power of the 1 citizens of this Province. ` ' ' .1 ,t-.__ lcLLLu.a.a. .-...v.. _., ,,,, In Ontax-io s industrial d Hydro inuences your pay 1 your occupation. At the same time that it is creat- ing wealth for the home Hydro is saving work in the home. This mnnrk, For instance, your Hy_dro --~u the home. Hus month, for Hydro Shop or dealer is featuring fast- cooking Electric Ranges and the new Hydro Plan makes it easy to own and easy to pay f or one of these ......, marvels of Electric Cooking. Of death we spoke in language 11 That no one did perplex; But in these days one doesn t He passed in his cheeks." rlyuru I an... .......--_ __ , , for the: new marvels of ` development, therefore, :5 envelope, regardless of A. A. SMITH Manager juice, 1%; cup pear Jmce auu p pineapple juice. Add `A cup juice, `A cup sugar, dash 01 nd boil 3 minutes. Place over g water and add slowly 4 well 1 eggs while stirring constant- Cook until mixture coats the Chill thoroughly and fold in .. ...u.;.m...4 ,.,.R,,m_ Page r~ven Its rather sad the children now Are learning all such talk; They've learnt to chin instead of chart. - To `.itt1e Harry yesterday- My grandchild, aged two ; I said, You love grandpa, said he You bet your boots I do. The children bowed to strangers once, It is no longer so- The little girls as well as boys Now greet you with Hello. Oh, give me back the good old days, When both the old and young Converse-d in plain old-fashioned words, And slang was never slung.

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