The town of Orillia has arranged to buy 1,000 cords of wood from Chas. Tudhopc, of 01-0 t()\\'I1shi.p. The wood is tobchahd and soft and is to be used for relief purposes next winter. Under the terms, Mr. Tudhopc is to hire all O1-ilha men to cut the wood, with no interfr2renc(,- from the town re5:u.r(lin_s: the .~m- ploymcnt. He is to pay $1.50 21 Curd cvlttingz and not to (-harm: more than 60c 21. day for board. m.u,u: J01` mz1ni.~: production. llcz1Iizinp,' l'u1'th4.-1` that any ; of ccommlvics that can be m:mipulzLt- ml by selsh men will ult:imuLtel_\' fail to protect. all men, the l}mLh(:x'- hood (lct01`min(.-ls that Lhu . which it p1'o1)o.s'( sh.'xll he om: \vl1(.-1'r:- in the very sy. will prc,-V4.-nL ex- lploitation and mzlnipulutiorl by any lin(liv'i(lu21l or :_;`rou1) of inrliv 'Fl1(` Bl`nH 1n1`l1nnIl -,uinu- in r-Fvvr rnnu1\'~'IuLl2ll or 01 1n(lxvi B1`oth(_=rl1ood aims to give uve`1'_v person the same oppo1'tuniL_v to pro_L:res.< nmntally, spirituuH_y and .p11y.' by assuring him of :1 _iu.<.L !:m(.l `full rcw:u'd for all his <-xpomlt,-(I ene1'_2'y in productive works, with p1'op(:1~ Icisune time for the en_io,v- ment of the ner thin_:s of` lifr-, the speaker said. The I ;r0thv.~rho')r1 dcsin-.~: to see co-opr:1'2Lti0n in the j:i\'in_ of service to each other Lake the place of our pre;~:,-nt z.-ompc.-t7tion to dos-troy one zmothcr. Rx` Hxn hnuv m-.+nm I\ y 1 LU uus-L1'0_V another." By the new systein outlined by Rev. Ferry, there will be no need for money. If a man is a carpenter and makes :1 trunk which takes him two hours, he will be credivted with two work hours at a clearing house, where all p1`o(lucr:1'.<,, whether farnmr, doctor or lawyer, register their ox- pended energy in prmltzative or non- productive work. The law of ". \ .!'~ age will determine the standard of \vm'k hours. The Brotlierhood aims: to accom- plish their objectives by me2m.< of education th1'ov.5;'l1 publicu.tion;~', l 3- tures, round~table sutu(lie;<, by o:,,.'-.n izing public opinion behiml .'uit;.l)I.- plans, by fmnk discussions and :1 grenuine c.-'ort to a1'1'i\'e at what is true, rzvther than what may be :3- pedient and by the development. and use of certain new and epoeh-mak- in}: discoveries.. Tn .-,m,.1....:,... \r.. v Gemtlexmen : Enclosed nd $ . . . . . . . for which please send me . . . . tneattments of the famous LION GROSS HERB TEA. One Week Treatment $1.00 Six Woeka Treatment $5.00 In order mo avoid mistakes in getting the genuine LION CROSS HERB TEA. please fill out the attached coupon. LJIU ` 1'L1lLI'1HLLC_V, 1180 Second Ave._ xx v rm... M v A one dollar treatment accompLish VVONDERS; nmkes you look and feel like new born. If you are not as yet fa.mi1i2.u' with the benecial effects of this natural remedy LION CROSS HERB TEA, try it at once and convince yourself. If not satisfactory money refunded to you. Also in tablet form. Try it and convince yourself with our money-back guar- antee. It is composed of 19 ldnds of natural leaves, seeds, ber- ries and owers, scientically and p1`oportion21te1y mixed and is lmovm as LION CROSS HERB TEA. LION CROSS HERB TEA tastes delicious, acts wonder- fully upon your system, and is safe even for children. Prepare it fresh like any ordinary tea and drink 21 glnssful a day, hot or cold. HEALTH PROTEC'I`lON-Numerous tests have ` of disease g`-erms in the bag" of a vacuum clean air which lters through the bag. Unless dcstr are a positive menace to health. r.....r.\,u vu Aauwv cunu uuuy, ycbulb 111 L110 UZICK, UV`eI', liluney and bladder dxsorder, exhaustion loss of sleep and appetite. Those suferers have not use any man-made injunous chemicals or drugs of any kind ; they have only used a remedy made by Nature. This marvellous product grows on the highest peaks. Where it absorbs all the healing elomenrts and vita.mins from the sun to aid HUMANITY in distress. ring and nnxvnrc am"-m+iG....l Since 1799 thousands of people have regained their normn health after years of suffering from stomach troubles of all types, such as constipation, indigesLion,, gas and sour - stnnmr-I1, urhwh :11-n +1-m `km-H. .::...,.a...... .4: ...1_ ..-4h-' ._ ._,,....., mu... ua \.u.u.m.uyauuu, u1uLge5u1on,, gas anu stomach, whwh are the base factors of such maladzes Hir-1 hlnnrl nun;-mum _.w........., wuu.u um: um: uusu: 1ilCL01`S OI sucn Z: hgigh blood pressure, rheunmtism, periodic mmn (R nn mm: an n xr nn1'11.~ .'.. mu` .....1. plipia n..,.l L1. Oldest European Discovery Against Stomach Troubles and Rheumatism Acclaimed Best by Latest Tests nu um.\.ua.>xuu.~: mm 11 arnve waat hzm ex:- -: Hy, pains in ' I, ,, A` I._, 8TA"I`E..... FREE 3Em@NsTm*`1 Mrr. t:pI"Il'L I l'r'iv-m|:~: M .. u| 1 , I [PU mu-rs -.l'ul '.."-IIH :,I,m-l< mu! hi`, mxmy !'.;,I~t-tly rt-H }~rnH.h. RIl.,. l'.. flilllalln Mr. (2:-u. Mulhollnml, of Barrie, Mu: purt'h:mv-I :1 lot from Ben Webb and in1.r>ml,: huildim: u house right`. ..:w:1v. .nw.1_y. 'l'hc- l,'niLv-I Church choir from }`-r:: t1: in the Lufroy anniver- mtry 5;:-rvi(:r>.s on Sunday evening. The play The: Folks Next Door, ;.:-av-rntr.-I in Lhr: Community Hall "mm: on Frirlny CV(3nirl}.'_` by the Brad- frrrd /\m:li T)r:m1:Lt,ic Club was [In-:u'tify ,-njoyml by '. h large audience. V4-ry unv-xpz-ctml czum; the word" of the death of Mrs. Goo. Constable 2-L Lhu hmm- of hm` (l2lU${`}1t_.(.')', Mrs. Frzmk Robinson, at Cookstown. The fL.m:rn1 was held on F`ridu_v, with in- o....m....o :.. 4L... u:..41. rz... rv.,.....o,.._, Brody is supposed to have turned down $30,000 from :1 motor rm in Detroit. The machine will be de- monstrated at a public meeting to be htld in .\Ia.=se_\' Hall. Toronto. to- night, when the Brotherhood Will agzain appeal to the people of the Dominion. in MM: (IUILLII (H M ~'.. \:t:0. uonstanlc U.`I n14:l`IrL in the Sixth Iiim: C(:metm'y. (fur im.-pr-:41 ;~:_vinpnthy ;.c0(:.' out to Llw i)('I`l':lV,'li i'r:l~:ut,ivcs. .:u_x U1. xuxuxuu, UK.` prolesso... (`(111- od it :1 freak of nature very sel- dom found. The father of the boy ha:~i been `asked by the Botany De- pzwtment to endeavor to nd theq bulb for scientic purposes. - A raw: specimen of the white triilium was picked in the Vicinity of Bond Lake last week by a nine- _vear-o1d boy. Warren Whelen. It is of the usual . of white {low-r r~xc0nt that it has green line running: down the petal. When the specimen was examined by the Botany Depzirtment of the L'ni\`er- sit_\' of Toronto, the professors caIi~ I(`d :1 f')'r2:1.L' nf nnhn-c. vcmv =nI_ JIlJl4ls..L.H.o.r.N,I`IJ-I"-. .\Ir::~t. H. J. O Bri<:n, of Toronto, z-nd J. M. O'Brien, of Aurora, have H;c(.'H vi. their . .``h'.~:. | Young. ,u.-mu \1..;.. mt... :,. III'\:]/.1: L. In Your Own Home Just Phone 535, Smith :: Furniture 1uun;.',. Svoltty Muir, who is under the ('.0cLm";~: (','. 1Tl:, is visitving his sister, Mrs. Pram, at Fcnnr.-lls. (`.1-ul in ......n..4 r\,...,..1..,. n-..,1.n_ Auln. L ldl/L, ELL l'\,'llH|fll.`). Glad to rr.-port Douglas Ronald's mndition is . (`0n.sidc1'ub1e Improvement this week. T\hv_- A 11.-n`.-+..,..... ...1..,. .....,. L..1.._ unpxuvcnlcllt Lnls \\'f3(:K. .\Ir.<. A. Arm.~'t.1'on_s;' who was taken to the B:11'1*i<.- hospital for t.1'eatm<;nt lust \VOr3k, is convalcscing `at her home lmrc. mu: n(u1n1_v 1n Lm: uc-;.lLn last natur- c a_\ in the Bzu'ri hospital of their '1(iC:"t dzu1g'ht<.-r, .\I1`s. Ed. Wicklum. The ftlnr.-rm], which xvns largely at- la-ndud, wa:~: held on Monday after,- noon from the homr- of Wm. \Vick-W `xum, 3rd co11cessio11, F105, with in~ fo.r1nent in the Union Cemetc-r_v hare. Rex`. G-;-0. Crusu conducted "hr. an-viz-z. -\,. -n.x.. Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. )I!cEwan, Mrs. Irvin Johnston and V1; (`inn Tn111w_~1nn ..++,..,.: .,x Dept. 984 6A nun. .wCIL\V'1H, ;1l`S. l)'V1T1 JOHHSLOII and .\Ir.<. Geo. Jolmstqn uttendz;-d the di. annual convention of the W.I. held at Allcmvood last Thurs- I(U`.\', The :~:_vmpathy of the communi';y is (tended to Mr. and l\Irs. S. Hilts 2`nII family in th<,- dczxth Ia:~`t Satur- (-I(i(,-st dmm-h+_m- \Ir: rm \v;,-1,1"... BOY FINDS RARE FLOVVER 'I'H|HLHl)AY, MAY 21, 1936. Electra Hygiene fiwun (inrclmn. of North Bay, ;. Fuw rluys 1u:~1. week with he hun- STROUD -~--vu.\, * Back, `TN. (,1 H.i('h;1r(l.`~mYI ;uu'1,irm szxh: I irnplmm-ntsz I l'ri<-mls wish o.. LL. M ? I-,'..'.~`.TIia'fF I) I r\yr\ 3 r .......uu.-.a headaches. "*'*.'P--- rl:~mn held :1 very of his farm Hts: on Tuesday. w. for him :1 his f'0rln(:r good Continental Electric Co. ltd. l_7 Owen 3t., Barrie N Stove per ton, $14.50 Egg per ton, $14.25 Nut % 14.25 Pea 12.50 Fill your Bins now with this High Class Fuel and SAVE MONEY CAMERON 32 1:11.15 SUMMER PRICI "LE-{i[g'17{ V;':ify 'A;nE1{rZ'c,3? The Coal That Satisies Sanitizes, Moothproofs, Sprays, Renovates, Cleans, Polishes p.111. Service at St. Peter's at 11 a.m., St. Paul s 1.30 p.m., St. John s 3 p.m., St. James 7.30 p.m. .. .uv.u Au uuuLuu;.',uL_V LullH_`.',iUL'(. the bag completely sterilized. CRAIGHURST n-n+n1uHn...-. &. nr PRICED AT A BIG SAVING FUR THIS WEEK END PR'[N'I`ED CREPES P.\S'l`EL SHADE C`REPES \'()IIELES C3T*TIF.T( )N 81 L K SEERSUCKER S LINEN S BARGAINS IN SUMMER DRESSES DRE Coats and Dresses Phones 33 and 748 ..-.. -`........uua Lcaba mug p1u\'L`u'|Jl() prcscncc of cleaner and also in the ln*1rr1r\ Ma,` 1.... 1,_, ,1 .,, u .. , xuay Luuu. `, is staying days. 3 B. Taylor, at tho rnn. ORILLIA BUYS 1.000 CORDS OF WOOD FROM ORO FARMER MAY PRICE L1sT~~~~~ [,I'U;',ru:'s. 'l`hc speaker \V:u`s introduced by L(.-i1:*h1;on Clarke, of the I3a1'1`ie Club, and Thos. Stimson, ex-.\I.P. and rst pn-9id<-nt of the Limlsay Club, ex- fnndcd the thanks of the g`2Lthc1'in:: to Mr. Black for his ne :1(I(lrc.s'.<, I`h<- nmotin;: w:1.< much and the I .r:vrrio Club is planning: to pay Zl rvturn \'i. in Yhv nun)` future. l:a\1l(l. The characteristics of those early Celtic people is still manifest. Their love and devotion to womanhood; th'=_V were Lovers of nature; thc_\-' gave first place to God, and they have inspirml much of the world s 1;rogress. Tim .'nnnL'ny- \|v:.._. ink...-..l..,..-..l 1... mw one Drlmsn Isles. Scotland and Irel-arnd were peopled with :1 different class of Celts. 01'ig`inu11_v Ireland was called Scot- land, and Scotland was known `as Islay. Then people from Ireland began to go over to Scotland and' establislxed 21 kingdom in Argyle- . but the Scottish tribes were cvangelized before coming: to ScoL~ Land. rp1__,, ,_L.....\L.,,,' .- n l (Continued from page one) n:z.ns were ghting, the Celts` poured into the British Isles. gr-nflnnrl and Tr.1.m.,l ...,`..,. ..A-..L I LINDSAY KIWANIS ' GROUP VISIT HERE .. \.u.uu\.n u||\| ouau Ill LIIU dcst1`o3'(`(i, these gcmms Sign of the Bear wry uunng Lne Week end. Rogation services were held on I\I(0nday by the clergy of the Dean- ery of Edenvale art Crown Hill and Craighuu-st. gnvxrlnn in 'l{nnv f`1........L ..L Finn ~ proved u: presence nu... H...) ..1.... 1.. A1... Ste) Storag and U Phone Hers. THOS I Onc xespec celebr: z hb Wcdn. in tho was for hi twice lent r 05 cv( Rh: dam, 2 0111, and 3 ha: m of dg fc' y xvherc T. & I Hved i 1: the who W fhm c< As a ed in a nun} bunes Dependable Fuels n. .1. mmnuu, [mm (H (jlvvt Ohio; th`irtt,,-<~n ;.:r'uml-hnirt-I1 two ;:rv::tt ;:r:1ml<'hiI(lrn. `interest in boating: on lienipenfeldt . . . _ . V . uy ui'>.1ii',;`u U1` LOmz).D0 juice. to go 1'a1lroa(Iing',connecting lLlm.~.`Cl`l; It ig chimed by wmc that p%teu1,_ with the Grand Trunk at Allan(lale,i i,Cd 'miLi( Wm no}; mm. but` mtg. where he was employed as car i'e-itfm is `incorrect 'By heating H; pairer. Larter he left Allandale Lomh(`)Vc `I45 de,,'.C may not Wet Lake 21 position with the T` & N'O'i"* food '1 ci'e':in line 'is th fat 631-- in Northern Ontario, and for fteen~" E ` ` ` e ` years he lived ind Worked in u}1}()1lSlI'.`S may be broken down and the _ . _ cit-am (loes not rise pi'ope1`1_v, but `Cj`1;3-`{1tft($ 1a1SaI_S ago Mr Sib icmain in the body of the milk. " . . ` ` . " Bacterial Counts Ii):n`1g'?1_ie`1ndAt51;} Bacterial Countg, which tell the time he was an e_el10n`t' o;n,Sm_minuiiil)e-1' of .','C'l`mS in one c.c. of milk 2i.d in his younilrer (lays took a i.rr(:at;l (0nf!-f.u"th m`SI nful.) may up` |pcai* high to the 01'(lln211`y person. 3; `I . . .V_ 1:` T _ I 3, l_.i.~\ bacterial eount of raw milk from ill)/blai1(lLIc)-o1l11lr(]ltlll)c-h steeny (llzii5lydi'(())\\"ilig w0_`[,}0,0 tO1_a0Q (_)00 per. C`c` '5 "Of his boat up and down the WZLtC1`. -J oil! unf.O""`) hligh m].d ]S.t? -100 Ck- the bay. He was a veteran of the -un F I.n0(h.l]L0l] [Sf ,r,0l,] Fenian Raid in 1800 and has mam` .('.L( mmhc plop-01 mm 1m 9 L-db intm_C%ing Stories to ten in this _n_r.r, for his herd, his methoil of milk- e- nneeiion. He is` a l`0Q,'L1liElil' attend`-I my ml-(I, th cum . .t"k(.m m chlmng PM at Central United Church ndtlie milk .-ind stei-ilizuiition of uten- in his younger days took an :ictivi:;;:.hmvim: 100,000 I) (,0 but again rm}.l`i;m\\'ll`]z? lxlghlo0fi`03lEc::h:lhliiiii inl'V nd lmmy "5 low as loiooo L0 A ml `(Mi `VWDMIHPQ \;,(|1`_`0n of 2(),0U0 i-.(-._ The avc-ia;:9 oilicial iugml H("_ldi'ln[`l mm ;;M_`(l `l'nm_ )_iM!plate count in our _1i:;st_oui'i'/.e(l_ milk {:1 186`) -` `I; gibb-WM `hih thW(_ii.< ahoiit 10,000. whiieh is (f()1].\'l(lCI`C`(l r ` `P. _t..`l`r_ P"__"~ iery low. (xounts on our p:Lsteii1`- _fFbItf_ , I, `_` j" '4` _'f1,'_ _i-/.i-d milk [ruin the four (l1Ll1'l(.`b` '. pl` \l`;\~. i1 .11 \]i\';n_:;_P,' ` `I:`H i';.?iii\\'i- one to liaw a count of 15,- `(`,_m _` "0' _` H ' \".}l _]'" t"`i`0()0, two .<:iiiiples l.)(.'l0\V 3,500, two Jmm two '``m'`* ' "`] ` `ht-low 2, two 2,000. l%:1<'t(ri`izLl ""`.J `Q .l "M' l "t`h "r,m""]"""`Ii'(oiiiil,:a on H111.` and bottle i'insiiiQ'.~i :i:i.l`..,,,..,. .i.. 1,`... n . '. i......... sils. Soinetimes samples are taken, on Kempenfeldt Ill!-3 UUIIIIIIUIIILD. Zl_\'OI.1D_L',` man Mr. Sibbz-.1d stun:-i the slioemaking trade and for, number of years conducted A business in Barrie, Allandale Izmd Stroud. In 1839 he sold his busiiiess railroading, connecting` Trunk Allandalef re-l Allandale Lo, fteen; 11110 wcmity of Cobalt. About fteen years Mr. Sib- bald retired on pension and since then has resided in I-Jtur1'ie. At one excellent oarsman days greatr 4 BHV`. [lb until fivr: V4-:1:-: LI(rn \rh~ iuu:i-.-an. in uuzlbiiig on ixenlpenlclut" Bay. Up until five y<.-ars ago .\'Ir.i`. S-ibblanld could be seen daily row'ing; wzutors: off I this u-nncdion. is attend-I and; active; {art in the life of the church. H`i;~ wifz.-. who ]'))`('(iCC(.`2lS(:(i him in` April, 193-, was .-\gnr_=s N(:1s~oi1, T101111 Head and thvy \\'l.')'(,' ln.'H!')`i('(~li i t E ,1 r. [J 5n 121:0 up Qil.ln..!.l 1.... Al... " \'il'1 L`. Rev. Dr. J.S. Shortt, drcw s Church, took the ; services at, Caledonia on :\'h~= I. P. M..m,:1....`. Miss Patricia Stone spent a few; days with her parents at Ferguson Vail-C. Dnn TL. 1 0 (V1. _.,;4 1- r1. . A an, we recuory 101' a lew days. Mr. E. Paine and Miss Tug of Orillia, were visitors at the tory during the week end. Rn9':1f.inn cm-vi:-an mm. 1. A1 ,1 nan ut:L'L'pL(1(1 Z1 pOSll'.lO]1 111 IJOWII. Mr. z1ndtMrs. Reading, of Oshawa, spent the week end with Mr. and! Mrs. S. Hocking. ! M1`. and Mr: R (`J I?nh...4_.m, ..+ 1 nuallugu, v1s1ce(1 I1'1e-nus m t;o\\~'n. Miss Noah Kcnda, of Shanty Bay, has acccptud :1 position town. RI)`. and NI)`: Rm-.\rHnrr nf' ('\ .u1.s. .3. nocmng. I Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Robertson at-E 'lc-mlod Lhe gmduzxting cxc1'ciscs at} the Toronto General Hospital 0119 L\j0nda_\' night. ! NIP (`fine 7\7rnv+nn Inf} r\v\ \T....,)....! wcck cnu wn;n Inemls m wmdsor..: I Mr. Neil McBride left last F1`idu_V` for Leamringlon, Ont.. where he hasv accepted :1 position with the B'mning- 5 2 hlum Construction Co. | ?\T:'ieun.~ M-H... \r,m1.....1.. ....,z n-..,..v,. 1 One of Ba2'rie`.< oldest and most; 1e. citizens, Thos. Sibbz1ld,| celebrated his ninety-second bi1'tl1d:.1y! at home, 104 B1'2l(lf01'li St.., on ; Wednesday, May 20th. Alon; amll best of health, M1". Sibbaiui walks to the post ofee ever;.' in; his mail, and sometlmus czar.` : (laiy. His 0_\'e. is .3-x(:.)`.| not requi1'in_:r the use 0|.` 5.-inns-H even to read. :_ Sibbald \\'a.< born {Lt Toilen-. in Innisl township. on May{ 20:11, 1844. :1 son of the lam Mlail Mrs. John Sihbald. He is tn-3`: .su1'vi\in_<.5 member of 21 lami ._\~'!, eight. With the exception of a;i7 years in Northern Oi1t.;.:*o,fE where he was employed on the} 1 N.O. Railway, Mr. Sibbald lizislc in this district all his life. aHe,t oldest living citizen in Barrie} \\'i1\Sll )0I`l1 and raised in or near; P community. gg .-':\:< :1 vnnncr mun 111- Q1'kk..I,l n+....4. , .__. wrvngv -.;A4uAvv, U-L IJ|o 4'\|A" s 21I1l1i\'Cl'si'.1') Sunday. 1 Mrs. L. G. Necdham and sons, 01". Wnslmago, visited friends in town. Bliss Rnnh Kr-nrlnll nf` Q11-Inf" 1 ax puslbloll wn;n L,anauu 1 acke1's. 1 Miss Edna Mzxtheson .<.pc11tthe1 Iweck end with friends in W>indso1'.; n `:\"h-. Nr`-H Mo`P.r-Mn 1,.-H In.-+ 1.1.4,! mxun \JU11M.I`uCLlOI1 L0. Miisscs Ma1`_v Npc1und:= and Do1'oLh_', Price, of Wcliesley Hospital, To- ronto. spent the week end at their" rcspective homes in town. Mr. Kenneth MucLcan, of Edgley, O1>t:., spent the week end with his parents. I .TicQ Jr`-uh T.-,nv c uioHu'nn. -u..'H. I... JZl1'L'IlL5. I MISS Jean Lay is vlsxtlng wlth her parents. M1`. and Mrs. H. M. Lay. 1 NH` P.-unl H-,n<+ ni` '1`.-u-mun ...\,...1. H10 \\'(_`CK (3110 111 EOWII. '; Miss F~Jo1'cncc Robertson, dau_2`}1t01" of Mrs. R0be1'L and the late Ch2xs. lobertsoll, Craigvale, was 21.mon_;' the? _t1'adu!:.ti11g class at the Torontoi rG.ene1`a`. Hospital on ;\Ionda_v nigln: `l\`T)`<, John `Rnxvnw-an 51.111] 7\T1~: 'l`1-..-.;- ` \.I.Lu.rL.LUr..L.l.U1.`|:bD..|. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wiilmot Cook on the 2),I'1`iV'ZL1 of a daughter on Wednesday, May 13th. MTS. Of 'I`m~nn+n Ia cfzurinn |`LI4l:llL.'1'i1l .!;1USplLd1 on .uonm1_v 1\Ir.<. John Bowman and Mrs. Pierce have reurned home spending' :1 week at Lakoview L Spz11'1`o\v Lake, with Mr. and Chas. Miller. L`JUllUil_\' xugnt. } M1`. Chas. Newton left on Mondayi for Toront,o, where he has accepted` :1 position with Canada Packers. 1 I`/H'<< 19.1.1111 NY-Jfhnann 41...) p'cu`L'nL5. M1`. ana i\ 1v!`S. U. M. Lay. Mr. P-mul Hart, 01' Toronto, spcnbj the Week end in town. -} \T.'.~_- I7`]r\1'r\\\nn I>..1.....`.,.,... .:....-.1.L-..n Sto1`c_\'ou1' Fur Coat in Cold! Svto1'ago--ins_ured against re, mothsf theft. New low lnsurance rate. I 290. Simmons & Co., Fur-5 1'in'I`,: ' THOS. SIBBALD CELEBRATES NINETY-SECOND BIRTHDAY I zuu rcurueu Home alter at Lodge, M`r.<. `inna- Lne Nonhern Advance jj- u|).;11L. : '.I`ho.<,. after I \.J._,. K I-2:11-Iy I:-id:n_v mornimr the engine `In-ml of :1 Fm-dson tracvtor was ::~"l.nlt'n from Jory Bros. garage on 1lI::_v=I'u-itl The head, which is 'v:nhwd at $16, was in for repairs and had been left in the laneway over- ni;.:'ht. Tho tractor was in the 1.-:z1ra.g'e. ls QQ I \\ Q 11 I~ H4-u. ('. llmwn, on bchzllf of the In:-n'lilu.'_', -xpw-.<.w(l thanks to Dr.,l,l.~ for Lhv in.~'.bructiv(: talk given. and for all he was (Icing for the ,(-ihizx-n:' of Illwrrin. [.......-...' n.::g;nxIN'1`.< l.rL'])t. x ` 1 |' are placed 'i1iJtt,-d by the : ':w;vc1'y two weeks. Pz1. . yvn,l.....n.. -. w .\H'|I' l'l`ll l1U(:..\' um! :51:-rilv xv` `sent L0 L1 I. ...4 I IU I71 ' U1.- ! On Wcdm:s(lz1_V, May I3, 1936, lthcrc [):1s.~rc(l away in 'l`m'onto :1 d<-- '.:tu-mlant of one of the piolluur fum- ilics ofBf:u1`ric in the pm'.~ of I-lom'_\' Hutton A1'(l:1g'h, the only son of the late Dr. John lh1.s`.s'(rl A.rdz1_x:h and Anne Gowzm, elder sister 0| Un- luto Sir James Gvowzln. Dr. x\r was a brother of the Rev<-rvml Sum- uui A1`(1z1_9;h, first rector of Shanty Buy and Barrio. A g:1':1(l11:1t(- in medicine of 'I`1`inity C0l1c_L,"(:, Dublin, I 1'. .-\1'(lz1_2'I1 came to C:1n:1(l:1 in 181-! and opened his practice at 1-loliund `lz1xu'1im:, lutor moving to Barrie, whm':- he died in 18(S."s'. Hnis son, )\!.-nuv Immm. Aw:-...-1. w.._- hnvn in Ll1l.`l'ld. {IL JOU I`. .\'o zippreciublc change in the food :;ien1ent.< occur in pasteurization. Nothiiig is taken from, nothing sudd- `cd to the milk. Vitzmiins do not }t'ufTe1' except xriitamin C, which is not completely destroyed. In infzmi feeding,-` this vitamin may be replaced by orzmg-;e or tomato juice. it i:< (-Inimrxri hv Qnlnn H1-.a+ T\nei`n.II|~, i I }\\`IlUl'L` Ht` (HCU ill LOUD. F1115 SUI], ii"-`;em_v Hutton Ar(iag;h, was born in ;Barrie in 1853, the year in which lthv I\'orthern Rzrilwziy xvkus extended iio .-\li:mdz1le:.1nd C40llingwvoo(l. ll. i `H. .-\rd:1_-4'11 received his early educa- !`."i:n at the old Barrie Grammar *School and limiter zttteiidetl Reverend IW. F. Check1e_v s school at Weson. ilie was called to the bar in 1876 and practiced law in Toronto in partne1's-l1ip with the late W. P. At- kinson for several years, and liilit-0.1 rntered the Dominion civil service (C`.l.`~.i.'.O111.'~` division). Mr. A1'(lz1g'i1 re- ;si_e'1ie-il from the civil service in 1905 !in order to act as secretary to his `Lucie, the late Sir James Robert From 1906 to I '1 Gowzm. ;s'(ie in Barrie, spent the period from 1913 to 1925 travelling in the `\'.r-st lI1(ii(`>`, in the British Isles and on the Continent, and since 1925 had '- ided in .\'o\vcn.~:Lle, Ontario. In he married llnrcizl Annie i ishe. only dz1ug'hter of Colonel N. I Fishe. of Templemore, Ireland. iiiis \\'if'r,- p1'e(lece;\.se(l him, passing iaxvzrv on January 20th. 1933. Mr. .-i1'(li::e`li is survived by his two sons, I~I G. R. .~\rd:1,':h, Professor of Applietl Cheniistry in the Un.iversi1,y of Toronto. and H. Gowan .~\rdagh, tnm` 'l.'r~n nf Hun \ln\-H1 !__.= 1913 he re- ` x.\'u1_\ unu uuuna. kills all (liseazse 11'0(lucing: gerlns in the milk. Germs of 'l`.I3. are the most rc;~:istant and d:phtl1c1~'m the easiest to kill. T.B. L' _-L-rms are killed at :1 temperature 4 1`2(| L` . +....1-,.:.l ..._,!..1___; p l I I l I I \,..`... ..\,-.;- ..-In. u_ou:n\,.;v Ll) XVIII. 1-L}. :[_,','L`1'l]l.~' at ;c,I 139 I".; typhoid. undulant fever, 1L'_\+cI11;c1'_'\' and dimwhcul cliseases at f 5-`.7F.; s(.-urlet fever, erysipelas, sep- '.bic sore throzrt at 134F., and d1ph- ithevizz at 130 F. V \ n ..nnu,.,.. ..Ll, ..L...___. 2.. LL 0 I Mink As A Food | and How We Safe-I 5 guard Its Supply; dmughter Wednesday, Pitt, of Toronto, an the rectory for few ( 11?`. F1, pninn nnrl \/{hm u; LUIUHLU. unu rl. uuwull .~u'(, .\.=.~'..< I`roasu1`e1` of the North Amm'iczxn ].if<,- .~\.S>?uT21nC(! Company, Toronto. %9)Wumfr ' Lara ()N4'-11 `..l.... I. unwn wv .s clock in thr- HENRY HATTON ARDAGH (Continued from page one) I (ma are placed in each Va}; am: (1 .~;ani`ta1'y inspector '\' two wt-r-ks, I!!! (II IVIIIK In ll we milk :11 mm'nin,: (- n'.s I':s_\'.< and 0111: :4 wlxy t.h- milk u multl lw tzlkvn in 11 ..1 :r .. txv nu Ill` L,ill\('ll H] 115 SOOH {L5 5!` pu..`iI:I<`. l'l:1('<- in :1 1'0- ur on an in1pro\'isod ice rml (-vllur. Milk should be xvl :1. Linws to protect from !u.~:1. um! (l()H1('.\`1i(` :1nim211s. A In-H4-I from the S:mitu1'y l)p:u-Lm<-nt, l`m'onto, Dr. uh-:1 an v.\'l.r:u't: Gun(:raUy Hw B:n'r'1z- (1.iIil'i(.`S .'~'I10\V .{g.,,.,m.\. ,.,,g.,.n_. '|'I.n.... . l':. lI(.`l`l_\ , .Hu`Im-m-.< DL-ht. . Ilmwn. nn 114:1` .I'll ll B: ':1('1,m'_\-' AA. .- /1 u.1gl1u`.l3'b. Service in Knox Church at 7.30 `.111. Ill" n;u'1`11' (L"iIIl'l(.`S .'~`l10W u'1,m'_\' n-sultan l`h0re are x1vr(L- hut of a n-. l`hl' H-.~'ult.< that, you `ms; :15 inriivuta-(I by them) : ;:n.~.. um-lit on you 21>: n~r nml on your Board of \. I`). H;-rr_v, Dirccbor. `lL"iIlt-I-)'<' T):-hf uuu MIL` llULlS( hr milk turns as soc H.I,, ""\lv1n ... I luulc E) and 1() <-xposc-d to l1oL|.s'u\vi1'u lII'l\u `r\IIn NEW CANADIAN LIFE BROTHERIIOOD (('Im1l.inm-4| frmn puum mu-) ph-nl,_y l.l1u~r- nu-I lw nu I`:-nr nf w:unL um! priv.-ul.iun. l`u lim-av-r und in.sbiLuL- an l'l'UHUH|i`H_V'1|,v-In which wiLl rt.-mnvu hlni: I :-ur l'rmn l.hv- mimls nf Czunrzulizxu.- 1: :1 prmw uh: _i(!(,'L 0I'Lh1~ lh`uLl|t-rhm)l cl:-`|:nr-vl Rev. FL-rry. (`,.nnvin:-ml Hm! u -.m....... ILUV. l`L`I'I'y. C.(mvim:ml Lhut :1 |n'0p:r M-umnnir .sy;~;t,v.n1| cmmut he (!.``L'Lhl.iHhl'Il nu-rv-ly by (.'mvt;:1in minor or m:1_im' ulmm:-. in the pnr.s't.-rut, syslxernn, with its rilh nlwtn.-ri:uhi.~."ti(: l):1si:i, Lhu Broth-:rlmm-` ])Y`0])()S(.'.`~i to build -an m-mmnm. . l):Ls(:(J on the yn~im:ipl-.4 and L(!ilC]1iI1_L',` uf J(.'HllS of NZlZll'l5Lh, In czuxsu Lhu lh'0t}1r-rhoml hr-li(,evu.~: that Lhcn-in lies the only true way. Our 1,-conmniv K1..`n1Il.'n-fl; I1-..,.. [UL ucununucs. This machine, which is claimed can run :1 train, produce 0l0ct1'icit_\', etc., has been donated by the inven- tor to the Canadian Life l'-h'ot.he1'- hood for the good of all mankind, and not for sellsh interest. Mr. Ill`; ux.~cuv<:1'1e.~'.. In conclusion Mr. Fe-1'r_\' (lcscrib<':d the (lin1ension~:wl power unit. whicli was only i'ec(ent'l_\' invented by Geo. L. Brody, eng'inoer, of Windsor. It is :1 machine \\'l1l(`.l1 he says ut.ili7.ns tho forces of ,u`1`avit_\' to develop power. The unlimited e1101'f1`_\' so available, he claims, will revolution- ize inclustry and our present . of economivs. u1un*In 1105 um only Urutt sL:xnd:n'r15 have been 1)2LSl'(l on mrz:L,-1'iuli.~'Lic vulut-5 in the `p:1.~=t, whilu: they mu.~+L hr.- bznsvd on . vnluv,-s, and :+in<:r.: mun alone in any ct-onumizr .s'<:L-up 1.; truly s'pi1'ituul, mun uhmu mm be the .s`b::nd2n' of value, said Mr. IW~rry. T-hf`! l'nf.`hl1'hnn:I uhnu 11-. 1- I .w;:nuzu'u on VL1lLH:," sand Mr. F~rry.l llr0t.`l1c1'ho0(l aims, tlu:n.-Im`<.-, to (l-isp1ac(.- ;:ol(.l st:1n(lzu'rl.', silvc,-r :+tz1n and all otl1r.-rn1:1t-rl:1l- istic . with man's (9X])('l](l1-(l n-nc1';:_v as the only trur: s Lun(l:ml of \1l.ll,H: for man's production. l{(::1lizin--~ l'm-Ha.-v mm mm Electro Hygiene employs a positive metliod of(lest1`o_\'i1i_:tl1ese germs. A specially prepared g:e1'micidz1l c1'yst:1l _x:i\'es ofl` formalde- hyde ;as when Electro Hygiene is operated. t.ho1`ou5::hly (lisin.l'cct- "mg dust receptacle COH'l'zCl1lZS. Thus, all the air that passes tlwoug-11 the bang is sterilized before it agzxin gees into <'ii`('ul:1Lion in the room. As 21 result, after a few nllxmtus use of lilvctro H_\'_:iene. the room is thoroughly fumi_r:ated and all dust and dirt. deposited in the hmr :-nmnln+r.h- um-.'l:m..1