Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 7 May 1936, p. 8

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a-w Tu -v---&- (Late Chief Secretary) SATURDAY AND SUNDAY MAY 9th AND 10th The Colonel will be accompanied by his daughter, Joy Miller, R.N. During the Sunday evening service'{ the Colonel will present Long Se: vice Badges to the Census Board": local oicors in recognition of long`, and faithful service rendered for; God and the Army. ` U1` SUHIU UIIU IlL`1dl' LIIUIH IS necessary. ! Patients friends visit them and often know nothing of the hospital outside of the patient s room and the co1'ridor leading to it, and per- haps leave feeling` depressed and i_ sad. i I.I..,.n&.-.1,` u\<-A -4. .l.._..._,..._.'_._ 1.- billi- ! Hospitals are not dop1'essin_: to either visitors, patients or workers. Get acquainted with your hospital_ ;und you will nd it happy and s/tim-' 'uIating' and not sad. I `; The mean temperature for April `wvas ve degrees below the normal average. The lowest was 17 above on the 4th and the highest 61 on -the 29th. During` the month 10.1} inches of snow and 2.63 inches of rain fell, this in both cases being- v,above the average. ; T.n\u I-Yin-11 Dm`n Gun... I Apr. 1 can .lVyilI1. ` The Speaker of the House was 'John Wood, who not only lled this position, but also made constructive criticism on the difl`erent speechesi _an(l ar_2_niments after the division. The best substitutes offered for ;capital punishment by the affirmative were life imprisonment with lashes, `and isolation of offenders to remote, islands with no parole. The most: `effective argument submitted by the negrative was that capital punish- men acted as the greatest deterenf. to crime. l`l..\ ..,... .i:s-.,,: --- - ` `Wood :u::1ii1 :1ctim: `Lhv llousv. DU ('.1'lHlU- l`l1n no:-rt (liscusison will be held on 'l`lm1's(l.'1_\' evenin_r.r, l\l':1_v 14th, \vl1.-n the following resolution will bc considcrerlz Resolved that stage and FC1`(`(}l1 in present statn is dotrimen-_l ml to :1 community. The leader will be '[`hos. Bircliard and the opposition lvzulr-r, William Price, with Jolm as Speaker of `TEN INCHES OF SNOW AND i 2.63 INCHES RAIN IN APRIL The Knights of Columbus Public. Speaking` Class held a. very interest~ ing pzu'liamenta1'y discussion last Friday night on a resolution that `capital punishment be abolished. Thp 1ondm- n1-' Hm LIm..~n LIr.-~--- uaplull punishment be abolished. The leader of the House, Henry Smith, undertook the afrmative side and was ably supported by Nor- man Osborne, Perry Ryan and Ed ward Wysoglad. The resolution, however, was lost, as Opposition Leader Joseph Hipkin was supported by Thos. Birchard Jock Clarke, Hark Mariel), Jack Ryan, Glen Gar- rity, Alfred Saunders, Charles Hinds, Roy Fraser, William Price, Daniel Quinlan, Father L. Smith and Ern- est Ryan. 'l'l1n .Qnnnl_-nu l\` 41.. 7v 1 Thn SIS l)()_\'.-; of H10 K-Y Club Ht:11`i'(i on 1\Iond:1._v Hi_L{`i]`t. in :1 bird house huildinir coimmtitiion. Fho x-<)I1L:u ill vlosv in Lhrc-u wm~] Linw and ('0I1('ill(i(` (J10 so:1s()11'.~` :u'- l,i\"iLiu-S. Thu bird iinusns will be _i1ui,uu-(1 and sonw 20 prizes :1w:n'd-d by Um R:n'ri- l\'i\v:mi.= Club. The boys are divided into gxrnups who` mevt at tho club room at vv1'L.'1in hours and are suporvised. but fl" lwlp is !`iV(`H any boy in tho ton- host. Material is provided by thv Y.M.C.A. I"1n.. T! 17 1.-.... `L--_ A `I ` J The Honels no stronger than the Harness l.I.\_:.)\. The K-Y boys have taken korn in- terest in the activities during Uh` snason. On Thursday niprht last the K1wnnis Club took thirtcrm of tho Ir-aders to Toronto_ where they were shown thrmurh the workshop supor~ vised by the Kiwanis Club there. and saw much to interest and help them. `KK-Y CLUB BOYS BUSY i BUILDING BIRD HOUSES CAPITAL PUNISHMENT UPHELD: .vcxag,u. Low High 17 an KIL U.. .vJ 60 0.04 W. H. Buttery. cm 39 OZ o Rain Snow Mothers and fathers invited to see the school in action and to visit the men s -and women s classes. n 4 L 0.E Leaving the pavement while driv- ing west on Louisa St. about 4 a\.m. ,1_veste1'day morning'_ a car driven b-_v W. Boucher, of North Bay, crashed into :1 light pole on the south side lof the highway opposite Albz-rt St. A. .. ..,.....1+ .4: u... :.........L u _._u, V- ,,..-. u.b..uu_y uyyuou/c Jxnuvlv uu. As :1 result of the impact the pole was snapped o near tthc base. Inn, Walvatin Army ANNUAL 3 Self - Denial Appeal Thursday F rid_\y MSatAl.l3'd:' CAR CRASHES INTO POLE RAFT and RUSSELL `It Hadto Happewi son6i"Ei\' aL&d1e snanuara tune : the following Lands and premises in the Township of Innisl, in the, County of Simcoe, and being` com-` posed of Lot Number 38 and Blocks" E., F. and G., according to Reg'iste1`-g ed Plan No. 675. "|"1nn nunn,.4.y ...:H 1... -a:....-.x nu. REV. ALQSNNFERRY ROXY mane Monday, Tuesday,.Wednesday, Thurs SPECIAL PRODUCTION FOR 4 BIG DAYS The Screen s Singing Sweethearts Back Again! T13` A1\T'l:'||"l'l|'l'I'l7I '|"'""' ~'`'`"' MacDONAI_,Q Eia J _ . `. Matmcc Saturday 2.30 ON THE SAME BILL-- " 5'; 15.1\:."' - ' "- SPEAK ON r Canadian Life Brotherhood and Dimensional . Power Machine. The most 1`ev0111tionar_\' fuelloss power umchine of all ages. Silver Collection __:. _.-.vv:-w---\pa-I zsan-V A. `Jul-\Jl JJSLLKI 1` Miaiaifnees Monday and Wednesday, 2.30 pm. NOTE-OWing to the high cost of this pictiirc, and other contract ag1'eemen rs over which we have no (~0nt1"o], We are co1`npc11ed to raise our prices a. little for this attraction. Matinees, Adults 23c plus 2c tax - 25c Children 10c Evenings, Adults 320 plus 3c tax - ` 350 Children 10c mg CUHUILIOHS OI sale OI me bOuI'1Z.i On the premises is said to be a very Large, new frame cottage, with modern conveniences. Goming-Robt. Donat in The Ghost Goes West Roxy House of Hits GI-IIC SALE COMEDY AND TRAVELOGUE in Color showing HONOLULU ..___....... `ROSE MARHE Monday; D}}r lay 1 8th JEANETTE BARRIE POLICE E)URT CHAMBERS COLOR CARTOON AND FOX NEWS MAYHZ "l9;:56 ~ Help Ail You_ Can 2 _ SMART FEATURES - 2 THRILL TO THEM TOGETHER! GE ORGE ROSALIND UIUUUIVII CUHVCIIICIICCDU Further particulars and conditions of sale may be had from Evans & Evans, Solicitors for the Plaintiff, Bradford_ Ontario. F. G. Evans, Local Master. Dated at Brarrrie this Uth day of} Nfnv 1926 c ` } 2 D101? EQBAN nu---. ;u- -.._ _ -,_._ 3:23-- {THE SINGIIEG COWBOY) i`n COME AND HEAR DON'T MISS IT _IN_ causing the power in that area to be cut off for several hours while re- pairs were effected. Wires were down over the high\va_v, but no dam- axgo resulted, as the Electric Light Department were on Irrmd "Im- mediately. I Rnnr'11n1- Tnfnv ~nnn.-`no-A.-J 41... an uut:u1uL.e1y. Bouchcr later reported the acu- dcnt to Constable W. R:1._vner, who turned the matter over to Chief Ste\\'z11't, who is investig'ating. Night Shows 6.45 and?) THURSDAY_ MAY 7, 1936. NELE>N We carry a com - plete {I82 0! Har .. an. and -g Ian Phone 405 Evening at Seven Subject: Have We Lost the Individ- > ual in Business, in Health, in Edu-' cation, in the Church ? Are People more Important than Things? Co. What About It ? 1 /\ II` wv Aluu .;uvu-- ;., Miss Elsie C1ough1e_V_ O1'g`anist The United Church of Canada Ialcll l|UI.a Between : Spence vs. Kempenfeldt Land Company Limited, El: ai. Pursuant to the judgment in this cause there will be offered for sale by public auction in one pared with the approbation of the undersigned Local Master, by J. C. Spring, auc- tioneer, at the ` r\llr,-hunt: wits-r-nu us.-5...-. Collier Sl`United Churcl May, 19 3 6. Midland 01-angemen at a recen` sesison decided to accept the offer of Dr. G. E. Tanner to discuss thr recent separate school legislation in a public meeting to be called by the ..--....-...-. .u... uu, nuuu at the hour of -2 o clock, afternoon standard time Hm +'..11...m:,.... 1....,z.~ .,..,: ....n...:--_ .-_x In the Supreme Court of Ontario; In the Matter of The Mechanics Lien Act. `n-.a.--... _ .. . ($"E%11gA\'l REV.1OUf3vPIcKERING MIN-ISTER C \%4ii1er HARNESS W. R. ALLEN BAYPIELD 31* M _----o JUDICIAL SALE OF SUMMER COTTAGE PROPERTY SALVATION ARMY Adjutant and Mrs. A. J. Whiteld Commanding Ofcers ..-\.., Lav nu. QUEEN S HOTEL, ?1n1_ --on- SATURDAY_ MAY Parents Day in the School rm `pm .1. `Vanna: We invite you to worship with us. VISIT OF TOWN OF BARRIE ---.z Friend with You. Alexander Stewart, Chief Constable. 30, 1936 3 p.m.--The `Church School. | Monday, 8 p.m., Young People s Union. 3 `Ivv . . IK .1 "pa ~ ` BARRIE BARRIE Lost~-In Olympia Cafe, Dunlop St., 011 Saturday, May 2nd, pair of white gold rimmed glasses, no case. Finder please reurn to 53 Tiin St. or phone 504. Reward. ipany established in Canada for forty! :years has an [opening for a repre- A progressive Life Insurance Com- 1 sentative in Barrie and district! Training and nancial assistance, in` addition to COn`ln]lSS]0I`lS, will be 3 given to the right; man. Splendid. opportunity for advancement. App1i~ Hsations stating age, geducation and :Box C, in care of this paper. I e.\:perience should be addressed to) E , id... ' The pupils of Miss Elsie Cloughley, iA.T..C.M., will give a piano recital in the auditorium of Central United Church on Thursday evening`, May 14-th. at 8 o cLock. ! For Sale. Cook stove, wood burn- er, in excellent condltnon, cheap. `Apply 69 Victoria St. I Want:-:d-An experienced garden-er who can ;drive a motor car. Full time employment rain or shine. For erms and paritculars apply to W. A. Boys. 1 i i I ---a--- ! Several used pianos, radios an `guitars cheap at J. G. Keenan s. , T ` Reid Murdock, of Toronto, Dis- 'trict Governor, was guest speaker `at the local Lions Club dinner meet- ing last night. Messrs. Darby and M1cQuinn, entertainers, of Toronto,| were also visitors at the meeting andi `.pleased the club with tricks and j ventriloquism. t T ? Lost;-in Allandale district Sun- ; day noon, cream silk flower dvessling. ,Return to 75 Burton Ave. Reward. I REV. E. E. LONG, B.A. B.D. `r Minister ' Lloyd Tutforrd, Organist and Choir-. master. Sunday,.May 10, 1936 11 am. and 7 p.m.-The Rev Chas. H. F01-th_ of Bradford. " v i House for Sale--Eight-roomed brick! `house_ with bath. Reasonable. Ap- `ply Arthur Jay, 101 Cumberland 1 St., Allandale. I V } To Let-Four-roomed at, af `modern convemences, 1n good condx-+ tion. Apply 90 Owen Srt. I } Wanted-Local distributor for` iQuality Food Products. Truck or.` . I ,czu' necessary, and ity dollars to; nn1-nhngn n'nnr]< T.'H'-~1`51] In-n1.. ! :CZll' Ill:`C8SS'cl\l'y, Llllu Hlby UUILLLZD I/U1 , purchase goods. Liberal prots. `Write .-\.dve1*tiser, G16 Harbour Com-` iimisison B`1dg~., Toronto. lLUl'L'l.l. .LIlL'5L` W111 De ITl11l0(1 111. U181` near future. Parties wishing to pay; their taxes IN FULL on or before; May 11th will be allowed 1`/Z2 per! cent. discount. If :1 prepayment has been made, the discount will be; `allowed on the unpaid balance. , A. W Smut. 'r'............-.. Quality horses at reasonable prices. ISL 1)."1l\1\.'1l.`1 1`."L.1I\ \Il\.\JLJ.VL/>3 Friday and Saturday, May 8-9 18 well broken young farm horses. Wallace Guest, Salesman W. O. McKinnon, Proprietor Phone l164_ Barrie. 1- --- e ', Tenders wanted for repairing: ;brick Work and ;*1:-avel roof at 13` Ross St., Barrie. Pu.rticu1ars to Box `B, Advance Ofce, Barrie. : 1 Re Doctor's Hours The public is hereby notied that doctor`s offices will be closed, except for emer_t:encies, on Sundays, statu-. 1to1'y holidays and after 12 o clock; noon Wednesdays throughout the year. `, T)nr-fnve rill nlurnv: kn numl..L.l,.i yu'cu.'. VlCL(r(l; ])(3L1',_V 2, Doctors will always be axmiilablelxvilful tlzunzlxx to look after emergencies in which, L.C.:\. 3, on lease your doctor s office will procure N H-T-N 15, tll lneco:~7sa1'y medical aid. . ldlsml-" im- : R.....i.. M-.::..,| ........: - ..... il'n1_.lnn1 I! nan... : PA RTR.IDGE--At the I um-..:.. M. M,....I.... Wednesday, 8 p.m., the Vllidwcek` Meeting. * %BELL--At Niagarzt : I Friday, May 1, Oliver Boll aged funeral was held Al Lin L.\&Ln... "I" ' I Falls, Ont`... oni I 1936, Riclim-cl Oliver 76 years. 'l`hm from the home; of his brother, Thos. Bell, Om Station on Monday for interment? in Little Brick Church Cemetery, Oro township. McKEE-A1: Cobourgr, on Saturday, May 2, 1936, Mrs. Maria McKee, agzod 94 years. The funeral was, held from the home of her son. Thos. McKee, RR. 2, Barrie, on Monday, 'for interment in Barriel Union Cemetery. ' HTEARD--In Toronto, on Saturday, April 11th, 1936, George Trevorl Heard, youngest son of the late Jas. and Martha Heard, of 13 Ross St, Barrie. 1 i_o..cA LS ':\lV1 JVHJUJU All me n..v. nosp1LaI,' Barrie on Monday, May 4, I!).'{(;,i, to M1`. and Mrs. Ernest Pz1rtri The Woodlands, Shanty Bay, :uJ daughter. ' AT BARRIE FAIR GROUNDS lZ`..:..l.... ..._.l C..L......I_.. MI... 0 n TENDERS FOR REPAIRS NOTICE RE TOXOID HORSES FOR SALE WANTED--A MAN SPECIAL NOTICE Sunday, May l0_ 1936 11 a.m.-Disappointed But Not Defeated. Crusaders Bible Class at 2 p.n1.: Men s Class in Board Room at 3 Va IIIUUXUHI ill\lu ` Barrie Medical Association.` uu: unpauu uzuzulce. A. W. Smith, Treasurer. DEATHS BIRTHS R.V. TIospitaI,! , r-hncf, pruwfv-C:|:r.. I DEMONSTRATION IN 3. SAFETY EDUCMIBNQ ---- i Major Harold Ballan-tyne, director} of physical education and safety in! the Kitchener public schools, gave an! inter-esting talk and del]10I15`I;l`.ut.l011 on saiety in the Collegiate Auditor-I ium on Friday evening last. The Burric Board of Education has for some time been (:0ntCmpl1`tll1~g' tlic` introduction of safety e(l'ucution in the local schools, and Major 1>'a11an-l tyne was invited to come and tell` just how the Kitchener schools cz1r1'yj~z m1. ! U11. I The attendance, apart from t.hc' teac-hers, membe1's of the Board of Education and school pupils, was not large, but all present were deeply` interested in the talk and demon- stration given. 1 A `nlnnelnrr fnnfnu-n 111-my-ntlinrr l\/ll-,1- bLl'd|.rlUll g"lVl.`ll- 5 A pleasing feature preceding Mia-` songs by u. group of twenty second and third book pupils, one octette, ` which had won first prize at. the Sou~t;h Simcoe musical festival at, Cookstown earlier in the day. Mrs Helen Burde-tt directed the songsters and the selections were well re- .ceived. I | `M..:..`. D-11....4.....,. ...1... .....- :__i.... ` ljor BalIantyne s talk was three part, I 2ut:1vt:u. Q Major Bellantyne, who was intro-' dueed by Mr. F. Dobson. chairmxan of the Board of Education said that safety education should start in the kindergarten grade. He had a series` iof picture cards with timely sugges-i gtl0TlS along safety lines. If children b-ecome safety conscious, there will _be very few accidents. Six years; agro Kitchener started the sa['et_\'I prosrram and there has not been a; fatal accident among: the school chil-\ dren since. Short talks are given,_ and demonstrations as a part of 111. | school curriculum. The children be-! `come interested and practice the} `lessons taught. The danger of rid- ing two on a bicycle; of roller skat- ing on the streets; of climbing on ,the rear of a moving: truck; of eat-j ring ice from a passing ice wagon; of knowing` what to do when a broken Hydro pole is found on the; ground, etc., were all illustratugd ini picture: shown. Th r-ln:-intr \l .-iinv T).'V"I1n`\'11n '--1:111 standard time l inl the , The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid fixed; by said Local Master. The p`ur- chaser shall pay on the day of thel sale 10 per cent. of the purchase: money and shall pay the balance of the purchase money into Court with- out interest Within 30 days after date! of sale. Adjustments to be made as of date of sale. In all other respects the conditions of sale are the stami- ing conditions of sale of the Court.l nn +l1n rn-n'n1'icau in coir? +I\ Rn I\ Diphtheria Toxoid for children of; pre-school age will be administered at the Children s Shelter on Wednes-` day and Thursday, May 13th and 14h. Ages (of children from six months to ve years. Names of chil-, dren A to M1 on May 13th, N to Z' on. May 14th. ` Dr. A. T. Little, M.O.H.` TAXES * Town of Barrie, 1936 The tax bills for 1936 taxes have been mailed or delivered, except those on which arrears are to be en- tered. These will be mailed in the` wishing to nuv. I)1(.'Lul'CS SHO\VI1. - In closing )1-:1-jor Ballantyne said` {that if his coming to Barrie would: `in any way result in action being! ;'taken to start a safety educatlou, Icampa.i_<:n, he would be Well repmd. ! I\In, i.\`n)' H. C. Pnhm-+.:n'n in rn.-fnnrL= uzuupau_;u, 114.: woulu up wen repala. I I 'in_<.r thanks to the spertker, said the ltalk and demonstration given by |Majo1' Ballan-tyne, he felt sure, con- ivinced all present of the need of safety educa.tion and assured the |co-operation of the town council in Iany move that might- be made in !Bzu'1'ie along the suggested lines. l\IIE`:-_\'01` H. G. Robertson in extend-* i v ! According to the monthly report: lof Chief R. J. Wolfenden, the Bar-! `lrie fire brigade h'a.d only eight calls-_ .du1'ing April. Of these four were` `chimney res, three grass res and` one was a call to Tollendale In In-f Enis township. The loss reported; at these res was nil. Last. month `the brigade held only one re_9;u1a1`5 meeting` and one special meeting. 3 7 The only call the 1`0111Z1I1 have: had so far this month was on Mon-' day morning` to a chimney re ati the home of Mrs. Quinlan, 137 Owen 4 St. No damage resulted. | ____j _ J '...,y-,u, ,n:uu_v ulll'lL 4 l!lVL`SIL1}2_'1L1Tlg'; Hvilful dznnzuxe 3, warned; breach of cnnvi(:tr~d; bronch of x'H.'I`.A. thirteen convicted one brt-nch of town parlcing `by-law (3, convit-ted; ln'(~:u-11 of` town :l)y-lmv 270, I (Ii. pr-Lty c'0m- 1lpl:Lint,.s' 21 all nLtnn to. iF`IRE BRIGADE ANSWERED ' 1 EIGHT CALLS IN APRIL} 1 L I :POLlCE FINES AND COSTS V 3 5 Accordinp: to Chief Alex. Stew-' fn1't .< report subnuittnd to council on `Monday night, nes and costs colicct- ml by the police (l(:p:n't,1nen:t in` [April totallr-(1 $1155.25, while 42 of- !fcnc(~s and complaints were 1'e;!;is- ;t(:r(-(I as follows : ; Tl:-nnlzlv... ....,l ,..1..._:,.,, 4 TOTALLED $155 IN APRIL,` ruun-u as IOHONVS: > B1-eukinyz and 0I1'tr&1`ing' 1, con- ivictml; putty U1("ft`, 2 investigatlng; (lzumuxe 3. w:1rnml- hrnzn-11 m` |.\ll_L',llLl_V h'll'zlKt`H Up. D `Chief Stewart and 0`1corJ:1s. \MacGrcg.or investigated, but no charges will be laid. TO SHUT OUT GAMBLING AT AC-RlCULTURAL FAIRS A. J. Carroll, Ontario Supcrintend-' lent of Agricultural Societies, ad {dressing 3. meeting at Lindsay Ins! lweek stated that he wished do ,':e* lthe reaction of fair boards to the Government s proposal to banish all semblance of _gr:1mbling' at fZ1i1`.S It {is proposed to eliminate by Iegislv {Lion burlesque shows, gypsies and `fortune teI1inr:,_ dicc games, puncn `boards_ etc. The consensus of opin iion of representatives from the ;Counties of Durham, Peterboro and iVictoriz1 was that grambling of all? i'ypes should be eliminated. ' , _____, LICENSES FOR 1936 Those who have failed to procure license for 1936 must do so by I\Ia;.'} 15th. This applies to trucks, taxi` cabs, curb gasoline pumps, poo`.-i rooms, second-hand stores, stox'es,i etc. Those failing to procure license` by th eabove date will be proszcut-I ad | E 'I`l`m.-- Sumlril;,ro_- rusi(l(:nl..~; n;u'row-l. `ly vs(::xpr-cl .~a:-ri0u.~: injury ycsL~rd:1_V1 |nl'turnom1 wht-I1 the cm` in which H |Lhvy wu.-rv driving south on hi;:hw:1_v I" 5 ll ova-rlurm-I at the 1-usvt, uml of 1 L111: town. t ` A I'l.........l..a. 1.4,, , u m . ILTHREE ESCAPE SERIOUS 1 INJURY WHEN CAR UPSETS LIME LUWH. A (Jhc-vrolut coupe l]I`iV(!1I by Sam. (3. Sh(`H(.'I1l)('!'};` struck :1 lump on the highway just, il1.~`i(l<-, the town lilnits at the ovu.s't and and v<:u1'e(l z1c1'o.~'.~: the roadway. The driver lost con- trol and the cur u1't.<:r crossim: tho south ditch, rolled over :1 fence and came to :1 stop in it eld. The car was badly dzunaged. nhlv nnn nrlnnnnni nf' Han nun 1\rHm. v i ywus uzuuy (l&uHU.[.','(3(l. ' Only one occupant of the car, Miss C}12'istie, was hurt. suering an in "iurerl back. She was attended by !Dr. N. Rogers. The driver and an- `other lady pasgonger were only [slightly shaken up. I '(Th1'n`F Rtmmnrt nnd nmmw Tau The Northern Adva1.ce Ill-ll'bUh l'L'hlUUIlCL'. ` l Nzutionul Hospital Day is :1 day] set. apurt for mutual exchz1np;e of zacquuinfcanee and un(le1*stz1n(lin;_.:; u !day on which the community is in l L: vited to get better acquainted with] 7 our hospital and on which the hos-' `l ; pital has :1 chance to get better ac-l V,quainte(l with the community. `{ 'I`he 12th of May is the anniver-I ssary of the birth of Florence `V Niglitingale. Miss Nightin[.:ale s ti work in hospital development; and in 1 ,nursin,<: is so universally known her} v birthday was considered an a.ppropr1- 0 ate date for Hospital Day. u Mzinv nnnnln nnlv H-uinlz nf` hncni- I V, i.L...'lzH, 1l'Ulll Z L0 U ]_).Hl. ` (~ Visitors will be shown all depart-' `ments of the hospital, and before leaving the Women's I-I?o.~:pit,al Aux- liliary, assisvted by the lflorence Nig~]1ting;ale Assoc.izi.tion and the, `Numes Alumnae Association, will serve 21 refre.s=l1ing cup of, tea at thel `nurses residence. l l rm. :.\....1 u,....,:o..i n.... :.. .. .l....l i'.UvU Uilubkf .lUl` l-lUNl)llzbll. JJZ1y. y Many people only think of hospi- `tals and the work they are doing when immediate care, to themselves or some one near them is necessary. ! 'P:1tinnt< `frirznrix Viuif. H1mn nrul :P_UBLlC INVITED TO INSPECT i HOSPITAL ON TUESDAY NEXT , , ____..__. \ ' The Board of Managers of the Royal Victoria Hospital again invite} `the people of BaI`1'ic -and vicinity to! {visit the hospital on 1`ucsduy, May :l`.J~l,h, from 2 to (5 p.m. \/iifnvr: \\7l hn uhrnun 2| 1lnnnv~l*_! Faust. a--. v: unu- ness and also makehmnous

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