Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 7 May 1936, p. 5

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\\il U.UUll.`1lL`l,l. The north ;:1'oup d. four teams, three B" Utopia, Mino.~:in_2 mm! 3 Staymir guttixlg b_\'<,- p1z1_\'o`.<. while the best B teams W11 battle Vgfto mcach the n:,1l.<. 1.-nun ... ,..unnn,.,-\,l no` J.l1ul'htl':l_V 1u_4=nL. The service of song p1'0s0ntc by! the Bumon Ave. choir last. Sunday night was very wellzxtstemletl. The numbers rendered will be sung ml the fortlxcoming musical fo.~;tival at; 3 Midland. I L1_ll._ : l\Llll1i1llU- Holly Guild Entertaina ; The Holly Dramatic Guild pro.-:cnt-' C'(l their one-act play l"hat .s \V:l121t: They All Say at tho .VIomla_\' ni_2`l1Li` n1e(.-tin-_9: 01' the l~lu: con .'-\\'<-. Y.P.S.i The play was \'l'_V -.L1nush1_:;~ und well di1'0cl.cd_ the pzlrts being well taken. The theme was an excellent phiIo. phy of the working out of life : problems by newl_\'wuds. Le.1(lin;: '1'ol0.' were played by Miss M. Ford `and my Loup:heed. Parts were taken by Mrs. PL-rcy Bloug-h, M1`.~'. ` leg. S1'ig'le_v, Rll.-g. S1'i_u'lc_\', Ed.: S1'i_r1c-_v, Edward Johns and Gordon! .. .....l ,.1,.....:..._ ...._..I_.__.,.. 1 uuu DE. bulna1`111es U11 D'cLLU.l'U'l_V. Mrs. David M~agloug'111i.n, John and Bellva Munroe motored `to Caledon East on Wednesday to visit the t`ormer s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John` .\h<.< Rnllvsu Wlnnrnn nf I-Tnnfc. L.um._y Miss Bellva Munroe, of Hun ville, has returned home after sper. ing; her holidays with friends .`-Xllandale `and at Big Bay Point. Parker Mc1\I-illin returned home Saturday. Tr A]? Y.3+Hn nf qnnn 1-7nr't` L'EDLlH/CU Ill it l1`dl.'LLlL'L`U. Jkl\\v'. M1`. and Mrs. R. Ch:11.ten and Maurice Hanna spent the week end` in Lindsay and Petorboro. q`h.'x />nI11*fr< nf` H19 AH-.n1r`n]n 'T`r.n..] ' JUIIIIS. Music and elocution supplemented the progzram, Mrs. R. Sri,:1e_\', ';\`Iiss Ford, Mrs. Fred Brown Helen Haw lthorne, Geo. Whitehurst and Jack `B10305! doing numbers. The Burton `Ave. _voun.g' people served refres`n- |men17s to the Visitors" at the close of -the evenin;,r ;< entertainment. 1 Black Preceptory Visits Craiqvale ! The Royal I 12ick.Precep_tory, No. `G01. Allandale, pzud their second} fraternal visit to the surroundinyz (od_2_'e;<, paying` their respects to} iCrai5:vale last nightt. The purpose fuf these visits is to create a more ybrothe-'rly spirit and feeling: among the lodges. r)1I1'in(r fhrn UK Tn1n1r.rHni+n T)-_~r `DIR, lULl'gU35. I ` I I During: the v1. Immmilaste Past i -Precrrptor S. J. Reynolds was pro-| ,.wn,-ntrd \\'i`t.h the past p1'ccL-p',tor .~,~1 ijcwel by Fast Preceptor W. J.l !l\`Iunroe. Following the presentation speeches, community singing, led by T. J. Williams at the 0119:2111 aml C. M. G;. Smith playing the piano- accorrlian and 1'cfr0. conclud-i ul 1111 (-n_io_\':1ble social ow-nIn;_g. l .'-\.< \\'il.l1 om-h \'l\`lf' )V1:\rl:- 11. uu an L'll.|U_\ilIJ1\.' auclzu L`\'L'lllIl}.. w1't.h each visit made. number iI1C]'0LlSC-`.~T. t\vent_\'-ve Knights are expvctoc`. to make journvy to llidlzmd on .VI.':_V 21st. TAXI DRIVE; CHA.RGED WITH RECKLESS DRlViNG l!il_`v y -Uil_`. `J-ll laid by Prtovil Gibson and C. the accurzcd. (-::.<*c occupied in_: and pm ! 0 Thv u<:(ridrn of Bayc,-Id S1 'X`hu1`s(i:1' ~\'u1' Dz1..<`n. who '}:xk(-ry ,t1'u<- k on hi_L'hw:1_\' 2 turn into his (-M St. Jllsi hij:11\\':1)' h(. w h\` :1 Blur Ta 1) wry. John D01: he has chun ing, but as for 1)I'zlCU(`<` inur n`.:1\'h:\ i D1"l_)'. Hr;r_\', who \\':x.< drivin_Lr m ((1 out to pn.~'< another c1`:1. into 1)21. on the 01' th(- hi_Q'h\\'ay. The ac mittvd ha \vz1>: tI'z1V(:llin:: The final nu-r:t,ing of ('oHi(.-1` St. (3hu1`c \'.`;1.~` hold on 'l`ut_-.~`duy 421 spl(.-ndid ut`u-mlanua;-. .~'upp(-1' wzls s01'v<-(1 E Ilnn \' WQ -nu] -1 hi-hr final for the .~:e,-:1. ('l1u1'ch l\len'.s Club c\'cnin_<.:, with (it An excellent by the girls of Lhu Y.l .S. and :1 brief p1`og'r21m `fol- l()\\'I,`(l. ln;=puL-1.01` .\lc-Vittry led in :1 5511;,->20lLL" and Tom Hall, of Owen Sound, contril)ut<,-rl two vapprccizltccl songs. . \V R \Tnnrn cnnkr. hrinflv nn hi: >Ulu_{.:. I W. S. Moore spoke briefly on his 1-<-cr-nt trip to California. which was most intc1`v. in information. LI 1 H:.\f11 vi:-n_n1~n.-itlnnf nrn. IUUFL lll|.L'l'l .`L1H_L', lll HIJUXIHRLLIUII. H. J. Heath, \'iCC-Dl`(.'.a`i(1Cnt. pru- sidod and rn\'iuwe(I some of tho ac- ti\'il.i0.\' that the club might undc-.r Lake. H. Buchanan announced that the work of 1-o1mi1's to the basement of the church \\'u.'< well on the way. Ow-1' $80 had been spent only re- (-ent1_v, but there were a few unpaid hills. The plate was p:x.<.=e(l around um! $26 collected. I"mu.n:H.-.,.. nv-1. hnirur u1.`nIIf`nl` Fnvl (UNI $50 COll(.`l'|L H. Con1mit.ter-.< are being: selected for the fall and winter activities, and further repziirs in the basement will he undc1-tukcn. It was decided to hold 2; picnic some time in June. RLLRALE COLLIER CHURCH MEN'S CLUB The sale of Scotch Shorthorns at Oakeld I-`A:-..rn1. owned by Murphy Bros. near Orilliu, was a pronounced .~:n(-(-<-.<.< lust \\'(`(`k. Five bulls aver` um- H03 and HS fmnaxles $1(32..I0 each. VLILUIL M 1'. kl!` HI;L_\UI: .`lIl for the p::<.~:t out he has 1 wi 11 rc-ti re hzmpon that ` niuinn kn u'H Luzx_y '. Aif. Litt returned 1 .-....`L A 3.... Ill \\ilb on hour. C , ma.) 1.` 'm_\', 119, taxi drivel`, 55)` app-earcxl before .\Iz15:i.~.- on \ V'cdne.~:dz1_\' mornin_u .11 reckless (112-iving: in with an accident Whichl r~.....41,..- `V\\4-1'] n-;..,.- I -11. lHa.1llL' ll H5lL"lllUl(l at 302 Buy- as he pulled 0fT thr- v:1.~= . from b(,-hind 21:~;i d1-iv<.-n by younyg mm, home UJ ` ilHUl1IL'J' Cllr I -1, Ivft uccu.~iod over UH. DLUIIH acctdent South Pom an l\Ionduy Ir`-rlirr-hf \vPv` north, pull- er car and he side] nu...-. -n.l .. J L'l.`I`Hl lll replace. Tm. L Hunts- ` s1\end~ mar}: 11* nu thy LILLLII3-JRJ VJ-M \n3 ' Mrs. W. F. Orchard and two littlul (lzxugrhters, of Port Dover, are g;ue.~.'t.~' of R115. A. Ronald. 3 M1`. and Mrs. H. .\IcEw:u.n, son; loss and 1\Irs. Houston were in, Orangcvillc on Sunday attending thv funeral of Mr. McF.wan s father. 1 VTV I311!` `.\I.:- flnn (`u--nx-fnml -M,` I liluln I 1\Ir:~:. J. W. Orchard arrived from iTrenton last week and is getting: Set- ptled in her home in the villagrc. Mu: |21nd ;\Irs. Cyril White are occupying. `part of the house. ` T]nr\ Vnnnrr nnnn]n n1" `I-.z`m]n1-T -.n':=` 1)Zll'b Ul bill.` HUUBU. The young people of Va`m1o1'I.' aw putting: on :1 missionary service, part of which is in the form of 21 play, Ion Sunday evening next in the Uni .- `ed Clmrch. There will be a : -collection. Waiter Downey is having :1 hou; erected on his propt-1't_\' next to tha- mzmse. Houses to rent in the vil- lage are at :1. premium. * a About 60 men will be taken from the .\Lidd1and relief ranks soon and given cmpployment for ca:~.11 \\':l_`_'CS. when the town :~'ec1u'o.< the dwed for 21 wood lot which has been plum-hzl:-`M ! lb)` the VV<>]fzu`r: Committee. lUIlUL'iJ.l UL `V11 . .JLCl'1\`\iLllb LLILIICI. NI)`. and M S. G-co. Crawford at-` tended the func-`al of the late I\I1'.' 1{11i11c}m.rt in Stayncr on Saturda;.-` iast. f ?\1'..u T VAT f\.-,.1r.nurl n\~IvI'1vnt' {`u\.u` h 15': G.G. ls the highest medical grade oil obtainable from any of the I Eucalyp of Australia. znd It is imported direct from Aus- 1 tralla ln cmde form. l 3rd It is rened and steam-washed In Toronto. Canada. I All impurities such as gums, resin and Iron are removed by this i rening. replace. -~ The kc_\'.~:tone looks, to be taken care of with the turning` out of Norman .\Izu`klo. fo1`me1*I_v of thu- Owvn Sound `;\Ii11`Ionz1irn:<. and Doug Ra1n: of last Sr-a. sqlmd. Tom H:1w= is nidinr: his usual good ;:z\me ut shm`l,. and if his h2lHiY`lf_ uh-ks up looks sure to cop it. Dalton! 1; GLG. Extract does not leave that stale odor and never loses Ms rm.-m+h 16:11 i Its C1neo`lj content! which is the eoognize ed.uca' angled! eat in {Eucalyptus mOi1s exceeds 80% whereas the ordinary B.P. Stand.- ard is set at 70% Clneol. whyinase on Get the genuige G.G. Extract from your druggist.-or from AI.IS'I'RALIAN DRUG COMPANY 75 Dacha; Street, Toronto Phone: WAvrlzy 452! i BARGAIN FARES - MAY 7th -- FROM BARBIE J. U a:u.u. 1.1 '? J.U \IUUvUvvuu, uyu....v , ._._v_.-- -.._, Quebec City, $10.55; Ste. Anne de Beaupre, $i1.15 ~ ROUND -rmp mass Tickets, Farc`s` TI`z1n.~`.it Limits and Informution from Ayzonts. Ask for I-Iandbill. MAY 8 and 9 - To Ottawa, $6.20 ; Mgntreal, `*` (H111! um-g aca- Phone 117 Paces 25. :i0c. 65:. 90:: F011 db-econs with each bottle Garden Seeds-~12 Dutch Sets-2 lbs. . . . . . . . . . Potato 0nions-1b. . . . . . .. . F. COURTNEY, PRESIDENT 3. E3. Wim 8: CO. Specials at Wisdom s This Week Grocers and Butchers, Allandale )1/Irs-I/\r\ 11"] 'I3`|a:u-..-. 11"? LICKULH HIBU BUIU `(IL ill! kl ro c.r\}.R, STATIONS in uri'(\l`}\.`l;l:|4'.l.i\."\`i`E`. bl;EV(3`\ /INCES ,,-| -, . 1u.._._ D...._-......I. . D..:...... IT.-!umvA Ieland 2 Nnvn S:-nli CANADIAN NATIONAL Ripz Tomatoes E Sweet Potatoes K/olV.l\, DI/`\Il\./IV.) ll| l'II"\l\lIll'|L. I I\\/V|I1\JL--l > of Quebec; New Brunswick; Prince Edward Island; Nova Scotia _ .- POT ROAST BEEF . . . . ._ . . . . . . . FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES IVIIN G: .' Hl;l)U(Z ' maybe L. nu Dressed Roast Pork Jelly Veal Macaroni and Cheese Loaf Headcheese (homemade) Bologna" W einers and Boiled Ham Store Close.-:1 Wednesday Afternoons (Tickets also sold at all adjacent C.;\'.R. Stations) xi n (V`1'A"1'I/`\klC` - |\AADI`l"ll\/[C DDf\\ll \. uuvu Carrots, Etc. Ill` and! ........ K Pineapples IV;-inn` s\IlHI(.` Vi IHJZICC. 1` 312'. and .\11'.<. Alvin V\/ebb visited `xvi-1.11 Rev. and Mrs. Jas. Brown at .\iu1ton on Sunday. Hm` many friends are pleased to `know that NI.1`.<. Boz1dw21y is improv- ;ing nicely and is home from the 1 h0>:pit:11. I\I1`.~;. llix ;spa-n1. Sunday with her .~'i;u-1", .\1:~.~;. '1'i11c_\', in l`o1-onto. UL`vpc:'L ayniputliy is extended to .< M: "cs Orchard, who `!"I}cc1\`cd `.: 1 .4 'r'1........I.,.- ml` Hm. ,l,.m'h nl 1h gtllc J11: ` Unznuxu, \\ lword 1:151 T`11u1's(1`a1)' 01' `their :'i:`u*`.', Mms Bcrtlm lhong l n:>2:ch, C2'.1i1'o1"nia. A ....m1n..- 1'vnIn hm-u TPETERBORO MINISTER - COMING TO THORNTON Thornton United Church has ex- tended an unanimous call to Rev. L. `l\IcDonald. of l ete1'bo1'o, to succeed `Rev. lVIcCo1`mz1ck as minister. The call has been iziicccpted and the `cl1z111y.:`c b<,~come.< efl'ective July 1st. Trinity United Church, -Collinga iwood, at :1 recent congregational imeeting extended :1 call to Rev. A. iS. l\'e1'1', E.A.. of Bowmanville, to i.~'Ll(`('1:(-(l Rm-v. Robt. Brydon, who has ri;-. d owing: to ill health. It is 1m that tev. Kerr has ac- ('l,`})`L(:(l and will assume his duties in Colling'\\'ood on July 1st. , iov. H.211-old Vauyzhan, of Mono |Mill.<, has receiv(-d a call to Brad- iford. which he l1`d.S accepted. Bmvj-JJ1WJT [ L%$w3FjM,9% )1) . and Mrs. Chas. Deering re- turned to their home in Aurora af- ter .~:pL-11(li11_g" Lhu winter with Miss ` .\nni(.- \ \":\1lacc. ` 11.. \1... ,\1m'n \\/'nL.k uim'+..A `I-!1(:H` 5 LWL`, .\1l.~.~ uurum uxuuuu, ul- `Long 1 A numb:-r from here enjoyed the iW.l. music f('5ll\':.ll held at Cooks- ltown on llay 1st. Bliss Grace G.or~ gdon, Phylli.~: Galloway and Doreen l'\ll"._`l'll \\'l31`1` c011Le.~'t,z1n~L~' from here, land ulthougll not among the prizu l\\'i1u1e1'.~', p<':1'l'o1'n:ed vc-ry c1'e(litL1bly. i On S;1Lul'(l:x)' evening :1 severe g\\'ll1(l and cl:-ctric storm passed OVCI. `lien:-V. unmol'n1g' barns belonging to lwm. Black, Lou Irving and Jas. iBoot.h. Ml". Ben Webb's .Lr1'aIn ele- |\'zxto1' at L`1'zug\':1le was .~:.`L1'uck `uy ; li_;'lm1i11g`. . l n `\`nn:l:|\* \l. I\Y lnl ;l`I_ f,l1(`!`(` \Vlll 1 21.111. I Recent \'i.<.i1.o1's included Mr. and :f\I'rs. Wm. Scott, of Toronto, at Angus Wz11`nica s; Harry Luck, Grace und Richard Muir and Miss Jackson, `of To1'ont.n, with ;\I1'.<. B. Webb; Mrs R0bin.~'on with her sister, 'M.r;-: ]S1n'ou1.r; Miss E. Flath, D. Eames `and Mr. E\I:1hon(.-y, of Toron-to, :11 IR:-\'. L. S. Pz1is1e_\"s; Mr. and `Mrs. ('h21.'<. Rr>hin; of Bzlrrie, at Herb. \V:\1121cv .<. M1`. R. Addison, of Orillia. spent the w vnd at his home here. Knox Church service on. Sunday at 7.30 1).m. q,,.~.,v;,-n -.+ Kr Pr~fnr s at 11 a.m.. /..-;u p.m. Service at St. P0t01"s at 11 a.m., St. 'Paul s 1.30 p.m.. St. John's 3 p.m., St. James 7.30 pm. u_~'ntn1ng'. On Sumlay, .\1:1y 10th, t] be L1 special 13 urcnts Day gut the United Church S.S. ples Spinach Cauliower STRQUP CRAIGHURST H'l_\ UL LHLI UULLLII U1'ChL\l d, 6',-.11.. 24 Maple Ave. 1'>`1I6I{e"1'i7' Page Five .500 .15c t}1en- will I lwogrzun S. at 10.30 .120 Your Coal `STOVE COAL-Per Ton NUT COAL-Per Ton .. EGG COAL--Per Ton PEA COAL-Per Ton . .. Eleven Teams ig,w;_Enter Simcoe Softball Asse.; [l\.' [);I'>.b a(:\"1uL avusuun ID wulu he hovmmz . and 1'ct.ire with it. If it should :11 he does stick to his dw- L he will bu mi.<`.. and hard to .- .' 3 SPBRT GLEAMNGS ANTE-ERACETE. Lewis & Robertson H1g'C(l HIS IHIIIH ilUUllL I`l,`L-ll ho vontinues to show up] wv have. grot to think- iL ~.< :1 new glove he needs since the mitt hp 1111.: u: ~4- ,v/\qvn\~7\` r-I\4|Fl\7'I.' h- u_vn!'v1` ilI|l.\ the ruvu 4-. L()\\' l Hl(`.IS ()X D. & H. CONE CLEANED h.'\\'0 Hm of the -(MTG: nal `.\'innr31 ;1`oph_\'. J Dill I it,` .'\HlH|` Si_q11:11le1`s and 'Fh1`m- team.-'.. J`c_-\v1`na1'k~L and" , for the : and .'~\urm'z1 as II.` HlclUl' ! and one ;VI';1'dh1I rst. I\ 41... THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1936. -:2:-1-1-n .v|llI.luLll BL. into the L -.t` tl... L ` the th1:(`(! the right *1 nun?-H . ('l,`llLl'L` .-\H;m- All }Jc`.1l\(u;.; UL Id1.`_. ,\.' I | trucks 54 3]; | Double pzu-king . . 5 54] [ Ten-minute parking ` : Sziturday nights . . 32 16 As the replies would indicate, and also from notations, it would .`L`\`Hi L11-.1t the use of couitesy tags is very desirable. . Those c.\:p'1'essing themsilves in` favor of double parking qualifim their zansxvers by saying only in case of <-n1m'_u'cncy to pick up a paicsl and when car has an attendant. u\.. AA G...L...., ." .......L4 .~,...._ ..,. Lows . The qucstjonaire was placed in practicaflly all the business Dlaces on Dunlop and Elizabeth Sttreets from L\Iulcus1.c1' . Lo High St, the first block of Baycld St. and Clapperton. `St, and in Allandale. n-I\.. h....l.... ..n.l L`Hn.n1\n.f1n Q4-c HIIU \\l1L'H Cilf l1d.S Kill ULL-Ullklillll. it As -to Sauttu1'day night, sgme lquo. 15 minutes. A nnnwhnv 4111--xrnqfnrl f}1:\V 1 l!l,l{`.`,~LL'{l 1 I) llllH'.lLL'b. A number suggested that the I new 1'(:_g`ul:1t1'o11:~t should be widely eul- vurtisctl and the country people Cir L'L1ll'1.('(l through the Women's In- grill-Lil-Cr! and Fz11`n1or.~t` Clubs. ' 'l`he1'o were six replies from Al ll:111(l::4le and the zxnswtrrs were about fH't_v-I`11't_\'. nxcr-pt. for com`tr=sy 'u1._.r< lto be '.l.\'L'(l and no pz11`kin.: of lzu'g'r } .1'uck or double parlcimz. DL, 21114.1 11]. ."\ll}J.llUi1lL`. i O11 Dunlop and Elizabeth Sts., [from Mulcaster to M2_1rySvt.., 112 I qlxc-..~:tio:1ui1~es were given ouvt and 5!) 1'~`[)ll(,`d. A number expressed them- ` .~'.el\'cS us not being affected and pre- Iferred to leave the matter to those [who were concerned. Of the fty-nine replies, opin- ions were as follows : I mm. A ,...:.1..o- , ______ `DECREASE lN COUNTY l `g PENSION LIST IN APRILI From replies received in answer! in la, questionaire on parking, sent out by the Ba-rrie Business Men's Club, Gordon Long-man, chairman of Civic Affairs Commitntee, reporbea to council on Monday night as fol~ lows : H T`1-H. r1|In:~+:r\nI):V`() urn: nlnnnil in in. Lust. uscason. Frank Courtnc-_\_', of .\'c\m1a1'ket.,` vice-p1'usidx:-:11 1; I`; .\'\>::z" w..~ ulcctutil to the pr;-.~.'idcncy, . .~`\rL'hiu 1\'1arshal1. Z\`o1'man ,.\IcLeo(l, of Brad ford, was 1`e:tu1'no(l 21:` \'iuv-;.)rc.~:idunI, and Geo. Goring wu.~; rc.-turned 21.4! I I s<:c1`cta1'y-t1-casu1-er for his fth `con- secutive term. CIo11n~m-r of Lln thme groups are: South, I\'ormzm McLeod, Brudfo rd; Ccxmx-, Biii Garner, Barrie; ;\'o1'th Jack Spm-k,` Stayner. ` 'T"\x'n Haunt nI' vn-vinr T1\1nn\:-fun.-u I E i Only sixteen applications for old ugze pension were granted to resi- ,:!c11t.< of Simcoc County during the_ month of April by the O1d'A_:e Pen-` sion (`,`onnni.~:; This is the small- ` Ln! r\v\r\1 `DJUH \,UIa'lHll.`.lUH. llllh It `-IIU blllLIll"l ,1-st number of app1ic~u-tions to be` 7p:mnt<-(1 for : years. .`-\gwa.ins1 this there were twenty-nine deaths, making: at net decrease of thirteen in the county list. v....+ .~.,...+1. +1.,` ,.,.....+.. ..1n..1,v.! BUSINESS MEN REPLY 3 TO PARKING PROBLEMS. LXH.` (.'ULlI1Ly USL. | I.-ust month the county clerk s' ofiicc received and forwarded to thei provincial commission fteen naippl`i`-! cations, which are still pending. No r<:l used applications or cancellations were reported in April. The sixteen new pen. are from the fo1lowin_: municipzxlltlesz Collingwood 1, :VIid1and 1. O1'il.1ia 4, Vctorizi Harbor 1, Noizxwzxsasxa 1, O1'illlZ1 Twp. 1, Tecumseth 1 Toy `3,_ l`in_\~ 2, V'c-: 1, House of Refuge! 1. Total mg 1 llil `.\h`.-=. ICdw:u`d J. Luig-h. 1'-`-.< d(-nt of Oro dwd at ` on Saturdzav in her 76th 4\I\ CIT-,~,.. .-Inn.)-I11 rnnn an , of .<(:Vn- survivr-d by her (1;mg'ht(*rs, Mrs. pm! Max `V. B. 1 11 Co1'b(at)t is out for third u:::1in mull with Felix I.01'tu.<, of Pl1(-Ipston, (ml the list, that position is well in hand.` lion Wz1ll.< has bonn ch:1sin::,f nrounrl in the left y::n`(len. llzinkrulg by .\lcl'{t.-11zi- in (.`L`I1t1'L: .':iu_l 5;.-.,. 1'i;:ht. Thcsc: lads were last .s'(,'il>'O]1 >I rogrulurs and are the best (}l(l{?Y'.w' in tlw ~,:1'oup. Trc-punier of Camp R01`-5 rlt-n will bu krpt on the list as l..:I:+. n.nvR;.Idm- . LIN` gxuup. I ll`ll< [utility outt.-ldvr. An5.:-lo parking . . . . . ` Pam.-.1'1cl parking T'11i1't,y minutes . . . . . Sixty minutes . . . . . . Strict enforcement C0111-Lc.~:;v' tags . . . . . . No pa1`kin.: of large fvnl-lru >)laLl)lll.`1'. Two items of major T`1`.1p01`LzlIh.'u' were discussed and :1m(`n(l(`(l to flu constittition. Teams rcpr-c. im:o1"po1`;1ted villages and towns will be classed as A teams and L-earns from rural communities will be in the B -class. '1`l1u rule stutiiig that 'plzLye1'.'~: 'living' out of towns and vil- lz1_9_'es Could not play with town teams no mi:LttC1' how close, but \V0`.ll(i l'1Z1V(: to go to tlw 0ut>,i(le ti-um xix-:12-,~. was abolished. '1'-..\ v\:\\u-`Q ICI`l\\II\ 7, ......l., u1v\ .-(` L` {`HU]'H1UU$ .`}UHl U1 T1-3.-J-)U,L.. .i7.l*-) t'r.~d01':11 tz1x and still did not at- Him; to bz11:m('e her hu(I;rr:t. And " _\'(~:1r about $2,000.000.000 ox- .1 nm.=t b}- r:1ised in'c:1. to mr-ct w_- bonus. Th(-.<<- jzurc-.~' `r-H1 zommvhzxt 1:xry:c:. and yet the. <-with of the Joun-tr}: :-13-n1.s to ah-` n-h thrxm wiihout too much ('ff0I`i.5 \V. 1). 1nd .\h'.~' Phone 9 1 Stzltos in 1935 1';Li:<(.-(1 sum of $3.-'350.229.'71:3 . 4:11 ...` J A2,! AL I J. 1_n'-j.';I|. u Hu--zuHj.',: Hawkesncmoi year, after} 1-TL11 n1onth.'~'. Sh`, isi husbzmd and three. G1ad_\'< .\(:V:J.d(l0n Forrr- Hawkt--' r'.<. A. G. I`udhope,E For Agzlinst 5'. 5:9 .$14.50 $14.25 .$14.25 .$12.5O LHELPFULNESS IS 1 TEST OF SUCCESS Tiien if success is not to climb to the top what is it Y and for `hr iunswer the :`pO21ker quoted the V`. O1 tl Iof an old wesiern pioneer who in his youth had gone to the Klondykc, as many others had done, in Scztlch of gold. We should not be remem- bered for the amount of gold we collect, but by what help we render- .ed to our fellowmen along the trail {of life. If we take this as our truc- tr-zf n{' :y Innn c Isilnnnru lr\1.- pm}. .With the addition [of more `-.~.~:u;m, it group, makng three instczul oi Lwu: -------- | The annual meeting of the Simclor.-i Softball A.~:soci::Ltio11 was hdd in the Allzmdale Y.M.C..-\. on _\1ond2x_\' mghit. [El-.:V(3I1 u;ux1*.: nmdu entry for the coming scu>;o11_ with the pus:-| sibility of s`cvc1'z-..l mom; coming in. was found 11cces.~:m'_3' to add another as last season. ' II`.-.11, r'.\....o..,... ,.c \n......\.,..1..-.. -Uni. LJUULH, Illlll `un1'o01'r_-(I, \'.'hi1<> e1o\'21to1' at (}+'aig' jlightning. Thc: gdown in :='.-\'m`:11 {hours \v(+1'<: rt.-quil '-i/rho heavy rainfzxl 'rutur(ir;d scaling for a "few days. (Continued from page one) Dr. Dickson held that the church, as well as society at lzmrge, had been guilty of lauding in(lisc1'im.inat:ly men and women who have won f me or wealth or power_ taking them as themes for sermons, addresses and holding them up as models for youth to imitate. In many cases these men are wonthy of our praise and emu -4 tion, and we would not have ou: young people ignorant of the f.",`1'eL1`. vninrl: ihnf lmnvn nhn an nlnr-$1 fn ..,......, Wu`. VI\4 nun. uvv Cl`-UV\( uu. young minds that have done so much to add to the happiness and We1l-bem_' of the world. But when we come to the cons'idorz1tion of successful men we should ask the questlon, Who was ::`t1'n-ted of joy for 11: glory. while he found time to climb so high ? ' 'l`11nI'n um: 11'.l\7(; 1`]1n 4111:: in;-5 nf DU lll}.','Il. 1 "There we have the hue test of success, declared D1`. Dnickson l'(,1' any success that is built on the, sacrice of the happiness of othels has cost too much, and the man who achieves it is, in the nal analyst: I 0. fallure." LCDL UL 1 In';ln'S S11CCOS;~---111:` nezp i fulness to o`the:.~t--.tl1<:n many a man and woman whom the world would call 21 failure is 1'ea11_v a succes, "1 us the sp'o:1ko1' termed by 21 pau':1do.\' :1 su(.-co.<.< fu1 'f:1i1u1'e. 'I`l1r.re are mzmy nc-oplc to-day` who consider themselves 2`. failure. They have worked hard all tlnir lives in the lcgifcimatc hope tlldt they m'ig'ht g'i\'c their wives am `families comfortzlblo liomes, some oil the ncc<.-sisities of l.ifc and f1'ec3duml from anxiety as to the t'uLu1`e. Tu day, througrh no fault of tl1c~~ir own, they nd themselves back just aboutl \`. l1(:1`(.` t.hr.-y started. It is most dis- cou1'a_:ring to :1 man whose l)us1nc.=s has dwindled away before his eyru-` in spite of his be-.-t (3ff01`L~'. F`z11` kn N 4-`nu Ixsn 4-,. L,.1.4.L1, LV.,l m a}1lL-L` u; ms nu-.-L (3IlO1'I.~ . ` Far be it for me to behttle hcl despair that conms to 21 man under` ,such condition, said the speaker` I um um expecting men with.-nil work and without hope to bu `::.~.g'n-- ed to :1 .:\' Ham 110!-mafc |... --..,..-. | `Dr. Dickson held that the major `ity of people were half blind and Ideal` and grenerally insmnsible to LE1: Ibeauties and po. of life be cause they think they need [)lcI1l. _V of money before they can be happy. The speaker made no attempt to be little the importzmce o1 money., especially to men and women \\hu` `were at their wits end to know zhow to provide 1'01`, their l':unil_\'. and ll) =.v.`. `.Lu1ned that the Cl`lUx'L':`l mu-'. 31:.-ke :1 denite ; for sou,-i211 ju.<- ;t,ice if it would not hetmy its 1 m nr\lr- gnuxlx auu WHAIUUL nupl: LU Dc ed to :1 .2 stem that permits suclal cond-iuons as we are living: tlarougli` `.0-day. I am only tr_\'in': to 1-2s~:n'r-I lhim his real : or failL1re Willi ,be do-termined by his usefulnoa-7 to. lhis fellows. I Annual Meeting Held in Y.M.C.A. Monday Night; Clubs Ciassed as A" and B. J1. J1il_\, irlflll". Ul1|C`,'I' IUI` .\XI\'i' land. .~'pL~:xki11g :1: HM" l\ iw:mi.~' ('1uh gel` that town on .\I mic! that .hi.~5 d'.xtit;.< looking: after somu .',.:.O Huxnilics. 1':-c<-,i\'i11{: he1p_ 1`('quil`<-d him '10 deal with :1 mu1rLiLu(h- uf pm`- p1<-xti(2.<. Somv 110 1'zuni1i.'-.< hm-1: been on nlivt` for Lhu pzm. ve years; 80 fzxnniics haw hL-(311 on the roll con.%tantI_\' for four _\'(-211's, and (55 fumilic-.'~,: bun-`fit,tu c-m1.t.it1L1o11.~;{;n `since 1933. 'l'here wr.-rv U0 fum- ilics hstvd as uncnmloyublc, who lwould con; an problem ow-11 if Lujtiure buui11e.<.~t u.p`.tu2'n (\'yj0N'.1 `:11 ;- sorh many of thosn out of work. 'J`hr.-r(- had been an increase of 1.3x ) children zunomr the 110 funlilies re- Q \l. V<:eiving- relief without intzzrrtxption -sin(:(: 1931. | r'r\D\ ..A- G.. Cain ! ..&un.-........ , think that 3 1)oo1.q:;' `bf ESATURDAY STORM UNROOFS = SEVERAL mmsru- BARNS tun) ; `able gb21I'l`l:` - I . . ' '>lllL(,' 12101. Men who at rs-t tried strm1uou.<- ;l_\' to avoid going: on relief, now ac- lcvpfr-tl it \\'it.hout :1 second thougrht, and tho _\'m1n_-:,vm' people are learning: |e.:11'1y in life to uppmll for out. zLsistan<'(- without st1'ivin:.: to oinploy in(li\'il11:1l initiative. Mr. .\In_\' said it \\'::.< doubtful 11 thv !`c~li(*f wcipir`-nt;~' 1'enli'/.ml that their lI1(`l`(`2l>`lll_!` rlemand.< 1'e. in ,:ul(lu:-(l elnx lr-\'ir~.< suvh as \\'('l`(* l`('- m-1;-cl in 1hr- Tluimingx 'hml':nt, lust uwook. H0 \v:1.< of thr: opinion that `tho t;1:q)z1_\ m'.< nf .\lirll:m wmw :i . lto hour too l1":I\'_\' :2 burden in haw inrr to pm` 10 mills of thn tnx for rnlir-f. 'l`h(~ provincial government. he tliought. should make u l:1l'_Q`(`l` <-mm'ilm tion. *`Dpr: .r -L MlDLAND S RELIEF PROBLEM 'rh..~ The ;~.'v.-\ (,-1'1 :13` ufturnoc 310 dzunugr: |V'l`|< n{' '\.\.'n ` LU Il'l.'2lC}l Ldlkf ill!-'11. v;1`oup is coxnpoawi nf dale, Czxmp 1 .o1' E Orilli-.1. all _-\ tx-21m.<. Churchill B" and Niy Bradford A Te-:11n.<. gri*oun.wi1;h Sh1l"01) :1 possibilities. Thn nTrnr-nfT; \'.'iH LAdllld`b' L` of Wm Booth, ..`4`/ .l are to-day m'i9vht <"i\'r- Hwrxir uvivnc nn:7 1 point D)`. Dick m:1d(- v 2':\(ic(l we have at 1-zzxst ` .;.-.~ of life we .'n'o only `n. as we have (love? u~ 4-nu-n-Hu Pr... n.-...\.C '[|.`Ul ;(wI' L'ap21cit_v thim:.< oi` .'I.. P'r7\ _v ll./A \.A|'\JJ AA|`` LIA ' < hfv. going mto our r-: z'w.ncc.< wlth zeat, the 1i_.,'ht and warxmh v|v1:` I... fL,. Jr...~ ..I.` L. wind .~:t.orm on Sutur 3 2'.1.,`t caused <:o11>;id(:1 4u'nn`- 'I`l_. un .-n|\1n relief ollicur for Mid- ;' at the l\'iw:.1ni.< nv\ \!r.n.l-nv .`...'.l '...o u.~1:.1 all \`\' l.` `for pU.5.`lUlllL-lL`b. The pIa._v-offs HAAH and NB!) tr` g1'oup:< m.r.-r-tin<:. lake the I zbttor.<< lb 11 L` The N urthern Advance zmd `oh i n $:.< Ln", L.uu:. u \.uu.:1ul:l- 0 ..-ctlons. Thu Lou 11-\'1ng and 0'.` nn\.-\n- . M1`. John Magloughljn and Miss Bellva Munroe motored to Hamilton and St. Catharines on Sa/curday. Nfv-2 hnxvi 1-T-1rHn11n'11HI\ ,Tn1`\n D111] .u.. -;u.. .Luuv.n., \lL puuum; pine, returned on Mo: recuperate from an acctden resulted in a f1'z1ctured jaw. W11` -.1 n H T 1-: T? f`1'w\ 4* | HI 14lIl(l`SLly zlnu I.`LfH.`1'UUl'U. The courts of the Allandalc 'I`en-] nis Club opened this week. With` ;the membership inc-1'casi11}_: yuur by` year, the two courts z1vai121b1<.- are in adequate and there is a pos.=ibi1it_v[ of 21 changw: in the layout to in-' clude two more <:ourL~:. T`1xn \T,.7.-. \.~ 51'... Al` 'l'V..`....k. L'lU.UL` L\VO lll()l'C CUUFLS. The lIun .s .~'\s'sociat-ion of Burton Ave. United Church will hold their nal meeting of the seztson next Thu 1`S(l`;1 y ni_2vl1t. rP1 1n .-mvmum AF snrur v\\-r.ann-n/` 1.,- I Saurday was an epic day for tho local baseball iziten-sts, for on that day they were denitely assured of having an all-Sntill` l'ms':-up. 'v'i. ;ii'p;.- _Phili1ps, portsider who pitched great hall for the .\Iuafo1`(i i{1ii:_vliL< `thu- past two seasons, was given his t1'a11.s1'vi'_ and with Smok_\" Smith will .lool< afur lllv hm-linjz du.:Ix:.<. Sid Asbury, Huntsville boy who works for the Ontario Goverxuncnt, and last year with .\lidlzmrl. is ithz: latvst addition. ,-\. is a you11_L', well built _\'QUlLL'>'lL'l`, powi,-rful at Lhu but, a :`l1l1ll`t 1'ecci\':-1' and who can play the outulrl or till-2: `:1 llf .I1(l u: the mound equally as wxrll. With Clmrlie .\l_ofl z1tL and I.uw. !},_"\'\,|).VI also out for the ('2.ll.ClllH_`.: position, the tuzun is a.~. of a .-'m:H'L hat- tery. Jnhn .l`ml) l'l.'1~` Hill as `.'f-`_ _<:ii

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