Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 7 May 1936, p. 3

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"THURSDAY, MAY 7, 19`36. UELLIUIIS "d(l()1)bl;5A of Works con- re_2'ard1n_s: .<,ewc 1` report at n ._-xt L2.LL|-ll: l/1'L1u(: uu mu: be pm'~ ket on Tuesday was s] and $30 was 2.1 ho1dove1' of abol d by W1 A f<.-xv wbighty good 5 $-1.5() to $5.25. and V1 111 U1 -C cattle $4.75 150 $5, (1 .":11>`-`Y rzm;,v'r,-dd0\\'x1 be-lnw vo\\*:< \\'vro .<\=.l1in_:; 211 hi!-'~?*`h=' 2.`-nd <'}1oi(u_- fr- c'z=.v1\'c Ham-u -um :1` .'.f\ Ever widening the scope of its service, the Bank of Toronto now maintains branches throughout the Dominion, with facilities for overseas and international commerce that have enabled it to render invaluable aid to citizens of a country that now i stands fth among the trading nations of the world. `_ (B-y Ack Emma) ' Thg decision of the branch to take `no action regarding the draw was wise. Those who were active or. previous occasions know the amount of work entailed. I`1nn ..:n- n-P \ln1m-minnnn: 1151: PR. 01 wort; enuuucu. The city of Valenciennes has re- named L Avenue de la Tourelle. L .-\.venu<> Hugh Cairns. in honor 01 isegt. Cairns of the 47:th, who won his V.C. and died in the streets oi Mzirly .zx suburb. This gesture is as fine as that of the council of Wi1mi~ peg_ which re-mxmed the street in which the holder of the V.`C. resided, Valor Road. H :. ..v.m..+n.I Hm? 4-kn T nrrinn-n*u V8101` noun. It is expected that the Legionary will soon be sent to all the ineiiibers and the s.ubscription price added to the (lucs. We will not be required to pay as far in advance as on Grand President, Sir Pelrcy Lake who is paid up until 1962. As he is now over eighty years of age, he will p1`0l)Llbl_\' not renew his subscription. The zone re.pi'esentative is de- .<(-i'ibv(l as the link between thc l"1`0ViIiClul Command and the branch. As far as we are concerned he inig'h1 .]ud;:ing by the protest rc_<:ar(ling 1.! - \'i.~it 10 Canada of the lCnulen,' (`.`il'l`_\ lYlg' the Swastika ag of the R(`ll`h. the (loininunists appear to think tilu-, Union Jack no so bad after all. 'l`h majority of them perhaps prefv.-i' living under the British ag rzitht-r than under their own emblem of the hzimmer and sickle. 1 Si:-k--Xone reported. `i called the niissiiig link. CATTLE :I_"-RADE iS SLOW; HOGS STEADY HERE, $3.10 Cattle made on the 'I`o1'on~to mar- ]"uc.<:i:1y slow and there about 1,000 lwuxd. rhty . brought good butcher ` 35. but commons Cal r\\~;Hnn\'\) .'i>,:H, I"l>`-.r:< \`.'w1`\ .~'t=:1ri}' ni f.o.b. for bt.M:o1i.<. 00?? trucks and $38.75 off c:ii'.=. At om.~`.i(ir: points there \\'or;- .om(-. g;1in.~'. In Bzn'1'ie $8.10 v.':1_< paid. with $11.15 for d1`es.'~:ed. .`\t Lrmdon, liitohonvr and Peterboro was paid and $8.15 at Hamilton. Ontzirio potatoes by the truck or rail. $1.50 :1 bag; was paid by \\'ho1<-=a1er.< for stock of good quai- it_\'. Pi-SL-vs to jobbers or delivered `Lo ix"-t.z1il StIO1`(3S, hotels and 1'esbaur- ants. 10 to 15 COIHLS. higher. TOTAL ASSETS OVER $:5'O>0,000.,000 LEGION NOTES Page T,h39:. 1-- CUIHIIIUH-`A O1`dinzu'y :n on ("1 AMERICAN ANTHRACITE GOAL Egg, Stove, Nut, Pea and Buckwheat WELSH COAL-Cobb1es and Blower POCHANTAS COAL COKE {V'T(:.`.E AI\ I) (,QU.\LI'[`Y GUARANTEED Buiiders Supplies -\V'E BUY ONLY THE _BEST- T. E. H. ARLEY 1 T0n-2000 lbs. 1 Ton--2000 lbs. JLTAXI MUST C`.ARRY I} FULL INSURANCE (Continued from page one) A successor to_the late Mr. Tyrer will be appointed at the next meet- ing of council. n Inntinh nf RGQVC Ste\va1't and mg 01 councu. On motion of Reeve Stewart 1 Ald. Cameron, the following motion 1 was passed: That this body express 'its deep regret in .the passing of the late Ald. Tyrer, who spent so many years of his long and useiul 1 life in the able representation of ' the citizens of Barrie on the council, and whose presence is sorely iriissed I by every one of us, and 2: copy of this be sent to his family." Inquiries Ald. Shepherd asked if there was any local by-law allowing outside transportation companies moving furniture from the town on Sunday. No, replied Mayor l{0l)e1'ts'on. Such 2}` thing is contrary to the Lord s Day Act. Ald. Shepherd said he saw the Capitol Storage Co., Ottawa, mov- ing a load of furniture from the town on Sunday. nu mnunn nf AH Qlwnhnwl nnrl Coal -V Coke - Wood -Lime Eement ..u~..-xx:--1 r town sunaay. On motion of Ald. Shepherd and Ald. James. Chief Stewart was auth- orized .to make inquiries i1`.z.. matter. In connection with the re bri- gade going out of town, just \\'hC:1`' do we stand `. asked Ald. Mills. It u: to be that the re chief used his own discretion in the mat- ... er." ltt l11Z1S been an unwritten law in the council that the brigmlo leavz-.< the corporation without the (`.0IlSL'l1i', of the m21,yo1`, iteplied Mayor Robm'L.~:on, adding t}u1t'he wanted the council to settle the matter once and for all. In ummittee of the whole it was d`eCi(1(;d thnfn the re truck be not pcrmixtr.-(l to leave the town unlvss: pe1`im.~:~:ion be obtained from the mz1_\'or_. and in his `dl)5~'(?l1CC from the chzlirmzln of the Fire and P(`IllCf` Committee. \1,x C`lnnv\`nn\-I` cnn-trncfnrl Haul n Lommimze. Ald. Shnpherd SL1_Z`}1.`L`.\`l;C(`l that a list of cmplo_\:'.bl(_-s on tlio town 1'0- lief rolls be posted in the wulf:-11'<: ofco for the use of those looking for men to work. l`/lc-rchants Slow in Rendering Accounts .\1xiyor R0l.)L`l'E':Z()11 V'0lC(:d his dis upprovzil of mc1'cl1ant.< who arc slow in l'Ul1(lL`I`ll1_L," their accounts to the town fo1'puyrm.-nt. The following ac:-oiixits were praz-.~:c11te(I this momh l'n1'pu_\'men`L: Dec-._ 1935, $73.27; Jun. 6. .$G.20; Fob., $210.-10; M:11'uh, .$102.`_".); total to April 1, $l3):2.l(S. I did fuel like refusing some of thmm: accounts presented May 1," de- clr ml his worship. I can see no L ) reason why any merchant; can't get his accounts in at the end of each he said. 11 month. FOUDIEIID Havin~gv been informed thin-t t Bank of Nova Scotio desired the moval of the newstand which o`perates, VVzL1ie-'1` McI11 wr< the council as follows: UT um- n-1-nnfnll Hmr. vn~i\vi]c-<-'r- tnc councu as Luuuwa I was granted the 1 the council . two ye place and op-_-rut: thy ; prr.-. site. The prime thu nnurnfinn n1` t' sm .. l' [L `-\ULl||l llh c-Lh:-r uornr-r unless almc p`rtc.~1_\.' rt-bu`Ilt." A petition con tainin_L: 63 hu. mom and O't-hC). > xnittml to council z1: t`_.._. LL ` IHIu`\\ r\1'n AUA petitit n.':nIr\~ u.\.Luuu .u H.` sigrn our namc 1 Thu nnnnr-H [l`c.n10\`cu .um um re-n1o\'-3d to the 1 by Lhw foulmxixn, 2 be 'dH()\\'c(l b<,t\\'(| AL, ..,......... HQ` `PH nu. Communications Nurxmxn (7. 1-lowzml. h:.n'1-1. ronto. notied council 111411 h f\.... . l).u~ 1-1-,:n hml U.~'CH' 1(0)? rIuu.~un, uuu u\\....,._, pun-h:I.~'ud Lhv property in B:u`r1`J known as the Capitol l`hcu.Lrc from the recent uwm-1`, Richzml (}ur reLt, and zxskcd that the Ch:111f.',`(: in owm.1- ship be noted. County Clerk J. '1`. Simpsm1 for warda-(1 three notices. )`t:;:a1"di11g 21.41- mi.s'.<'ion of p to the R.V. H0.) Hui llllhrlun Ul ptnouuc vv ....\ ..... ._, pitul. ` ' `;\Ir.<. Ethel Hubbard wrote z1. p(.-1`m.1'.~:. to erect :1 totxrist sign or tho boulevard in from 01' her resi- dence at 64 Blake St. No uctionl taken. U-.. n...,:,a A (`.1-nH, Minister of Hon. David A. Croll, Minister Municipal Afl'a~i1`;~:, f01`\\'at'(lC(i a bul- letin naming: a list of 130 amend ments to the municipal and school lmvs, put into e`ect at the recent session of the Legislature. Reduced Rates for Post Office Gore Lamps W. M. Salter, secretary-tr(.-asurel` of the Water, I.ip:li~t and Gas Com- mission. advised the council that at the last meetings: of the Coimni.`.~'l.nJ u reduotiion in rate for the 200-wa.tt lumps on the eight standards around the post oiiicv gore from $22 to $18 per year was autl'i0ri'/.ul. >ll`e(-tivrl Jan. 1, 15136. , Asks for New Fence Viewer Committee S. `(Jill a. to he relic-\'e(l oi` the position of f-('Y`l('<` \'i('\\'(?l` for the town. which he li:i.< livid fora num- ber of years. in vir-w of Mr. Warn- 'L`(I 11.15 \\'U1'.~iuIp. 1 L111) nut. nu .~.on at of czush nih,f said. Newstand lo Replace Water IT.-.....o-..-. VVl' UULII 01 husir p upon ms part inn 1' - hi`:/14.0 LIUJ vru &;ion of t x\ ..,.n [)ZlI'L Ul Ill.` 11 1'c.~21d. In t] will inuc.-nc(.- -.-. *`n:\ ..xnHn1 UUAILIA fountain , .1 .....,l H 1 lU\LL`|`vL' coL11: hut no . of m.u,1';rt11inz. H : -;.t r:on.=_idem} as voI1;`tructud <:ornm', and i would be useh rm-r :11 \_...`IL I? GE CUAK/EMERCE O 1111` })U1nL nun Uk\ulu mt-x`m, and that no p:n'k1 1 b<, this point :1 ' of lilizalbeth and Hz1_\':"H HI l|L that y|lY:ilUl L`.H LJLA`. by formng .. ...2l1 xxvr.\-1. :id0d tha gar the 4 the nwv ..i..+ I\t\l|v llll_' U is small tcthing L0 `-l,.i..H.y I! an Iuu\.u livelihood, Lhv hope :1: 1. run in 1; UIUDB 1U ahno.' rahlv ..l 4 privi] \'n\ V: Lll-'.1`L I had ..J.. V 1 `Ton-2000 lbs. X lUl` L11 if 1'o1`<:r_-.'l less for a VU X'!\ 31 much .._, ...-. ._... C0111 PC1154 nntnl nvh 'i`h<- md (H1 i objc-ct H hn<|n. I I111". uucu. to t2_1ku ,1 I-u:.\ do L KHHHL`: J} was sub- t.h(: [own ml of the Jultm` Mc- ,..-.`.~..,- u n ()('('ll[)u ~. nu I-in: H:-' czlvzu, 1`v.'Cclh.ly n T!-1 I`|'| u GET OUR PRICES FOR SPRING DELIVERY H.211 AIL? wrote the . IL the I\Iu;;,' and I'.. `-A c;;;[ icua` dropping out some time ago and the passing away of Ald. Ty1'er_ the other member, he thought it would be well to have the mayor make ap- poimtments to replace all the old members. 1\,r.. n.......-m VV.a1Hmr+nn Qf T3. rm-` members. Mr. Barron, Wellington St. E., re- quested the council to improve the hill leading` down to Berczy St.. which is in a very bad condition. Kiwanis Club to Hold Annual Carnival Kiwanis The Barrie Club were granted permission to hold their 2111- : nual street carnival on July 16 and 17 between the post olce and the C.I\'.R. depot. A few years ago the carnival was held on the main street between the post oice `Kind five points. The last two years it had been held in Queen s Park. This year the club believes it would be more protable to hold it down town. The booths in the way of tnzzflic would be removed for the second day. Raul: Infnregf Reduced second (lay. Bank Interest Reduced H. A. Sims_ n1ana_2'e1' of the Bank of Toronto, advised the council that because of present conditiom the bank had reduced the int<.-rest rate on the town s p;cnera1 advance to ve: per cent. _`. A 1n++m \X7AQ rr>r`rr-ivpd from thcl cent. A letter was received the] Workmen s Compensation Board cull- ing attention to the responsibility of the town for work done by contrae~ tors and sub-contractors. Praise for Fire Brigade Reg'-arding 21 recent re at the Gables, Tollendale, W. C. Laiilluw wrote expressing` his sincere thanks to the mayor, and through him to the memliers of the fire brigade, for wttending the re and assisting` in putting it out. The prompt re sponse of the firemen to the call was 21 credit to -the omzmizcation, as they Il).'I`lV()(l within :1 very few minutes, ~M'u'. Laidlaw wrote. Petition for Change in Drainage The following,` petitioned the coun- cil to make Z11`1`l111_Q`CI}1(`.ht:~f necesszxry to prevent the continuance of the flooding: of the cellars of the under- si_:cnn-dz1n(lal.=o the 1nCon\`enien<'e cau;<,ed by the small sewer which at pre. takes Care of the \vva.te1' and s.ew:1,2'e in the (list2`i(:t of the under- signed property owners on Elizabetli St.: P. C. Lloyd. R. F. Garrett, H. P. Binghani. H. J. Greem\ oo(l, l .. Urry, H. E. I\IeCullou, H. R. Palmer, R. A. Stephens, Geo. Vick- ers, Geo. Lake, Capitol Tl'1eat1'e, R. J. Finley, A. E. Whitby Harold Hill, w '\Tinnil:i1'I and F, D. Cvzmeila. 0|` Ton---2000 lbs. Finly, A. 1-,`. Wmtny r1u.1`01u nm, VV. Uinnikin and F. D. Cm1ci1a. Chief Stewart Offers Parking Suggestions The following" communication was received from Chief Stewart regard `mg parking` on Sr.-veral streets in the town : sq km. tn nn+ }~mfnrr- vou several all \'.l.`?1. nurht T beg to put before you suggestions 1`-(3 our t1'af c }i1'ob1em.=. I would like you to consider the` advisability of no parking: day or: ..:r.1.+ A11 Mrmln Avrn. south of E11221- =abi1it_v of p:m uu_\ u; on Maple Ave., south LOSELY LINKED with the sound principles of conservative banking that have stood the test of time, the Bank of Toronto has ever been an .- n.JuAu\ V. - v-v . . . . _ -.__ institution that has looked forward with courage and condence to the destiny that the future holds for the Dominion of Canada. ".3 SER\ mEBAyK$?1?bR0NTo beth St. Here we have a. splendid parking lot capable of accommodat- ing 10-0 or more cars. I suggest this to give the proprietor every encour- agement. No action. Also. mu-king be allowed 011 one agement." NO aC'UOI1. Also, parking side, the west side, of Mary St., south of E`liza~bc~t~h St., in accordance With the parking north of Elizabeth` St. on that street. Ad-opted. I would like also to draw your attention to the condition existing" at the Barrie Wholesale ` summer months, Czmada Dry trucks at times occupying Dunlop St. in front of the Wholesale for long periods of time. I have seen those . responsible and they inform me tziia` -, were 1 lanewlay repaired at the 1`(_`Z11' l of the Ford Garage they would load ; and unload at the rear. taken. at Lmm ennh +'IA r-hair: etm-ns nn. during th , No action taken. I have seen the chain stores un- loading and have overcome all di'1~ culmy with the exception of the A. & P.. and expect to have thcm arrange reloading and unlozx prior to nine or ten a.m. Report of Committee of the Whole r\,n____:_,_ LL . u-nrvvI\`n\I nnnn3nn- be Following the 1'<:g'ular opening: ms- sion the council went into con1mitt.`_c> of the whole, where many In21t.tp-N of business were discussed and tho 1` ollowimz reconnnendzxtions mlopbml 'r*1...+ Hm Rnuwl nf Wnrkz con- ! i meetimz. That the Finance Committee bu {1L1LhOl`i /Zed to prepare a. list of dc linqucnt taxp-a.ycI's to p1`(.'S(?I)t to council at next meeting. That the .-\.}_';2'ic1i1~tu1`:11 Socint;-.' be notied to have grandstand put n condition as 21 `p1`Ot<`(`t10n:1g`i1.:i\1 [accidents to children. rmma um Au-uir-nHnv:a.l Sm-i.-1'\' he 10l10Wm;: 1`UL'UIHIllt:I That the Board sidcr the petition on Mary St. and meetimz. 'I|m.+ Hm. T`3n:1nr- z1ccmenL.s `E0 cnuuren. That the Agrxwicultuml Sock,-ty be given the grant of $200 p1`0\'idv(`1 for in the estimates. 'r|L...+ Hm. Rnnwl nf V/'n)'k: hm , Phones: Uffice 86, Yard 301 B1mkcr s Ureex. ']`hat the Fire and Police (`umm'.`r. tee be authonzed to 1`<:p21ir the re alarm system -u.t 21 cost 1101. Lu -._~; ceed $200. Th-.-.+ on hnrrs of notzltocsi m1r- 1'01` m the csumzues. That the Board , pv1`1ni: t( Bun1 Creek. 'I`L..+ Hnr. Vim-.. nntl ceeu tpzuu. 'l`h:1t 20 bags of potatoes: h rrhzxsed at $1.50 per bag: 3 worth of i<(3Cd be di. \\ i~1f:11`(3 ofc-L-1-. rm...+ .. 1.w.1..m+ h.~. n1,q,-my weH':11'e omcer. That a hydxant hr placed corner of Duckwo1`1`h and Sis. 'l`lnn+ 4-kn 1-nrmncf. of thn bi {JOY}. Motions Shephord-Jam`es--That C-(l::<-.4 of Sl(l(".W:1ll{ between Hayeld and I\I;1r). St. on the south side of l']li7,:1lw .l1 St. be levelled. Shepherd-James--That : br- takon to remedy the bad (lust con~ dition on High St.. from B-.u'dfo1'd S. to Park St. Robertson-Ja_v--That storm .:c'\\'m` L.. I,.u,.11nA Anum nn \Villi.:1m St That the request of the club be granted, provided there :\I`-. no other requests for the use of the park on dates mentioned in ;:pp1'.na- *r\h be lr~v(-Hod down on William St. Rob(31'tson-.J z1_v-- 1 nu L >Lu1n1 .\L'\ ;s.`z`-c-zZlz /zeal. a T655"? oard of Work: ison to put in ll at 82 Dunlop St. BARBIE Phone 23 3

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