Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 7 May 1936, p. 2

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If a. safety education czunpziign can eliminate roller skating" on the strects and riding bicycles with two on, it would be surely worth-while. These are two of the most dan,'_2;cr- ous practices on our streets and the cause of many accidents. P. C. LLOYD & SON FUNERAL DIRECrT'ORS AMBULANCE SERVICE A;Foun%tain ofYog_g;t|1 or_H;q\ir! N Lovalon is that wonderful -___ -J--I__- _.__.._LI. .1... JAJVHJUU I [LIKE VVLIHUCIIVU new odorless, vegetable rlnse which brings lustrous high- lights and a natural, silken softness to the hair. Lovalon is the easiest thing in the world no use and will give your halt beauty beyond your apecmtions. Lovulon does nnr klparl-\ nr rInA_.ll la a IJJCBELL UL Ujll I3 I time which will not coloa the scalp or aect the hair in any way except to make it more lovely-more radiant. Try Lovaion--you'll thank In for telling you about it. {E} D. F. McCUAlG, B.A. GORDON LONGMAN rrvr1Vv-`I-u r-4J\vvr!1'rI\r\1'\ -Lvlx Try Lovalon---you'll thank 3 f - _..a pa- \ 5-u...-n 125 Loi7KLoN EIONEY TO LOAN :u:., um-ne. (none Mr. Merchant" . .._, .....-...-, cw. MONEY T0 LOAN GORDON FOSTER WW PBINTIQ REIWIHEMETS We carry a full line of Magistrates`, Constables and Coroners Forms also Farm and House Leases. Loolr over your requirements and place vour order with the Advance. The Northern Advance is equipped to handle All Kinds of Printing from a Business Card to a Catalogue. Business Directory Nntthvrn Ahnantv Printers in Barrie since 1847 H. Esten Northern Advance Phone 218 R. Boys PHONE 53 IVICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES Barrie Branch MISS BEULAH SCOT?!` --Phono L68-- Residence 1 1'-I1 1 E217: IJALV AIVU '5 Speciazi attention Obaetrica Associate Coroner for Simooe County Oice and Reaienoe 50"0Mary SI. Phone `I01 Olce Hours: 8-(1.30, 11-0 30. 6-8.8() PHYSICIANS AND SUTUGEONS Phone 213 47 Mapie Ave. Office Hours: 2-8 p.m., 7-9 p.m., or by appointmem A. T. Little, M.D. W. C. Little, M.B., Associate Comm; County of Simcoe. Graduate of McGill University, Montreal. Dfce and Residence--Corner Eliza bert and Bradford Sts., Barrie. Phone 105 Oice Hours: 9-10 a.rn., 1-8 p.m.. 'l~8 p.m. VV ULVLIILIV e\.ssociate Coroner, County of Simone Phone 61. Office--58 Colliu 30.. Office Hours: 3-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.80-8 p.m. We can suppy you with any quantity of the Best Make at right prices gym g... rs. nvvnuvu Licensed CHEROPRACTORS and DRUGLESB THERAPISTS 82A Dunlap St. Phone 405 Electric, Hydro, Physio and Electionit `Treatments. Massage and Corrective Adjustrnenta Blocd Tests and Urinalysis Home or Ofce Rates Reasonablo pA4\-. 1 Motor Ambulance In Connection Open day and Jight. Morgue and Chapel 141 connection. ".`_L_L`2. '1\`.l 14 D05 arnuu_u.1n1 Orillia, Ontario will be at the Queen's Hotel, Burris, Every Saturday. 8 a.m. to 12 noon, and by appoint- ment. DR. WALTER H. WOODROW EYE, EAR, NOSE AIND TI-I:R.'OA.`l` .q'pmm-A1m'1- I Phono 82. ...... --. ... .-..--ya SURGERY AND DISEA.-S:.ES OF WOMEN .aann;n4-n r`I\vnv-.n'r rJ.u...s.. .4 ($1..-- _ _-. -. -44`/;4:4v 4.54.111 L)lJLV\J'olLl\JJ.V Oice--Owen St. (Formerly occupied by Dr. L. J. Simpson) guidance 144 Maple Ave. Phone 700 J. H. N. SMITH, M.D. PHYSICIAN `AND SURGEON nm:_- W . 12 Shadu - Plotlnvn Hot 9 . vhhn. blonds) . black . henna . chum . dark brovnnroddhh brown . gal on . medium brown . roddlnh bldnda . u.. u. vv.. n\vu.l:rl\.9 P-HYICIAN AIND `SURGEON Qnnl-in! nf9.nnfnn nn Counter Check Books QEO. R. AND E.-. A. BURNS brown golden bro Honda . lhil Rondo . norlhl Ha for 5 rlnsos DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE iirlvrn-vnuvru .-...-. .-.-__.._.., c. G. SM.l'I`7HV 8:. co. F'U NEx1AL DIRECTORS DR. E. G. TURNBULL THU`RSDAY_ MAY 7, 1936. DR. W. A. LEWIS anuyvn nu IJVJIJIVPMUAKI4 Established 1869 P D .. . run Bazris. On! How about your EDITOREAL Phone 53 The picture presented by Hon. Charles Dunning in his bucig-ct speech last week end was not en- couraging` and there was little to in dica_te that Canada was prospering. 'l`he dcticit for the year was $162, 101,000, which is $46,000,000 g1`cat- er than the decit for the previous year. 111 the past ve years the national debt has increased by $7-16,690,000 because of decits. For the coming year the nance minister predicts a decit of $100,- 000,000, and it will probably be nwnrlx ninrn Hnqn H1n+ 1. U1. mu; Lulunus yccu. de wil. much more than that. . u . . . . A balanced budget, we believe, was promised by Mackenzie King and his candidates before the last election-well, it isn t coming`. With nearly (52 per cent. of the total. revenue mortg'ag'ed to the past, and Little attempt being made to save where are we heading ? Taxation has reached the limit, but the sales tax has been increased from 6 to 8 per cent, while duties have been lowered on several items, which will not help Canadian business. l`he railway problem, responsible in large measure for past decits, isi still unsolved, and in politics deepe than ever. - RT: T`\n~nnu'n.-.- nu-1r~ Han nuklin &n Howard Ferguson evidently umlcr stands farming as well as p0l1LlcS, and announces that his 35-acre farm has continued to bring him 2; not profit of $1,000 a year for the past twenty years. This may sucm sur- prising to many, though it is gencr- ally known that the smaller the Izxrni the less the farmer is likely to lose on it. I The unlovely things and una.-ttrac ` tive place *3 Canada that dispicase, the eye are made by man. It .3` time he set out to undo some of the` damage that has been done. There` are primrose paths for all to tread} who care to make them. An amaz-1` in}: amount of worry can be spadell under along those paths in a b1`A5':L.i spring afternoon. Since Adam tilicdj the first garden many pastimes liavtl `come to claim their thousands, but. have passed out of the picture, while, gardening: has stood through Lhel centuries. There must be some-l thing in it. Buy some ower seedsu} plant some owers or shrubs his Spl'll1f.`,'. Help to make Barrie and`; district more beautiful. ldlill UV/El". 1 Mr. Dunning asks the public to look the nancial facts in the face.) That, however is not going to solve} the problem. The Government at,` O-ttawa should look the facts in the` Q face and nd some solution. `, t` 1 t U.l:Ll'll.'b IHUJU UU'd.ULl1Lll. ` 1 1 1 Fifty-ve years ago a young man named Van Devanter was a student, at Cliicayzo University and a. memb-er: of the Sifma Chi; and that society expelled him for some youthful` prank. But now he is Justice Van Devanter of the Supreme Court of the United States, and the socretyi found it somewhat peculiar printing 3` his name in its directory with the: word "e.\'pelle(l after it. And so, at, its own instance, the Justice has! been restored to full membership inl his old fraternity, which had had the} painful duty of expelling him just.` fty-ve years ago. 5 l Minister of Finance. \.'a.11zpu,;;J1111g. Q There is another federal member: Conservatives would not be dis-? `[)lC':lSP(i to see' secure the Ontarioi mantle, and he is Col. A. C. Cassel-i man_ member for Grenville-Dundas, , and now chief Conservative whip, who has shown exceptional ability in parliament and his personality is gel that breeds and keeps friends, but in the present instance it is certain that he has been friendly to Mr. Rowe .< selection. BUDGET HIGHIJGHTS Changes in the federal taxes an-I nounced by Hon. C. A Dunning in his hnrlcrnii THE DUNNING BUDGET kJ1.t`.'bLl;.',L5 lll \JUlEJ.J. lU, LJIUYU lb HU HUPU for the party in the Dominion field.: ` Looks for Audience I l Mir. Bennett s friends, the Star man goes on, as well as political opponents, ridicule any suggestion that he is despondent about lack of co-operation among his few follow-I gers in the House. If that be true,; they unite in saying a new Mr. Ben-; nett must have arisen, because hei ghas desired an audience and not co- 7operation. It has been predicted for 15 months that his retirement from public life was in contempla~ tion, and it has been. but Mr. Ben~l inett is reluctant to step down unlessl `health compels, until he has a jvxilmant voice in arranging` his ownl ,succession. Alt the present time; there is not a single gure he would} _favo~r who could carry a nationall `convention to name a new Conserva-I tive leader. The material is so` lscanty thlilit even those who believe: Mr. Bennett's withdrawal would helm `the party are not pressing for anyi convent-ion. I Fl` -j` a.I1-% znounced |Ma'nisLer Finance, in his budge` :[add1'oss were as follows: . an )1: a: Robertt Lipsett, formerly a writer for the Conservafcive party at Ot- tawa, but now on the Toronto Star sbaif, in a recent article in that journal, says that if Hon. Earl Rowe is offered the Conservative party in Ontario by the convention next month, he will: accept. Q+nfrunnn'+ ha /wxnrln 1-uy I`n1-nnzfn the leadership of l 1 I 1UJ'UIl'-U. I Selection of the Ontario Leader is` regarded as the most irhportant event in the life of the party'fed- orally as well as provinciually, in at least seven years, says Lipsett, for it is accepted as axiomatic that un-J til Co11serva.tives are uvble to reclaim} at least a major portion of former` presti;;'e in Ontario, there is no hope eld. I __I., f_,. A__,IZ,,_, 4- I at Customs duties on automobiles is `xed at 171; : per cent. adz. >01 * * `uuucyb. ! Statemen't in Toronto (made by the Telegram) that disszitisfaction of. |I\Lr. Bennett in his present position] las leader of the Conservative Op-l position in Ottawa might inuence` M1`. Raowe against entering the pro-l vincial eld, was labelled in O~t~l tawn as propaganda designed to meet what is declared to be 21 ris- jing tide of support for Mr. Rowe in Toronto. q(\`r\n4'\.r\v\ .. -LL- f\v-.L.`..3.. 1--.}-.. .'~I With spring really here again citi- zens should direct their mttention to a. clean-up, paint-up campaign in Barrie. Tourists passing through, and there will be many, judge tlr aggressiveness of the community by the appearance of the homes, stores and business places. Make your premises as attractive as possible. a little paint makes a wonderful 1m provement. I. ! The sales tax is increased from ~. `per cent. to 8 per cent. An addi tional $23,000,000 revenue is ex- pected. I 3! 3! it -r 1- rn The co1'porat1'on income tax is in: increased from 131/3'; per cent. to 15 per cent. . i `-it * There are no changes in the per 'sonal income tax rate. * It 4?. The duty on farm implements is ireduced from 15 per cent. to 7'25: |pc-1' cent. 3 an it n -.~ -w - Gasoline duty is reduced from 1 cents to one cent a gallon. * * >0` -.~ -- - Thc rate of interest on unpaid in- stahnents of income tax is reduced from six per cent. to five per cent, with a reduction from four per cent. to three per cent. in the penaity Irate. at 1 in -v -u- - Canadian citizens absent over - hours allowed to bring in $100 goods once in four months, free duty. ` I II t i The stragetists would wait to! fsee what happens in Toronto and| }later What the next two or three} sessions at Ottawa develop in the} lway of new blood. But the On-i itario situation is of paramount con-l `cern now and there is no doubt thatl ithe balance of the federal party si 3s cren_e`tl1 behind Mr. Rowe, who ihas developed marked strength as a! forceful and pleasing; debater and? ghas shown much skill in political 2 cainpaigrning. v 'l`1m-p. ;= .m,.+1.m. +`m1m...1 m,....1m..- -r -r 'r The excise duty on Czmadlan brzuldy is reduced to a gallon. * 1% 3!` Uutle; on 104 tariff items are duced and increased on 12. * * III Haille Selassie, Emperor of I _.Ehiopia, has been forced to ee from Addis Ababa and seek refuge on foreign soil. The Italians have en- tered the capital_ but tribesmen have looted and burned most of the city. The League of Nations showed weak- ness in allowing Mussolini to wa-g'e war in Ethiopia and evidently lime run he nnn 'nn\v fn hnih T-Tnilln v v- v Payment on the gift tax will be required annually instead of at the time of the gift. All gifts up to $1,000 annually to one person e:-. empt from tax. It IK it vu- Total revenue for 1936-37 1s er}- mated at $387,850,000, and total ex- penditures of $500,000,000. Prob- Zlblg decit will be between $100, g 000,000 and $125,000,000. 1% ill * u Metalliferous mines coming Into` 9production between now and Jan. 1 1940, are to be exempt from corpor- ate income tax for three years from 'th aate of commencement of pro- duct`.-Jn. I C t {EARL ROWE AND THE ' ! ONTARIO LEADERSHIP I - 1- -r Present excise tax of varyin rates on automobiles is replaced by a at rate levy of 5 per com. It 1.~ in no case to exceed $250. 3! * * Increase in Sales Tax and Corpor-I ation Tax is estimzluted to produce app1'ox1'mateIy $30.000,000. C it I The Iv maximum automobile excxsa fixed at $250. #6 * =0` V lllUIllr1lo 1: According to icouncil Monday y penditurcs for f` lows : _ I TFAAA can [)8 Selassie. Total for April . . . . . . . .$2186 85 Relief for Two Weeks Cost With the coming of summer more `men are g'1'adua.l1y finding` employ- ;ment, with the result that each jwc-k nds a reduction in relief `costs. For the last two Weeks, from {April 17 `to May 1_ relief in Barrie Ir-ntf. 919415 HR In Manchester, Eng., folks who Ihave left slum districts to reside in new and better habitations seem to be satised with their new abodes, but in London it is reported that people are very reluctant to leave their old homes to occupy others, even when the new ones are very much better. The reasons given are: greater distance from work, entail- ing` additional expense for transpor- tation, the severance of old ties, and the unwillingness to leave a few hens and 21 dog` to live in 'a fine fiat where hens and dog cannot be kept. Countervailing duties are imposed on eggs, cut owers and potatoes. The Canadian duty on those articles will be on a par with the U.S. d.1t_7 on the Canadian article. 1` # 3 The total cost of relief for Barrio during` the month of April was $2,- 186.85, including $174.00 for spec- ial rent voucher. Compared with ';'~_ ,oS8.00 spent in March. there w. a reduction 01' $875.15 in rehef Iasl month. ...`,. n..L...Ib.L....] L- ;"`\,[J1l1 ll `DU Dldy J. LUIICL 111 1)(I.1l lU cost $845.03. 'Following are the relief expendi- tures for week ending Aprll 24th: Employnavbles Indig'ents Total Food .. ..$173.76 $160.12 $334.88 Fuel ... .. 36.60 62.45 93.03 Clothing .. 24.08 9.01 33.09 1 Shelter ... 4.00 -1.00 {Light .. 2.00 25 2.25 `Th-ntru 1 0F: 1 (15 : LJIBIII ' Drugs $241.49 $232.83 $474.32 The above report shows an in `crease in fuel, owing to the cold snap, but the food is reduced con- ' siderably. l Tho 'f'nn\I7inrr nvnnnr11'hn`r>c '\;._ny-n 1 Food 1 Fuel . . ! Clothing } Shelter Light Drugs .. lover the preceding week. 1 According to Welfare Officer .7215. }MaeGregor, `all employable men, lwith the exception of three had been ,struck off the relief roll on April j30th. Eighteen inc1i_2'ents also have been struck off, which leaves a total guf 25 heads and 57 dependents. '\ln rlnnlwrf +l1rn~n nvill kn cnnn an I \I1'L`gUl' S`-2l3L(.`(l. ! Although the relief sheets show 525 heads and 57 dependents all in- digents. M1`. MaeGregor said assist- lance will have to be given to some {who will be unable to earn suicient irto o2m'ry them throu,r.,rh, and as stat- ged .a close check will be made and [no hardship or want will be tolerat- ed, especialy for those who are at- tempting.-` to get along. The concern of the people of Can- ada, and in fact of the people of a large part of the world, for the rescue of the men in the Moose River mine, the bravery and c0u1`.xg'u of the rescuers, the generosit_\ of governments and officials, somehow strengthens our faith in humanity. But as R. E. Fairbairn so aptly puts it in an article in the Outlook," why does human tragedy and suffer- ing and disaster and threatencad calamity need to be so strongtg. dramatized before we see them or pay any attention to them `.7 There are homes in our midst where chi`. dren are wasting away for want. of proper nourishment and care, and where mothers are wearing their lives away through fear and zxnxiety for -the future, and yet some people who sat up all night to get the lat- est news from Moose River could no` be persuaded to give those suffering: children and mothers a moment s serious thought or consideration dur- ing a whole twenty-fou1' hours. la would be a sad state of af`fa.irs if the tragic situation of the im- prisoned men did not move us to our very depths in anxiety and s,vmpati1_v, but apparently too many of us can sleep in peace While tragedy threat- ens thousands of innocent people. -.~ -2- - Magazines are not given pro'ec~ tion, but the sales tax on print- ing ink and paper used in magazine. and periodicals is removed. blU.Ul`i:|U1y. | The following expenditures 'v'-ere `made for relief for week endmg {May 1st; : I I T7.v11n1nx'nh1nc Tnrrrnnfc 'T'nfn1 UJ_ LU llUblU5 illlll Ul UBIJUIIQUCIIL I No doubt there will be some will need z1s; and a }ChCl{ -and observation will be `before 21 Voucher is issued, Mr. ; Gregor stained. l Al+l1nnn'l1 +l1n 1-Alla? :1-\nn+: `RELIEF VOUCHERS FOR APRIL TOTALLED $2,186.85 I I $183.19 31871 | This shows a reduction ` I . the precedmg week. ` Ar'nn1-(N110 fn `K/n'H`n1`o ( Re-d1sti1led, super-rgned 011 of Euca- lyptus. All impurities removed. No pungent irritating odox---never goa stale -ncver loses its strength A Powerful Germicide Four times as effective as caxbolkz addns proved by actual tests on tyhoid germ, but is non-poisonous and nou-camosivc. -1-: ,--nm ,. nau- X'n711'3Eecaw and sax}; Gargle Sure relief from Colds, Bronchitis, Catnrrh, Asthma, Hay Fever, Son Throat. Eucalyptus is of little value on your handkerchief. Rc-ad directions. mus`.-..- UVVS ' Fod Fuel Clothing Shelter . Light; Water . D1`L1g~s .. _, ....- ........-. -.._ A Re-fable I-.-i`:-1-ix:-Ienut ' Penetmtes and dissolves the acids apd salts which cause Rheumatism, Neuris. etc. Gives marvellous relief from sprains and bruises. The Northern Advance, Barrle For Internal Use _. V- ...-`.-..u-- -av- Recommended for stomach, kidneys and bladder. It cleanses and stimulates these organs and helps them to function pro- perly. Relieves distrcss and induces restful sleep. an-u. Special rent voucher insist on G.G. Extract Avoid Substitutes There is none "Just as Good" B9 aura in obtuln our leaet giving full directions for the many uses of this wonder oil 0! nature. `Ila An- kn dn " Auannnusnn unuu uumranx `I5 Duchess St.. Toronto WAverley I52! um uuuuiu. 25c, 401:. 85c. 90c From vour Drugziat. or AUSTRALIAN DRUG CONWANY hnnlunnn it 'l'nr-anon `VA-no-I... Al la 2 Employables Indigents Total ..s147.9o $156.62 $304.52 13.00 25.65 323.65 W.`.'. 18.29 3.50 21.79 4.00 4.00 10: 105' gures submitted to night, relref ex `April were as foi- .lL`[JiIl(UUH|./S. some who close made ;ued, Mac- TRAGEDIES OF LIFE $2012 85 174 00 O0-UR} 1.05 ---v.u loan:-AI BARRJSTER, SO`I..I`(-3'zI"1`OR, NOTARY CONVEYANCING, ETC. MONEY TO LOAN Office, 3 Owen St., Barrie Phone 69 ALEXANDER COWAN BA-RRISTER Solicitor for obtaizung probate of will, guardianship and ariministmtion, lmd General Solicitor, Notary Gon~ veyancer, etc. IlI\\!'IN`9 pun -- A,. .- BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY `\ ETC. Money to Loan Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrio. CAMERON 8: CAMERON BARRIISTERS, SOLICITORS, me An!` un-n.-uva-.\.a ullA.4lv.rl|\l BARRISTERS, S_6L-ICITORS, N0 I`- XLRIES PUBLIC & GONVEYANCERE ll.-....... 54 I4... :.. ..._.. -.._..- -- uuna rsunuu; on UUIV v 12.11-ux umns: Money to loan in any sums at lowest current rates. 18 Owen St. - Barrie D. M. Stewart C. D. Stewart G. H. Esten Luuuuplzx ZULU. U\'1UUllLR) llublf. done now to help Haille I BOYS & BOYS BARRIISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOT- ARIES P'UB`.LICiE'I(`))NVL*YANCERS, Successor to Oreswcke & Bell BARRISTER, SOLICIT-OR, ETC I MONEY TO LOAN 0%. Dr... DI.-...|. D......:_ 47 Elizabeth St. J.`1.|.\Jc Money to Lana at Lowest Rates of Interest OFEIGE: 13 OVVEN ST. In the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto. Branch Office, Elmvale, Ont. (17 A 11, yr-.- ESTEN & ESTEN BARRISSFERS Bolsicitom in High Court of Justice Nntnvin: `P11`h]ir- Cnnvnvnh r-`or: auucxwns H1 ulgn LKJUIT OI JILSTJCQ Notaries Public, Conveyancers doney to loan at lowest current rates. 05:93 15! Floor Masonic Temple B|dg._ Barrie. G. mfnn M H mcfnn .-...u-on.-r-~......., -..v__._v~.-`......, ..._ .. 5 Owen St., Barrie. Phone 406. MHNFTV Tn TJWAN u.n\:un.n.a.: L v n.a\rA'LLV Ocd: Masonic Temple Bldg. Mumnsx '1'U uUA..N Qces Roan Block, Barrio. `STEWART & STEWART -.u-nvrnn-may-s.-. 1Nr\v V-rIrv1l\-I\:~ \v Published at 123 Dunlap St, Barrie, every Thursday M. D. , Editox and Publisher

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