We caltry a com- plete line of Har ness and also make hamneast your order. free seed will Kiw-aniis Clubs interest in this 1` 1 will do their, ` e'ty grants t. ;;l `l e prize list for "= Oys Clubs In in North Sim- " of two types: Potota Clubs, Oro and Midg 3 plant one or` `(I Dooley seed by club mem- ble if of good " Potato "1v.1bs, , Baluie, and amber to plant tertied Dooley embers of last A IOVVII from the `. money will be 1 club organized, l or more com ', ll. ( bars 1 . Club progrzun L`lli(3ll_V for last merrbers are iding the ap- : to secure his aglee 410 com- nd regulations. z1_v be secured al office on re-` ' 3 complete the _.-. clubs by the; all applications` " are to be in ; 11th. New ' will be accept- V -,_ but should bet" Jssible-. FHS 20\ V ESCAPE rturned on the Blake St., just ,' g'e, el::1`I_v Mon- Tie ,Vouths, re- H151'1t1sl1 losses weve 146,586. .' Wh:Lt Price Vimy ? asks Will R. 3 1* Bird, in l\lz1clezm s Magazine, and he _{z1ns\ve1~s his own question with an }admission that no one will ever ac ] , tually know. But he says: Visit the .}Ge1'mun cemetery at La Targ'evtte. vlThe1'e are 41,000 graves in that one _;:1lone, zmd they are still nding _ fplenty of German dead. I 0 Go over to Notre Dame. de Loictte _,and see the French National Mem- _[o1'iz1.I. It has four features: the _lCemetery, the Beacon, the Ossu-.u'_V, 1 5 and the Basilic. .i T11 +1-un f`.-un.\4-.... 4.`L....- --. H _ CUIIIUHE 101.1 111 1:110. The Canadians reached Vimy in October, 1916; they spent the winter in raiding` the enemy and in pre- pzxration for `the nal asszxult wmcn came on April 7, when 75,000 Car.- ;adians faced 140,000 Germans. Fol- lowing` the capture of Vimy Rl(l,`.'_'(,- fcame ope-rations, which, lasting, un- jtil June 6, cost the C21l`..1(ll21nS 912 ollicers and 20,46] other ranks. [.1 _ itlm 38 (lays of glmting; known as the i , ` te.rrito1'y ,Arrus battles, 61 square miles of were captured, but the ;B1'itish losses ' \V1m.+. Pvir-n `, in1v on ma nrm n lug,` uue snlamer D1lI'IaJ. g'I`O1.l11(IS. As for Canadians, just around Vimy: 666 Canadians buried at Au- brigny; 828 at Ecoivre-s; 347 at Ldgny St. Flochel; 1.009 at Viers Station; 721 at Cabaret Rou~g\e; -192 qu`o_v. This list does not include the smaller cemetemiess, or the one on the `uuuny 4U,UUU umcnown Wa1'1'l01`S. | i The French themselves do not {know how many of their men died `at Vimy. One grim sentence in their war diary 1S enoup;h. Each night, at Souchez and at Carency, the death carts were heaped full. U The British cannot tell you how many of their men atually died at lVim_v. But {:0 into the cemeteries around the Ridge and you will nd .17,291 B.rit1'sh ;rmves--n1en of the United Kingdom onl_v-wi-thout visit- ing` the sniabler burial grounds. AS for Cnnindiinnc ine+ nwnnnzl i nuuwn ueau. The Ossuary is formed of four! storied groups of oak co ins tinted in ivory, over twenvt_v-f'1ve vaults. iUnd-er there is 21 room ten memes isquare containing` the remains of Vnearly 40,000 unknown xvarriors. i 'i`i"Ir\ Wvn11.nT1 Hana-ncn`lxm.a An tan` izulu me baslnc. I In the Cemetry there are the ;graves of more than 1b_`,000 identi- jcd (1-cad. 12,077 were gwcn to rela- ,tivcs for burial in home co.1netcr1c~s. i'l`he.re are more than 16,000 un- I`; known dead. 'l`hn nL`.`I`lI\`I`V :. 4'-..v.--.1 -n n,,,,, l Nineteen years ago to-day (April 9, 1917) Vimy Ricige was czlipturc-.d by the Czmztdiuns. Next July the survivors of those who took part in that \'ict.or_\' will pay t1'i`bute to those who LII th-:-re when the Canadian monument on the` Ridge, which is now :1 part of Canada, having; been, donated to us by J7rv.11cc. is unv-r--ilnrl. Vinw km: mm-..| the Republic ofi. uUuL1l.t:u LU ua uy tne Republic OII J7ra~.ncc, u11\<-2-ilcd. Vimy had been the g'ht.ing' gvround from the very outset of the war in 1914. Thous- ands upon thousands of lives war- Si1L`1'iC(2'd in the months that i11i;cr- vened before April, 1917, in ghting which was dcsperzute but \\'orth_v of `the zmnals of the British army, for 311'. was upon it that the bulk of the jcombat fell in 1916. 1 "Finn Fnnnrlinhn ..m....1.,..l xr:.____ :,, The Fearifui Price of Vi (RV F)'.'\r \/Vi3:xn1c`| REV. E. E. LONG, B.A. B.D. Minister Lloyd Tuord, Organist and Choir- mast/er. Easter Sunday, April 12th I 11 a.m.-W'2at Easter Means. `Special Easter music by the com- bined Senior and Junior Choirs. 3 p.m.--The Church School. 7 p.m.-Service of Music. Sellec tions from ' l..l____I-lv- unn-_,: In Thursday Friday Saturday The Ming} Way Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire in SEE THE BABIES AS THEY GROW UP 2 - Special Films included in this Showing - 2 Charlie Chaplin in The Firemen Cartoon Beauty Shop ,_Follo_w the Fleet Monday-Tuesday - Wed. Coming-TRAIL OF THE LONESOME PINE MATINEES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY "This Special Entertainment will Make You go Home ~Dancing ! --SI-IOKVING ON THE SABTE BILL- I Wished on the Moon Sirens of Syncopation Pictorial N Dll&LUUW`S 186. A Rec-eption Service for the Cut- ichumen Class. 2 p.m.--C1`usade1`s Class. 3 p.m.-Men`s Class in board J TAHTTI , Theatre, Barrie` G ring on Tv\'rj(;;_"with Dionne Quintuplets Sp ',cial Holiday Treat` Harold Lloyd in Matiness Monday and Wednrgsdayf at 2.30 -ADDED ATTRACTIONS-- (By Fred Williams) .___.. CUIU3 . Every officer save one 1n the Tenth Battalion was killed or wound- ed. (`JU- Eig,'ht ofcers of the 16th are `killed, 13 wounded. ']`Jm QPIH. n..+..1:.... 1--4. ..:..L__ ,, zuuuu, 16 VV011I1(`I-Gd." The 871311 Battalion lost sixty per cent. of its men in :1 sh01't_ time." Every officer of the 102nd Batt- talion was killaed 01' wounded, and commzmd of the unit fell on a com- pany sergeant-majo1'. H-O\V r1!`-tint-'rnf.r1]\r +1-an '7,Q1-A Damn. puny sergeant-ma_1o1'." H-ow desperately the 73rd Bat:-3. lion fought can be judged from the casualities. Every ofcer in A C-111]- pany \vas`ki~1led or wounded; only fourteen ovth*e.r ranks were unharm- ed. 011:1 n}nn1- snarl 0-umlur. ..+L-.. room. 3 p.m.--Ez1ster program for school. in song and story. 7 p.m.-P1'esc-nting :1 religious: drama by Dorothy U. Wilson en` titl-ed ....... ,._ ..l muuueu omer ranks un`n`u'm- ed. One oicer and twelve otlmr ranks were left in B Com)_)any; f- ten other ranks survived in C. Con}- pany; eighteen odzher ranks in D Company. THO nnnn T7nu1~Hw hixalnn mu(`n.~ at Bully G1'cna_V, and 171 in the Communal Cen1~e;te.ry as well; 163 Ablain-St. Nazuire; 677 at Bariin; 226 at Nouex-les-Mines, and 71 at the Communal Cemetery there; '77 at Estree Couchy; 276 at Bruay; 306 at Eztrun; 296 at La 'l`a1`ge.`,te; 193 at Zouave VaL1~ey; 446 at Buc- -Rzidge. ` I Rom! nv+...,,.+. c..-..- Lnl--k--`|-'A~- v nuugc. Read extracts from cords : Al'E`1vp. .. _.lE_,,_ uum1'cu1y." The entire Fourth Division suffer- ed very heavily. Wlizit price, Vimy ? FOR EAs'1i" SEE THE SPECIAL BILTMORE AIRLINER FOR YOUNG MEN -Newest Co1ors- SMART New STYLES `PET Men ; Hats THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1936 No. 8 battalion rc- I ' ._ ' T I` RE'Vi-l.0UlS-"l"|'Cll'(JE'Il`F4G- MINISTER Miss Elsie Cloughley, Organist Sunday, April 1 2th 11 a.m.-'I'he Day Breaks; The Shadows Flee. I A T)I\l1l\Y\+:I\I`I e,\....:.... 4`... +1.... (mo. \\ HARNESS (E IE%I.';.$A\Il RV.`~l.0UiS -mcxmme iv: 1.: 1:1. BAYFIELD ST Remember your dear n . ~-- ` Sunday, April 12th 1 1.00 z1.m.--1-Ioliness )1-eeti The Savaiioza Army I The Horse is no .vtr')z1er hat: the] Harness ` Monogram S1-a1io11ory 750 Gift Boxes St'a1`iono1-y 50a to $2.50 I<`1'umod I i< 350 to 750 11.00 a.m.---Ho1iness llteeting. 2.30 p.m.--Comtan_\' .\1:eting r- : p.1n.--Sa1\'ation Meeting. Conducted by Major Woo1cooL null uv .|..L unnu- We invite you to wo'rshi13_ xxrifh 11: W. R. ALLEN |I:`II_-I I\ ctr EASTER TOWN OF BARRIE UH]. Handel's Messiah TO THESE? 5 -['3ARRIE . i yur. v In court; this morning the cl1arg(=' f was dismissed on the ground of in- l sufficient evidence. Chief Stewa1't3 `fsaid following numerous complaints' `he inspeced Tuck's premises on Sat-1 _u1-day and found a considerable famount of old junk piled in front; _ of `the doorway, as well as on the boulevard. At the request of 1*`. Hzunmond, K.C., defence counsel, he and Chief Stewart went "to the old iDreamlnnd 'l`heut1'e and measuxed the distance between the building land the sidewalk which was found iito be 17 inches. 'l`l1is distance in- , (:lu(l(.-d 'l'uck .s property and he was l within his rights in placing; goods i there. n Y\;I.`....I. JAY, rn I I -' - Mr. Roy Rand]-e, popular Meaford E young man was honored at a recent 1 banquet held at the Ontario Agri- 1 cultural College, when he was award- ed seven prizes for buttermaking. Food . ' Fuel * clothihg Shelter I Light: : `D1-no-4: Relief expenditures for the week ending April 3rd were as follows. Employable Indigcnts Total .. ..$254.78 $160.92 $415.70 . .. . . 68.35 60.30 128.65 Clothing ... 52.43 5.44 57.87 .... 4.00 -- 4.00 lLight: .. --- 2.25 2.25 `Drugs . . .. 1.25 ---- 1.25 I/llUl'L'. _ On March 4th Tuck pleaded g'u11`L_v to :1 similar offence and was re- lmunded for sentence. I ` RELIEF LAST WEEK COST $609.72 `ozuuuluuy 1a5L. ' E When the case was called in com" `aft 10 am. Wednesady the accused did not appear in answer to a sum- mons which had been sewed the day .previous by Chief Stewztrt Magis- *ate Jeifs immediately issued a bench warrant for Tuck s -arrest. ` +110 Flncn nf` nn111~4' 41'-A "I-A--~~~ uuucu wzu`1`anE I01` '.l'l.lCK am At the close of court the ` ;ru.'~:he(l into the court and 4 he thought the trial was ` 1`hursday. An adjournmen granted so he could secure yer. In r-run-l~ Hm':- 1n.u..,.:...... 4.1.- `CU Ill CUllVC1`SilCl0n- 1 The chief examined the premises iabout the bakery but found no evi- dence of any break-in. The two men were taken to the police sta- tion for questioning, but were iater allowed to go. ' A a 5 i ! For the second time in four weeks} `Arthur J. Tuck, local second-hemd, :m~crcha.nt has evaded a ne or othex E 'penalties on a charge of placing. goods, wares or other merchandisci in front of his premises on Bayeldl St. The second offence occurred on| jszmturday last. 3 Wlmn Hm rlncn `Ivan ,...n..,1 :.. --._..-l on, was oemp: Droken Into. Accompanied by Night Constable. W. Rayner, the police proceeded tol fthe scene and there found. two men! standing on the corner buslly engag-5 `ed in conversation. , T`11n n1-n-P r.`-nu-..'n,.,) `I-II ....- _:..__` v ' At 1 o clock yesterday morning? Chief Stewart was notied by phone that Weston s Bakery, 136 Elizabrzuu St., was being` broken into. ` Ar'(-nmnnnizzi luv ?\'n-1~.+ r`m..~+\L.'.- Page Eight ERELIGIOUS PLAY AT CENTRAL I EASTER SUNDAY EVENING} ' 1 i On Sunday, April 12th, at the I I evening service in Central United ' Church, under the direction of the! Rev. Louis Pickering` a number ofi the young people will present a Re-` iligious Drama entitled For He Had 1Grcat Possessions. The drama is ibuilt around the New Testament; `characters, Zaccheaus. Bartimaeusl land the Rich Youn Ruler. Recent-' , Q . 1 IV Dlgv \v;1q rrixrcxn in i.\l'I-anvnl-um n POLICE NOTIFIED OF BREAK-IN; `ONLY FIND TWO CONVERSINGI iuuu we men xoung 1<.u1er. Recent-j zly this play was given in Alvhambrai iUnited Church, Toronto, to a capac- .i.t_v audience by a group of members, from Norfolk Unitcu Church, j .Guc-Iph under the divection of M12! J. M. Kmn-na, K (T (`-.-mm A++m-an-vl .\.zu unuer me cnvectlon Of M12` J. M. Kean-ns, K.C., Crown Attorney for Wellington County. l Barrie Branch of the Canadiani jLeg'ion observe the annual Vlmyl Ridge banquet in the Legion Hall! to-nig-11-t and judging from the de-! mand for tickets, the attendance will" ibe exceptionally large. -- 5 I Farm for Rent: or for Sale---South! [half 10!; 10, Con. 5, Innisl, 755 `acres rst class working land. Bul-1 ance pa.stu1'e and creek. Thirtyi lacres fall ploughed. Brick house} `and good barn, stable and outbu1ld-I 1 1 mgs. M. J. Frawloy, Barrio. At a meeting of the C.N.R. Lawn 5 `Bowling; Club held on April 1st, t loicers for the season were elected! !as follows: Chai.m1a.n, E. E. Mc-Er IFadde11; Sec.-T1'eas., A. G. C1iI'ton;i I Committee, S. Garside, C. Pouchel-,EC J. R. Rog"-ers, Bruce Thompson. {I -oz----j-:--o I Wood for SzLle-Re'usonab1e priccsi on green hardwood, 90 per cent.` maple, also tzunarac. G-eorge Poole. Phone 1077111. ' At the Communion service in C01- lier S-t. United Church bust Sunday twenty-sev-en were added to the church roll, three by certicaJte arrl twenty-four on profession of faith, mostly from the Sunday School. 3 | For Sale--Cement; Mixer. Electric! !Light Dept, Baycld St._ Barrie. DOG BY-LAW Owner and harbourers of dogs in the Town of Barrie are reminded I that dogs are no; allowed to run at` large, according to by-law, and must be on a lead when on the Streets. Failure to comply with the by-1aw will mean prosecution. By order, Alex. Stewart, Chief of Police. 3 l V l The Simcoe County `C1*i'minal Audit Board conc_1uded a weok s sitting to- ; day af~tcr passing -administration of justice accounts. Judge A. E. Wismer presided. I A community service will be held! in Collier St. Unirced Church 011' i Good Eviday at 11 a.m. | i At the monthly meeting of thei ing next, in the police court Ch2).l11-= !R.V. Hospi-ta1_ will" give a short talk.` [All interested are cordially invited.` lV.O.N. executive on Tuesday even-' lbeis, Miss Mlc.~\rt11u.r, Supt. of the: 1 I :C.N.R. BOWLING CLUB ; . ELECTS 1936 OFFICERS- 3 Buy your 1936-37 Radio Licensel at J. G. I{0e'nan s Music Store, 24, i- & TUCK EVADES LAW 3 TWICE IN FOUR WEEKS $380.81 $228.91 zcond oifence occurred on`. . _ _ {st | Following negotxutioiis of several 9 months, arrangenients have been conlplc-tied for an inte1'p1'ovincial war lgioodwill banquet to be held in Oril- L dayllia on Tuesday, April 28th. The ,- stewa Mae.iS,'banque' will mark the three hun- dredth anniversary of the deatli 01` am Tuekrs Samuel de Cha'mpla_in. 105.3 accuse, The program Will be broaclcasl e1a;medif1-oni coast to coast on the network .381 set feriof the `Canadian Radio Commission. adjou,-nmeht wa;_.iThe speakers will be his honor C_ol. a 1aw_ Bruce, Lieut.-Governor of Ontario; Hon. E. F. Surveyor, of the Superioi ehm.ge.Court of the Pro_v1ne of_Qu<:bec;_ Dr. ;gd ih_lH. J. Cody, president 01 the Univer 3vidence_ SteWa1.t:sit_V of Toronto and Capt. Rene dr ing comp1a;hteIRoure, head of nthe French Depurtr` _ satdment of McGill University. considerable! _ n,l(l innlz nilml :n 4-`......c hmw nnrl H10 hzninnnf unll hn cmvml The speaking will occupy one` .._..j_. $609.72` Co[l_i}r%St%il.|;ited Church?! V Dave Gardiner, who broke away from Parry Sound district g'ao1 two ;weeks ago, was re-arrested Sunday Hat the home of a friwe-ml in Tim; 3 ` township. : T-Tn Inc fnlrnn +n T2-nu-an mun] 4-'.....,~ I |WALLW'IN-Tn Allandale, o-n Sun-. day, April 5, 1936, Isaac Burke` Hussey Wallvwin, in his 70rbh year.` The funeral took pbace from his late residence, 19 Main St., on Tuesday, with interment in Barrie Union Cemetery. iT.'-\YLOR--At the R.V. Hospital, Barrie, on Wednesday, April 8, 1936 to M1`. and Mrs. Wm. '1'z1y~ lo.1', Painswick, u duugrhter. PI-I,lLL`lPS--Alt the R.V. Hospital, Bl.l`l'l'0, on Sa.tu1'duy, April 4, 1936, to M1`. and Mrs. Victor Phillips, 25 B1'adfor(l St., :1 son. SASO---At the R.V. Hospital Barrie, on Saturday, April 4, 1936, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Saso, Elizabeth St., a daughter. I 1 l At a. mveetting of the executive of `the Conservative Association of On- ljtario, held at the Royal York Hotel on Monday, with representatives 'lp1vesent from all parts of the pro-. lvince, May 28th was chosen as the gconvention dizute to select :1 leader .|fo1' the Conserva-tivue Association 01 3 ' Ontari 0. T4 vvvu-\tw .l....:.1-.) L. 1,11 .1 IHHBXIL 01 1\`1CL1lll UTllV01'S1Ly. | [hour and the banquet will be sewed `in the Orillizi Y.Mi.C.A. gymnasium by the Ladies Auxiliary. mun rarry oouna msnrxct. He made 1115 wa._v on foot down ~tho 65-mi1e stretch of the north [shore between Parry Sound and Pen0tz1ng, arriving in Pcnletang last `Monday night. It was believed that {he had escaped to Toronto and W4- in luiding Lherc. iJ2lLulll. i Gardiner had made hls g'e?awa_v `ifrom Parry Sound dlstrict g`u.o1 22 ;week ago last Wednesday by Scl\V1UI 1the bars of his cell. He was: bum; `iheld there on chzL1`9,'os of broakin, `and entering summer cottages of ;the Parry Sound district. T-Tp Innrln 11?: umv nh ~Fn.n+ (1.-m.-.. | Luwusmp. 5 He was taken to BzLr1'1e gaol. from .Which he will be trnusfm-1'c(l back to `Parry Sound and a i'u1'ther charge 10f gaol breaking laid to those al- `ready ag;ains1; him. Ga.1'dine1' is `known in Pcneitang as Dave Dm ijardine. Cn1'inn.1- lqnrl nu-nln lair .~....4..-,.m.. 1 daily a.t:'Jendance was 1,620, i According to the principals re- ports submitted to the Board of Education -on Monday night, the ltotal enrolment for Blarrie public schoohs and Clollegviazte Institute dur- ing March was 1,779. The average or 91. per cent. In the four public schools $270.32 Was deposited in the penny bank by the pupils. Principals Reports . ` IC`ol1cg,1iznte-Academic: -tiotal enrol- |me.nt 514, average attendance 474 or '92 per cent. Commrial: total enrol- ment 129, avcraage aA*tend-ance 112 or 87 per cent. Toal enrolment for, school 643. 7 T14-an f`......-. 1 an -v-n14vv\ r\r\"- 0!! . 'T`.n+n`I I1 -I p F f f c E! V D ` M. IL. wwu.u For He Had Great Possessions" R A vivid po1'tm_\'u1 of the power and, beauty of Ch1'ist s touching: skilfully, brought out wit11 21 deep evangelistic! appeal. All arc: invi+pd- r-Inildrnn :1m_om-' `INTERPROVINCIAL GOODWILL V BANQUET TO BE HELD I I IN ORILLIA ON APRIL 28 `L779 PUPILS IN ATTENDANCE AT SCHOOLS DURING MARCH SCHOOL 040. King G01-ge-'Iota1 enrolment average attendance 24 or 94 cent. Penn-y Bank $9.32. Vinv 17.thx7nvr'_.'Fr\l."n1 nhvnhm ceub. .l.'l`.`IlI|'y DEIIIK $37.04. 8 King Edward-To`t`a1 enrolment 247, average attendance 222 or 90 `per cent. Penny Bank $58.81. ' `Vin~nv-i|n_;'T`-nfn] n11v`n1n1nn+. 2'79 . runny D2lK u`pUZ.UU. :` Prince of Wa1es-TcJt1a1 enrolment; 1485, average attendzmce 437 or 90 per cent. Penny Bank $109.29. Report of School Nurse `, '_ In the monnlhly report of the pub-N ilic school nurse, Miss A. McM'c- Mahon, R.N., reported having made_ ,45 visits to the four schools during: !Mzu'ch and inspected 956 children,` `administering 27 treatmrenrts. She staltied having: found 39 defects, while 24 were terminzvted. Miss Me- ,Mahon made 32 home visits during `the month and held three consulta- itions. She reported one case of :chickenpox in Victo1'i'a School. \.l.ll1l/cl l'lU. It was decided to hold the As"-` socia.tion s annual 1neeti11p; and elec-~ Ition of oicers on May 27th, the day ipreceding the election of the leader. ! W, H Trxan nh-xmnvnn n4-` `1`\r\ {1J1'UCUlBlILL ; me eiecmon OI the leader. ! W. H. Ireland, chairmain of the {Convention Committee. made it }clear, however, that in case Mr |I-Iuepburn, or any oher person acting [as Premier, should decide to seek ithe approval of the people on the ischool tax biil now before the fHouse, or any other issue the execu- Itivc will cr::vl~l an immediate conven- `tion, to be held within a few days. "of its announcement. Thorn xxvnr `NHL. A:..,...,.-:.... .... 4.1., EGAOL-BREAKER RE-ARRESTE.D ` jTAKEN BACK TO PARRY SOUND I 'pe1' CCIIE. renny DZIHK $36.61.. VictoriIz1-"1`otal enrolment 378, ,average attendance 351 or 93 pm: `cont. Penny Bank $92.90. l pihn NF V/n'|n=_ I"rJfln1 nnvnlmnn. }MAY 28th SET AS DATE TO PICK TORY LEADER , I All are invited; children acuom-: panied by adults. DEATHS BIRTHS The Northern Ad.vaL.ce ..V' D81 . nreasurel-"s Keport ; In pwzsentino: the treasu1'e1"s re- 'po1't, R. F. Grant said tlml c" the-1'c' lwas little cl1lan_:e since the Novem- -ibcr report was presented. The e county pays all current account: `. `mzxinrtenzmce. $100 was received fol slcot endowment from the estate of 1 the late Mrs. Iszvbel McMinn, which e had been invested in Dominion of Canada. bonds. I J I J L. (COIltl111It"(l from n;i_;'t one) tally weak, with often satisfied with relief and di'er<-nt to the ne(:(ls of their _ ' fam- ilies beyond existing. In this age of higrh Speed and eiciency, the simple ploddcr has little chance oi beine: absorbed in industry. The children of such parents have still less likelihood of becoming` self-sup- `porting; citizens unless constant Quid ance is given and some vocational training made possible in their form- utive years. The department is now putting` grreat stress upon preventa- tive work of this kind and aims to large families, arc` in- V make thn Society more of a social` orpcanization, brinp;in_e' intensive ef- forts to family rxroup work and prob- lem adolescent childen. `involve heavy expenditures, but would doubtless eventually reslllt in fewer becoming` public charges, either as wards of ;Aid Society, institutions. or fall in- 1to the criminal class, all of which are costly to the state. Purchasing Committee i The report of the purchr.isin_e` com- mittee. presented by Mrs. A. Hogran. `for the five months showed |$1.`)3.23 was spent on the purchase of clothing for the 32 children in boarding homes, 45 yards of an- 'neIettn was made into growns, etc., as wvell as mitts knit aml dresses made: -5182 yards of groods were bought for x ) l `the Shelter and made into dresses, gowns, pyjamas, underwear, etc., by Miss Burneld and others. -n - that ' the Children's - This re-, lquir-es tnninc-(l supervisors and would e CUU Llllb yL'd.1' will Do 01 V0 types: hi (1) Junior Boys proposed for Barrie, , land, each member to or -s f_ two bags of certied seed f potatoes (seed grown _ber last year acceptable good" i qualiitiy) . (2) Senior Boys "lv.1bs,: !proposed for Midland, Bale, ("possibly Oro_ each member three to six bags of certied f potato se-ed. Club members - year may use seed glown 1 club plot. $60 prize 3 available for each providing 20 members plete illhe full program. |` Npw Mnmknug VCELH E! Kiwanis Clubs and Local Fairs ' to Co-operate :Last year the Kiwanis Clubs and. , other org`anwiza!`Jionws in the county as-` `sisted the Piotato Club prc-gram in a t`very material way by the dis;Lribu~' ) tion of hundreds of bags of certied Dooley seed pota:Uoes, as well as as-g sisting with the Agricuitural Some-1 , :ties to provide the prize money. 5This year, while no free seed will [Qbe dis-tributed, -tlhe ) are continuing` their interest important activity -and `part in s-upplemenwting; Department ,'and Ag`ricuLtura.1 Society ;r' _ `make up an attractive for` 3 each club. 'I`.... 'I"_.__- _t n...,,,v hi I `L ua\.a puu aux mus u1_] u1`_\ The car, which was driven by; Leslie Jowett, Dunlop St., took two complete turns and l:1nd.: upzwric down in 21 deep ditch bt,-.=.irle a hydro pole, which was cut on ? ncm' the base. The other occupants of the cm` \\'m'e Sitlili} B:1k02'noi`_g'r2, Can` L-ee, Hangv Lee and Ralph Skinner, ElC('Ol`(lll1.'.' to police. Wlfl1 `H1n r-vrlnnfinn .-.47 OLA .1 2LcL'u1'(1I1u_" L0 DOUCC. With the cxceptxon of the d1'i\=.1', all (-.=.cz1pe(l vrith a sh:1km_;` up and minor b1'ui.=,es. Jowvtt was taken to D1`. Lz1u1'ie s office b\' :1 pa.~`sm_;>j motorist. Several stitches \\'u1'-9 re- quired to close a (1001) 221511 OX-'01` his left eye. He also suffrrrod shock and body bruises. Night Constz-.blo. Ray- ner in\'esti_Q'z1te(I. YOU ARE WELCOME SERVICES. While every major dc-pression has` 4s.t:1rt;e(l mi :1 different period of thei year, e\'v1'y major 1'eco\'c-13* has be- - I gun m the summer.-~He1'bc1't Hoover. BOYS POTATO CLUB PROGRAM FOR 1936 (Continued f1_`0111 page one) at the local show as arranged. Po-. l.a.to eld days and picnics are being` plunned. nnuunfu pnlnnln W5? | CHILDREN S AID STARTS NEW YEAR; ;n.>.;.iuu:u. | County Potatq Fair The annual Simcoe C.:>unty Potato Fair will be held ag'ai~n late this fall and will be open to compe:tiL1or _fo1' all -po~ cato growers. Special classes will be added to make the Potaufo Fair of even g'rez1ter value and irnterest than was the case last V1321`. ; ' When their car ovc1'turned 4s1ippr.-r_v pavement on Jeast of Ovcnden College, ,day mornin,<:, ve Bzlrrie turning home from O1'i'1liz1_ nzu-1'ow1}' escaped serious injury "N10 om-, xv]-uinln ma ,1`-hm 1--~ yusbe Mutt: .LuH. [)1'Ug.',"1'E.l.IIl. New Members While the Potato program` ftliis year is planned chiefly }rear s members, new quite acceptable providing plicant will undertake own certied seed and ply with the rules and Application forms may at the local agricultural quest. It is hoped to organzaltxion of the middle of April, and from 1935 members by Saturday, April members applications ed at a late1' date, sliould be? sent in as soon as possible. FIVE BARRIE YOUTHS HAVE NARROVV l .'ilCII UKUU. Two Types of Boys Boys Poato Clubs coe this year will be Junior })1'o)osed Mid- Lin! nnr-11 l`V\nv`n"\r:1~ 4-n n1nn+ nu Report h'r-:1 an I _-_--_._. .. ...~-oc....u A Good Friday Service for the community will be held in this church at 11 a.m. 1-1r - -. . -- "-'1