anu omer Journals and it 15 through; `this work that he located in Barrie.{ He is reputed to be a smart receiver,`. having played senior ball in the , and in Toronto. . But just in case` of em-eirgency, the club has been inf touch with Asbury, last yea; with; Mitllzind Consols. and Paddy Yo`un:.:.` Asbury, working` for the g`ove1'nment, went from Huntsville, his home town. to Mii(il.",n(l, where he served as hanrly man, pitching, catching` and elclin_ He 15 a consistent hitter. ` All of which iml him an atldition to any club. Younq is said to be anxious to don 21 Barrie unifo1'_1_1_1, but he may be bound for Kirklzmcl Luke, Where money is plentiful and life is free. If he doesn t, he will be. here. Since 1799 thousands of people have regained their norma` health zaftei` years of su c1'ing from stomach troubles of all types, such as constipation, i)`ldlgCSUOl1,, gas and sour -Pnnfnva n+' any-ix In'llLII]:-.: n DI./Ulllclcll, WAHLJL u1L: Luu uuou, ;u.uua.u u; nus... .............., .... higw b1oo(1~1)1:essu1'e, rheumatism, periodic 11::-z1r1:\che. ..I-- 5.. 43-..- >`\P] 1-,.,1.. n.'.-..-. in Han 1mnL- Humv 1.-1.-nnnu 1u...14.-... v.. ..u.,\. u... ..v _v, F _, and bladder disorder, exhaustion, 1 Those sL1f1'~erc1*s have not used chemicals or drugs of any kind ; remedy made by Nature. This 1 nn H-In 11? rnn|1nf,.'wn hi"-!L'.Q. an L/_)'1)U-3, auuu cm \.uuov-yumuu, ...u.5v.,..-..,, 5..., - T__T. stomach, which are the basic factors oi such ma1a(1:us as " ` .1:.. 1. ....1.-. ... .1 1 1 I.IAvv\| pimples on fr .....l 1.1.`/l.].-.u piuipiua uu Llxuu Luau uuu_\, puum nu mu. u.u...., ...e., ...e....._, loss of sleep and appetite. any man-m:1de injurious ; they have only used at marvellous p1'oduct p;ro'.vs on the l1i;_:l1r:st mountziin peaks, where it absorbs all the healing elements and vitamins from the sun to aid HUM.-XNITY in dist1'es. It is composed of 19 kinds of 2 ries and flowers, scientically : and is known as LION CROSS LLUN UKUDD r1J:..1(.Li J.1gA I;z1sLes 1 fully upon your system, and is : Prepare it fresh like any ordinary 1 a day, hot or cold. LION CROSS HERB TEA tastes -Pniln 11Y\nrI \vnI1\- aumnrn nnr] Cc A one dollar * you look and familiar with 1 T TIWKY FDOCQ THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1936. j- lamluar wxm me Dcnenclzu CIICCLS 01 Luis naturan remeuy LION CROSS HERB TEA, try It at once and convmce yourself. If not satisfactory money refunded to you._ Also in tablet form. Try it and convince yourself with our money-back antee. One Week Treatment $1.00 Six Weeks Treatment 1 In order We avoid mistakes in getting the genuine LION CROSS HERB TEA, please fill out the attached coupon. Minimum Special Fare-Adults 50c. Children 25. ,. Far fares and further information apply to Railway Ticket Agents Lio - Pharmacy, 1180 Second Ave._ `KY V (`H-xv `M V 1 lGU DBCOIHI AVE N. Y. City, N. Y. NAM-E Gentlemen : Enclosed nd $. hupantrn ante nf H1 mnctoseu nna :5 . . . . . . . Ior Wmcn please senu me . . . . treatments of the famous LION CROSS HERB TEA. MAY we suggest :1 heat for tho. fmnily ? -A Box of Nei1son s , I11- ---'I.-.L..~ ADDRESS CITY IN ADDITION THE REGULAR WEEK-END FARE AND ONE-QUARTER WILL BE IN EFFECT. Special Limit for Students nnd Teachers of Educational Institutions on surrender of Cunndinn Pnuucngcr Association Certicate. Good going any time Thursday April 9th, until 2.00 p.m. Monday April 13th - - - Return limit leaving destination up to midnight Tuesday April 14th, 1936. (plus the regular seal; or berth charge) EASTE% FARES Good in sleeping and parlor cars. treatment accomplishes WONDERS; makes `. feel like new born. If you are not as yet the benecial effects of this natural remedy E UWDD TWA +1-w 1+ -.1+ nnr-n nnd r-nnvinrn D. G. BRUNTON S Coffee Shop Phone Allandale Between all points in Canada Goad in coaches only. for which please send me wanna mmq (`XRORR T~T`P.'RR 'l"1 % Blue Brand Baby Beef Made from Seville Oranges 2 lb. Jar 23 cents EASTER . STATE . . . . . . . PURE MARMALADE natural leaves, seeds, her- and propo1*t1'onute1y 11)lXC(1 : n1;`.1:n I`I<`.A uuu 111 upx.-L LIL H ERB TEA. --_`1 -I- \.I`L VJ. nnvvannavnn r-v Easter Chocolates --`Choco1ate Bunnies --Co1ored Candy Egg Such (-,om0(*1'i0ns are 211- \\'u_\'s appreciated. Special Easter Ice Cream Bricks noun, 1:.-uun. uh. ; in the buck, liver, kidney I _, 1.` _,1 ,___ _,_..I ._..._ ~.:L . Dept. 9846A Strictly Fresh Medium A. delicious, acts \vom .e'r- safe even for children. ' tea and drmk a glzusxul For Page Five $5.00 CA_B"`Y SPURT _GLEANiNi?iS if NO BLAME ON TRAIN CREW 9 IN CROSSING FATALITY ` i The pitchin_sz' looked after, :1 _:oo catcher assured, with cI1any:9s in the infield and the same outeld as last year, you ll be seeing a baseball rc- vival in Barire this summer, was Mr. Hamb1y s party pro`phes_v. I1':l.(l D6811 it Dig` JOKE. I `Chief Stewart said he obtainedg I 1-. the name of Frank Coughlin, Anton ; .Mi11s, as the owner of car bea.1'1n_q license EY-914, and later Laid the 5 charge on Montgomery ~s comp_1amL. E `(`.n1nrT1Hn cfnfnd Hanf 111': r-av urn: UUH DU ."\lJ.d.llUU.le ul; 1110 (11118. A co1'one1"s jury under Dr. C. F. Burt, of Alliston. on I\Ionda_\' return- -ed a verdict that death was purely accidental, but a recommendation` was made that the onginc~sr have a better View from hls cab. 1 wont to the nals. forced the series to three games, but lost the last by . 21 lopsided 12 to 4 count. In the playdowns Barrie was the only `emu to get 21 111-ee-goal lead on the` . Buzzers. uuuuniuuie ue \Vd.S uI'l\"lI1_'.;` W215 SITLICK by a C.N.R. oil-electric passenger train at 21` level crossing; two miles north of Tottenliam on April 2nd. The train was en1`outc- from Hamil- ton to Allandale at the time. A Dn\'nV1n1"c 1'1nvn nvnlnu T1`. (`I 13 To-morrow (Good Friday) the Ontario Ainateur Softball Associa- tion will hold its fourteenth annual meeting in the Y..VI.C.A. at Owen Sound. Bill Garner, sec1'eta1'y-t2~c::s- urer of last year s intermediate B champions, the Ptoxy .-\cir.-is; Jos. Saso, L. A. Iimms arid A. Z\Ia1'shull "vill represent Barrie at the meeting. '.'\I1'. Ga.mer has been nominated for :1. place on the executive comnnttee L and has been asked to be present `Ito :~:pea.k on his suggestion of an amendment to b_V-law one of the constitution. T4` flail 1)I\\r\Ia.]r\-\ ....+ .._-._ L1,, 1 Jas. F. E. Wesltlake, age 33, son` of M1`. and Mrs. William Westlake, of Beeton, was killed when the light automobie he was clriving` struck Zndf The was mirnntn `Frnvn T-Tmm'l. E The_ Bz11'rie_ Softball Association }"cumc.1nto bcmg last Monday at 21 } meetmgr of the Roxy Aces and their supporters. In the last two years "the club has been known as the },Roxy Ages and In that time has |`lbecntqu1t}:2 sugcessful, `winning the |'cyt();111; yancd a11;z1l);L)nsh1p 1n t_ho1r 1st , y golng rlrght I th1`0l1I~'.`}1 t9 the mtermedlatc B" i champ!onsh1p of On(cario_ is vpnr 1+]-m nnmn 1-mm I'\./\f\\r\ ~ D "I * ! Japan has :n naval budget for 1930 , ,L};.he:dr_ `which reaches about $158,137,000,` _yh.S_ She but the United Stattes budget tor the old T. `the same period stands at $460,000,- Monday mi {000. Let us hope that `the nations Road Y_p wi11 not be hurried into it race foi `with game: {the largest and most (lestructive the cast of 1navy. That way lies waste, hatzcrdvdisen getti :and destructlon. Miss Mi] WM. GARNER NOMINATED FOR O.A.S.A. EXECUTIVE x.un:Lu,uLwu. V If this amendment goes throughlf :i C section will be added to the senior . with intermediate .'-\"i, and I The amendment would. provide for the rural sections and ` municipalities not excee(lin_e; 3,500 in the C Cl11; The B section` would be coinpi-1.~,e(l of towns. up to! `10,000, and towns and cities over . s that would be iorced to enter the Senior or "A any-In: * Collingwood Doubtful--The Ship- builders are still somexx-`hat dou'n~tf'1l of their entry in the loop. At the league meeting` last week they de- clared themselves in but that was on the grounds of the only Hector Lefty Goldsmith taking over the mound duties. Now it would seem that Goldie won t be in these parts and even if he should, he mll De one of the Kni_e:l1ts of )l-r;afo1'(l, be- ing` closest to that town. Dr. Blakely 1nu;~'vt be lmvin_e,' a l1ez1(l21cl1e, as beside GoI he was count~. ing on other Meafonl men to help` round out 21 team, and now they can t help him out. VTl...L ...-,..... I_11Z..____,, 1 `I1 `(I10 LIIIIC LDC HCCIQCIIE 0CC11l'1'C(1. 1'18 iclaimed that he was never by the gpost office during the afcerndon of E;`=Iu1'ch 25th. I. 17'.-.n-. I\"LIr\`- .....1......... ; .21 1: run z atn. 1' From other evidence given the` [case was dismissed. acmur 01' "A" ser1es. 3 1 Last year showed the necessity of; such a cl19.n,q'e in the constitution` and there is evc-ry 1-cason to believe {that the amendment will go tl11'0L22,`l1. [`111:'.', L-UL` ,4?!" ;\v'.l|l be mzu lthc se(:o11(I Iup vith Co !tL-am, zmd E |].,,.,, H,.,. :1 :LL'LUH, HHU DI. `place the ftl lwinners will 1 `rig,-`ht to nlf`(,"t ' itrals for the 11.10 klllba JILL. dllu AV..LLDa LI: LLLIXUD. Alvin Montgomery, garbage col. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ha11na spent lector, Barrie, said he was proceed- S1111d'c1.V in 01`i11ia- ing east along` Dunlop St. on March.` M13 Ernie BOITY is m0VlI1=g 50 when a 1929 Chev.1~01e-[; c0dci1,]Ha\-.~'kestoi1ie, where he will be em- bearing license number EY-914 pul1- I PIOYCK1 2113 the C-N.R. Station. ed up in front of him and made a1 M11 W'35- A115PPs bU'CCl1e1' for sharp turn, alniost striking i1i_-_\l\yls(l0n1 & CO., has been 011 the sick 1101-59. He said the ca, turned rggm list and unable to attend to l)Ll;?lIlC:.'>I in I'.1'(mt of his horse .< head. czxiisiiigimis WEEK- the animal to pull back, breal(i11gl_ M_1'-`Mid Mrs. F. W. Dobson were part 01' the harness. The incidentlm B1'18`hl011 011 Sulldillf ttclidmi-." occurred in front of Payne- s t,obacuo.tl1e funeral of the late Mrs. W. J. store and after the car had tuxnedi West- it proceeded around the post ofcei M113 R- H0015, Of HiU11i1t0n; Spent ;square and passed him again going,I`thf-` `Veek end at his home. ' least on Dunlop St. As tl1e `car wen`.:? M13 _A1'Wl1U1' Blair underwent an by the second time he claimed Ll1atj_aPP0I1C1!X 0_'P01"< l?i011 011 u011d9~Y and irthc driver and his companion Wereils P1'S`1"-`_551n8` f3V01 iboth sneering; at him as if it had all. Any 0i the railroaders who notic- "had been big joke. led the front cover of this issue of obtainedfthe C"=m`ad1an National ll/I-agaille `the may h9~V9_ been impressed with tlu `Mills, Easter lilies and the residence 1 shown but little did they think it ` `charge uontgomeryxs complamt `was a reproduction oi` the home of I coughijn stated that his cgu. was the Rev. W. A. E. Doe's father in `a Dodge sedan and not a Chev, and Bermuda- r,u......:..... ....... `_1.L.,,,4, 1 . .1 | John F. Dobson was re-elected to ithe executive of the Ontario Ama-- ,teur Bzxsehall .'-\s:so('ia.t.ion at the an- nual n1eL~tinp,' last Friday. !BOWL!1'\'G PLAY-OFFS TO & BEGIN WEEK TO-1` Bowling I.cug`u< 5 The 1)1ay-ofT 1 I lwith ve t-sums ?(`. unm. \ .. 11 CASE DlSMjISSED BECAU 21?. OF MISTAKEN IDENTITY mouuay, and the assurance of; Deverde Smith s employment with` the Shell Oil, the pitching duties will? be well taken care of. In fact, so i_ well taken care of that we wonder-i ed whp in Barrie could cmtch them. . ,This point was settled with thr: statement that Chas. Moffatt, of, Saskatoon and Toronto, with his ` family, became a resident of Bar:-ieb] this week. Mr. Moffaatt is connect-~1 ed with the Saturday Evening: Posto and other journals and it is throughi` he locateti in R5i)`1`in :1 In police court yesterday morning Magistrate Jeffs dismissed a charge of reckless driving preferred agains-'. 1`lf;.x1k Coughlin, of Amen Mills, by Chief Alex. Stewart. The case was thrown out on the grounds of mis- taken idcnzti-ty. Alvin Nlnnfn-nnwni-V o'.:1rl\an'p r-nl.l SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION . ORGANIZED IN BARRlEi CIlil.IIl[)r'.0I1Sn1p OI Unrbarlo. This year the name has been changed to the Barrie Softball As- sociation, with L. A. Happy Emms as president and Bill] Garner, secretary-treasurer. The Association [may enter two teams in the Simcoe !|Leag'ue. T. F`.n\n1c \.V I`.-wwnnu and `I'..,. cum. wuuztguu. { L. Emms W. Garner and Joe Saso were apopin-ted as delegates to the O.A.S. convention in Owen Sound tn-mnrrnw. JOHN DOB SON RE-ELECTED th 0 l'\r\ bx-rths in the C]1u1'eh` g I.cz1;;'ue hzwe been reuchedl ive beams Central .\"o. (S, St. .~ No. 10, St-t. I\I:11'y .s No. 3, No. 1 and Collier No. 2 m;k- ,;::`:1(lr:. The .<-::mi-mxl rolls. 3 mzulc next '.l`hu iduv .r..-..l ..I....,.Cw I`-.. 1. _...`.`,. .u.. .v.,.un-unxu JU xildt '.l`hurs(`1u_\', W` '1 place St. Goo1':.:'c s11ooki Collie;-r. the fourth plu St. .\'I:u'y s, in third plat fifth place Collier. T vill than play-o` for t 10.7 : the 1CZ1f.,"L10 lending Ci. Hui r-hnnwninna-1-in L110 l5j'Z1f.','llC luzul champion;~:hIp. u-nus II} we L/nm reach ` , 1] {`nn:u- \'n 0 \-r\- x.-.~.-.u .u_.y nun uuu. That means Co11in<:w.oor1 will not have :1 team that will Wm ::n_V cham- pionships, but it W11] be a break for up and cominr: home talent, which` when propc-y fosterecl, does not - cake:man_v seasons to round out. I11. .~-.::l1I-1111211 l'0Ll.w`i with] ;. s]1ooki11gl place piace, ('0 ("nHn1- 'I`!s:. ,7 \U. -5 1-nal 3 Church reached n (3 UL | I I,-NIGHT H|.. K` rolls ~.uH!~ xilll L-, I The the I` .. n ,uisu gu-L.uI1g' H1 21 111,121-e practice. i Minnie lie-ays continued her {address on misisons in Africa, telling {an interested gatliering of the Bur-V Iton Ave Y.I .S. of the cus/coins and beliefs of the African neg=1*o. The attendance contest, a race around the world by aeroplane, nds Pilot Jack Hill ahead, stopping; at Rome this week while his rival pilot, Miss Edna Hunter, has just reached the of Good Hope. i i Elimination Tournament ; An elimination tournament to as- ` 'certain the table tennis, checkei" and crokinorle champions of the Yl Ba_\`. Club was started Tuesday!` `night. So nirmy members enLc1'cd~ the competition that so far it hasl< `only reached the fou1"h round andgi `will have to be concluded at a later I` `date. \ L:1..,. 4.. `lnrx :u...11 L:4;-;L4A-- v uzwts. I A. hike to the tall timbe.1~s has been decided on for this 'l'uesd21_\',i and on Thursday the group will be the g'ue~st,s of the Orililia Y and viii take advztntage of the swimming . 1 facilities `there. i 1)1vnr~:r`riv\`- LT,-...L C`...!L1. ..._ J {Vi i`and Mrs. W. A. E. Doe. l l l I l ll\ L"1l1ll`C l'd.L'Uu . Interesting Visitor . An mteresting visitor from Ham- ilton last week end was Mrs. D. H. G. Fairclou._L'h, who is well known there in business, club and political circles, and also as an accomplished: musician. Mrs. Fairclough is a sis- wtcr of Mrs. Reg`. Heels and was a` guest of Mrs. Harry Heels, Bradford St. Whil-e here she was entertained at the homes of Mr". Arthur Pugh` _ On her re-i turn t-1lp she stopped over in To-, ronto to attend the luncheon meet-I` inf: of the Fxecutive Committee of `the Provincial Conservative Convcn-i tion held in the Royal York Hotel on .\Iond:x.y noon. union in the world. For the past three years the A.'ssociat.ion had been dis-cussin_2' the inauguration of a Junior Horticultural Society and only last Satunsday -.1 progrram for 1936 was drawn up for junior work. To the Lions Club, .\Ir. Bacon solicit- ed their good will and moral support toward a junior society. .\l)r. Bacon announced, for the rst time in public, who the ama- teur g;ardener who broadcasts over CKOC, Humilton. is. He is .A. H. Gunnell, and the speaker said that any junior who joins a senior sociation would receivr- free a pack- age of seed by writing" to him. The idea of a junior society is to educvsitc children along; the Lines of L..- ....,I ,..l n..,.....n.nH,~m -nnnvnv wbllltl \`VL`3CK. 2 Mr. and lin attelzdlng .1;he ! Rim D 1'_F,.n1n .. `LT.....:1L..... .......4. ' -' W` "W "W" *`- ,.tnc (l1'lVC1' and his companion were} Mr. Hambly also stated that a job I both had been obtained for Warpy'h-ad Phillips. Wien questioned in regard! 0bt21iI1d' to the hold-up of Phiuips! t1`an5fg1'_tl'lO by the O.A.B..'-\., Mr. Hambly was condent there would be little dif- culty getting it through in plenty of`Cha1'g'e s time to start the season. With the[ car was` placing of Phillips, who starts work`3 Ch0V at the Pennsylvania. Oil Station onmthizit he was in Dr. Little's oiee at Monday, and the ofithe time thgaccidexit occurred. He Deverde Smith's nmnlnvmm-:+ uriHai(`.l:1in1P-ri 111151.11 ho \v:1.< nipmpv hv Hun i vuuuguueu. Shear concluded her talks on Testament at the regular night meeting of the Essa Y.P.S. A social followed, games, with the members of` the play Uphill to Para- .dise getting" in lidatl-c practice. i l\/Iinnin Krlvnvr. r`nnf.innr2nl `hm-. `_ii.C1llL/IUD umre. ; President Herb. Smith and Stan.` .)Ioon 11itch-hikcd to Toronto to-da; and will 1-epmcsent the B`z1_\'side1'a in the B1001` St. Businecs I\`Icn s roudi racin,Q;. Moon is entered in the] three-mile event and Smith in the} ve-mlle race. I I..n......._..:___ \r:-:;,, ! JJCJCIIIUUH. Communion was celebrated in the Burton Ave. United Church on Sun- day morning. At the evening ser- vice the Czmtatu, 01ivet to Cal- vary xvzzs rendered under the dir-. ection of Rev. W. A. Doe. Solo` parts were taken by Mr. W. A. Bell, gMr. I. McLa.ch1an, Mr. Jones, R:ev.. `Doe, Mrs. M. Heels and Mrs. 15.` viinim-hr-mri, * | I I\Ia1'ine omcitwls state that with} `p:L.<: to the upper lake ports`: `blocked by ice fields at Sault Ste. 1I:u'ie and Straits of Mackinac. ship- ping: on me Great Lakes this season: 'mu_\' {rot awzxy to its latest start i1'1 45 years. Mr. Frank Spearn, of Kingston, is home on his vacation. Mr. F. Hinds spent Monday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Hinds. I i\`[\' F1-n i p Rnrrv in 211 nvi no` Ms I ` Re-distilled, super-rened Oil of Euca- ! lyptu's. All impurities removed. No ` pungent irritating odor-never goes stale --ncvcr loses its strength. A Powerful Germicide Four times as effective as carbolic acid as proved by actual tests on typhoid germs, but is non-poisonous and norvcorrosiue. I-Ir _u-use .. can ouuuzty Ill \Jl'llL1'1. ! Hmvkestoxlle, pploycd I 1 Mr. lxvnnnm A . rm I1-It hm... nI1 um n:..1, l}_J10)'L`U ill: LDC La.iV.J.\'.. SEZLTJOX1. I HVisdom Co., the ilist 3this '\fu nnu;) WT.-` 1:` \'\7 T\-L..-.. -... .._ AVIVV/-Iost I`37f`r'ective.'v=1Vx1d Safe f`___I_ l ('1 LVLUDI. LAILCLLIVC QIIKJ LJCILC Gargle Sure relief from Colds, Bronchitis, ' Catarrh, Asthma, Hay Fever, Sore Throat. Eucalyptus is of lime value on your handkerchief. Rmd directions. sum... Second Best-H0cl{(2y will conitrinue to crop up. but perhaps this will be the nal stab. VVe just got to thinl the Barrie Colts were the second best junior B team in th- province nd ve.1'_V close to the first. The St. Michaels Bu7.ze1';~: beat Bar- Tie by only two _Q`OD.l.'~' on the rounzlu The Kingston F1'ont<.-nuc.= were elim- inated by three and Guelph, who { X"iz;i};ii2` Penctrates and dissolves the acids and salts which cause Rheumatism, Neuritis. etc. Gives marvellous relief from sprains and bruises. For Internal Use Recommended for stomach, kidneys and bladder. It cleanses and stimulatts these organs and helps them to function pro- perly. Relieves disttess and induces restful sleep. l1lIi'I. Be sure to obtain our leaet giving full ` directions for the many uses of this wonder u on of nature. 1.`nJln yuur AJTUKKIHL, OX` AUSTRALIAN DRUG COMPANY 75 Duchess St.. Toruntn WAvcrlcy 4621 ALLANDALE Insist on G.G. Extract Avoid Substitutes There is none "lust as Good" `l|L-FE. 25c. 40c, 65c. 90: From your Drumtist, or IT A 1 IA KT DDIYII FDIIBI The Northern Advance .... any xaui, d.l1(l unm mat time 1115' campaign for raising funds is off. The objective of the club is between three and four hundred dolL-ars, and alrthc-ugh, as has been said. the wear; ther has not been rigvht for ball ta1k,j $100 has already been raised from the dyed-in-the-wool fans. xr 1-1 1 I An illustmtod 1CCtU1:e by P. |Bacon, of Orxllaa, :1 d.1'eetor 91: `the Ontario Hortxcultural A1ss`oc11at1o111, was presented at the 1'e_<:u~:u` unc 1- eon meeting` of the Barrle Llpns %Club `.;:st eyc11i1:. Re1I))rcsei1t a m:cs .of the Ban-1e 'OLl11_Q' . cop cs .50- icieties and members 011' thC1eX'Cl1?i\"C` |of -the local Horticu tura oc1e_\' iwcre also p1`e'sent. I VFL- ...!-.....4-.`"m` ..-If `v1r\1I?InI1I.`>v1\-n 4-n wL:1u GADV 1u.L.a-uu. I The aclvanbzlges of ho1't.1cuhtu1'e to the indi\'idu:11 and Hie town were !Sh0`.\'11 by 1m;:111s of colored slides and the a(1vz1nta_2'e of fomminr: a `Junior Horticultural Society in Bar- irie were discussed. Y `I ` _...._..._1.._ ML. 13..--.. `JUNIOR HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY URGED IN BARRIE HFSOCIQIIOU, `ENC l' l'l()wl'blCuLl.u.l'2Ll in the the lJunio1' [only [1936 `To wcd an n ,_________ _A1 _L-___ L-Lk LIL} VVCLC \IlO\4l-'s"J\-\.l~ In his opening` remarks Mr. Bacon 'said he had not come to tell his aud- ience how to grow oxvnrs, but to :g'et. them interested in the <,r1'owin_9; {of owers. He came as a represen- lvtative of the Ontario Horticulitural I Association, the 111`_Q'CSt ho1'bicu1tura.1 nnirm in H10 xvnri Wnr H10 nncf. 10;-`.\`,' u; o\.\.\A u_, u..y...b ..\. .. ... l of society [educate lplzmt and seed p1'opag'a.tion, ower icollecting, essay writing, etc. In '' a junior club it is suggest- ed that children between the ages _o'.t' U and 16 be accepted, to be under ithe control and supervision of the `senior a.~:; At first 10 to 20 members sliould be selected by {the senior society, with the co- loperzztion 01' such bodies us the Boy Scouts, Girl Guides or Hi-Y Clubs. 'l`hL.'~'.e young; members would selecL :1 1);`; and to en::'.11'e the youth '01` the club ezzr.-11 member would bring` in at least one other boy or ....J 'l`l~... f\nO..\-in Llnuf-I.-nlhn-nl ,\,-, |Ul'1ll`g,' H1 LIL 1L.`il.`..L UHU (.!LllUl' |JU_\" |_Q,il'i. `The Ontario Hm't1ci1|bu1'a1 As- `SOCIIELIOX1 have a set oi rules the |jL1l1i01`s n1u>:t, abidc by and the Du- ipr..iitment 01: Agriculture \'."i1i.(1'i: t1*i- i;:`:lL((l: five clrcularsk on `building. oi 11' muses, roe _g`anei1.s, pian-. propogatioii, rosns, (I6. _ Anothier purpose of a junioi so- ciety is to Lt.-a("n children 1.0 zipp1`e(:i- ate wild Iloxvers. Once a triliium, the provincial national ower, has been broken off, it never gi`ow.~. Eugain, said the speaker, and added `thllt this lovely flower was fast dis- appearing in Ontario because of ignorance on the part of the citi- 7.f`T1_ ..\.u.n Others to speak on the prog'1'z1m were Warden John S. Drinkwater, Geo. C. Brown and Donald F`. Mac- Laren, directors of the Ba.1'1'ie Hor- ticultural Society, and Miss Francis Hurlburt, of Collier St. Young People- s Societty. "-`In1,... f`-...l.... 1` _......--.... .'..L..- -W,,.-- ...-...w.,. :'v`IZLjOl` Gordon Longman intro- duced Lurry Whitby mid Douglas StaC`})h11S, two local boys who had b1'oug'ht high honors to Barrie and Local society by their ef`t7o1'ts along |ho1'ticu1tu1'al lines. The speaker was introduced by Walter Coutts and thanked by Mr. Arthur Pugh. Mr. Fred Dougltzis was appointed representzmtive of the Lions Club to sit in with the Fire and Police Committee on April 17th when parking conditions in Barrie will be discussed. April showews would be nice, and they say we may get some, with the odd bit of Old Sol. too, since the man with the hoary beard is said to have cashed in with `Tuesday nig'ht s bylimard. It is about time. The in- tense interest and talk of the case- ball prospects is beginning; to wane and it will take the warm, sunshingx days to revive it again. 0;. .... ... r1'*_..,,,, '7 " I Ill'h> than ` A I'l\ as not- 1>h`o'ne 117 To p,'iVe justice, peace and happi- 058 to the ,masses is more difcult Jan to give b1'cad.-Gug1ielmo Fer- PTO. J. D. WISDOM & CO. Grocers and Butchers, Allandale |'I--.._- 11!`! 1177 NEW LOW SINGLE FARE AND ONE:-TENTH for the round trip-- SINGLE FARE AND ONE-THIRD for the round trip-- A u - .. - u u cANAbAN NAT'IoIiAL Oi-dest European Discovery wgainst Stomach Troubles and Reumatism Acclaimed Best by Latest Tests .- --..... ... .,,;,u.... I So says Treasurer Vern Hambly, at any rate, and until that time his c;1m1)a,iqn fm- rnicimr 1*'nntla :9 nu`