W e oamv a com- plete Kine ol_Har- ncss and also make hmneas t ' your oru. The Home is no stvonger hat: the `Harriett J FLIIEC LVEW LIU'\`v'BLl. I12LL1. I 5 The Jrunilol`. F"a.11mers and J7unior Institute will hold separate meetings {at 8.30 11.111. sharp, each dealing` `with subjects of particular interest to their own group. The Junior Farmers plan to discuss Swine Club, Po-ta-to Club, Handicraft and Junior; Fihll` activities. | TN. 4"". ..........n.. 4.`L.,\.. ..1..... 4... .,`.A,4? ---- : The mean temperature for March3 was two degrees above normal, and; the moisture in the form of snow: and rain was 50 per cent. in excess, of the zwerzig'e. In all 19.7 inches` of snow fell and 1.73 inches of ram The coldest. was 6 below on the 15." and thp highest temperature was 50 i ; above on the 27th. Low High Rain Snowj 'I\T:'n- 1 -`(i 1A .-. ._ Mar. J.` LL11` zxcmvlues. 1 The two groups then plan to mee`*l at 9.30 for 21 social hour. I Accor(1in;: to the vital statistics ]for the town, the number of births, ;recorded at the town clr-1'7-: :a of`f1::e| ,last month showed no cl12'.:1{_,-`e 0\'L`l'| jFeb1'uz11`_v_ while the (i0:1t11 7'-.:.te and! `the number of n1arriag'<,-s were: `down. In ]In1'c11 there \ve1'c- 16. ;births, 3 marria5.r;es and 7 (1eath.<. .while in February there were 16 birth, 6 marriages and 13 (le:1ths.| In March, 1935, there were 11 births 3 marriag'es and 10 (1ez1ti`..~:. 3 Last month the town cIerk s other: .issued only three bui1din_e' pe1'mits,, for work totalling: but $215. In` Fe1irua1'y there were four permits issued, calling` for work to the total of $7,950.` E Mrs. Barker and family wish to .thank their many friends for kind- ,ness and `sympzLLh_v shown them in Etheir sad bereavement. ' n RID `D Bell Telephone net income in `1935 was $4,475,223, or $5.76 per share of average outstanding` capital .stock. iRICHARDSON At the R.V. Hos] 11".. tn] 11511-1vI'n nn Qnfuuuluu Junior Farmers w eane Meeting. `E'\....l.... sUK.lclLL-An'; Cramp Borden, on Tuesday, March 31, 1936, Mrs. George Gorrill, aged 39. The funeral service will be held in Trinity Anglican Church `on Fri- day with interment in Barrie Un- ` ion Cemetery. \ w|L0l'y 01. 1JE`!!l`UUI"ctl:y." 1 Everyone is urged to be present! WITH THE BARRIE JUNIORS Advance J. . . . . Z0 0| (* Below zero). _..\V, NEW LOWELI. NEWS VITAL STATISTICS CARD OF THANKS DEATH? BIRTHS _.- .___, .,-_.---. I 2 p.m.--~Crusad~ers Young Men's Class. ; LU1'U) -w'. H. Buttery. o.:'sZ 0:8 -were. The 1)a1'e(l to ti R. J. NI . thanks of said that t` 5 well take 1 ! tional work _ cidents in 1 TRIO 03 CHI (Conti 'te1's, her b were home per she an went out `cc ; Barred Roc ted in the 11 her brother they drove ,to sell the: . ceivcd betw .`1ot. Gordon J _ INo1'ine Mui - ` Keen:1n s e` - . HC\ C'1` `:~:"-; _,_ R. '30:.`-i 0 31'. (Iismi.<. ` Crown had ` T!nlv'..~-. WIIICII Ulere was property (1ama.g'e. Records kept show that accidents Nvzanry at diffeiren-t: periods of the day tsln a large centre from 6 tto 7 a.m. there were 103 accidents, from 7 1-0 ,8 a.m. 170; from 8 to 9 a.m., 296, E?the time when more are hurrying to ~ Ework. In the afternoon, when tmfc `is heavier, from 4 to 5 p.m., 734 accidents; from 5 to 6 p.m., 960; from 6 to 7 p.m., 806 accidents. `Thus it is proven that towraxrd the Send of the day drivers are exhaust- ",ed and the mind is not so active land more accidents occur. ivrnm ......;.4..3..+. ....,..... ,... c<..:...-. 0N1`. SAFETY LEAGUE 5 SUBJECT AT KI:WANIS Collier St. United Church, Barrie,3 will celebrate the Hundredth Anni-i versary of its establishment during; the autumn of 1936. The committeei in charge of the anniversary ar-i rangements would welcome any]; items of historical interest relating? to the early days of the church. W. C. Hunter: Barr-ie_ ` I (Com/mued from page one) In the United States in 1935 It-here were 100,000 `persons kiillcd. 'Of these 34,000 lost their lives in automobile -accidents, the rut`) by -drowning accidents in factories, etc. DN-atura,-lly the greatest number of accidents were in large centres of `population, but in Milwaukee, where there is_ a live Safety League, the accident ratio was lower by 60 pc: cent. than in any other centre 01 `similar size in the country. 1)............_ -1. n... u-..n. u, ,,, _. ..... __. . . . _ V . .. ~.-v -4v\AALvA.Jo Records show that there are more laccidents in hot weather, when [drivers are feeling sluggish, at night `when drivers are weary_ and aber .eating heavy meals, when driver are inot so alert. I T+` um ...... 4-... n; 4-..... __ lnuu so ELIUFL. I If we are to_ cut down on acci- ,dents we must support an education lal campaign. In 1935 there were }10,648 accidents reported in On tario, in which 501 lost thnerir lives, i7,3G5 suffered injury and 2,782 in which there was property damage i Renard: kent glmw Hnnf -,~.,-n:A.m+. E (Continued from page one) `tors, brother and Harry Brown ` all evening After sup- iper and her brother Gordon to the barn and killed ve lB:1rred Rock hens, which they puk- house. The next morning: lher brother got semen live hens and {they into Barrie in the buggy them. She said they re- .ceived between $6.50 and $7 for the lot. flpnulnn T\/Tuin U11 .... u `D ...... .. .....I .1U|n ' Muir, Harry Brown andl lNo1'ine Muir all corroborated Mrs.` *Keen:m cvirlrznce, stating that they] `never `.l~.::.'1- l,':12"*! all n"""l1t. J. `R. 10; ` i'.'1:(w~ cmmsel, :. rl for (lisn. .<.<:1l on tlxc _u'1'ou11(l tlmt thr- 1C1`own failed to `prove its c21:~t:. i l3ct'm'-:.- rr.x~:m'\'f11_q jud,g'm(:nt his worship pointed out (that it was 'quite a coiz:<:idonc: that the accusL=(l should have eleven chickens and one :1. rooster, all Barred Rocks, to sell. U :.!lrl`;(l that the trail of the cutter umi i'0otp1'ints ending` up in Mui1".< `.':'.`.'al could not be overlooked lig'ht- lv IIIUTU alert" Education along safety lines is the only thinp; that will reduce the awful toll of accidenzs. `A/Tu TI`n.-4-nu 1.1-\ rI1r\L~':vuru- n..n1I,..J 01...; luml more accluents occur. More accidlents occur on Satur- days than ezmy day in the week. .Eive1*yonc is` in ,3, rush. On Sun- ldays while trafc is heavy, the acci- ;dcn`t ratio is not as hig'11 because `d1-iv:-rs ave not: keyed up and are : more alert. I T7A..m~.+.',.-n n1rn-m- ..nJ.`n4... 1:...... :..| HVVLUL L011 0.1. 'd.lZClUEIlo.~'. Mr. Festcr in closing recalled t-havt `Barrie public schools were not `affiliated with the Safety League :and t11oup:ht it would be much to gthe advantage of the own if they - were. The cost is very small com- l1)a1'0(l the benets derived. 1 Te, .T, Nm-m:m_ in mrfnnrhnrr Hm i I I : ' up the IJLIFUU LU Lllh` UUHCILLS UEFIVQG. Norman, in extending the ,thz1nks the club to the speaker, Club. might matter of educa- work in the prevention of ac- the Kiwanis this community. [TRIO CHARGED WITH. E CHICKEN STEALING master. Palm Sunday, April 5, 1936 11 a..m.--Holy -Corr-rnunion. 3 p.m.-'Dhe Church School. 7 p.m.-Is It Nothing to You ?" .WrnnH-.-my "" ' ' 9 .. .. v...--r I 1 AT 7 0 o6oK The Colonel will be assisted by Major and Mrs. Ursaki (Divisional Commanders), Adjutant F. Grarnett (Y.P. Secretary), and members of the Can- adian Legion, B.E.S.L., will attend in a body. Elli`J5E BEHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPigEi%E%El%%$%$$ E$?'u3i%$EiE% %EJn`iEi%Fu%EE%EE SPECIAL MUSICAL NUMBERS DON"T FAIL TO ATTEND THIS SERVICE P.S. - Special invitation to members of Ladies Auxiliary. Commemtiiaiion <%;rvice Sunday En\`Il1i;[`!gZwApE iE 5th 5;EEE%EE%EEEE1E%EE%%EFaEEEE?_s?5" ~ -7 @ V. 7 j? 7__. N j `(CHIEF SECRETARY) AND SECOND IN COMMANJ) OF SALVATION ARMY WORK IN CANADA, NEWFOUNDLAND, `BERMU1)A_ AND AL..\s1\:\, WILL CONDUCT SPECL\L an -- Cmome VJ. V aiziei (BATTLE OF VIMY RIDGE) -L\T TT:IE- Salvatiem Army Citadel a|`pAh1We_aymAouth Phone 475 W. R. ALLEN pmrrxnn yr 3. Mo11og1'a1n Stat'io11e1-y 750 Gift Boxes ,f3tz1ti0n.e1'y 50a to $2.50 Fmn10d Pictures 35 10 750 THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1936. EASTER o Enzabe'th St. Barrie HARNESS Page Eight ---;---- Wednesday, 8 p.m., The Midweek I-ee17in, ` IT.`-:ra%.a.~:' % .i:1;`_; $ Epigbmayl Gray Coach Lines -gnu-gr. -5 l Solid brick house, central hall} plan, ve bedrooms, large living~ room, large (lining room, solid brick garage, verandah and balcony. Frontage, 89 feet. Located on one of nicest residential streets in Bar- 'rie. No agents. Glen M. Wilton, 321 Lonsdale Road, Toronto. `I -z BARRIE Claxkaon Hotel. Phone 62. l Tickets and Information at I! II I I - (Eastern Standard Time) Lv. Barrio Lv. Toronto Clarkson Bay at Hotel Dundas 8.40 a.m. 8.30 a.m. a2.00 p.m. 1.55 p.m. 133.40 p.m. 6.00 p.m. 116.10 p.m. (18.15 mm. a-daily except Sun. & H01. h..nn, & n], nnlv 8-Cdly EXCEVB nun. 0! I101. bsun. &Hol. only d-Sat., Sun. & Hol. only WEEK-END SERVICE BARRIE COLLINGWOOD-STAYNER Single $1.75 ?ORONTO DAILY SERVICE TOWN OF BARRIE There is quite an epidemic of ` which conducts the Midland falll :fa.i.r, has been elected to the midi-;' tional ofice of secretary. I CAN YOU HELP ? FOR SALE _.---...-.c av .-.uu. . 1., Young People s I ~ Return $3.15 -non VIIU O1'vil'lc- Burrison, Midland shipper, was drowned at Chiago last week, and a jury empanelled to inquire in- N to his death decided that the iartali-t.y BARBIE was accidental. rrec cmuers Ior cartage art burst-. !On~t.ario Co-operative Packing Plant, 3 ` Baldwin St. inieasurcs less itiwn two I Sports I\'ig'ht was observed by=the stomach is an unl the Lfrms Club :t -.1 special meeting; A fa1'mc1- takes 21\\ 3.}' lurid in the ILi.'1~ie .'-\1`m0u1'ies 1ast,ta.toevs, Leaving the ou evening`. Members of the Kiwamsfin care of his wife. A Club were also present. The pro-atourist and buys the 01 gram commenced with a badminton_dinner. In this case tournament, nearly 30 members Lak-gguol, the farmer, his ,ing' part. The draw was in charge tourist `.7 [of .\Ia_io1' Gordon Longman. 1 A potato that weighs 1.. .l. I Followimr tho ninv n h11f!'nf mm..m`,.....,.,.,V ::..,.. 11.. . go; .uz1Jo1' u-oruon Longnnan. 1 Following; the play a buffet supperi Iwas served in the officers mess, and] a. short business meeting` held, pre- sided over by President 0. Shank. D)`, T". `fnnrinlvunv-Hf ~r\rs:+ nunni The W.C.T.U. reg'ular meeting will be held in the Library Hall on ` Monday, April .6th_ at 3 p.m. !Elizabeth The University of Toronto will confer the honorary degree of L.L.D. on Hon. Dr. L. J. Simpson, Minister of Education, next week. _.-\.vunu5- Friday, 11 a.m., Community Good Friday Servtice in Collier St. United Church. You will be cordially welcomed at these services. Lne wnew; and clover In tms (115- trict came through the winter in good condition, but the frosty nights with high winds and hot sun during Fbhe day is causing some worry Ito . fan-n1ers. ' i I : Wilfred Prince_ 19, Adjala town-_ {ship farm hand was :assessed $59 in. police on Wednesday for the theft; of g 135 Christmas trees from the Beattioy [Estate in December, 1934. Judg-E ; ment was reserved for two week: on i `a similar charge of theft from R.; SC. English. I 1 _ LUIS. The Premier s decision was reach led at a special caucus meeting de- 'votcd to cnsideration of the separatx school tax bill. It is well known -that several cabinet ministers and many private members threatened tr resign on the issue, but with then leader sacricing so much, there will probably be few holters on the separate school tax bill.` Buy your 1936-37 Radio License iat J. G. Keenan's Music Store, 24 g j_______ For Sale--Cement Mixer. Electric Light D.ept., Bvayeld St._ Barrie. 1 as. .1. nayes, Uro town-ship, was rmed $10 plus $8 costs in police court this week on a charge of in- toxication. The offence took place on March 30th. I I One heavy snowfall in Barriej jumped telephone calls by approxi-= mate1y'2,000 above the normal aver- gage for the day. Long distance rcalls in the same period were a lhundred more than usual. I Farm for Rent or for Sa.1e-So11t,h! half lot 10, Com. 5, Innisl, 751 `acres first class working` land. BLL1-i lance pasture and creek. Thirty acres fall ploughed. Brick house! and good barn, stable and outbu11d- ings. M. J. Frawley, Barrie. [ m.uuuay, ADPIJ i Elizabeth St. I Orville Nichols, a transient, was %remanded for sentence and ordered, {out of town yesterday afternoon on! Ea charge of vagramcy. Chief Stew I are said the man had been around[ wtown for the last three months zmdj had no means of sustenance. | ! I `nu...-.4. 3 p.m.-Men s * Class in Boardf Room. Leader_ R. G. Hougton. J 3 p.m --Our Church School. Evening at Seven A S_ermon on I3Iite1'na1 Life-Im-`E mortahty that Appeals. l E Late Sartu1'da_v night a fox terrier! gpup entered the chicken coop of ;Mrs. D Ambrosio, 129 Cumberlandl :St., and destroyed ve young pullets. ` ,`The chickens were badly chewed and several others were injured by {the young dog. i 071 Qnnrlav (`J1n+' .Qhnu-an-+ `In.-unnl umwnnumuu 15 puulneu I01` we n-ax" smsion and this will probably 1;- followed by an appeal to the elec- tors. l"L PK 1')...` .-..v.. .--...-.. -._,, N I Psuluu over Dy 1'res1(1ent U. Shank. Dr. C. T`). Vandcrvordt past presi-I dent of the Newmarket Lions Club ' announced that the zone convention: would be held at Pickering College,` Newniarkr.-t, on Thursdziy April 16,; and urged the local club to be wz-11' ` represented. ll l Though warned by his physicians that to continue as leader of the. 1Gove1'nment was to hasten :1 com plete bx'cak(lo\vn in health, Prc-miez Mithell Hepburn announced on Tues day that he would remain as howl of the Liberal party till after ch? next gene)-al election. Faced wt 1`C`l)('lllO1.lS protesrts from his own followers_ many of whom told hi frankly that his 1-etircincnt; spelled ifllFl11t(}g`]`11ti0n for the party, tln |Promir-1- consented to stay with the [ship regardless of the consequemes, | Tl1CTn \Vn1ll(l lm nn nlnr-1-inn in lamp l`L'1.';21 I'(ll("SS 0] the ! There would be no election in `I936, M1`. Hopburn said, but a re distribution is planned for the n-ax` (ms-inn nnzl Hc rill m-nknmu 1.. I j 1 DOG ENTERS coop AND ' KILLS FIVE PULLETS1 Ewe young (Lug. ! I On Sunday Chief Stewart located` {the owner of the dog, who has since! {settled for the loss of the chickens.` EHEPBURN TO STAY WITH PARTY } In acocrdance with instruct'ons` `.f1'0I11 the head office that the scal?` ,year is to end March 31st, thc Child1'en s Aid Society of Simcoe . County is changing their year to ` `this date. The work of the past ive months will be reviewed at the regular meeting` of the execuzive board to be held in the Shelter at` 8 p.m. on Tuesday, April 7th. This` will include report of the inspector xnancial statement and report of` vnominating committee. A cordial} invitation is extended to all inter-I ested. :BADMINTON ENJOYED BY LIONS AT ARMOUR lx:IS, l I DOG BY-LAW [ Owner and harbour-vers of dogs in; the Town of Barrie are reminded! that dogs are not allowed to run ati large, according to by-law, and must; be on a. lead when on the streets.I* Failure to comply with the by-law will mean prosecution. l By order, Alex. Stewart, `` Chief of Police.` Jas. J. Hayes, Oro town-ship, ed $10 'D1'11S $8 costs in T\fI`\i(`P I Free Cinders for cartage art First II1'1-11`iO Co-onerativp P;1n1(i`r1n- plnnr j The wheat and clover in this dis- rict c`g_m.e ~t]11'nna`11 H-In xl7I'n4-nu ha CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY d physicians! nnnnn~nnnr3 nn '1`...~~ J} In illl. ULILLZIVV. _ - If the pupils use an outlaw potato` in the school 1101 lunch, who goes to} - `gaol the teacher, the pupils, or the; :t1'ustees, or are they one and all 2211-; Hplicated in the plot? A farmer in; .`ge-`uting; his potatoes in from the ygeld has to use the lu'g11w.uy. Canf l an inspector stop the load and do-I lmand :1 half a cent a. bushel for .n-; lspeetion 2 There is no lawyer here; Jand quite a lot of potatoes. p 1 __._.____j_ Complete arrangements have been made by the committee for the annual Vimy Day banquet on April 9th in Alliston for ex-soldiers of South Simroe and Dufferin. This year the btacnqu-evt. will be in the. J.iO.~O.F. hall and will be preceded by a parade from the town hall at 6.30 p.m. Capt. W.~C. c. Innes, ofl Port Credit, who so delighted the] men last year, will be the speakew again. The conixnitizee is endeav-or-l ing to hold down on the number 01? speeches and go in more for enter-' tainment. Something novel in the` way of a program is being` arranged and those attending the banquet are. assured of a. progiram which, as the` tickets read, will provide for a big ewe-ning of fun and frolic, music and song, reminescence and good fellow- ship. As catering arrangements must` be completed at an early date, those` intending to be at the banquet are` requested to secure their tickets be-l fore Monday_ April 6th, or signify their intention of being present. Tickets at $1 each are being disrtri- buted by the committee, Vern Cal-g low and L. H. Inch in Alliston or; 'I`. J. Dawson, Cookstown. VIMY DAY BANQUET AT ALLISTON ON 'APRIL 9th { The Telephone News of April isays: District Manager A. A. Smith. ` Distric.t Plant Superintendent R. M. Price and District Traf`f'1c Superin- tendent; G. D. Ullman, with head- quarters at Barrie, represent an ag-. gregate of 86 years service in Bell Telephone enterprise. All are mem-. bers of (the Algonquin Council, Charles Fleetfgrd Sise Chapter, Tele-j iphone Pioneers of America. ` i While crossing Bayeld St. at Ross 5St. last Friday evening, Miss Vera Baldwin, Bna-yeld St. was struck by ;a car driven by Wallace Coutts, 91 .R0ss St. Miss Baldwin was crnss {ing Bayeld St. to go west on I-`.os.;. !St. to the hospital to visit her sister. ` iMr. Coutts, after driving up Bay- }eld St., was turning onto Ross St. `when Miss Blaldwin ran in front of his car. He pulled sharply to the= [left to avoid an accident, but with- iout result. Miss Baldwin was `thrown to the pavement and suitor-i ed severe shock. She was taken to lher home and avtitended by Dr. W. (`r. l.if.tln_ Biblllu Noval expenditure in Canada lust your was 20 cents per .capita as compared wih $8 per czipitu in Great Britain, where an additional $17 per capita was being spent. this year. T911,-f. if hnueihip fhni` cnrnn n{"' .'1u mus :" ne asxea. Mr. Justice Bipselow said 'tha1: Australia, New Zealand and South Africa had done better in this re- spect. Alt ta recent meeting of the Guelph. council, one of the aldermen stated! that there are 250 bootleggets in that city, and that the police com- mission is blind. i C. H. Hale, editor of the Packet `and Times, was appointed :1 membel ' `of the Orillia Power Commission at: ix; special meeting of the town coun-9 ;cil last Saturday. The vacancy was created by the resignation of Cam~' lmissioner Frank Tissington a few days previous. Cunzldtu, he declared, enjoyed L110 protection 01' `the British Navy. Canada s contribution to the navy. luuuucu UL DZ.LSKlL(.'l)C\`.'d.n HI 1(a0`_I.`,"J1:'.1. is not anything to be proud of, he lsaid. \ ..'n.m1 ;~CiC\r\b :._ r<-._,,v_ 1 . Laplbu, was Dulllg spent Lms Isn -t it possible that some of uhu millions of money pcnt for otncr purposes could be spent for u pur- pose like that so we could hold up our heads among the rorbher nat- ions ? he asked. 'l\/Tm T11:-+:I|n 131"...-.1... ,...:,`l ` a.I_.. I TR` . . BARRIE TELEPHONE TRIO I HAVE LONG SERVICE RECORD {LADY KNOCKED DOVVN BY CAR` share toward the naval resource oi the British Empire was made by Hon. Mr. Justice H. V. Bigclow in! an address to the Social Service` Council of Sztskatchewan in R0p:Znu.l Czinmlzi. hn (i'r>('i:n'nri, nnimrml Hm Plea for Canada 0 contribute IICIE I Miss Elsie Cloughley, Orgapist Palm Sunday Services April 5, 1936 11 a.m.--'I`he Cross Becomes a Crown." I 11131` 1101116 3 C. Little. BRITISH BUDGET HAS $14,705,000 SURPLUS i LILU DJ.'Ll:l-S11 lI."?1U1'y CLUSCU. `Lne !year on March 31st with a surplus %f 2,941,000. (about $l4,705,000).] eyenues 101 the yealr tortzuled 7a2,920,000, and exnr>nd*1L-urcs were 749,979,000. Estate duties pro- gduced 8_8,000,000, `the largest; sum gever rece}ved under this head. _k;u.s- toms exclse exceeded the estlm-.LteI `by 8,000,000. The total revenue was 18 500 000 higher than the 33t(11}-.y% ;'m(1,;`1e.\:1)r1`cli`|.L11_'es l6,(!)0>0,-E countllligv 1;[2H8 31(,0((l)e)bt Oi th.:| 1, M` )1s`no\vnr.-, I, as com-I` p.n<.d wxth ib3.3,3S0,000 an the: `cln: 01' Thu In-r>vim1< wmnr-I-..| vuvxv ICANADA URGED TO Cl IDDINDT |u1'uL1u. rucxet and umes says: . j Can anyone help with the i'z11'n1e1's" ipota.t0 troubles ? A potato that. mea;~;u1'cs inches ac1'o;s, ithe unlawful pota.`.o.f ' fa1'mm- tnkrrs nwnv :1 lnnrl n+' nn_ 'L.u.u hLUlll?J.CIl is an un1uwIu1 poca.'.o.: , away it load of po- ,ta.toes, outlaw potatoes :in Along` comus a :t0'l11`iSL outlaws for his `dinner. who goes to -uuol. the f'm-mm-. hi: wifn m- Hm: uuuL'1.vI- .' l 1 weighs over six`Leen~ ;ouncos, including` `the eyes and skin, Jis an outLaw. I T4` 4|. r\IwV\:`.~ "IV`f\ .... -..A.I..... .A_1__L,' gpurcu w1Ln ;:;Odd,6D'U,UUU an the `close of the 1)1`CVJOus nzu1c1al year. I The Hobart corrt.-sponclcnt of the, Orilliu Packet and Times 3 zmvone 11011) with Hm. `i':n'n1::-.-_-" The British Treasury closed `the 9511` nn N191-1-11 212+ uriq 9 :1nvn1n_< The Young Worshippers League at this service. I LAWYER WANTED Jnunu IU [ SUPPORT THE NAVY` wuu guts LU w1i'e_ th, \ | I The re meeting of the Jun-' ~ior Institute and Junior Farmers will take place on April 7th, the- Junior Irnstitute in the board mom `and the Junior Farmers in the Leg- I ion Hall. ' 1 1011 14.11. i The feature of tthe Junior Insti- mte meeting will be a demonstra- Iion on tatting and crocheting, for :which the girls are asked to bring` [their crochet hooks and shuttles. l`1-un Tnuninv 1-7`-,u-rv-my-c rn.:m.Hnn- villa l,11.Ul1' CIUCIIUD 12.30113 ZIIIU. SI1ll|:E1eS- | The Junior Farmers meeting Will] ibake the form -of a discussion on` ,rt'.he Pvot.a.to and Swine `Clubs, also N vthe prize List for the Barrie Fair. N 1 At or-an nm Mr 1?`. n Th-I11r'v mm. I ____ EMMS--ln 01-0, on Wcdne.sday, April 1, .1936, William J9..1nes Emms, in his 84th year. Funeral service will be held on F1'i(l21_V at`- ternoon in the Little Brick Church, Oro, and interment in Ora. BAR.NES--At the R.V. Hospital, Barrie, on Sunday, March 29, 1936, Mrs. Della Barnes, agccl 32. 'l`l1{` l'une1~:1.l was held from her late residence, Elizabeth S c., on Wednesday, for interment in Bar- rie Union Cemerbery. PRATT--At lot 3, concession 1, Oro, on Sunday, March 29, 1936, Mrs. John Pratt, aged 62. The funeral was held from her late residence on Tuesday, for inter- ment in St. Paul s Cemetery_ In- nisl. GORRI.DL-An': Cmnp Tucsdav. Mnrnh 21 1052:: *.\.r.... ` WILL`. IJICLZU 111514 J.Ul' LHU DiL1'1'lB .L`3Lll'. I` At 9.30 p.m. Mr. E. C. Drury willi address the joint meeting in the `Legion Hall, his topic being The ,SIto1'y of Democracy. i ` F`.vm-vnnr: is Irrrrnrl fn hp nwncnnf -. I The New Lowell Juniors, organ- iized a week ago, am: planning to; ; hold their first regular meeting next {Wednesday evening, April 8th, in- Etlre New Lowell Hall. [ VWI-.n Tnn-.1'lnu4 1I"nx-nunwa null T11v`:Avl `MOISTURE IN MARCH FIFTY ! PER _CENT. ABOVE AVERAGE H 4InAAuT `Q ;y ; Monday. 8 p.m., Union.