Order Your Stationery Business F or ms and Counter Check Books In Barrie Lac. auc, DOC. 90 From your Druggist. or AUSTRALIAN DRUG COMPANY Duchess EL. Tnrantn WAm-l-- AI THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1936. 25. 40. 65. 90:: mm vmn- hv-n....4..a . LEGION NOTES .....uu.~ your 1111. Low Prices and Good Workmanship Quality The Best - (-1 TOTAL ASSETS O_VER $500,000,000 There are many and varied types of assurance and insurance. A savings account assures the depositor of an active reserve that can be had l\1-| .......-_- J, 1 ` Minimum Special Fare-Adults 5132:. children 25c. , For fares and further information appl y to Railway T idea! A gents Allnuu-nun ........--___ , , IN ADDITION THE REGULAR WEEK-END FARE V ONE-QUARTER WILL BE IN EFFECT. Specinl Limit for Studen ls nnd T( on surrender of Cnnndiun Pm- Good going any time Thursday April 9th, until 2.00 p.m. Monday April 13th - - - Return limit leaving destination up to midnight Tuesday April 14th, 1936. j . .. -r (plus the regular seat 1 __________j_ FARE AND ONE-THlRD for the round trip-- ________._____ Good in sleeping and parlor cars. _ , ,, _ ..---- .. ...u... V_uLl LA, lJa\.l. on instant demand in an emergency. A savings account assures nancial stability and security against market risks. Open :1 savings account with this Bank and benet from the assurance such an account will give you. THE CANADEAN BANK OF CoMMERcE u-A-.. .---- atronize Home Industry Good in coaches only. __________. -j I Tcuchcrs of Educntiunul Institutions Pu.-manger Association Certicate. j : or berth charge) ______._.- .LETTERI-IEADS SALE BILLS GUMMED LABELS BUSINESS CARDS SYMPATHY CARDS LEDGERS BUSINESS FORMS : for the round trip- AND Spain has undertaken a b program, on which she ha: : spem nearly $29,000,000 in j ing modern homes to repla o1d-fashioned and ill-constructe which have hitherto hous< poorer section of the people. b`ClLUUl5- Fake correspondence. schools and schools that sell courses on the promise that work will be found for graduates, have been operating in Toronto for years. Two of the big- gest on this continent, with head- quarters in Toronto, were forced out of business compara.tive1y re- cenztly. One of these, 21 show card course, took $548,321 from innocent victims` or their parents; the other, provid- ing a home Work scheme, obtain- ed $445,000. . I in tree will facilitate i 0pe1'a .ions um vnuy `Fulibherm nxulnlulb urt:aKag`C OI ore, the proper prur, other c _ _ such as sprayir picking. Pruning may be done ax`. an during` the dormant season, b winter or early sprin,r_r is prefc Hovevcr, the amount and t; pruning is far more imporban the time at which it is (lone. Raspberry Plantations Where manure is not app] 1`1S_pb plaiitaiioiis unti SD1'mQ`. a. ('nvnr Pvnh is -.1,... l\p,< Increasing activity of salesmen for fraudulent correspondence I schools selling courses to technical and collegiate students in Toronto and throughouvt Ontario, often] through powerfully worded adver- t37e:?`cn :s and letters. has started . the Toronto Better Business Bureau j out upon a campaign agsuinst phoney ; schools. 1 mnlrr\ ........A-.......JA....- _-1.-L ~ ` Northern Advance quu uown to $4. Inc has been decided to use as far as possible one variety of oats, namely, Alaska. This is an early variety, 2. good yie1der_ and a satis- factory dart for sowing with barley for mixed grain. Each contestant can secure his requirem-enrts by get- ting in touch w:i'th F. A. Lashley, agricultural representative, A1lis~ton,- Onrt., or T. J. Dawson, secretary, . Agriculitural Society. Uookstown,: Ont. Applications should be in by April 1 5th. PUPILS ARE WARNED OF PHONEY SCHOOLS I uvzuus am we mm. A tottal of $ offered in prize money _i'.or compertit>1'on. Two-It-hirds of amount is provided by the Go` ment and one-third by the Soc h-we are eight prizes ranging ` $16 down to $4. {t has hupcm Ham`.-Ina 4.. H..- _.. The Cookstown Agricultural So- ciety, in co-operation with the South Siimcoe Branch of the Ontario De- partment of Ag*riculture, is pian- ning to feature a Junior Section at their fair in October. Classes will be provided for Junior Farmers, Junior Homemakers and public and high school pupils. Prize lists are being prepared and will be ready for distribution shortly, A class of special interest to Jun- ior Farmers is the Crop and O-alt Exhibit Competition. In order to qualify each conitestant must sow three acres with register- ed oats, take reaswonzvhly good ca.re of the crop and make an exhibit of one bushel of oats produced from his plot at the Cookstown Faiir. All fields entered in the contest will be scored by a eld crop judge prior to harvvesit time. Two hundred points will be allotted for eld score and two hundred for -the exhibit oi oats at the fair. A total of $75 is this this Govern- Society. eight prizes ranQ'in.:r -h-nm Standing` F*ield ~ FIELD CROP AND OAT EXHIBIT COMPETITION FOR JR. FARMERS' I I STATEMENTS CON CERT BILLS GHEQUE B-:>;::~:;s NOTE HEADS SHIPPING BILLS SALES COUPONS CHURCH FORMS I 5 building 1 alrezulyg 7 p1'ovid-, replace the! 1 ill-constructed ones 3 housed the an A4` Han nnnnln Jul 1: by. from wuu us ceaar and spruce. I A farmer in Ontario may secure free 500 trees for windbneak and woodlot planting. Applicatiion forms and descriptive literature may be obbadncd from the Forestry Branch, Parliament `Buildings, Toronto, or the county agricultural representa- tives. lfage Six uuuy,u1JL. White spruce, Norway spruce, white cedar and red cedar quviitc suitable for single row windbreaks. Pine are not neiommended to be used in single rows as their foliage is quite open and they .do not re- taiin live branches to the ground as` well as cedar and farmer `In nntnmn nnnu Er\.n111nn &3`.-.4It is possible Sn tions to s0(!ul'c~ white and 3 to many see- red cedar a in l10lfJ,`l]|i<, that are growing in open paisrture elds 6.--Ced`ars may be spaced 2 to 4 feet and a ne thick windbrumlc would be grown, while the close .\`]"r,'iIip,` with pine and spruce is not a The cedar is a g'rowin;,;' tree compared and pine and it should not cd unless larg-;1' trees are availabie as the p;roW'bh is often disappointing with trees 12 feet to 15 feet in heilglhit. llaifn an... M.-_----- J I I Slow I to spruce ; be pl-anJt~| 1 Aug. 4.--A fasnk g;1'owing' species such as S-;'otcI1 pine, red pine, soft maple, black locus-t or Carolina poplar, may be planted in centre rows between : the more slow y;rowing' srpruce and ` cedar. i ._y 3.-,ruwm 01 slmull trees. 3.--PIant the trees in the wind- brcuk at once 1'zLther than placing them in :1 nursery for a few ;,'ea1's; and then p1zm~ting- them in the wind-7 break the 52,'ro\vt}1 is 1'e1.:n'ded for .=;cvu`nl yz.-:u's following t1'ansplant~: mg. - ' _ ., - -.---~--A u vv,L,oU'J l10U.(l 01 cattle were held over. 6 feet apart If several V _ 1_'ows_a1`e Medium to good quality steers planned while spruce or pine in a _ b1'oug`h`t $41.50 to $5, while butchers sin.-g'.le row should be placed 8 to 16 _ _ cv;`t.l~e sold mostly at $4.75, with feet. The trees in the second rmv c ommon at $3.75 to $4. Good cows `may be placed opposite the spaces brought $3.50, while cannors and -in the first row. The closel` spac-icuttel-5 sold at $1_75 to $2.25. iY1.`- .` and 10 S1E1g8'0l'111g Of the t1`USlChoice fed calves were going at reduce considerably the period re- $6 to $6.50. A few chmce lambs quirerl for the trees to grow to-Sslold at $71-o $8.50. Hogs were un- getller. changed at $8.25 f.o.b. for bacons, 2.---Cul:i\r.z:.tion increases thcyeaiu $850 on? trucks and $9 off oars. ly _g'rowth of stmull trees. Ontario potatoes are quoted at 3.-Pl:n1f. Hun +1-nnn in H-- ~-- `- ` il -;uu. ways. i . 1.--Thc trees may be spaced 5 to, IVG if rows are 'planI:ed while pine in ` sinigtle in second spaces, spac- ing` the trees: re-I nniunrl Pun. LL- A By I. C. Marritt {Com`.inued) The number of years to windbreak may be reduced eral ways. 1___'f|n,, fvnnn l\-u:\-- L, H l_ wuere manure is applied tof; raspberry until tl1e:t spring, a. cover crop is also advisablelf to prevent too late growth of C1TlU.55 As the advent of mosaic disease is!t `making it advisable to renew plantu-is ltions more frequently, the g'l`0\V1'lt 5' who is unable to get large quan-IV 5 titles of manure will nd that short-la er rotation lends itself more to tl18lg cover crop and mulch system, fnrfu each nevv plamiation may be p1`C-gA ceeded for :1 season by 21 crop oflo clover or alsike, which, when turnedl over, will leavg the soil in excel-l lent condition for the new plante-l I tion. This method of renew-.:iI, saylh every six years, with proper green 0- ` manuring, cover crop or mulch, and p ` z1(lemm.:n rm-,m+:+:.m -4` ~~ - ` ' [An Evergreen V."-~_.`,';=_-g I V Buidings adequaite quantities of commercial fertilizers, will render it possible for} 1'aspbcr1'_v g`1'owing' to take its piztco lbeside orcl1a1`ding> in being` more orl less independent of the failing and} inc1'e.:singly expensive supply of; _,V......, nu. plug:-1' green! manure. All Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention--Phone 53 u pxcmng. 2 during iwinter sp1'ing pre uHowever, pruning import; (lot 01 B118 Irult. When speaking of training a fruit ltnee, the purpose is not to mould a beautiful or shapely object, but rather a tree that is commercially protable and capable of carrying its crop withowt breakage of limbs. Fu1*bhermore, pruning of`. tree orchard ;ope1'a r.ions spraying and` |picking. l Prnrdnxr Yrlnxr km ,1..... -1 W A runmg anould be Done During the Dormant Season Pruning, as practiced by the com- mercial fruit grower, should have two .essential objects; first, to train [the shapeeor growth of the tree in. `a specic way, and second_ to in-` |uence the production and quality of the fruit. Wlacn ......-...1.:...,.. .1 - ' ' - uus can be easily cuonitrolled in` taken in time. Wash the part with soap and vwauter to remove crusts, scraping if necessary_ then dry the spot and paint with tincture of iodine, repeating the treatment daily until cured. Sulphur ointment or `any good smothering ointmenmt if used conscientious-Iy will also give * good results. * uaxry Cattle Rings A common affection of cattle "at this time of the year is ringwvorm. This can be easily Wash 12110 nm~+ mmn Soybeans The production of soybeans on a I conmicrcial scale in Ontario com- menced about six years ago. Up to `that time there were only a few isolated growers, principally in the counties of Essex and Kent. Al- though the acreage on individual i'arm:; has in mos- c,cascs been small, ` it is estimated that the Itotal area sown amounted to 10,000 acres in i 1935. Seventy-ve per cent. of the cro-p was grown in rows and har- vested for seed, while the balance ` was produced for hay. Beware of Weed Seeds in Manure Weed seeds nd their w=:y `to the manure pile through the digestive systems of animals and in bedding`. When fresh manure is hauled out and spread on the land viable weed seeds may be spread with it. If weeds are present. allow the manure ' to remain in the pile for at least one month before spreading and lrthercby avoid the danger of in- Dcreasing weed infesta;tion. Pruning Should Be Done 1 [ha D`DFrn:nO Cn---- Farm News 1/ .. ..,.. W... ,mum wuurmuuun app! to Kazlwa y 1'15/act Agents (_2l"\"|JAD!A:fN.=9."H!`JAL Dairy Cattle Rings mmon a'ec`t`inn n+` (`N `_1'0W 3 At the To1'om`o stock mzbrket. on In SCV-xTucsvday there was litile activity and `prices barely held even. Some t0,1,800 head of cattle 1_'ows_a1`e! ;m'ur-e 01- h1nn In n 1., `L -* of grow sev-1 any time It sezmnn I-m+ I-,-.+ne -Au uxuons ,' - .1 to= E )I1S until .1n-. n green commercial, beimr nnnvn nv} 2 During an any uune] but late: nfnvx--.I\1n I . .i...-:\,- ...w. [unwelcome visitors from enteling, flZJl.1l5._l)at0: In S;-jmcoe County work is beinguthen search for the key and secure- Cn lendone to help get rid of the flies.,1y 1k ihe dT to fear, anger, t/vpel 0fiCampai2`ns are being` carried on z1x1cll:m'y hatred: de5pde3' and 31] 1m taanejn Innjsl and Essa wwnships the`!dlsea.e-_p1'oducmg' t-houglwlts. Sugges. 19- [council is assisting; by nancing thei U9 15 the key to this `I001 Of the gcost of the warble y powder. This] mmd' The" t You" 59S'ti0113 gpowdey is given out to each fa_,1.1ne1. a.11d let them open the door, admii .p1_1ed`to= and applied in the form of a SO1u_[-and entertzull only pleasant, agree. '11, "h;l:ion, according to direcltjons, fl-om;a:b1e, happyhcontented gmd pure-low Ld.wSab1e;l\la1'cl1 till June. This will no doubt! bh.ughtS' 5 "1`1'`Vd`g the mind _of canz_;.:Show vonderful improvements bu/clw1tl1 such_ that evil ones have no lsease zslzto obtain the best results it iSneceS_:1'oo1n to llV'e and are forced to die` P15mt*'|sary that one hundred per cent. of'and depzut Let W099" Suggestion-* g'1`o\ver|:th,v. smock be n.eut0d_ Since LhiS.z1ndtl1oug'l1ts be hurled at `e quan-...m..1.. 1...- 1.--- . u - I I` :- EN VELOPE8 SHIPPING TAG-S TICKETS INVOICE FORMS CALLING CARDS LEDGER LEAVES CARDBOARD SIGNS --~-~- mu .>"b()L'K 06 treated. Lhisi` ?1U111-lwork has been taken `up by our ` 5l101't`iagricu1tura1 oicials, improved l11(:'Ll1-it 0 thel ods have been found to combat this ` f01`;'lly. Bulletins may be obiained atil DY0-Allist0n or Barrie ag'1'icult'xral!f 'l3 Ofjoices which will aid the i`a1'me1' in ` |l'I10_d,nd'ing` a remedy to exterminate tlrelil ?XCx- l warble y. ' lltil-, May 1 say in conclusion that l r S3."lhope next year every farmc-1' or {T6811 owner of shock will have warble y ilnd powder on hand and will continue to '5 1'C13~1t1`c:.t the stock until the end of June 3.f01`;o1' later, if needed. In `this way our l311?CO'quan1;i~:Aics of milk_ grad-e-'5 in l1;des '8 01`land in meat cuts will rise to the! and_ihig'l1e.st. Our young cattle will` Oljbecome more Hn-if+,u nnr` ...:n NTHIEVES ENTER BARN AND STEAL 2 SETS OF HARNESS 1 7 I Brc-akin._9; into the stable at the 1 Cameron AI: Ellis coal yard on Brad- 1 ford St. late Satu1'du}.' niight or dur- ing` the early hours of Sunday morn- -'ing', thieves stole two sets of heavy "h`2m'ness valued at $100. Entry was 7 made by forcing it rear door. The: theft was discovlered Sunday by one_ `of the employees while feeding the` "horses. Cihlief Stewart was im- r[n1edia..*.e1y notified and a thorough check of the dzistrict is being madei [in an effort to locafm the harnessi land the `thieves. -po.-'JU on E1'uCKS and $9 off quoted at 15751.10 to $1.15 per bay: off truck or [rail by xvholcsalers, \vyit;]1 pnices t-o ijobbers or retailers 10c to 15c h1gh- , er. {CATTLE MARKET SLT)_V`V, HOG PRICES UNCHANGED ____ I _.,,__-...-.. -.~ V55-.1 uu. um 5 legs and lower parts of the catt1e s| L body. ' In a few days the newly` .gha.tch'ed larvae pen-etrartes =the skin,i -"and nligrabes in the connective tis- ' sue to diferenlt parts of the body. It then makes its way to the gullet, .when`e it remains from December till April. The young grub or larvae 7 then leaves the gullet and goes on; to the muscles along` the back where` ` it may be seen from March till June! It is in this larvae stage that we "can most easily comba : them. La.'ce1" the larvae or grub leaves the cable; `and goes into 21 pupa stage froini which is hzvtched a new generation,` `of ies. : 7, aciv-es UI mas pest; (3) Prices drop, as best cwts from many carcasses are rendered unt for use as food; (4) Hides are seriously damaged, and thus reduced in value. Are these reasons alone not sufficient or everyl farmer to put forth a special effort to get rid of this y which causes` the stock so much misery ? J In order to 11ndn=mc.1-and +1..) mum ` one s~coCK so much misery ? to understand the meth-` ods of controlling this insect, let us look into the life history of it. The warbhe y deposits its_eg'gs on the body. a few Have Hm ......,1... ---... --..,....u~.wuunc u_v. Every year the farmers loss is: very heavy. (1) Much milk is lost; (2) Young cattle are wasting their food and losing their fat as they gad about in an effort to rid them- selves of this pest; (3) Prices manv ca1~cas.wg aw: ; yluusmlp). Let us for a few mi ;' atteritiion to the : Flies and Their ; C-ounty. 1 In Ontario the fly that is common- , ly called the (Luced in the larvel stage with early importation of cattle. On a hot summer day, a. clistant hum-m-m , or a mere tickle on the heel, and off .goes the old cow, her tail all-ag, l straight for vthe net:-rest watering r hole; in she plunges, right up to nor i hocks or higher, the l herd following`. When she comes in nutes give our subiect W;aJ'ble Control in Simcoe th e in the evening she is very low in` her quantity of milk The young cattle, too, are running their fat off, instead of putting it on. The farm- er says, Flies again I but what is done ? Let us make every effort : to try to rid our fair county 01 this troublesome y. Turu... -` LL rest of they warble y was inLro~ } ;t 14 5? Ii t l V WARBLE FLIES AND THEIR CONTROL IN SIMCOE ! (Speech given by Dorian W~1'11oug-h- by, of Angus, age 12 at the Trus- tees and Ratepan.-1's Convezxaxon last November, for which she won the public school speaking cham- pionship). Lnit rm For a +'m. "I'\ :Y\1Vr\PI ~:.. ----- v--u SINGLE _1 Um: nulmrca oflkulu u-eparg. L,%t p1'10p%l1- Lhis`md .t]`u`(tS 9` ` 1u_1_d sgenzlef;?:%i3V%,`;ng:::122 - - . ,, _` e '0 *_ s e V e '0 - I omc-mls lmplwed mt-1 ed L-ct verx? bad thou h`t that `1.-.?:= reen iound ' 0 ~ .1. _g ` ` tins at`been' ha1bo}*ed_xv1t11n _\ou be mark- . ag.1.icu1t.n.a1! `ed 101' ext1n_ct1o31. _Sa:v to yoursglf ah t.hou_.:and t1m_oa dzuly`. I a~m dally .emedy cxtermmate t11`e|rtO`i:5]`1 )1(T31l1':1(.i;' 112233`? n(2()l1C10aI:((?3(I)111l;t:},.cl nevrja v C _ :.. . ay 111 1: m'mFe1t3jg1u .11 Sqffeflt 3` Wily an pp an 1'3 9 W" 510 gm? ' Week H`. Let these good suggestxons rmg fo ':]]n'u%']} .the ':`:n+.`_E2E11__fYfn?i,,f2}lSe L0(`.k until H10 .r.~n.l at` T... -1m1,r~`1. 1': cnn . czwue were new $5. \V]TD hn1~n'hn..,.! iz;sist on G.G. Extract Avoid Substitutes There is none "Just as Good" Be sure to obtain our leaet giving full directions for the many uses of this wonder oil of nature. 01:. An. pp, .... nuanc.m..1AN DRUG COMPANY 75 SL. Toronto WAvc:-lay 4581 z _ _ _.._-_... .....-a- vow`. Recommended for stomach, kidneys and bladder. It cleanses and stimulates these organs and helps them to function pro- perly. Relieves distress and induces restful sleep. For It:1;nal Use , _---__y.... -.uuuuuu\.AJ.|. Pcnetrates and dissolves the acids and salts which cause Rheumatism, Neuritis, etc. Gives marvellous relipf fmm m...:... anus wmcn Rheumatism, marvellous relief from sprains and bruises. NEW LOW ,,_--, \l\J\C .;u,_~.>,x..:mu1m ring th1'oug'h che Iyrain un`ti1 every false t.houg`h't is swep-t from your mind. _ I 9` It is 1'.a'ther diicult to avoid ngthose thoughts which we have so L. ` long entertained and which we have i,ii7ormcd `the habit of thinking. Wr 3'5/hould, however, make strenuous 1- > effort to shut the door of the mind g;to such as are not for our own qggood. If the bare closing of this 1_doi0r is not sufficient to keep these [unwelcome visitors ,.'then ly ijfworry, hatred, ,`disease-m'oduci1m- t-hnI1sv~h-ta .q11n-n-no Re-distilled, super-rened Oil of Euca- lyptus. All impurities removed. No pungent irritating odor--never goes stale -never loses its strength. A Powerful Germicide Four times as effective as carbolic acid-as proved by actual tests on typhoid germs, but is non-poi:anou: and 7zon-corros1've. A Most Effective and Safe Gargle Sure relief from Colds, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, Hay Fever, Sore Throat. Eucalyptus is of little value on your handkerchief. Rmd directions. I 'n-1_-_1_: r- - - III`. uunnunblhlllcl. xuzxu I 35. Reliable Liniment : auL'vu:u men. Regarding our Vimy banquet, please buy your tickets early in order that the committee will know how many to provide for. The date is Thursday evening, April 9th. At 6.30 p.m. on that date there w1i1 be a parade to the Cenotaph, where a wreath will be placed. I On our 9-ir-I: nsn-mha um ....,. ...v-.: mg m a sausrzactory manner. Remember the church panade on Sunday, April 5th to the Salvation Army Citadel. Fall in at the Leg- ion Hal wt 6.30 p.111. The dress for the parade is berets, bands and imedals. `HOW TO CONTROL AND DIRECT THOUGHT ' `war veteran." 5 The above is, in part, a report of the iegisilwtion which Major Power jwill bring before Parliament. This should be encouraging to all ex- service men. 1?.o.n~cw-Ah-.,. ...... Km...` 1 w.n:au.11 w111 De p1acet1. On our s-ick parade, We are glad to report that Comvade Hill is able to be out around town again, and ]that Comrade Bobbette is progress- 1ing in a satisfactory ,Rem`emhm~ H19 ('hI1Yn11 v\nun.1_ .... (By Ack Emma) The expansion of the Canadian Pensions Commission by the absorp- jtion of the Pensions Appeal Board, }`~the establislunent of a War Vet- gerans Assistance Commission to nd `jobs for ex-se1'vice men; further aid ;or `pre-aged veterans, and a nation- `wide drive by the new Commission to give a personal hearing to every `veteran whose case has la.gged---all `tlrese will be provided for in new pensions legislation to be brought down in Parlimiient by Hon. C. G. 1 .ower, Minister of Pensions and Natiollal Health, himself a disabled `war veteran. rm, "rm..- :- :.. _-..L Between all points In Qanada SINGLE FARE AND ONE-TENTH tl ?-