Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 2 Apr 1936, p. 1

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Vol. X0. No. 5. |1lULlb'L|`llllb UJ. Laktllilulull LULUIU CH1 ployment in the States, while to-day there are over fteen million Amer- liczms 011 relief. Since 1930 Japar has increased her ouxtput ve times, nnziking her a contending` world fac- 'tor so far as trade is concerned. Mr. Rowe declared that the in- terests of his coulitry came before his party and he feared for the fLl`li'l11'() of Canada if the Liberals `carried out their policies of the ip.;1:st. R-c;,;u1-diiig the new trade a;:1`em0nts with the United States, the speaker pointed out that in the last few months Canada s_ imports Han Qfnhm +'sn~ I11 nvr-new {'1-nun unnvn acta. Concluding, Mr. Rowe smid that unemployment would never decrease in Canada if the Guovernment aI1ow- ed its raw products to be sent to 21 country which would not give Canadians a chance to manufacture them. IOVVS 2 Theft, bre:1.king and enterings A1, ` 1:1wz1i't-inp: trial; petty the~fts 4, one ` ;convicted, three investiugvating; fraud 1, awaiting trial; board and lodg-mg 1, remzmded for sentence; vagrancy 0 _. one convicted, one remanded for` sentence; breach of'H.T.A. 2 disk n1?==nrl- }nnnr-T1 nf` T..v(7.A. 1. remand-. n'(,`1"lDOI1C; nreacn OI 11.1.21. 4 Lu`:-1 missed; breach of L.~C.A. 1, rem-anu-g ed for sentence; breach of `town by-; law 270 1, remanded for sen:tence; petty comp1a.ints 40, all attended to. Eight Pages Established in the Year 3234? ` . ,"'d0l `H-I-""U`If. ,'nCS,` `Hut 119 `(I131 U; near .1 sound as hls office 1s at the fromi of the buildinr. , T-Tnl1r1r>\~-:nn < hn Twn hpnn rnnvrxr` ` H001`. vrzznlnd that the p1-isoner had been} dead several hours and the time of`: his death was placed at somr,-where` in th-\ nc-Lqhborhood of 2.30 a.m. `V Coroner Dr. E. G. Turnbull dew cidotl than an inquest should be held :-ml \v!11 tnke place in the police court chambers at 9.30 F1'ida_v morn-A ing. \'m'mnn 11nn1wn~vi'|Ir\ nf (`.nnnr>v An examination of the body re-` mg. Norman Summer`.'i]Ir-. of Copper Cliff and MTS. Siyznrz Ha_L*::1L1nr1. 01 Sudbu1`_\', are being held in Sudbury gnol f--c-ins: u .=imiI:1!' <'h:11'_qe of man S11L1}L,"htO1' in connection with the death of the 10-year-old Dunedin` girl. ` 1'Ti_ Cm-tin '\Vn:1thr-vnll. nan `I6 Miss Gertie '\Veathc-rall, age 16 of Dunedin, died on Sund'-iy in thr, hospital at Collin_<:woocl. whc-re 5'l1( hnrl lwnn tnkr-n at mi(lnig'lit Satur- day by Dr. J. R`. H. G.i'z1l`.m'n, who nr>`."~rl l"`.`o\'inci:1l Conctable W . A` '1`. l.ohinson, of Colling-wood, she` was in a serious condition. in his opinion r0.=ultin,Q' from an illegal` opri-zxtion. A =+m+nn1.=nf mnrln in Han nnlir-rx 'nv` 0DFI'IlTlOH. A strntement made to the polxcc by V.\T?.<.s '~,V'r>:1thvraIl 1nd to tho z11'res't of Hm1(1r21': rm Sun at his farm at m. .... .. \'m... fI11n111\` nut` `F-nvuvh p1-An Hvmxm-; rm aun Z112 nls Izlrm at 'T`r.-rm Nova, .\`IuImur township, and to the :11`1'(~..<`t:< in Slldb1i)'_V on T11c'-:- day.` of Snmmr=r\'iHe and Mrs. Hams- lund :1 Fitmish woman. Police de- clarnd that the alleszod operation had boon performed in Sudbury on March 1 7th. \T7:-: \\fnnH1n1-an vn uf 'nnnr-J1-v\ Maren um. }IE:<.= \Vr:athm'al1 livnd at Dunc-'1in, 16 milvs south of C`ol1in:rw00d, withi her gzrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wonthnrall. Tho _L"ir1 .<' mother is: d(-nrl and hm` father is in Western, C:mnd:1. Tho funr-H11 was held yes , terdzxy afternoon. E \V ,, l"1,..__.__-.__-,|1_ _'...'__L1.. n.-.. unxcd u- .\'ormzm Summo1'v1l1e, jointly ChZ11`,`.,'C(1 with .VT1's. Hagzcglund or. zx` charge of mans1:u1c:htor in connac tion with tho (loath of Nfiss Wezx 11: V`-'-H, ::m)r*nrr`(l in Sudbury poaico, -mv~-` rm 'I`ur-.=d:w and was remand _.I 1.211 A... E4-`In T\/Tun Y-Tnn-n-1nvul` (`I \"` 1U":~'(lIl\' HHU `V115 1'C1T1Hrl(l' ed ll Aprll 6th. Mrs. Ha_r:;rh1nrI was expected to appear yesterdmv.` .r-th :'(-(-u: :1)-rx held in Sudbury district 2:101. 'I`hnir arrests were, nmdp on in: from provm-, cial police headquarters hm-n. 1-4, , ,__ -n__ A It \r..1.1....I -1` "`` `"` """"" " `history, she said, had :1 gr at deu1`.l m."'"m`dD"}'1 A`]M:1 ]Mt"F";`]1-I M towdo with the oxh:1ustivr,~C tensioni-` i(r71c:.1`1l1`I`1QL;'\Vir)r:7t0. :'C1}- :p<(`<(?1'r:"gh Oofo `M:`;"iii1nt cxistori between the two Eui-op-;-Z `,"`-.:.'-~-v-Y1 nroiwblv to-day. Thei0m%.~ countljesi 1 . th.t b . .1311 -' t d'1te`h'1 not been 01; V0tC.r'! mm `P .(-'un'r? ' can. 0% ~1 ;\1$cT>en` :1 report fl'r`om` R.`-f mm. I.wSm1-mt `fl c.`.f'r`v wdlk. of` I*`(15'1nki%h me`dico-1c2"11 e~cnei-t`of.t,hoM0` hds chwwd `L 'm`md 1d -W`. 1 - ; < . . , ,zmd is szitisod with what she 11215.5; AttT71eY'G9n9m13 De9m'tmt- `She wan~`.s to be at 1_)r.-ace and hnrg. population is stationnrv and if zmy-1" A char?" Of fmn` to Dffrmit _1Y1~ thing`, g'r.'1duz1l1y rleclinimr. Ger- other car to pass preferved airalnst man_ on the other hand, is restless, Anth0n_V Cnvm b.V HRTOW G0S- youmz` and adventurous. She has lini- .` C0mm9TCia1t1`?1Ve11e?`. Was d1S- only boon :1 nation of importance, misd b.V Maistmie 3838 yesterday for a short time and wzmts to nd morning. _ (Continuea on page four) Faced With Manslaughter Yogngnh/I`gn_ Hangs Himself failing: an- against Canoi11z1 Iimz, commercial traveller. Magstmte yesterday -1.. `V -.vw-.- In Cell A_t`-C-E)O11'nty;G0ali I with i H-unv 1: ;n `Kine-fnvn DOUBLE FRAUD CHARGE ADJOURNED ONE VVEEK Owirug to his severe nervous con- ` dition, Robt. McArthur, age 52, To- ron-to salesman, at present on re- - mand in the county gaol, was yesbein ` day morning granted a further ad- 'jou1'nment of one week by Magis- trate Jeffs on two charges of fraud which occurred here last fall. The charges on which -the accused is being held are obtaining the sum of $15 from A. T. Galt, A11anda.e, on Aug`. 30. 1935, and obtaining credit to the amount of $126 from Reg. Wilson, Allandal-e, on Sept. 3, 1935, by faise pretences and with intent to defraud. 1\Il'..Au~+1nn1- xxrne nrrnzipri in Hamil- intent to dexrauu. _ McArthu1` was arrested 1n Hamil- ton on Monday, "March 23_ and was remanded in custody until April 1. r*...,...m A4-+m-nmr Flvsmsx nnnnn|:m=>d remanded 1n Cl1S'E0(ly um;11 Apru 1. Crown A o1;orney Evans announced y\es1:e1-day morning that the man s condition was too serious to have him brought into court to face trial and asked that the case be further adjourned until April 8th. 'N.r. -.~.r-nncnrl, who is snbiect to adjournecl untu J-\pI`H. oul. The accused, who is subject heart attacks, has suffered a. siight nervous breakdown owing to the re- cent suicide which occurred at the county gaol. icANAmAN own ` 1 ENLIGHTENED on 3 EUROPEAN CRISIS Wit11 Two Others Charged with Death of Dunedjll Girl. l T I The European Crisis was the `subject of an interesting` and timely address given by Mrs. John David- son, of Toronto, at a largely attend- ed meeting of the` Barrie Women s Canadian Club in the Public Library H`-uill on Saturday afternoon last. `M :-e Unxrlcsnn xvhn 1': Hie \vH'n of f1'El`l.l. on baburuay ?.L1l}el'Il0UIl 135'. Mrs. Davidson, who is the wife of Professor John Davidson, of Upper lCanada College is a" Czecho-S1aval{- Lian by birth, and is possessed of a ` [wide and experienced knowledge of conditions now taking; place in jEui-ope and her talk dealt chiey with the present. German crisis. Mrs. `Davidson is a very busy woman, lzax-'-_ `ing; addressed no less than forty i audiences in March. Following the Umecting here on SIz:.tui'(1ay she had `to rush away on the afternoon train :10 adtlress another meeting} in T0- .=ron to in the evening. 11:-a nn\'llltnh htncrnn l1m- intm-ncrf- ?1'O`;TCO In EHO (':'V18I1lIlg'. Mrs. Davidson began her interest-` ling address on the situation that has ":1-1'isen in Gc1`man_v during the last 'few weeks by poinvt.ing' out that Hnany of the things now experienced` nn H19 wnrlrl . \vm'n tho rr-.s111t! `many 01 M10 Lnlllgs now C.\pUl'H..`llLZt:lli `on the world scene were the result of causes which started a long` Limei `ago. It was :1 pity the: the world 1` `was no capable of h-::n condi- T tion.< after the \'m', . said, ;ui C lllflf that new qualities in beh21\'iour, 5 tolerance and fO1'l)O'i`.1'2`LY`lCL' are n<`.er,l- {I `ed in Europe rather than pursuitl- ,`a1`ter selshness. l] n` One of th(, chief causes startetli` `with the end of the Great War,l1 `na1nc~nl_\` the Trezuy of Versailles. V This t1`ef.y was signed one yeurl _ after the armistice. That year had} . lveen :1 (l2'e`:.dfL1l one for G`er1nzm_V, in 7 ; which the people experienced star- l `vzttion and privIaIlion. After the ` 3`W01`ld had impos-ed strict restriction:< 5 on Germzmy, we saw the nation {:0 l`do\vn in an :1b_V.=,s of nancial cllzuos land the people suffered further` v' economic poverty, with various} f e;overnments risin_e' and falling`. That: t is why the new born Germany fell rl prey to 22-11 sorts of strange 1ea -_ pre I CICS. l`h1'ou;1'h the`out1e}t. of American mom`-,V, Germany by the year 1925 ht,-(':1me L1 m01'(;- or less normal coun- P1'0VinCi11 C0NS`t'1b1p H- T H3171 t1';\'. Six years : mzmy .=ends oflmm`. W110 iYW0Sti.`-`551t0d 071 M11`Ch 25: hi`Lte1'nv.=s, which Wtler i.< (':u)it`z1vIi7.-`|SH'f1 he found two distinct foot- ing` on Ito-day. In 1925 BC1g'Iu1n, prints leading from the 9th conces- `Frzmce, G-`:1'I`11I1_V, Italy and Grr:2x.t':sion to Quinn :<. barn and back to the B1-in-tin r-:m1:, to an un(101'st:1n On the V011-ide marks were by the Lnmrno Ponce Pact. Pt wa.<'\'iSvib1o where a cutter had turned V IL post-\\':11'd :11'1'an_:cmnm1L calling; f01'l=11'011l1(1 and 11 h01`S0 hr-`Yd S't00d- HG `better Europm1n security. {*f`o1lo\vc(I the cutter marks down to 5 The so-cz\I1r_-(1 mania of ill-feelixmith Slllmidfllt`. ROM]. 111`! to the 12th nnrl lmtprd the: exists be1;w.mn1conco.=sion and into the yard of 1r.......,.n n..,1 nn........... .1:_ "Haw:-xv Uniwq 'Fn1`n1. w}1m~r~ rthn no- uuI:\.An.L auuln, vu\, uz nun.-s . able to 1'ecog'n.i7.e as hls. He find the hen by three frozen toes. nu. n V\r\1>`- _1`r2u1v:(:, ' ` p0st-\I , better I4 ` "l"Ln . by the l')('.'I-rho }_ (\_{\(3Q Pact. [IL gVa,:'VlSvlDlo wnerc CLlLLlf!' Il2l(l Lu1'Hl:u '- for =11'011I1(l 1 ;11-fge1ing`il1r.2 up betwpoiyconcession `France and Germ.'\n_\' was next di.<-il`l=1l'I`.\' V1131"-< 1"=_U`m. \Vl101`0 `the 10` C11SSf`(l by Mrs. D:~.\'id; It is onr3,('l15C"1 D0`~`50Tl5 l`V0`l- _At OTIC POW`? 1 of the stmmgre p:1r:ulo.\:r_< of life tlmt'itl0".` `Elle T035 he Y10t1C-fl 'l1`P'~1'0 the 1 there is :1 tension in (`Very neighbor Cllttm` l`I< \fl Sl0T"D0!l Imd_the1'et were 'hoo(l, she smrid, adding that exien three different _footm'mts in the some Camulizlns (.-ust nast_v slurs at SNOW, One D3}? l3T*3 3 Wm`1 5~ the A1norican.=:. but still there isn t' 1. tho .M`m' mm he found a cut` "3 fort :1I()n_r_I_' thn .':,()00-mi1,o b01'dQ]'_ ter in which were :1 number of_ fresh , The reason for this is that the Can-'Bf11`Y`0fl Rock_ feathers. C`0nAt.l11l1ll1.!" `odious understand their neighbors hls lT1"f`51'13'l`?1'l0 ll`? C5`-"10 to Barrlel` land do not fear enm:_1.\~_ `Ale am] where. hr. l(2m"nr;d that the nor-11se(l` great deolglmll d15D'0$l 0f ll]-" bl-`- 5"-9 3 1'0 l to do exhaustive tension`-*lt Of mf01`m=`t10T] 1"`-C0`AV'_f-` 110 lv`g_ht CXiSt(\(1 Eu,-op--stopped iG.oi-don Mun` mid l1lS sgsiter gean countries. :on Owen St. 'md tlney admitted! 3| France, country can boast lmvinr: sold ten hens and one rooster "of men prominent in C-\'c~r_V walk oft0 l`lm`1.V, T:`-`V1'0t~ _ |l.if7e, achieved old age, M1`-5* _l\003g rsl, d9f"- `mt l1as.:T|0'SS, Sld --hi` llved W`1'h hm` fthl`-3" h01'iH`}""3' Mull and denied having ally" ..m...1..4:,... :. .+n+:,m....., ....,: :4: nv\I1 thmrr whn rnvm~ to do with stbeallne` L` Said, :uld- , _ L. n(\r}(I.lp1`Ll. township youths, it`,:1nd Gordon Mui1'_ and Mrs. Russell b 121.11 1)l11'Sll .1.=es started. \Va1', (.'H"l'_5.`,'C, \\'I1l(.'l'l LO-Llkl_\' [:3 IUUKUU UIJUU as 21 serious one involved two Ves- Hz11'1'y Pmown Keenan, a sister of the latter, who wer cliargrerl with srtesrlingr ten hens and a 1`oo:~:te1', valued at $25_ from \7e1';1j]iQ_:__l`V. J. Quinn, Vespra farmer. I _Vea1' at had 3`0l'l111n_V`, Qncgd S`ta1'.:lOCZll interest taken in the case. (9 smcial ml further ith various fnllingr. That }e1'many ti':mg'e lead- rf * vear lllock hens the nigrht of March 24th. `:<:1\v ve hens When the trial opened yesterday mo1'nin_:c the police court was lled to L-upacit_V, showing` the amount of At the conclusion of the hearing in the afternoon Mvuyxistrato Je`s _adjourn ed the court and reserved judgment till April 81:11. W. J. Quinn. lot 20, concession 8. Vespra, claimed he lost ten Barred and a 1'oos'te1' during Later he in M. J. Brennan s butcher shop, one of which he was identi- Du-nninninl (`nncifnl'\l- W '1` H9111 |E ( C i 1 1 \ Am the request of J. R. Boys, de- !fen'ce counsel, :1 charge of criminal |assau1t against /Frank Simon and `Harry Travers, two 1001811 men, was reduced to one of comman assault and the pair were each ned $20 and costs by Judge Dudley Holmes in Counfcy Court on Monday morn- ing. The two appeared in court. to hem` judgment on a charge of as- saulting Jack Coupland, Barrie, on May 18th last. .Q.h1nnn and 'T`xY'2.VeY`R. Wh were 3.1- CHARGE AGAINST SIMON AND TRAVERS REDUCED Facing a. charge of manslaughter ` in connection with the dleaath of a 16-year-old Dunedin girl, Russell Henderson, aged 24, of Terra Nova, was; 1'ou;*d hanged with his own Delt- in a cell in the coimty gaol -early Tuesday morning. Henderson was admitted to the gaol on Sunday charged with brnging about an il- legal operation under section 303 01' the Criminal Code, which Was later changed to manslaughter on Mon day. Win \\'r*c `Ff\1`lY1I" Hna in him an" of May 18th last. Simon and Travers, who were Ieged to have assaulted Coupllamd in the yard of Mrs. W. H. Dym?mt, 72 I-I.io-11 Rt, lsmt mxmmer. were cam- EH8 yaru O1. lV1J.'5. VV. 1.1. AJ_yun:u'u, as High St., last summer, mitted for trial at a higher court on a charge of crirninal Iassault occas- ioning bodily harm. The `case was `to have been heard on Nov. 17rth, but was further adjourned owing to rthe illness of one of the accused. The trial fmla-1'ly took place in Coun- ty Court on Wedne~sdayA Feb. 26th, I when judgment was reserved. Wulon -H19 :1r`r`I1SPd anneared 111 wnen Juagmenrc was reserveu. When the accused appeared court on Monday to hear judgment, Mr. Boys pointed out that since the trial he had discussed the matxier with the Crown Amtorney amd had suggested that ~the charge be re- duced to common assault, to which he would plead guilty for his clients. I T hr:-Hnvn in vie! of the evidenoe `he wouia pleacl guilty 101' ms cue-nus. I believe Lin view of the evidence ' that the ends of justice would be served if that were done, said de- 1 fence counsel, adding that the Crown Attorney would be agreeable ` -to such a: move. He claimed that ` the injuries to Coupland were not serious and so far as they were con- cerned, Mr. Boys said a civil action was pending. . T fzhink that the shortest andl `was pencung. [- I think that the shortest and!` fzLirest way to dispose of the case ` would be to have the charge reduced to common assault, Mr. Evans agreed. Rofnvp nagging` sentence Judge flail 1B1*Lv \V1`l/I1 I know you criminals, his honor said. have come from good families and Lut: pu.U.u\;. I have positions here in town, consei two men are not You quently in one way I am glad that the Crown Amt-orney has seen fit to reduce `the charge to common as- sault. Under the original charge I could have sent you to prison for a term of three years, so I hope you} can appreciate what has been done; for you. 1.. \.,.A..,.:nn- +l1n nlnnro-a tn nnn nf` agreed. Before passing sentence Judge Holmes pointed out the seriousneas of the original charge and the im- pression such `am unwarranted attack had left with the public. T `lznmn vnn 1-xvn mrpn saw: nnti for you." : In reducing the charrze to one (Jig, common assault,- to which the ac-"4 cused pleaded guilty, Judge Holmes` need each man $20 plus the police ..m...+ mam | uucu Vbldll I court costs. `mm CHARGED wnu CHICKEN STEALING uuy. He was found dead in his cell at 630 Tuesday morning, by Turnkey John Weaymouth, hanging by his belt which had been looped around an iron bar over the cell doo-r. Sheriff E. C. Drury, Dr. W. C Little, gaol physician, and Coronel Dr. E. G. Turnbull were immediate- ly summoned and after an'investi- gzxrtioii, the la t.te1' decided to hold an inquest on Friday. ' (N... f'.....,].... ..#............ 1.1.- A case which was followed with a -r;1~":1t deal of local interest was 111~';zu'(l in police court here on Wed- 1Y1S(i2l_V before l\Ia.5.istrate Je"s. The {cl1"1'_e.`,'c, which to-day is looked upon (`WC u cn1`ir\nc nnn invnivrui furn `Vine- 9 I i V I f i to Hm'r_v l.r'VlLt. {mi Mrs:.Keonz1n, first defence wit-1 ;_.nnss, her 1-Hn1'ry Muir. having; any- v.1thin5: \vhate\'(:1' to do stteaiimz -Jthc chickens from Mr. Quinn, add- ;" ingr that she had never heard of the . lT\.'\Y`| *`<,;U='(`. FnHo\\' '.l.`ra(:ks `r0 Hm`-.`.(` mi" "-.'<-;s']n*z1 Youths and VVnm:m. ITIZHI. On the evening` of March 2 `She claimed that she, her two _ _ _ . _ _ __'_`._L\ Barrie, Ontario, Thursday, April 2, 1936 \. nnnnnnn \4\A u . . . V . ~ ...., .....- (Continued on page eight) 24th A shh A total of twenty-ve applications or old age pension were g'1'anLcd to residents of Simcoe County (lur- ing the month of March by the Ontario Old Age Pension Commis- sion. Agaimt this there were re- ported 23 deaths, making a net in- crease of `two in -the county lis-t. Tm;-+ rnnnn Hmn nnnhmv (-inri('.< COUNTY PENSION LIST ` INCREASED BY TWO Icrease 01 `two In ~Ene County 1151. Last month the county clerk's office received and forward-ed to the provincial conxmission 16 applica- tions, which are S-511 pending. Dur- ing the month the oepartmen. c re ported on four refused appl-ic:Ltio;1s 'I`ha f.wm1il.v-ve new uensioners ...;1-.u.uv uu 4.n.auu_y On Monday afternoon the young - nian s father and J. R. Boys, -his . counsel, visited him at the gaol. After their visit gaol officials claim that the accused seemed quite cheer ful and in the best of spirits, and engaged in a card game with some of the other prisoners. At 7.30 p.m. he was locked in his cell on the second oor. Robt. Mc- Arthur, of Toronto, at the time on remand pending a charge of fr-aud,I and another trusted prisoner, were locked in the n-ext cell, where an alarm bell is. connected with the guard s oice. McA1'thur claims he gnnlzo fn T-Tpnnrcnn salwnnf 0 RD nrn . I POITBO OH L'ULll' 1'e1.u.sv.:u appA`u.wt.1u.na . The twenil-y-ve new pensioners re from the following municip-.11 ilbiesz Barrie 4, Collingwood 4, Ord- 1523. 6, House of Refuge 2A T~e`cum Seth 2, Pene`aa.ng 2, Midland, Bnul ford, Medonte 01-0 and Sunnidale 1 each. I NEWMARKET MAN HAS ARM BROKEN BY PASSING CAR . Struck by a car while standing on f_.he hig'-hwa_y about .a quarter of a z"niLe south of Stroud early last Sunday morning`, F. H. Robinson, ui Newmarket, suffered a bady frac- tured wrist which necessitated 1116(1)- cal attention at the R.\/. Hospivtal. ! - yum. ca/In/\.1LuAvAn ovv mu, A.. . . ......z...... While driving south on highway 11 about1.30 Sundia.y morning`, Rob- inson claimed he was forced into the West di-tch by glaring lights of an approaching car. A few seconds afrter he went into the ditch another car containing D. Beatty, Allandalc, and G. B. Brait11waite, Stroud, stop- lpted to assist Robinson. While: Hqnv warp standing` on the v (1 to assist 1<.0D1nSOI1. Wh-ile they were standing _the Ihighway another southbound car driven by Jack Boyes, of Stroud, struck Robinson a. glancing blow which resulted in a severe fracture ` of the right forearm. Prior to hit- , ting` Robinson, Boyes was blinded by the lights of an approaching '_ truck, which prevented him from . seeing Robinson standing on the highway. . Wnllmvimr the an!-irlnnt Robinson ltugnway. Following the accident was removed to the R.V. Hospital, `where he was attended by Dr. Shan- ` non, of Churchill, and Dr. W. C.] `Little, Barri-e. I I COOKSTOWN GARAGEMAN ASSESSED $33 FOR THEFT % ' Leighton Milligan," age 38, .ga1~age- "man Cookstown, was assessed $33 ny Magistrate Jeffs in police court g_WIedne-sday morning on a year-old '-Z1:-auvn. M-` 4:1m+`.+. whirh involved then `{'~'`35113.`52,'e- of theft which involved the taking of four loads of crushed stone, valued at $12, from the De- partnlent of Highways. He pleaded guilty. Hm-h. .Tr>,`hh. of Cookstown. said. `Niednersclay mormng on a ye'cu`-u1ul` guilty. `Herb. Jebb, of Cookstown, said that on the evening of April 13th, 1935 at the request of 1\Ii11ig;a11, he moved four loads of crushed stone from a railway car on the C.N.R. tracks at Cookstown to the accuscd s driveway. Tvm- Wil:nn_ 1-n.-rad formnan rm Papvea-1; the county driveway. Ivor Wilson, road foreman help himself to the gravel. and it was hard to get trucks over the highawy, but `_ covered the portion of road in front : of Mi1lingan s the next morning. He said the accused made to settle for the g'r:1.ve1. l\Tillip;an in pleading guilty, de- clared that he had continually ask- ed for the stone, but not getting any in front of his garage claimed he went ahead, took tthe gravel and llnrl +l1n lnnlnc ln`in1=nl'F no attempt on V highway 27, recalled a conversation - on the same evening when the ac- ` cused had remarked that he would . e Witness j said the roads were bad that spring 1 stated that he \VCIl'b 'Lll1(.Zl(1, LUUK LLILE [lled the holes himself. lTORIES NAME DELEGATES i __ TO PROV. CONVENTION Art :1 well attended and enthusias- tic meeting of the executive of the Oontro Simcoe Conservative Associa- tion in the Barrie council chambers on Monday night, dclegzm-es were selected to `a:ttend the provincial convention to be held soon to select .. 1m..:,u. 1:..,m~.1.m,+ am (1 1,.Lm_ COIIVCIIUOII L0 Owe IICIU S0011 L0 SCICCL a leader. Presid-ent Geo. G. John- ston was in the chair and short ad- dresses were given by J. T. Simp- son, ex-M.P.; J. F`. Craigr, Rev. Pol son and others. The Cronservatxve party in Ontario_ it was pointed out, was stron_Q'er to-day than ever, and with the rigrht leader would, without doubt, win in the next election. 1)nm-.m.~ontn+~n-.n nu-nan ~nun.nnn4- -F1-nrn (IOUDI, \VlH 111 In(! I1't`Xb GJCCLIOII. Rem-esentatives were present from` pmc1;icalI_v every municipality in the riding and brought mos`t.encourag`ing reports. ` I u--u. nu . r ` |..,x.... V... Eighteen Delegates from Riding Centre Simcoc is entitled to 18 lckeg-ates to the provincial conven- tion. J. F`. Craig, candid-mt-e in the last election, named two, W. Gend ron, Penetanp;, and C. D. Stewart, Barrie; J. T. Simpson, fetleral can- didate, also nzmmecl two, Major Knowles and Mrs. T. Burton, B{l1`1`lC, Presitlent G. G. Johnston and Secre- `tary T. E. Smith were named by ,virtue of their office. 011,, delegate `was then selected from each mun- ' icipality, as follows: Per-e\m-n-A2`, A. ` McGibbon; alternate. Wm. Thompl ' son; 'I`iny, G.eo. Adams; alternate, l`Jos. Beaupre; Flos, Lawson Robin- ` son; a1t1ern:1.t(-, S'm:n1. Manning`; Ves~ pra, Alex.. Wilson; alternate, C. Hi1l`- . ' ris; Sunnirlale Herb. Barker; alte1'n- 1 ate, J09. Snicher; Innisl, Lyle Guest; altcrn-9.I`.e, S. J. Reynoltlsz Bradforcl. Sam. Lee; alternate, C. : Evans: W. Gwillimbury C. Woods; alternate, H. Lennox; Barrie, John Hodges; alternate, J. R. Boys. An extra: delegate was allowed to Innis- l, Mrs. John Cook; alternate, Mr. Jennings, Penetang. It Wis announced this week that a settlement had been a1'1'ived at be- tween the parties implicated in the only non-jury case which was hieard before Mr. Justice Kelly at the winter assyize court. At the con- clusion of the Supreme Court hear- ing` the case was adjourned inden itely. Tim m-tinn was between Mrs itely. Th action was Louise Campbell, of Thornton, niece of the late Mrs. Ruth Reilly, and Thos. Whiteside and J-os. White- side, executors of the last will and testament of Mrs. Reilly, deceased. Mrs. Campbell claimed an ordem from the court. setting aside the letters of probate g'ranted on Nov 22, 1934, to the defendants. According to the set-tlement made last week between the parties, the will and probate are sustained by consent and the dwefvendail-t-, Thos. A. Wyhiteside, will pay all plainti.<. costs and also the costs of his co- defendant, Jos. W-hitesides. Mrs Campbell in `addition is to receive a .` cash cons-id'ei'a:tion. c:..,.,. -1 cnH-lr-n1n11+. has been 211'- CONTESTED VVILL ACTION IS SETTLED BY CONSENT o`ice.:. iVIcAi"Ehi1i' .< - _- j - spoke to Henderson about `$:).3l(rJnSp.n1.`4\'S- 1)a"1d-S0: T010]-E07 justt bedfo1t % tliebtlights Iivegeturndg `ioviews C-onditions ou an e :1 er repxe . mat e ._-~.-` H 4` 7 , was feeling: ne and was going to`! 311L( (T1 Cat V` 31' sleep just as soon as the lights Were! ` _ _ turned out `The 7\rn:+1..,... ....:......... :.. +1.- ...\.,+ ...~.I1i. nf an interesting and timelv `cash cons'1d'era:mon. Since. a settlement has been rived alt sa`cisfacto1'y to her, Mrs. Campbell has agreed to withdnanw all allegations of improper conduct on it-hue part of the defendant, T. A. Whiteslide, as was alleged in the statement of claim. r~,...m,.1 an Hm r-mzcp xvm-9. J. R.l S-til`-Ol'11(311T. 01 Clzuul. . Counsel in the erase were J. Boys and John Woods for the plain- tiff; W. A. Mcbean, Alliston, for Thos. VVhii-aside, and D. . F. Mac-1 1"... ml` Tm: \7\711H-(aairlu. Mac- Laren of Jos. Whiteside. umnmo SAFETY LEAGUE SUBJECT AT Kiwils CLUB Ediuzutioii is lecessary to > ' 7` Lower Ac-,(-1(le11t loll, says Maiiager. Boysnaiid-Jo-hnVWoods for The activities of the Ontario Safety League were reviewed in an iii".-erestingz; way ing of the Kiwanis Club by Mr. H. G. Foster, General Manager of_ the League. Kiwanis Clubs throughout Canada and the United States, Mr. Foster found, contribu't~ed to the social well being` of the ycionnnunities where they existed and should be interested in the Safety League, the main objecb of which was the saving of human life. The o1`_e,-smization of a movement in Canada started In 1913, Mr. Morley being: one of the founders. Mr. Wyce was" the rst_ manag-'er and continued as such until his: rlrnmisn last veal`. at Mondia=y s meet-| safety ' The Ontario 3 abblludllg ll`UHl Da1'l'lC. The winners in the euch-re were ,as follows: Ladies rst, Mrs. N. Semmens; ladies consolation, Mrs. H. Meredith; men s rst Mr. Elmer Minnikin; men s consolation, Mr. Ted 'Huntez. Music for dancing,` was I|supp1ied'by l\Irulho1land s orchestra. '1\`.lZ1JOl' lxuowles, of Barrie, intro- .duced the speaker. I In his opening remarks Mr. Rowe ;c_ong'ratul:iite(l the Junior Conserva- -.t1vcs of the it-ownship for making the occasion possible, stating that it :showed their interest in the Liberal- 3Conservative party. He urged the young` girls and women to take an 'uctive interest in pOlil\lCI9.l1. affairs, as they controlled 53 per cent. of the 'votes and inuenced about another !25 per cent. You are practically {in control of the political situation gin the Dominion, whether you know lit or not, he said, adding; that any acoiimiuliity with a live junior or wo- lmen s assocation could put up a bet- :ter fight for the Cvonse1'\'zutiive pacty. { Mr. Rowe pointed out that there .was a distinct djlference between `the policies of the two major poli- .tical parties of Canada. The Con- iservatixre party stood for protection `and all down through the years had jalways cherished closer Imperial re- `lations. Its policy was to tighten the bond of trade relations with .Grca.t Britain, while the Clollllllliltllllg `feature of -the Liberal party has 'been greater trade relations with the United States. Tn 1952'? +11.-\ TH-U-.\.n1 nnuhy n .1...` smety League na(1 no preceueuu w~ go by at first, but kept a record and? made colnparisons from year to} year. Gradually its aotivin-ies be-` came so well known that other pro- vinces .n:sked to have branches estzxb-' lished and the Federal Government sponsored the Canadian National Lea_L:'ue, and now every province has` -:1 In-nnr-11 n`f" .`.11(\ I}:'Fr>rtV Leae'ue. Z111 and conunueu us sum uutu his demise last year. The S'a:fety League had no precedent to! am hr :11`. v-9+. but kent :1 record .L.C-:1_9,'l.1(:, and every p1`0VlllC(.` 11215 a branch of the Suzferty League, ` receivin_e: impetus from the Ontario' League. E 'I`1m nr-'r.ivitios of the league in-~ clude : - (1) The industrial eld. Bulletins are issued to mzmufactu1'e1`s and 111-5 dus1;1'ia1c.oncc1'ns; posters depicting` in} g'r~ap1u'c style various kinds of acci-' dents. and the cause. l0\ `I\-In-mu xm`|{nL_~. ammo Qnfni-\: The activities of the league in- clude r1\ I`1... nJnn+-avini f-`amid T{11iinHn: dent`,s.a11(1 tne ca_use. `thousv:mds of Canadians foun (2) M0701` Vehlcle tY'amC- Sfct-V d1'lVl91'5 Clubs are ~9~'aiZed n`.vitl1re with some 3,5.00 n_1embe1's. Pa1*.t1-iicans cular alt-tention_1s paid to com1ne1*c1a.MhaS VChiC1CS- A f11'1VC1` W_l`0 .`~"f-`5 f91' m3.1n:1lci1ig worl 3'00!` \VlthU`* 1} accldent 15 ve concern` bronze medzzl; if he goes txxio yeaixs t he gets a siiver medal, and If tl11'ee:t01.cStS .V9i11`5 "1 Il'0](l m9d3l- , , `his fl (3) Public and cleiiqininatioiial L 59110013 '9 Slllmlled WM`.Wk15"ca1`1'ied 4 bulletins, and lectures are f;lVCl1 toiImSt_ DUDHS 011 -"`i1'[""5"L'3' 1'15- . (M 'F<<.=:1v contests are snonsored..+i... .~nn-1lrr.1- m.:..+mz m.+ +.1m+ pupils : rules. (4) Essay contests are` sponsored. In 103-1 some 16,000 essays were contributed, cash prizes being given for the best. There is `also a draw in_::' contest, prizes being awarded and the most suitable drawing used Alt. the end of the term parents 01 lthe pupils get a letter setting forthl the causes of accidents. This has been found worth-while, for while the ra`.uio of accidents has increased in the last ten years, there has been a decrease in child accidents of near- ly 6 per crnt. ((`.nn1-nned on nase eight) lagreinents States, s from the States were far in excess of her exports to this country. Mr. Rowe said the Government would have to revexmp the country's `who-lo national ~policy so that it would not only protect unemploy- ment, but provide new employment, (leclarinp; that we have more unem- ployed in the Dominion to-day than evler before in the history of Can- aca. nn nn1'nlnvn1nh+ \\Yf\11ll` 11 nvnr rler-1-ease. Il1I'H(1 01113. ' Neither prisoner in the next ceii heard." a sound during the night, 211-; though McArthur claimed he was 3 light sleeper. The gruesome dis` covery was not made until 6.30 the nnixt.` `no1'nin_2~ when Turnkey Weay mouth made his round of inspec- tion. Incidentally he stays at the, graol -at-mnig-hts, -but -he did rY0't"hear ' :1 tnnnri :1: 111': nmnn id 2+ 1*]-up i"1`nn1~ MIDLAND MAN FINED $50 FOR CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE| 1. Felix Pauze of Midlzmcl. convict- ed of criminal no:-`e`lig*ence by J'.1d_s:e 53 COMPLAINTS BEFORE Holmes in County Court on Mon LOCAL POLICE IN MIARCH mo1'nin_2', was ned $50 with an ml-i ' ternatim of two months in ,:a.ol. I-lei Chief Alex. Stewart reported this paid the ne. Timoi-ning that only $15 was collect- Pauze xmvsz cl1a1'g~ed in Mi(liv.mled in nes and costs by the local after his em` craslied into the Mid `ipoice (lcpartment during` the month land Savation Army band l1li11'Cllill}., of Marcli, while 53 ofl'enc~es and l on the street, injuring` Adjt. Jolmicomplaints were regisiered, as fol- Hart his son IJZl.11l'lC. Frank Wa<'1g'e. lows: > Douglas Lamb and Rm Church, all and 1, of Midland. lzuvuilliing` trial; bl f'nnn~.++nA +`ns- `H-inl I-nv l\/|':11'ied'.r;If(=*r-nnvir-f,nrl H11'nn invntiumatinuz fraud `ox Mmlana. ; Committed for `trial by 1\Iap,'istrate* Col. Bick rat :1 prolimmary hearing: at Mirllzmd on Nov. 14th, Pauze was released on bail. Hp stood trial he forc Judp;e Holmes in County Cuurt. here on Jan. 20th, when judg'n.ent was 1'nsm~\re(1 pending` written argu- ment by Crwn Attornev Evans and defence counsel. crnt. (Continued on page eight) ned Sm) wmn 111-; wo L I\7Ia1'ch, 1'n1'n1-inrr ArHf .|n1n1}r-nnanlninfq xunvm v-r>cr1'`h"-vnd. 19 F01- ucnvuu Uulpwynlent oecause OI me new trade agreements recently negot-iated with the United States," declared Hon. Earl Rowe at a largely attended meeting of the In- nisl Junior Conservative Associa- tion held in Stroud last Friday night. He also declared that. it hxaxl been shown conclusively in the last few months that thousantls of men had lost their jobs as :1 result of thc new agrecmenlt-s signed by Premier King and President Roosevelt. rrhn n'n`H1Ln-inrr uvlminl-u urn-;~ n :snns'n' HON. EARL ROWE - WMIEMNS NEW U. 3. TRADE PACT Speaks at Iunisl Junior 0011301-Vative Soclal Evc11iI1g. I challenge the whole Liberal party to name one man who has re- ceived employment because of the new f.!`:`.dr> 11 0~\~m:n1 enfc V1Lr\n11l IU xuug zulu r1`CS)(lCI11: uoosevem. The gathering, which was a *.=ncia' affair, consisting of euchre mu dancing`, featured a short address b\~ Hon. Earl Rowe, M.P. for Dufferin Simcoe. The evening was sponsore(~' by the Junior Conservatives of In nisl township, and in spite of bad roads the community hall at Stroud [was packed almost to_capacity, many `attending from Barrie. 'l`l1n \Uinnn1`c in `Han mvrrhvn uvpvn ' , DHL` lJIlllCU DEELLBS. 3} In 1887 the Liberal party advo- 3`_ca.~tued commercial union with the ijstates; in 1911 they stood for re- 3}ciprocity_ and in 1935 they had only `ibeen in power :1 short time when ` _ they hastened to Washington I-o sign another trade agreement with their southern neighbors. Mr. Bennett ,c0uld negotiate no trade agreement: with the Unitcd States because they ,would not olfer in return what Can- _ada expected, the spe::1.ker said udd- `ing that Mr. liiiig was afraid to *',reform and Mr. Blennett was afraid `to :ccept. 5*` Conditions are changing` rapidly `':and we are living in a different ,`.world than before 1930, said W1` " Rowe, stating that prior to 1930 thous:1nds found em - `,itl1G1'e Amer- 1".i(':1.ns rm 1-1-lint , Rinrvn 1930 .T:`m:ir 01 [H9 Ulllllllg. Hende1`:=.')n s bed had been moved up to Within 18 inches of the cell. door and it is thought that aftel looping his belt around and iron bar; over the door, he jumped o the cot, thus strangling to death. When` found his feet were between two` and three inches away from the ` oor. " An ,-.x-nynnnh'nn .-A-` 4-`Ian 1`.-ulu ~n_=

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