Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 20 Feb 1936, p. 5

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Midland Bearcats Ousted 15 Goals` to 5 in Wild Game at Mdland Arena. Grocers and Butchers, Allandale , 11:-I 'D1r-nn-an 117 Oldest European Discovery Against Stomach Troubles and Rheumatism Acclaimed Best by Latest Tests Since 1799 thousands of people have` regained their normal health after years of suffering from stomach troubles of all types, such as constipation, indix;est.ion,, gas and sour ..1.. nun Hm k-min far-tnrc n1-' ,:nr'l1 nmlndfss as all types, sucu 11.5 uuuampauuu, u;uu5\..w.u..,, bug mu... ....,... stomach, which are the basic factors of such maladies as .h. __j.._ __._._.__... 1 ! 14--.: ......,\ ...1..m1ma+mm nay-unrlm lwozulrmhrxz. SEOIDELCII, \Vl1lCn are but: uumu Lcu.uuLa u; au\.11 ......uu.-., ..... high blood pressure, rheumatism, periodic headaches. - ,... Arxnn ,1 km! nnine in tho hnok. live kicmev 1113,11. uuuuu kn. uaauu x., .....u........... ._.:______._.._.__..__. pimples on ace and body, pains ` .__.____.__ -...1 1.1...J,1M. r`:r ...L.....c|-:.-m 1 pimples 011 uclcu auiu Uvuy, ycuua All mu. ucyvns, .....-, .-._....._, .__j..__._: and bladder disorder, exhaustion, loss of sleep and appetite. Those su`-erers have not used any man-made injurious chemicals or drugs of any kind ; they have only used a remedy made by Nature. This marvellous product grows on the highest mountain peaks. Where it absorbs all the healing elemenrts and vitamins from the sun to aid HUMANITY in distress. It is composed of 19 kinds of natural leaves, seeds, ber- ..:n= nhrl nnwnvq, . and proportionately mixed composed of 19 k1I1(1S 01 natural leaves, seeus, oer- ries and owers, scientically propo1'tiona.te1y and is known as LION CROSS HERB TEA. LION CROSS HERB TEA tastes delicious, acts wonder- fully upon your system, and is safe even for children. Prepare it fresh like any ordinary tea and drink a glassful a day, hot or cold. wmaml CANAQA A one dollar treatment accomplishes WONDERS; makes you look and feel like new born. If you are not as yet familiar with the benecial effects of this natural remedy LION CROSS HERB TEA, try it at once and convince yourself. If not satisfactory money refunded to you. Also in tablet form. could only earn a draw. Co1lier-Gvoz1l, Parsons; defence, I Lindsay and Garrett: centre, Spence; \ wings, Lewis and Ramsay; a1te1'n- \ ates McCutcheon, Bauldry, Sarjeant. 5 Mills, Hamilton and McConkey. St. Mary s-Goa1, D Amb~rosio; de-l fence, Saundms and Wright; c-en-t1-e.\ Skelley; wings, Hayes and Ryan; alternates, Hinds Murphy and Ma- 4-un'rn I Special Bargain l\I\I II fl DAlLY-DFEB. 28 to MAR. 12 inclusive ,.,,__ l:_._:;. A: J_... Try it and convince yourself with our money-back guar- antee. One Week Treatment $1.00 Six Weeks Treatment $5.00 In order to avoid mistakes in getting the genuine LION CROSS HERB TEA. please fill out the attached coupon. _.j..jj CONVENIENT TRAIN SERVICE BAGGAGE Checked. STOPOVERS at Port Arthur, 0nt., Armstrong, Ont., and West; also at Chicago, 111., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., and west, In accordance with tariffs of United States lines. 1745 Lio - Pharmacy, 1180 Second Ave._ N. Y. City, N. Y. G ent1 em en : Enclosed nd $ . . . . . . . for which please send me . . . . treaatments of the famous LION CROSS HERB TEA. Ont... and West; also at Umcago, p1., bamtpte. Mane,1yucn., and west, In accordance Tickels. Sleeping Car rescrvaiions. and all informalion from any Agent. ASK FOR HANDBILL -nu-Ll-ml IIITIAIIII Tickets. Sleeping Car reservalious. and an mjormauonjrom any Agent. AJA run azuv upu.u CANADIAN NATIONAL ag,'uin.<-t B`z1.1'1'ie s nvc. Ba1`1'ic- will now moot, Orillia for the group title, with the first gmnc here to-morrow night (F2`i(l:`.y) -and the return in Ori1`.iu on .\Ion ni;:11vL, total _s.-'o;11.< in the two ganxes to count. rm.` - r*,..\1 TJn\-nn-<' rlni-`om-9. NAME ADDRESS CITY SLEEPENG CAR PRIVILEGES. Where sleepinf car space is required the Following slightl higher fares apply: (a) Tourist S eeping Cars at approxi- mately 11/4c per mi e, plus regular berth rate. (b) Standard Sleeping and Parlor Cars at approximately 11/zc per mile, plus regular berth or chair rate. Approximately CENT A MILE - Each Way GOOD IN COACHES ONLY * Excursions `" rain _' TEE: iii II: III:-In Return Limit: 45 days -' Midland last week held its rst - snow carnival. An extensive pro- 5 gram embracing practically every :1 winter sport was run off and the 1. event was well advertised. Midland 2- hopes to make this winter carnival an d annual affair similar to that staged in Huntsville. STATE . ugun, y,:.nuuu. ..V.._..,.\. ...,v in the back, liver, kidney I , p _1___ .___.1 ......-,\a.:L,. to count. Bzu`1'ie-Goa1. Haynes: defence, D_\'te and Patton; centre, Dem2L1'co; wings, Scott and L0i_L'_`h; alternzxtes, D. Livin_:`ston. H. Livin_9:ston, Me- Leod zmd Long. M.id1and-Goz11, Denis; defence, Leitc`.1 and Adams; centre, Harbor; winis Roberts and Henderson; al- ternates, Strinmas. McLzLup,-hlin, Toole, Houle and Scott. nmcm-nn_Rruce Paul, Toronto. Dept. 9846A Page Five .....28c .....19c .....19c ,bk.49c .....05c ....`.39c .....30c .....25c From All Stations in the East .14-17c . . .15c . . .25c an . 29c . 19c . 19c . 23c nqwv '.25c COLLIER MIDGETS CLINCH FIRST IN CHURCH LEAGUE Collier St. midgets clinched the first position in the Barrie Church ' League when they defeated St. M.zu'y s by 4 to 0 on Satur(la_V morn-` ing. In the second game of the doubleheader, Trinity and Central draw. (n`|licxr--Gvol. McLEOD STANDS OUT loule and Scott. Refo1'ee--Bruco Paul, . L1---Goal, Roach; defence, 1! Clarke; centre. Goring; In the wildes`, and roughest game ever witnessed in Midland Arena Gardens, B-arrie Colts won the right to meet Orilila in the group nal by beating the Midland Bearcats 9 to on the game and 15 to 5 on the round. In the first two games these vteains deadlocked at 7-7, but in the second set Barrie secured a four-goal lead at home and then beat the Cats on their own ice by 9-3, de- m1on.stna divng* in no unceztalijn that they were the superior team. The Colts appeared very ragged in the first period of this wwi-ld and woolly contest, letting Midland carry the play and swarm in to count twice and cutting Barrrie s lead to two. .On the play the. home team deserved more goals, but the work n+' Tllnxrhna hnrrlnrprl nn H10 sensat- `COLTS TAKE LEAD IN SECOND; ROUND 3 4 Colts Secure Four-Goal Lead Over` Midland in Third Game; i Score 6-2. Led by the starry Demarco, Bar-'. rie Colts turned back the Midland? Bearcats six goals to two in the third: game to decide a winner to meet: Orillilau for the group championship._ Due to the blocked roads, only a` fair crowd was on hand to see the F locals pile up a four-goal lead for the return game. 1 Except for a minute in the second. period the Colts played a brand ofl hockey that bewildered the Bearc.a~ts' so that their entire syst-em was dis-l organized. Only one goal was 5 scored in `the rst period, thiatt, by \ 1`nnu-nu-nn Tn lvlosn cnnnhr` Dav-v-in I. > carried high through 1 i { N- i organized. umy one Demarco. In the second Barrie scored three more, but suffered a relapse halfway through and allow- -ed the visitors to score their only two, both coming inside of h minute. Barire increased their lead by add- ing two more in the third, while keeping; the Midlanduers well out. , Demarco Hot 5 Demarco was in real form in this game and his stickhzmdliing had the opposition tied in knots. H-e got the first goal at the 16-minute mark with Bartton, Leigh _and Scott all guring in the play. McLeod was not far behind the ashy centre man in effectiveness. His first goal came just two minutes ai`ter the start of the escond frame, with Dyte and H. Livingston getting credits: Not to be outdone, De-marco came back with 21 beautiful effort tlrart single-handed guzu. was for the third count. Patton Scores Jack Patton was in the right place for tlz fourth counter. After lead- ing a rush and passing to Dick Liv- ingston, the puck returned to the burly d-efenceman via Jock Dyte, and Patton drilled it home. and him- self ending up in the net. With four goals to nothings; starinyz; them in the face, the Midland youngsters ' staged a desperate rally that netted them two goals wit.hin 21 minute. Leitch scored the first on a nice 5010' e ort, and was followed by Harber, ` with Roberts making the play. But ithic .\[idl2mders shot their bolt in that splurge and when the Bzirrie defence tightened ugzmin they were unable to count again, although com- ing close 011 several 0CC(`.Slu!1S. : Two More in Third ; \r,.a ....+:.-Gm] +I\ (`alu- nnvnnrl nn I W0 IVIOFB In 1 mm: No-1; satised, the Colts turned on` the p1'essu1'e :13.-`ain in the last stanza and added two more goals. Mc- Y..n,1 and I-T-,n-mr T.ivu'nrr:n.nnn nrrnin 2J.Il(l d.(luL (l LWU Illurt: gucua. Leod and Harr._v LiV.il`lg`S|i~01"lO again combined, with the former counting. Twelve minutes later Dvemarco got the puck on 1)i-J;`.r_\'s by Patton and McLeod for the sixth and final goal of the game. .-\1thou_:,-'11 expected to Win after their determined stand in Midiland, the Colts surprised by earning :1 fou1'-g;oa1 margin and if they play the same brand in Midland should i`nC1'C'11`:S0 it. The defence work of Patton. Dyte and Long had much to do with the win, and with Haynes ])iil'ii1_L, his usual &LL'il(i_V _u-`ame in the net_ proved much too stron-,r.,r for the .\Ii(H2md thrust.<. .'-\d(Ied to this the backcheckim: of Leigh and Dick -anti H10 :'hnnHnrr nf uxu` 1:1viv1n~C+nY1 bacxcnecmng 01 1.C1_:l1 unu uuzm I.ivin;:.=ton and the sharp shooting" of, McLeod and Dmnarco, the Colts turned in their best gvzvmc of_the season. Leitch, Harbor and Huule were the best for Midlzmd. 1\T1'J1nurl_f`Inn} TWnnc- r]n'Fr-1'\r`n [I119 DOSE 101' 3110121110. 1\Iid1and-Goa}, Denis; defence, Lcitch and Adams; centre. Mc- LzLu}:;hin; win;-:5, Houle and Toole; z11 oe1'n:1.tes Ha1'be1`, Roberts, Hender ison, Johnson and Scott. Rm-u-I-n__(1n-.11 H7-v.vnn<: (lnfnnno. `son, Johnson and DCOLE. . Ba`1'1'i'o--Goal, Htzyncs; defence.` ,D_\'te and Patton; entro, Dcmarco; '\\ in;1's, Scott and Lei},-`h; alternates, D. Living'sto~n, H. Livinrgston, `MC-I Iarod, Long: and Goring; I Refe2'co-Bruc-.:- Paul. Toronto. I Bill Mel.-eotl, slim left winyrer of tllell Colts second string, showed his] mates what point get;`ain_e: really is` when he knocked off 11in twog games. In the rst against Midland: ltwo goals and an asisst were credit-ll ed to him and in the second contest four goals and four assists for the g'ra.nd total of eleven. Earrie Cdlts Eter Finals With Oriiiia Here Friday `wings, King and St. Clair; zLlt.ern- ates, Cn~ed_ Perry, Looker, Bird and' Bristl-e. 'T`..:nhy,_{"..-ml l".\n'L-- rnFnnr~n. mnsu-e. Trini,ty-Gon1, Cook; defence. Reading: and Bakogeorge; centre, K.` Wildman; win_c,rs, G. Wrildman and. Mhlkin; alternates, Gosney_ Gosling Smith. Mayes and Glenn . Refe1'e%Stmt Bakogeorge. x Standing W T. '1` P Collier . . . . . . St. 1\Igu'_v s . .. Crrntrril ..... P1'osb,\1`.ei'ians Trinity . . . . . SNl". ER PAR EXCELLENCE DEMA-RCO SHINES Bill McLeod `BARRIE BADMXNTON CLUB I :wAMD. nRIl.LlA Y C 'BARKlL bAU1VI11V xun \....u... I . V ALLMIJAL: * ) = . I ` Taking 19 out of 20 sets played; here on Monday night, the Barrie _.... B3dmi11'0T1 Club `SW3mPd the Mrs. V. D.ru1'_'-; and Master Ernest _; O1-illia. Y.M.C..~\. Club in the zmnualiof Toronto, me vjsmng M1, and ;`in`te1'-club match to win 52 no 8. Mrs. F_ Rayn,e1~_ > Miss M. Vallans and MT:s G. Brown M155 S1-113 Chyfe Spent the week HV011 13115 0111)` Set fol` the ViSi'001`S: d9- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T 1'ez\..bi11;.,v Miss B. Scott and Miss R. W_ c1ute_ ,1 YOUIHZ in the ladies d0ub1eS- Mrs. F. B. Davies, for some years a resident of Allandale left to-day i E 1 Tans Sit Five 53 Hours to See 60 Minutes of Play . ther, the Consols and Flyems staged- - a see-stxw battle that raged up and` 2 down the ice for the full sixty min-' utes, with the former Winning` out F5 to 4 in the last minute of play. - r'nvv1'r\ a+cnv'fnr" H-m gr-m-imz in the THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 1936. Flyers and Midland Stage Fast Duel Before Big Crowd; Game Starts at 10.40. i 1 Delayed two hours by Tuesd`ay s` storm, the Midland Brirtish Consols: wc-.re s1bi1'1 able mo invade the Barriel arena and carry away a on-e-go-a1`, lead for the return match in Mid-`. land to-night. Before a ne crowd c`onsid.e1'ing' the delay and the wea- and Flyems staged` .. c kO:f.+]'D `rhnf. mp-ed un D 120 4 111 Due lamb 1u1uLwc u; pk; Camp started the scoring rs4t. but the Consols led a` the I .4` 4-1.. unwind 9 n 1 Again in rs*t. but the UOIISOLS tea a mu: Uuu of the period 2 o. 1. Again in the; second the Flyers scored rst, but Midland came back with one to hold their lead. In the nal frame the` Camp took the lead on two fast goals, but the visitors rose to the occasion by scoring the last two to3 take the verdict. I ; , Ll-.._s.._ I 1 I L(lK\.C vuc I'\.L\AA\./vs I Lowery to Houston i Only one minute had gone wheni Cowley was waved to the bench for` mixing with Dobson. The Consols `began a gauging attack, but Lowery broke away and made a perfect pass to Houston, who scored the first goal of the game. The lead was short- lived, h.ow\:ve1'. as Grant and Thayer combined for the equalizer. A+ Hm sevnn minute mark Grant Thayer combmed Ior me t-:quuuz.u.-1. Sh At the seven minute 8 again bulged the twine on the end; " of a three-man passing: attack, Holmi `and Brodeur guring in the playqp` : Dobson took a rest for tripping Kipp O: _ and the Flyers swarmed in. 1VIc-.ti 1 Kerroll and Part1'id_:e combined on a] `a pretty play that carrirzd them to H , the Midland goa. mouth, only to ; have Beatty make a sensational save. El x Cowley had a chance but lifted over 3 the not-. Houston and Lowery got 2 in close. but the Midland net cus- - todian held them off with a great t` .11:-Ln u LOUIEHL _ (lisp1`a_V`. \I|b1ll|,_y . In and Out E: At the start of the second Mid- . land ;:ang'od and had the Flyers go-J in}: round and round. Vanclieffsl passed 2'. fast one to I<`itzg'erz1ld who let y as the puck hit his stick. 1 The only person in the rink who did i not see the puck go in and out was? the {$021.1 judg'e. The Mirllzmcl team` aade no squabble, but their sup- porto-rs took it to hczlrt and sur-` rouded the goal judge to make sure; that his o_\'e. did not bother him from then on. 3 D..- r*,m1_- c-11nu'r`-I` n vr-1'n1'rl `rn form! ; insz: for the frame. from then ; Bus Cook showed 21 return to form` whren he got `the puck in the centre` a1'ez1.1` and went around Dobson with. the greatest of ease for the ticsi11_r:;' tally. Fitzgrea-ald 1`et~u1'ned the com-' pliment when he~fz1ir1y ew around the Flyem-.< defence to end the scor- n,____. I1._, ll... , lVl`JKl l'ilHll LI LU `I. Battle of Goalies 'Ih1`ou;rhou`t 'thp entire gmne it was V4 !n h"`.tln of 5:on1io:<. Both Mason and IBe2L oty saved their team time after 3time and the shots that beat them :were unstoppable. Besides Bcatty, B1'odeux`:md FitZf;`(:}`211(1 were out- 1.=t:1ndin_Q`. while Holt, Thz1_\'e1' and -Gran : \,\'m*t not far behind. Hous- `ton was outstanding for Camp, with` P:11'trid_v:e, Cook, Lowery and Cow-` , 1e_\' following. n `\Ti:Hun:L._.Cnn1_ Rmttv: defence.` deserved goals, Dun um: wvux of Haynes bordered on the sensat- -ional to hold them off. The second period was the distindt. opposite. Barire coming to life and running in thre goals, while holding their op- ponents off the score sheet. The Cat: laid back their ears and 1 minutes later P:1`.".1'idg'c \\'a.~; 1'e\v'.u' jbluo line and solord t.h1'ouQ`h Mid-' land fou1'-mzm nloftrnce for thoi Camp One Up `Camp Bo1'de'n took the lead by- ong _2`o:1l in the rst minutes of thel ` third. Houston took Lo\ve2'_\"s pass` at the M110 line and went :u'oun(I.` Dob;~':on to boat I .0at`._\* with :1 lmrdi drive to the corner of the 1`.:t. Four, C C ed when he broke up 21 rush at the`-` Camp s fourth and last goal. l`hn\*m' nut )Lic11rmd on even to-rms Camp's Iourtn mm m>:L guzu. 'l`1m_Vc-1' put even `agtlin when he picked up :1 loose lpuck in from, of the not and n1ade1` lno mistake. Agzain with only seem`; Ionds left to p1z1_\' Tha_\'e1' tricked the I j Camp defence and won the game for, l I\Lid1r:md 5 to 4. 1 an ..I r rV__I:__ ! 1e_\' follo\v1m:. .\Iid1zm Beatty; defence,[ Dobson and Holt; c`.:-ntro, Fitzgreraldn .win_9;s, Vanclie` and Wilcox; altern-' latres_ Thayer, Taylor, G,1'ant, Bro-` 1 Idem` and A. Brodeur. . rum Rn:-r`nn_.Cnn1_ Mason: de-1 -ion Sunday. 1! Mr. and M.r.=. A. L. Banmimg and .'son Arnold spent the week end with -friends in Torcnto. Tho Wnhv-nnrv mr-nt1nQ of the A11- dent and A. brodeur. : Camp Box-den- Goal, Mason; de-1 ifrnco. I zu't1'i(1_r:e and McKerrol1; con-; .t.1'e, Lowery; xvimrs, Houston zmdi !Cowle_v; ahemwtes, Kipp_ Teafe,! !Cook, Renaud and Hook. I nncm-nn_'F1-m-v Shmv. To-ronto. `ill will hold two million bush- i The new grain ~e1eva.tor at Church-1 I !..u. ,. mm nn rnn load three shins `iill will hold two 1'T1ll.L10T1 uu5u- els of grain and can load three ships at one time. And Church-ill is one hundred miles nearer Europe than are the Atlantic ports. I .|.V.l. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Braden visited the 1:x.tter s mother, Mrs. Wm. Speers, `on Sunday. up 5111!` 'M.r:_ A. L. Banmimsz -friends in Torcnto. The February meeting of the . ghican WA. is being held at .home of Mrs. Fred R. Arnold ` ('I`hu.rsday) afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wallter Newton : afternoon. Mr. and and family attended the funeral of the late Mr. J . 0. Newton at Egbert on Rfynv-`n xv n`H'n1'Tl("\TI. ponents on the sneen. The Cats laid back bared their claws in the third- showing true colors, ghting, but unlike their namesakes, lacking any sportsmanship whatsoever. Instead of slowing up the galloping Colts, it helped them in no uncertain man- ner, for while :2 man cannot score : in the penalty box. he also cannot stop the other fellow. Houlne started the parade to the i box when he made his bid to get ; Demarco. He was rewarded with a major penalty instead. Lei-tch at- becnded Dick Livingston and also drew a penalty. Roberts and Toole quickly followed, which left Mid- land four short, while Barrie had but one man in the box. Three goals were scored in that time-, sew- inn` nn Hm mime. The Colts took lZ`L'T.e N11`. d. U. new`: Moray afternccn. Took, Renaud and HOOK. Referee--Tracy Shaw, To-ronto. CONSOEEVE up The blurthern uvunce D I CLUB ` Ly end 4-`Imn ` 3`; RLWWRLE a Iverw days m we c1Ly. Miss Norine R=owec1j'e presided at the Essa Road meeting of the 5 Y.P..S. on Monday night, giving a Sltalk from _the fourth chapter of 3 Our Church entitled Characteristics i~of Presbyerianism. Mliss Dorothy _"Suinc1z1.iLr added to the pnogwram with 112. solo. I 'I`\I1n Vnuunm 'Dnnn'|o n: Qnninlfv rd` ."'Lll- ` the this goals were scored in man mime, sew- ing: up the gzmie. The tl1>eii,1' bumps and stayed on the ice, the sting being; alleviated by plenty of _s;ozxl`s and a great victory. McLeod's Scores Four Ba1'rie s failure to score in the first frame seemed a goad to Dint Scott_and Bill McLeod. Scott got the i-st. goal seven minut,c~s after the second period bCf;'.".`l1, with l\`IcLeod aSSlStl11_L,". .\`IcLeo(1 followed with two more, both on solo eflo1'ts phat` cold.` beat the Midland defence Dick Livingston and i\IcLeod com- nincd for the fourth to start the nal frame oil` right. Then the `.-..,..1. n.`11W c.+-u-+m1 xvnvln Miidl:1n(l W. mute. left to join her husband in Toronto,` where they will reside. 5 NH T-1.91011 `Mr-R1-ids-. returned on twnere they win resme. i M-iss H-elen McBride returned gMonday after spending; two weeks in ToAron1;o and Brockville. 'Mr:.... T-Tn1.nn A1~11n++ whn was gm--| '.L0A1`011Do anu Droctwuu.-:. M-.iss Hel-en Arnott, who was ser- iously injured in a motor accident last,summe1', and who has until now beve-11 conned in the Toronto Gen- eral Hospital. is at the home of her pzuen-ts, Ma`. and Mrs. Wm. Arnobt. Mv and `-M1-2. G90. Sevmour re- p.';1.1'(31 1-ES, 3'11`. anu x\'11'5. vvux. x-uuuuu. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Seymour turned this morning after spending erw days in the city. 1\/lice Nm-inn R,nwec1.i'e nresvided 1 SIHZUI IOWVTIIS. The Ontario Motor League re- peats its warning agzunst motor1~stl:s venttlng out on the highways with- )\n11.f +`n11 L'nn\v1r>n`\ ~nf Hwrxir (`nudi- I ;. UI ,` .1 r I The Young People s Society of `:Burton Av-e. Church listened to a `concise talk by Earl Huniter on -Inte1'esrVt.iJ1g Facts about War. Rev. W. A. E. Doe enlarged on the theme and then instead of the usual games another highly amusing pastime was I} found or at least they tried to nd `who could tell the biggest W`h`0ppe1`.l 'Som-e tall ones were told, but so many wonderful feats were perform-` :ed and acts committed that no win- xner could be proclaimed. I 1 Vince, Ontario and the whole of Canada and the northern United States are `experiencing the longest cold Wave in ten years. `It s cold and little hope 1s held out for a change. Hardships are reported throughout the pro- the west and many of the states across the border, as transpor- tation is crippled, resulting in food and fuel Sl 1O1`1`,2lL ,7E?, as well as water f shortage in many rural disrtniots and small towns. rm. n (ind-nuln `|\/fnl-nv T non-I1n 1-n- them. On Turcsday many trains had -to be `I '3 cancelled and highway travel was! ; practically at a standstill. The road to Toronto has been kept fairly clear `and Iiruck.= have been running to .Barrie, but considerable difulty is ' experienced in getting th1'oug"n to ' Collingwood. fl (`nnr-r1<~:inn -roads have been b1OCk- fV'em:111'mg' out on tne nlgnxvuys \ VlbI1' louut full knowledge `of their co11di- l 'tion. Tlwre was grave danger of ` autoislts freezing to death should their cars stall on secluded st1'c~tcl1es of roads in tlie prevailing zero wea- uomng-wooc1. ` Concession -roads have block-` led for the past several weeks. nal frame 011 rlgnn. 111011 Luu 1'ou,-'h s-iuff s`tzu'tcd. While Midland was short-lumded Scott took Mc- Leod s pass for the fth. and fty seconds later McLeod accepted Scott's pass for another. Bi11 s fourth goal came a few seconds after when he leisurely skated in on Denis, 'drew him out and sank the shot. _Tn:1'. +.. Rhrnv how much then` s1de- VLOIIS pan IBKB II-'- ` ; The Barrie Colts showed their` suppo1"te=1's just how they can take` J it and hand it out in the way of, ,;.Q'oz:ls when the_v dumped l\I`l(ll:.111(l: '_- from the race by a 15 to 5 count` on L the round. All in all, the Colts took `fa world of punishment, but they kept cool and following" inswtructlonsw played hockey, to win sma.rt vic-' tories. 01' the four games, Barrie! `won the last three, demonstratingll 0 I ,';?t\11at they are the 1'ig'hvtfu1 team to '1, meet Orillia. I ` -O`! 1 AOVVI`. League-- 1 _T`.1:+ nnn n1rn'n `Colts Can Take It-- 1 rm. n,.....:,\ run. _l Consols U1'erent-- -- "; The Midland in.i`.e.rmedia-te Britisht `.Conso1s showed themselves to be a `.difl'erent crew to their junior edi-'1 'ti~on. They played in one of the -` `lcleanest games seen at the local irink this year when they met tholi jiCamp Borden Flyers Tuesday night,'. "iand although the play was fast and the going tough at times, there wasn't The sign of a flare-up. Natl because they had no reason too. either. One big reason could be at- tributed to the goal, the pretttiest of the might, that was scored and not counted. Instead they merely sinilod to themselves and went on playing to win, which-they did, and in they return game should repeat their vic-I 1-`n1r'\I |__ | `----` 2 i The last game in Midland wasf $1`ea11_\' (lis5.,r1'21ccfL1l and we are sure` `the juniors 1'ep1`ese11ting' tha-t town. have anything but the full supporrl of the people after their very un-; spo-rtsmanljke conduct. It may be the case again of one or two menj spoiling the ganie for the hthers, but` just the same their attacks on two` ` of the B.;xr1'io p1z1_\'e1`s were entirely: ;u11\vzu'1`a11ted rmd should not {:0 un-` I checked. i V Consols Different-- `. 'T"|nn `l\/Hr-1hr` n.9'nI l'l:h|.u I tory. Indians Elim|nated-- I You can never tell, however. Camp Borden. like the Colts, are just hitting their stride and any- thing is likely to happen. When t'.he' Airmen meat Gravenhurst here 2-0 their backers were elated, but never- theless shook their heads, saying Gravenhurs-t were better than two! goals on chei.1' home ice. But the Flyers had other ideas and while they lost the game 2-1, they won} the round 3-2. Perhaps they will go` ftlhat one better and beat the Consols' rm their own ice. Indians El'Iminated-- V.-m nnn n mmv 1 tunuu Ulle uL'oLL-A u: on theur own ice. the shot. Just tu show how their windim: efforts a`ccted him, De~ mmco took the puck at his goal and weaved and s Lickhand10d his way t.h1`ou;r;h the entire team for the inosi hv:~::.-ziiful goal of the night. Dy'te nished the scoiting for Bar- 1-ie and )IcLeo got his .:;oi_Q'hLh point for assisting in the plziy. .\Iidizm(1 :5.-'ot 11101` last goal with 21 minute to go, Ha.1`be.1' makiny.-; the Lz11-ly on Roberts pass. n I:-.:......;.\.. (`no COLD WAVE CONTINUES SPORT GLEANINGS `Ll"LlVL 1 /3215 I T | Harvie s will head both the 1\'I.id-' ,land and Orillia Boards of Educa- ytion in 1936. Jas. G. Harvie has , been elected chairman of the Omllia -'Board, while his brother, Dr. R. E Morley I-Iialrvie, was recently re- ,1`.e1ec-ted chairrnan of the Midland 0' School Board. PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES-2 pkgs. l\l?'I"l\1'I'I" lN'l"I"f\('1 ti -as`-uuruu-4 P1:<-n.1;I1"7- .L .l.\aJ.L1\.III.na Mun; .n. .a.a........_.... _ _L-_-c. . SUPER SUDS-2 pkgs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. LIBBY S TOMATO SOUP-2 tins . . . . . . . . LIBBY S VEGETABLE SOUP-2 tins _. . . . These soups are a new product of L1bby s that are a special Value. GRAPEFRUIT-6 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEW CARROTS-2 bunches . . . . . . . . . . . . .. SPINACI-I-2 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SEEDLESS SUNKIST ORANGES--6-qt. bk. LEAF LETTUCE-bunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPY APPLES-basket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GREENING APPLES-basket . . . . . . . . . . . . . LARGE CAULIFLOWER-each . . . . . . . . . .. CHOICE QUALITY MEATS AND COPACO PRODUCTS CHOICE ROASTS OF BEEF-1b. . . . . . . .14- SHOULDERS OF PORK-1b. . . . . . . . . . . .. PORK HOCKS--2 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPACO BOLOGNA-2 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . HOMEMADE HEADCHEESE-2 lbs. . . . . . 'I\ IN r-4 Smoked Fillets, Halibut, B.C. Salmon, Oysters, Roasting Chickens. Special Prices on All Copaco Smoked Meats for the Week End. J. D. WISDOM & CO. LuUUL'1 Lo yucca. D. Livingston Cut VVhe~n the Bearcats could not stop the older and more experienced Colts, they took a turn at the _\'0L1l1',"S-tL`1`S. Leitch, while the best player on the Midland team, is also the worst and 21 detriment to any club using: the tactics he does. Dick l.-i\'ing'svtn11 was his first Victim. He cl1a1'_:ed the youngstei`. knocked him down and then clubbed him with his stick, \'e1'_\' l1a11'0\Vly miss- n_u' the eye, and even at that the gash required stitches to close it.: He was _penalize(l of course, but the minute he \\'a:~: back on the ice he (:au_I:l1t Scott oil :.';uai'(l and charged into the mi(l_u'et, tlirowingz him to the ice so hard iha Di11t \\'u.< out of the play for several minutes. In an Letch had four pena`.tu_-s and (ic- SCl'\'(.`(.l. as man): more. The Barrie kids were oxt to play hockey and in all but on-. i;i.~`..ance took the DLlnl.\'l1lIl0l1i. and wen`. about their job of ;~`.C0l'i11_`., gyoals. Midlzmd had Ci}. ,'l1i .. penzLltie.~:,- one a major. Bz1.1'i'ie ve. R:n'1'i(`- i i

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