Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 20 Feb 1936, p. 4

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!`1g`."l'S. As far as the people go, they are not particularly concerned in whether an action is federal or provincial. Instead of being greatly worried over provincial rights, they are anxious to know if the projected legislation will be for the ultimate good of the country. That's what counts with the citizens. CRAIGHURST -.-........u.uu.u\ ;.4u.4o 924.95 1,431.66 1,698.53 A an 1 92 ;,u;1o.L).3 459.13 1,416.03 584.78 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1936. sIfI.so 2,391.30 5,250.60 4,516.20- 482.40 ~ number will receive $9,498.55. There has been some dispute as to the balance due the Alliston High School, but the county treasurer is sending them a cheque for $4,500 unit.i1 the correct gures are submit- ted. which will be slightly over $5,000. The cost of maintenance, refunds, amounts already paid and balance due are as follows: I Refund E -Inn rn ,,,__. These articles when displayed in the window of :1 drug` store, with a card `oerlljng the story, attracted crowds that blocked the sidewalk. .l$ODCI'l*Ol'l. :i The Welfare Department submit-5 ted a. report of relief CXpC.'I1(lltlll"` for the week ending` Feb. 15th, as follows: Food, $460.14; fuel, $1.10.- 05; shelter, $38.00; light, $3.00, clothing $13.05. Total. $65-'1.2~1. I This is a decided decrease com-' pared with last year. For the same week in 1935 the relief costs for the town were $856.00. with 80.! persons dependent on public assist- anrrx. A gentleman purchased an antique sofa from a family where ve daug'hters had been raised and court- ed. When he had it repaired he found 47 hairpins, 3 combs, 46 but- tons. 13 needles, 8 cig;-arettes, 5 phot.og'r:1pl1s, 114 pins, 3 pocket -_km'ves, 15 playing` c`:1v1`ds, a button- hook, and a vial of l1eadac11e tab- lets. Iounty Pupils 226.80 756.90 257.40 257.40 WHAT HE FOUND .. uvA\A 1,779.75 1,781.65 1,679.17 1,723.05 1,262.85 766.19 775.90 748.97 712.28 764.93 743.73 546.53 468.52` 775.31 494.76 lWFvI\ ... Balance Due 4.-A.-.n-,. ....w.u.\. yum. 16,982.16 4,147.16 9,498.55 7,938.31 4,865.92 4,500.00 R10 RR -:,uuu.uu 819.66 2,907.49 930.10 762.58 160.02 687.93 1,152.00 au1L'(:. A letter was read from J. T. Simpson, county clerk, informing the council of the amount of the county levies for 1936. On an equalized assessment of $5,76:3.000, and the county mte being` seven-3 tenths mills and the general rate ni.(3' mills, the total levy for Bz11'r.g is ns_ follows: county roads, $~1035.50_:l general levy, $38,040.00; total,` $42,084.50. ` I` 640.72 90.02 907.25 39.39 40.02 Canadian G.erm1'cid.e Company. To- ronto, quotzmg prxces on sanitary, products for use in nublic bui1d111:,`s Hrnrrv Wiyzhpr. (`.nnl(c1-num wl-m .':` pxuuuuha P01` [150 Ill HIIDUC [)l1l1(lll1_`.7,`S 1 Harry Fisher. Cookstown, who is` aiming to establish a satisfacto1'_v} municipal service bhroughou-t the county, wrote offernz; his services as` an administrator. He maintained he could save the town at least half on the cost of its voters lists. numm `IF Dn+r\IV ....,.a..'.l.....+ Ac LL... D116 UU>"la UJ. IDS VODUIF HSH5. Owem E. Peters, president of the Allandale Band applied for :1 grant} for 1936. Referred to Finance Com-l mitte e . I Drstvn P. 13...... 1..."... ....1:...'A.-.... .._ Lina 1JulpUHI._`.'. ~ Committee Report The Fire and Police Committee` recommended that Chief A. Sbevvrri` be paid $25 per n1ouLh for me of his car for police duty in the town. I ll _ n_: _ __ , (Continued from page oncl The meett.ing' on Monday hl1'lll'. \Vz1.\`: very short, there being little busi- ness of an important n-alture beforw the council. Members present were Mayor Robertson. Reeve Smo\\':u't, Deputy-Reeve Wiles, Aldermen Fru- lick, Cavanaugh, (`a.mm'on, James, Shr.-pl1:erd, Goessel, Gill. Jay and Robertson. T`Ln `x,l\1pl\`Ul\ T`|nn..+.n..L ....n....!o TAXI 1=RdrTf{1`E-f6i{ ; PROTEST INSURAEICEj Page Four DOMINION AND PROVINCIAL RIGHTS One of the chief points of attack against President Roosevelt is the charge that he is trying to strip the rights of government from the States. The same cry is frequently raised in Canada. when the Dominion Government tries to do something nmd opponents declare the action is an infringement of provincial rights. A: far as the neonle 20. thev are l EDUCATION WEEK Communications B`l1UIl1U 111 Anuswn wnue m poor 11 ,,'tal and ph_\.'.' health. She g ;,| man_\' i11stancc.< as fur h21ck_ 21;: 1 Bi `;r11m'e the dc-cezlscd xvas` 1n :1 _Iment;:11 condition. The p1z:in*.i` : 'c1z1'ImCd that 'T'. A. White. :1 1 f they of M2-,'. lr.:i1l_\'. 0I\'C'1`(`.-` ~d un powers in (lx'a\'.'in;: up the will : the (Ie(-rm`, T`Ln nl. i The account charged against Rt. `Hon. R. B. Bennett for radio broad- casting during the last election cum- paign, rcerred to in a return tabled in the House of Commons, will be paid, it was announced by Hon. J. F3n1'1 Lawson. Conservative organ- izer. The account, mid to be $20,- 000, was shown as unpaid in the par1i:nncn cm'_v veturns, based on a report of ithe Radio Commission. Rslrlin fnv H1c: (`nanny-nnun 11.`... reporc 01 me naalo commission. Radio for the Conservative Dom- inion headquarters, said Mr. Law- son. was arrang'od through J. J Gihhons. l.imitn(l. nnrl accounts renal- eved to thwt advertising agency were h:`i(l 'to tho Commiss'ion, on the mis- taken assumption the. all radio was thus being paid for. Subsequently an additional account was rendered which `I have checked and found to be correct. It will be maid. |.Hl' punmm 21150 Sl`n0\V(}(l 21 SCI 0! I ci1'c11m: `ulmt \Vl1ite. anrl ls son b:'m-ti`Le(l zxlmost entirely unrlez -`the will, tln.-1`:,~ being` one exception.`-" "l\`Irs. Campbr-`.1 ::ot the hou:~:ehold goods of Mrs. Reilly, valucnl rt` $300. The plnintifl` estimated thei- tlefondnnts 1'0(:vi\'o(l the bzllamcc ofli the es*tate, which was valued roufxh-'( ly rt $5,500. , _w E The pluinti` Tu"tl1r1' showc- t.;1`... [thn t'~- t:"`:r-nt2'_\' p:~pm'. wore rl1`awn`l r jW'l1ito.~'?:!L~. \\"m c-on\'o_vo them to :1 l law_vm', who (ll-r<\v up the will. lt I was furtl101' ; that the lZ1\\'}.'f`E` took tlw will to the t.ost2n'i.\'. vcholl .=l_s"'\ '.'l lxz -1` '".:v_E1lr~n n:.me_ :1ltl1ou_2'h alf Widow. The p;l:Linti"s main point`! \\'z\;< that l:l1:' man who beneted .f1`om.t the will \v.'1.< tllo one who drew ii? -' un. -` ' . I up on inst1~uc1,ions from T. .-\.| i I up. ; It was set up in the dcfzmce Llmt tho pl:1int?{T :1(-canted the bequest to hm . and that bring the case, they! claimed that she could not come in-I to court and attack the will while 5`-ti ]m1dinj.:' hc-1' b0(|uCs't J. R. RO\'< nnd _Tn'hn \X'nnrla ~... A Nu ! n(m11nj.:' nu nO(uICs`t. J. R. Boys :md,John Woods are acting for tho plzunti and W. A. McLean. Alliston. for Thos. White- side and D. F. .\Iz1cLu1-on for Joseph Whiteside. l Mr. and Mrs. William Gallie,' `Maple Ave., celebrated the fty- lfifth anniversary of their marriage ;on Sunday last, Feb. 16111. Fifty- 5 `lve years ago last August Mr. Gal- *lie came to Barrie and decided to llocate here. The following` Feb1'u- ; Eshovtly afterwards they took up resi- Jdencc on Maple Ave., where they `have since resided. Mr. Gallie was iiden-tied with the Ball Planing Mill. `for many years, but disposed of his winterests in 1917 and has since lived "retired. Their family consist of itwo sons, Dr. W. E. Gallie Professor fof Su1'gery, University of Toron`.o,i [and Dr. Gordon Gallie, also of To-, Ironto. The Advance joins in wisli-; ling` Mr. and Mrs. Gallie many morel years of happy fellowslup at their: `Maple .-\\'- `-ome. ` iary he married Miss Annie Gray and ` -j--- I ! The only non-jury case to be txied! ;before Mr. Justice Kelly at the As-J jsizc Court, which opened on Tuesday? afternoon, is now in its third d'c1:\". At noon to-day the defence was onlyl `partly th1'ou;:;h its case, the plain-y 1ti"s having` concluded their claims E yesterday. Tho nnnn u 1'\nf\I'nnn KT.-- T,....'{,,. C(ll.lC'd.Ll0I1~ The inspectors are asked to sup,`- gest to the teachers il1.'.`-t their per- sonal pu1~ticipa.tion in this event is desirable. The folloowing activities for the teachers are suggested: Hold open house in the school some ufterlioon during the week. The slogan for the week is Visit Your School. Announce the broad- casts to the pupils, asking them to i notify their parents. l _yt:au:1`uay. X The action is between Mrs. Louise` [Campbell. of I`ho1'nton, niece of the} `late Mrs. Ruth Re-i11_\', and Thos. \VIhitc. and Joseph Whiteside, executors of the allegred last will and itestame-nt of Mrs. Rnilly, deceased.` Cnn1nhr-H if: ninirninrr an nu-Ann, \./UILLCI DD. i .~\vn1o~ng,-' recent arrivzils in St. .Pet:rsbL11`g', Florida. to enjoy a visit in the Sunshine City is Mrs. S. J. ,Dunsmo1`e, of Barrie, Ont. says the {John Lodwick News Service. 4 \h- and lip: \M A Dntvn ...,J \,r.. lcesname-nr 01 Mrs. Kully, (l(}C(3I1.~iC(l.` (Mrs. Campbell is claiming an order} lsett.in:.r aside the letters of p1`ob`:1te; ;g`rant(.-rl on \'o\'. 22, 1034, to the. 2 defendants. ` ' The evidence of Mrs. Campbell, ' disclosml that Mrs. R(T'lll_\' died at her: home in Alliston while in men-3 H111 nl1v:< :11 lwnlfh mm mum. , UHU. y f M1`. and Mrs. C. J. Bi1'c11:1.rd left. '1Io-duy for Toronto, where they will} spuxd the week end. I Mr. 1'}. Shortt, of I`o1`on-to, spunk the wcc-k.-ml with his pd.1`Cl1tS, Ru-v.4 wxnd .\I1's. J. S. Shoibt. I ! M1`. J. A. Sl`.:1'.1,x.:`l111u.<.s)' of Craig`-` hurst, visited frienas in town. 1 Airs. 1.. H. Bi1.:'elo\v. of l'Jd:.,"a1', has!` been visiting` with her mother. Mice \I-mi, t`....+I~.m... not c+..........: uuuu V15-u.u|;:` \\'1u1 ncr momcr. Miss .\I:u`i(, Cauthom, of Staynelyi Spn,-Ht the Week end at the home of U1`. and Mrs. S. '1'. Gz11`dn.e1'. 1 Mrs. W. Mumberson. of New Lowell, visited with her brother, Mu`. Geo. B:11'kc1'. 11.. I.`.. 1r\ C...:u. -48 u7..~1...__- \JU'ilI1 lJU(l\\ lCK LVBVVS De1'VT1Ce. : M1`. and Mrs. W. A. Boys and Mr. -lzvnd Mrs. G. E. Brookes left last jweck for Florida, where they will `spend several weeks. On their way I south they were guests at the Dodge Hotel, Washington, D.C., for a few days. `:5 \"l5L`Ll1)f.{ 11'10n(1S In town. - I Mr. and Mrs. Hamry Love spent Hm \\`LClx' end in Toronto. ` I Rnv, H'm-hm-f .T-Jmincnn rd-` Tn,` LI'.|` \\'LL' i Rev. ` ronto, : Collier \ I\ (\I` 1 1}`/IR. AND MRS. WM. GALLIE MARRIED FIFTY-FIVE YEARS Mr. Lewis Merl-ick. of l`oronto,.~ spam the week end at his home on Macdonald S-t. ' ` .\11's. 1). I". .\lc(,`11;1i1: r<:tu1'I1od home` on S:1Lu1'd:L_\' :117Lu1' ;xtt`uv11di11_g' the opening of 1 u1`LizLment. M1`. .\l(.'-' Cuuig was also home for the \\'ccl:' cud. ` -` Y\[.. .....l \I.., 11 1 n- I - bu o.oU p.u1.y '~u`1;.'_11lu.1,1ug lll 1U1`0IlL0. The clergy of all (lCn0111ll11LLl0I1S tlirougliout the province have becnl asked to set aside Sunday, Feb. 23,: as Education Sunday. It is hoped` that on that day special services wiilv be held in all churches, including sermons on the following or kindred subjects: General Topic, ldducutioli; A Tl`Z1lI1ll1_L ,` for Citizenship. 'T`lnn nrnec nf flux nrnvinr-r. lc l\.'\. UCO. DZl1'liC1'. M1`. liugeno Smith, of VVashag;o, jis visiting friends In town. 1 WT)` nnrl `Y1-c V-Tn rru I nun nv\t\I\J- 1; WILL H} (ICC? CU. Tho pl:1in m" also 1'r`1!H1:4"I11I'n.c Hu.+ U I5 CONTESTED IN ASSIZE an 0110 m Loromzo. Herbert Jzmneson, of To-` is visitmg at. h1s home on St. , F sho\ved set 01 /'11`H*n:1'r1:. 1.-. '. El U1'0' umiur-` of COURT] '2I`e; 1932 kn!` L;,;|`_"_L ,`ll'l.\' wno nus 1' I1`-1\\'n ` ht'f.] for FOIIIO _ _.\_ one of Midlzlnd Hi but sp.:nrI.< he I, pzxrnnts here. 1\\'j,'n;* The })]:1_\' Wi xx-ho~ by the local Or In-H -- lhidv rxvnn3nn- Ul\'lUUill HHU L0 LHU SLEICC. As an indication of the scope of obse1'\';;ncc of Educutioxi \Vt.-ck. ar- rangements bU`iI1{.," made by t1i.. On- tario 1`c-an-2::'1; Louncil are i):'o2:.I- casting prognunc_-broudc;isLs in-.:\c been arranged ti'.roug. ,*h the courtc-s_,' of the C:i.n;uiizLn Radio 13-x`o:1 Commission, from O1.tawa on Mon- diL_V_ Feb. 24th, 10 to 10.30. .\L~'o regional brozidvcasts on l<`1-iday, Feb. 28nLf1, as follows: 0n~t:u'io nutwork, 2: to 8.30 p.m., originating in Toronto. 'I`hrx 1-Inmrv nf' nil rlnnnnmin-Minna 121-DZ ..l..,. bad I Q"; 2 ICLU 11.! .=pa,nt id` Cumpbc rt COD`: he :\f3:~'1 ` of [ crownc< h- ' Carniva I we 1:. .5 I rq-:1-` . ".1 '- E 1 ` hibitinyz the As a condition precedent to this. `If-`I!(l to the end that a_2'itation favor- 1'n_e; war might be checked by remov- ing` all nancial incentive to it, the Con5.1`ress should enact a statute pro- manufacture of arms or 11`lL1nl`UlO1'lS of war by private cor- porations or for private prot at any time. The Government should H be provided with z`~ll necessary ar- 1 1. 3 lsenals for the production of mili- ~`.ar_v implements in time of peace, ;and would have immediate author- ity, and indeed be compelled, to tzilce over in time of war all plants capablc of m.'.1nufacturing such pro- ` WFlrUlIlg. Mr. H. Duncan is spending` a few . days with his father at Thornhj. V If no man 1101* any _x:1'oup of men could prot in tho s1:ig;l1tesL (le;.;.`cc jby war. and if every m:1n---a11d. 101' `J n:Lt mz1t1o1'_ in th'CS(\ d.:L_\'s of t]([u.'Ll ]political rights, ever-_v w0x.1.:1n-:w,rc 5;t]1orou5.':hl_\' co5.:niz:mt thzut .'sulI'e1 11;: and gnm-ir-n nn ullnl ml 1.-mi 5-n The Agwzm Club met art the homo of Mrs. W. Link on Fol). 11th, with an attendance of ten members and `two children. It wzzs decided that the members make another velvet quilt. Those on the committiee for next month are Mrs. J. Dicker and Mrs. S. Lester. After singing` and DY`2L\`Cl` the committee served a dainty lunch. Service next Sunday af'te1'n~oon at 3 o clock. Mrs. J. Shelswell. has returned home after s]'>endine' a few days Wi-`t.h her son at C`mio;l1urst. .(`..lnr` fn Manny} +1-un+ live 17 tYnl~..'l-. l I10!` 50!] FIL kl`21wlQ`l11l]`S'[. `Glad to revert that Mr. E. Hutch- inson is much improved azt time of ` Writing. ` M? W n11hnnn 4: :~'nnnr11"na- :1 four U1 IIU }HLl_\'- The ;~:r-rvic(. in the I'nt::(l Church Ion Sund:1,v evening: was conducted {by the local C.G.I.'I`. group and n1mnhm's of thp Er!nnva1r- and Mine- sinyz Station groups, in :m nhln and (-nnnnr\nd:1b1r~ mzmnm. A Iargre nud- ience was present. The pastor, Rmv. G. Cruse, gave a tting: address. .`H'. ."nd .\I1"<. W. H. Do`.-:ne_v spent a few days in Toronto this w:"ok. -... .,..,u.. (`0.nL-`1':>f.'.:.`:tion:< are :`:te`nde(l to I315: .`-rm 31--i\"nh.-_v, who \v:1s {crowned Queen of li`lL Midland Snow `Carnival on Tuves(lz1y ni_Q'ht of last `We 1:. Norma is one of our local j_u'i1'1.< who has l1121l'i(g _2'oo(I. She has ih.-r-n _\'r-zirs in the omce of lane s p1'omin~ -nt 1z1\vye.1's. ihut her hoii(l::_\'s with her` i Wild Orsts Boy, put on ii)j.' O1'zm_2'e Lod_L,"e on Wed- nnesday evening, drew a capz1ci~t_v aud- li nee. The xr.u't:< were all ably pox`- , ti'u_ved and interest continued }'.hrou_;'hout and e\`e1'yone was loud in gtheir praise of the clever. rendition 0!` the play. 'T`11n \`r-)'\Vir\,. in Han T'n50-...I r"1.......1.l '.of the G0\'ei'-nment. ;wh-isle his brother sruered and died in the trenches for a pittance. Nor` would the farmer or `the mine; be` immune from the call to service! Fvood would be riascd, but taken by} MIL state at a price wh l; wozzld` eliminate all prot; neither the uig-' ger of iron. the smelter, the puddler, nor the millionaire magnate who controlled the operation of all,` should be allowed as the Iruit of his labo1',du1'in_L1` the continuance of the war more than what the box 2:1 the trenches would be 9:etting'--nai%.ely, bare livelihood. The pro teer `would be eliminated. There would be no more do1la1'-a-year men serving the nation, nor would there be, as durin_: the last war. a horde of employees at Washington paid four or ve times what the soldiers in the trenches received, nor a host ;of speculative ha.ngcrs-on greatly `lcnrichingg `uhemselves at the expense In brief, dur- im: the period of war, under the provirsions of this constitutional lamr.-ndment, the whole nation would ,be m'ilit:u'i7.ed-o1' socialized, if you {prcfer--enrolled in one common ef- lfort, for the performance of all `functions en_e`a_2'e(l even in the 1'-'1" iremotc way with the national de- E fence. `CA In accordance with this c=onsi;it`.1- tional requirement legiisilaltion would be enacted by which at a s't..rol the whole nation would be set to woxk to -at:-:iin national victory. All pos..i- bility of personal prot would be eliminated. The hardy youth would still be subject, as now to con smriplliion for military service. But no longer would a fortunate class of persons employed in essential in- du. exist. The rivcter in the shipyard, the munitions niaimr in {he factory would nrt, as in 1917, make preposterous wages in .sa*"e';--._ 1 I1 1lIllIllIl_Lf 1U!` \;l|;lZUH5lll[). The press of the province is 1)- im: invtcd to obstrrve the week by 'fe:1tu1'ing articles and editorials on cduczxtion. 'l`l-nu E-1..-nnnin--u n-n nu].-nzl hx .-nu-_ land,- !l<.n;1]d. ':.-A.- _\1m;_-3. is the CA,.4.. ug.-;m_\' co.:111z:n1n and sacrice, pz1rz111el `ltluxut of the soldier in the trenches, `was to be theirs, the incentive no `war would be, if not wholly remov- ed, at least gcmezntly lessened. It the same zeal and `trained inte11i~,r.rcnce tnum sunel wt least to now employed in planning particlpa- tion in the next war" were enhs:- 'ed in the endeavor to avert it. en-` durin_2; peace would be alimined. ..._.....-.._- ...A- Miss Edith Tracy. of Toronto, `. thr- `.\" k and wfth Miss S. E. Tracy and Mrs. McLeod. `H.~; \r.,~,..,.-.1.,.+ h..,.,.4m. he mr:,x X\(.H{ll(l. `.'icto1' Stot0' !.=pa,nt the \\'er3k ` Campbell. I (`,m..,...+.y`..H,..\.-. The Monitor s1u_>:_u'c.s'ts Lh.1.L Lh- Unitcd Status adopt :1 cunstitutlonnl umondxm-nt solnvtl1in,;' :1.s follmv.-4 : In tlw ('\'<'l1l 01' :1 :`l:'.2`:1l.Enn of -\\':u'. the p1`opvx't_\', (-qu:1ll.\' with the persons, lives and libel-tivs of all iviLi'/.-115 shall hp sulv_i-ul to con '.~ for Lhv defence 0|` the nation, and it shall be the duty ol ,1h<- l')'n*.\'idIlL to pmposv, :1ml of 'Co1Lu'1`ess to enact the Icgis-!:I.txon '11cc-oss::u'_\' to give clfeclt to this j amendment. \ TAKING PROFIT OUT OF WAR WEST ORO f/IINIiZ.'f,T.?\T '5 llin. .`\lL'1JL`UU. :11-<-t I rs:. of Mid- guest of Mrs. Murray `;., Lil oml The week of February 23rd hasf` been set aside throughout; the Dom-,~ inion as Eduo2Ltiox1 Week. It 1.: the hope of `tho heache1's in the; secondary, public and _sepu1'a.Le; schools of Canada to b.1-in}: to the! attention of the general public thei' importance of education to the in-. dividuul and to the state. ,-`o nI\ :...,l:..4.a:.\... A4` 41.,` ,.,....`A ..r ( I I x Y ( t Ha,-. A nzu`1`1L' \_;.1., with Gordon ( :-murn x\d':1m-4: : V Houses in Orillia unt for human i habitation will be taken over by the `town, rebuild. by relief labor and ;used to house reief recipients, ac- `iciording to D. H. Church, chairman jof the Board of Health. The board has authority to condemn many , houses and pnevent people living in - them, but the repairing will have to -`be done through the relief. 3 x > ? Ottawa, Feb. 10.--Members of the 1H.ouse of Commons received an in- - vyitation to-d.:1_v to visit Callander next .?ummer to see the Dionne quimup- ets. "I"I~n .3."-H-..4-5.... II'\\`v\!\ 4'.......... .\...L1..... WUI'lu'.I.bLIIlUuS CH' I The Ontario member drew a laugh from the House when he extended panticulaa invitations to Premier King, Conservative Leader Bennett, Postmaser-General Elliott and De.- fence Minister Mackenzie, four bach- elors. If they went to Ca11a.nde.r, Mr. Slagrhit assured them, they would `nd ve of the most charming `young; ladies in the world. As the result of a motion brought in at the January session of the county council by Reeve B.ra.wLey of iTecumseth, asking` lthe council to consider the :advisability of purchas- ing north half of lot 11, concession 7. Tecumseth, as an addivliion to the House of Refuge farm, a. special committee was appointed co`ns1s`.,m;z of John Carlton, reeve of Beeton; John Kiernan and N. W. Brawliey, mr.-mbers of the Bozud of I\Isan;g'r.~ ment of the House of Refuge, ti pur- chase from Mr. Wm. Riddel, of Bee ton the said property if they deem- ed it adviszfle. The committee {net last Thursday and coinpletied the deal. The price to be paid is $4,550 and possession to be {.>;iVu11 March 1st. The House of Refuge `farm will now consist of 200 acres. USLS. The invitation came from Arthur! Slaghrt (Lib.. Parry Sound) in whosel riding live Dr. A. R. Dafo-e and his world-famous charges. I f T111: nntnrin n1nrn1'\~pn~ Hrnxu 9 Inna-I-1| An 0l(l Om ".(IWll* lll|) .`.:1.l,iv(- in thv |)l`l`.`~`()l1 ul' John llwitl ]lr'l.\`.\'('(l 1l\\".`l_\' :1! l,h~ lloy:il Vi('lm`i;i ll()S|)ll,ll on VVl`(l|lI`S(l.`l_\ ni;:'lil.. Ill; \\'1l.\' hi . _\'(':ll`.* ol' :\_n:<- nml hml In-1.-n in l':ulim: lw:1ltl1 for mnnv tinn-. l)l!(`l`1l.`~iL`(l was -:1 sml 01' th., l1lLl` Mr. nml Mrs. l'(5i(`l` livid, Om piom-(-rs. 1'l.u came L0 Barrie :4onn- l`m'Ly ye.:u's :11.-:0. wl1(-1- hx- hzul S-ll]('(E l'(`.\`l(l(*(l. with the excep- tion 0| s`:-vmi _ve:n`.< zit Whitevalc. In 1917 he l1l2ll`l'l(}(l Miss Gxilmon, of Toronto, who })re(l-v(:euse(l him in 1924. Since then he hzid lived alone in Barrie. The funeral will be held on Snlunluy zifternoon from the funeral parlors of '.G. G. Smith & Co. Interment, in Barrie Union Cemetery. Dr. J. T. Phair. chief medical ofcer of health for Ontario_ inform-1 ed council that some n1unicip:1.l1,es` of the province have not taken ser-! iously their statutory responsibllnyf in the matter of supplying treat-, ment for those suffe1'in.g from ver.-I ereal diseases who cannot secu;'e'~ such t1'ezLtment for l.hem.selves. 11` the hope of ensuring better control` of these diseases, it has been decid-S ed to offer some assistance s\'lLl1 provincial funds to pay in part the expense of the municipalities :01` this purpose. (`_nrnI-n:I>I'nn R nun-I uuu nave entered an appearance. | I `MEMBERS INVITED TO SEE THE QUINTUPLETSI Campaign Headquarters King Block, Barrie Phone 568 Your Opportunity to Win $500 Cash or one of Four other Valuable Prizes Campaign Closes February 22nd. COUNTY BUYS FARM JOHN REID Sponsored by Twenty Merchants For Full Particulars Inquire at Votes Count VU\VlIn Motions I Gill-Goesse1--That an attempt be] made to haye an agreement with thc[ hospirtal whereby son1e control can be exercised over the admittance of` indigent patients, so that those not in need of special care would not be admitted. i County Treasurer D. H. Co1emzm~ is this week issuing cheques to the lvarious municipalities in the county [for balance due on maintenance of county pupils in High Schools and Continuation Schools for 1935. Harrie (`..nHmrin1-n T~n=+:+1.+,\ ..-:.n. uunurnuaclon schools for 1935. Barrie Collegiate Institute. with the greatest number of county pupils in attendance, will receive a cheque for $16,982.16_ while Orilhia High School with the next highest Mafmtenance D.......-,. H. _...- . Roads in all directions are block- ed and t1'z1"1c is at :1 stzmdstill. \ ` .Qnmvnn in Q+ Tn1nx c- f`1.n...`l.. nc 11! The Inagnitude of to-day s insur- ance business may be es'fin1a c0d from: the fact that there is now in force in the United States ninety-ei5.1'l1'. bil- lion dollars of life insurzmce. 11 Canada is insured at the same pro- portion we ou,::ht to have about eigrlit billion dollars in force. cu uuu Ll'ilHlC 15 `cu it sI,zu1(1sL`111. Service in St. John s Church at 11 a.m., St. James at 3 p.m. Knox Church service at 7 p.m. x _ W` _ )! B-arm Conservatives Barrie Bradford . . . Alliston . . . . . Co1d\v.`z.=ter . . Svtayner .. Beaeuton . . . Tottenham Cookstown Thornton . . . Lefroy . . . . .. Minosing Ehnvale . Sing'hz1mpton Schomberg .. Owen Sound Newmarket .. ',l'Hl4J ANNUAL 1\ICEE'J_`l.NG` OF 'J.`l-1E_ JUNIOR CONSERVATIVE CLUB THE WOMEN S CONSERVATIVE CLUB _THE BARRIE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION Grants F or will be held in the MASONIC TEMPLE AUDITORIUM Friday, ,=. eb uary 28th AT 8 RM. SHARP A --SOCIAL EVENING- J:RJ.l)GE - 12uc1>11m - R.El%`RESIl MENTS EVERYBODY WELCOME llli1`lzLCl;`. ; Boys & Boys, town solicitors, in-` formed council that E. C. Bogart, K.C., had issued a Writ a_c-jniinst the!` town on behalf of F. G. Rowe.` claiining urnstated damages alleged to. have been sustained by the plaintiff` owing to the negligence of the town` in the construction of that part of! Elizabeth St. in front of the plain-i tiff s home, being` 119 Elizabeth St; Boys & Boys have accepted service; of the writ on behalf of the town` and have entered an appearance. ` DY. .TA T, Plwnir Pl1inf' n1n(|'.rnli

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