Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 20 Feb 1936, p. 3

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THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1936. . 12.--\Vhi1ve -there is $12,000,000 in the in Parlialllcnt, there of over $3,000,000 n1t:xn`H`n0' in..'.u1~p:r. nn Page Three Li Return $3.15 Premier dog-racing event in North America. the International Dog Derby at Quebec City on February 20-21-22 is expected to attract hundreds of winter sports enthusiasts from Canada and the United States to see the leading mushers of the two countries in competition and to enjoy the skiing, tobagganing. skating, and curling centring around the famous Chateau Frontenac. An interesting duel is expected this year between Barry Wheeler. of St. Jovite in the Laurentians, champion last year, and Ovide Carricro, of Quebec City. who defeated W'heeler this year in Laconia, New Hampshire annual derby. A startling contrast to this event in Eastern Canada is the annual golf competition held about the same time at Victoria, B.C.. in the Evergreen Playground of the West. Both are sponsored by the Canadian Pacific Railway. CSI2i.`Cl1`.L`u :1 90th hi1'thn,. Quebec Winter Sport Mecca Br:oton :~ nu`IrynV\_` bully` | last '1 .\Ia`tters did not improve until 1839, when the Indians were moved, LO Rzmia Reserve and the town sur- veyed into lots by the Governmem and put on the market. The f'1rsv`. house built for civilian occupation was by Andrew Molfatt on the spot where the old Queen s Hotel stood. He was before this an Indian teach l\I'1l] lynnf 4-Ian nv-invinnl nnef nfliu-A 1'10 Delore Ems an llluliul wucu cr and kept the original post ollice. '\Vl1z1.t little mail that came was dir- ected to The Narrows, Lake Sim- coe. Subsequently Gerald Alley had a Government post ofce estab- lished. which was first called New town, but :1 little later Llllllil.:((l to Ori11n'a. rs,-11-, ,,___ :____.______\;_,__1 \JL1lUdu 1 In 1867 Olillia was incorporated ` as :1 village with Jas. Quinn, reeve ` and D. L. Samson, Samuel Wain- - w.1'ig'ht, Geo. Vick and L. R. O B1icn, 1 councillors. In 1875 it was raised to the status of a town, with Mel- ville Miller as the first mayor. By 1880 O1'ilh'~a was a modern-built, prosperous town of 3.000 inhabitants with arm assessed valuation of over ` half a million dollars. Few places in Ontario with equal population could show so good a display 0-1 business houses in all lines. Among the institiutions is the asylum under the able management of Dr. Bea- ton and controlled by the Provincial Governinenat. Original-ly built as a hotel, it was purchased by the auth- orities and rst used as a branch of the Toronto asylum, till the one at London was built, when its inmates were transferred there, atnd it re- mained closed for several years. I: was then used as a place for incur- ables and always taxed to the limit. with hundreds of applications always a waiting. n..:n:_ ,.........1.:.. n.-.,l `\:l -.+..`lm;'.-.511 (all bills I Orillia. township and Matchedash township contain much broken land and in the early period lumbering was the main industry. There is some uncertaimzy as to how Watche- dash got its name. In official paper: prepared in 1818 by authorlty 0` the C1_'o~wn L-rand Department. the vunrnn :: cnnnnll N79-?d'n11ir]n11" u`-`\'i- me L;1_`0'WI1 l_4"; JI1(l uL:[m1'wn.-nu. nun numr! is spelled ';\`Ia'trtc1ndah, ew- dontly an Indlan name. ` rm.,.... ...... .-.-..... ..:,.+...-..~m.-` nlnnnu` Sidelights on the Early | History of Simcoe County \lL.'IlL/13' L/Ill. LLILLICILL lltbllluu There are many picturesque places in the di.=4t1'ict. The Narrows was an important settlement with hand- some pile b1'id_-ages of the Midland and \'o1't-hern Railways. The Huron Road also crossed the Na1'1'o\vs by a bridge. Nearby was the prope1't.y of the Couchiching Hotel Cnmp;m\' with beautifully laid out g'1'oun but it fell 21 prey to re. Wzislmgo \\1i?.il1 unlimited wzxtel` power was an important lumbering: centre ztml depot for supplies. 1'11 I r-4,___..:.1.A1, A.___..._.-...._ `.~1 . V . . . . . . _,.L F105 and The account charged against KL. Hon. R. B. Bennett for mtho b"oa( .- casting during` the last election amn- paign, 1`efe1`1`ed to in 21 1`c-turn tabled in the House of Commons, will be paid, it was announced by Hon. J. Earl Lawson. Conservative o1';.v;an vmm .m,..~..m+ .-girl +n Inn Q90. CONSERVATIVE ORGANIZER PASSES RADIO ACi'OUN'l| lL11`l 1:21\\'SO11. L.O11SCl'Vz1L1Ve U1 ;.','ux1~ E'.:m`., The account, =z*,1'd to be $20,~ 000, was shown as unpaid in the lp2u'1iznnentz11'y neturns, based on a report: of Ithe Radio Commission. I171 1- 0 L1, _ t`<-............4..'.... `l'\A..... |.u11vLv u.. in... -.......-., .,.. ............ .. Radio for the Conservative Dom- inion headquarters, said Mr. Law- son, was zu`1'z1ngcd through J. J Gibbons, Limited. and accounts rend- ered to that advertising agency were ;)_2i(i `L0 the Commission, on the mis- t:'.kr:n :1;~'.~'u!m)t.ion tha all radio was `..m.~: hciny,-' paid for. Stlbscqticnlly an 1 .(i(ii'[iO'HLl1 zit.-count was 1'e11dered '.\`hi<-ii `I have <'hrgr;k.rr1 and found to `Jo correct. It will be nui(l. 1 I The Canadian hen averarged 108 wry,-`s for 19341, compared with 107 `the preceding` year, imnd this meam `an inc1~czis0(1 production of 853,000 `dozen. Our average eggs: consump- tion 1-cuches 1:38, which beats the world. Sunnitbanle to\vn.=|`1ip s 1)::1'yiug severe winter wea.ther, an Orillia resldent saw a chlpmunk run- ning around 1n the snow last week. During 1935 there were rccoulcd `in ()1-illia 279 birth, 92 111zL1`ziage; [and 160 deaths. I The territory comprising the town of Orillia. the township of Oriilia some 125,000 acres, was at one -time the centre of the Huron In- dian territory. After the massacre by the Iroquois in 1649-1650, the territory was almost abandoned, but :a number of Indians found their way back and were assisted more or less by the `G.ovez'nment. and the township of Matchedusli,` 0+` 111:,` innriw I:n1'.f1nmpn+ hv xvhiftai Tho January cost of relief in C01- lingwood was $10,073.53, less rental allowances and doctors fees. ' As- sistzmcu was given to 1,515 pe1's~ona durmg the month. Mr. 11. E. Fair has box.-n re~ appointed as town solicitor for Col- lingwood at a salary of $35 a month. -T I Provincial `and Penetang police are investigating peculiar circum- stances in connection with the death of Peter Quesnelle, Tiny township farmer, who was found frozen to death near Cook s Lake. Quesnelle is believed to have had a passengex with him in his cutter when he left Penrertang. bliisirici ewsl As :1 result of continued expan- sion of business, the Midland Gal'- ments Ltd. plan to install anothei bank of machines which will require the employmenit of 25 additional operattors. Unemployment relief in Midiand is going to cost $493.15 every day during 1936, according to estimates pasved by the town council. The total estimate of the Welfare Com- mittee for the year is $180,000. The Allislton town council have come tn the conclusion that there are too many 1935 `taxes unpaid and are going to employ the courts to bring in the unpaid levy. Mrs. Jane Smith, a former Not- tawasagya township resident, passed away recently at Belleville in her 98th _\'ezu'. She was a. daughter 01 the late Wm. and Mary Millsap. l .-\mong; Ori11ia s relief recipmnts is an elderly spinster. who is the sole support of 25 cats. 'An Orillia woman was molested 1215: . week while walking` -through \/'icto1`ia Park. Police are seeking a tall man in dark clothes as the as- sailzm . 1655 uy me uovernment. Of the early settlement by white people it was the latest in the coun- .ty, as it was looked upon as an In- dian Reserve. In 1850 the whole territory had but 400 inhabitants. As late as 1860 there were but six families in 1\'Iatchedz1sh and Orillja had out 300. 1- . 1 The township oi` Nottawasagu at the close of 1935 was sitting pretty with a cash balance of about $4,000 The Meaford treasury last week xv-as robbed of $90. A thief obtain- ed this 'm1ount from the office 01 the town tre21su1'e1' in a darin_<; theft. The severe storms of the last few, weeks piled up some record drifts on highway 27 and on the Penetang 1`d.l-.`l,'W'.Ly line. The cut at the top of the hill at VVyeb1'idge was lled almost level and was probably the longest drift, but the deepest was on the north side of Edwards hill, where the depth of snow was 22111 01" ftetn teet. ).Ii(l1ancl last week held its first snow carnival. An extensive pro- gram embracing practically every winter sport was run off and the event was well advertised. Midland hopes to make this winter ca1`11iwil an annual aIl'ai1' similar to Lhat staged in Huntsville. During` the last three yieurs deaths from automobile trafc reached 96, 000 in the United States, and the end is not yet. It seems a big pI`1CC to pay for the luxury of auto travel. 7 '1 Houses in Orivllm unt for human , ,`n;1bit21tion will be taken over by the 1 town, 1'ebuil*`.. by velief labor and ` Li. to house reicf recipients, ac- c01'lin_1' to D. H. Church, cluLi1'man of the Board of Health. The l)oz11'd has ziuthority to condemn many houses and pvevenvt people living in them, but the 1'0D1Lll`ll1f.',` will have to be done vt`hroug"h the "relief. _:1:he Northern Advance REFUND MUNICIPAL BONDS VHTH BORROWED MONEY` Delegates to ihe annual conve.nt.io:'. of the ()ntzu'io Association of Rural-` .\llu111cipa1l`itics on Tuesday consider- ed at 1'csolution requesting the Pro- vinciul Government for power to re- fund all umnatured municipal deben turcs by 'borrowing` the funds re-' quircd. 'l'l'.r- 1-n nrio'innf.ml in H1: quircu. The resolution originated in the municipality of Clarence -and reads as follows: That this body place itself on record in favor of impress- ing upon the Govo1'nn.ent the neces- sity of giving the municipalities the power of refunding all unmatureu debentures by borrowing `the funds required for such at the present rate of interest for like securities. _ A11nH1n\- ilnnnnfnnf vn.unl11Hrn1 \\rl1ir-l1 4AI4V\.b uuvv uvu. Among the earliest who came to the Orillias along the Couchiching - shore were Dr. Robinson, son of the Inspector-General of Army Hospi- - tals; Jas. Scott, a nephew o-f the - Duke of Athol; Captain St. John, j Captain Kersop, Edward and Samuel Powers and Captain John Thomp- son, about 1832. Along the Cold- water road the Dallases, the Mul- locks and the Darlings settled in 1832, and Basil Rowe a-t Bass Lake. Dr. Drinlcwater located at March- mont in 1832 and Wm. C. Hume a year later. Dr. Robinson, a Govern- ment surgeon. visited Orilllia in 1832 and related that practically the whole site of the town was a waving eld of corn, in which over a hun- dred Indian Women wene at work. In 1832 Wellesley Ritchie, Govern- ment Agent for the settlement of Medonte, took up residence at Bass Lake and Jas. Samson settled on the Oro road in 1833. l"ZxlLU Oi IXILCYCSIQ 1.0).` 11Ke BCLl1'lHBt'v. Another inipovtunt revsolution which` the municipal delegates referred to the haolutions Committee dean with public works as an unemploy-v lment remedy. nu_, ,, I ;s,., __1I_,1 4-,_. , n._.__ ..... .. _-...-.._,. , I The resolution called for a pro-`N p;ram of public works for socially desirable purposes, such as refores"t.a-N tion, rural eIect1`iczvtio11, farm im-, provements_ 'etc. ` If uruc nl-I511-n-arl 1'11 Hwn 1~n:r\lI1+1.r\n` pl'UV0l11(I1IS_ `EEC. It was charged in 1119 resolution that the present method of handlmgg the unemployment probllem, by the]` expendiitu1'e of great sums of money ` for direct relief is no longer satis-I fac~to1`y. and is resulting in a loss of morale among the wo-rkless, and 1s an in:-rnnqinrr lnnwllnn n`F (lnhf. hd.` A section of /the resolution asking that the presenrt system be abandon-E ml and vnnlnr-ad `hv H19 m:|min1m.`m-` I Luau. Lne presewb syswm ue auuuuuu-`. ed and replaced by the adminlsmra-1 tion by the province of unused fac tories, sawmills, brickyards, etc. em-;. ploying the unemployed, and produc-`I ing at cost farm equipment, farm ` machinery, clothes, furnitrure and. prepared foods, was voted down by: the assembly. I Annmr w>n]11f.1nn which will lll.U`l'ZL1e among l/I19 \vo-nuess, auu 15 an increasing burden of debt and` taxatlon upon farmers, small bus1-I ness men and home-ownng work- Avg ?! me assemmy. 1 Another resolutnon which will- come before the convention calls for vofcers on relief in mun~ic'ipa1iwties to be placed under part 3 of `the voters lists. v uuuxq nava- _ _ Robinson Hardware account to date. ` DPtV M"5`f He? $17.23; County Registry Office, list It; was moved by Lrle S. Denyes; of sales for assessor $1370; E_ C_ clerk of Hastings County, and sec `Vance & Co dog tags $1802; D_ `mded by Wesley Grey! reeve f`H. Coleman hospital accounts indi- Thurlow township, that this Rura; qents $S2 _38; Ban Planing? Mm Municipal `Association go on recoi'(1 `I6;/,_i_,M lath, $903`-5_ as eXpl`CS5lI1g' alarm at the rapid iii-' . . crease in the cost of social lep:i's1a- The ree" ms mtmc1edLt .5-`ran tion, and hereby petition the Domiii- the Hydr contumct 101' the 'w1s1p ion and Provincial L(_,gis1atu1.CS iolhall, and a delegate appointed to . . . .. I. ' V -N ' ' not lower the age lnmt for 1.ece.mg .1tten(l the Ontario J-xsaOC1ELtl0Il of old age pensions from seventy to "31 Municipalities` siixty-ve years. As requested by `the auditors last .\+`+m- nn11:ir`lrJi`z`Ililrr= die:-nwinn +,lmivr=,n.i-_ the council nlaced a value of s`1xty-11ve years." 1 After considerable dlscusslon thet motion was referred to the Resolu- tions Committee. ` A \\'\n"`:/\1'\ .ucL-1'-nn- +'nu Hun n1\n]1"nn mons uonnmncee. A motion asking` for the abolition of grand juries because the institu- tion is expensive and outda.ted,' was defeated, only four delegates voting in favor of it. Mr. Cummings declared his de- partment was woi-king toward the moglernizilig` of municipal laws, stat- ing"r,i'1is was one eld where a lot of harm could be done by too hasty I action. l`l-.,. :*v\nn1rn1v cnhl H-an l-nu nnrl H10 mu, v..u 4|-l\Q\A . The name Orillia has been the subject of much investigaition and controversy. Some nflirni it is an Indian word 1'e1a-ting to beauty. Others say the name was given by army officers and is a corruption or 0ri11on, a technical em.1`inee1`in{1 term, while others say the name comes from Aureula (a beautiful rose) and it is said tliat in many 01 the original land pzntents the word is actually spelled Au1'eula. .1 L- +1..` 4,...~.. A4` {W1-Hlin 1.4 A CHO |Zl\V. I There is 21 need for economy in, municipal administration. Mr. Cum-i mings said. Before very long` we[ are going; to got back to the spend-| inp; age, and we h21V(` got to try zmdn pneipare our system for a reasonablel era, not a foolish one. | When Mr (`.nmminrr: hnd cnm-i n.., I The speaker said the law and the: ;`.h1nicip:-.1 Act should fit the system,` .;m:i (`ma-1zx1'r:d that changing condi- tions made it necessary to change the law. H'I`1nu.. In n -nnnrl 4`n1- nI\n1`Ir\lT1\Y in` 1101`, Ioousn one." ; When Mr. Cummings had com-% pleted his address. de1ef.~;z1t0s wen; al- lowed to question him, and one mem- ber asked the municipal ofcer 'v11at| he thought of each municipa1it_v; car1'_Vin;;' its own insurzmce. } I-YL in nu-.r~n11s-ml 1\'T1- r`11n1vu:nn': V Ca`l`1'_Vll1;' :5 0\Vl1 lHSLll'Z|IlCC- I It is unsound, Mr. Cummings. stated. The cost actuzilly creeps upi when each municipality has its own? insurance, and besides, you get 21! new class of claims. The best kind` of insurance is to spend money on, the upkeep of roads. It costs less` not to insure and to x the roads '~ and pay 1C_L ,`i`iLi)111t`C` elziims. Mr r'nn1n1i11(rQ mhlrxri H1111 . somu`. mm 1e_2'1mmuLwe Clllllllsi. I Mr. Cummings added that some: municipalities had tried buyingz: their own insu1'anc~e and found this un- S1lii$f`:l(`.tO1`_V. i Ofcers of the Association are as! I`o11m\*.<: P1'es`i(lent. Mzirslmll, R21-`th-i` well Navan; 1st Vice-President, D.| A. -V`.-mcise, St}.'nC1 : 2nd Vice-i P1=".; A. J. McDonald, Gleng irry lCoumy; Secretary-Treasurer, F. A. Seneca], P1z1ntng'enet; Directors. W. H. Tluntrzr, ]`:fI`x`f}`.110I1t; .-`.(h'ien L E1`i gr: 1`, Emburn: hisscl TiOf4`C1`S, Ki1'.g;s- ville: W. J. 11001-0, PL-mbroke; Alex. `.\I:'.2'ion, .0ek1:.xm1; F. B. I.-ovckm, No1`thumbe)'1am.1 County; R. H. Smith. \\'-Ii1.n.g'ton County. rnd W. S. Mil~, mine. Wen-tworth County. ` ESTIMATE ONTARIO HAS ONE % CAR TO EVERY 6.4 PEOPLE] An analysis of the pe1cent.'1_s:o of cm` population in the five ma-1`keting_{ zones in Ctmzulzi shows Ontario lead- ing: with one car for every (3.4 people, and 2m zivem-pge per capital gasoline sales of 77 gallons. which means that, on this basis, the gas tax 1'ep1~c`sents :1 contribution of $4.62 for each individual. This, of course, divides the `tax among` every- one, whereas, in reality, it is paid for by the one out of every 6.4 in the province who owns the motor vehicle. Q+..+:n+1'm.1 nnnlueia fm il1n ntlmv VCIHCIC. Statistical analysis for the other zones shows British Columbia wi,h one car for 7.7 people; per capita sales of gas_ 57 gallons; per capita gas tax. $3.99. f)nn}\nn- nrm n)` for EVEFV tax. ::s;5..:m. Quebec: one car for every 17 people; per capita sales of gas, 36 gallons; per capita 2:15 tax, $2.16. Prairies: one car for every 9.3 people; per cap1't'a sales of gas, 41 gallons; average per eapita 51321.5 tax, $2.87. ,-., J3-.. __....... 10 O .,.-..... Mzn~itimes: one car for every 12.2 people; per capita sales of gas, 32 gallons; average per caplta. tax, $2.56. AD ut.uuavu_y aycuu-u rxuluunu. l In 1`e:::1!'rl to the town of Orillia_ its selection as :1 post by the In dian Department sems to l121\'t3 form- ed :1 part of the _e`r11eral plain. wl1irrl1 resulted in the pl:1c.in2' of the In dians of Upper Canada. on 1*n'~:..-v~:~ under the pro\'ision.< of".l1e tvr-.1t:<-~ made with their chiiefs in 1827 and 1828. The Indians, at Orillia vcr of the Chippawa tribe and previous to 1828 had been scattered through- out the territory cen-tering at Hul- land Landings. After the treaty the, were gaitliei-e(l and placed on Chief ; Island in Lake Couchichin_9:. They were civilized and had a resident premcl1er and teacher. Miss Man- waring was the teacher in chargge She subsequently` married Andre : 1\Io"at c and lived in Orillia. In 1831 :1 line of houses was built along: the COl(l\\ :1riC1' pOl`tl_Q'e a 11111. apart for the Indii':.ns. In 153713 the only vrhite inhnbitzints of Orillia were Rev. Mr. Miller. _\I`Iss I\Ia11`.wi: i11i;:,_ a sewztnt 1121mr_-(l Butcher and Gerald Alley, the Indian f2u'n1er. 111] that yc-111' iobt. Bailey arrived and erected :1. log cabin. The Indians were determined not to allow whites `to locate in the imn1edi9Je I18Ig`lll)l)1- hood. Mir. Ritchie, the Govern1nc:1`. .....nnJ- h-iml Hint-~: tn l')I1ll(l znvnv-nl c 5011. h. The following accounts were pass- 0 ed: G-eo. D. Shannon, supplies, re 1 lief, $46.70; Jos. Maw, road d.Cl'O$:' ..lot 4, concession 12 (1935) $10.00; lJohn Dunn, on account swamping ,_!wood, $16.00; John Dunn, 2 acre: yibush, $40.00; Municipal World, six _ copies, $6.00; Jos. Botham, bread, _`1'eliel', $3.50; vG.ea. D. Svhan-non, isupplies, relief, $53.95; Walter E. niowney, board of health, $4.00; g Alf. Armstrong, board of health, $4; eiDr. J. H. N. Smith, board of health, y`$3.00; A. B. Coutts, board of health, ;_,$3.00; Barrie Examiner, printing f placards, $4.24; Wm. J. Cole, sup- S plies, relief, $14.50; Smith Farm d`Dairy, milk, relief, $3.50; Frank ;_1`Du-tcher_ supplies, relief, $8.50; R. ;_ C. Peacock, supplies. relief, $6.00, -`Barrie Flour Mills, our, relief. .$1.30; A. E. Lowe, meat, relief. $9.50; Lorne Poole, delivering wood, relief. $9.00; Mate Patterson, milk, F "relief,-$1.86; Wm. Mcl{inney_ milk, (relief, $2.00; Township of Vespra, Tiiwood, relief, $27.00; M. L. Chaniller. " supplies, relief_ $38.50; Citizens `5 Dairy, mrilk, relief, $2.80; John ' 1Dunn. swamping wood and hauling `yllogs, $18.00; The Arcade, clothing, Ulrelief, $3.00; General Store, clothing and supplies, relief, $22.45; M. J. Brennan, meat, relief, $7.25; Barrie Alhamdale Dairy, milk, relief, $3.00; A. Ronald Co., supplies, relief, $16, Robinson Hardware account to date. S3`of assessor, C`.\7n1-inn X`, FA Hncr far)`: 5215209 U l 15 as 16 3.11 111(:`1l.1UB1.'S P1'Ub11l.. Connnunications wene read from D. H. Coleman, enclosing reccxp. for $9.63, hospital account, indi- g'-cnts; J. T. mmpson, county c1..~rn, "l.dV1S'il1g' that the county would re- quire .51,-107 1'01` roads and 3513,- ZGU for general purpos-es from the t.ownsh1p for 1936 and also that an i11digcuL p1.ix1.1(`l11t had been a.dnnLtcu' , to the Toronto General Hospmxi on Jun. 16; w'clch, Anderson A : 10., cl12u`te1`ed accountants, quoting 565 for the audit; A. L. .1cDoug-all, co1o11i'a..ntio11 Load c11g;ineer, re by- law, cLc., 11.30 31111151-01' of Pubhc Works and the Hon. Dr. L. J. Sump- SO71 The council met 011 Feb. all members present. (`.nn1m11nin:1finn.< \VP1`1Fl `r _..\, ,_-.- ......., ,.v-..~. reevo was instructed to sign Hydro for -`owiship lhall, {attend Association I lural 1 1 .1 __._1:_.___ l..._Ll ;.n... V -$ .. CAL AVA .........x..... ..-....-. ear, the council placed 4,000 on township property -and -140 on road machinery. _\ 1nu_'Inxv xv-.1: nnccn Fnv fh DH. 544v road macmnery. A by-law was passed for the up- ypointrnent of the following ofcersz VVe1ch, And-o1'son & Co., charterecl accountants, auditors; Alf. Arm- strong. J1'., a member of the Board of Health; Geo. G. Youn_9:, A. A. Smith, John R. Wilson and I. J. Carruthers, sanitm*y inspectors; R. Xv 131mm-imhf, gnhnnl nmemlmxcn 'L;aI1'utne1'S, San11Ju'1`y lxlspecwrs; 1\.. VV. P1o\v1`i_9,`ht, school a.t.ten<.lan('.e ofc-e1`; Robt. Lightfoot, T. E. |Adams`, Jas. Spence and Donald 1Fe1`g'uson, weed inspectors. ` Tho r-mn-mil nrlinnrnn dfyn meet :11. 1r'erg'uson, weea 1I1Specwx`s. ` The council adjournc dtro meet at 10 21.111. March 9th. A T2 r`.n111`.`I':_ (`.]:`T`(, VESPRA COUNCIL There are many and varied types of assurance and insurance. A savings account assures the depositor of an active reserve that can be had on instant demand in an emergency. A savings account assures nancial stability and security against market risks. Open a savings account with this Bank and benefit from the assurance such an account will give you. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE hood. Mr. 1<.1tcn1e, Lne 'uovermm.m agent, tried several times to build but was prevented by the Ind.2m'~'. Finally when they were z1\va_V' 111111 .- ing he brought his men in and C`.c:"L- ed a ne 1L1)'_1'(3 house of hewn codzu 103:5 on the spot where O1`1';`.ia mar- ket stands. The 1'21:-re of the Imliuns when they 1-<-turned \va:~: so ;:1`e:1'1 `(hut in :x "few minutr,-.= not one 10;: was left on zmothrrr. This \vz1.s in 1834. TOTAL ASSETS O_\/ER $500,000,000 UH! A. '13. Coutts, Clerk. 10th ` with Oittawa, Feb. :1 cut of over main estimates is n11 :v1n\-nncn 15 an Ll1CL'|:iLbl: U1. UV\`.1 :4 -u,uUu,vuu required for meeting im,urest. on xmtional debt in the coming sca year. n- -n ,1 :_ ASL- 1-; 4.'I....L Ll.:.. _y Les; . Signicant is the fact that this debt interest has now risen to $140,- 335,000. or almost as much as ex- penditures for all public seewices combined, if national defence, pen- sions and other war services are omitted. No money is provided in the estimates for the former Govern- ment s reform me-.1su1'es-suc]1 as unemployment insurance and natural products marketing act. "11, , , _ __._) .......-4.,...L :v\n1AI\nnin 1n 51:. uuun. vs A-nun\..,...b V... The second greatest increase is for aviation, which requires $5,801,- 100 as compared with $4,306,000 last year. The greatest decrease is in public works, paid for out 01 public revenue, which falls from :`_11('.,5(5R,000 to $12,740,000. A +..+.,1 n+` Q12 2771.925 for naval and 1mnta1'y servxces 1s Jncluueu. Tho. total CSti111`ht(`.`3 for 1936-37 are $384,427,000, exclusive of emer- gency es'tJ'mates, which will be pre- sented later for rnlief and other purposes. :'_:1(:,5(;R,000 to $1z,'(4U,UuU. A total of $13,377l.985 for naval and mi1`ita1'y services is included. 'I`1m +n+n1 r-q`r1'n1n.tn=1 for M1`s.E. M. \\'zu'd oldest and most 0 ce1eb17;2t0(111 0t week. Izzcranel the 33.51;; iainbtnayl BUDGET ESTIMATES SET AT $384,427,000 [Ill urnlallvll Eoach Lint; TORONTO (Eastern Standard Time) Lv. Barrio Lv. Toronto Clarkson Bay at Hotel Dundas 8.40 mm. 8.30 a.m. a2.00 p.m. 1.55 p.m. b3.40 p.m. 6.00 p.m. a6.10 11.11:. 118.1 5 n._m. Tickets and Information at A A I I n a-daily except Sun. 8: H01. b-Sun. & H01. only d-Sat., Sun. & H01. only WEEK-END SERVICE BARRIE COLLINGWOOD-STAYNER DAILY SERVICE Orillia Town and Township and Matchedash

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