Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 20 Feb 1936, p. 2

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The Northern Advance, Barrie WV. C. Little. M: B., 20:-ozwr County 01 Simcoe-. VV\J.LELll Associate Coroner, Gounty of Simcov. Phone 61. Qdnev 51. Office 8-9 a.m., 1230-2 p.m., 6-.30-8 p.m.. DR. WALTER H. WOODROW EYE, EAR, NOSE END TH:R>0A'nl qoranf A mm`)! oru 0ri|liI:&I:no`: will be at the Queen`: Hotdl, Barrie. Every Saturday. 8 a.m. to 12 noon, and by appokrt rn ant 82A Uunlop 3!. rnona -bu.) Electric, Hydro, Physio and Electionic Treatments Massage and Corrective mu Rlnnrl Test: and thin , IE `V. n\. rlnvna ..a- nu ---._-- Licensed CHIRO-PRAGTORS and DRUGLESH "l"I-Y12!1'!AJJ4!Rt'lLQ .l..l'LEJ.| 82A Dunlap St. F`.h:u-4-1-in nudrn 1 191000 rests am) U_.X`l1lll2 BIB Home or Ofca Raina Roanonnhll \JlI'|OQ*`\JW`II Io (Formerly occupied by Dr. L. .1. Simpson) Phone 82, I 18.1? Itli. mom. I\.. D. ocu- lebtor to the Canad.a.n nmission for ' speeches L the last general elec- 1s a shock to all parties, so to the COI'lS01'VE|.1.l1V".} r.H' 1+ onnn1Q f.11.'1f. Mr. J. H. N. SMITH, M.D. 1 I{YS1CLA.N AND SU1lt7E0.\: 1.1:- PH3-(1~CIANS A.D ;U,_Ii'a(E-0`.`~lS Phone 2:3 4:1 Mapie Awe. {\(I-.. ED;-go-.n.. sunemli L_ or W OMEN An:-w'\n:l\`:1 E`nu-nv.4.v- [lI\1In`.fl of CH-.vu\n Graduabe 01 13.10631) Uwerdty, Mnnnni v-.-....._ ___ Motor Ambulance lh Counactiun ipen day and night. Mmague and Chapel in conneeticm. Established 1868 ll -_, on 11-... \n..: GEO. R. AND E. A. %RN8 I : _-._._.A MISS BEULAH SCOTT 12 Shade! - Platinum (for prey wnlm blonds) . black . henna . chestnut brown . durkbrown.reddl1h brown . goldan brown . medium brown . reddlih blonds . goll blond. . Ilalst bloado . nnun DR8. bl-1" [LB & LXITLE sage anu uorrecuv Blood Tests and __ .... (NHL..- D_< _VYeEaA%I%`suppy?? you \~_Iithf"'_ggy;:%. ;`Tquantit}:_pf%;. DR. N. W. ROGERS urwmra hm `mum n-tr-:\.rK~n G. G-. SM'lTH &: 60. Btu-ria Blhnch U1 UIhiF.UZ- iii Phnvnn 4,;---.E'orn.9: Eu d 81.9., krrie. M 205 Phonc_ 403 -1 l"I.n.&nnn{.- D. I`:-.__ Northern Advance ` .l\1ake7mat_ right prices How about your EDITORIAL Counter Check Books Phone 53 and labor one of the last; things to` give way is the rmly-rooted dlS~i trust. which has developed du1'in;,. long; years of strife and unfair deal-; ing. This applies also to inter` national distrust. Faith bcg:c1.s- fail-11; condence produces conl`1(l-`, I DHFQ The Russian Revolution is cluuig-Q ing its character. probably more rapidly than most of our readers ` inmgine. When it began there was an insistence upon equalitiy of all workers, and equal pay for all was largely the practice. But now l;l101`(` in n vm-v nrnnnunced view that mu otner day man In. nun. ix. 1:. unu- nett was debtor Radio Commission broadcast in tion, came as but more leader himself. It seems that Mr. Bennett's personal credit was plcdgeu for payment by others. without his knowledge or consent. Had Mr. Bennett known about the outstand- ing account, it would have been paid long before this and the cam- paign nianugers who made the ar- rangements are deserving of censu:-2. Too often in election contests cam- paign nmnagers overstep their a.ut.h- ority without even consulting the candidate or the party they are working for. Largely `D118 pl`:.1cL1CC. nut. in) Luuu is a very pronounced pay must b-e gauged by quantity and quuwlity of work and the better work- man is better paid. Again, the re- volution at first felt that it was op- posed to the whole bourgeois \vo1'1 and there could be no thought oi compromise. But now there is a distinct feeling" that Russia must. deal with other nations, and even Lhe, League of Nations is not taboo. It is true tlmrt liberty of thoug`l1t as we know it is still. very much in; the background, but with the pro- gress of education there will un- ,,,1_;__.n.. ..-...n .. ...:A.-.nnn- nF Han I1 11 In P 1. 1`. F C 2 |WL\211 01,1101` llZlhlU1l.:y uuu. uvcu mu` in` doubtedly come a widening: of the national vision, and there will come incrca,sin_<.j; freedom of speech both in the press and in public. The r`-nmdinn wlm imngintns that he 111 the 21110 In puuuc. L111: Can:-1dia.n who imagines he` would be better off under the Sovlel thzm under Canadian rule would be . all the better for a short sojourn in the land of the revolution. Russia has made undoubted progress, but ` even so, the level of livlng under the Soviet cannot approach th2LL_` whlch We `enjoy under what some of our people call the capitmvlistic ` reginle. a A REVOLUTION IN RETREAT the Soviet that the P1'0P01'W 21110 111 "~`I11C1l=-'1C>'- of" _ It i5 11013 3`5f01`311V 1` 1liZ0d," C011- tinued. Mr. Falnveatlier, -thzvt the -`Canad1an Nzuonal Railways in 1928 `stood fifth of all railway systems on DoM1N1oN AND pRov1Nc1A1_ `the North American Continem. in l R1(`,H1's ;_order of net income available for lmterest cha.rg'es. Can anyone who One of the chief points of attack has #1 lm0W19d3' Of Such 3- de`m0vn- against President Roosevelt is theIS'C1jc'0d_ P1`f01`111EU1C and has Emy cl1ar_2`e that he is trying to strip the` faith In Canada 113% 9-HY d0l1b'l 35 1-igahts of government from t,he`to the real value of the Canadian states, The same cry is frequent1y;Na r.1onal System ? I would not have ' raised in Canada when the Dominion`)/`O11 feel that I C0I1Sld1' `H119 P1`50T1'E Government tries to do some:-,hjng`nancial diicultives of the Canadian and opponents declare the action is~NZ1`0i0I1a1 S_ insismicant and as an infringement of provincial Sometllng Whlch 02111 be lightly brush- rights. [ed as1_de_._ The sys`..em, in order to As far as the people go, they aremeefg 1tS_ 1I11Se1`'St Payments '00 We not particularly concerned in whetheripubllcv In 1934 had to 0b'l35n $48,- an action is federal or provincia.l.`407,900 from the Cvovernmenrtb and Instead of being greatly worried for 1935 the amount required will * - - - < - -1 _ _.__ Inn -Jnnunx-1'vnnml\r 5347 On nn rights. 5 ~ a1'e`1"- whether ~ F provincia.1.`~1 1 over provincial rights, they are-13 anxious to know if the projected:,'1 Leg'is1!ad:ion will be for the ultimate M good of the country. That s what`! counts with the citizens. ; worried Ior Luca me zunoum 1'equu`t.'u Wul - are-be E1PP`1`0Ximab1Y $47,000,000- p1~0jec1;ed,Tl1ese are very considerable amounts L -n3,t- in u1t,ima_telwliich in 1934 made up 10.2 per ` ggfl ggntler count, Thatis whaticent. of the total Federal budget . :::gz;:;3%n5-ifpsge:3:-nsfrh use _ {wish to eniphasize that when this cash The increase in employment 17! decit is included in the Federal Canada during the month of Septem- budget there is nothing more to be bel` Was 32y000- the 13-1'B`e5"9 f0? any added. The remainder of the book month in 1935 and the largest for decit calls for no additional cash the same month over a period oiloutlay and is non-existent in the :__-.._.:.:__. fourteen years. isense of being an additional burden.l 1 3With any considerable increase in trafli(-, one may condently look 101'- `ward to the cash decit diininishing until. should we return to the traffic level of say 1927, it would disap- kpe-zir. A-t hig`l1er levels the system _would not only easily pay interest yon its bonds, but would also return `a dividvend on the capital invested ;in it by the Government. Even in the somewhaxt dubious -. idistinction of income decits the ant-- :Canadian National does not rzmk ' t ': `,1's-t among` railwagrs by any manner of means. The contrzict operation inf` TI`:-nrmln vnilumvc nni-flv lnv H14? campaign without arousing such bit tor feeling as will issue in unfair denunciation of those who dine; with us i-n political views. it is said that once tl1e`late bhauncey Dupew. happening to meet a political oppon- ent, was met by the question, Can we carry out this campaiirn without n1u(l-slinging? Chauncey art once 1` It seems hard to run a politiczzl I 0 replied, ``That s a good idea. l ll Jtuell you wha-it I ll do. If you re- . frain from -tellimg; anv lies `1ll)0`L1l} the 1 f`Republican party_ I will promise for 1 ._21ny part not to tell the truth about t Smihc Democratic party. Just what I i_`fOllO\VL`(l we do not know, bu` `- 'Chauncey s humorous promise iiL- . `tingly illustrated the spirit of or(hn- J Jary politics. It stands to 1'ez1.s0n that I when men feel deeply on `an_v suh- j jject they will find it just. a little J L. tliiliculm to see lheir oppoiieiits` sulv : -S of the :1r_u:uinent, but this is sllrely [5 no excuse at all for (ieI1_V!Inp_` them < 1 the possession of common honest)" is and a reasonable (le1.:`1'0e oi` im-clli- -C fence. The fact that a man docs V not agree with us is by no l1lC.'l.lL~=. 1 an infallible proof that he is an -. idiot. And the fact. that \ve are 1. patriots does not by any nleans ). make certain that our opponents are `d i`.ra.itors. It is well to take our ,5 politics seriously, but not so serious- 1y as to cause us to regard all our opponents as fools or madmen. S. W. Fai1'\veu.the1', of Montreal, Director Bureau of Eonomics. Cem- adian Natiolml Rz1.il\vays, spoke at the Rotary Club, Honcton, on Mon- day, his subject being; Some Mwisr:on- ceptions of the Canadian National Railways. 'l`1m(`:NR,_ ho said. in 1928! 4 Lczmways. . The C.N.R., he said, 1928 ezirned $~'l5,000.000 as a. return on invested capital, and should the gen- e.rul comlliations of 1928 come back. would yield $60,000,000 on invuested capital by reason of -improvement in the property and in efficiency. Pr. :: nnt .n-pnm-nllv iweiilized. The disclosure in Parlizunent the other day that Rt. Hon. R. B. Ben- 11nH- urn: r`nhf'.n?' tn the Canad.a.n DEFENDS CANADIAN NATIONAL OI Lne C0nt1':1c'L O[)(3l'kLbl0H $01` French 1'ai1\vays pzlrtly by the `state and partly by private interests, laslt. year resulted in a deficit of 4,000,000,000 francs, equivalent in our mbney to upwards of $300000,- 000. ur~<,,,, .__,..1, ______'.L_ 1.1.- 1-....- UUU. Some people debt of the Canadian National Rail- ways directly with `rthe policy of public ownership. They either for- gret or ignore the fact that at the time the properties were acquired they were in debt to the extent of 31.000.000,000. It was because they had this huge, debt and could nol pay even their operating expenses thr-t bankrup.c_\' thre: .t.ened and 1.-hr Govm'nn1ent took the propelties over. Nor is this the complete cvforv; the properties when in the lwntls of their privtite oi\'ner.< been bled white in an attempt to r)re. nanial siolvency so that the nv-xv owner had to put. into the pro- perties larxro sums of money to re: hribilimt-e them or to make good 'malcr~~.hif1; C0n.i ,Y`1](`,ivlOT|. The exact vnmonnt cannot be nseertaine(l, but T would Venture an opinion that i` `if no1;l~s:4 than $250.000.000, all of `whit-h is iinr-lnded in the debt charme- `.'1hlr- in Government ownership. but is properly chargeable to private ` ownership. ` . l1"'l associate the large : STF.VF.N WOULD ELIMINATE 1 DECEPTIVE SXZE OF CA LI-i;1'!~'.]:1Li0l1 to pr:-vent sale of food `prmlm-is in (Ir-(tr.-pt;ive can size-s was um:-I in the Hmmn of Commons by Hon. H. II. Stow-ns, lone Recon ,.4.. ..4 It mu #1. t`11`-xv A4 '.I'}_'l`H HI LINE I`IUllH'l5 Ul \;UHlHlUIIH U_\ :'1/1'11:-li()I1i.%L .It was the duty 01 l :n'li:um-nt to .900 that (lot-option wn.-. -lilnimltr.-(1. Dr!(:(2pt,iV0 S1 /was of cans, (ll-(H-ptivtt lulmls, and the practitao 01 ('()l)('l`1lIl1!,' Lhu contnnt.s of cans In snmll ygurr-s mu] sm:Ilinuinfer1o1' prmlmrts as hip:h p;r:ul<:, xvnm: abuses nu-nLinn<-(I. 'l`hm*~ should be 0 s1.andm'dizuLion cf the sizes of cans 1.0 protect; the consumers. The wide vzwintion in ihc sizic of cans now id in xzroccry stores served no LO- ul.-nhm:-n in ..mr-imw mnw-hnnrliainsr. -(`A In L','I'OCCl'_V SBOTOS S(.`l`V(`(l T10 LOU- vn':mm(:r: in nmcient mnrchzmdismg. About two SIZOS were all that was n(:cu.~1sz1ry. The only object. of the nnmm-mm vaivmn nnw ngml was tn (in- IUC Oly Ul)_]CCL OI LHC` numerous 'si'/ms now used was to de- ceive thn. pubhc. OUR POLITICAL 1- DES The Northern AdVance_ Page Two IL CANS th Parliament, consisting of bibcmls, Conse1'vz1tives. Social Credit, cv:u1;.-;cl- ists and adhe1\cnLe: 01' the C.(J.F., may not iugrcc on whwi it. wants, but it zipprouchcd close to unity in the Iirst. 1'u11-d1`os.s' division of the sus- .+ion in declaring what. it did NOT. \vunL. It DID NOT w:LnL--t,hc C.(,'.l*`. 01' Socialist m-.;1nb~v1's ulonc cxccptcd --Socialism in Canada. The voLc--208 to 8 was :1 record majority for l ;u'1iuI11cl1t, but not :1 rccord majority for Lhc Liovcrnmcnt, since Conscrvzntivc and Social C1`-edit nrcmbcrs combincd with Lilo i.i|)c1':1l.~: `.0 roll it up. it was 2L sb1':xip,'l1L rc- jcction of st,:Ltc socialism: for the Dominion J. S. Wuodsxvorth, ().U.i". I,....l...- h-.uin..- un|nniH:-(I um-h :1 urn- ` Canzulzs widely assented Eighteen- uomnnon .1. D. VVUUUS\VUH.n, u.u.r. l4c:ul.-1', i1:l\'iI13. ,' .~;ul)niiL1.c(l such a pro- position in the forni of an zmiu1i(l- incnnl. to the udd1'css. '|'hi,- l1ii.)(.`l'Llib, and C0`l`lSL`1 V{bLiVC1a'. both being` Lmdi-' bionul opponcxnts of any move in the dircc1,iun of II. Soviui cxpc1'inic11t,, turned thumbs down on the idea. And the Social U1'c(li1. members, }1zwinp; their own pct panacea for the ills 01' mankind, likewise opposed itml * no: as This Social Credit group has been under close observation by the other p|:u't.iles on P21l'll'dl1]C11vt} I-lill 1'} up- Es-I-EN & ES-I-EN wurcs of a week now, `am it as af- I . fouled some basis for judgment ini _ _ _BAI?'RIsTI"RS _ the fact that several of its men1be1's'3h r5 m H131` Crt `*1 J-`7`3 _.__ have contribu~bc-d to the (lebzvte of! N0ta1TieB Public, Conv-evyancers the address. The conclusion of tl1cl|"I'nV 17 1`` at } e`5t ' ` old-line Parliamentarians, a1'te1' much` rates- putience in listeliingg to the exposi-; Oicec 1st Floor Masonic Temp}: tion of theories and even to the ex-{ Bldg.. Barr-io. tensive quotation of poetry in their ;G. H. Esten .\-I. H. Esten support, is that the new economic} do-e.'.1'ines wafted into the House by the breezes from the Alberta i'oot- ALEXANDER COWAN hills have nothing new to contribute; BARRISTER V to the solution of basic ilationzilgoh-ciw, for obtaining probate f problems. J. H. Blackmore, 1 ar1'lnu-lMm., guardianship and administratioii" ll11CIlI't'c1l`y Leader of the new party. and gen_e,.a_1 souciton Notary Con. uv-Ac H: m-inninnl snokesmzm. He-. .,,.v,...-...m.,_ ,'.,,. mcnntary lJC2l(l(31' OI E110 new pzu'L_y- a was its principal spolccsmzm. built up his case around the allega-i tion -that a oountry s purchasing, power is never sufcient to buy all; the \vera1th produced in it, with the` res-ulut thaat; surpluses` accumulate and! overhang` the market and depres-' sions arise. Mr. Blackmore stated, this analysis with all the in1prcs- '1 siv-eness of newly-discovered and 5'! profound t1'u.th. Actually, Parliia-` ment recognized nothing new in it. T+ urn: 'Fnn1in1' 519 S1lTl'D1V ment recognized notmng new 111 u,.- It was familiar as simply the old surplus value theory of Karl Marx, which is periodically rcsurrec-t;ed, thei only di'e1-once being that whereas` Marx deduced from the analysis that` revolution was inevitable the Socia.l| r*..,..1:4- mnmhm-c :'irnnlv zn-0-nprl tl'm.tl revolution inevimame Ine boclzul Credit members simply argued that` the government printing presses! should be turned on and some mil- lions in greenbacks turned out to re- lieve the situation. 13.. rnmnnnl nnvnn:n.: +.l15l: i . ii ll.` have the s11;ua.t1on. ; For practiczll purposes, thzvt. is all; that Par1iam.2nt has been able to see: :.. c,..:.`1 (`..nrlH- H i: nn nYI0`D'P1';).. UIZLT, raruam.:nL nus Uuuu nun: nu cu: in Social Credit. It is no exaggera- rtion to say that no economic doc- trine laid before the Commons in re- cent years has been viewed as less capable of fullling the human hopes raised around it, or more cer- tain of having relentless time ex- pose its fuutiliti es. - * * `F In the throne debate itself, the wheat situation has been the topic-I of dominant interest, due to some sensational charges levelled ag'ain.<-I; `the new Murray Wheat Board b_\rj Conservative Leader R. B. Bennett: On the authority of an A1n:~::e1' trader, Mr. Benniett alleged tl'iI"i` wheat should be selling` for tor cents per buslzel more than is thei case at present. The Conservative Leader than went fur`.l1er and eliarg- 1 ed a deliberate attempt by the Lib- eral ministry to discredit all VVl~.eai; Pool operations in Western Canada, to which end wheat was being` sold purposely at a loss by a board dom ; inated by Grain Exchange interests and primarily concerned with pro-; teciting the grain trader and no`. the: prairie. _trro\vvers. For the first time,i Mr. Bennett cited, Canadian wlieati , had sold cheaper than wheat from% the Argentine. 1 Tim (Inmwnmn-n+ : first answer to Shortly before the passing of 1011}: George V., as he emerged from un- consciousness, he was heard to re- marks, How is the Empire '3" His last words were expressive of his concern for the Empire \Vl1lCl1llC loved so well and for which he gave his best. King George believed in the Empire over which he ruled. It was his rm conviction that it was the greatest influence for enduring world peace and the welfare and happiness of all nations and people. How is the Empire ?" is a question that should concern all legislative bodies to-day and all loyal subjects. If all is to be well with the Empire. British institiutions must be upheld land; strengthened. If liberty and justice are to be for all people we must make of the British Empire what King; George desired it should be, a potent inuence for spiritual gooduand the promotion of goodwill tn :1, . V the 1nz11ke t,-a more 1n\z1tfr:1' of egoorl 5 was still, Mr. Perley lleged, in the` V1110 I\.1'gBI1ElI'l. The Government s 1`S`l'. answer to the Conservative Leader was that it was getting rid of the existing carry- over before the new crop 1'eacl1r_~d business. Some 65,000.000 bushels were declared to have been sold in six weeks. To this, E. E. Pei-le_v` (Cons., Qu Appelle) retorted `chai more than half of these sales had not been for export at all. but sim- E ply to speculators who had been caL1;;lit short and \vhom the Mur-_ ray Board was assisting. The whoa? ; elevators. TI`nn1'v-..n- Hniu ininfmpht 1'.l1n Cunv. elevators. ~ Facing this indictment, the Gov- ernment made the only answer which I it could possibly give. namely, the. promise of a full investigation. 11 wil.1 open soon and promises to be one of the major events of the whole ve years of the present Par- liament. f\....\. 1.. 4-1..` Qnnnl-n +119 Raknfn uament. Over in the Senate, the debate clamped a damper uopn any hopes E that advanced Liberal circles mighii entertain for an extreme tariff re-l 1 duction policy from .the present ministry. Mr. Meizhen challeIng'ed the Government. to have the courag'e of its liberal, low tariff, free trade principles, and promised that there would be no opposition from the Conservadive Senate inajoriity. Rt.` i 1 Hon. Raoul Dandurand, Minister` without Portfolio in the Government,; declined the offer with thanks, re- I n1arkin;: that so far as he knewi there was no free trade party in: Canada. ` . . 1 Kmg Georgo s favorlte pet was; Ch.:u'1otte, a ;:ray parrot. which al- ways accompanied him on his jour- neys. From Sz1nd1'in<:h-am it travel- led with the King's body in a cover-` ed csnge on a servant's knee. Charlotte and the late monarch were companions of long standing. Some 1"d`e~a of the b21d s age can be przmthcrcd from the fact that she was acquired by King George at an enstern port when he was serving in the navy. OTTAWA DOINGS GOOD COM PANIONS P: Q E BARRISTERS `e1._3.'3-olicitors in um: Jloney to fat }owest current ` V2.95. GORDON FOSTER BAR.R.IS'I`ER, SOLICITUR. NO'I`.\l(\' CONVEYANCING. b2'l'C. MONEY TO LOAN Office, 3 Owen 31., Barrie Phone 69 \I\Il\I.I\.II.1 saw: I `murmu- BARRLSTER, SOLICI-TOR. NOT.-S RY ETC. ILll...-_... on I n.... CA ME RON :3: _C AM.E.R.0 N BAB.RI3'1`ER3. SOLICIT OBS, x*2 l` (L rx__.____ DL..-__ 432 When the late Dwight Morrow was appointed United States Ambassaciox to Mexico, the Mexican authorities were suspicious of him because he` was a bunker, and when he was one day invited by President Calles to an informal conference, the latter hint- ed that he had better leave the em bassy interpreter at home, as he was no-t sympathei-ic to the Presidem mu: hie nniinv. Morrow D1`omnt13 l _, I 18 Owen 8:. `ID. M. Stewart D|l`l:a Vvatsun \s -J-an. 1vInn\n BARRJSTERS, 30I..I Cl'I`0RS, N(_) ,I`- \iRfIES PUBLIG & CONN/l1}YANGEHS u....... .. um... :.. -.... ...m. no `1 `Solicitor of .m'i1~, administration, General Solicitor, '~ veyancet, ec. iIf\\1'II. rnt\ 1A.: xv i BOYS 8: BOYS `BARRISTERB, SOLICITORS, NOT- `ARIES PUBLIC, C0NVEYANCIZRE>,| \ rm.-n | Money to Loan at Lowest Rate: ' of Interest E 0 18 OWEN ST. ![n the premises formarly occupied by I the Bank of Toronto. 3 Branch 03360, Elmvale, Ont. I-rv . -K\ VI 4- :- ! Successor to Oreswdcke & Bell BARRI8TER, SOLI-CITOR, ETC Q MONEY T0 LOAN I.\`._-. D--- III.-...I. D...--in M-unaunanuu-u, nu-u.v--v-...., -.- 5 Owen Sh, Barrie. Phone 405. MFINFIN7 TD LOAN '47 Elizabeth St. nus... Money to Loan Mnwnic Temple Bldg., Barric. unna IKJ-Ill-AK`, kl vun v 1.':Ax.\.\u;;;n Money to loan in any sums at Inwa--I rurrnnl rates. sympathet-:c to me rresiuem and his policy. Morrow promptly replied_ What do I need an inter- preter for? I will use yours. He can act for both of us. At once he established :1 rm footing: in his relations toward the Mexican Gov` ernmen-t. They felt that they could trust the man who trusted them Is not this charact-eristic of most hu- man intercourse `? If we show men that we doubt them, they instinctive- ly begin to distrust us, whereas 11 we pave the may at once for theii trust in us.. When the distrust is deepseated and of long continuance it requires some lziitttle time before it can be displaced, but in the end the condence we show will be ex- tended to us in equal measure. In the long; struggle between capital We let them see that We trust them, `i V ., ......_, v--. MONEY T0 LOAN Ofce: Masonic Temple Bldg. SKFEWAET & STEWART ~n'I\11`|.'IV`E\1\rI f1(\I I-;1l'r\I\T)u N. muruzu xu uunu Oico: Ron Block, Barrie. GORDON LONGMAN nrxv vr1v"nI\l| \'n P. C. LLOYD & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE on St, lsarrle. rnone MONEY T0 LOAN A Fountain of Yomgth for Hgvir ! Lovalon is that wonderful new odorless, vegetable rinse which brings lustrous high- lights and a natural, silkcn softness to the hair. Lovalon is the easiest thing in the world to use and will give your hair beauty beyond your nvnnrrqrinnt, Invalon docs D. F. McCUAlG, B.A. naxr Dcnury Dcyuuu yuI.u expectations. Lovalon not bleach or dy&-it is a rinse which will not color the slcalp or affect the hair in any way except to make i:_ more lovcly-more radiant. Try Lovalon-you'll thank us for telling you about it. 4.7.5 Try thank Business Directory PMNTIM REQUIREMENTS We carry a full line of Magistrates , Constables` Ami Cnoners Worms also Farm and House Leases. Loolr over your requirements and place Vour order with the Advance. The Northern Advance is equipped to handle All Kinds of Printing iron: at Business Card to a Catalogue. Nnrthern Ahuanre Printers in Barrie since 1847 Balm" c -C. D. Stewar Published at 123 Dunlo S:., Barrie, every Thursday M. D. MORRISON. !~J<)"rm and Publisher 3: Phone 2181 PHONE 53 THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 1936. .\/ICTORIAN ORDER 01' NURSES Residence 144 Maple Ave. Phone 700 PHYSYTIAEN AIND SURGEON Specia`; wttnuntion bsfefrfu Associace Coroner Sin imcoe Count)` Ofco and Roatdenco 50"Mary St, hone I01 ` Office Houats-: b-9,:30., 80. 6"8\30 Oice Hours: 94.0 a..m., 143 p.n 'I...R nnm '.)1c_e and 11 bert and I wmca .l'OllIB 2-3 p.m., 7-9 p.m., or by am.~oI::t;nc.'a: A. `IL LXKHAL M.)_ Mr. Merchantn

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