Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 20 Feb 1936, p. 1

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Only Two More Days in Big Community Campaign | :.--T... Gross prot on gas sold $2,800.12 Miscellaneous revenue 146.60 Total gross prot . . 0perat g expense $1.6-48.92 Insurance .. 508.04 Salaries a.nd gen- a1-nlnvnnncnu 1_R51.91 58.13.1185 a.n gen- eral expenses . 1,351.91 Interesrt paid and accrued .. 252.98 Opera-ting decit . . . . . . . Reserve for 1935 deben- vture and interest . . . . . - -----~| Lcavi11\g' prot for period $8,535.30 Total decit Waterworks Department __A._ L-.. 1l'\r): '00 J Gas Department .-u-nu. .$22,423.34l 9,803.54} .$ 8,749.92 5,949.80 On Saturday morning a list! will be posted showing the total votes cast in favor of each contestant up -tlo 4 p.m. on Friday, from which time votes will be totaiized by independ- ent auditors appointed by the mer- chants .:2t campairrn headqua.1ters. 7 . . , n , 1 ,,,,,,, ,,II:.., 10135.30 -$2,94s.72i De prese .$2,757.70 council. 1,600.00 U16 IIlubl..e`l` LIIUIIC Ci1I.'UJ.Lll lIUlI.l\.l'U1'h'. . $ 815.13 lion. The request was referred to Pthe 1,942.57Finance Committte and a report will be presented at the next meeting of Q9 '7R'7 '70 nnnnr-H we hire me Dana. "We feel `that the town council .could hire a. band more reasonable [than we could, the letter concluded, 3,761.85 trusting that the council would give the matter their careful considera-_ an 01:10 I-3..-n The postponement in passing such a by-law was asked for by Reeve S-tewart after hearing a depu-tation of taxi owners, who expressed theix opinion agu.ins-t any such proposal. W111 .Q+n\v:n'+ 1'n-nnvindnv nf' f-hr upuuuu agu-111:-L any aucu. prupuszu. Wm. Stewart, proprietor of the Bare TaxL nudntned that any :additional insurance would be a hard- |s']u'p on the p1`op1'ieto1's. The by- llawv is nom fair! he said. If son1e- body else crashes into us the inaur ance does us no good. Iie also said there was some talk of 1'adsi11"g` the rate, but claimed all the owners would not stick tog`ethIe=r on one price. _ W7hnf. \vm1'|d hp H19 r-nsrf. n`l vmn` The introduction of a by-law whereby no licenses would be issued to taxis by the town unless the pro- prietor or owners of such taxis take ouwt insurance covering property dam- age, public liability and passenger hazard insurance, was deferred at Monday nig'h.t s meeting of the coun- nil. garb. i By buying group insurance, Mr. Stewart thought. they could get ten `cars insured for about $68 each. If `there were less than ten taxis the premiums would be in -the neighbor- hood of $100. '1"!-ux n1-.n1'1-v-nan n+' Funny-ano me n! ... .. -.....r--._ .. ..u.....,....- --.- In anticipation of a heavy sellingll day on Saturday and the consequent l:.1l'_0 turnover of votes that day, ar- 1':111,Q'.:1`nex1ts have been made to an- nouncg the winners and present i'lN,-I`.`l \\'it.h their prizes at the Roxy 'I`hc-:~.tre at 9 p.m. on llonday Feb. 24th, as it will be impossible to de- clare the winners before midnight on Saturday. n ,1-,, , 1, pmce. What would be the cost of your `insurance ? inquired Reeve Stew- ,art. | T)" L....u,.- mun.-. :I-tn`-Iva:-|V\r|r\ TM- Council Postpones Pzlsszage to Further Couslder 1\'|_atte1-. noou o1 quuu. The chairman of nance was 01 the opinion they could get Lt for about $80, even if there were not fcm r-sure, ten cars. Mr. Satewart thouglit if they :charged higher rates they could pay for the insurance, but that seemed .ourL of the question as the owners would not agree to one set price. He. also took objection to a number of taxi owners not paying their tam licenses last year. i Vnn (`111 1'nc1'. :1c:'11*nri H121 . f11nI |L1censes xasrr, year. You can rest assured that those proprietors who operate more than one car will pay for everyone of `them this year, said Reeve Stew- owl` WRIT AGAINST TOWIST Relief for VVeek Ending Feb. 15, $054; $200 Be- ` 4\\IV \7n.\~.. A t\\/\ art. [ The fee is $25 for the rst can land $15 for each additional taxi. Aw-Jain 1\'TnnT)nnn'n1 nvnnvir-fnv n-I a.I1(l $13 101' CZICH. 2`l(lUl|}lU`l|d.l lo'lX.l. Arehie MacDoug'-.11, proprietor 01 the Blue Taxi. also took the stand chat the insurance would be `:1. hard. {bill to meet. There will have to be some way of raising the rains if we have to pay insurance, he said. 'I`lmn kv_l:'nv lone hann rl1'nff.n(l Dave 10 pay lIlSul"dIlCC, HE 521.10. The by-law has been drafted, said Reeve Stewart but it is not going` to be presented to-nlght. 1 am still worried about the hardsliip it will mean to the `taxi owners, He added that he had no intentlon of putting anyone out of business. He asked that Chief Stewzir`. pre- pare a. report of the number of acci , dents with Iocal taxis last yerzu`. . rmm m..+4-m- \I'nc rlnrm-a-ml in Fm v.. ....~...._....._, . So if you have 21 n21ativc 6`: friend in the con`.o:~:t p;iv0 them your whole- hezxrted support 1'ig11t up to 9 o c`.o(rk on S<`turda_\' nif::ht and makel this for the 20 merchanzts who are sponsoring the czunpaign. and in- ci(1entz11l_v the donors of the $1,200l I in ])`.'i /.(_`s. their biggest Saturtlzly in \ l'\:1)'Q [dents wlm local uurss 11151 yd.-tau. The matter was (Iefenved to the next meeting of council. T?nnvn Qf.-nv-.n'1' nh'rlnr-or] Hm. idnn I1X"v l1l'B(;`Llllg UL CULUICJI. Reeve Stexvart intrduced th-n idea. `of such insura-nce two weeks ago, owing to the fact that many citi- zens feel they are not suiiiciently proliected against dainage caused by taxis, pa1`ticu1a1'ij,' whcll the financial 1'esponsrihi1it_V of certain p1'op1`ieto1's is Very doubtful in case of a ser- _ ious accident. ' /r~,.-,..+amm.. nh n-.-mm fnm-\ The ofcit1's and members of AI- landale Ora.ng'e Lodge_ No. 432, are making; a1'1'ang'ement.s to `hold 21 Twelth of.Ju1y celebration in B.a.rrie on Monday, July 1-3-th, and at Monday 11igl1t s meeting of the town council the following` letter was received from C. J. G1:Efl'n1. secre- tary : `I Wn lmvn hnnn :1r]vm'ti.<:iIw' this 110,000 EXFECTED IN BARRIE FOR ORANGE CELEBRATION `nary t We have been advertising this -ccIcb1'z1.tio11 for two years now and we have. every reason to expect about 10,000 people in Bzu1vic that day. VVn nrn n.c10h1_rf M10 onllncil tn an- day. l We are asking ithe council to co- `operznte with us to make this day a real success. W'c would like the use of the Agricultural Park, ar1'ange- ments provided for extra police for parades, etc. your pcr1m'ssion to put streamers across the streets and the [services of :1 band. A 1cA11n-1`: ncrnnfn n`F nnv av- 'SI'VlCS 01 oana. A rough estlmate of our ex- penses is as follows: Prizes $1215, advertising $50, decorations $30. spouts $60,- miscellaneous $75. Total $340. An `uh In-urn nv-u .'H1__ unnat-n' I1otaL znmu. As we have only the generoslity of the council and dolmiions from the merchzvnts to nance the -cel*e- brwtion, we expect your hearty co- operation in making this :1 big day for B~ar1'ie. ll'I`1~{:~ -In n+1-un vef Hum`:-. Han Anan. I01` U*l1`1'.lC. This is Ithe first time the Allan- dale L.O.L. 432 has asked for as- `is-istamce from the town and 9. grant of $150 and the services of a band would be appreciated; or $225 and hire the band. Hui- 4-`m.1 Hm+ +1. `fnurn nnnm II" accment. (Continuea on page four) Stzmding V`/'ednosda_v night of first thirty cox11rrrs`tants: _ 1. Thelma Reid. 2. T. W. Cuthbert 3. W. G. Kennedy. 4. 1\Ia1'gz1ret Chalmers. Cliff. Carley. H. .\1:`;;. '1`. Lowe. 7. Mrs. Frank K011. \'l... h \\7 T\,\1m-nu o .Lu, nVuu.L, xV_.UV low Year Ago. Established in the Year _-n- Eight Pages C.i~oi~::o S!l\\'_\'(`i`. :1 transient, while walking: along Dunlop St. on Satur- day afternoon fell on the icy side- walk opposite the Quuen s Hotel and sufferoti an injured back. After his fall l`1vC was able to get up and with some dif'cult_V was taken to the oice of Dr. J. H. N. Smith, who ofhce of Dr. J. H. N. Smith. who had him removed to the hospital. where several X-ray plates have been taken. His condition is not consid- ered senious. TRANSIENT INJURES BACK IN FALL ON PAVEMENT I6). 16, 1'7 . .2 Li. 1 . Fm) .\I1*.<. D. Jas. Rix. Dorothy Mrs. Al. 1)": . DnL I\il_) 1)lllUl)- .\Ir.<. W. Kennedy. Bert Allen. 1111:. .-\mo.'~: Miller. Mrs. Sid. Goddard. Mrs. E. Darby. Mrs. Readimr. .\I'1's. O. J. Walsh. Ivy Dart. Mrs. Geo. Mulholland. I\I1's. W. Johnston. Iva Cole. M1-s. M. J. Waison. Nora Scythes. F. J. Love. Mrs. Rose Quantz. M`m`;raret Hook. Joan Harris. Verona Appleby. ` .`\l. r10g,'uu. Bishop. . `: . . . . 0 .T Wn1 Campaign Headquarters Working Overtime to Record Millions of Votes Cast for Contestants; Closes on (Saturday. lllK 1\l1l1. W. Dobson. ' Smith. Hogan. hnn N0. 51. Five Barrie rinks are taking part] in the Ontario bonspi-e-1 in Toronto! ths week. but all have suffered re- verses in the three days play so far. A. J. Simon, skip, with H. Arm- su:.rong, F. Simon and H. Hook, won their first two games in the Royal YoYrk Coinpetitio-n, but fell in the first round of the Burks-Ellis-Ryrie and in the Seibelrling. H. I\Iered skip, with H. Love, J. M. Mills and O. B. P;2x-terson, took their first two games in the Royal York, the first in the Burks-Ellis Ryrie, but fell in the second game. They also won the first and second in the Seiberling. l?m,- Dr `nn1-ti: skin. with R. C. m we bemerung. Rev. Dr. Shortt, skip, with B. G. Robertson, B. Underhil 1 and F. McKay, lost in the first round of: the Royal York, and also the first in the Seagram, but won in the first round of the Canada Dry. 1: T4` (1-11~1'n++ =1({`r\ rim W. Ppvn. FIVE BARRIE RINKS TAKING I PART IN ONTARIO BONSPIEL! rouna or me uaxluua. ury. R. F. Ga.r1'ett, skip, with E. Reyn- olds M. Knox and GI. Pa.tters:on, won their first and second games in the Royal York, also the-1'1` first in the Burks-LEl]is-Ry1vie, but fell in tlheir second game. They 2150 won them` first in the Seiberlzing. S. Meredith, skip, with M. Robert-. son, C. H. Beelby and R. Holcom- son, won their first game in the Royal York, but were down in their second game. They won their first two games in the Burks-Ellis-Ryrie, but went down in the first game 01 the Seiberling. Two Rvnrv-in 1-inks skinned bv C. me uemerung. Two Barrie rinks skipped by C. Parsons and O. B. Patterson start in the Ontario Tankard to-day. THE CLAY BELT OF NORTHERN ONTARIO Excitement is reaching fever pxtch in the Barrie Community Campzugn, sponsored by twen<`.y leading local merchants, as the contestants round- ed the bend of the last Free Vote Day on Wednesday and imtk) the stretch of the last two shopping days, with the deadline set for 9 p.m. on Saturday. 'l`l1r- Jnnl: Rnrn 11:1: r-ln:-nrl and is Members of the Barrie Iijwaizisi Club listened with much iinteresnl, to a talk on Northern Ontario by Vvi R. McV-ittie, Public School Inspector` for this district. Having spent some` twelv-.e years in the north coun.tr_,.i Mr. McVittie presented an aspect of the territory and Its people than`- many in Old Ontario are unfamiliai with. Though referring to the min-. ing' indust1'_V. the possibilities of they clay belt were more particu1a.rly' dealit with. i or-\I\\~ nnv1n.V\4':r\1\ n4-' 4-inn unsfv-.n:: llinspcctor McVittie Tells` I liiwanis Club 01' Its I Possibilities. GCEUIL \V1Tl1. I Some cone-gption of the vz\.~:tness, `of No1'the1'n Ontario is gleaned when we realize that Old Ontario could be placed in the Patricia district and you would hardly notice it. VV~L~ think of the north as a rocky, bar- n.-n <'ount1'_v, but there is more cxgnl cultural land there than in Southern Ontzwio. `I `V vn.-. -1 1 vumu nu Mr. )lcVitite said fznmiliar with the clay belt from H-earst to Cochrane, which gave promise of some time being` a rich` u;.>;1'icul`.ui'al area. The Depression during the past five years had hit the snz.ttle1~s hard ,and most of them have been on relief for several years. They depend on the pulpwood. in(lusu`.r_v for cosh and little has been` done along this line. he was more i Most of them ` ' come from Continental Europe. and` are good pioneers. !A In educational matters they are anxious to give their children every opportunity to become good Canadian ` ciizens. The speaker said he had; Llre privil~eg~e. of org'aniz1ng; more than one school section and it was` amazing.-; how the children progress. He told of an amusing: incident at 22 school he \'isit.ecl. Mlziny of the} children were dressed in their Eur-5 opean dress. Noting a bright boy` \\'eurin;.,' zr fancy shirt with frills on` the neck and sleeves, the inspector? remark-ed, You have a nice s1mirt,"i to which the boy repiled I like bet- ter English boy shirt. H112-.." ...... ..-...... 52.... I-Aura" in #1.... v\,L uuf.-,u.3u uv_y .> nnnn u. There are some ne towns in the " nonth county, dependent, of course,`d on the mining industry. It is known 1 C Llmt many of them will not lz1.st_ onlyl as long as the mineral in the minel supporting: them holds out. New C towns are sprint,-;':ng up all the time I as new mining claims are developed, S but tlicre is no permzincy to tl1em.l_ The clay belt and agriculture, in the J opinion of Mr. :\l(-Vittie, offers the 5 greatest poossibilities for the future 1 `development of the north. There is 1 still much pioneer work to be done,.] but the ne crops g'1'own and splen- % did buildings and equipment owned ' F by some farmers, is- an indica~t.ion l of what can be done. l Roads are being` opened up and l electric current distributed: whicliil _ will help greatly in develvopm.-eint. 1 A motor trip through the north will wel`. repay anyone who Wislrcs . learn about, this vast territory. 3 The number of votcs cast for con- tesbamzs in the Barrie Commuxfty Campaign up to Friday night will be` announced on Saturday morning. Call at the Advance Office for in- formation. ;uvuv u; ltal Europe and aux...- atters are r e 31' had `rg'aniz1ng' stjon hildren inf: the ml in flat-iv Win-. [0 E110 COLIIII/_V. L J. R. Boys. Bawie, speaking as an ja_.r2'r\nt for Finlayson & Dud1`e_v. Mid- `land, counsel for the plaintis in the jury case, informed the court that it had been decided on Monday `before Judge Holmes, local judge of the Supreme Court, thalt. the case would have to be adjourned since the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. had been added as a co-defendant, jalong with John Barkey. one of their ' nrrr-uh: Thu nl-.ulnHfTc Hmn r-nan ln Illill Cnarge. ` The count on which Kabane was freed was one of coimnibting an in- decent assault on a s'even-year-old Angus lad, the offence having taken place on Oct. 22nd last. Working on only a bare desci1~iption of the man. the proivncial police were able -to loate K;':.bane, who they suspect was the offend-e1`, in Toronfuo only recently. The case caused consider- able dispute in police court two weeks ago when the accused failed to appeair on summons. When the case was called on Sat- urday morning the court was clear- ed of spectators, leaving only the court oicials. The little boy on whom the assault was made, being only a lad of tender years, was un- able to give satisfactory antl con- clusive evidence, which forced Mag- istrate Jeffs to dismiss the case. When the Crown failed to prove its case, Jack Kabane, Toronto com- mercial traveller, was dismissed on Saturday morning on a. serious crim- inal charge. The I-nnn`.`. nn xxvlaih Kzhnnrm wax `No Criminal Cases on Assize Docket; Only J ury (Jase Adjourned. UU. Oils!/Ul'UiJ.y. The Junk Barn has closed and is no Longer a fea.ture, having stack- ed votes by the millions for those contestants and their suppo1'te.rs who traded their junk for votes. nu . , . ,,, `,1 ,4 iwmna GLOVES T0 1 MR JUSTICE KELLY The winter sivting-.s of the Supreme Court of Ontario for the County of 'Simcoe opened at the Court House hero on Tuesday afternoon, wilth Mr. Justice Hugh T. Kelly presidiing`. Due to the fact that there were no criminal cases to be tried, as was the case last Winter, Sheriff E. C. Drury presented Hi-s Lordship with a pair of whifoe gloves. Trf. i: nut nlnncynnf. rlndzv tn nrpenrrl | PHI `CU. _ ;! Mr. W. M`. Thompson, of Pene-1 Itang, counsel for the defendant in V the case of Mrs. Freda Skolsey and (Mrs. Donalda Dupuis vs. Treffle '_'D,c-sjardins, informed the court that " notice of motion was only served on 3 Monday questioning `the residence of the palintiffs. As it was only learn- ed this week that the two plaintiffs live-:1 in the p1'ovinc(.- of Quebec, the` case was unable to proceed. The p1a.inti`s are claiming; a full ac- countvin_Q' by the defendant; of the o. of the late Norman Desjzn'- dins and the sum of $1,728 in ` money. Thn nniv 1'nv\' r-new er-I1nr]111n(1 For TORONTO MAN FREED ON SERIOUS CHARGE pzur oz wmrve gwves. Id: is my pleasant duty to preseni tlwse whiute gloves to Your Lordship in token of the immaculate condition of the affairs in rthis court for the County of Simcoe, said Mr. Drury. Alf Hat: nrnmnimrr n'F r-m1*H- nvnum L/Oullby UJ. DIHICUE, .$'dlU lV11'o urury. At the opening of court, Crown Attorney Evans, in welcoming His Lordship on behalf of the county, al- so extended his congra.-tulations to , Mr. Justice Kelly that there were no criminal cases on the docket. mg r.....,1.1.:.. :n wmh, mm +1..,+ 1. C1'lI]11l'IlaJ. cases OI]. DH-6 UOCKBTI. l His Lordship in reply said that he zxppreciated the fact that the assizc do-ckeit was free of any criminal imzntters, i11dicating` the ne condi- tion of the county. Ac :1 nnfivn n'F .Qn'rrnn'nn T ahtrnvc I./U011 UJ. Idle CUUIL'b_Y- As a native of Simc'oe, I always have onsiderable amount of pride in {this counity, His Lordship said. "I :hope in the lower court the samie `conditions prevail as in the Supreme Court. On my last visit here con- nditions were not so fo1'tun2L oe, but I see there has been a marked im- provement. for which I am Well 'p1rr.".sed. I 7\.11- W NI 'I`1nnrnn:n11 n~F Penn- .."iLlUIl`,`,' "1111 JUN .D1ll'KU_Vy 0118 U1 LHUIL` :1_:ents. Thv p12xintifT.= in the case, "L-ouis Livingzston Midland, and his 1`seven-yvear~o1d son H erman, are 1'-1::.i1nin $21,000 damagces from Mr. iBarkey and the 1\Ivetropo1itzm Life ilnsurzmce Co. as the resulrt of an `-accidvemt on De. 2, 1935. when Her- e man Living-ston was struck by :1 car ,,=d`r'ive-n by Barkey, an agent for the n a company. ..l T-Ti: T.nv-rk111'n qs H-an r-nun u1n111r1 money. The only jury case scheduled for this court was also adjourned. and fo1'tuna`oe`1_v the adjournment was undeystvood in time for the sl1e.1*i'{f to nofcify the petit jurors not to report. The canoe-llinyz of the _:ran(l jury and `petivt jury meant considerable saving to the county. ` ,T T? Rnvc. "Rm-Vin or: can The amateur concert, repeated at the Roxy Theatre on Thursday night, also advanced those keen com- petitors `who sponsored the winning amateurs and sold admititance tickets to their friends and supporters. an -.u\ z:.(i of one million votes going to the seller of the greatest number of tickerts. Five hunlred thousand went to the second and two hundred thousand to the third. \CUlH[)ZlIly. i His Lordship said the case would `b(\ sot over `to the next court of compc~te~nt jurisdiction unless the pz11"t.i0S could agree to some non-jury sitting. 0 A1-nnmnv nnn-1'1n'v r-nan fn Tan :11]. sicLnu,r. V Another non-jury case to be ad- journed wzis that of Hrolt vs. Hwo`t. :1 civil matter in which Robt. R. I Holt Toronto, is suing: Mrs. Annie 1 Ho1`t, Essa toxvnship. and C. E. H011` `Etobicoke. for the sum of $2,200 and $555.77 interest on 1-1 1nort,r:a,rte. The case was adjourned on M.ondz1y befone Mr. Justice Kelly at OS,Q`0o(ie H1111. Due to the snowbound condi- , tion .of Hie road: the parties were iunahle to secure :1 correct valuation V of the property in question, and as 1 this matter was in dispu.t.e, the case ewas unable to proceed. His Lord- ;ship agreed to come back in March ltn fvv Han onto, n1-nviprl f]1n nnvtin: ESHIIJ U.Z'l`E8(l L0 COINS DRCK l lVJ.ElI'C {to try the case, provided the parties zlgrmed on the valuation, otherwise it would be held over till the next Sum-om e Court. 'l`1nn l\V`II'X AI".-n-run no!-bu-u nu PI-us DU 1') |'l'.`lY1 C` LOU TI. The one divorce action on the dock-ed: was held over the end of the court as the parties were not pres-| ent. r Barrie, Ontario, Thursday, F1;ruary 20, 1936 Trading on the Toronto stock mar-l ket on Tuesday was dull, with good citlu \sc-arcc. Hogs, however, were sueady with prices 25; higher at chc clove of the marke`t. $8.75 to $9 was paid for bacons off trucks. C111 hogs were quoted at $8.50 f.o.b. and $9.25 off cars for bacons. At RvnnH`n1-A nvirurng advanced . .)(' M1`. E. F. Jackson, Peterborcl traveller, is being detaine-d in tlu R.V. I-Lospi-tal with a fractured left lamkle, received in :1 fall on xthc ncj.` nix`-n1.xnf in fmnnf nf `r,h(`- Amm'i(-.2\n we nnxormunate nusnap 0-Ccurreu. He was attended by Dr. Lewis and taken to the hospital for treat.- nmhf. :u.zo on 101- oacons. At Brantford pricves advanced 3;):- to $8.50. At Barrie and Peterboro $8.25 was quoted. TRAVELLER BREAKS ANKLE IN FALL ON SIDEWALK V01. 1 aomue, receuveu in i1 121.11 uu `L.llU lL'_\ p.Lvqn1v.11t in 1'.ront of the American Hotel on Monday eve-nmg. `|\/Tr Jar-ltenn whn f,)`2VPlS for Z`. SCHDL ESTIMATESI UNDER DISCUSSION, nomex 1V10n(1ay eve-I1u1:_:;. Mr. Jackson, who travels for biscuit company, was making his rpund about town and was about to call an; the A:meric:+n Hotel when the hnforrtunate mishap occurred. In Inc -:af.+nmr`nri hv DY, T:P\VTi and `|Ql\Cll ment. The Barrie Board of Education, ater a three-hour .discussion last night o-n the 1936 estimates as pre- sented by the Finance Committee, was still not in a position to ascer- tain the amount to be asked for from the town council for the 1936 levy. Another meeting will be held to see if the estimated expenditure for the year can be pared down still further. Mnlynv TI (1 `nntxoufcnn nnr` W.nn\7n Gr1'a11ts Less this Year and! `Levy on '1 own may Have I to Go Up. E pencntures. . _Dr. R. J. Sprott, chairman of the Fnanc-e Committee of the board, presented a report showing the esti- mated income and expenditure fox the Collegiate, public schools and vocational classes for the year and the amount to be asked from the council. The amount nequested was up considerably over last year and itwas found that the 1936 require- ments would mean almost an in- e:`_":`';:e of two mills over last year :-. Ind`-r rurmer. Mayor H. G. Robemson and Reeve Stewart met with the school board as they discussed the proposed ex- penditures. Dr 1-? .T Rn'rn r.f.. nhnimwzn nf H10 mamas \ 6`Z"`=;:3e lei. VI'I1._ _ The reason for the higher estimate 1 yrrzznts. Last year the Government ; grant for commercial classes at the ; CO'll0f.",'i`aIie was $4,377, while this ; year the province has cut it down to $1,300. The county grant has al- so been pared down from $17,765 to $16,982. The total decnease in grants this year is Well over $4,000. The board is at another disadvan- tage this year in having a small bank balance at the beginning 01 the year. On Jan. 1, 1935, the board had a surplus of $8.666, but this year they started off with only a balance of $583.48. It will be re-l called that last fall the board turn-l ? ed over to the town $9,000, which in nn-1 nnv hxnrn M15171 flu: p `is due to the decrease in outside With the junk barn closed and mnatour night over, contestams are concentrating on trade cards for pzxsu, present and future payments. Grab bags are now valued at 4,000 votes. Bonus votes on merchants specialities are twenty to the cent, while o-Id accounns range from twenty votes to the cent when un- der three months to two thousand votes per cent on accounts ten years old and over. r\ . - ,,, ,,n,, ,1,1 _,,,1 uu.A\,uon. 4uL Avuvo There was considerable discussion ' among the members last night 01 doing` away with the voca.tion:1.l classes and it was also suggested that as a last means of paring; down costs, teachers salaries might be re- ` duced. The latter step would only be take as a nal step. The board will meet again early next week, when all sources of re- duction in expenditures will be sought out and if possible the trus- tees will endeavor to keep their esti- mates the same as last year. CO over to EHO LOVVII U,UUU, \'VIllCIl is not any more than the es:t1matcd increase for 1936. nu ,,, TOTTENHAM MAN GETS 3 MONTHS 1N REFORMATORY Jas. Young, age 29, of Tottenham, was sentenced to not Less than three months nor more than six mon`.l1s in the Ontario Reiformatory by Magis- tm-te Jeffs on Saturday last for `the thcfvi, of a quantity of clothing from -the premises of Ambrose Walsh, Adjala township farmer, on Feb. 2 last Provincial Constablp B. Elliott, 0]" Allisrton. the only witness called, in- timated that the accused adn1.itted the theft to him when he was arrest- ed om Feb. 13th. The arrt.icl.es stolen, which included a sweater coat, pair of gauntlets and pair of unv xmlnnrl n+ Q10 xvnvn nll wnr-nvnv. Om. J.` U. .LO|.aIl. L116 sw pa sox, valued at $10, were all rec ed and returned to the owner. X7...-nu... Tn.-nine} n-n~l'M-xv nnrl c eu and renurneu E0 me owner. Young pleaded guilty and started that he had been convicted twice before. He was sentenced to three months in the county gaol last fall for the theft of pmrrts of a land lpacker in Essa ownship. Welfare Minister Croll refused to comment on :2 report that the Gov- ~ crnment is considering establishment of a county unit system of relief administration. While it is known Mr. Croll and oicizils of his depa1*t- I mcnt believe relief administration costs could be reduced by curtail- ment of the number of administra- tive bodies. it is learned on good authority the Government is not clontemplating any such pliarn at the lmormvent. COU_NTY UNIT RELIEF SYSTEM IS PROMISING HOG PRICES HIGHER vAu uuu uv\.;. On accounts six months old and over, mxzxde card votes have been doubled, as have trade card venues for futu1'c" purchases, by which is mea.nt-dep~osits made with mer- chants for goods to be debivered af- ter Saturday, Feb. 22nd. -C ...... C- : CV7:/`L 4-,. 1...! vvniuvl -l-`an }TaXi, Owners Protest | Forced Insurance. By-Law No less than eight names appear- ed on an info1'mavtion before .\lz1;;`is- trate Jetfs in local police court VVI.-1' nesday morning for one man char;.~;- ed with breaking` and entry and chef-t. The informaxiion, which contained e~ig`ht aliases read as follows : `That Blertram Wylie, alias McLeod, alias John Donaldson, alias Jas. Donald- son. alias Fred Munroe, alias Jas. McDonald, alias Thos. Lawton, alias Jas. O'Connor, did on or about the month of Februziry, 1934, in the township of Oro, break into and en- ter the summer cottage of R. S. Waldic and steal a quant.ity oi household goods. run I , _, 15 1 .1 . 1 The accused mzm claimed tliait his right name was Jas. Donaldson, an old Barrio boy. He was b1-ought to Barrie 2: week ago from Burwash reformatory by local provincial police and is being held in custody here, having served a term in Bur- l` wash. Provincial Constable H. T. Ham-| mer informed the court that the} Crown would be unable to proceed` [as one of their witnesses was de- ltained thro~u.g'h illness. The case` lwas adjourned until Feb. 2vtJ1. ' YY`,,,,,,, I 17!`! 4,, I J`,_| .~-... ..._d....-.....- _..... ._-~.. ._- F. Hammond, K.C., counsel fol the accused asked what ball would be 1'equi1'c_d and Mugis-trate replied that two sureties of $2,000 each: would be necessary. The bail bondsi were not fomhcomting and the prison- er was returnved to the county gaol. M`r T-Tnvnmnnrl 3nf'nv'h1r-ri the I-nnvi` 811' VVa':i'S l'0Lu1'IlVE(l D0 L116 CUl.lIlLy gaol. Mr. Hammond informed the court` that Donaldson was not nmrried and did not have any permanent abode since the accused worked all over the country. Barrie, he said, was his old home town. MAN VVITH MANY ALIASES CHARGED IN BARRIE COURT WATERWORKSa,DEPTi -AHEAD 510,135: Gas Dept. Ends `Year withl Decit of $815, and D0- benture Unpaid. ` DEL >.JcLuu.Luuy, Luv. uuuuu So, if you wish to help your fav- orite contestant, buy at -all the mer- . chants participating` in the campaign, not only for pre-sevnt needs_ but for future needs-as long as the deposit is made and the `urade cards signed before 9 p.m. on Saturday the con- testant will receive votes in the present campaign. Under this clause come-s subscrip".'ions for the Northerni Advance, which for one year s sub-i scription of $1.50 nets for your fav- orite contestant 400.000 and a ve- year subscription 2,000,000 votes. That is the nal and surest way to help your favorite win the coveted ve hundred doilzars or one of the other 25 beautiful prizes on display in the King` Block. n _,..._:_ ._ - `:_4LA _-_:'.1 L, Financial statemnenlt-5 of the \V"`art/91'-t works and Gas Departments for . 1935 were placed before the town council on Monday night. The` former showed a prot of $10,135.30; for the year, of which $1,600 Was} paid to the town for 1934. The Gas Department had an operating decit of $815.13. TL ...,... ...,.L,..l -0...`..- LL.-. rV"t\`-r\\\i/\1A1 u-.;u\.Lv uu. yu;.u.a.u. It was noted from the statelnem of the year s ope1'a`r.ions in the Gas Departmenib that it is not in a posi- tion to provide for the debentu1`e now matured. The Gas Department as at Dec. 31 was serving 223 cusiiomers. During the hot weather the number is in- Icrcased, buvtiuni'o1'tu11awte1y the use of `g'a_s is seasonal and falls o` in the ...<.~s... .. ... .\..L1. -. gas 15 hU'clbU`I 12.1 1 I winnve 1' months. ' Depz11~tment,as consid-er-.1bly more oil - wiaas used in production during the ' year. The Commission has not as ' yet been able to ascertain the cause, _ I Total consumption of gas over an ve-year peniod is as follows : 1931,l< 4,578,000 cubic feet: 1932, 4,670, 1 100; 1933, 1,859,880; 1934, 4,G01,- ] G20; 1935, 4,255,060. 1 It was pointed out that while the 1 sale of gas during the year was ` 346,560 cubic feet less than in the previous year, this did not entirely account for the adverse results shown in the operations of the Gas but are making an effort to do so. m1.- rV.\._-.-..'-..:-.. ..4`,n- unun'nr. 4-Ln uuw cur: Auunung, u'l CA|uLv vu \ - u u u. ` The Commission, after viewing the a'ai1`s of the Wate1'wo1~ks Depart- ment, have decided to mravke a uni- form cha.1`g*e of $25 per mmum for all hydrants, e'ective Jan. 1. 1936. This rate replaces rates now in force of $35 for 87 hydrants_ $30 for 30, and $20 per annum for the remain-i ing six ydrants. I Eta`-rnings for 1935` . Operating expenses 1 Net _p1~o-t on ope1'atio~n $12,619.80 Less interest and deben- .ture payment ... .. .. 2,484.50 Prot for year credited to surplus . . . . . . . .. Return of 1931 surplus to town . . . . . . . . . . . . Gas rates charged Less cost of gas made ! Oldest Paper in the County

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