Wonzen s Page o` '[`he_\~' say it's the -age of wonders, That man is forging ahead, That it's foolish to speak of the vir- tues Of :1 day outmoded and dead ; But now there is noise and confus- {nu A CHRISTMAS OF LONG AGO IOY1, Tho blare of the radio, So (1i 01`ent. it seems, to the simpie Sweet Christmas of long ago. Pov'Iwps it is only a fancy 'I`hm`e is solnethiny: lacking to-da_v, 'F`.~'v.`. :1 whffln bnm.1fy has \'z1nishe(I Thnt :1 ::101'_\' hzls. passed :1\v;1_V. .P01`h:ms it is I who I !:1\`O\.'1It"I`?(I, P<~1'h-'!ps--but I only know. That to-nirht I am \vi. lowrimr For a ("hx'is:hn2.< of long: 1310 ! COLLIER ET. UNITED Y.P.S. ELECT OFFICERS FOR The Young` Poop1e .< Socinty of Collin` St. l."nited (`hurcl1 held tlmh annual election of ofll('m'.<, on Mm`.- day evening` lust. Tlm following '\\'r.\ro cl1o. fo1`l9RG: P1'osident..\Ir.<. A Ctr`:-.l . Vnn_Pvn:irl.nv1t_ \V:x_lt:~y- - \\'f_`)'(? (.'hOFf`I\ I01` IHKUZ l 1'r,"su1um,. All A. S`tvr.-Io: Vir~r~-P1-c. \V:I.1t: Coutts; Di1'<'tors of Leadersh: Training, Rev. and Mrs. E. E. Lom Dvpn`.'tmr~n`:\l C`om'onrs: Ve11r\w. Miw Kzxthlonn How: Missions. Mi Liian Robertson; Citizmmship, L10; Cumming; (`hristizln Culttlre. Mi Jean 1\'Ial<',om.=0n: Social. Miss I50 Smith; Rvcwzxtion, Howard Mo`-'1 mm Rm-1-ntzn-v. Donald I\`ICL(`Z11 Smith; 1-lvm-czmon. Ho\vzu'u mu son: Sec1'etzn'_\'. Mcht-21 Treasurer. Miss E. Jnmioson; Put cation. Miss G1:uly.< Cz1ldw H: Pi: ist. Lloyd 'I`ufYo1'd; Asst. Pizmi Miss Fdna West. T513 150$:-a-w--v V-.__ , Extra Trains will be Operated as 1 TORONTO--GRAV EN HURST--HU NTSVlLLE- MEAFORD--NORTH BAY December 21st and 28th--Lcu\'e Toronto 1.-'15 p.m.. arrive Huntsville 7.10 p.m., rn:'-.kin;: intern` 101' Car. December 24th--I.ca\'e Toronto 4.30 p.m., Barr: u.._....:n.. 0 an n.m.. intex-m.e(1iutv stops. Buffo 24th~1.cavc loronto mm; p.Ln. Huntsville 9.30 p.m.. i11te1-n1.o(1iutv stops. December 21st--Lczu e North Bay -1.15 :1 Gravenhurst 8.13 u.m.. Barrie 9.36 u.m., vi inbernledizxte stops. Connects at North E mins, Noranda, Cochrane and T. & .\I.O. December 25th and January 1st--Le:we 1 rie 8.52 p.m., m'rive Toronto 10.50 p.m., Parlor Car Service. HAMlLTON--ALLANDAI..E-- December 24th-~Leave Hamilton 5.45 p. p.m. Connection at Georgetown with `:1 YITI1, THURSDAY, DEC"EM.-BER 26, 1935. 30.... For : Special Train oervice ACCOUNT AKQLUUIV 1 Ch:-itn}a_us gxnd New Year's f\_......5...-I -.5 Fnnnmw. CHRISTMAS h--I.ezwe Barrie (3.50 p.m., arrive n .\ .n u'n+nu-nxntlinfn q (nng_ R|1fYCt P111101` C211`. to Thee. stayed 10110 __ lent. .\Ir.<. \V.'*.It:~r yeadership 17` T nn H` - Ul\lI| urt- h---Leave p.m., Barrie 4.1-1 inte1'me svtops. Par- Because in tender majcs~ t,y Thou cam st to ezxrth. nor 4-? uvn 1936 CHRISTMAS MENU OF VARIOUS ` NATIONALITIES Merry Christmas is universal. Its joy is not conned to any one com- mumity, or any one country, or any one people. It is celebrated the whole wide world over. I Am: 4.1 r`.nnndn_ more than fty! ACCOUN; whole wide world And in Canada, more fty: differenrt nationalities will celebrate! Chnistmus in dtiffefeiit ways, each following a n-amional custom--a rite handed down through the ages, gen-i oration after generation. vntmm will he H19 Italian house- cratxon atter generanzlou. There Will be the Itahan house-` holds where macaroni and spaghetti: will appear, and perhaps the famous sweetfcakes called brioches, which! are often earten as salad as'pa1`t ofl the Christmas menu. Stuffed eelsl are a Christmas delicacy in Ltay, but! needless to say they will be rather] diicult to get in Canada. Some' Imtive fish will be 21 substitute. \ mun T4-vxH-,111u Hkn tho C;111z\diz1ns.' _ table to the customary turkey or';_ To the.few Christian families liv- ' chicken, ling" in tlns corner of Asia Minor, I`lZLlLlV(3 l lSl 1 \ V1ll DC SuDSrl;l'LuLU._ id .uu1_y putsuu. LlL\`.'_V auu I.-1C uuo u; The Italians, like the Caiiaxclizins, rag on the fallen stones in the hope and the English, must have the'ir_oi' fulllment of their hearts wish- roast turkey and roast beef. Buttes. they serve vegetables which seldoinl When the little village of Dembre, grave a. Canadian table. Broccolnfnow crumbling and dirty and ill- boiled endive and ravioli Gnocchi, ulkept, was the great Myra oi` Anti-, delightful fritter, are often served quvity, St. Paul visited it. Beyond` with the meat course. the villlae;e, carved in stone, are the The Englishman who has not long? tombs of early Christians. Turkish been out from the Old Country will goats scamper through the falling prefer roast beef on his Christmas-ruins now. n,,..1...M 11,. win nw>nm'e it in the'(`.hristmas brings to life many legr- chicken. 1 Perhaps he will prepare it in tho! tradritional manner by broiling on u spit and g'amishing with veg`etab1cs.= Tho Tr1'.=hm21n will vary this by and g'am1sh1ng wltn V;'CL'd.D1L:a.i The Irishman vary substituting mutton for beef while, the Austrahiuns prefer veal on. Christmas day. ; A+ +1. T?`.nrriri:i1n1:1n S dinner. that day. 2: At the Eng;1ds11inan s dinner, the`: plum pudding will be a main part of 1 the dinner. It will come blazing : wi4h burning` hrandy from the kit- i Chen to make :1 delicious dish, garn- ished with brandy sauce. And all this will be served amid decorations of evergreen. holly and mistletoe, with the Yule Log burning in the an.-n+n Because 'the Szwiour of us all Lay with the cattle in the. stall, Because -the great comes to the small. I 'I.h:mk my God. grate. ; And let us not forget the wassail I bow] which will nd a place on the 1 l:ab1e-and the nuts and candy.; Who wouldn t like to sit down `to. an En_9:1ishman s Christmas dinner `.7 The Roumanians will be eating ` Bouillabaise. And into it they put a a pint each of shrimp, lobster, crab,` blue sh and halibut. minced and seasoned, boiled and strained and ...:,:n.: +n ._. 1191+ mm. of fresh ve~:e- seasoned, boned and SU`zuneu zuul added to a half pint of fresh vege- table essences. Spices of every sort are added, and stars of toast and 11v::n nwnn nno in macaroni are ziuueu, uuu buoua UL Lucvuv nu wise men done in macaroni sprinkled on top and remain just long` c-nou.9,'h to cook, and the fam- ous dish is ready for the table. i How would you like that instead` of turkey ? ' Tho Rmmim-ds will have fowl, but ' Spain, of turkey `I The Spaniards not alone. There will be savory stews of lamb with entrees of white meat of turkey and. darker portions, of `fowl as principal dishes. .-\spa1~:1-1 gus done in the traditional Spanishl style with mushrooms and po:1ehe(l= eggs will also form a part of the?` delectable menu. 3 And while we 1`e on the subject of` it might do to remark that` Santa Claus was unknown in ancienti Spain, and has been adopted into` only some of the provinces recently.` Their special gift day is not until`! the sixth of January." 11 'l`L\n am-m-.me in Canada will have 1 sixth 01' January. The Germans in Canada a plump goose, boiled slowly and then stue(l with apples and dried fruits of every kincl---dates. raisins, apricots and peaches, i1l;`l1l' spiced and mixed witli bu1;Lc1. 'l`l2' bird is served with mashe(l potatoes, saue1'krziut. spiced boots and cucum~ hers. Many dried sh pl`C'Cc(|l.` tlxr goose, while a very important pm-.; of the feast is the bmisrxl veal zmd mushrooms. All this fn`.lo\vs~.rl. of course, by cake. co'f fee and cun(l_v. l ORHJJA HOSPITAL BOARD ELECTED SECOND THJE p1'ot-.<`- Because of a of the Orillin Sol- some; members Blemorial Hospiizil lhztxixi. SLC0ll(l election was oI'(le1'c-u. Th" protest was made on thu _L'.'\)LIH'l` that :10 ballots were 1-zist ::,l flu- m'i_e,'inal election by pemons who had not paid their fees within tn: terms of the hospiial by-`iziw. _Out of 14 nominated the second time, (*i:ht were elected, as follows: Thos. Brown, H. C?-.swl`l. J. H. 'l`yle1'. Clark Wallace, W. S. Frost, Wm. Martin. R. J. Miller and C. L. Lynch. Ail of these but Ca. and Wnllzic-e -were elected at the rst meeting`. 1 '...1'l<- by l: 4 211 m., Barrie l1.:)U p.m., u. Buffet a.m., Huntsville 7.07 , ~'.11`1`iVC Toronto 11.25 Bay with train from \ mv, nnints. follows : 3 Illllvvva . E--MIDLAND-- LIIOU. CEUH Sb bU l." HUI till we Poor sinners, stumbled up I thank my G-od. neu 1115 UUU_V kl,\V'd.y LU .lbLU_Y'. To the Nloslem peasants the name of St. Niicholas means nothing, but `they are sure the tomb was that 01 la holy person. They still tie bits of l,'1'ag 1' of 4-'..,. 5 E If um ms own nome wwn. I It was at Smyrna, Turkey, that |Santa, or St. Nicholas, whose name is different in nearly every Chris- tian counrtry, though his spirit is the same in all, probably was born A and it is certain that he was at bishop there. Vprt hv nnlv 2 }1mnrH"11] n`F Christian SMYRNA SAID TO BE. THE BIRTHPLACE OF ST. NICK I % `Santa Claus is virtually unknown! in his own home town. ` n. ....... ..+ e.m.,...,.. rv..~.1,m, +1.. UUSHUP MILEFE. Yet by only a handful of Christian foreigners in Smyrna is St. Nicholas honored on Dec. 25th. To hundreds {of thousands of 1VIosLems that day. !brings no more hope and no motel [joy than any other. I ,Tnq`r. nnufcirin .Qnnrvna in Han ho. [Joy Dlliill any Ubef. Just ourtside Smyrna, in the be- drnggled 1i`17t1e village of Dembre, `are the ruins of St. Nicholas Church. There, -too, are the ruins of the Saint s marble tomb where he was :buried in 352 AD. Thoua11ds oi: [Christians made pilgrimagjes to the_ !tomb until Italian merchants, 700 `years after St. Nicholas death. car- !rieu his body away to Italy-. ' 1`n +1-an Nfnclranw nnncnnfc Hwp nnnwl i 3 ,1 S: C `1 n 4 1 1 = about rums now. K To the few ing in Christmas brings many leg- ends of Santa Claus. It was in and Smyrna that the fabulous miracles and generous deeds that .made St. Nicholas the incarnation of ,the Christmas spirit of giving` are gsvaid to have taken place. " Oh:-n -H- 1': 1-ninftnri 119 rh~nn`n(>(i| gsqla to have taken place. I 1 Once, it is related, he dropped: three bags of ;._~;o1dste211thi1_v at night into the home of :1 nobleman whose three lovely daughters could nd noi husbands because they had no- dowries. Thus he became the pat- ron saint of spinsters. Us urn: n1-nrlifn \\rH}I `r'I>=`f`n1`ih.f7l throughout Christendom. ron saint o1 Spinsuers. ` He was credited with restoring three school boys of lVI_v1'a who had been murdered, thus becoming` the beloved patron 01. school children Because upon 21 n1othc1"s b1`ez1.=t The Lord of Life was laid to 1'es1 And was of bub:-,< the Iovelic-.=.t, I thank my God. I Send a y_ea1"s subscription to The` Advance -to your relatives or friends `that would be most appreciated. 1 away from home. This is :1 gift: Teacher--NoW I Want you tof notice how clean James hands al- ways are. James, tell the class how` it is that you keep your hands so` 1 1:f|n `P -' men 1" 5 Jan*.es--Ma makes me wash the dxshes every mornmg. Ii negectecl, the neck is the baro-X `meter of 21 woman s age. As the 5 `years pass, women _2`enera11_v divide `tl'xc,msr.-Ives into two types; the ones : who become thixmer, and the ones 1 who _e`1`o\\` fatier. , With the former, age reveals it- self in 21 .<:x11ow, c1'ecp_\', scrawny 11(:(:k. VW.t11 thc latter. the contour 1w('0me.< b1u1-red with The fattening . 01' the i:<.<.ue.=. I. lead to the nourishing` \ follow 21. beauty ` tissues. . Now the thin type of woman must 1-eyzime whicl1 will of depleted The skin musvf be cleansed, |. and then nourished, in order-to be tl10l'0l1_`.. ,'ll1)' enlivened and 1'ejuvcnz1tr-(l. he1'hnl hnse. Tsagre xt into the For this type. I would `su;:::(`.='t L` c`:eunsing' c1'e:`.m with an T`.l{(` the time to mas- skin, to loosen all `duct zmrl (lirt in the wrinkles them- s:1l\'e..~`. Smooth the cream 1'ig'l1t url to the ezxrs vnrl under the chin. Remember that the movement 15 from the chin downwnwls, the two hands plaeetl on the throat. 'T`l1 n an 1-n \vn \' :nlln\v nook must. al- nanus placed me tn1`0'd[. The scrawny, sallow neck must al- so h:1\'.r- :1 5.-'oo(I :<,1i1nulunt to enliven the skin, (lrmv the nou1'i;~'hing' blood to the surface to do its work of reconstruction. And then the tissues are ready for 1110 nom`ishin: cremn. 1?..." v\nr\v\ln ..,.nliun Han Fun:-Hnn nf 1'ea(l_\' 101` Inc nou)`1smn.:' C1`evzu11. , Few people 1'ezx1i'/.0 the function of 3. good nou1'ishin_2' cream. 'l`nat is ,because they forget that the skin 3must be fed.f1'om the outs-irle if it `is undernourished. A good unti- wrinkle cream is best for this am`- pose because it lls ourt tissues and thus erases the folds whlch dry. ur.de1'nourished skin falls into. rm. ummrm Amen +`m-in] onntnm ur.(1e1'nounsnea SKln Iaus mw. The woman whose facial contour is losing its clear-cut youthful ap- pearance must get to work and lncak down the fzxtty -tissues and then restore the elasticity to the skin. so that the firm, clearly dened prole of youth will once nwrs b'> lncr: lJl'Ulll` hers. AF4 here. After cleansing` the face, briskly pat in a muscle tightencr. The pat- ting". if done properly, 7:311 break down the excess fat in the tissues and the muscle tig`htener will rm up the skin at the same tjne. Un- der the chin, slap with the back of the hand, and follow the under jaw ine right back to the ears. In pat- ting the face, always pat upwards. this tends to lift the heavy look away from the jawline. \X7.1'+1-u 1-J11 ; nrncess of breaking`: Because the Etc-rnul Innite Was once that naked little mite. Becmlso. 0 Low`, of Ch1`ist.mzxs ni;2;ht I thank my God. --G. A. StL1ddc1't Kennedy. Wltn LUIS _gu:uucaa V; ulcruxau down the fat is gomg on, exercise the neck by dropping fuhe head back- mmwla and fnrwars and to eiuher the neck by aroppmg rune neau Ducts- wards and forwards and to side, using a chewing motion with the mouth at the same time. 1:... mmm~+. ndvima rm vour beautv the mouth at the same mme. For expert advice on your beauty problems. write Woman's Interest Syndicate, 126 Bloor St. W., To- ronto, Ont. \V21)' ITOIU U18 ]3.Wl1I1e. ` With this process of breaking nu."n fhn fat is 2-mnq on. THE NECK l ;MEN BELIEVED HURT IN I` STOLEN ORILLIA MOTOR . __ K Orillia police on Monday were searching for three men who were probably seriously injured when an -,n1+nmnhi]e Rtnlnn `FY0111 A. C. BIC- probably seriously lnjuruu wnun an automobile stolen from Intyre s garage, Mississaga St. west, overturned on the l1ig'hwz1y near East Oro. in Oro township. One man appeared to have gone ` through the windshield, pohice said, 5 and another 4 was believed to have been hurled with great violence against the back door of the car. A blO0(l-S0|'.1k0(l cap, found in the car, had been purchased at Kapusliasing, police said. Pnlainn were notified of the theft: police said. I! Pobice were notied of theft immediately after it occur-`ed and gave chase. They came upon the car only a few minutes aftei it had been ebzmdoned by the men who stole it, and by followizig their trucks through the new fallen snow. ' chased them through a large swamp in the southern part of Orillia town- ship. The thieves reached the next concession, and started back toward Orillia. COLLIER ST. Ci~IURCH-\N.M.S. ELECT OFFICERS FOR 1936 MOTOR LICENSE TIME IS EXTENDED TO JAN. 25th The Ontario Government has ex- 3 tended the time limit for purchase of 1936 license plates for both com- mercial and `passenger vehicles. The Minister of Highw::._vs states that passeng'~e-r car permits and drivers licenses would be valid until Jan. 15th, an exrtension of two weeks from the former time limit of Dec. 31st. Commercial vehicles get a somewhat greater extension in time as the 1935 markers will be valid until the last day of February. The reason for the longer time on com- mercial cars, `trucks and trailers is that the Government believes that many of the truckers depend upon. ` continuous operation for their liveli- hood. GREAT LAKE LEVELS INCREASE ------ I Lake Superior was lhree inches; luiyrher than in November last year and one inch higher than the aver-' age level for the month in the lastl '75 years. Tb." level at Lake Huron was 71,4 inches hig`hc1' than in No- vember; 1934, lmd 301/1, inches low- er `than -the average level for that ...,.:..+1. :n 2.1.... nnnf. '75 vears. Lakol `than -the 1eve1 I01` unuy month in the past 75 years. Lake Erie was 5 'nches higher during November than in the same month, last year, and 2614 inches lower` than the average for November in the last 75 years. The water level of Lake Onrt;.-4'rio was ve inches higher than November, 1934, and 281/; inches lower than the average C-up +1-an nos! :75 vnars. Z25 `/2 mcnes JUWE for the past `'15 A. A. SMITH. II- Manger And I can call you E EVERY WEEK? LOW NIGHT RATES BEGIN AT 7.00 P.M. At the annual niec-ti11_e' of the Wo-- mcn s Missionui'_V Society 01' Collier S1. United Church, oflicers for the ensuing` _V':11' were elected as fol- lows: President. Mrs. W. J. Stewart; Vice-Presidents, Mrs. C. Je's, Mrs. J. E. Thompson, Mrs. S. W. lloore; Rec. Sec.. Mrs. H. G. Robertson: Cor. Sec., Miss E. Booth; Treasurer, Mrs. H. M. Lay; Stexvzrrdsliip Sec., . Mrs. C. C. Parsons; Asso. Helpers. Mrs. R. W. Burton; Supply, l\1rs. J. West; Milte Box, Miss A. Lewis; - M.issionar_v Mont.hl~_V, Miss *G.oodfel- low; Press. Mrs. J. Robertson; Strangers, Mrs. C. W. Graham; Social, Mrs. A. F. A. Mznlcomson; Temperance, Miss E. King; Mission Band. Mrs. L. S. Clark; C.G.I.T., Mrs. E. E. Long: Baby Band, Mrs. Rowell; Pianists, Mrs. W. C. Walls and Mrs. H. J. Heath. Mr. Merchant- EIVCLA ups. AVL\.r|.n.I\./-. ....... r__.__,U, L \d her once a week with the charges reversed. This unusual gift is the kind that will bring year round happiness and satisfaction to both. Does it suggest a similar remembrance for someone you know? Northern Advance We can suppy you with any quantity of the Best Make at right prices Counter Check Books How about your Phone 53 Pa Ge Seven (By H. Reginald Hardy) GiVg me the old-fashioned Christmas When life was a simpler thing`, With the candle-lit tree in the corner And the songs that we usedwte . sing;-. . Wdth the tmkhng music of sleigh- bells Drifting: across the snow-- Oh, give me the peace and content- ment Of 2 Christ.m:1s of long: ago !