Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 31 Oct 1935, p. 4

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HAVE MADE STUDY` OF DRESSING HAIR Ill)`. V(*=pr:1---V\"innc1' cup. No)-.~nn I-I:md_\`. of 2nd }n`i7'.:,- book. Q Q 2- u'nnnI~ nf I 1 . i l llill IUH Vi lI.`UH- C-0. -). E ` \\':x11h::L1. --Wi1m(-1' of chnm- _ pfon.'~".1ip cup. Tnddy Bell, S.S. 12.3 -'Tu_\'; winnm' of End 1n'i'/.0 '0o0k,I Dm'oH1_\' Silk. SS. 12, .\I=,1tched:x.=h;: -\\'innc:1' of 3rd prize hook, Orlcy Silk. S.S. 12. ;\'Iatched:1. ` \\ IIIH` Fidds hook. : .l'lL`lll.`_. 9.0. 2', \'\lII.IlL,'1 UL -illl [J11/A,` Archie Culhum, SS. S. ` E 'l`z1_V---Winnm` of chz1mpion.=.hip :('U}). DO1'0thO1 Faint. S.S. 17; win- ner of 2nd prize hook, Ezxrl I.<:1.'\L.| 12. 1Tr~dnnto; winno1'o`f_ ..rd `prize book. Roberta Stowmt. S.S.: I0 \T,.,1....... `h..`,. l_'.. .\|v'( ` prize 12. We-r]nn'r*. l`I-.1. \X7 _-n nus. 0.0. no. SunnIdz11o-W:'nn (hip cup, ;\[a1'im1 \\'7nnrn- n|' OH!` HI` I1 lHL"dL 1(1\'zmt:1 V`I..-...\. . \ IH`.'| `.'1.~`|\h(`l -nnl -2--- I J. Brennan's Meat Market Offer?` Choice Mcnts-Service is ` Unexcelled. lH'll l tne xoczu res: anu mr. uz.-u. vvusun, an expert stonemason. has been commissioned by the Coldwnter Loz- ion to prepare the memorial. 'T`hn nrin-inn] infnntinn \v:) ~` ?n un- mzn'I`I:-t 113.: mvt with thr- nl' 1710 pcoplo r-\`i(iL=n('od .. `* zvm*hr.-1' of people who -`.:`n1l_\' tr-ado thorn. "rAnn:m has l)cm_1 instrumc-nt- 1 :=._~ ;.~- in}: the fm-rnex .= in re- l"._L" top Imwkt:-t p1'ico.-` for pro- Hi~` m:u'k=t t`.1u< rlr-. tho nl . of hot}: fm'me1'.< and v;;:-.. Am; 'Ill"ll OHM In ia-VVi1m(.-1` of tor .\';1u:ht.o11. 2nd prize boo 1111! l\`:`` O- upon I - I`) .`-A 1L'TY\lHI|\'l' U! lf|lilll![JlU`.l' Czxrter, S.S. C; 2nd pri'/,(- book. Jozm S. 9; \'.'in_nc-1` of f .1'd prize [n (`11H1:`n*n 9 R R |'.\l"`lt'.'(l. I) :-(H n {hrs-u dw"m'r-nt mzwke` `. nu an I):-1n_-,5 :11] H; IOH LU [)TpU.TU LHU IHL'IllUl`1il.l. The original intention was *0 un- veil the Cenotaph at a special (`ere- mony on Thanksgivingz. Howc.-vm', :1 slight defect was discovered In the base, which caused a postponmnmit. H `-oplv -\':-VI`. \v1'i'im.1' ' p:n'I>1 of ` .1: Um \\' Ul '1 III _u'1z1(lI}' .n.- .--A nu.-' mm pmn ' 1:n`_L`c- or sm 'l`h0ir l1\.0nt.< ;\ _-_-omtod in : nth 11m1th pro |"._Q'. T]1211'thi.< I-'0t \\' nr r\I\`/. ..-. UH; `ll! T111`nbu11, J_',1\l`. [Ur HL"H'|` q11:\.~'tion.: in the :1ho\'o rm tn :1 of championshipl Q Q 2 - \\'innr.v 3.3. F); \\'|llII(.'I' D01`i.< Wilson. 31- prize book. 2 V i11\'o. on M'11lo:1. >1` tho town. It work --1' small .v|uuI\.|[)(u J(lLI\ uuu nun nu. Lnuvuxn ed at an impressive (:m`emon_v on Remembrance Day. \ T7` I`.-.n,ln~.~Ia-.nx A4` 'nnvnn+n I champion.~:h1p QQ 2- win-I ch:1mpion.=hip 5 mL- 5': Q 1.1 - ' lZll'Hl {HUI Inurket and = to he UOEF ,1 mm... 1 Ill.` .` UK l' U1 'F1'r>. and most ren- unnru! nu... ' chi` Fun, i`cLb[(. I1(lC(1 Inc u1LLu1'1o L.u(.ne.~` L.0l-I ` , L " 41_e::e at Whitby. For 21 number of wok, Un- _ i_vea1's she worked in Toronto at the :l(11.'t_}1? ` Canudzt Life Insurance Co. head i pt T oice and had been" cmplovenl at` 'tment 01 I ` _ 2.obinson Hz11' and S. W. the pawl)` 'nn1"n*r.~ in I 1 Ioo1'e s dry 1.-:ood.<. stqrc in I}z1}'71_'ie.: (rhaxmpion Q Q (: L'UI.`- ll>LHH.' and place and 1 In Prince of Waies Shcwi Born in Vespra township, the dc- _ ceased was the only daug'h`.e1' of : M1`. and Mrs, Charles Hickling, 91. ilworsley St. Receiving" her ear1;v| 1 education in the country, she later` ,'.Lt.ten(led ihe Ontario Ladies Col-u Hmrn nt Whithxt For :1 nnmhr-r nfl The Angel of Death cast a gloom uover the town yesterday afternoon when it became known that Jean LilLia`m Hickli.11g', beloved Wife of Charles O Co1mor, had passed away at the Royal Victoria Hospital. Her sudden death came as 21 great shock to her host of friends in Barric- and sun-oundin_u' dnistnict. n . `Y . 1- Hon. J. G. G::1`(Ii11c-1'. Premier of S:\s1 has accepted Premier 1{in_<:`.< invitzltion to join his Cabins", and will he .\Ifni. of A_L'1'ic11l`t111`e. A Liberal (`11uCl1.< will be held in P.:,-- _-rinu to-d:1,\' to soled :1 SLILTOSSO1` to T`r=mi,c-1' Gzxnlim;-2'. There arv at 1c;;st four a.=pi1'nnts to the P1'0n1io1'- ship of Sz1. Hon. W. J. I:`:1tt01`. I\Iini. of N;1tL1m! T`..,~- ., V. LIA I` F` TN. . \6-tn--n. . it is rrspnrtc-I that 1.'ou1' seats are :u'z1iI:1blc to tho m and mim;~'te1'. \Hl. .V|lllIlLllL. Funo1':.1l . were hr.-Id at th? home and at Mid]1u1'. I_,'nit(-(I Church on .\I'ondz1,\' afternoon. It-\'. Cruse ofcizimr, a:~`. by Tl~"\'. H. G. Stote. . Tho .-`r3r\'ico at the g'ru\'r_-: was taken by Cent0m1i:1l L.0.L. The pull-hem`m':< were An- drt-\\' \\"a1l\\'in, Wm. G:n`\'in. -I. T. \'cl. John \ \"z111win. .\IidhL11'. Dr. H:n`11\' L:1id1:1\\', C`ook.~'to\\'n, and O to \\'il1i:1ms, Barrle. .ilIHl ilI.\U UL` EI_..O.I.. .-".112. :Iu'u-Cum nu+.n..~.` NJ.A.\J-IA. -JLLL. gtiringr n:\tu1'cr', for him :1 host his loss. II/. C. I ! I a I lU.`.`.. H0 is .~'111'\'i\'ml by hrs` `.\'lfl`. Hm`- rmtt Poyco, whom 11." mm'rmd 25 ycz1r.< 115:0; four : Albert, Y-Ia)`- old, .'-\H'rod and .-\(`11-5:111, zmd two d2u1,:htc1-.<, llurion and Iivu. 2111 :1 honzv. and ]1".:~' f:1thr~1', John \\ :1lI- uvn WHJ1-..n. SASKATCHEWAN PREMlE}'2` ACCEPTS DOMINION POST ..n..\_..\.\, _,..,.\._\...__, ..u...... I In October, 1934, she was man'- `ried to Charles 0 Conno1*, who sur- ;vi\'es alonyz, wlth ath1'ce-n1onth:~:- `old son, lit-Imeth; also her p;11'ent.< '-reevc of Vosprn. I 3 (lopu-` 1 '- ...:n L 1...1.: .4 and one brothel`, Roy N. H`ickIin_g',` R. J; SPROTT, Z_-_;..` Y The 1'(:. of `N .\IidhL11'st zxndl sL11'1'ou11(1i11g' (li:~'t1'ict were r_v`ro:1`1_\'- shockr-(1 lasvt week to 1L`1ll'11 of the` deznth of FO1`1'L'.'~"C John `Nnllwin. W110; was l':1t21I1_\' \\'ounde(1 \\'hi1e out hunt-~ in}: on 1 1'i(1z1}' ;1ft01'n0on. The (lcceasetl. who was born :1 iI~`c~!1(:tzm_: on Sept. 2(ith, 18; 3. \\'z1.< 21 . V 1 son of John Wnllwin and the late` 3I1'.<.Jan:-\\'z111win, of .\Ii(lhu1`.~`t. `When nine _\'0zu".s 01 (I550 he n1o\'d fwlth `J5 p:n'(.-nts to \"0. township `and haul farmed the-1'0 since ut Iotil 11 ,.,\....,...:,\.. ,1 Hr: .. a .. .4 :.... 1` `\\.Lll 1:1,`: 1JIllL`IlL> LU `v L`.`[J."H vU\\'H.\'lll]) I lot!` 311. conce.<. 41. He was an act-ive , member of .\Iidhur.<.t United Chux'('h| izmd also bc-lonj:'e(l to CL-ntmmiul II n1 011-`) no` .. ....:,\. ..,. I .~-.\, \IA . ~..r.... _._. l The funeral service will be held at itlw 't'amil_v residence, 91 VVo1'sle_\'. lSt., on I<`1`idz1y at 2 p.m., and tliencel `to Collir.-1' St. Uni`.c(i Cl1ui'ch. Rev.` 1E. E. Long` will ofcizntc. 1nt.c>1'mcnt( will be made in Barrie Union Cvm I 4 .-nvwv 113. 1'1. l4UIlf.', :11 Lo1'_\'. l Miss Kate .-\n1c1']iu St`u\'e11so11, much 1'u.~:pccto(l citi7.e11 of this C0111- mu11i`1_\`, pasacd z1\\".1y at the Ro_VL11 \r icto1`i'.1 Hospital on .\Ve e\'e11i11g', Oct. 2231-d. H01` .~;uddc11 death follmvcd an opc1-211.1011, from` which she 11c\`1:1' rallied. B0111 at U1';1d1'o1'd. O11t., the dcceasetl was 21 dz1u_g'htc1' of the late John .\IcLc.-1111 St.(-ve11:~:o11 and M2113 A1111 l 3ingh:m1. Fo11owi11g; her 111othc1- .< death, .`\Ii;~..< Stevellson ca111e to B211'1'ie \\'hCl1 21* 111 .-\Ite1' 2111 illness of sc\'u1'a11 \\'L`Ul\';$,` . _\'ou11_;' _~.:i1'1 and had 1-e.'~:'1(l(,-11 hero 1'i1't_\'-:<-cw.-11 _\'c211*.~'. The late M1`. S`.evenso11, who J,'o1`me1'1;; p1'21ct1cO(l law in B1`:-1d1'o1`d, was appointed . 1'og`z1tc 1'e,;'i. 01' the couniy in` ll-$78, and the (101-easul entered her 1'z1t|1c1"s 0'icc over forty yez11's ago,` \\'l101'u she w:.1 '-mp1o_\'od at the Mme of her (loath as dc`-puty su1'1'o_:z1to`. 1'c_;'i.~:t1`a1'.` .\Il.'.< Ste\'e11s0n was 21` 4-LP! (.|'\'\\\`r\x-r.r\ 1\\tl L IL). D. VVillJUl'l(l.L'l,`, \ dllCUU\Ul`. I The funeral service \\'u.~' held from ` ghor late home, 11% Sampson St.. on |Fri<`lz1_\`, for int:-1-mcnt in Barrie Un- iion (`cmetc1'_\ . Rev. Dr. J. S. Shortlt. ia. by Rev. Dr. Neil Campbell. lam!-i:11.r:rl, 'l'l1n n:1ll-l1r:n'r-1-2 \\'n1'n .T Ii1.`>|."L'll U_\ l\L`\. 1Jl'. -\L`Il k.2llIlfJl.)L`|l. {ciciz1t.e(l. The pal}-bearers were J. `H. Mitchell, .~\lu:\'. Cowzm. .~\1r.~:\'. ;3Iz1cLz11`e11. J. E. M011tz1_u'ue-L:c(1.<. {Alex Brown and D1`. E. L. :`1'c1'0- 4ton. I I \\ U1I\.lll:~' LIIIKIUI IlL'l l.|:Lll\,'l LUL Hlclll) ` '_\'ez11'.< wu.~t also a. with tiny llatc ii. A. Little and 1:1tte1'1_\' with" M2`. J. H. liitchell. She was also :1; prominent and faihful `member of .St. Amh-e\v`:< P1'csb_\'te1'ia11 Church izmd took :1 keen intc1'e.~'t in 21113 !(:hurch a'ai1 s. ` (`LA . . .......7.m.,l l..- 1.,-.. .4~,.~ ECHUICII illlilllbu ; She is . by her step- 'mo?.he1', `.\l1`;~'. J. MCI... Sb.-\':`;11; |I?zx1`1'ie. and `hree . .\I1'.<. W. \V. `Dz1\'id.son, .\`Ioose Jaw; .\Ir.<. F. N. fL1o_\'d, Sault Ste. 3`Izn'ie, and Mrs. :D. S. VV :11]b1'i(ly_-'0, Vancouvc-1*. I 'I`h.-. +'.mm.n1 ..m..v;m, ...._ x..\1.1 4`..,m, "l.`.Ll'ill'. .\1L."5 n)lL`\'L llt\Ull `\\"clS Z1 fzlithful <.:mpI0_\'L-C and hc. |\\'o1`ki1L: under her 1'LLthe1' for nmny iI'r\n|-;- u ..|~n ....-nr.v..(~.,l -361. J Subjects: E11 MISS KATE . FORREST JOHN WALLWIN MRS. CHAS. O'CONNOR "1; IAIUH. I]. L. Ji\_`;lnlI'L. .`LHll>" ' .-\:.~'1-ivu1lu1'0. and \V. F. Ken`. V1. 01' thv 1.:-`L-'i. for R0- VBUH. -VLlHl.`L(,'I' U1 .\llLlliU l\. -.<; Hon. T. C. Dm'1.<. .-\ttm'm-_\ "1: Hon. J. C. 'I`.'1_g;':I1`t. .\XIn' n .. .1 \\f T2` L L'lUll_.' `U RU L/L`HLl`[Hll}ll Of` `.1 quiet and re- " his gxonial m:mnu:1' won of f1'ioml.< who mourn .5 uun.u un.u \ give-:3`i\'o rigrht h [E A` STEVENSON ;spo:1k.= well for 11' to how in UN-ii` _._. `D.,._..1.,,-~: -- t\CL\fe`lnD_:nLLl,; musi `:11 i2`l. . i _. I , - , ed com-' Coinmumh M` W1 _ __, t] _ P ,,-, th llbc-mi I )(.(. 1\\4_ .1 1c \o_\.1.`M(__>\_`l1M,. She if ;p1tu1 Gm)W(_,:< mmwh . ,.`_' ` M m_,A,_. ._ ql QllLAR TEACHER 1 IN PIANO THEORY -'m:1indo1' of the 51111111101` JL'(.'. 1'! Lll'llL U LU l')21l'llL', \\'l1U1'C C \\`(.'I1t to work in the .\Iickle,D_Vmen? &. Son coal and lumber y:u' .'-\t that time the Elizzibtrth St. zpropc-i't_\' wzis owned by Hrs. l;~:ub~e.lla D_\`m(.-nt, his _s:1':1n(lmothc1'. Thu: r.l:-- fomlzint 5.'ll(l his l'zi.tl1(e1- \vz1n`c-(1 him to lizivo the propm't_\' as 21 iimn0.<:1kv3, .hc- ht`lll[.:` named after his :1'an 'faf.hcr, the la-to Nathaniel Dyment It had boon vnczint for a numbg-r oi _\'0zu's, as his Q'l'1l1(lll10tl14"l` \\':1.'~ liv- ingg` in Toronto. Some tiwc in .-\})1'l1, 1910, he and his wife xvere \'isitin_L \\'i`h Simon Dymgnt, when the lat- 'tu1' told him he had bought the lzousc i-and grave him the key.=. .<:i_vin_2'. ""'I`lic1'c .< your housc-: you and Olivc `:20 ahead and fix it up `n suit your- l. The witnc-.<..< said he zmcx i.\l1':~:. D_\.'ment emplo_\-ed an :irvliit~.-ct ;to fl`-t(=l`l(l thn house and the re- \\'n.< spent .\U in l";-1){1ll'lll_L` thc- ])l.'u'(-. F. Hnmmoml. rlof'-nco .'\ \`ll1l`.`nhI-I` n'l' counsel, !n'nIl1u-Ml M`-z-nnnf; Regular Classes meet on fouwmg Tuesday and Thursday E.Ven.ngs of each Week from 7.30 to 9.30. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31. 1933`. DJUH. V In this respect Georg'~e Eastman _lst21nds out as 21 prominent gure in ll1elpin_e' music fo prosper and (level- , [op. He gave millions us an endow- lment to 21 school of music. He back- i;e(l an opera ('.ompnn_v and also an [Eon-l1e. just because he loved mu: and (l\'.`ll`C`(l others to receive ' `like benets. l~Ia.' knew that if :!more people .-eem'e(l ne musical `` l training: tlmey would be able to carry L_'1tlmt appreciation to m:1n_v thousand ` ~ others. ` `If 1Y.....l. , '17.. A _.l ..._ .1` 15,. ,3, `Miss Maydee Mctuley is Well Qu.-AIL ` ed to Give Fine Musical Training. i| .-\f't(-1' M-:\<'li:1;.-' from ):'tion for (iS(`O\`C)`)' of t,`D_\'m::-nt. in which the ( ; hr:- 1'ofu.<(~d to _;'i\'e up the prop:-.1t_v, T. Phul cz1.~ for th"- p`;::inti'.~'. .\'uthzmi(,-1 Gt -o2'_:c Dy amt in the action, said `in the I7.Iiz`2`.beth S` iD(,-combo)`, 1910, until _-!L\I;1r1'ied in ;\'o\'ombc1'. ' fdt-l'<'-mlant "said hr 1 - .n1othe1'-in-121w till M211`:-I `H10 und his wifo moved 3;.-.` \`A.,_ ., 1 1 1 1 I One may be very fond of music, ycvt unable to sing: or play a note, and when gifted with the greatest of all" talents to sing; or play, he or she may well be proud. It is edi- fyingr to see some one who has these talents helping" those who have not, to develop them, by as- sisting` them in some musical educa- tion. In A-L3. ..,.. ......_ T.V.. _...___ l`. I1(llHIHO11(l. llL`U`ll(`L` COUHSCI, pmducorl :1_m1mhr-r n'|.' .'1C-co11nts made out `o Nathaniel Dymcnt for reairs. on the I7.1iznbr,~th St. pro- pr>1'_\`. T119 (`mt of 1't-111041011311; was bout .f`a,000. Tn Docr~mh<-1'. 1910, 321- '1 "'w~'nt, moved in .`m'. took van:-: possession. ` .--. xx 1; . from vVv\ nu Ill LHU H/1'11 HU SUIIUYUU 10;: so ro`u1'nc=d to Bmwio, Micklc [& V: -\+ U.-. a. 4.I`.\ 1.` !;u.uuL-:u HI ;\l)\L`HI|lL'l. Hluh, LIN. `(It-l'<'~m1ant In lived with his ill}OthL`1`-in-i21\\` till M212`:-h. 1909, when ihu \\'o; to Nun- iton. .-\It:1., \\'i1L')`C he had 21 sec ion -of` land, (H0 zir-n-.<. His fzithvr at 'th:11: ?ime nwnmi in tho 11c-ig'hbo1'- hood of 10.000 2.\(`l`OS in the west. In the fail he suffered :1 fz'ac;u:'ed In-v on un-`nu-1-sn on 13:.`-u-in uvl...., 1... Vocational Evening Ciasses M LU -:L.\. ])ropsz't_\` for 51 {cent. l):1. Thi ;.\I21rch of 15921. 11. A1115 . .\Ol'Ll'lC_V. I His I.o1`d:~'hip ruled that the court `did not Imvrz juM.< in the case fand dismi.=,. the action with cos`s. , _j_} , JJUDGMENT RESERVED IN ` STEWART-DYMENT CASE \\il \ .` UH which tv n;4>:>1n\1 . \\lIXLll LVIHI.` LU citizens who make Do you know the of pupi]_< who 1`f (`f `.\Ii.<:< )lc.\111r:\' mm 09 1... J-. ,. 'I`hr.- only non-_iu1'_\' civil case to be dismissed by M1`. Justice 3IcI{-. .`\' at this weeks Assize Court xvas max`. `of Edna Mziy .\'oi`th4.-_\', .\'01'thum- iberlzmd County, Cecil Ray Grzlhzim, Elmvalc, and )Im'_\' 1210. `.The pIz1inti1Ts were 21si for :1 dc- r-inrnfinn +h-4+ vlun u-:1] rd` Hm I. ., . 1m: puununs were 215x111}: 101' clzu`::tion that the will of the l `C11a1'ic:= Hr.-1'be1't Grz1h:1m is null z ;void and for :1 jud_r._1'n1cnt . `aside the execution of the wili. 1 an \Tnnrl-nv -.+'+nu-Ann f` `-mun: .nc 0?\ (?L`l11 .lOl1 01 1110 mm. 1 On ;\l0n(l21_\' :1fte1'noon C. D. `Stewart, Bawie, counsel for the de- gfendant, spoke to the court asking for 21 ruling` as to the ju1'i.~:(lictio11 of lithe case. Hon. G. N. Gordon, l{.C., fP3te1'bo1'o. appe2u'e(l for the plain- `tifl. 311-5. .\'o1'they. I T-ll< lnwlzln 1-nlrul +l1.,+ `l-In It'\vIlI" HI Ll ` C2111 Registration Fee $2.00, which may be paid during early part of term CIVIL CASE DISMISSED ACTION IN WRONG COURT (Continued from xnen'.< w(.-)'(- also made `then o(`cupiud by H: `.5. w(_-0kl_\' z1l1o\\'2\ncu \ `F.-mu '|-.I- .,H:.., ..,` \'.. .vu.\> .`H,'.'\LlI.;_' 021.411 D! . : c in thes'o I7 ("11 . 1Y.. U112; (`.~`[ this hi which _ b:Cubit-Nichols` ('1 ht/'C11 aSk(':(1 1t to sell the iv $15,000 This \\':x.< 1' the czmnnr I` dist-ovcry .\':1thzmiel (le1'cnd;mt 5: x.<(-d po;~::~ sion mmfv T P111`!-xn I-lnsrul 1- HUI H(.'E.ll'Lv Hl o:~'pr:ci:1H_\' ougrht high quality mu :11 their chi1rh'r~n 1'l}_',ll|. lH`1Vl' UL '01} for tho people in UN.-i1` n`.inl<\' : in: uv.v'L.v 1. .....`A...3. \k'L Ul (Hl.\\\lfl`> l() ( Do You I{no\\"' Vt`.-\11l3_\' to 21.<.~'i. our 1: u'_;-`.1 and public recital; (Is the h om (.- ..l,~ A-A RE - O PEN} DOSE 111 me 1`d.LesL xiiwuiuus. After all, beauty is contour; it the symetry that creates a pleasant sensation in our minds when we see tl1ll1 .','S that are lovely. At this shop they have made a close study of types and hair and are well able to ju(l_4'e and advise in these mzut*ers. Here they realize that each individ- ual type must be met in (lre.~:six1e; or bobbing: hair. At the Ideal Beauty Shoppe they wave one s hair as best suits the contour of the face, type or personality. 1 l`. is a women s desire, not to say her birthright, to look her best un- der all circumstances, and 1l0\Vl101`e will one find operators better quali- ed to perform those little touches] of feminine attraet.ivenes.< than this beauty shop. At the Ideal Beauty Shoppe they :m- well skilled in the proper giv- ing: of facials. If you feel tired, or the face shows signs of impurities or blemishes, try a facial at this shop. When you leave you will look well and feel rel'reshe(l and younger. A special f<~a`ure of this shop is their 'l`hermiqui~ llcateile:~:s but not Heatlcss l crin:inrAnt Wave. and they feature a marcel 5-fl'<.-ct which po.'i.`..ivel_v requiro.< no ll1lf.',`(`l` \\'a\'in_e'. 'l`hi.~' method _:i\'(- a pu. nu uvnxvn {l1-1+ i nu)-inwnnnl `lllll '19- up [)0 .5101! or I`I1:,-12111`/(--1o. the :4 HT. is an imliviclual rt m hm` work. to z1pprcr.- Hfv nnnirw-:1 f-ruin- am pa}.-`e one) mdc on thv home Harold l)_\`mcnL. u-.,- ..l . \\ Dywneng defend- he Inn! Hvtd S`. house fron1 lnt the present. her. 1903, thc . vn an. LL \.~. pucu 1L:1_\' : late rahzlm and . 11 n4` Han uvili U) .\E1Lx1J 1-Ili7.z1b0 11 on :1 ve .-. 1..-.\..n.... told the In- \'..`r`-. ..th'o 110:2 .- "r\ I1I1r h|L'i1l LIEU are able home. -\ n47 Una... 21 .`|.`(' IUH \\'hm`e he In ]Wvn\nn? Motor Mechanics; Show Card Writing; Art [Oil and VVater Colors]; English, Arithmetic and Book-keeping; Dress- making; Household Science [Cooking] qun:< " ch II JJUIII quuo Hllflll. ` Maytle nl- CU u :.`L4U stori pen nY said - - 7 `- - 7 Chairman unung phase (`nun cuxu nun, hzlvt: so do ...\ Y. it pu zmtl `. ml ' w` IIUL Keep Id -111. I ILL thir I Mr. John Sinclair is in the To- ronto Hospital undc1'g'oing further reatmc-nt. His condition is not as favorable us his many friends would !wish. ` Rev. E. Long` spent 1215: we-ckl in Saut Ste. Marie, where he as- sisted at 21 Teachers Training School. ' Ideal Beauty Shoppe, in Barric,l Have Installed Newest Equip- ment for Work. Miss Marion Rush, of the: Royal Victoria Hospital, spent. the week end at her home in Milton. \l, 1 1! n (-1 vi ..... nu AIVA uuuu. nu -uuuuu. M1`. and Mrs. P. C. Lloyd are Lting; in Sarnia. `.\,I.. _._,J \,r_.._ 11 r u Dir. and Mrs. H. Love and Philhip spent the week end in rnntn, .\Ir.<. '1`. H. Rcdditt left last week for Ca1iforniz1,whe1'e 511:: will .~:pL-ml the winter. `I .. .\ ... -_ Mr. and Mrs. 12. T. B1-_vnmer and (Iau_<.:`11tc1';~`. left `his week on 21 trip} to E11_':1z111d, \\ 11(,`l`() they will spend the winter. luv. Dr. Shortt \\'21.~' in I.in(l. lustz. Sunday conducting` special cen- tcnnary . ' in the P1`e. (.`hu1'ch. SC\'(3l1i_\`-\'c junior fa1'n1L-rs re- pwsr.-nti11g mzm_\' sections 01' South Simcoc, took part in the annual Stock and Seed Jud;;'i11_;;' Co1np(:tx`.Iox1 held at .-\1li.~:Lon on Satu1`dv._\', Oct. orzn. 'Im.. .. u. mum at. .-u11sbo1| 011 az1Lu1'u21_\', Uct. 26th. Thu even`. was under the (li1*(:cti on of the South Simcoc branch of the Ollturio Department of .-\gl'iCL1ItL11'c, and \\'as consid;-rod one of the most successful compct1~_ iiom on H-(tort! for this dist1'IcL. l(nn+,.g+..n_. ;..,1..-`.1 tJ,.1.o,.:.. .. .lUlI.`i U11 1' C0nte. and Ym-l~:. T Y 1.` \ lxunnux`. two high 1n _iud_4'i2 uni-u 4 I\ HI _;Lux_`.'1n_'.' pun potato qL1esti0.'1 free trip to th.:- Fnnrwrrri nn '\'n\' One not only feels at home inthe Ideal Beauty Shoppe, in Barrie, but the work done there is so satisfac- tory that once you visit this attrac- tive establishment your return is assured. The proprietor, Mr. W. T. Cameron, is adept in all phases of beauty cu.1:1.ure and caters to the discriminating, those who desire the best in the latest methods. .\+`:m- 21" hnnntv is r-nntmn`: it is `R. GRANT, STAYNER, HIGH ] IN ALLISTON JUDGING TEST, I 1 _} _ . 1). ID. Shorthorn Donm-lly H1 in... ,.4 IJIU 193. ,L' 110 \,\lll'3`L',l \}|| A\\}\- llllu \`l|`.l'|.' |.ll','_\ VVIIK compete in the P1'0\'inci:1l ln`m- Cluh Potato Ju (fomp-:rtition. The `t.-um.< .-'r.-l-smell aim 11>` rolloxx-.<: _~\1li.~:ton. Clulx ,-\--11'o(l Gun 11in;:'. Dou}.1'lu;< .'vI:1ci{0n7.ic. .:\lli.-ton. Club B-Tlonal(l Mac- I~Zc.-nzie, Lloyd ;\IcWaters. Alliston. Club C-Don:xl(1 Dunn, l{onnotl1 BIL11-11115`. ('Ir\nInnrn r`lnl:__ .\ll1r.\-f- T .-.y.n \- I \1'(.'UlIlU||' \ lLl||:`.`\lH|`."l Billiv L. (`l1r,-H-_\`. Connor ('lub-Clinton Howard I.-(:0. In `he .~'on01' compc-titio1 boys with two y oxp l_iu(Lr;'i11_<: work. lob:-rt G1- nrn-, xvnn H15 T-Tnn T7. Ill}\V(Il|l LI` \.'o . comps:-`Lition. open to r~xperic~nc-r= m ju(Lr;'i11_-' Gram. Stay- ncr. won the Hon. Ear] Rowe Trophy and :: j.,-'al(l watch chain wi`h :1 scorv of points out of 21 pos- sible score of 600. 2:1)` Lou_:`need, Alhxndah.-, who had two wins on this trophy '10 his credit. was just nine points hc-hinrl. Other p1`i7.-:.- \\'innm`< :1mon_u' the . mciudod T.hne1' HL1.<: and Kmmeth T}nxtc1', both of` A1lis`on; Gordon .VIcA1'thu1-. Stu)`- nrrr; Bill .\'r_-xv, C1`ai_2'vn1(-; 'I`:v.:~1kr;1' ~nu~ " mick`; potzi `uHnn< l'[Hl) . (71L1h--.~\Ihm't Page Four ILL` KJH Ll|'lU .'\:_'l`l('LHLU )\'. Tth. xvherc they xx ln'< Competitiq luctcd I 0IIo\v.< H1 L'1ll and boys LUIS 1.1115 (llSEI`IC[. (1 Holstein cows on the farm of , Alliston, .ml 011 the `f-urxn or .,.4-l-.. 711... 3. -. J. E. MORRISON, PE1II11:_- H,` SL\'_ IL \\il.` llHHU|.lll('1.`(l EH. .A;\' llll,'\?L'I|_ by R. S. Lmshmz1n. (~h:m'zm!'.V. 0!` `lm l ` _ _ . } am _-\('t1v1t1e:< Commlttec. that the })r-:--' f senation of _\Ii11.::1`el Mo11a1'cl1s hy Du4.}u,(3(1, the club would take place in ll'1<*_ Hm Collegiate Auditorium on .\'o`.'<-mbvr: st 18ht and 19th, the p1`occc(l.< to f_"0` to the 1111(l01'1)1'i\`ilcg`0 children of; ,4 the town and (li: The p1'oduc~ tion will be under the (lirec`ion 01 stm._l1<: John B. l2o,2'o1's Pro(iu(.'in:: Ct... '}`(,__< ,1... T*`or.' Ohio. Tho talent will m: (+nti1`cl_\' local, with :1 czxst of fjxn Grant, John Miller and Jack Rain-3 bird, all of Stayner, and Wilson- Lougheed, Allandale. . I i\' fnawfz n`F thmnn hn\'< .~.nr~]1 \\'m`o ' Lougneeuy ."XllilI|U'd.1B. Six teams of three boys each were - coached by senior boys_ and entered, in` the coipetizion. The team coach-; ed by Elmer Hussey, Alllston, was high with 21 score of 1,473 points out of 1,800 points. The coach rc- ceivcd a sigtnet ring: and the threei members. F1-ed Gunnimr, Donald Dunn and Howard Hunt, each a fountain pen. A team from the Creemore (list1'ict, coached by G01`-' don \Vebstcr, was 21 close second \vi?l1 21 score of 1,424 points. Mem- bers of this team were John Miller. Albert Lennox and F1`z1nl~: G,iIl"en. The other teams were coached by` the followin_: boys: Delmas Som-1 mervillc, Glencairn; Bill .\'cw, C1'ui_2`- vale; Jack Rainbird, St;1_\'nc1', and. Robt. Grant. Stziyncr. Jm-k Rninhii-rl .Q+u-nm- xxvrxru +1. mm.. urzlms. otayner. Jack Rzunbird, Stz1_\'ne1', won the Sunnidzile Junior Fzmners Trophy for the highest score made by u_ re. of Sunnidale township. In the junior coniest, which was `open to Potato Club members and other junior fziriners under 21 _vez11'.~ of 215.39, Fred Gunnin_<.," piled up :1 .~'c01'e of 523 points and won the shield donated annually by the Can- adizin National Idxhibition. Donald Dunn xv.-'i.< in . place with 21 ;~:co1'(.- of 4041 points and was the winner of a gold watch chain. Others winning prizes in the junior `section included Billie Cherry, Lisle; 'Vi<-tor Small, Stroud; .-`xlbert Len- nox. C1'(:(`mOl`L.'; l`om \V1'lf_ ,`l1iZ. Stroud; Cmwl'o1` Sn1_\"liv. Slroud; l"1`z1nk Gillen. (,`i-eeniom.-; lilddiu Pl'l(lh2ln1,: St:1_\'1:(.-1'. rind I`zn'ker 1 e:i('0ck. K1 rmnl wn1c11posuuvc1y ruqux \v;1\'in_-_-'. up xvavu that is permn tmctive. There is no hu. in which M1`. thosv cmplo_Ved hy hin` pmvL~l tlwxmr-l\'<'.< zrrt?.~` mm-Im-1 vnnv Human` oLu_\1;e1', H S'.1'oud. The Bond 'l'1'0ph_V xvzxs _-\1li.~'t0n, 1'02 ..L` ..li IHW wm U1 Ll stock. ,l....) \\.x> Ill r(.`(.'0Il(l prlzos includell C`.~.~...H CVL..,...,). ;:_\_;;u:I Nelle` 1`-. 11 . ?{f':X7r7r'i7~s'.5.?:.:x KER LIONS CLUB BANQUET V. K. But/_\'. mini.=te1` of pti.~vt Church. in z\(ld)'Cs'*<'n_: (n 1-in T ;r\\'\> uLll. Elli .-\H.'-uulzz - I.` r<-. _ .~ ;n'u_L:rmn W` cm L21. :1g'ricL1ltL11'z1l W; for South Simcoe. ably us:~:i. by S. _<.:`1'i(:L11tLu'z1l 1'ep1'v.-so11tz1ti n,.. r<-- 1r Hezul Junior xvnn luv TZ`un.3 A .`L`\. u 1 contestu IIL'_` xl'L'L )UU: nppmuzlll _\'om`.~'nIf u])-t:>- \'i I2w:1L1L_'v Shoppu to-l:1y. 7. l\\.'L'l} Yw M This modern <,-: is 21' most \':1lu(.-d z1;<.~'(:L '0 tlw v0mm1n1ity and we wish to connnvnd Mr. Cum- oron upon the :Lt.tr;1ctiv(-n(,-s.~' of his service. Do you know what 21d\':1n- t`a_L`c.< Tlmrlniquo P<~nn2mvnt Wave has r)\'(,.-)' the old method? cash prize for bn. <'on. ed set of answers to quts`.i0n:< in these Do You Know :<,t.ories. Call the above rm to assist you. `l;ri'n-c`ipal H 'J '.1'he Northern Advance -L:u II_\ 0. 1... rcp1'v.-.=0ntz1t!\'c-; ` M. Gray and '3!..~..._.' ,. 11) D \ ,llllUl' Fred \ .\. +1. Kill \IullI1ll1g', ; thc: h1_Q'11c;-t in jud_2'iI1;:' I in ch:1r IL" H I,- E TO UNVEIL COLDWATER MEMORIAL ON NOV. 11th` i Announcement .of championship ;winners of special awards and prizes at rural school fairs in North Simcoe for 1935 were released this 'week by S. L. Pzlge, ag`1'icultural Ir0p1`esentz1.ti\'e for North Simcoe. Thu 1:1-Fannie u,vinn~nn- akinlglc 4-`nu -1`L'}J1'B5l.`llLil-LIVO I01` 1\-O1`7n b`1mC0e. The schools winning shields fori the g1`ez1.test number of points won per pupil were as follows: Flos, S.S. L8; Medonte, S..S. 6; Severn B1'idg'e,l S.S. 5. North Orillia; Orillia, S.S. 1; Oro, S.S. 8; Sunnidale, S.S. 9; 'I`va_\', S.S. 16, Medonte; Tiny, S.S. 3, F105; Vespra, S.S. 3; Waubaushenc, `S.S. l2, l\`Ia.tcl1Cdz1sh. 1 rFL,, rn 1'.~..;_._ /N, :SUMMARY or N. SIMCOE i RURAL scnopn. FAIRS. 1935 _ 19.0. r.; \\ vnm.-1 j llarion \Vi]: ; W:u1b:-.u; . ' - T115`; ;; 5 'II*:r\r\r.\- Al` '31"! w 1 III}'-- VV lIHlL`l' UL Cll'dlll[Jl()ll."l1l])' ;cup. Lcymnn llurdock. S.S. Hz" `.'.'innm' of 2nd prize book. Phillip ,l.2:n1b. SS. 3. Flos; winner of 3rd `prize book, Donald Frnnch. S.S. 3,: .171.`- \ .4.-.-. 1 ,1'or the pupils winning: _clope(lia; . .., AIALlJU\4ll\1\Al.ILJJAI The T. Eaton Co. a5).;z1i11 very gen- erously. offered the f01lOWlh_L," prizes the l1l;1`h0.~`-Z number of points at their school fair: lst prize, a silver trophy; 2nd prize, a book, The Modern Ency- written History. In addition certificate of honor, in duplicate, is provitled by the Department of A_t_rricult.u1'e, one copy to pupil winning` the highest total points in each school, the other copy to be framed and hung; in the school The list of individual tropliy arul book prize winners for North Sim- coe rural school fairs is as iollcw.<: F1os--Winner of championship cup, Ethel Cumming, S.S. ner of 2nd prize book. Fra11ce.~: Lambie, S.S. 8; winner of 3rd prize book. Ella Thompson. xx. '\`lnrinnfn_._.\Vinnr-1' rrf fl I-l1:i inninn- 3rd prize. a book, Un-L 10; win- 1Worsle_V early later attended Col- Iyears `Canada at |Moore store in Barrie. `She was 2111 ardent worker in Coliler St. United Church, takings` an active `part in the C.G.l.'l`., Young: People's Society and VVomen"s Auxiliary. She was also a member of a H0u. Science jLl(l_l11f.," team. ried `.1 three-month:~:- ` told land l'l`ieklin3_-', 1:uL'I,. 111: iboml . to\\'n.=folk. n-n4 u 1..-.. . n: I` `(ll boys. coumaous SERVICE ~GlVEN T0 PATRONSE A fitting memorial be-.'1i'in_s: the in-I scrip`ion, To Our Glorious Dnzul." is being; erected in Coldwate1"s Municipal Park and will be unveil- mi :11 1111 imnmwcivn (-nromnn\- rm i '71 -- 1 _ Lhc mt-at 111:11'k:'t owned and op-:1`-5 gated b_\' 31. J. B1-r-nnan is rnoderni !:md u]1- o-d;1t1_- in ow-1'_\' pz1rticu1:11'.f 30101111 and .=:111ita1'_\' tl'1)`OLI`.l']')0l'.t. -H | ... - - - V ` " 1`- . 11 .1 J... ...'l. u. . . r<.\,u1IlI.; um L'nUn:L'.~L H'(3. and `cooked mr~z1t.<. :1` p1'zcc>' sonable. It 1;: :1 1oc:L11_\'-owned 3`n`., with the int01'c.=t of the c0Im.1L1nit_\' at heal". Fair and .=tr:1i_4'htfo1`\\':u'rl in all b11. tlealixurs, it is not ;st.ran_:o that I`-rr,~nn2m .< Mt-at )Izu"~.:ni `has p1'or:1'essc-d and . :m_ eve!`- il1('1`(3l1>`il1f. .' bu. To he able and !(:<.-rtzzfn of l>oin._g' zlffordod the hi-9`. |nf' n1.n.`;~ -1+ -1 Hm .- ,- :11-L?--4 -I UUUK. .l'4llEl. IIIUIIIIJSUII, 0.0. U. , .VIedonte-~Winne1' of champion- 'ship cup, Lucy W_\'1(-_\'. S.S. (3; win- .1101` of Bud prize book, W1ibc.r'. Gos:<. .R (- \vinnm- rrf" Rn} n1`i7n hnnl: s I Vivizm De\'itt. IN)!` ()1 S.S. G; J1_1U })l'lZC HOOK, VVllUL:l'L LJUS winner of 3rd prlze book,. SS. 2. Sr,-\'e1`n I*}1'i of chum-' pionship cup. Roy Hmvko, S.S. .\0.`- :>, .\'01'th O1'iI1i_:x; \\'inn.-1' of 2nd 1n'ize hook, Ch(`ste1' M0ntg'on101'3'. _ v u .) 11.- ...:....m. ,.J' -J, I I 1 ! 13; /:1`) ~ 1uu.'u u_\ .\1. d. D1'('lHlEHl `.5 l'I10(l01' up-0-d;1t1: pz1rticul:1 - is L11-3 shop wI1(-1`v_;- the people ( B:11'1'ic 211111 \'ici11it_\' may be . c .sc~cu1'i11_:1' the choicc. an I-nn1 -J n1r.r1f.- u- nu-?n,... .u....; ..... 0.0. .2, Axum: .p1`izo book, J:1.'~'. Orillin. l'\..IIl 1.. `X :1m')!' in H- CU-[1, I \'LL`I' .\1I.LI`L" HL-UII. D03. 0-D; \\'lH' mm` of book. Ella Hur}. 1; winner of 3rd mine book. ._\I:x1`i(;- Dnd0nhofTc-1', I. , ' O1'0--Winnc1'of championship cup. 1.-Ihlza Ro.~'~', SS. 11.; winner of 2n<.l ]n'I:r,u boo}-3. TH.-no Jm'n1<-.\', SS. R: _winner of 3rd prize hook, Roy RIC-I A1-'11n1' .Q .Q 152 ! ` prize g F105`. ' K7. lE(.`lll(.`lll[)I'ElllC8 lJZl._\ . A. E. Gooderham, of Toronto, 1m>. of Coldwatcr Crushed Sfone Co., has donated 21 stone to the local Post and Mr. Geo. Wilson, -xn nvnrnvf cfnnnvnannh 1151: Boon

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